OCR Interpretation

The true northerner. [volume] (Paw Paw, Mich.) 1855-1920, November 07, 1919, Image 7

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033781/1919-11-07/ed-1/seq-7/

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Pajja Sera 1
. a
Export Sorvico
Ctoaoonablo Prices
We sell Kelly Springfield,
Firestone, Goodrich and
Racine Auto Tires.
Gasoline Tubes
Help Yourself!
Paw Paw Vulcanizing Shcr
Howard Smith, Prop'
Whereas, default has been made in
the conditions of a certain real estate
mortgage made by George 0. Barnes
and Isabelle Barnes, his wife, to Sid
ney R. Ketchum on the 13th day of
February 1915 to secure the payment
of $1600.00 with interest as specified
in said mortgage and recorded in the
office of the Register of Deeds for
Van Buren County on March 30th,
1915 in Liber 105 of Mortgages on
Pago 108, and
Whereas said mortgage was subse
quently, by an instrument in writing
bearing date March 30th, 1915, re
corded in said Register's office March
30th, 1915 in Liber 99 of Mortgages
on Page 571, duly assigned by said
Sidney R. Ketchum to Charlotte M.
Fox and is now owned by her, and
... . ,,r : -
We are a Nation of Builders
Ambitious, prosperous and
living under free and en
lightened circumstances,
we build homes in our
town according to our own
ideas of comfort and con
venience. If you covet the ,
utmost happiness and con
venience in life :: ::
$ Build a Home of Your Own
and come to us for .your
materials. :: ::
Lumber Company
E. F. PARKS, Pres. T. J. CAVANAUGH, V. Pres.
W. H. LONGWELL, Cashier,
Capital, Surplus and Profits
The First National Bank
" 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits
Savings Deposits Compounded Scmi-Annually
We have added another section of Safe Deposit Boxes
Rent one before these are all gone.
Whereas said mortgage contains a
provision that the mortgagors shall
pay all taxes and assessments which
shall be levied on said premises
whenever the same shall be payable
and in case said mortgagee shall pay
the same, the amount so 'paid shall be
a lien on said premises, secured by
said mortgage and payable forthwith
with interest at the rate of seven per
cent (7 per cent) per annum, and
Whereas, said mortgagors have de
faulted in the payment of taxes as in
said mortgage required, and
Whereas the said assignee has paid
taxes under the provisions of said
mortgage amounting to tho sum of
$123.17, and
Whereas said mortgage contains a
provision that -if any interest remains
unpaid for more than CO days the
whole amount of principal and inter
est shall thereupon become due and
payable forthwith, and
Whereas a portion of said interest
has been due and unpaid for more
than 'CO days, and
Whereas the power of sale con
tained in said mortgage has become
operative, and
Whereas no suit or proceeding has
been instituted at law or in equity to
recover the debt secured by said
mortgage or any part thereof, and
Whereas the amount claimed to be
due at the date of this notice for
principal and interest is $1C19.46 and
for taxes paid by the said assignee
$132.17 besides the attorney fee al
lowed by statute and stipulated for
in said mortgage..
Notice is, therefore, hereby given
that by virtue of the power of sale
contained in said mortgage and of
the statute in such case made and
provided there will be sold at public
auction to the highest bidder on No
vember 22nd, 1919 at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon on said day at the front
door of the Court House in the Village
of Paw Paw, that being the place of
holding the Circuit Court for said
County of Van Buren, the premises
described in said mortgage to-wit, the
Township of Almena, County of Van
Buren, State of Michigan.
"The west half (Vs) of the South
west quarter (U) of Section Eleven
(11) Town Two (2) South Pwange
Thirteen (13) West."
Charlotte M. Fox,
Assignee of Mortgagee
Dated August 26th, 1919
Weston & Fox,
Att'ys for assignee of mortgagee
Kalamazoo, Michigan. 31tl3
The Probate Court for the County of
Van Buren.
At a session of said Court, held at
the Probate office in the Village of
Paw Paw, in said county on the 21st,
day of October A. A. 1919.
Present, Hon. Wm. Killefer, Judge
of Probate. 1
In the matter of the .estate of
Fannie M. Upson, deceased.
Clark Upson, husband of said de
ceased, having filed in said Court his
petition praying for reasons therein
stated that tho administration of
said estate be granted to said
petitioner, or to some other suitable
It is ordered that the 17th, day of
November A. D. 1919, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon at said Probate Office
bo and is hereby appointed for hear
ing ?aid petition.
It is further ordered, that public
notice thereof be given by publica
tion of a copy of this order, for three
successive weeks previous to said day
of hearing, in The True Northerner,
a newspaper printed and circulated in
said county.
Wm. Killefer,
Judge of Probate
Margaret M. Southworth '
A true copy
Register of Probate
PL. Classes in nursing the 111.
L-y1 conducted by trained nurses,
and open to every woman'
the local chapters as a part of the
peace program outlined by that or-
ganlzatlon. The course will Include
Instruction In home sanitation, hy-j
giene, care of the sick, and dlatetlcs.)
These classes are being Introduced ln-i
to public schools and colleges and arej
offered to employers of department
storos and factories, girl scouts, or
anyone who desires to learn to prevent
illness as far as possible, and to care
,fnr the pntlent when Illness comes.
Explaining Geyser.
In a word, the whole secret of the
Intermittent geyser lies in a subterran
ean reservoir, the contents of which
are forced out by steam expansion ev
ery time It pets filled up The Yellow
stone park Is a region which not so
very long ago was fiercely volcanic.
In that role it has ceased to play an
alarming part, but locally the earth's
crust Is extremely thin. A very liter
al hell rages not far beneath the plac
es frequented by. tourists, and thence
is derived the heat that causes the out
bursts of the geysers.
You'll Do Better At
We are pleased to announce the
arrival of a new allotment
' of the favored
Wirthmor Silk Blouses
Let us say at the outset that if you are interested in keep
ing down your apparel expense, then you ought to come here
and provide for your Fall and Winter Blouse needs before
the limited allotment is gone.
And evon if you do not need blouses for immediate wear,
it's well when such very exceptional values are offered to an
ticipate now and provide for your future needs. The savings
are liberal, extremely so.
-The price is still $5.00; this despite the fact that prices of silk fab
rics are advancing at an almost unbelievable rate; and at today's
market this price would hardly pay for the fabrics only.
The styles are new, authentic, appealing; the fabrics are Geor-
gettc Crepe, Crepe de Chine and striped Silk shirtings; they are in.,
the wanted shades.. They are dependably made and cut so as to in.,
sure correct fitting. .. .. .. .-
Our previous ale of these WIRTHMOR SILK BLOUSES
brought a very ready response, and the quantities we had pro-.,
vided were quickly absorbed. The quantity in this new allotment.,
is limited and no more of the same styles can be obtained.
The Probate Court for the County ot
Van Buren.
At a session of said court, held at
the Probate office in the Village of
Paw Paw, in said County, on the
16th day of October, A. D. 1919.
Present, Hon. Wm, Killefer, Judge
of Probate
In the matter of the Estate c
H. Clara Durss, deceased.
William A. Biirss, husband and
heir-at-law of said deceased having
filed in said court his petition praying
that said court adjudicate and deter
mine who were at the time of her
death the legal heirs of said deceased
and entitled to inherit the real estate
of which said deceased died seized.
It is ordered, that the 17th day of
November, A. D. 1919, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon, at said probate office
be and is hereby appointed for hear
ing said petition.
It is further , ordered, that public
notice thereof be given by publication
of a copy of this order for three suc
cessive weeks, previous to said day
of hearing, in The True Northerner,
a newspaper printed and circulated in
said county.
Wm. Killefer
Judge of Probate.
regularly. Specks floated before mjj
eyes and I would almost fall from
dizziness. Two boxes of Doan's
Kidney Pills straightened me up, so
that I felt like a different man. The
backaches and other signs of kidney'
trouble left me'
Price CO cents at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Nash had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfgrs, Buffalo, N. Y.
A true copy.
Margaret M. Southworth
Register of Probate.
Black Silk Stove Polish
Is different. It docs not
dry out; can b. osed to tha
last drop; liquid and paata
on quality; absolutely no
waul; no oust or dirt.
get your money's worth.
Black Silk T
Stove Polish
la not only most economical, but (t rives a brill
ant, ailkjr loalra that cannot bo obtained with any
other polish. Black Bilk Stove Polish dues not
rub on it Isete four times as lonff as ordinary
polish so it save you time, work and money.
Don't forget when yoa
want store polish, be sure to
mmk for Black SUk. Hit isn't
the best store polish you ever
osed your daaiar will refund
your money.
Black Silk Star Polish
Works, Starling. Illinois.
Use Black Silk Air Drying
Iron Enamel on grates, res
iatera, stove-pipes, and auto
mobile tire rims. Prevents
rusting. Try it. , .
Use Black Silk Metal Pol.
Ish for silverware, nickel .tin
ware or brass. It works
quickly, easily and leaves a
brilliant surface. It has no
qua! for use on automobiles.
Paw Taw people have absolute
prof of Deeds at Home. It's not
words but deed3 that prove the merit.
The deeds of Doan's Kidney Pills.
For Paw Paw kidney sufferers, have
marls their local refutation. Proof
lies in the tesrimcDy of Paw Paw
Reuben Nash, S. Kalamazoo St.,
says: "I was so bad off with kidney
complaint I could hardly bend over
or straighten up, and my back ached
all the time My kidneys acted ir-
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that h
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken in
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
For 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil has enabled suffering humanity to
withstand attacks of kidney, liver,
bladder and stomach troubles and all
diseases connected with the urinary
organs and to build up and restore to
health organs weakened by disease.
These most important organs must be
watched, because they filter and purify
the blood; unless they do their work
you are doomed.
Wearineas. .sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trou
ble, pains in the loins and lower ab
lomen, gravel, difficulty when urinat
ing, rheumatism, ?ciatlca and lumbago
all warn you of trouble with your kid
ney. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules are the remedy you need. Tak
three or four every day. The heallnr
oil soaks into the cells and lining of
the kidneys and drives out the poisons.
New life and health will surely follow.
When your noTmal vigor has been re
stored continue treatment for a whllw
to keep yourself In condition and pre
vent a return of the disease.
Don't wait usi!! r r ,.a5sJle
fighting. Start taking GOLD MEDAIi
Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Your drusr
gist will cheerfully refund your money;
if you are not satisfied with result
But be sure to get the original Import
ed GOLD MEDAL and accept no sub
stitutes. In three sizes. Sealed pack
ages. At all drug stores.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bean
Signature of
A !
I.adlrat Aak your Druffglat fr
I hl-rbea-tcr's Diamond ltrand
I'lllain Hod an-l Cold mrtallO
toxes, sealed with Htue Kibton.
TaLe da other. Ilnr of roar
DrugrUt. Akfnr'll.'irKN.TER'll
lUAilO.NI ltll M IMLI.h, for
years k no n as Best, Safest. Al wtys Rel.abla
Children Cry for Fletcher's
f 'A
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
ffi'ft2m sonal supervision since its infancy.
; gc.c4A& Allow no one to deceive vou in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric.
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
"Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
iBeors the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought

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