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The true northerner. [volume] (Paw Paw, Mich.) 1855-1920, November 14, 1919, Image 2

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033781/1919-11-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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Pcss Tvro
n.B Bft d n n d
mn TOUDNOflTncniicn, paw pav, mcHiGAw CiftftftDkCiPi
! it wiiiSi" i
is here, and our stock of
these flowers is larger than
ever. A. number of varie
ties are in full bloom.
,n . i.'d :I)iv
re ' iv
nr rn,lrv rpn rvn
are. coming" fine no yvx good
flowers and long stems.
We 'have an extra nice lot
of large FERNS, just right
for the house this winter.
Now is the time to
Planti. Byllbs ffoir Sprooiig
Flowers. We have just re
ceived a.large shipment of
Hyacinths, Tulips and
You will Find our Prices Reasonable
in humans. You know the charge is
often made that farmers think more
of 'their cattle than they think of
people. While I don't think this, is
at all true, it is up to us to show by
acts that it is not true.
There is great, interest in tuber
culosis among cattle, and properly
so, but there should be even greater
interest in tuberculosis among people
The farmers of the county should
help in the fight against the white
plague, since the statistics show that
the farmers suffer almost as much
'from this disease as the people in
the cities, in spite of the natural ad
vantages of pure air and out-of-door
What can the farmers do? They
can do this as a beginning: They
can help along the big Christmas
Red Ci 'Oss Seal Sale that is being
put on through Michigan by the Mich
igan Anti- Tuberculosis Association.
The State Association is trying to
sell 15,000,000 one cent seals, that
are to be used on the reverse side of
holiday letters during December.
In this way the State Association is
trying to collect 15,000,000 pennies
with which to flght Juberculosis in all
the 83 counties of the State during
1920, Van Buren County included.
If the sale is to be a success, every
person will have to do his share.
The State Association has it figured
out that it will mean buying five
Christmas Seals for every man,
woman and child in the state. But
since there are a lot of babies and
indigent persons who can't buy, it is
perhaps better to figure on each per
son buying ten or fifteen cents worth
or as much as possible to make up
for those who can't buy.
Have you got fifteen cents worth
of interest in fighting tuberculosis
here and throughout Michigan? If
so, help the Seal Sale along. It will
be held from December 1st, to De
cember 10th.
Editor, Jfohn G. Lyle, 20
; The Misaes McWilliams, Marshall
and Dillon and Mr. and Mrs. Kaye
attended the State Teachers' Insti
tute held at Detroit last week.
James Maxwell and Robert Cavan
augh were in Ann Arbor last Satur
day to attend thet Michigan North
western foot ball game.
During the Teachers' Instituto
MissLucile Grashorn substituted for
Miss Dillon, Mrs. Carrie Briggs
Chappell for Miss Marshall, Mrs. A.
B. Castle for Miss McWilliams and
Mr. Kaye.
Miss Blanche Terry gave a lecture
on' "Civics" before the ladies of the
Coterie last Wednesday.
Beverly Dickerson has entered tho
Eighth grade from Philadelphia,
The Mandolin Club Girls played
before the Rebecca's Wednesday.
Miss Thomson spent the week end
at her home in Grand Haven.
The Baptist chuich gave a Hallo v
we'en party for the teachers in tho
Church parlors. Every one enjoyed
a good time.
The War on Human Tuberculosis
The following is relative to tho
fight on human tuberculosis which is
being waged by the Michigan Anti
Tuberculosis Association. This ma
terial explaining what farmers and,
for that matter, all persons can do
to help the good work along, has just
been received at this office from
Elizabeth L. Parker, Executive Secro
tary, Michigan Anti- Tuberculosis
What is Van Buren County going
to do about tuberculosis? I don't
mean, now, tuberculosis in cows, but
New suits liled:
Wenzel Schallhorn vs. Blanche
Schallhorn Bill for Divorce.
Fred F. Moon vs Daisy Moon,
Bill for Divorce.
Estate of Lewis S. Moore, de
ceased, Appeal from Decision of
Commissioners on Claims by Bar
bara Broadwcll.
Estate of Lewis S. Moore, deceased
Appeal from Decision of Commission
ers on Claims by Carrie Johnson.
People vs. Almon B. Cooley,
Assault with intent to murder.
Decrees filed:
Harmon M. Mead et ux. vs. Thos.
Earl L. Burhans et ux. vs. Chas.
H. Showers, et ux. Partition.
Ruby B. Smith vs. Morrell B.
Smith, Decree of Divorce.
Charles W. Dayton vs. E. Liver
more et al. Decree quieting title.
M iss Florence Grovestcen returned
to Ortonyille last week after spend
ing several week at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Ray Danger.
Lee and Lou Danger left Friday
morning for Northern Michigan
where they will spend a month hunt
ing deer and other game.
Miss Lizzie Wilkins is recovering
from a severe attack of quinsy.
John Schwab of Chicago has been
spending a few days with his wife
and family on the farm. Mr. Schwab
has beei a letter carrier in Chicago
for twenty-eight years.
Miss Flossie Weatherwax, a teach
er in the Plainwell school, spent the
week end at the home of her cousin
Hazel Weatherwax and Vena Haw-
I Mike and John Iwaszek have gone
jto Chicago where they will work this
j winter.
Remember this is Red Cross Week
Please have your membership ready
when the solicitor calls
jBeldon J. Say, 25, Arlington
jDotis L. Zimmerman, 21, Hamilton
Charles H. Deckard, 23, Hartford
Marie E. Hill, 23, Hartford.
f "1
Lay a bet on
rolling 'em with
v . .yy-y-:-. ::. y-y-y-y-y-y'y-:-y--':-y-.
lo not far away, and wo havo a groat many
Christmas goods now on display. You will
makono mictako, if you do your Christmas
shopping oarly whilo tho assortment is good.
Wo havo mado a specialty of
And have a large number of them now on dis
play. They are cheap ones, medium priced
ones, and many of the more expensive toys.
In fact, we haye toys to fit nearly any pock
book. Not only toyss but other morchandiso
is exceedingly scarce this year, but wo
bought early and have a good supply now
on hand.
Wo have a large stock, of dishos of all kinds
now on our shelves, and moro aro on tho
road. We aro in, position to take good care
of your wants in dishes.
Aluinriiiiiium Ware
We also have a large stock of Aluminum Ware of all
kinds. If you need anything in this line we can satisfy
you. .Aluminum makes practical Christmas presents.
We have paid a great deal of attention to our line of
stockings for men, women and children, and the quality
will please you. In fact, all lines in our store have been
greatly increased, and are as near complete as we can
make them.
Our Candies are Always Fresh
Paw Paw Variety Store
A ' kJk VJk. 1
I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, at the Darling Farm, about 50
rods south of the Depot, Paw Paw, on
W9 WHu
. commencing at 10:00 a. m. the following property:
Coprrtght Ml
by K. J. Kernold.
Tobaceo Co.
the national joy smoke
ROLLING your own cigarettes with Prince Albert is just
. about as joy'us a sideline as you ever carried around in
your grip ! For, take it at any angle, you never got such quality,
flavor, fragrance and coolness in a makings cigarette in your
life as every "P. A. home-made" will present you I
Prince Albert puts new smokenotions under your bonnet ! . It's so
delightful rolled into a cigaretteand, so easy to roll 1 And, you just take
to it like you been doing it since away back ! You see, P. A. is crimp cut
and a cinch to handle ! It stays put and yvu don't lose a Jot when you
start to hug the paper around the tobacco!
You'll like Prince Albert in a jimmy pipe as much as you do in a home
rolled cigarette, too! Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented
process. You know P. A. is fhe tobacco that has led three men to smoke
pipes where bne was smoked before. . Yes sir, Prince Albert blazed the
way. And, me-o-my, what a wad of smokesport will ripple yDur way
every time you fill up!
Awaiting your hm, von '11
find toppy red bags, tidy red
tint, hand o mm pound and
half pound tin humidors"
mndthat ciaay, practical
pound cry 4al ftaaa humidor
with aponga moiatener top
that keepa Princa Albart in
auch par feci condition I
R. J. Reynold Tobacco
Winito-Sa.m. N. C
i fill "Hi
r Pair Geldings 6 years old, weight 3200,Good Span
Horses, 4 and 5 years old, Black Colt 2 yaar old, Span
Good Work Mares.
CATTLE-6 head
Holstein and Jersey Cow, 5 yrs. old, fresh in Febru
ruary, Jersey Cow 4 yrs. old, Jersey Cow 5 yrsv old,
two head of Young Cattle, Yearling Heifer.
Brood Sow, weight, about 200; Duroc Stock Hog, weight about 200; Seven Pigs,
three months old.
Good Set Teaming Harness, Wagon, nearly new, Stock Rack, Incubator, 40 Brown Leg
horn Hens. 3 Geese, Stock Loading Shute, 3 Sets Double Harness, Set Light Driving Harness
Set Single Harness, Lumber Waf on, Combination Stock Rack, Light Wagon, Cutter. Spring
Tooth Drag, New Single Cultivator, Oliver Plow No. 40, Mowing Machine, International Gas
Engine 1 1-2 horse power, 60-gallon Iron Kettle, about40 Crates, Barrel Churn, Water Separ
ator, Piano, Victrola, 25 Victrola Records, Roll Top Desk, Iron Bedstead and Springs, Tables
and Chairs, Ford Truck, Refrigerator, Oil Heater, Mechanical Tools, 50 bushels Rye, quantity
Rye Straw, quantity Corn Stalks, quantity of Corn, 20 tons Ensilage.
TERMS OF SALE -All sums of $5.00 and under cash; sums over that amount one years time
will be given on good bankable notes with interest at seven per cent, m
B. J. RIX, Auctionocr ; B. F. WARNER, Clork

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