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ODDDDDDD TIIG THUD RORTIlERflCn. PAW PAV. tllCHIGAR D D Q p p H P D PfcSO Thro i if W i.. II sji You Knot? WE HAVE A cm: IS? Jul lave ir, j. :l In r vor i Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup, Fiskp, Empire and Diamond Hlobiloil-Grade A & B for Tractors i A Artie, and E for Motors We are constantly adding to our list of accessories. We aim to have what you want. If we dont happen to have it we will get it for you. Inner Tubes-Reliners-Bootis. Did You Ever Try Simon's Paste Polish? Keeps the finish like new Better Get Your Tire Chains Now Giddings Auto Supply Store. Chas. C. Giddings Paw Paw, - - - Michigan y .... .. Does a dry cough keep you awake? Kemp's Balsam Will stop the tickle that makes you cough. GUARANTEED FOR LIMITED TIME WE WILL SELL THE JOHNSON TIRE good. r,zm ? i ;-,- 7f '30x3 for--30x31 for. - $13.00 - 16.50 Free Air We make this low price to get this tire started in this locality. There is no better t tire made at any price. It has an absolute 6,000 mile guarantee and with good care will run 10,000 miles. Try out these tires at this special low price. Drive In. East Mainn Garage FLOYD SALISBURY, Proprietor Mrs. Olive Merrifield Dickenson. - . .,. ... ,. .who has been seriously ill, is on the mmua in i l I 7 ' committed suicidi at his home north road to recovery. , , . , . . A !3 , Mr. Arb Trim passed away at the " ulwmin Kaie ,as rr,aay nigni home of- his brother after a short- Frank Friedman has again nur- J illness. He had been a resident of "Chased the stock of Mr. Hicks and this place all his life. , r rank Thayer andfwill soon be open Wm. Hodgman passed away at his for business at the old stand at The home Saturday. He lived one mile Frank . Company store, east of town and had lived alone I . since' the death of his mother. T Mrs." Clarence Sheldon has been v.u Aiipn nnH utAr i Ml ying a visit from an old school- Ward, are very ill at their home in .ma' ?rs. Adams, who lives in ll '11 . VUlUUi ill 11. una village. Mr. and .Mrs. Lowell Newcombeof this village will soon leave for Flor ida,, also J. Allen and wife of Glen dale. ' '. ' Melvin, B. Melvin, Wm. Harri son and, A. Hodgman who have spent School opened again this week after a, two weeks vacation during the 4 potato, harvest., The Kastern Stars surprised Mrs. Frank Powers on Tuesday evening. two weeks in Kalamazoo hunting and not long after she returnedfrom a fishing, returned home Saturday. Inprise Prxy ay Henry Ferguson and wife enter- home tha was &lven bv the W- R- C tained their daughters, Mabel and aml some of the A. R members. Wave of Benton Harbor on Sunday. Mrs Hannah Martin of South Mrs. Beryl Palmer returned Friday Haven inspected the W. R. C. Post froin a two weeks trip over the state. of this place Saturday. About 25 A ten pound son . was born to Mr. members of the Allegan post and and Mrs. Wm. Ruth on Qctober 29th. Corps came to attcntl and all enjoyed Mrs. Quey Decker Jones who has 'a fine chicken dinner at lhe hall at been visiting her parents and sister I noon an(J a good time was reported. here for some time, returned to her home in San Diego, California. ', Mrs. Frieda Whitelaw of Kansas Madison Leonard has purchased . is visiting her sister, Mrs. Doc the Charles Knowles property on j Thayer and other relatives and North Van Burcn street, this village, friends. C. M Meeker has purchased the J. E,a Hem)n ig visiti rda; ... ?ace n M,U StrCGt aml tives and friends. She came from will move there lGrand R jds with E w CJement Several attended the County Sun-and fami, when th returncd from day school convention at Hartford ,a y.git with thcir daughtcr at' that last week. I . piucu. DAYTON CORNERS Burdett and Albert Coulson arrived Friday from Canton, Miss., to join their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulson. The boys stayed to harvest their eight acres of cotton from which they realized a nice sum. They also had sweet potatoes and about fifteen bushels of peanuts for their share. They said Michigan was good enough for them. LeRoy Davis came home Thursday from Brooklyn. He was released from service after fifteen months at the Queenstown Naval Base in Ire land and five months at Brooklyn, New York. Willis Carter, an old . resident of Waverly came last week from North Dakota which has been his home for a number of years. Owing to the poor health of Mrs. Carter, they have decided to settle in Michigan and Lansing will be their future home .Mrs. Ed Rupple and children will leave for their future home in South Bend on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Young Evans attend ed the wedding of a niece in Kalama zoo last week. Edna Dibbler was home from Kala mazoo last Sunday to visit her parents. Elmer Davis had several auto tires and inner tubes entirely ruined on Hollowe'en while driving through the streets of Glendale. On reaching home he removed about a dozen large headed roofing nails. Mr. Har rington found several in his auto tires. The next morning Harry Stowman picked up a large hand full in the road in front of his home. Pains are being taken to ascertain who the parties are who would play such a dastardly Hallowe'en trick. Mr. and Mrs. Will Leech of Flint 'are visiting here. Mrs. Glenn Smith and son Charles are visiting in Chicago. i L. E. Churchill is building a large addition to his garage. Pansy Sheldon, Bertha Clement, Jennie Camfield, Miss Allen and Opal Graves attended the1 State Teachers' Convention in Detroit last week. A very expensive and up-to-dato crossing bell has been ordered for the railroad cr'i-nt; at the Mill. Mrs. Webster has been spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. Har rison at Bloomingdale. ALMENA The Ladies Aid Society will meet next Wednesday at the B. W. Tracy home for an all day mooting F. L. Hoodemaker and family wero week end guests of Marcel us friends Carl Burns !s in Detroit where he is attending an Automobile school. Tfarley Masten has been on the sick list. R. M. Waite of Kalamazoo visited his mother last Friday. Fred Rupert and wife of Marcellus were Sunday visitors at the Melvin Rupert home. Mrs. Emma Fisk visited a few days the fore part of the week with Mrs. Effio Austin. Mrs. Floyd Harmon is visiting friends in Chicago. ' Misrf Helen Bolinger is in Kalama zoo caring for Mrs. iotie who Is ill. Joe Manning was home from Bu chanan over Sunday. Will Tracy of Marcellus is visiting friends here. Ed Van Wiltenberg and wife of Mat ta wan. were Almcna visitors Sat urday and Sunday. Fred Manning Jr. and family of i Mattawan visited Sunday at tho' V ' . r Voa Must Bo More It is not enough that you stop the cough, you must go back of the effect and remove the cause. Thousands subject to colds and coughs find thai SCOTT'S three or four times daily works wonders in building up resistance. Scott's derives its power to strengthen by its power to nourish. Better let Scott's Emulsion help remove the cause The Norwegian cod-liver oil used In Scott's Emulsion is super-refined in our own American laboratories. Its purity and quality is unsurpassed. Rcott &Bowne,Bloomfield,N.J. 17-27 L, LEY the well known OPTOMETRIST from Kalamazoo Coming Again will be at the CLIFTOti HOUSE G. F. SNOW I! B CLAUD SAYS: ooo 5A Wool Filled Blankets... 0 to 708 1 5A Stable Blankets full lined 3oOO to 4050 We give 5 off on all Cash Sales Save the Pennies they will Make Dollars. The YELLOW FRONT. Tho Works of Peace. There remains to us a great duty of defense and preservation; and there Is open to us also a noble pursuit, to which the spirit of the times strongly Invites us. Let us advance the arts of peace and the works of peace. Let us develop the resources of our land, call forth Its powers, build up Its Institu tions, promote all Its great Interests, and see whether we, also,. In our day and generation, may not perform something worthy to be remembered. -Daniel Webster. Optimistic Thought. An emperor traveling as a man bai the rights of a man. United States Tires Are GOOD Tires And the Price has not Advanced 30 X 3 Plain 12.90 30 X 3 Usco $13.90 30 X 3 1-2 Usco 18.00 30 X 3 1-2 Chain $20.05 31 X 4 Usco . $27.60 31 X 4 Chain $31.35 E. C. HAWLEY c a package before the war c a package during the war pc a package i THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! Tuocdoy, Novombor 10 187 'JO 'home of his parents.