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F&30 Feci Pi ft fl Q R Pi ft B TIIE TilUE NOmilERNCn, PAW PAV7, MICHIGAN PKRElElftElfi FARM BUREAU NOTES GROCERIES MEATS WARNER Wo Pay 5c Each for Eggs. Fresh Bulk Oysters Fresh Fish Trout Pickerel Whitefish Saturday and Monday Specials In our Meat Department Liver, per pound 5 c Fresh Hearts, per pound .... 8c Fresh Side Pork, per pound 28c Shoulder Pork Roast, per pound 30c Stewing Beef, per pound 15c Beef Roasts, per pound 18-22c Picnic Hams, per pound 23c Cabbage Bagas Beets Celery Carrots Sweet Potatoes W. J. Warmer Maole City Grocery A. W. SHOWERHAN, Manager Quality Goods Fair Prices Prompt Service Hession Fly in Wheat Fields On October 31st, the writer in com pany with Mr.Mlain, the Extension Specialist in Entomology from M. A. C. visited a number of wheat fields in Waverly and Bloomingdale town ships and in every early sown field large numbers of Hessian fly larva were found. Some fields are so bad ly infested that "it is almost imposs ible to find a lant without at !cat one of the littl-3 larva of the fly. On the other hand, fields sown late, after the 25th, of September, show at the present no fly at all, but with out a doubt will become infested next spring when the adult flys emerge from the infested fields. The warm September which we had caused the fly to lay eggs later than usual, and plenty of the larva have hatched while some of the older have entered the .flax seed stage and are ready for winter. There is only one hope for Michigan wheat crop now as we are informed by Mr. Hainthat the presence of the fly is general over the state and that is, that the parasites which ordinarly keep the fly in subjection will appear and kill off a large number of the larva be fore they can emerge next spring as adults. A great many wheat growers have not liked to sow their wheat as late a September 25th, but the ones who have done so ,this year have fields free from fly and would have good prospects for wheat if it were not possible that their fields may become infested from early sown fields next spring. A field of wheat on the farm of A. D. Robinson at Berlamont which was planted September 27th, was carefully examined for fly and none found, while fields all around which were sown before September 20th, are badly infested, with the plants all turning yellow as the re sult of the work of from one to twenty little Hessian fly larva in each plant. Since the above was written a large number of wheat fields have been visited and plants examined ' for fly and in general early sown fields are badly infested with fly, the medium sown fields are not so badly infested and the very late sown fields are very free from fly. We have plenty of SYRUP or all grades. Karo, Red and Blue Label, Competition and Extra White. All good syrup. Vegetole 30c Crackers... 18c Canvas Gloves 20c Jersey Gloves 25c Nucoa-nut Oleo 35c Old Dutch Cleanser. 10c Light House Cleanser 5 60c for Eggs, Cash or Trade We can take care of your Sugar wants Goods Delivered Free. Maple City Grocery Co. METHODIST CIIURCn Arthur Trott, Minister. Church School 10:00 A. M. Lesson Title : -"Witnesses of Christ's Glory". Luke 9:28-36. 11:00 A. M. Sermon and Worship. Subject of Sermon: "Jonah's Pray er and Deliverance". The fifth in the series on Jonah, the Runaway Prop het." (5:00 P. M Epworth League Topic: "The Challenge to Christian Service." Union service at 7:00 P. M. in the Disciple church. Rev. E. E. Shouf Jer will preach. THE SCOUT WHO WILL STICK You may talk of your Scouts who are strong on the hike, Who are there on the trail, in the woods and the like You may have all the signalers Eagles and Stars, x First-aiders, athletes and sea-scouting tars; Byt if from all Scouts you will give me my pick fasten my choice on the Scout who will stick. I don't care a whoop if he's fat. short or tall, Bow-legged, pigeon- toed,- cross-eyed or small,. He may he a dub with an axe or a kit, At daily inspection he won't make a hit, Hi.-, skull may be ivory, six inches thick But I'll overlook that in the Scout who will stick. , There's a job to be done, its a tough one, I fear; It may take a week, it may take a year Who's going to do it? Here' comes the chap, He takes off his coat, he throws down his cap,' Looks at the job, shuts his jaws with a click Fellows, that's him the Scout who will stick. Problems arise as the job goes along Nothing works right, and every thing's wrong. When things look the blackest, some Scout will say Oh Gee, whats the use I and then beat it away But some one fights on through the thin and the thick, And we find at the end the Scout who will stick. Foot Billion Dollars. Statistics show that there are over four billion dollars in Savings accounts in the United States. About ten per cent of the people of this country are depositors Money deposited in a bank is always available to the depositor; whereas, in buying stocks or bonds you . must find a market for that bond or stock some one to buy before you can get your money back, and when you find a market it may be lower than the price you paid There is no market quotation on bank deposits They are always worth the same amount you deposit Besides, we pay you 4 Interest compounded semi annually Invest in our Savings Department John W. Free & Co., Bankers PAW PAW, MICHIGAN Us To All My Old Friends and All the New Ones that this Announcement will bring me I have taken advantage of the Agency Plan of the United Cigar Stores Company which, in every essential re spect makes my store a UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY This plan has proved immensely successful wherever introduced, because it passes on to smokers in smaller places all the advantages enjoyed by the smokers of the large cities in which the United Cigar Stores Co. operates One Thousand stores. Under the plan, I own the store as before and my name remains over the door, but my arrangement gives me all the benefits of buying and selling that any United Cigar Store enjoys. All the famous brands at United Cigar Store prices. United Coupons or Certificates with all purchases. My Store Will Open as a United Cigar Store Agency SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 To celebrate the occasion the following Special Inducements are offered: j FREE Double Certificates with All Purchases. 21 FREE Ten Whole Certificates witfi Cigarette purchases I amounting to $1.00 or over. 31 FREE A Tobacco Pouch (Genuine Buckskin) with all purchases of pipes. 4- FREE A Durham Duplex (Demonstrator) Razor with purchases amounting to 25 cents or over. 5; FREE A Glass Ash Tray with purchases amounting to ' 50 cents or over. 61 FREE A Glass Cigar Jar with cigar purchases amount I ing to $1.00 or over. WILLIAM E. NICHOL; j 136 East Main St. - Paw Paw, Michigan