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B H j n ft n n 13 the true NoitTiiEnNEn, pat pav, ehchigak a p ft ft ft ft ft ft , GOBLEVILLB Ms. Little of Traverse City is visit ing her children here. - Mrs. Linda Thayer tfnd daughter have been visiting friends In Kala mazoo. Mrs. Bock was down from Kalama zoo last Friday. Mrs. Stella Clement of Dowagiac has been visiting-relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill are visiting their son in Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Hinkley of Decatur are spending a couple of Weeks with their daughter, lira, Orly Graham Lucilo Churchill of Vandalia visit ed Madge Churchill on Monday and Tuesday, ... ; Ji$?r1f?7r Mr. and tyrs. P. Bush and Mrs. Whitelaw from Kansas were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood in Bangor. Frank Powers left for Cleveland, Ohio on Monday where he has a position. He says Shadyside farm is alright, but short hours with big pay was tempting. There were a number of auction sales held 'here the past few weeks. The farmers are disposing of their stock and tools 'and getting city jobs. Joe Twitchel was home from Chi cago last week. D. M. Gilchrist has moved Into their new house. Mr. Buss is able to be at his shop again after a long illness. The Frank Company store is now open for business again. Otto Giddings has gone to Lansing where he will be employed as Cow tester. Wise & Son sold two young regis tered short horns from their herd last week for $400.00. Mr. and. Mrs. E. Allen of Bradley were in town Wednesday. Mrs. Eva Wescott is visiting rela tives near Otsego. Albert Wesler dislocated his elbow while playing football at school. Dr. Simpson was the only physician in town so he took him to Kalama zoo where he found assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard were here from Kalamazoo Wednesday. They transferred their farm to R. E. Vickers. Mrs. George A. Burkes . and son and daughter have returned to their home in New York after a visit her The Amelia Woodman farm has been purchased by a Mr. Marvin who Tuesday for the grand celebration. The Senior class are putting forth some very intensive study on their has already taken possession. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Giescer and two little boys are the new neighbors on the farm just vacated by Frank Miller. Mr. Giescer purchased tho farm of Dr. Lower. Grandma Earlson has gone to Chi cago to spend the winter with her son Louis Earlson and family. Gus tavo Eearlson went to Chicago with his mother, and will work at his trade of Masonry this winter. oratorical work. Miss Keats visited schools in Chi cago on Friday and Monday. The local team was again defeated by the House of David boys by a score of 3 to 2. RIVERSIDE Wm. Buell has come from Chicago to spend some time with his mother Mrs. Castle substituted as French teacher during Miss Keats absence. (who is staying at the home of John Holmes. Ray Danger and family visited at the home of C. A. Warner on Sunday Esther Weeks and Wilbur Hall visited school on Tuesday. Jean Warner has been quite ill for the past few days. Mr. and Jlrs. Frank Miller and son Chauncey, have departed for their new home in Montana. SCHOOL NOTES EditorRussell Gay '20. School closed at 11:00 o'clock on Mary Nelson and Charles Terrell have recently entered the 5th, grade and Ti. T. Kellogg has entered the 3rd. grade. mi ytr A Wm ffim&ms&si - Mil -;- -r:r & 4 . & SJ'r WKfn JSlc a a: Wei ii'J: Tested 250,000 Three-Point Cantilever Springs' Greatest Improvement Since Pneumatic Tires OVERLAND 4 has been put through the most thorough and severe test possible. 25.0,000 miles of mountain trails, desert sand, heat, cold, rnud and dust, demon strated the quality of every part of the car long before we began manufacturing. This remarkable test showed conclusively that Three-Point Cantilever Springs, exclu sive with Overland, are the greatest improve ment in ruling comfort since the introduo tion of-pneumatic tires. They protect the car from road shocks and prolong rhe life of every part. They enable, the wheels to hold better to the road. They give greater comfort under all road conditions. They do away almost entirely with side sway and rebbund which twist and rack the car. Diagonal attachment of the Three-Point Springs at both ends of a 130-inch Spring base gives the steadiness and smooth riding of the heavy car of long wheelbase. Equipment is complete from Auto-Lite Starting and Lighting System to Marshall Divan Spring Upholstery. Come in and see this car. Ask for Booklet. Overland 4 Touring, ?K45; Road ster, S845; Coupe, S1325; Sedan, $1375; Prices f. o. b. Toledo. mm mm m I Us it! my. r-'uK, Mm. ,-rrs .jrzg " ; -m 'SSI ' Phone 334 C. C. GIDDINGS PawPawEffiX 1 j ' 4 Pncc Subject to Change Without Notice Roy W. Bradley of Watervliet and Mrs. Ira Marie Polmanteer of Paw Paw were married at the Methodist Parsonage on Armistice day, Tues day, November 11th. Rev. Arthur Trott officiating. v BAPTIST CHURCH . E. E. Shoufler, Pastor. 10:00 A. M. Don't forget to bring some one to Sunday school. The adult lesson is found in Luke 9:28-36 11:00 A. M. Stay to church and hear the second sermon in the ser ies of special sermons leading up to "Enlistment Week." Sermon Topic: "The Family Group Idea" "Others" 6:00 P. M. You will also find some thing interesting to consider at the Christian Endeavor Meeting. 7:00 P. M. Last of all, but not least Take your friend to the Union ser vices at the Christian church where the pastor of the Baptist church will preach on "The Armistice of Arm ageddon". Come! CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible School 10:00 A. M. Last day of the contest. The Reds are ahead. Every new scholar counts fifty points. Everyone invited. Morning service 11:00 A. M Christian Endeavor 6:00 P. M. Union Service 7:00 P. M. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED Womer. between 21 and 45 years of age to wrork in packing shipping and manufacturing depart ments. Pkn.sant and permanent em ployment. Experience unnecessary and wok not difficult but applicsint must 1 e in ?jood health and willing to barn. ('iv height, veight and a&-e -;n yoi implication. Pay begin n' 13.0 por week. Work 50 hours I'ji c'l.. .;( lave permanent, places Tor experienced men in machine and cabinet rccms at good wagos. Sligh Furniture Company ' New Prcscott St. Building 40t3 Grand Rapids, Mich. FOR SALE Fall Pigs and a Hol stein Cow. Phone 24" F. 12 John Doyne 41tf Route 2, Paw Taw. FOR SALE Splendid large heating stove, hard or soft coal. Enquire of Mrs. J. D. Sails 41t3 Paw Paw. At Christmas Time Nothing is Appreciated more than good P HOTOGRAPHS Make an Appointment to-day with G. W. AUSTIN, Photographer 134 S. Burdick St. Kalamazoo Having sold my farm I will sell at Public Auction, 7 miles north and 1 mile west ofJPaw Paw, on Thursday, Nov. 20 The following property: Horses," Cows, Calves, Hogs, Poultry, Corn in Shock, 20 Tons of Hay, Farming Tools LUNCH AT NOON Usual Terms. Archie SnoDD, Propriotor. . J. RIX, Auctioneer . F. WARNER, Clork