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nnnPDDDn THD TIIUD NOIlTHEUNEn, PAW PAW, MICHIGAN Mrs. Higgs announces the opening of her Dancing Classes for th'e seaYon; at the 1 Maple, City Club Rooms, Friday evening, November 21st at 8 o'clock and Saturday afternoon,' November 22nd, at 3 o'clockp forchildern. ; " ,-Y TUITION: Adult Class, series of 10 lessons $7.00. Children's class, series of 10 lessons $6.00 or 15 lessons for $8.00. to spend r the . winter in California. Our neighbors are now harvesting their potatoes. Many are marketing them. t . Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pugsley and Clifford attended the Sunday School convention held in Hartford Wednes day and Thursday of last week. They report the convention as having been a very , successf ul ( one, ... , ,A , great, imroyement is being' made on our, Jiighway ,, north of the Tom Woodman place. We all will appre ciate, this splendid new road. (Miy(and Mrp,',l ,S MacGowan.and Ireii ,Crbfootj called ' at the Bert Qleason nome Sunday afternoon! Clifford Pugsleyj' f Vjas . home j from Kalamazoo the last ' of the ' week. Normal was closed on account of the Teachers' Institute in Detroit Miss' Nellie Martin spent Wednes day with Mrs. T. S. MacGowan and mother GLIDDENBURG Friday evening ,November 14th. A shadow of you, and a good ono Every one is invited to come, too, at the Box Social to be held at Mr. and Mrs, Ed Johnson have dis the Gliddenburg School house on posed of their farm and are planning Mrs. Leo Prater and children, Mrs. George Prater and Mrs. Will Prater spent Thursday at the T S. Mac- ;Govan home Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Root and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas were visitors 'at the L. L. Cole home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buys and his brother Otis Buys and family start ed Tuesday on their trip to Miama., Florida where they will spend the winter. They will drive through and all wish them a pleasant winter there. Cornilla Hulbert visited at the Max Benton' I I . I Plumb- HeaMmg-Xioningj rreparea iq nanate aii wont m l my line' in' a satisfactory ' mariner.- I VI V Mt it r: nt .'if T ! c nt hr. r A hV:P ,r (r Beotoo Novelty Soon Wears Off. An experienced young womatold us the other day that there la aJae In every engaged girl's life when about a day's, growth .or heard odds to her thrill, but that after, the novelty wears off clean shaving Is much preferred, Ohio-SUte(l Journal. . , M Frank Glidden home for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs Hayes Crawford and family visited at the home of J. E. Wright last week. T. J. Wright and family are spend ing a few days in Watseka, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodman and Mr and Mrs. Rex Martin attended the meeting of the Country Club held at the Charles Adams home near Law ton on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Martin entertain ed the following relatives from Ban gor at dinner Sunday :.-rMr. and Mrs. S. E. Bridges, Mr. Dana Bridges, and Miss Gertrude Schermerhorn. Lynn Cobb of Lawrence spent Sat urday and Sunday with Wayne Mar tin. A tractor demonstration was held on the Joe Labadie farm on Saturday Her Shoes Hurt Her Feet. As a general thing, when you see a woman hobbling along the street with n ngonlzed expression it is a sign that he's got more foot than head. Dallas Xews. . ML (r 1A ji -,'- i We will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at tho Polakow Farm, one mile south of Paw Paw, on w '' . Too (a Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m , the following en (2) described property: One pair Gray Geldings, 10 & 11 yrs old, .wt. 2800 Gray Mare 11 years, old, weighing 1350 Bay Mare coming 4 years old, weight 1350' Roan Colt coming 4 years old, weight 1250 Gray Colt coming 3 years old, weight 1100 Five head Milch Cows, 4 Steers coming 7 yrs. old 5 yearling Heifers, 2 heifer and 5 steer calves Walter A. Wood Binder, Walter A. Wood Mower and one Deering, new; Corn Planter with fertilizer attachment, Hay Rake, Side Delivery Rake, Hay Loader, Manure Spreader, Land Roller, Lime Sower, Dowagiac Grain Drill, 4-Horse Disc, 2-Horse Disc, Buzz Saw, New In" national Feed Grinder, Cream Separa tor, 2-horse power Gasoline Engine, Feed Cutter, two Lumber Wagons, Wagon Box, Hay Rack, Fruit Wagon, Single Buggy, two Double Riding Cultivators, two Single Cultivators, Spring-Tooth Drag, Spike Tooth Drag, Hog Oiler, 2 Tank Heaters, good set Double Sleighs, three 14-inch Plows, two double set of Harness, Single Harness, two Incubators and Brooders, 200 Potato Crates, Cattle Feeding Rack, one Barrel Spray Pump and small tools. From 30 to 35 tons of Alfalfa Hay, 25 to 30 tons of Timothy Hay, 8 tons Marsh Hay, 200 bushels Oats, 30 tons Ensilage- Terms of Sale : All sums often dollars and under cash; on sums over that amount one year's time will be given on bankable notes with interest at 7 per cent. nnn, mil APffflAff 1 TOC3! ARE fMI MARK, B. J.RIX, Auctionoor - B. F. WARMER, Clork Mr. HI i j r , - . "We Got Him!" Try this combination on tmalt game m keen eye, steady nerve and a Stevens No. 70 Rifle. Experts aay the No. 70 is the most accurate .22 caliber repeating rifle in the world. Visible loading feature tells you when it is loaded when it is empty.' - Talces fifteen .22 short, or eleven long rifle cartridges. Ask to see a Stevens No. 70 Repeating Rifle. Catalog free. J. STEVENS ARMS COMPANY Chlconaa Falls, Mass., U, S. A. or heaviness after meals are most annoying manifestations of acid-dyspepsia. pleasant to take, neutralize acidity and help restore normal digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & DOWNE MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION Business Directory L. O. T. M. Regular meetings on the 2nd, Mon day and 4th, Friday evenings of each month at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. BROWN Marble and Granite MONUMENTS Paw Paw, Michigan. J. E. GILKEY D. D. S. Over O'Grady Bros. Co. Phone 3G Ofilce Hours 9:00 to 12:00 1:00 to 4:00 DR. V. M. VAN FOSSEN DENTIST Pyorrhea and Prophylaxis Specialty Office at Residence 423 E. Main Street. Paw Paw, MicK CHAS. LAKE , L. II. LAKE License No. 1416 License No. 1574 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Office in Lake & Son's Furniture Store- Phone in Ollice and Residence All Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night Motor and Horse Equipment W. E. JACOBS VETERINARIAN and SURGEON All Calls Promptly Attended Phone 2S6 Auto Livery in Connection If you are on the market for a good second hand Ford car, see me. Prices and terms to suit. IIAWLEY AND WARNER EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office in I. O. O. F. Block Phone in Office and at Residence All Calls Promptly Attended DR. A. E. VAN VLECK OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Over O'Grady Bros. Store Mondays and Thursdays Appointments for Office or Residence THOS. J. CAVANAUGH Attorney and Counsellor Phone 1M Paw Paw, Met DAVID ANDERSON Attorney at Law. -A i 214 E. Mala. Plena N