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if DP PR H-RDD tjd thud NOfrmcnNEiyPAU paw. mcniCAii p p-P H H P H H Peso Crrcn " ..f V V I'ULCiallZltlG X Export SorVico Roasonablo Prices We sell Kelly Springfield, Firestone, Goodrich and Racine Auto Tires. Gasoline :- Tubes , Reliners FREE AIR Help Yourself; Paw Pav Vulcanizing Shcr Howard Smith, Prop' H ' fa a n n n frh We are a Nation of Builders Ambitious, prosperous and living under free and en lightened circumstances, we build homes in pur town according to our own ideas of comfort and con venience. If you covet the utmost happiness and con venience in life -:: :: Build a Home of Your Own and come to us for your materials. :: :: :: FREE & MUTCHLER Lumber Company E. F. PARKS, Pres. T. J. CAVANAUGH, V. Pr. W. H. L0NGWELL, Cashier . T - f Caoital. Surplus and Profits $130,000.00 The First Natioinial Batik OF PAW PAW MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits Savings Deposits Compounded Semi-Annually We have added another J Rent one before these are all MORTGAGE SALE Whereas, default has been made in the conditions of a certain real estate mortgage made by George 0. Barnes and Isabelle Barnes, his wife, to Sid ney R. Ketchum on the 13th day of February 1915 to secure the payment of $1600.00 with interest as specified in said mortgage and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Van Buren County on March 30th, 1915 in Liber 105 of Mortgages on Pago 108, and Whereas said mortgage was subse quently, by an instrument in writing bearincr date March 30th, 1915, re corded in said Register's office March 30th, 1915 in Liber 99 of Mortgages on Page 571, duly assigned by sdid Sidney R. Ketchum to Charlotte M. Fox and is now owned by her, and section of Safe Deposit Boxes gone. Whereas said mortgage contains a provision that the mortgagors shall pay all taxes and assessments which shall be levied on said premises whenever the same shall be payable and in case said mortgagee shall pay the same, the amount so paid shall be a lien on said premises, secured by said mortgage and payable forthwith with interest at the rate of seven per cent (7 per cent) per annum, and Whereas said mortgagors have' de faulted in the payment of taxes as in said mortgage required, and Whereas the said assignee has paid taxes under the provisions of said mortgage amounting to the sum of $123.17, and Whereas said mortgage contains a provision that if any interest remains unpaid for more than CO days the whole amount of principal and inter est shall thereupon become due and payable forthwith, and Whereas a portion of said interest has been due and unpaid for more than CO days, and Whereas the power of sale con tained in said mortgage has become operative, and Whereas no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law or in equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and r Whereas the amount claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest is $1C19.46 and for taxes, paid by the said assignee $132.17 besides the attorney fee al- I lowed by statute and stipulated for in said mortgage. Notice is, therefore, hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and of the statute in such case made and provided there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on No vember 22nd, 1919 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on said day at the front door of the Court House in the Village of Paw Paw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County of Van Buren, ' the premises described in said mortgage to-wit, the Township of Almena,' County of Van Buren, State of Michigan. "The west half (V2) of the South west quarter (U) of Section Eleven (11) Town Two (2) South Range Thirteen (13) West." Charlotte M. Fox, Assignee of Mortgagee Dated August 2Gth, 1919 Weston & Fox, Att'ys for assignee of mortgagee Kalamazoo, Michigan. 31tl3 You'll Do Better At AVERY We are pleased to announce the arrival of a new allotment . of the favored Wirthmor Silk Blouses Let us say at the outset that if you are interested in keep ing down vour apparel expense, then you ought to come here and provide for your Fall and Winter Blouse needs before the limited allotment is gone. And evon if you do not need blouses for immediate wear, it's well when such very exceptional values are offered to an ticipate now and provide for your future needs. The savings are liberal, extremely so. The price is still $5.00; this despite the fact that priceg of silk fab rics are advancing at an almost unbelievable rate; and at today's market this price would hardly pay for the fabrics only. The styles are new, authentic, appealing; the fabrics are Geor- gette Crepe, Crepe de Chine and striped Silk shirtings; they are in., the wanted shades.. They are dependably made and cut so as to in-.. sure correct fitting. Our previous sale of these WIRTHMOR SILK BLOUSES brought a very ready response, and the quantities we had pro-., vided were quickly absorbed. The quantity in this new allotment.. limited and no more of the same styles can be obtained. STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Van Buren ' At a session of said court, held at the Probate office in, the Village of Paw Paw, in said County, on the 4th, day of November ,A. D. 1919. Present, Hon. Wm. Killefer, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of Drew Cross, deceased. Luella Drew, Administratrix of said estate having filed in said court her final administration account, and her petition praying for the allow- ance thereof and for the assignment and distribution of the residue of. said estate. It is ordered that the 1st, day of December A. D. 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said probate office be and is hereby appointed for ex amining and allowing said account and hearing said petition; I And it is further ordered that 'public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order for .three successive weeks previous to 'said day of hearing, in The True Northerner, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county. Wm. Killefer Judge of Probate A true copy Margaret 1 M. Southworth Register, of Probate. 41t3 STATE OF MICHIGAN i THE PROBATE COURT FOR THE COUNT OF VAN BUREN At a session of said court held at the Probate office in the. village of of Paw Paw, in .said County, on the 3rd, day of November, A. D. 1919. Present, Hon. Wm. Killefer, Judge of ."Probate. In the matter of , the estate of M. E. Bitely deceased. Josephine Bitely, sister, of said de- Ann oa1 ViovSrtr f 1 as! in CItA miff Vltft I petition praying that a certain in strument in writing, purporting to I be the last will and testament of deceased, now on file in said court 'be admitted to probate, and that the administration of said estate be I granted to said Josephine Bitely, the 'executrix named in said will, or to some other suitable person. It is ordered that the 1st, day of December A. D. 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said probate office, be and is hereby appointed for hearing said petition. It is further ordered that public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order, for three success ive' weeks previous to said day of hearing, in The True Northerner, a newspaper printed and circulated !a said county. j ; Wm. Killefer, Judo of Probate. A true copy Margaret M. Southworth Register of Probate. 41t3 THAT DULL ACHING Don't worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid of it. For weak kidneys, lame and achy backs, your neighbors recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this statement. Mrs. C. J. Libbe, N. Gremps St., Paw Paw, says: Doan's Kidney Pills have helped me and I gladly recommend them My kidneys were out of order and I had soreness and dull aching across my back. I felt dull and languid My kidneys acted irregularily. Doan's Kidney Pills procured from Longwell Bros. Drug store, relieved me of the trouble and helped me in every way." ' Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Libby had. Foster-Milburn Co. Mfgrs. Buffalo, N. Y. "Amen Corner." TJ'he phrase "amen corner," Is said to have originated In London, where, at the end of Paternoster row, the monks at one time finished their recitation of the "Pater Noster" as they went In procession on Corpus Chrlstl day to St. Paul's cathedral. They began In Paternoster room with the Lord's prayer In Latin, continuing It to . the end of the street, and then said "amen" at the corner of the row. As used In this country the phrase de scribes the corner of a church where the elderly members sit and pronounce the word "amen" at intervals. Her Other Boarder. Tillle'Clinger says that In asking for i accommodations at a strange place yesterday she Inquired If there were any other boarders. "No," replied the landlady, "unless It's my husband, and he can quit any time he wants to." Seattle Post-Intelligencer. QaSMQKaaaRaKQ IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney disease Is no respecter of per sons. A majority of the Ills afflicting people today can be traceeV back to kidney trouble. The. kidneys are the most Important organs of the body. They are the fllterers. the purifiers, of your blood. Kidney disease is usually Indicated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trou ble, pain in loins and lower abdomen, gall stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All these derangements are nature' signals to warn you that the kidneys need help. You should use GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules Imme CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature He JOE . r-nrml - ft TPf? GENT. AVcc!al!crrcparationforAs-similntinlhcroodbyRc.ula- tina the Stomachs and Dawcbof Thcrctn-PrnoilnDc5lion Uiccrruiucssanuiv.w--- ! fiinerai. ai i r . o i . . r- r v CanfitdSasff -rrvmn Lrrvr i LOSS OF SLEEP M :5t$ .Ms m rac-SimilcSijnatotr" Exact Copy of Wrappcf. fTJfKrt rontpnts 15Fluid P. 4 n(iv M I f ni ill fi -.11 1 luj nlflJ) V UJ J 1111 n Onaket Numerous In Idaho - Pennsylvania, one of the most pro Ilflc sections for rattlers, has at .least one large snakeskln tannery anJ keeps hosts of people slaughtering rattlesnakes. Idaho, however, Is the banner rattlesnake section of the country. Idaho has great ridges of rocks, In which are deep bowls, cracks and caves. Herein rattlers breed by the eternal thousands and offer a vast Industry for rattler harvesters. This is the 03? SlovePo'.iSi?PSk Should Use IT'S different from 8 others because more care is taken in the raauing and the materials used are of higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish Makes a brilliant. tlky polish that does not rub off or dust off, and the shiaelasts four times as Ion? as ordinary stove polish. Used on sample stoves and sold by hardware and grocery dealers. AUwukU trial. Uieltonyoareuokrtor. your parlor stove or your km range. If yoo don't find it the bat stove polish you used, your dealer it authorized to refund your money. Insist on Black Bilk Stove I'olish. Made in liquid or paste one quality. Black Silk Stove Polish Works Sterling, Illinois Use Black Silk Alr-Dryl Iron Cnamsl on grate. registers, stove-pipes Prevents rustis?. Use Black Silk Mstsl Polish for silver, nickel or brass. It bas do equal for oseon automobiles. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, -free. J F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Bold by all druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. diately. The soothing, healing oil stim ulates the kidney as relieves Inflamma tions and destroys the germs which have caused It. Do not wait until to morrow. Gotto your druggist today and Insist on GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenty-four hours you should feel health and vigor returning1 and will bless the day you first heard of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil. After you feel that you have cured yourself, continue to take one or two capsules each day, so as to keep tu first-class condition and waTd off the) dangor of other attacks. Ask for the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Three eizes. Money re funded If they do not help you. CHICHESTER S PILLS J TIIK DIAMOND I5KAND. A ' y Mil known as Dest. Safest. Always Rel.abl W SOLD BY 0?.UGGISTr EVERYWHERE For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years nl u vuuu TMC CCNTAUN COMPANY, MW tO CITT. x ,Vt. Ladlral Ask your Omr iHt for AY ( &vAl h.cbe-tcr' Diamond TlrandV rillain Itrd and Gold nietall.cW xei, scaled with l:iue Ril.bon. fvi v Take n othrp. Hut of your V i - fff DracvUU A'.kforMll.rirKH.TEirUt I C lit DIAMOND IIHAND IMLLH, for SSi J r.w i A it f fi 1