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- PAGE. EIGHT iff RK u Groceries and Crockery Telephone 93 210 E. Main St. FRUITSand VEGETABLES Friday and Saturday 60c per Doz. FOR FRESH EGGS CASH OR TRADE Select Oysters and Oysterettes 5 Pounds Good Rolled Oats 25 3 Boxes Ivory Soap Flakes 25 6 Rolls Toilet Paper - 25 N. B. C- Cookies and Crackers Always Fresh Special in Crockery Fancy Cups and Saucers 25c Each or 52,75 per Doz. We Deliver Goods Free FOUND Last Tuesday, a sum of FOR SALE 15-16 Guernsey three Money. Owner can have same by years old. Four grade Guernsey identifying property and paying for heifer calves. Also number of R. I. this notice.' Red Cockerels. Guy Colimrn I W. S. Purington 42 tl , Route 2, Paw Paw. 42t2 Phone 15 F. 15 WANTED Young Lady at once, as Photograph Studio Assistant. Cook's Studio 42tl Bangor, Mich. HAY FOR SALE Those wanting to buy good hay, kindly call on 42tf C. A.' Warner Phone 243 F. 12 .Paw Paw. i WANTED TO BUY I find there is l a large demand for .second hand clothing of all kinds, and I will buy articles in good salable condition. Bring any clothing , you may have. I am short now of children's under wear and dresses. tall at 513 East Elm St. 42tl paw Paw. SHOTGUN WANTED I wish, to purchase a good single or double barrel shot gun immediately. Phone 122. FOUND A Pocketbook. Owner can I have same by calling upon Mr. Herwig at the John W. Free & Co. bank and describing property and paying for this adv. V WANTED Good man. Steady work I Good wages. George Weber 42tf. Three Mile Lake I Nice fresh stock of candy, all j kinds. Some of that good Butter Scotch, pure Hore Hound Drops, Mints, Annis, Bar Goods, Best of Chocolates, Wintergreen berries for that Birthday cake, Fresh Salted Peanuts, and most everything in the ; candy line at Summy's store. (Additional Classified Pages 4 and 5) CLASSIFIED Five lines or less 25c. All over that amount, 5c j er line extra. MOENY TO LOAN ON FARMS Call Monday or Saturday. R. E. Jennings lt52 Taw Paw, Michigan FOR SALE Hounds. 41t3 Two trained Rabbit Rue Labadie Three Mile Lake. NOTICE If the party who took my shot gun from the Cleveland Auction will return the same, it will save him trouble. ' Ervin Herron 42tl Paw Paw. NOTICE Before you take out life insurance, ask W. R. Sellick to ex plain to you the Equitable New Super Standard policy. lie enjoys telling of it. 27t52 FOR SALE Registered Holstein Bull Calf at Fanners Prices. Papers furnished. Call Saturdays or Sun days. " R.- G. Elliot 42tl Southwest of Town. FOR SALE Full Blooded Jersey Cow. Five years old, will freshen in December. Leo Prater 40tl Paw Paw, Route 5. FOR SALE OR TRADE One good work horse, or will trade for young cattle. Also 8 year old cow, will be fresh in December. W. H .Jordan 40tf. Route 3, Paw Paw. WANTED Men or women to take orders among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line of men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50 cents an hour for spare time, or $24.00 a week for full time. Experience un necessary. Write International Stocking Mills. ;mi2 Norristown, Pa. IFatftn QUALITY Headquarters for SERVICE FAIR PRICES 10S A TO 0 Wanted EGGS AAanted Cash 60c or Trade FOR STRICTLY FRESH 7 Pounds Sweet Potatoes r 25 4 Pounds Oat Meal 25 Uncolored Japan Tea, per pound 50 Kant Be Beat Coffee 35 Fat Family Mackerel 15 A Mild Laxative is Caldwells Syrup Pepsin. A Dependable Cough Remedy is WHITE PINE and TAPw EXPECTORANT To break up a Cold Use Hills Bromo, Quininie, Cascara. Goods Delivered Free We want your Patronage. Phone 160 Eaton Mosier ItiplyiiBg Moeey Money saved aad deposited at 4 per cent interest in this bank multiplies rapidly. From a small weekly deposit, your account with compound interest will amount to a comforta ble fortune in a few years. See how your persistent efforts will make your ''nest egg" grow. Weekly Deposits $ 1.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 In Five Years $ 287.53 862.50 1432.50 2300.33 2875.39 In Ten Years $ 638.04 1914.00 3182.94 5104.42 6380.47 Start now and be independent; $1.00 will open an ac. count here. PAW PAW SAVINGS BANK A STATE BANK Not open Saturday evenings hereafter Save your coupons. Give them to some of the young ladies in the list below. Miriam E. Hodges, Isadore Avery. Marjorie Bolinger, Doris Ferguson. Dorothy Raymond, Elaine Hershberger. Elaine Maie Wilson, Margaret Cummins, Dorothy Jacobs. Beulah Gilbert. Paw Paw Drug Company REXALL STORE Mr. James Marcelletti WILL PAY T i $1.35 per Bushel Casli For well Graded Potatos Free from Scab. Loading at the Paw Paw Depot on Saturday, Nov. 1 5th, 1919 And following days ( not Sundays.) J Weigh at Free & Mutchler's Lumber Yard.. As Good lib sir (1 iff ' Copyright 1919,HartSchaffner&MaiX npHE nice thing about the clothes we sell is that they look good and are every bit as good as they look. You have to pay the price of high quality this year; you dont always get it. You can be certain of good quality in the clothes we sell, all-wool suits and overcoats, made by Hart Schaffner & Marx. Satisfaction guaranteed. O'Grady Bros. Co. The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. Talk to Waters No More Soot Troubles! Use U. S. Soot Destroyer! It is Cheap, Quick and Sure. For Stoves, Furnaces and Chimneys. U. S. Soot Destroyer is a harmless combination. It has no bad oders and is non-explosive. Spread it over a good hot fire and the gas fumes created turns the soot into a light ash and is easily carried off by the draft. U. S. Soot Destroyer Reaches places never touched by any mechanical 0 devise. It follows the draft and burns the soot thoroughly and positively. U. S. Soot Destroyer is a real fuel saver. One-fourth inch of soot over the radiations surfaces cuts the heating efficiency 25 per cent. , This material is used in practically all the large indus trial plants, the public buildings in all cities and was used very satisfactorily by scores of people right here in Paw Paw last winter. We know all the old customers will use it. We want 'new ones to try it. The price is 25 cents for a One pound package, or 15 cents per pound in bulk. a TALK TO WATERS