rriXXtl TML7SirVyk wki:ktat CJVJOVsSIVT JULY 11,
Mcmts. Kmw The ma.iy friM,-,.f K..iekt i
p TRurfrr of Lalajrllr r.int, M the tutst u-
Vrnb-rrrlrrSifD. mnflir lr l a rnl.'l:rtr f-T '
sai-l fflrrr, be- a ill I.HiS.-lrj. lc elected bv a larsr-
a.:y of -.-, wui Mr. llaieserrr ifcler-ed,
..... ,m
....-... t..
ini r nrirjEi w wiM-nu.r
'jf.iatrttrtiulM.n, aww ia n4h.ii in !r h.i'.l t
lb MrrrantUr Library, la inr cur i ,
lnm lUtr ix:a i n;rre.B.M.a. si-.iriv, ci.iif'r- x
(he cmratiM of l laft, lav, Sar, airnll. hurl- .
twa. laltlwrllj l'lir.t..n. Jarkson. I.af; rttr ami -ia- j
liar.hriaaa tbc UU iu,tanl. ia tlw M.r.ai.tilt- l.i- ;
krar; Hall, of whirh thr unilfr--i.'nr,l n w rlrrt.l ;
laairnaa. th fUwitig r..luti. m i, a...,tr.l: i
. . ... . ... . .
..r.t.. . ,.r.v, ...... irtv i.. M. '
ii:.ri . i nt iiuimo
-antti.lalr to tvrrral tl- .li-f.f ttw ifu l
nw-MfWffasil litri'l in I f.iu'ri". Ih- Itt-M i.i l:;-i-
mtntl. in thf cunly of Kay. fi Ihir-i I'nur.i-iy
ln Aawt ". mjs m- I'S-irRirm ..I ti.:-
trvlin .uhti-a tin at-lin. a.rit.-iiti.-alt-'
iaxafurr. ia ibr Mi-.uri Ki-im.-lir-in. nti ih:tt
.. I u... J'ai-T- ri..'.e r:r.M.-. r..r .
Ut.UI,k. . ! --. !
a -. t iiairiiuo j
t":.rthr lam-j-ixn. .
XfMrs. Eptt'iK: lt.ii.rt.ir litvnv nf -.n-ntinj ,
thtrnanr ef Kicii.tRit I
. . . . 1.
3....,. ,
mtM-iasrlmiva-r. Gtn. Tanbaais bTwilly
kaowa thinrbt.at the conntr as a ntlt-iaitn . ;i '
fqaalitiff-t f..r tbr oiSer oblisinr. rnrrr.ms, Lin.I
an-1 atttwrrtbrr trn-tw..rr:v po.-siai; man nm-
Scat .IriTrrr rTrrr rlfOMfiii mm :i-.t i caiirwirur
aaoAcrr witb wn'Ha ttie jm-..U- tiAe l.tisini-ss. In
roaTrraiax wifb iM-..i.le fr.m variMi iart4 tf t!i :
coaatr. ararW all r.ner.I to l.n Vaugban tbtf J
iaati.ni ff.rf irrnit 1'oart I Wrk
Cxprcaplc 't-5.
vox portu
in uu ctrr. our .nr. .iiu-i win aei as ine , .
Ananeia! ayent ami btisim ilireetnr.
WciUnjl.-n 1T Fulkt-rs-.n. C,.l Uei.l.U Loran,
Ir. . W. Kenifk.
XfmnH nrnirk. .Mr. f i-Ws.-1t.
hal Hill I t laftlf, I. W.nl. Ir. Kaps.Ulr.
!ni-a-B..r Mr. BIl.w. ..I. WalMa.
Muaat Il.-.w i. Pricr. W K Mt- hciufT, A. Rs
rurri. 1Uv. r. M.-'iiti-v.
"tirmttoa M. -!anrhtrr. lr Itobinin, -t. R..y.
Mayvirar I H. l ulkrrson, J. P. 1IT, lr. Win.
Tabow-Jimfi- .tkis.-n.
Iwirr Mr. .'. rtici. J . P!rennri.
Warrrlj C. Patt-r.. K. Mr. Mt-l'arlan.l, lr
Vaatis. in-. . W. Bmj.
FrrtMon nunl. . Brnrt.n. 4as. B Ilorl.
M-rt.a tlfar in. I'ul. B-.hann'.n. T.nu l'uricr-KirbncHitl-lf.hn
sliaw. fhjs. Bayli.
t arrai i'.mntr. M.i Mis ne 31,.rin.n .
FaTrttrill M:in.a W . Iarr
riraAaDt Hill Ir. t.'Uius, W. A. rirm-ns.Cai-t.
rink Hiil Jamrs F.win.
Indrprfnlracf tl. . Costrtfll.
LTOtr Jack Dr. BrntuD. 3. W. ArnoM.
DTT-ttiiip 5. J. ritiptteld.
Tb ppl-of I-afarcttt Cfantr, nrr rrpctrii!!y
Tr.jttr-tt-1 t bt.M mtinas. in tli-'ir rt iH-ctivi-toanrhipf.
anl ai.)w.int .l.-lricatrs t. a i'.Hinty l.'n
vratia l br hritlm l.riinxfm.n VVMiiirs.tay. thr
tjf.lh ..f July, f nniiuaf rr.rr-rntatirfs. aaflrt.un
Ir odSrrr. " At thar merlin,r. lrlt-rarrs will als. 1
rlMMva tf rrpn-sfrnf th- of fa.ifay-nr. in Ihr
lrtrirt wnrrntioo. t' bt b l. at Ir&in.t.in. to
aaiinatr a ran.litlal f.r I v.fT-.
K f. VaIi.IIAN.
Mrmber of thr .-state srcutirr C-Hiimirter.
The City and Country.
auzsnoH ros. the susday schools.
Xo. i. How many miracle did onr Sav
iour perform? and on what occasions?
H.m. A. A. King, and Cleorge C. Bing-
Iiam will atHre-j-s the people at Siblev. in
Jactson eoimtr on -titunlav nett tl-e U'li '
va. i-oa oiiiuy . onuiiruj nexi, xi.c .
WK-it Why the gtKKl of A. 3V. KMings.
They are moving off. every fcy. at a rapid
rate, because they are selling at -o-t. The
whole stock is. going; atel we advise tlio-e
who may need govxls tol.x-k to it in time, and
procure their wants, at tn-t. before it is to-
Lite. The stoek ctubrj.-s all ;he staples and
fancies. At cost. No mistake.
Jn.lpr 4AMI 1?. TIKtlt. Hon. J:ItV IMIM-
i-has. t. vium.t.stY ant (,Ki)tti.i: w
Bl-NfiHAM will a.i.!r- the reI'l- -f Lafayette
roncfy. ia thL- city, on tiir f'.h ..I'.lnlj .
It will b r.'niemterert ttTit ttiij ii the .lay aji
pfint'lfirtbt a-wmllhi jf o.;r onnry Iotv
fina. f.rtbf pcreise ( a.miDatiB caB.ii1lat.19 f..r
the srTrrat tla3 f.f the rotinly .
Lrxrwrox. 3Io.. litn.2f). Is.W. Tliis is
tn eertifr thaf thU day I have had three teeth
exfrarte.! without the slightest p:iin. while
ntnler tlie i:iflnen.e of Nitrous Oxid-t Gas.
ImiuistereI by Ir-. Spencer & 3I:ij r. Af-
terthe operation, instead of f.-Iing ilepn-s-.il j enforce the law, anil men violating city or
anl weakene.1. as elilorofonii leaves a jwr- tlinan.-es will lie arre-tetl and punished.'
on, I Mt stimulated frit much la-tfer than ! Well, that is all right. lint we want to in-
he6r- taking th- .1. S. WALKEIt.
StiHb-ntof Sleilteins with Ir. Atkinson.
Drs. Spencer it 3Iajor will make a beauti
ful, entire nppT. or entire lower.- set of t.-th
ft TEX IOLT.ARS. Office on3Lun str.vt.
OTer Zeiler's Tin Shop. 2w
I.lTT?s.iTort CorxTT Ait In Livingston
ronnty, the following ate the officers of the
La. ben Southern AM Society:
Mr. Baalis Ifcivi. PreiIent.
C II. 3Iansur. Secretary,
John D. Vincil. Treasurer.
Eseentive Committee 3Irs. Koalis Davi.
3fr. Jtio. Tj. Vincil. 3ILs Fanny Ware.
Miss 3Iattie Page. Address, Chilieothe. Mo.
Wooies Factory We iinder-tand that
a project U on foot, among some of otir cap
italists, to start a woolen factory at this
point. This is 3 move in the right direction,
awl we hope it will succeed. There is no
point so welt a.lapte.1 to the business none
where fiel ami water is so easily accessible,
and none lie re rents or the cost of building
bless, taking everything together; and sure
ly there ran be no locality where sheep are
more easilr raised. Onr prairies- with an
early spring, a IT. .riling pasture, with ample
corrrinjf nt timber, marks the locality as !
enliarly a &Tored one for the production of
beep, both in large number, and at a low
standard of cost to the owner, while a mar
ket for the manufactured productions is open
tons tn the British possession westward . It
is just the enterprise that will par, and pay
well, with careful management.
Wool. Farmers having wool on hand to
rani, are referred to the advertisement of
Rirharda A Cash. They have now gotten
through the rash of biii-inens, anil are card
ing inuMtfiatrly on delivery. Take your
wool to them in the mornitig. and you ean
take your roll home iu the evening. They
do thi-Ir work in the bet manner, and will
m nirht and day, if neeessarr. to keep up
with promise. We un.b-rstaii.1 the?? gen
tie contemplate putting up spinning n.achin
ery next year, and perhaps, looms, in con
nection with their factory. This is a step in
the rijrht direction, as onr city t sadly in
red f Jast M h an establishim-iit. It will
doubtless he a paying institution to the pro
prietors, ami aving to its patrons.
Hew AdTertiaementa.
Oar rra-r whoara wishing to pcrcha.a a very
V ! aim nt properly ar rrf -rml to the a.l
vrrriaraMralnf Mr. K. J- Wbitr. Ibis pmprry Is
ailaatr4 ia the very tvart of Ibe rify, ani ?luia
blrlorabasiBfni bone, with aaile room abf.Te
far a faatiW rr-tuk-nrr. It will be soM on tu- jstb.
Jarssn Wiaior A RnaerU are about to wad a errata
a tW anMr of Batten. Holt, Trraoa, Atcblson, !
X4awajr. Ac. lor the aarposeor pay inn taw,
aaat aaaaaaa haviag taxable proprrty ia tbrr. or
aarj thaa riaaali.n. caa tarrtbrarrlm troahte by
wailag Ibrrmirrs of tbn gratk-aira.
Mr. Faal Kciaaani. thr arcomawlatiajr clerk of
MrGtcw A t'o . eaa always be rntnul icbis plaer
at law wanton, n Waw Mral, wbtrr be will
Iraaaactaay baFiiar IrO ia his carr
AUaarrcaaVrsaaowhei iatae KreriviaK, For
waaoaaaj and losnaiteioa aasiawM
3bgrtl ha aae of Ukr lariP-et lots of jewrlry rrr
baab'l into this arctioa of Ibe State. U any one
aVajbla what we say, let the, go ia aa.1 look at thr
ach. If yoaf price aaytbiatc, yoo will be are to
T aarhearMs rbraat.
atmi rtraakle a hrary oa snfttsg- elotbina. Hr
. totkerpak4of rootts orrtbr way here all the
taaar, ia ordrr t krrp ap his stock. He blteca
Ml arnbaa; anaata cbaaa. aarf aaiefc BMkiaat oaick
VT tummnt1itB fbat be will ope a school on
tfce arst Hotvbty ia Septmiber The lr. Is wrll aart
ffcraraMy kaowa to ar riiixra. awrl will lontt-
fp act k laras artm! . -
There wn r.o rciriihircelcl.rai'eii of th d:iv
: lii.ro. 1'iiflf-r r:n!"n al mli- t!i.- il.-tv lets h.-t
. ,.,,,..,..,.. i .- lfj !
.! "- i
"liH. il
l'in!t! .ijK".N,
if it win- not lor the wooden- !
'now in ow-r. a very er.-ditaMe old-lime 1
,.,...-..,.:,,.,.,,, tn.-2:iv'.,..!,l liav.- I...U in -
, Brtcwr:1,j. liat the radic-d. loral rur excel- !
; lt'ii, !,'f'.-:i.i-(i mill j-l.m. j.ri'lt'rnn n lit-
i..n .1, t-at.-d thn? i l.m nr. lVrrinir to ti
tl....-. ft... t.. l:t l-i...t L.rt, nml i
tu- m iwrtun in unit- mkm- n. iv
tlu-ro. aiu! hobnob aUonf iifirr" -iUality . au.t ;
yU.h j, at.j.,..,,.,;,,,,, tl ailV ,.,,,.,1 .i. inon
: ration in honor of Uu natal ilay of tlu-
At Oi-n. in-iliam' Spn:. a f.-w riitiirul
whiti nut tlit ri.liri lH-twtt-n tlnm ami tht-ir
,..,. on tin Iii.Ii immi.I. ik-o
roa.l. anil io:n went into un i.icnifnii-inf-. t
m... 1 n..fl fi..h M-fjnt inl. !. tiifniihiuiltf.4 i
............. ....... t
niili a sliirht sjirinUUn-i of i-pi-akinvr, of tin- ;
Yankoe k!i."I. I.ieitt. Ifctvis. o--a!li .l. n-:i;l ;
,, , ,.....,-.,,;,, 1,..!,.....,..!... II.. ...,.!. .
to liavt oiiti'ti-ti tin-
.il of n-r.i'.s. ) lH .iliillc !
, ...... .... ,;.. . - , ;,.
i'" "i"---' - ... .............
Venison:, or e!-i-vinr. i:i l!it- K-a-s-t. i
When Ihi-i .-Me .-how was over, the speak-
,.ri. ,UIV(.(j n to their eonsorf. the niiri.'er
and I vMotte and I a- i
- to the I--k Itepilb- j
lieaiw. All old darkie sail!, in answer to an j
iii.Uiiry as to who sjioke to them. '-de Kkv.
lr looi.-m spoke: and Mr. Vertnot spoke.
There was a pl.-a-aut pi tiit- in iheyrove
of Mr. irub. r; and also one on the grounds
of Henry Wallaee, E-
The Germans, with a school attached, en
tertained themselves near Mr. (.Jratz old
But the big attraction seemed to be the
Our neighbor of the Register did not have
time to tell the p-ople that Cooley and !
Motte spoke at the picnic of the ncjrroes! He
mav have for"-o!t.-n it in his haste.
We are pleased to leant that a furtherpros-
ecufkmof the work of borinr, bean jester- ,
day at the wellontheMcCausland Oil Lands, j
I I lie Lexin-iton. Mo., t'etrolenm ompany
havintr etijiajreil the Koston i St. Louis Co.
to eiirrv on the work, it is intended to sink 1
the well to a depth that will fully develop j
the present encoura'rinr indications. Oil of
a very superior mialify, to the amount of
several barrels, ha been obtained from the
neijhbprin j well, but owing1 to insurmount
able difficulties, further work at that place
has. for the present, been abandoned.
The induration?, we are told, are extreme- !
ly flattering at the 3IcC:iu.-lanilwcl!. ami the i
work which wa commenced vesterdav will i
. ... , . !
tie prosecuted without delav until a final test !
of the matter has been fully accomplished. I
3Iessrs. 1"iit.ir-: Inasmuch as my last
communication did not draw from the Reg
ister editors a reply to my interrogation as to
the shaw l pin a!7air. I take the liberty of re
propounding it. TM not one of the editors,
in public meeting. opjK)se the c-mluri-enieut
of Mr. F. It. Xeet to the governor, for the
ldaee of Refri-trar. hecau-e be had hoiiLdit a
fchaw, .,: 4Ifjohn 31. Van-ban. a C0n-. rv.1-
.t.-..f v- ..... .1... .... :..
'. I ,- , .! " , !
ajt the '-working classes."' and almut !
the -starving process, will he jiist answer ,
inat q-u-sTion-r It lie answers m the attirtu:i-
.-..I.. ,..j.i;.-t...,l ;., ...t.ir..
....e. ..x ., ......... . .tt... j
enilorsed by the League: and if he answer
in the negative, it will be easy to prove that
he has answered falsely. While ou this sub
ject. I had as well a-k the editor, also, if a
Loyal League is not in exi-ten. . that con
trols the question oi" trade conferring it' on
those who are. par excellence, loyal P.adi
.als? I siispeet as much, and am in search
of information under tiiliiculties. You. 31r.
....cor. arecen-n,.-,, uy me m-gter n.r an- j
nutting mymqiiines. and will still In-, but j
that d.Ms not alter the tacts. I want to know j
if it is not the rule for Padieals to trade ex-
eitisively with Pdieals? If so, I want the
inaugurated at once. For
...... .. ... ...... . . v.
im -en. I -.-e ami leei tn.it if is me i.a.li.ai ,
nur. iniL nit i o v 1 I . . i . k. t. .
. . , .
Tim CfTY Oar neighbor on Main street
ays: Our new corps ot otiicers intend to
quire of onr neighbor if 3Iike 15at.s, 3!ark
Stewart ami Tom Hethig have been arrested
for the assauit on young Baker ? Have they
been punished ? Only a few win ks ago. they
wore the collar of the Sheriirs posse. They
kicked up a mnipus with 3Ir. Baker, and we
wi-h to know- if they were arrested and pun
ished? We should like, also, to know if the
negroes, in the habit of carrying arms, and
shooting in the corporate limits, have been
arrested and purd-hed ?
Irr. Cream 3Ir. Biirnes. of the Ice Cream
Saloon, over the store of M. Kinnin & Grtitz.
ditl us the honor, day-before yestertlay. of
treating all hands to ice cream and cakes,
cool and fresh, from his very excellent es
tablishment. These delicacies we found of
the very best description, and we speak what
we do know, that no better cream is to be
had anywhere. The rooms of this gentle
man are now well fitted up, and ready for
the reception of visitors, and we hope the
hixitry-lovin public will not forget the
Wants, Among the many wants here,
few are more prominent than that of a good
tannery. We are told by those having hides
for sale, that for the want of a tannery, they
an forced to .submit to large losses in liidvs.
The sheep skins, worth some $10 or $12 per
lozen, dressed, are lost entirely, forthe rea
son that they will not bear shipment, increas
ing the cost of same. A good, practical
tanner would lind this a first-rate location,
with favorable ground ami water privileges,
for the business, ami might be able to meet
with considerable cash assistance.
Oners ItoBBr.o We nnderstaml that the
circus was robbed of $100. anil a gold watch,
on the tli. after leavingthis place, traveling
in the direction of Waverly ! As we learn
that an arrest has been made for the offense,
we forbear any statement of rumors in re
gard to the robberv.
Fast Time The Kate Kinney made the
run from Lexington to St. Louis, on her last
trip down, in 21 hours, leaving here at 3 o'
clock a. m.. and arrived at St. Louis at 12
"o'clock at night of the same day. Beat.s
the railroad, all hollow.
ScnoiASTic The closing exercises of the
Wellington Academy will commence on
Jlouday morning, July 23d. anil end with
Essays, Ieelainations, Dialogues ami Cha
rade, on the evening of the 24th. Parents
and the public are invited to attend.
Birs Fish A negro man caught a catfish
in the Missouri river, Wednesday last, which
weiglied 17.""J pound-. Tha photograph of
this monstrous cat mav be seen at the artist
rooms of Mr. T. I. Saunders.
A5der.sox's Mr. S. B. Stramcke, of
this city, recently bought the old Anderson
warehoatse, at the foot of Pine street, and is
now about to rebuild it. and put it into com
plete order lor busiiu.
Drowsed A negro man was drowned,
vt onr landing on the 4th, while attempting
to land a raft of logs. We did not hear his
name; bathe formerly belonged to Mr. J.
Bear. Ilisbody was reeoven.-d ou Sumlay.
More C.vsiidates Some one proposes
Frederick Zeiler for Treaym-er, and James
M. Flynt and William Ilixon are mct.tioned
fmr County Court Clerk, in the Register.
The Cemetery An old cow got into the
cemetery', a few Sundays ago-,- and plucked
f all th floer fron, q-w!
A niectin-: of this Sic".-tr w :is luM at lisp I
31. th..,li-t I . t l-- Chinch Soiiiii. on Kri-
.1 .v ft..n.fin list f..i- tl... ir-...-....ii., oflf.i- '
- .
sines. Sever.il of the coti!ii.ttee. reiM.rlc.il. ;
or h,r.-.- li-t :f .-,,.,.1 fliio.r, f,.ril.!
-s ""
iliiiti.-r on tin- IStli, t..-idt -s ii.Mitional ni.-iii- j
lx - rs. ;
The tanr reconsidered the vote In which !
i:it- itati jrr it.iiiy r.-stivfti io navt- in.- urn- .
thcv lt:l in- iotwTv n-solvrt! tolinw tii lin- ;
tinf In c.i.i.. !.- . IX.: t f.t. ..ill- im.l !
n . .-hh m i i. w ti- , .nf
vott'tl to linvc it at tin- l!ailit rlmnli, so,
that rain tnav not iuti-rft-iv with the cntt-r-
tainiiH-i'.t: and that a reunion of th in-ojilt-may
takf jilat-t-in tin- .-vi-ninsr.
Tin So. it-tv :il-;t in; rui l.-.l Mr. K. Win-
sor. Mr. 1'. O. (Jrinif-. an.l Mr. T. I'.lakt- i
Hall, of tl.. I ;.-n.-ral Viirilan.f ..minitt. t
it iahf i-iuirt oi ui- i.r. n.;i.u...u oi iul-
to (Mlif lll:.rfr. f.f l!u or. r-i 1 1. ... i.l
. - i
buil.Iin-j at tin ptom-f tinif.
Tin format io-i of a ki-iilr-cd p.';i-!y i;i ln-
v..r v-w l.un"...l uoi) Mr- Si.cm Ili.-k
a I'l-i-snlt-nt.
Al.-o. t'liit tin- Soi-iftv coti-f
,,... l.,,,..l :., ., .l:..- .. T...r..l-.v I'... '.
...... .... j
lsli iu.-t. , to w lii. li tin pei p!" of tlii ( ity
ami t iwii-lup are invited. I
The President appointed tho follow inr la-!
dies to attend that paireant . a delegates from i
thw Sieiety : Mi-sKota Walla.e. Mrs. Dr.
Ili-rjrins. Mrs. K. Winsor, Mi Kninia l.'.-iu-
lnirtl. Mrs. J. M. Julian, Mt-s A. 1.
Vauirhn. Miss jahe Hawkins. Mrs. C. (.
liriuies. Mrs. .t. 11. Aitiin-rer. Mrs. M. W.
Wither-. Mrs. K. Uarley. 31 r. Amos tire.-n,
3Irs. Moll io Mcndcnhall. And. on nioiiou.
the rresi.l.nt. Mrs. J. u . Uadd.-U. was
Lot- -mill. ,.!.-. . , i il, a-)
,. , , . . . . , I
idded to the committee. If is rci!i---tcl that
,, , , -. ... 1
Ihe nicmtiers .f the eomniittee wear a white i
.... . ,. j
rosette on the left hrca.-t, as a bade of
tinct ion.
It w as announced that Prof. Trendley pro
posed giving a concert in aid of the fund of
the Sof.-ie.v-, if agreeable to the ladies. Af-
tera vote of thanks to the Ii-of. s-or for his , re-olutioiis, and to report at the next ineet
renerous oiler, the rresid.-nt appointed the I inir: Ir. ll.-nry, Col. O. I. Warren, lr.
following ladies as a committee of co-opera- I Kusseil.
tion with herself, to make all the nece-.-ary I On motion, it was determined to -rive a
arranrenieiits: 3Iiss 3Iol!ie Price, 3lrs. la- ;
vid Kusseil. ami ,Mis Pat. Vaurrhn. j
l nose ueues w unnsr to t:ike part m the con I
cert ot Prot . I'l-endli-y. were nonestcd to ;
meet at the residence of Mr. E. Winsor. on
3Iondiiy evcn'itur. at '.t o'clock.
The ladies are making large preparations
for the dinner of the 1st Ii . and w ill be able
to accommodate almost anv amount of com-
panv: and thev cordiallv invite all who have : pressive of the scn-e o! tlieorgan.a.ion. pre- rH,, i-i..-saie- r ,-.rk at ,hoa!
tlic trood w ork at heart to meet them on that ' 'n- " following, which were nn.nmrous- ii-r- KU-s iptr-riircl lcun iae y .
occa-ion. not simply the citizens of Lexing- j
ton. or LiiiiL'ton town-hiii. bur tlinui'dioiit
the county, and the t-ountics adjacent. j
'llie meeting of ladies appointed to lie held '
, ... . .... i
as ahove stated, at the re-1. It -nee ot .Mr. r..
Winsor. convened at the time and place ap-
ptantetl. ami was Well attended. AVe un-' i;--..lv. .1. 'I ic.t v. !iil.- we w.ml.1 im-, ly n . ...!iti
, . i . .i i i- i ... i .. - 1 t-al -...-ill. :t l. tl.i- a.-ti.tn, v. t ill lie-. r r 111-
derstand that the ladies who prolicred their , ,Uui,-ihe.-l..ui.s ..rt !.-t 1.1..111- "i tin ..i.-.iv:i.
services on the occa-ion of Prof. Trct.dlcv's , ': Jaii-n in i; t. -.- ..1 i:..- .i:U.
- l:.-f.Iv. -l, 1 1. at. w I. it.- we ch.'i'eli cvt-rv ri'ltnuit;
concert, adopted measures for its succcs-ful ! inilu-aii..!. ..f I'.-.t.-i- an.l ir--i -uy to ..nr c. nm..n
i .- .. r. . ... i rniintrv. we v. ill in n- Mav i.r.v.. rTreiint t the
iiiaug.u-a.iou. in me sciccuon 01 m-t-ie. e. !
a !
n a xt- TnUf"sr.tiTTT- a tn i-irrrTv 1
.l.i v la-t, the hidies of Ihivis Town-hiji tin f '
attheltepuhlicanChun h. as appointe.I. f..i- j
Ihe urpo-e, among otln-r thiiigs. of orani
-.',' .... .. . ., -
...I'lie-; .lei 11-; ui.ti mi. iisi-.io
T. ,..,.,;,, .v . r,r,,,.p ... ,. ,
meeting was
j Higgins. K-q.. and ati election got:
into for
! T.erill'l 11,'l.t olIlei'T-S V l.i.-l. re-i ttlei 1 -1- Tl 1! Io I
1 - . ...... ... ,
v.-s f..r..li..,. It..!l..s T.-...:.io.,r
3l;s. John K. Johnson V. Pies.
3Irs. Charles liiie. S-.-rctarv.
.Mrs. . A. INiuter i reasnrer.
I he meeting w as a verv large one. we are i
told, and ttie rain tiid not cool down the ar
dor ot the he lie.- in tin- t'ooil cause
Tint Law Tint law-abiding Padieals nev- '
er violate, law: not thev. Thev. under the
ilirecfion of John IJ. Pimvoti. eonmlv wirli i
!he ; They did it when the nmek offl.rers I from w hich if emenat.-s; and expected, at
, . n,),.k ,.j,v eoln(.a RM Ul,.jr 0;llIl ,;,., . ,,.., . r,.,.,.v.
lovaUy, at the Iteirister's hou.-e. late at night . ! mandeiiii- of the Old Sixth, but not a ...-!:
-n,, -:.s tl...l..v- .l ..v,.i. if tl.etl... i;..r. i i ..i.,.,., n. .. i.t,,, .
-.,,,r ,,-, nt m u ti,
it is easy for him to ;
s:lv . anij that i law. ti.-cau
Kiltiyon !
u a a, wonl-Pnt lie. lie woul.1 go !
.1.., 1 : 1.:... ...v. . ...1 1. .
'!... u it g.ie 10... e. -v i.c ;
uew council will go tiy tin-lav 1 I tie isegis- i
ter sai l they would. To comply with law. j and little fishes' what a change has mine
these same gentry that are so Ioud-mou'ln-d ,,-or the spirit of ..nr dreams, in Ihis once
about its violence, appointed Mark. L. 1 e i proud oi l Sixth li-trict. P.ul. then, s-erN
3Iotfe. eifyattomey. That was law: but not : ouslv. we don't wnnderat tin- line reception
all of it. The laws provides that the otliecrs j of the doctor; he is good looking, and that
shall be conferred on citizens. Ic3Iotte is ; o-oes a great way with Radicals, for the n-a-not
a voter, not having been long enough j son that tin most of them are -o aboiiiiual.lv
from Vankeedoilletlom to he entitled to a ugly. And besides this fact, we suppose the
vote! Still these wooden-headed importces i doctor. r sreneral. we know not w hich title
talk of law law !
The Post Oitk e The law in regard to
the publishing the list of letters is, that it
shall be given to that paper having the lar
gest number of subscribers w ithin the deliv
ery of the office not the largest general cir
culation, but the largest local circulation;
both of w hich, however, we claim to have by
some hundreds. It is also provided, we be
lieve, that the letting of this work shall In
quarterly, and that all newspapers may have
a chance to compete, for if. I'mh-r thi u i
derstanding of the law, we, sometime ago,
made application for the letter list, staring,
under affidavit, the circulation wc had within
the delivery of that office. Instead of a civil
and gentlemanly answer from our short
sighted postmaster, an attempt was made to
insult us, and drive us from our purpose;
and afterwards, we were plainly told that
the circulation we claimed had been commu-nieab-d
to another party; that it was not the
time then to make a change, but when that j eil.H-s every one else know, that every time he pub
time should come we would be notified in li-lw such mis. rahh- tmT a-that, he pulilMic? a
writing of it. The quarter commenced the
1 . 1..I.. 1.... - : k,.. ..... I
-i .t.i. out i..' iriTi.ni in, iii'iii . ....ii e
might file a new .statement anil affidavit with j ,.,.fi j p.-ttimr votes, ami only pot the ..m.-.s
Ir. Alexander; and instead of complying ! through frainl and ra-rality ; am! I won.l. r at a man
with the law, instead of fulfilling his prom- ' w'" pul'li-Ites s., many pieces about uphol.lin the
ise, that officer quietly gave the priming out j ,llw- vi-.latin-r law an.l s....n. as the editor of that
.. ., , ' riaiM-r .l.K-A, woiitil take an oiti.-e a.-he hastlone. He
to suit lumsell, without reference to law or . , ,, .
' ' receive.! a -mailer number -t voles than auyean.ti-
justicc. lestenlay morning, we called on
the postmaster, to learn some! hing about the
reasons ftr llii.s singular prtM-ecthu e. In-
stead of irettimr a favorable answer, or civil
treatment for our trouble, we were told bv !
this far-sighted, christian, an.l obliging j-o-t- j ,r be ever had any.) and they .-aid t.. Itunyop.
mastr, that, he wanted no social inter- j "Now, Kunyan, you have Ihe is-uinnf ihene or
course with us," that "he did not want to lie ' tiiu-ates and altlioiiirh smith. Tool .tin. were .-l.-c-
insultcd by lis, "Ac. This is decidedly re-
freshing; that a sworn officer of the govern
ment cannot distinguish between social in
tercourse and the discharge of a. sworn duty.
We said to Or. Alexander, "that it was im
possible to insult a man who had, according
to common rumor and belief, prostituted his
office, in violation of his oath, and in viola
tion of decency, taken upon himself to open
the letters of others, thereby prying into the
correspondence of all, both male ant I female,
and who was too contemptible for even a
puppy -dog to bark at u-nnthe street." We
did not think such a creature could Im insult
ed, and therefore would not attempt such a
herculean work. We were simple-minded
enough to suppose that our postmaster knew
the difference between the discharge of a le
gal duty and the obligation of civility in so
cial life, YV ask ami expect nothing from
such a venomous and vindictive radical a
our postmaster, except what is due us bv the
1 1
law. That much we desire, and mean to
have, for the short remaining time it will tie
his privilege to serve a public- that he has so
long abused, and if we cannot have this hv
fair means, we are determined to have it by
such means as will induce it . The offi.-e be
longs as much tons as to any citizen, inclu
ding the postmaster, who is nothing- more
Chan the servant of the people; and much as
that officer may dislike it, he ran make up
his mind that we do not intend that his su
perlative malice and little meanness shall de
fraud us of it. We deraafid of him nothing
that he is not compelled to give by law. So
cially', we would spurn him from us as a
common malefactor. .
t :iin.-et'ii-oltl..Thi.l.es,.t Thwer. e.i.l-d
lor t hi- niiriMise of turilllM! :i 'U! Hern .xltt
Sf.i..iv." .... .....ti...i. lr. ?f,nr ib .lit-srii
.-iii)...r;irv !i: inii.in. who. upon t;ikinjr Hie ;
ch-iir. iM -m :"ii.ro'iri:iti :-.!!.! ti-Wiliff manner. !
. .
invoked '.lit- ilmin- W iiiyr iipoti the iR-opie
,.r,.,ciit . an.! the destitute and Mdlerin-r !
Smith.- women ami chiidreit. The ol.j.-.-t. i
oi nit- iiit-t-ioi m-in j.i .'i-. .
of th- rnvtin- i-iiiir tm-oimtIv r!I;uin U
llm oiintr- ! w tl )! i 1 1 1 a kfl I ! 1 1 tt I All Wt'llt lilt' I
t it .....
tlif -l.--ion of lTmaueiit onit-crs of tin' S- ;
The following ollii-ers wen; unanimously j
Mr. Sr- I'sth k- I'resi.Ient.
Mrs. K. ('. I roth Vi.i
Mrs. K. iani. ;t.. or. and Id -. See.
Mi-s M.irv U ai rt u -s't See.
Mrs. .1. M. Ciianey Treasurer.
On motion, the lYe-idt-iii annoiineed Ih
f !!-vin-r l::t'i' s as a Hoard of Managers:
Mrs. r. Kus-eli, Mi-s stark
lr. Ilenrv.
Ir. Mi.itr",
A. r.arn.-U.
.1. 1. Thistle.
Sain . I iowtiine;.
Jack 'order.
II. I linw iddie,
W. A-I.'iry,
Jos. lai I..-1TV,
Miirk licit,
J. M. fhar.pv,
T. y ;i:!ip!icll,
M:i!. t;rcen,
K. 'Wel.h.
Marv " aviiiau.
i :. I inf. .1'. L
Sallie Warner,
l;. Mu-her,
U. l'lScir-r,
I.. r-;ick.
.1. riatteiibur,
J. 1
tb-imie i iroves,
Annie Carter.
Annie Cooper,
l-'aunie I'at-e.
S. Vleminir.
c. Hockc.-m:!h. j
. , , , . ,
On million, tile followne' l.itlit-H were ap-
. , ,, - -. . .. t
pointed a (.oniUlItt.-fOt l-l'.alioll tl the l.t-
. , . ...
inton lniner, on tin- lih:
Miss l.izi.-Csti.-k, Mrs. nownitisr.
Mrs. Or. liii.-sell. Mi- tiia Uuford.
Mr. !:.,.
On motion, the Prc.-idcnt appointed the
followinir fenilenien a eommiltee to draft
rrami dinner, at Dr. Un-scil's jrrove. a lull"
niile west of Dover, on the I.pinj.'fon road.
on July 12. with a splendid ent'-nainnient l
Mr. White's Seminary, at i.iht, in ai-1 of
the funds of the Soii.tv.
On motion, the meet in; adjournrd.
At an adjourned im-eiins
coiiiniiuceapi.i.uoci. ... ......t . .v-
""I'tcl. ami or,!ercl to b. sent for p..!)-
neniion to tne '. auca-ian . -inn r.xpress:
n-,,,'"'!' .''c :". i 'h iV . .Va.'.--'iT- '..'i "oVi '. tT-'iV.l.'.Y llT r
c our.-i.-t. r -..nili.-rn stale.- nr.- m .: .arat.. -ly
in . .in iiiti-lnnie-; tin r. l.i .-.
i;, l,.i., , i :it we fullv n t-nit- tin- el.iiins thev
-J;"' "l;';",.'" m'1 a,"i tu tx " "f
i,,,!i.HV..l,l,-ti..tis t , ,, ity'an.l r.-m.-:.ii.raii. ,-1.. I
UK.-.- u liiee mi -1". irtuue hax ln-. ii t". .11 iri t iil. vtl:.ta
I l:.-si.lvi-.l. 'Umt. m iiil' we -rive f.f
i.lir sllli-tiillce.
I ci .... f-..I tt. I
I m wi 11 .-.r....-Tl v .... ..Li- tin lit-i.t.-.-tii..! itli.1 n..-1-t-ie.
et tl. :o. .1 in i..1i iii'. i" iin ..tcIuh. Hi nl.. . fir
;i::;.1S,IV-,:-..?T-'.T;.,'"h""l 'J1"' "",rl':,a:'1-
Jf. ur.ler of tin Iv
K. ... i.AKNKI T, or Secretary.
ci 1 1... -....t.... .... .
.... ...... .0 .... ;
iiouneiug him-elf a candidate for Congre.-s
ii-il... 1 1 1 -t t ;it !"T; .. 1 lilli- in.-lll.lTll
late and j
j signature, iii the Register. Tin- d-Ktor is
I indeed briel : and when the matter is over.
,., , ... . .. !
f .11 it i in.- -.on- t t.ttiu. ii- kiii
' rw,itif if'ittli- slwirt tlclt he will he rcloiliiled of i
his little card in the- Pcgisti r. Then, there
is less in those, thirteen lines than one would I
I expect from so gn at a man from a .Tineral,
a doctor, a surgeon a puMici-f, a religionist !
, r:t,li..;,l We h.l 1,...'.,,1 for thi- car 1 tl ,
t.o .i i.-l.-fi,l l,r st.i..-. J-hk i.i' tto. fri-i..,t .oi.1,1 i
tac'.ii-s; but a simple announcement that he
has" -n well received, wherever he has j
- ,,.. bv Uadi.til Pnioti
w h'niers. alias j
- . -i-i . 1 . 1 -
tusilllion.s.s. i neso. lie lei.- u-. iookcu 10
hnn lor tin .ougres-tonal race: e I. oils i
lie prefers, is really the lcst looking man in
the ranks, and decidedly the most t.-ielnt.-d
man of the party in the district; anil that,
with those who know tie-general, will all'ord
a fair expo.-ition of our ..pinion of the talent
of the whole party. We commend the iratl
ieals for putting up their very best man, as
they say at the horse show, best for all
purposes." But there arc a largo number
of our iople. some of them voters, and
some of them disfranchised by this same
Dr. Cooley, who will exclaim
' Now , in the im me of atl ttie pro.! at once,
I'pon what meat .loth tins onr t a-ar iVeii,
That he has crown so ireat V'
.fudge Hindi's appointments for speaking
are: Lilierty, July !; Platte City, July 14;
Wesron, July lfi; Richmond, July 2.1; Lex
ington. Julv 2".
Mis?n. EruT.ms: I notice the ctitor of the Rojr-i-terstill
iii'Iutire- in his juhilce over the defeat of
the i. tix-.TVative party, a.- he terms it, at the late
citv election. Tlicv.litor til that i-Ie-et know, ami
wilful lie. The present Mayor, I on-tal.le anl four
Otimeilinen. socallcil, have no -ha.low of rijrht to
. ti,.... ... . ,
,:l. t.iil-r ti.-k.-t. II.-knows he is not the. i.ir.-
of the voters of his waul by a larse iiiii.ioriiy, but
j one to the character of the ra.liea! party. In- lakes
! 'h "ttU r "' r":,, "r wroim, for n .tliinit i-
like ..nice to theni. In the person of old John R.
Iliitii-un ttiv I. .....l m tn iv I... ..a. . .t-i..! i i .1,h if ... roe
! '-. J," K'1'' " certitti-ates t the men nl your
pariy, an.l we w 111 iiiiotf j oti iiefi..er 01 uieciiy 1
Kunyan done as ordered by Turner, liavi A o.,
although in substance sworn to obey the orders r.f
ttie Tims l.'oilncil: but true to the character t.f tlie
party, anythimr foroftice; and Uunyon mild tint to
Turner. t'n. for the pitiful oilier t.f ity Kepister.
He anticipates a r.m.. lime specnluriitir in citylifinds.
Anything to-t.-t oilier. It" y oil can't jret these by the
vote ol'the people, steal, or buy, or get them by any
means the end justifyinit I he means. That is the
true doctrine of tlie radical party a practiced here
tofore. I have been solicited to join the radicals;
but I want to Ax the .late. It will be when the fol
lowimt mrossiiHL ities occur: When the radiral.s
in Missouri cease to steal, rob, swindle an.l murder;
wheo old John Itunyonor ("tot;,l Uepravitv ') ex
hibits some of the principle of a white man, and
cea-ies to lie, swindle and act the villain in divrrfl
other ways; when old Turut-r dm-s the (..tni, and i
addition thereto, ficis an ollice hy the free, untram
meled votes of tlie people, of Lexington or Lafayette
county, instead of stealing it, or procnrio;r it by
fraud; when the editor of the ICeeisfrr i.ssu- a ropy
I of nb Vl'r without pui.li.i.iu;? a wilful lie; when
j ,he n"''cal ?. Ua" ? ,h;ir -" ia'
I men who wink at the highest crimes known to Mr
j ,,, iaatit,r: mvn vho will rb 8t,.al! ,, nille ,r
those who do ihe same : men who will swear u. a lie
as quick as the truth, when dollars and cents are
concerned, and eare notions- for principle, a the
present sheriff has done. Men who will don Ihe ftarb
of a preacher of the gospel of the son of God, and
make it his daily study how to cheat and defraud
the i-rnorant African; when they cease to take men
out of the sink boles of corruption and depravity,
and elevate them to other, if they will promise to be
faithful to Ihe party, and do their dirty work.
When these things coine to pass, I possibly may
Join thcradiearparty. If I vhould before my friends
may gay that I amTbtiUly Pruraved, and have been
registered upon that e.atulf.jrue of crime and villany
Beoasaarj to my aui fellow hip and identification
with the radical party the only disloyal party in
the country. It is hiih time the people of Missouri
awake from Tbir l-tharsr"-, ant htrr! rtit-throats,
robbers, -thre-ret., atwt iB3fiefr to.n aff
On Dit II is said the f.dlowiii-r .i-i-.ii.s
"" ''" Hi-.-t.-d to ...iiiiii.tnd the radical
.1 . ..1. .. . . ..? 1 . . 1. ..
' of Tommy Fletcher: S. S. Liirle. .'a;.-
ti . . t.i . i i ... . i
"""- - - uiiii.hu, .m-i
"Mr? luni.T. i-l I .i 'in.-t.alit. Miice
1 : i I .... . .. ..
" ,-' " t
I "aw ":,r - e..lld.iec in the Un-1
t!"'J' '"' "" ';'- 'ompai.y.
r i, t m...,;.
a. . . i .m . v . '
l(l a,t,ii,.ii xi if ltfoph oi T II r 11. Il V "ISiTn
-,,,,,., ujd-jet, rotuiiiotfitis' :;t Uttonviljn on
the l!)lh. ami endinir at Versailles uii (he 4th
Wf.i.i. Mixr.n Al. the jrtexl-Iookin-r
har-tetider at Saunder's Saloon, ean mix a
drink to suit the most fastidious.
We ktiow
j this to be the ea-e.
- -
; !.rri. .1, cm !. "it:.r tt '.fm'v s
t r -mi . . . Mr. .IM V l.t.In
. I.i:i.l H Ktl. .I V. .iv.-ilv
!.. !.v r. Tat
.l:i, t.i Aii
I S'-.xr St .!..-. i h. mi ?w Ttfh in-t , lr R-v
! Mr Kom in Mr l I n ti'Vhr ( ..f
; t' .Mi-s.lKMi: Y-.!;T. f :i-haii;in i-oijntv." j
I f ti.jv rifV, n tit !rh in-f , Jiv V.'-v K
tU fMimtv. ti Thi- .lid in-T . Alt. v if. hii.h to ,
J'ii.-.i M 111 .iJ r.. it!i ! Jakain county .
fif 'I. In Itii- citr. ..1 t!i7tli inf , W'!I.I.!K F.I F.
i s.'ii .f 'tin.-. .1. nrcl l:ov K. F'lt-tclif.r, uj.-I v.-ars
i 3 n...iiili nml H .lavs.
fUMtv. ..n the ;.th in-t . Mr . ' V
r.f lai i.l J r..vi-II. au-. -i :17 yr.ais
-In thi- t itv, Julv 7. l-'ifi. I. l'l, infant
i. , .. ...
oinudt.r ..f - W aii.i .-ii-mi Ann K.ithlv, agct i
! in..-cli--m.l bi.
Uietumili.l i.iiAt- i.lriso mr.r
',,u ' 11 tj.
tn tiii -itv. .luivth. Mi-s !"V kissf.i..
Hale calL-uiitii. a..'.t 1.'.
St. Louis Market.
.Sat rKD.iv, June SO.
f;oi.l Lime I.iS.
Til.- 'r..!uc m-rt.-t inurtive t'-'l'iy. FL.ur
was c.ntrar:iti . ly titill. -in.l all rra.l.-s vt-re lua
tfrial'.y lower than at t'ie tir-t -f tht wk. Wh. at
was s-l-.w f-.r a!! .i-scri.ti.ns. I ..m ari-l cats w.-rc
firn.-r, with lilit r.-cci..: -r..vii..n .jui. t t-ut
r.nn.-r. Tot.a.-c.. lively . II. -n.;.. n. T 1-i t. ir .l.ip.
Iltll ( I'll f liL' la. .Ill Ss! Nl t. ; 4;t; c.ltia.t.n
wfj;,); -lii.;.ii.?l.af $-.i r.-ul.i .vi: nianui.n-;u-
ilrs .1. nr. it i.l- ..u i rt..!- r.i.-tl.
! FI.I (lu
n.oi k i..i.-t.t.-iipiit. Sal- s at i.v , r
Sal. s at
ll.. I .
WI1KAT Market v.-r .lull
Sale- ef ..Mat ?1 I.'.
Julv 7th. .hel1 :r': -'-
I..I.-V M... L..f ,... ...t s t fS
. -( . , in. lu.lin
(fiN". VImi.. incht'liit i;iit-f! ti clutire w i.itc
Port of Lexington.
.July rt Kate Kinin-y, f-.r Leavenworth.
- ' il Ci.l.ii-ii'l... I'..r .ijnatia.
4 Stonew.-tfl. lor cin:ih:i.
' I iv. ,i -in, i iiy . f..r si .I..,-.
4 W -li-iiine, f ir v-ni:itia.
" Ii II S I i,,, 1 11, 1;. 1S.
tt W .1 l ew i. f ir 'mal.a
il l-o-l 1-...V. f-.f -t. .loe.
" M-i.-.t. for N. -I.r:i-ka ity.
" !t Ni-1 '1 r.t--. . fo-1 iii.i.iia.
" l'l Nile. I'..r tllnaha
' lU t laia. f .1- -I J..-.-; ll.
I i I'm: 1:1.
J'.tty "! Fveninc star, first T.on:.
' 1 .t. mi ie Hi'.. An. f r -t l.ouis.
' 4 Kfte Kinn.-t. l.-r-t. Iitu..
- 4 . orti. li:!, fur -t I...111-.
' l oi'tl . f .r .-t Lenin.
" .i l-ii'i-. il:l. f-M t i.oili..
."i Y. n-.w -r. .!:.-. f.,r-t. I.'iuir.
" 7 V- ...ity. l-.r-l. L.mi-
" 7 Miner, f.'r si Lot.i-
' 7 t.luial.ian. 1 r -I !....
' s r.i.n.i . it.. ! .r -t. I ...ui.
' tt ravor.te. for .-1. I..mi-.
Tli-Tiv.-r i-fiili!i-;-l.i!v. wilti e!-iitv of w at.-r
r ,r ::'.! ruii s. i rri-ta-. up. .; ! ,u, 4.1.-.
rsjlCf'tftf OfiCCS.
laxtn-r rrrcm.-. fijien. .! a siitnii:er rei: i-soini-iii
room and Itiniiii Hall f .r the a. -comm.. cation of
i.nrii.-s ami i.t ntli men, I am now
ii-ej.arei to serve
up Ire 1 ream, L.-inoliao.- ana like at a moment
not ire. A1-. Warm M.-aU ami oyster, at all
"" f' I '"'"' K.-m.--iiii-r ttie j.ia.
! lninit-fliatrlv iiv.t Mi Kianin
iiatf-.- I iotliiiij
I.. HAltMls.
toiv. fvlltf
This is ttont- in tli.-ti.-t orittrl.v Mcl'.HiMIi K'.s
IMl'ltoVl.ti MACHINE for Ink. No machine un
prove.! it-.-lf in n In mp ti. l l but this. i.,J0k U,
"oiir eel ..let ornii. iv ieaiers ami -t.-e wii;it new
pint. art- wanti-.!, i.i-ii.re llarve--T, ami call on our
i uirent, Mr. II. J. Armstrong, at Lexinirtoi who
w il, M1,,,iy you with part,, or unli r a new m ai ltint-
f,,ryou. jei.i im Met oKMIi K IlUijTIlU
The .loIIS P. MANNY, ami the celel.ral. .1 Itfs.
sKLLL KKM'Llts, which have not L.-n Iteatrn.
lti MAI'IHNHS Willi improve. KI'.IIT IH.lt-E
lt iw'Klts, all for salt in I.t-xinirton liy
jtl:llm II .1. AKMsTltoNXi, Asent.
Harimr riven this machine a fall an.l fair trial
ihtri!i the pat s.-a-on. I take p'.-a-ure in rcfoiii
lneiiiiiu? il to the I'iriuers of Lafayette as f.ne of the
best, if not the very bet. combined inactiines in
u-e, as a Keaper and Mow. r. It-, li.titness of draft
and adaptability to rourli or roilinc: in'oiin'I, sim
plicity tif construction and ea-e with which it ia
changed from a mower to a reaper, or vice versa,
together with tlie impossibility of clojrK'inir. are
among its many exoell. ncies. r'.. ALLKX.
II .1. Ai;.MTi:i)(., Ancnt, I.evini.-ton.
"New Advertisements;.
YIIM.I'ir.RV and niEKSSTI ikl;.
llavine a ociated themselves ill 1um- ,
, l-S.HH.tl'.lil,- a, ,.,...... ... .liu l...li.. ..r 1
Lata', .-tt.' and a.t.ioii.in eounti. , llial th. y
are alwav? .ireiiared t.i exeeuti-orders in -i-
th.-r Imsinos, in the n. -it. -t and newest siyle-..
Al-o, 1'liltinj and Indeiiible stampinir tlone at tilt
shortest notice. Thankful for 1.11.-T pairt. uac, they
Imjif to merit a continuation of the aine.
Mare oa Mala Mrrrt. in Liairic-k' Baakiafir
Iive uc n call, and see for yourselves.
LexiiiKton, June -7. 1-siti. ' .ie -27 2m
(ilass, Taint., Lo.nl, Oil & Dye Stuffs,
Fine Soaps, Ierf'imeries, and Toilet Articles.
Fine Chewing ami Smoking Tobaeeo,
A Nice Assortment of
Wall Paper and Hintlow Shades,
7nr iT.'n.'. f- Brandies for Medicinal
Al-n an evcrllent
Soilii l'otm t Jlill,
from which he will be pl.-n.-d to fi:mib thr -nb-tic
with that pi. a -..nt so l liarll:les- be.eraue.
T. .1. 1I.LTI 1!l:tt,
jt-:mr At the stand of Whittlrcj Kletcher.
Instirance Notices.
Horse Instiiamr Company!
PHOTI:. 1 yo.iiselver. I.y iii-tinii?; your horses in
tin-Miss. uri liitc Horse In-urance ami lietec
tive 1 ouipanv. al Alexandria, Mo., capital Mock,
L3"l'tii- I.s the mtsf respon . ible cotti)ny in the
Mvit, and insures live si..ck
1113 15 3m JoriN" ACT.!.. Agent.
Ksl RCWlTII THE ril:3i-.
l-in nN 31 Kolc I
riMlE Puorvtx lxrii.cx
I liiui'.r. of llnrlford.
t oiinecticiit. can re-in-ure at ii"ljay
the 1, ,-!... e I-.... t.(...: i-i-k "' '
now upon its Imoks, nuinberin? over sixty thous
and, iii-rhMrifc all ..bliiitiocs, re.-ent ht prm.
iiecKive, of whatever nature, pay- hack to st.wk
nolders every dollar of its capital stock, and retire
from business with a clean net cash surplus of
Vo coniirtitirn with "U'ilfl Cat, fr -fmrpliahl-r?
lnipHoi doing busiues Tor je!orv irfi. feathers,
may 9 3 m JOHN A ( XL, Ag-nt.
W. i HOjlWCLt
3Ioicli n t rM?n iloi9
HAS RKMOVED nnposite his oM pf nl, rp prsirs
ovr tr itrtr l O Hunx, on Main strr it.
JTiut just tVmVrit his rtn und rrunnner itock of
rrNE rREN:H rr-onis,
TT rfptftilTt inTites his oH rirrt?itfrl. ao!? tTMl
pohiic tii' wily, t? gJv hits rH aj5 ju
i toi'KT
t. Vav ;i n.i.f H
w. r
K. A H.ni .U .S.C O.
Stit-.....f.r- l. M. ...cis lii.k:tl,
Fraaklia Mrrrl. oarl laMitr lir.t.t llnnfce.
(OI NTRT rnolif. K IjImi in rirhaT-'r f.
4 it i.M-!-I--,
i.;v"ii a auJ tii
c. ."l Jiu
rljiht by ym
1 l MI
I at
l MI. 1.1:: I.l Miil'.C:! All r hard Iwm-
f.llf li:t:i 11 1-- i i-irt li;iiPTIU, Hi I
t: ncr. liw I ! I.-xifr;t..n. Or.i.-r-. will
; (if niit 'i (.ro'iij'tn , iilS' J"W r'T-.s a.- t ;ii ii: ;'i hi j
j jnU'ii t.n tlif M-ry 1'iMt-f r:i! Wf Imvf
I llif lam'-' Jt:il r ii'tiM-! li.l v uriiUT l.i'- Mi lit
' UMit-r
!.--t 1 i-l uii'i ;il i':tr.i;;i!.lt- i-ric-.
of liiTnltvr .n. irtt-il to ui l r.
.liCl III.,!. X. IlI.Kl.f OKI?,
I AVK oi.ht.i, 1, :it Vt. Iif.rj.c-. Mo., Lm:r aud
A m. n ru sew i"1. fi i
Dry (lootl.-j and Groceries,
in ;irii Jt -f i-,w ii.ctr m:uk'-t :tl j in i io
liiiv tin C' liihl- no-i.i tli;-ir cti Ti-ii:-!- f r.l..t-t i.iir-
j j'n.--. iu; v. lil - li cseij Itjiiii; .-ii nt j.riil, it mi
I t ii'ti r !- K'ir. l.'.in -I t itinir. i. im ii! tit- i :-
tn.li ty ..J ili.-ir lt i-ii'l in tiit tniildlf f-i::li-
i.-rlrru ;::rt ni'tlu- c-i:ii: j . tna.;; zi i
;uot j:i;ii:.: c.Kccxnirs::
tii.vs. w-. iiicoins. l.-n iiaui) r. hays.
III((;i.S & HAYS.
ttHOLEvlLK .153 RLT.UL (.R'Jt ERS.
Flour ami Commission
iti; IIAXTN,
Arcana I Dili Huildin-jr,
l.cin-:(oii. Mo.
flHK alov I'irm wiiM r-M'r;fdiIv annniinr
1 th-it U.cy aiv iu rt-cvija a ir Nt-.W
St I' m !S itt Hif :ilni f ltnc, anil rta-iy to ntt.-mi l.
v;il I in ir Mock v ill liv t.iin-i !i ii:tirac.- all
it apiiclt - u-ii:iHy toumi in a a-11 rt-,guitcii iui
ai-jiiiiiii-t-til t'tHtabli.-Uuictit, such -.
ROPE, all sizs,
MACKEREL, in barreh, half barrels
and kits.
Also, a well-selected stock of
fOlVTBT rRODIf T. Taken in
I'm hantr for ioods.
July 4 ly
l rwrh Whtkf5, fiom fniltMttiOti of nvr twe-nt
4ifFriit kiutfa of r"ti. t-rk nni Iril. hti met im
frtwrt ennrrt nti wit tb Ather. rtrw1 finm tit
riitml fwrmnla by tlie (rrt rtit-f R1 JrkC.
tw Ir. Ctnapiti, who u-. iht-m ixv-af)illT itt him f rate
tie Ptr mauiv feni. til ! thir rtra1) prr-t
ipnlut it? in tit tr-mtniMit nn-l cur of ! fi-p.-!,
bvM-Cmplwnt. 0'trtiMtr.n, fcrk au4 N-tt..iw IIfai4
mrh Fxr ani A . mn4 all din marmi iu-fMtK ftuia
t'trprtl Hr anil iitrfiErti-m. P-twitmi rnnlh-riug ftrmn
itnr of t)ro Tfiat()MMir dil mmrm wiH ftni a ettr bv th
mm of th Bittri, which mrm prt1-cy pnr ail fr
tri l xhmm Hrttii nwd pnnonft sTrwfiiTl pnt n fit t'trHl
BptfftCiif-i. p--)rtrt oW m an iwip'tiii(: nl.tic
A .ff'- trial will t-onin thm tn. mkptiml tliut ia
thm RED JACKET tbvrn la a .rtua ttua tw other
Bltt-n i
Thy Hfrmnefhmn an4 la-rlcrrrat fim mmmra.
Hi ato nifaiftlli1 for rrer-al dU.it.
Thjr mrm a cm lor
Th? ci tni iMaitljy ari-rtl!.
Thr aaOiPt difrtitn.
Tht; pahfv tli retH unrl fMit rrf tirattnmafli.
Th5 cur DtaUTfi-tiT-ft. anrl ClHrVrra M"rft.
Thy ar ita antil4tt to citftrtg of w.ttrr and alt.
Ttiy ar th bemi timnln in -wMfrr.
Thmy ar a frnfi of fwmt au4 Agu.
They rl it rr CoMtlmtiofi.
Thy enr Tf-nanm Htvimrhm.
Tlrey aro prfKtly para and patatab?.
Th imnin RRD JACKRT RTTTERB jrmt1ranl,
la qnart bottlwi; uvr hy tite gail.itt.. qnart r pint,
fCftj tlmt onr prhratGovruaitittaup ia nn broke
Tor each crk.
Iktr! I -y ail drofrifiita arttl dealeTa thrmighotrt tba
Cll W RM .t-trkt atirj tak an ather.
Circaiara tn thm tra1e ttiM ited oa pp4ieaticm.
nszxn nmxs i co
lftv IC lMtli MMil fttreet,
ct. louis, no.
Ativt-rtiseinciil -.
tki:xs:w omo vi
: M
iu- iik. at;irt'itai ty Mr. A. Jiiv'r, rsit
ia i-j-a: e si... (:: f i
J.i' tt:i nt -,r t- M
:,...;i-t !l-rh.
!. T.
! A lit . ....: i." Tr.-t v.ni..- ! .!.. t;.i, ,-. il i v.n
' ....o . ....,..ii ... r. .;. :i ,'-
I , . ... .......... ... i. .
ul tin., jiiicv . J'- '
v. kit is : isir:
1 w.rfc, nr.-l yt-t
Out. k. n.r " i ii:- i.-. i as !'.- n.'K2
'. !. Hi.' ii I - r. vaw.i t. - i iti-i'o.. i
W r rn'v ;iiit-:i1 ni (n!r j ft.t-t , ii'.iti v ill r.iri j
in .ti' -iint'-i v f-.r .c w i- riM:- ii.-i.i s J U;a!.--, J
iit u i i-Yutyii t ttU v ii r "j- Kiiu tl.-i !
1 inr
. i.i ; c...l aii.1 Ir. !!.. ir
i:; li.ti:!.-i i-H
j IoratioTS. !VTair I5:r Stosst ISri.r. i
I.3Lijir:fi, June ib. If.
ITst aVIisllCi 1 3
mv 1 t- . . .. .. ... . ........
i l.tHii-i a - l Uit. i.-iUi-. ill
'' v'".' -;
. rv rentier. i i sit -. lit v
WittcLes, Jewelry, CI o. lis, SiWei aui Plar
j tei IVart-e, Cutlery, &c.
! T::l.;.-S l..,k... !;..;.. -.
. i;i l'i. ;:..-t Kiamt s
Oi--.-, T,v.-, Ctil-
rii-.lilue.l.ic Alt l.::, ,
l-j.li.i. .
l.i.i a. i 1 .-i-wu..il M..t:'
liis-1.' 1
..:.:!..-, U.'n;
il.'cn-.' iV:cr:
1 Hull I'iit-it S: IViiotniv l'm!aitt
t Dress Trimming-, Dress Battens. Si:k i
i s I ri-. C"--- 1
rimbr..'.:. r-.-. i-i ? r w ..--T. Ki-.ir-r.c r-.T-.v.
!- . awl a irr. :i mae; .Ui.-r jr i: 1... i ...t;.-n-j
i,i:?ii-r' -t
I i: ! !.
ft i- r r-t), mi
M;. 11!.-, Hi
itV;i. l-.-'k-. .l.-w.-!ry, xHfic-rt
tr. Iiiiii l;-:iti('il jt:.. V. ;irr;tiil'-'i
An -it-r : -r Utdt v !' 1.- t :.
ci.i'--T r.f-ti- -, a- 1 hiii j.j-i.ari.i t i
tt' tr: ir, U:t h'ti-tC.
I f.n t:i-
;:it wuil
4 AS!! (: n tt iVir .yid tr .Silver or ixi-t1
Jim 11 1x I.
i-.i.i - . ; e. k.Mi, i.K .
Watchmakers &
l;:!n,ti'X. M ..
MIK -llV-'.-l i!..-rs :.
:.,, .J t. TiH ir 1
tol;L i:.M. i.i. 1
i. Hot. 1, .
tr. ham1, ao.i l"i :u
a iro',2 ali'i var.i-'l -i...-., u Tl.i ir Ine-. o-lii-J
-i , -1 Hi! ail ai ii. !. r hm:--::;. t"i:.il in :.t!
..-liit,it-hij'-i',T ii !'. kiii.l, i'-t Ifi.-ii i- i.. ir. j
aitl.-.i lo a; An,. c.'-I a v.ini :
fit f.'lif-l' :i:l;vl . i u.-i-ol f il'Uit.lii-fit , Uifi-. Lie loiiiiu,
stt.vri! yki:r..
l't.ATKH W'AiiL.
T r-I r. l i i.i-.;; V,
r'KI i I il.i.i:! ,
I'ANt 1 .. 1- ,
i.-ij :
Sr.W lNX. M A triNi'.S
m-w iag Machine Nf-cdles,
., 1
" :,ii.
anil H it. -rial of at! kin'!-, in the line, a'waj. on
lend. ';.--f-.r s:.ieat si. i...m- .ric. s.
s--!-ai-1ic:,I.tr at:, cttou irit-n to l:l.e.-.iit;-.o Ii.
Watches. locks, Jewelry , Ac. All work will be ;
We are ap.-tt for the cel. Vr.'.'.-d V. heerV r Wi!
scn sew In'-; Maclnne, :i;i -1 arc pi.-iiiircd to :idu-t :.li'i
put on all 'he iiupro t-meui- tn the Wlit- l.-r A Wil
son niiti iiine.
All kinds ef Sewing Staftiines repaired at short
not i.-e.
v.ive us a call hef-re ordering, n.w'we will ti-y to
ive satisfaction, liothiis to work sini price
mvi Iv .i;i.MLs A Vj.N HLE.
TKKniKN'B:o..K. iH-atttifnl r.i I.y Mrs
ii I'n ton IT. ill Ut 'K. a powerful!- wrnlen
work -ll I li .-.Nt.s, l.a'nni.. - Lil.- t.f slone
wall Jack-. .!..' 'l"..!i:ird- IP-t-.rv -f the War. "
-'i he Saint .lul.ih-.-. ' Ih. In t satire .if I he day
U'. i t-. And all s-uutin-rn work- a- tin v are i--u,-d,
f .r -a'.e by M TT. It 1 1 1 KN.
I'liMish-T. It u-k.-iicr ami siatioii.-r, 1 ifili tre't,
oppo-ite Mi-icotit.. i.itr;try. Oidcrs from tile
Country promptly altelidcd to. jt:l 4 lint
C5 w JL "T
Z "" J
T. '
. - -rz 1 ;
' C 2 O
tr. S
- 11 "
S o i
tti;m to voi i: i r:i:xia.
i;y theaul t f
ZViifiiii Oxide Ci.ss.
-Tvi;i si'KNUKi: & ma.tou, r.-n-z-
I." i.-:-, arc jji-i t mnkt- ami TffClai
i-;xlr:M'lif'ii't ! In V iiinit IViii. Ntur'-u ilt
i tit he-.! u;i-t.M-!ic ai'Ml i' lrili- i Tr:i'l ion
o'-tri'tr1-: h:-i, hvcmi- t-iiou-fh cum ! u I r
ttr iriM n-iltil.!y, wi!fi"nt any triai;i:r;
hc-t, hfi a;i il i1? rry j'!iaf:int 1o hicaJh-, j ro
lui:c u -i4'kii's-- or ii!r-:iirr-i iiilv n-at u:, n-i
!- itiir thf t- -t-m in a rrt;it (' hiUi r.Tion. t?i
fTft, h'twtV'i-, ttttily I -t -t in ir-ini on-1 tivt- niin
utrs; !n !, iM-raii- if wiU -u-"! w irli :! i-ul- .n
hoin -)i!irl'oriti ar.il .-tf:-r !-;iv- !--n tv-'t nith
tuil ui-r.-r?; n-t. If rtiift- in .-t k ti-:Uf, i-r-voii.-
mi'l ft-t'lilv jt r-ori enn Iit-jt1' it v ilh aft-iy;
lM--.t. ht-rau-v with many i-atii-nt-. it r ii'It-r- a frn-m
ai:iotut ot j iva-nr vtiil- li;t itijr ttit-ir t'rUi v-lr:n-T
l. Ir. in-tifr ha, ti); tut-v-.- i.J f'iit, ?x
tvtu t'-i many tii 'itsjutl-. of T t ih i--r i".(h f-.
ninny if Iiopi :ititf trri n li-taiicf - r. a'T i fi m-fM'U-4.
f !iit "-kiii iui-i -Ti''!iC!-, " tl;;- miM-inn
ti--tmnny is thai no t-uiu v. ji- i d rtcnrx-;? s!;.i Tln
irus .U aam t breath--. Ui-avl tlie lolluw .n-f te.-ti-iiifiii)
KF.siVf.T.-.x. Mo., .tnrielr1, 1i, TTii i'- tir rtify
that lr-. Srr-t-er l:ijtr exi-ra.rt i Hvi-ia- ifth
f'-r mi- v. it.io'it tlie U-H-t j aiii, u iiiic iii:ier tli? in-fl-nte
t.f Nitron-- i itV ;a, ai:-i I ." it n mon
vetiience from theeU--t-. ALI.IIJ H. LVji.
Ibi-is to --rtify ti:;i? ! have i;ai nine teth es
traeU! while iit-r tJ"fe itifluetire fNitrni- )xii"
ia, jriveii hy Jrj. jM-ner V Major, anJ can cer
f tl t!iat it wj ti"4itr w ithotii jiain. hile un-hTits
Uitiuenre. 15. F. McUUl-
J-txi.TOS, June I,
Tr. i-pnrer a Ir:;rtl'-a?, Mr-clituicr.l anl ur
sreon Iw-tTit, and w ill ruarante all trerati'n- in
h;- iro(-r.io, n cst-:i to I.i care, ti ive r.ati--iii -tioi.
iithl, i!t-r, Vulcar.it, or onis material
w ill be atitilie1 ami aiija-tlin the m -rrest fctyU.
All iTh-r Vntal n-x-ntfion' eiformri in the r-liort-rt
t:tie. AM th-e htvni iili.-uit teti"V x
frat those that hve heen riveii ;;ji hy iUer den-ti-t-i
are i-arTiei-i'-nrlT refintt'-to itive us a rnT.
Kalcar tultv. ami rf-TVe f ir future r i-rence.
V will nir.'ke'a ht-aiUii'ul noji-eror lower -t o tet-th
for the small sum of tn rhrilar. We w:"1 fniaran
tee them t he a iri any for wh'-h h-i.tirtt:
w-uativ rhnrce troirr twenty to forty .-iHar.-. lf
tttire"afrai'ltfret a-Hiton aeoiint of low rtrli-"51.
for we a.sruiP tou w e w iii not work any hut tlte trjt
material, t f-il aail examine waie heautif-.il eei
men.4 ol ehesp wmk, be coav:reel thitl there is
m h nnrntc iu -he-jji work. U"e will tru:iraittee to
(in w'-wk in-the rn.st arti-itic styh;. A otne mi
examine for yoiirelves. M e have'the larsret as
sorr?aenttf vtft that hs tifr l.-en exhil.;tel
the fity, whenjhy We are enalIe1 to do work .n
very i-ifiort n-ttitM, and at the same time ft cive
our iiat'nms the a-iantie of -Ttlite. j-i.f- aii1 clr,
rarely, if ever, ottere! in thi city l-etV-re. txuuc
anl "'elect to suit your-M-lve.
Hlice on the North wdt f Main street, over Mr.
Cieo. Zeih-r's Tin --jiiop, I-xiiifjrton, Mo, Lwation
reTnanent OHW hours frons t? to li a . it .
u- anf
rroa 1 to ftp w.
i ants.
ir T il i'..-- .
I - : . i. it:' V.-if'..in. ii. 1 i;,.!. i i ,.1 x
it r tui'i i.i ;" '' 'I srrs.it .i nit sr. . ....
; i . f. ..... .-r.. .,
. ....... , ,hUj .... K ....
' 1 n--:ii.-t .. . -!a,trS- -.v.r- -.n. t- . .
1 -. .-r tsll t:.H A t-'. !..:.
Mati. :t ' -".
.1 I r lit. .i'lulat
"l T' i: . -;t.M l l; I . Jfitii uiiitt kejr.iI
liv f ..r i-. nt
i.-.4. 3..s-.,i jsorei. -.
f A UHi9 i?Oi'Si t A i fllfU.",
; s -.. . ! , - m , !. t l-. .
1 I..K-I.... i,.-:,r - f Xt .ii.l ! :i.rvta1&
lil .;v .3ii h.h;j
si .it s i j -v ; , , j., ..r..r !ii,i i.i CTC"j?
.J. r
i i i-h:i:ni tiM-W Hit
: s-alt ci..-uj.. A..C ;.I tl.ir- ...'.t
tj j K"
; Two I'hipj fr JaK
''ill -i . i.i-t...:.. fa.
-1 1: 1:.. ii 1..0. - ..eu'-i tr U.t
i . XI.I-. .......
...':i:i.:;.;' rje t.eT.-s.
1 ci i"..i'.i.c4- i tutiivlar ij.;c
; r-TH IV
1 . i .--,--'
j -I1.1.. I . l.-.'.
, ...i,.iv I.,:,:.
I .1 .'. ..f I;-::,
3!'. : 1.: .1 tT a
Jt I ;.!!:-.-. -I !
IstiK, ,,v.e !'.! 'A N -tl"!:
i' a
:l s tfiil, :t:il ..'..'. i litirlcta J.!tu.J- . -I i?-e:
- r.r t.ri'.t.i- VtiiTaisit-- c", ij
jji J-n ai..S J..bo Ti;.i-r yfi
! Two Lets in t'e Lity Ci LcxirTcr. It. 3
. , ill A !!".! ..a the .:i'..t ..f Main dtit
M::ii r --t-. vid ;, r.. -1. I
lliiT Ttifc ltd ii'iT r'ri-iv -I . -
f i i el.: i . a in: -sin v it' i . -;t i rtii
A lit i t-.
r.rr.;rt'if r t" if2l:tr.- h.-;uir. ! 'i . . A 4 V
!. ;:.t- i iv. Ii-.;. ' ;- " tt:
. ai-t. .!--. ;:.f--r:j. ; t;r-
I i-i ! Wo.-i i :.ru:4., t -;-tf: 1T 4trn .ur t v
ci.... ': '-i ! U'ii Vy iil.tlfi. t 1 'ili'T U-At
In ir M ii-i.itK r I:m-. b:i'-tjt b'- ta -i-'Uii r-j ;-lr-
it..t iiii 1". 3 ' i-'i-ff"
4(-ri'npt' in t1. 1 u p'- vili VuV c- T v
f t.P'lr-Mt Ti Ml' M iflllli. ill & .ti Tf-r.
t ..-in
f ti.ii t-. I i:-:
i aa.il-1 ' .1 f .r j -i t i'T-. y r1' fi-tr
iu i ii-fi, t r; ;t ui r -
Out vt bui.a oi u.- c.:i--i.i::! ij
b -r- tt
I.exirgtou, Aj ril 57b,
e o. i.i -iwii:-i.
1 li. aUOUAlK.
Late wilh!. Vfue-v
rtr.-t -7- r- -t i i c.-i:rlii;n-e. I- - i.'.r-.ii, M
,V r.'illl.lf.ui.4
' 1 U7, !
. if., k-.
-i,..r itt:
i i r"
t Wars.
1 ;.: -v
!l "-"el b
l lUielV.
i i, i'a'v! (:-
I. rlr TiTi'.T.-.,
. . . .
,-.:;a t ..-iii.-r 1 1 .liiciir.r,
V, all iin.i W U..1..U -.... r.
'. .:.-. s'u-i .ii, : y,
fi. i-Ii.-r- ac l Aliii.tiliit.
l'l. .i f':i.;.o--,
IV.'.. r.boi" . l.-.i-. .1 :e: -til.s:t. T. h: we . .A
lit. in any -ie. and a kr , Mi-tc "y U'ti- lj.u'...
ke.,1 in a f;' iH'T i-t'-re
..nr of.-i- :n-.;il t'.'.-l a" t bought at :I:r intr t-c-c!:-,..-,
?.ii I wilt i .:c. si; . .-1 a.
'Vai; in-., . locks. .! v . lev. Ai ;.i-..n-. Mo-
-h-'ai i.i-m:!in lit-, in.' "l..i !..!-. etc . t'J" ' '
!-. r. j ail.-.l and warraut'd. ai. 1 r r- f l iww
lil-!'-. I,i..llij.iiv l.ti.-d.
j uive u- a cli;.fi viir-b."-ir I '-o Vr"
I t !-V- t'.s A. MnilAlH,
nvrl.1 lv I si""' fS.lt ..urta-n-.
ll.liTO;v!ll.". n I VAPKTH!
'I'.lr.lUciei-if-'lte.!. Ilk-ins I- i'-'tl ii.i:l oil
I c. JtaitieV -ui-ar l.va. .r cr, for ij asd
Sl,i--ltar itt.Tl-l:ii-. ale lif.u l-ieiiai 6 to ,eii
ea-.-!i f.tnio r t'le ri-ht t-j make hi6 vu ciipir, o
hiMfWii liui, ala vvaj low J -- '.
H H VA1..HA".
irr, am t. H KolibM'"
. I . ItilMi fe, M . IK.
V. .ltiTi.-, MloSi.l'ltl.
(tOMIM 1
J flel.!u:i:..'
"lOXTrNI "!'. to pr-ic-icc lu. vrol.-Ks't"n ir. U
All ).rfe.i-.ual cell, will 1-
lo-otaiillv n't.-iifl.-d. bi'til f.r .1
..t:n-e an., tea-
deuce ..ii Main blrcvl, rtot of XLx j.Ll:c i jaarr
Barrett's Patent Farm H-gMs.
flHi: farni.-r.f M" rtflurrt.-r. i'w v.-.ii frill x.
I tia'-ca e ti at ee to tn.-t-e -iiar hy t-vram-x-i;-rnTt''
i:.i' r arm ami::. TIrey ran h 14
ehe:ti li m tin u;i.ii-:ir;(ti.--ti at f;.i-'w. ? afeTm-t.-m.l,
Mi-mi. V. MLUti.
Mavi?vT L-:urilte coiliitv, ilo.. A! icy :5. 5-m
rt-'IIC nut. -r-is'ied are i:-w r,i--ar. i ti Amtk
I to pur. l.itiV.-, at tl;.or Teiij.fja W at-r tre.
nutive liiii.lc-r ..I ell ktTi.ls. al the lowest, ca-b
l.rii rs. vii.i at 1m .U-rfe-t Ie tice. I'-ili- lor loot.
Inr w.'.l l-e fttle.l r,d delivered, wnlioiit xiia
ci-.i-.r-je lore. -livery, tt ti.y p!a-e witloc tb 'tanta
of lin-cirv. .jr'.'-s ,'.Ti-ite.l
riiaj tii'lTM M Ali-TI ATT. -I F-V31TW
;i:o. k. K iTiinrV.
TTiKNi.Y A I' LAV, . i.ei,:irt.-ii. :? W'jn
,racrif-e in tbe'-o:ir-s..f I.it.iycUe and a-i-or.-i.nr
c..i:iiti.'s. fuTti''.i!ar artctiliuu tiveb iv vl-l.-ct
ioii- ati.i coiiv i ttiu'U-'.
I;i:n.i:iv !-. in .T..f,n v Vare.tuk. O.
I rank ...ir.i. n. Hcmier-on, Kn'.(ry A a.. t.
I ..ui : t.f n rr.tt.k t o.-ki-ill. ...1 J:.s. .'U.i
Warr'ti-iturc: A. W. llitimc-, .',-. Milclieilat
.., I.exiR!..ni 4'..l. .n... 1; '. Vi clit-it .a.
..lii. c. .jij.-jfite it Iloi. 1, o,r A. . IJ,.5;n"
ST-.re. jas"u'
IIliVi:Sv si'.LFCT ?f AI.E SiE"
Fir-1 Prrtii-Annual s. i-.Ti .f thi vh-l
1 ill foir.ini nil' ot. ;iu- 1-r ycu Is (ii.rdajiiT
iiilv. i:i itie li-e 1 u- n't-ii. rofiiii. of ihe l'rl'T
rian f lid -ctroo.. hurt-h.
I iiis s,-h..ol ill Is .it inly Select, ar.J ti.r "inia
h r "1 sled, lit- w il! .e limit I
No pu. il e. Ui he r-i-nv.si vti.. i, unal.l to wm
liu ucc ttsj i.i-l vf Ai i:tiTii, :v.
Tuition f .r one sea of 5 merit' s, TJO wel.?
advan.- '
iititir. :. Fee '
4,'i-rtnan ai d r'reiich .t.i,Trii
l,.r..lli.-- iiiforicrtti .o s-c ci :ri;lqr. orri-!.
Jcii -Ji AMIInW II l M. ii ;ncuI
ii.T. T"joii-s
m'm Stmt, I krri-'r". Balldlnc rarlra Vaat
afihe l' lleicl.
LEn.ist.xi). Husc-i-ar
T .E.tr' ASotlTMnT of -r. To1t.ee.
I'ii t. and fill .:!.-r ....."s iul.i-lir. -tii-Iv
on band, and 1 r -alral -t I-oui-price, !--I'V
..r l-.-Ii.lt. v hob-sal., t.ii.e.r are all- iir t
vi i d to eive !:iiu acail. as hr is mm Ire fa :f
t...n:. belli in -,u.ci: au-i pr..--
ii.- Hiiiile ...v i--low i; fa-' f "--t. Ttr-"rl!l
Jm- ' i-.M.; : 'v fliel- li. JlfO, lukAi.. r b ;r:.
I., vi.i , Vay . iT
yti -hit r iv & titi viz.
rM iin and l.anr. I sire. i -. l.-.ii;tcn. 5
it'oi Mi r. .- p.- tlitilv ai.tofiio. e to ti.f If? c.:'
TT. l,:.f:i.t-tte a:nl a-iioinit' count if-, tl a. XlKt
a- in rec,':j. of llie Lewi K-let:i ti kUU iu-l arSfLrWV
a.rtuieii; .-1
Slate, Cj, Tailnrln-; UactA, &r.
r. r lir..iiff':t ti)I..'i7)i?nn iW't thir m snil
inc tlu-ui at the I nt' .-'i rUI.'.Ks F 'K I-Asll
Our -t,.ctc ..f Al--rctai.tr Xail-jriiij' u Usiac. o
I hte au.t of ttie le..; u-.tit . r.iir t
..li --hoit noti.ie ar.d i tf-ct ..fcifa: iv--i-ea.
We !!r, deic-nur.cd u l" e iir.Jer-.Ja by as-r
ti'itirf lil I i ilr:il Vi f.r.ri Ttie putdic i i:iv r.fl
to call and enanim- fjir .-....-. .
mat ; !v M. hlNNlv .KAT7
ltesil 'lussttiia- Vjif-nt,
I.evaficten ?' iri.
nTlr- T;or.r n tVe -r.-r. r f V:i;n an 4 l ire
"If.I. irive jiers...!.! stt; ts.v-i to tr?sle :r;.Ts
in i.nr.n.-i:;-:i:nt rt.ii.nn-. ia
soctliKe.-t iii.l V.i.hties .:!s.-.u: i. ttl T r.Mf
n.l Lot- in L- viiitrt at.
Will ii!-o pay tax.-s or Ivi-ln f f-ttrti M:tTi.
and i.-.i-etn ih.-.i-aitea.ly t-'.i-i fortaxe-, an ;ev.5
renrrtillv t- nil b..-iness in i-crtainiiijr a titt
I i-s Heal lt:ee As' i v
Have now lor nal" tnei Fiff Tbnwitit .r-
laud, iu.ir..ve.i ami m:iii:prov. d.m -mail at..i irjr
tracl-. Also a ir.intLerol hous and lot iti I.rx-ii-.-rton
and suburbs.
il w.-i- aantl t id'Y will And if to ftwir aTvar-ta-e
tr, tall m Its. and all wi;" aasit It. r-i.! L w.il
liiid our cbarres .e.d. .-.-te . .......
j:. v. .sv,!! .ti rrrc rt s-m.t..
rnaTWCm lies! K.-u.te A-ntr, Lex esrloa, .V.
In VelIitistu, Trlinxttiri.
-lI.I.IAM Ht-K would iwi-?i'tiIlT inftrm
tt It.e pnlilie ami ill. dd lr-lcl-, Ttit he t. : re
oj.en.sl at liis ..Id estai.li-iiltiem, tn W -liini.ttn, ii
Cfi-pairnershiif iih his sou. We have just rejred
an entirely tK.w ct.f. k ,.f
Dry OotMls. flaln ami Cspv Soo
and SIioe,
t.rneerirs, Fllir. e., Ac, which, hav ;t.E
lurcl.a-ed "inc.- liiede. lire in i-r-is.
trr 1-
i.arnl te!l al tli- tfrt .esl rates
We invite oitr dd i n-T..ti..re nwl -be c'icinirnitT
to jrive u-a call, and h..) l-y a etj icl atlenu-m
bii-ic.e-s to n .'It ajd r. c. .-hare .f .tibl:c r
triave. WH.WKH. S.-N.
WeUrr''!!, May &. i:.J. tf
Stmy Xotice.-
TAKKS IT by -orire St. lair, livinin Te
lurt.m low'nship.'in I.KfayeTte c.uiity. Mo .
and po-ted l fore she nrsier-iuefl. Justice if ih
iv-.ee i l-xini:ta Tois-nship, in Lfayettev.nrtiy.
.ti the l.nh titv .-f -tune. Is. a stray Mitre Mr.b-.
d.-sei ib.-! asfollows, to-w it " A l.tnc-lt' .Jare M.sie.
with a f.-w white ba.i-3 ts.-dtt. red ..vcr ttte ImwI ,
ai..ttt 1 s.han-.? hiff't. r e v e-rs b1, hrandeii rn
the left Lipaod sdiiMlt.Irr wiiVth. letters e.i;.n.., d
:obe.s. 1..: s.iti.c eat.ne marks ai.ti irerj- r:aike
I hfKj before' and awrau!! i Sl"..
jrae-lar fc fLaYTOX. 4 e.