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'J.MI13 I13XII,X,IV WKKIilY CAUCAMI AIV-AUC; UST 15, lGG. Sh iTrrl;ln Caucasian. . ie IOHAX DntBICT. t a m. ling the ah-legalc to tlie Conservative anom state! oovention, uw in s-sMn in the hall ot Ibe Imaalilr LilTary, ia the rily riM. Lorn. fMn I he sixth CamgressiiHial li.-tria-t. !" be coontiraof Plalte. Is. Ksv. Carrolt. hari n. t alalwrll. I Iml.-n. Jacbn, Laf ayette and sa lioc. brM .u lbeltb lu-taol. in thr Mercantile Li erarr H:ill. of whi.-b the unalcr-irue.! was rh-rtr.1 hum. ..a. the follow lag iratdurban was adopted: Inlrl. I bat a 'ougfrxemaal Ihslri.-I in n Ma arfb l'. r rvaiivc t' nian party, to naamiuate a coals hue I n-pfveal Ibe people of the si Yin. 'an PmmmI llilraet in Casngrr.. be beltl in Itich mwl, ia the rwalf of kav. u the thiisl Thursday ia ingest ml, ami thai the luiirm.-m of Him meeting publish this action, anthrntiratcal by hut signature, in Ihr Missouri k.-piildiran. and that the onservutive I'nkin pai-cr in flic li-trict r-fv thr ar. cLiiKi.1. W I1 NV. 1 hainttan The City and Country. w P JUTATZ SCHOOL. -Miss ;. II.wkln srhool f'T ;rirls ami small bT will rtiniiuence Aiiirust 27lli. atnl roufinue flvr mouth.'. attiritf atTESTIOa tor IHS SABBATH SCHOOLS. No. 7 On what oct-a-ion-t b it saiil our Ltml enjnjrril ia prayer while? on earth? AT 1KB riOW. COSSXaiTATITKS. There will be a Mas Mtrrlinjc of all men opposed f KadicaUsm. al far Republican Church, Saturday thr IStl! Aiwt Prominent speakers mill tx prca jrnt to address the assemblage on Ibr political topics f ihr day. I J-The Club of Iktvis Towu ehii wttl provide a diaaer. Cone one; come ail. ACAXO. Messrs. Evrrons: Allow w to express, through v our columns, my most stoeere thanks to the fol ia in( naaaru ladies and gentlemen, ibow gener ously nidrd nr in I he late Concert in behalf of thr Sowthi m Aid Society : ' ToMisaes Bradford, D- dm, Price. Altrd. lather. Bale and Trnt4r; to Messrs. Crsmiry, Wright, Ireland. Grimes, and the proprietors of Arcana Hall : also to the editors of Ibr Caneafian ami Expreaa I mlrr ninny obligations tor thr materini aM. and kind aniatsner I received, 1 am, Lulica nod fentlemeB, aratefullr. Tonr obedient aerrant, t. TK IXDLET. AH ITUUO WITH THE POSTS. KeT. Ir. Brrklrr, of St. GeoTj's cliunh. St. I.txiU, one of the finest readera in tliir nr other State, anil a diTine of pvat etui nence ami 4ety . will entertain onr good peo ple with Trqrtinjp" from the Poetf. on To- Mwkkow (ThwrJajl Evksig. at the M. tli- lUt ehim-h. The assi niWr roota of this rhnrrh U large, airr, liht. pteawint. and will eontfortably seat fie or six huntlretl peo ple and we hope to see every seat filled, for it b aeldom we have an opportunitr of thu eiyTins an intelleetual feast, and spenilin profitaMy an evening with the Poets, away from every -iay Political debate. The elections are not fully determinetlon. and therefore not announced, but we are per mitted to annoniH-e the following choice se leetiona as a part of the whole, one of which will amply remunerate for the time and cost of attending: "Kavex,". By Poe. 'Brikce or Sigh," By Ilono. "SotPir from BixiF?t. ' "AjMiM. WlTCBEM," MnwieiTT rK.TEK. By Kosa. i-TnK Masiac, .. Chargx or the Lxuirr Brigade," By Tessmojs. The proe-ed of the entertainment will be donated to the Episcopal church of this city, very worthy object indeed, and an oda-ring to worth which we should like tit see larger than the ordinary e of sir-h charities, lrt all who admire a proper and spirited render ing of the roetii be present. Tint Co7xbt Tlie to-H-ert of Prof. Tran uVy, on ThnraJay night last, in aid of the fand f.r the relief of suffering at the Smth. throngh the Ladies Aid Society, provetl to be all that its friends anticipated for it. so far ms the entertainment proju'r went. The mu ie was unexeeptionableand -recherche, and the large company present seemed to enjoy themselves finely. The Profcswor presided at the piano, in bis best style, ami was assis ted ob the violin by Mr. Cnrmsey, a rery ex cellent performer, and to the vocal line by a balf dozen or to ot our winch esteemed and beantifhl beDes. Alt acquitted themselves arreditabry and well, and. we are snre, con tributed hugely to those tileanurabte emotions avhidl are elicited by fine music. We were phrnard to ee that the kxiiea aipreciated their poMtions. and demeaned themselves very be eotaingry. not aDow ing timidity to destroy the fine eflrtof their siDging. thm dashing their auditory; but iaatead. with much wo maary tidrwtr and grace, the amateurs sang with spirit, acquitting themehTe with great eclat. Mr. L. M. Wright, a young gentle man .of fine musical talent, was also among the vaiunteer amatewra. and added aauch to the eatertalnmcBt - TtavbUa, Sr alt from lloaae. Lacrezia Borgia, La nile da Kegiaeut, Puritana, La Sn nihnla. Martha Freysohutz, Aurora Wait, Sba Waltz, aad OiaaBpagnc Gallop, all hr flat riaimnr aad Mr. Cramsey were wreUawd apiritedry parioTmed. Tnw songs by theamateu-s Greeting Glee, Sounds from Home, I Tray for Thee. Easter Time. Angel's Serenaale. Oh, How Sweet the Hunter's Song. The Instant flumes. We parted by the Kiver SUIe, A little Farm well Till il were all well remleretl by Mise Mat. Brlfonl. Anne Iowilen. Moliie Price, l.iie Alfurd, Emma lather. Fleetie Hale, Lwie Temple, and Mr. Wright. Qrmav ? We are anxious to know what material statement of ours tin; Express has disproved in reganl to the Postoflbre. affair. We said that one of the proprietors had said he beat us fifteen in first and only count. A week or raw a-ro. the? Exnress ilenietL and said, angrily. thev tul not tell tlwir Inuiis iney mi not leu tlieir tnisiness outside, Ac- Last Satnnlay. the Kxpn-ss ad mits that they "might have told 'mutual friends that we beat the Caucasian fifteen sobweribers." That was one point weclaini- eil, ami ft is adnotte.1. We said we merely stated our local circulation. 9th or l,"th Slav, front recollection and have not claimed infal- lihatttv lliMrtin ta. I.-..1 I... ....j. , . y.,,.,,- or desire lo see the affidavits. .ll we rare to know we have learned, viz: at the time mentioned, altbongh tut three or four weeks l. we lacked but fifteen of the circulation of the Express. We are content. As to any ediirnpantj as to time ot tiltnr affllavit.4, we : refer that nantter to our Postmaster, be being onr authority for stating that our bid was ex- bibited to the Express, and that the affidavit of that paper was ftk-d a week after our own. iMaai Estatk Saxjcs Mrs. Mary Greene has boahrht the fmrnU nvAurbaa place ad joising the eesnetery, known as the Xichols .pkvec. Price, for howe, and four acres of lhiiU, fl,409. JfrMa-sattl has bought the lot (and build hgs Lwrreo of M. F. Price, Esq., whereon is fcnatedthe plow factory, for S3, 500. Mr. Easde bought the little house and the lot, FiankBn street, on which is loeated the nanaS foundry of Mr. McFarland. We fid not learn the price paid, or what dispo . attioji. If any, is to be namlSof the foundry. Wauxixeros limn School We are grat ified te.teare that Messrs. Slaughter A South ron have secured the Wellington Acailcmy and the buIMingrn wMeh the W'ellingtonlligh School was recently kewt, and announce that they wiH be prepareVI to open both tliese in stnutiatM 4 the 3d Sept em tier, under compe tent assistants. The late examinational ami rxtubHional exercises, a lew days ago. pass ed off wiih much satisfaction to tlie patrons the school, and great credit to the gentlc meatheaaaejyes. and we are gratified to hear that they will continue their effort iu this im portant branch. Ghocmies G. M. Jacques, A Go., are in receipt of new stock of p;,fn and fancy groeeri.-s. TlM-y are anxious to .-e H ir friends, show thetr g.-M tntf "C s! ri"f t ntttetii-. KaPICAI. TRACE. Messrs. Ewtors: I have sen an arti:le in your pan-r written over tfuj slgnitnre of -Lee". 1 am much pleased with his com munication.. He is striking at tin- ri'ht place: 1 Imw he will continue; hi coiimin-itk-atioiis on that sulject milil the people; tlin.MighiHtt the count ry wake up to a lis cluirge of their duty. I liave Ih-c" a .'onsr vative I'nion man during the war, ami am one yet. I agree fully with Lee." that it woitiil he right for the Conservative party to apply and practice the same rulo towards the Kadicals that they have made and p:.S-cl iu their organizations, and printed in i ard, to aj-ply and be practiced by the ILttlicals to wanls the Conservatives It Ls as -Lce'" says. That party don't allow even a shawl pin to be bought of a Conservative. If we applv and practice the same rule to the. l!ad al party that lln'v apply to ours, they can not complain. They lixed the rule them selves, and I think the Conservatives have tlie ln-st of reasons for applying the rule. We know the Uadical tarty to lie the most de praved, corrupt and thieving garty that ever existed on the face of God's earth. That party has committed more robbery, and crime of every description, than was ever know n to tlie human race. It makes h U it scll llu-h to own they are sons of the devil. Messr. Kiutoks, I have been for a long time anxious to ask the Southern sympathi zer, tlie rebel, and tlie bushwhacker, why it is that they trade with, or in any way pat ronize, the corrupt Radicals in and out of the city of Lexington. In God's name, have not the Kadical done enough to you and you, friends, to make you withdraw your custom from tliese totally depraved being ? Look, if you please, fellow countrymen, at their acts toward you during the war. You know the Radicals in Lexington, and through tlie country, were continually pointing you out to the Federal commanders, and their soldiers, and having you insulted on the streets and highways liaving you arrested and locked np in prison for merely expres sing your opinion, or to gratify their private malice, or for tlie purpose of stealing your properity. They have done everything in tlieir power to have you and your proK'rty taken and destroyed. It was the Radicals that had your private citizens shot down like dogs. It was the Radii-als that had you Suit hern people assessed and taxed, under the villain and house-burner Ben. Loan's order. That infamous order met the entire wishes and approbation of tlie Radicals in and out of Lexington. Tlie Radicals urged the carrying out of said order to the very letter, while the Conservative Union men op posed the order, and begged them and that villain. Ben. Loan, to desist. But the Rad icals declared it niut and should be carried out; that tliey were in favor of driving out of the country every Southern man, woman and child, or exterminating the breed,'" as the Radicals called it. The Radicals declared themselves in favor of the infamous and disgraceful order of Gen . Ewing, driving the people out of Jackson county, and wanted the disgraceful order ap plied to Lafayettecounty. The Radicals hail a committee appointed to assess Southern people, and did make the assessment, as you all know and frit. The Radicals had your stock driven into Lexington, put up and sold to pay said assessments, and I ask you. fel low country men, how did the Radicals car ry out that infamous, villainous order of Ben Loan ? They put your stock up and sold it for nothing. It was k nocked off to men said to he from Illinois. Your mules, worth Sl.'iO. sold and bought by Radicals, for $16; your cows and calves for $1 30, and all kinds of your stock sold in the same ratio. This thieving Radical sale continued for days. Your stock fell into the hands of the Radi cals, and was driven off and sold by Uk-ih at full prices, yon receiving credit on your as sessment for the amount of first sales. This was done to rob and destroy you. and to put what you had in the pockets of Radical thieves. At this stage of tlieir robbing you, the Radicals had commenced picking out your houses and lots, and your farms in tlie country said and expected, the next trip. the villain and house-burner, Ben Loan, would make the order to take your homes. But just at this stage of their robbery. Gov. Gamble's order came, stopping the sale and netting aside the order of the villain and hous--burnert Ben Loan. The Radicals kicked high, denounced Gov. Gamble as a traitor, aak he was Using his power in Jhvor of rebels. I ask you. Southern people, one and all, what would have become of you if it had not been for the Conservative Governor Gamble Aft you had would have fallen into the hands f these totally depraved Rad ical robbers. Enough of their dark and dis graceful acta to fill volumes, could be shown and proven. have only called the above acts to your minds, and ask you to look at It calmly. You know it b true. I ask yaw, my Ctiiiamattve friends; I ask yea. South ern peoole. have not this dark and disgrace ful Radical party done enough to you and your friends to cause you to withdraw your patronage from them, and not even buy a paperof pins of one of them. They are your black and deadly enemies. Tliey are enga ged in trying to take away forever your reli- ti ii Hint ' i i ohius and political lilicrties. I ap-ical to my fellow countrymen to draw a line, and let your power and influence lie felt in all time to come. You are not surrounded with Fed eral bayonets, to make you adopt a course of pollev to keep in favor with radical live nas by inlying your supplies of them. The armies have lieen disbatidiil, and we arc t ..iu'u m,M . an iutii.1 fakiblSo.r n 1 1 ik, : -w. f,.How vdei,izens, let us stand up and i assert onr rights,1 private and iMiliticat. We i have our Conservative file nils sciun dry i X jnrn; we iKe ine nccnailic. , ,, . . i.,-,r. Tl.ev ur nil our personal and political friends, w ho stmsl by us and with us in that dark and tyrauical hour of Radical reign. Our friends id busi ness need our iatrouage and influence. I iL viui twrwolslir fill.,w MiiiiilrrinMi, t . . j consider and reflect, and if yon Imvtj a dollar to -nd. lay it out among your friends, and J W,,D a dislion.i,t an. I disgraceful enemy. T 'mm ucuui oui men il v. as 111 Llierr . ,Mm,.,. I cannot, mv couutrvmeti believe vou w ill act like the spaniel, return ami lick the foot that kicked you, and would to dav ilestrov yon and Hie governnieiit. if it was in their ower. We have a right to buy from whom We please Lot IU, froul 1mw limn foi tin it. iliseriinHuite in favor of our frieisls. the w hite man and jnrotTcman . let us not have any association, directly or indirectly, with these railical hyenas in human shape. It is high time, my eonntrvinen, that we were draw ing a line of wit-defense and self-prcserva-tion. Will you deal with a mean and con temptible enemy in business one who pre fers the negro to you at the polls; one w ho prefers the negro to yon in the jury box : one who prefers the negro to you in the pulpit ; one who prefers a negro to you for an asso ciate ? ow I ask yon to let them look to iiegroes for aid and" comfort .- Fellow countrymen, let usdraw a line that will be seen ami felt throughout the country, that we are indeed and in truth in favor "of upholding ami sustaining the white men iu business, and a white man's government. My fellow citizens of Lafayette county, it would take volumes to contain the reasons w hy yon should not deal, or even associate, with nwlical hyenas. It does seem to me tliat their acts towards von for the past four years ought to be sufficient for yon. without calling your attention to tln-se disgraceful acts, for the purpose of getting you to do just what your good sense and judgment ought to dictate to yon not to do that is, not to ileal or have anything to do with rad ical hyenas. I have "been mortified to see eonservative union men deal w ith these rad icaMiyenas. and perfectly surprised when I see Southern men. and especially Southern ladies, dealing w ith them, when they can do just as well or better with their friends. My God, do yon Southern people need Any, admonition on this subject, to get you to trade with whom youought to trade ? If so, 1 have lieen mistaken In the Southern people. Let us see, iu the future, what wiil he your course. JCSTICE. LrEat.icn This indefatigable pushing bu siness citien has just received a stock ofgro eerics. at the obi stand of C. Bl Scott. fh-ineiuticr M Kern Hug T-'-Mrrn-e r' -f; SJOTIIBH KKLTBF MEWS. Washixoto; TowNsntr The ladies of the Society in Washington Township Washitiirton Towiisliin. will spread dinner and oshcr entertainments for ll who may vi-it them, to-day. at Mt. He- bron Church. Gen. t'oekrill will address lhfse iu attendance. Sr. Lofts. .Inly 21. is'.. The ladies of the Sulliern Relief Association," having undertaken a mammoth enterprise iu behalf of tlie siilli-ring pHr of the South, feci that .1... ..ii e i . . i. 1 iih e.ii iieb lioi ii lite iie s uiimiii'i the State will oo much towards those that live at a distance toeoiitriltutetothis noble cause, i .. . : i ... i aim as it is a rtiaicaiio 1101 a e miiii lair, met most earnestly invoke the aid of all iu the Slate ot Missouri who are interested, and ; tliey therefore ask a favorable mention iu your columns, and the announcement that all articles forwanhil to the lnlies" South- eru Relief Association," care of Win. la- thews. St. Louis. Mo., will lie forwarded IVee of transpoitatioii by the Adams Krcss Co., t. S. Expn'ss Co.. Kokuk racket Line. Norlli Missouri Railroad, and 1'acitie Railroad. PINK HAMILTON. Cor. See. From the nbove circular it is inferred that the St. Louis Society is anxious that an aux iliation should 1m established Societies throughout the State, ties will please note the fact with similar Our Soete-I Ltellsie preparations arc making for tin grand Tour nament, and it will lie seen from the follow ing that handsome premiums are offered for several articles iu the restaurant department; 4 The ladies connected with the restaurant department of the great Fair, to be held in St. Louis, commencing tlie 25th of Septem ber next, for the henetit of tlie destitute wid ows and orphans of the South, offer the fol lowing list of handsome premiums for arti cles to lie donated to the deKirtuient. the awards to be made by a committee of disin terested ladies, on the first evening of the Fair: Best 25 lbs. butter, silver plated coffee urn. Ib'st dish of cliukcn salad, silver salad spoon. Best basket of fresh n-uit. silver basket. Hcet whito eatko. e"ltt Hlr c. Best pound cake, silver breakfast castor. Best fruit rake, silver butter dish. Best marble cake, silver pickle knife a fork. All articles sent must be addressed to Mrs. . i. Schoolticld. No. SOU South Slh St., St. Louis, Mo., for Missouri Southern Re lief Fair. The Express companies have gen erously offered to transport thctn free of charge. LETTKH FKOM UEX. LEE. Lkxixrton, Va., Aug. 15, KW. Miss Makv F. Hawkixs: Your lctt-r of the 2t)th tilt, has been forwarded to me from Richmond. I wish it was in my power to give you the information you desire. I lielieve there is great suffering in all the Southern States, but I do not know in which it exists to the great est degree. As a general thing, tliere is more distress in the cities than in the coun try, as food and shelter are more readily ob tained in the latter than in the former.' and there is also more sickness in the cities. I see it stated in the papers that tliere is great want of food in some parts of tieorgia and Alaliama. but I do not know where it exists to the greatest extent. As I presume the 'Missouri Southern Re lief Association" will take measures to se cure the proja-r distribution of their charity, it might lie well for the ladies of Lafayette county to unite w ith the Society in its eiforts to furnish relief to the South. With mv sincere thanks for yourkind sym pathy in tlie suffitings of the widows and or pans of the South, and wishing vou everv success in your noble enterprise. Lam. w ith great respect. Your ob't serv't. R. E. LEE. Sr. Lot is. .Tidy oft. IStW. Y'our letter resjcctiiig the distribution of the funds of the Southern Relief. &. . has la-en handed me. I am requested by the President of the Society to say to you, and tlironoh vou to as many as you can reach, that tlie belief are as much opposed to a dis tribution through tlie Governors of the States as yourself or anyone else can be. and tliat no, such thing is' contemplated. There is a regitlcr committee of distribution, to which it would please the Society to add tlie names of two or more from the country. Let the nanhss he suggested. Mrs. Sire suggi-sts that each county co ot urate or join in sending th4r ftimls". &c. Then each county will receive credit. Ac. Truly yours, J. O. C Lexington Towjwiiir A meeting of tlie Society was Itcld on Saturday evening last. Relief to the extent of $50 was extended to Mrs. Fickle, of this county, on the recom mcndatioii of G. M. Jacques, Ksq. The Advisory Committee made a report adverse to the hasty distribution of the funds of the Society ; suggested the repeal of the resolution adopted July 28th; and advised the. formation of Uie Parent Board, to be se lected front all the societies of the county, as stipulated by nwolulionof 25th July. The Society invited co-operation of sister societies in the county, that their combined wkdom may give direction to tlie charity. A letter was read from Mrs. j. R. Barclay, of St. louls, inviting a co-operation with the St. Louis Society, and calling attention to the Fair to be hefo iniit. lonis, iu Septem ber next. On motion, the 2Mb any of August was se lected as the day lor the miscting of tlie dele gates from the hevcral societies; to form Uie Parent Beard. (We hope tlie societies will not overlook the call. The receipts of the concert of Prof. Trand Icy was announced as 10, nelt. On motiou , the following resolution was adopted: Resolved. That the Sic.icty tender to Prof. Trandlcy their thanks for Ins kind co-oiicrn- tion. and for his valuable offering in aid of the suffering, from the concert ; and beg to assure him of their siuiTe regard, anil their hioli appreciation of his excellent musical entertainment. A vote of thanks was also passed to those young ladies of the society, and to Mr. Cramsey and Mr. Wright, w ho assisted in the concert, for their valuable services. Tlie following delegates were apjMiiittiil to the dinner at Mt. Hebron, on Wednesday: Mrs. Mollie Meiidetihali, Mrs. A. Barley, Mrs. J. M. Julian, Mrs. W. Morrison, Mrs. M. F. Price, Mrs. S. Long, Mrs. J. Altord, Mrs. F. Long, Mrs. A. Green, Miss Dora Wallace, ami, oil motion, the officers were added, viz: Mrs. President Wadded, Mrs. E. Winsor, Treasurer; MissM. F. Hawkins and Mrs. W. W. Higgins, Secretaries. Adjourned to un-et again on the 25th. Si'iiisit. Picnic The picnic given at Grecnton. on Saturday last, for tin- purpose of oTffroirsing an interest in educational in- j b'rests, fin a reunion of tint people, and to nisi; funds to more properly tit the building there for a school, was well attended. The ! mnner was nne, and an tteie .Usiufssert in high gb-c, tlie objects having been attained. The meeting was addressed by Hcv. Mr. Murphy, Mr. Houston and Mr. Mcllatton, w hose speeches were listened to with much attention. Personal YVe are glad to learn that C. U. Wallace, K.-ij. . has become interested in the manufacture of tobacco, with Mr. Itaker, in this city. Mr. YY. is a pleasant gentle man, and a tine business man. Mr. John M. Stone, of tlie house of Wells llro., St.' Louis, is in town. Mottc Shik.ti.mj Adilflcully occured at the Market house, in this city, yesterday, between Mr. Emde and Mr. Jesse Hamlet, the nature of w hich we have invt heard, re sulting in the shooting of the former by the latter, through the arm. We have heard no other particulars, it is not supposed the wound is a severe or fatal one. Wholesale Business S:iuiiders is sweep ing everything before him in the way of good Photographs. The o!'d adage is, "whaf everybody says, is so'," ami everybody says Saunders makes the best Photographs of any one in the city. It Lost A fine Meerschaum Pipe, belong ing to one of tlie editors of this paper; was lost,' at Arcana Hall, on Thursday ey'lijiig last. Any person finding the same will' please hand it in to this office.' iMTTMvr-a A new building ii going" up nearly opposite Arcana Hall,' in the of-1 burnt district .' We hopis '' e- tlie wbcfe place rc'.-liff, erelong Dr. Berkley's Headings. i Messrs. EniTous : I observe that Dr. ! oF-kKLEY proposes to jiv a eerie of j readings, in our city, commencing next Thursday evening. This is certainly a move in the right direction, and may le one of very great iniortaice to our coinnitinitv. One which I shall in- . dtil-'e the hope, will give an t uipetn.s to intellectual culture, heretofore so j rjrosMy iicgjocied by our yoiinif. men i t . . . lt nil attend these readings, old and young; the old to enjoy, the young to admire ami imitate. I will venture to assert that there, is not, in this State, I a town, possessing the advantages which this docs, which is not far in : advance of our in the literary attain ments of its young; men. Cannot j something he done lo ilace ns on an ! equality with onr neighboring towns).' Will not thu older heads, the; men of ; lit.trnrv itiilituw in tho vikrioitii tiroles. sions, take the matter in hand, and fos ter a spirit of self culture, a taste for the sublime and the beautiful in the world of letters, among our young peo ple? Will not our church trustees, and owners of public halls, extend to our citi.t iis tho use of their buildings for tho purjose of readings, lectures, and literary dissertations ? Will not our ministers, onr legal and medical gentleman, devote a portion of their time during tho comming winter, to the development nnd. improvement of the young ? Will not some of our public spirited citizens make a move towards establishing a public library ? Are not the columns of our city journals open to all who will use theni to tho end of encouraging mental improvements ? Would not efforts in this direction tend greatly to allay political rancor now so rife in our niiJst? Would they not conduce to a more pleasing and inno cent means of pastime than is at pres ent indulged in by our young men ? Would they not contribute to a more elevated tone of morals among our people T Yours, L . Married, on tlie sth nit . Mr II. W M flMN to Misa .MKI.VINA II A Vs. all of Howard lnth. ..M .uiclt. Mr ntN-IAMINI IK V I.I.I, to Mr. I.I'CT E. EWAN.M, both oft lay county iintheind inst , be Eld. A. II. Stout. Mr JOHN II. i.FF.KI arid Mias NANCY K I.OW ItKY , of Johnson county. DEATHS. lted. in this city, on the l:tth inst . MUX TUOM EKV HAVNlvS. aon of Mary and Anthony II ay lies. In t. Louis, on the llth in-t . ANTHONY O'sUI.I IVAN, late Ma-onic I. r ind S cretary of Missouri, aged r7ycara, nmntlu and IS day. On Monday morning, thr; 6th Inst., after a short illness, of maltirtiHiil dysentery, Mrs. MAKV M. SMI III. inlhe7IH year of Iterate, consort of Itohcrt N. Smith, ol this county. she was the fourth daughter of Reuben Fry and Ann Clayt'Mi slaughter, and waa bora In Madison county, VirKinia. on the Nth of November, 1T She removed with her husband to Kentucky, in the year ISIS. After n residence of twenty -ai years in the neifchuorhon.l of lionise i lie, the came In live in this county, awl aettled ia the vicinity of lrxincton Mm. Smith had lived with her estimable husband for more than arty years, and in nil the others of wife, mother, friend, nnd neighbor, has nobly ful filled her duty she waa a ptnian of eiaarna mind, much cultivated by fending and observation. Mi; IMnweased, in s large measure, those high elements of character- good tee I ing and good sense. These were diafdajrrd in kindness and generosity to nil whn needed her sympathy ar assistance; In forbear ance towards the faults of others, and In an adap ts! ion of beta -If .t all timet, the circnmsf am e . by which the might be r founded. She Was aa earnest awl ex aerie need Christian, and endeaenral daily lo illustrate its nriaeiplea by her life. She was quint, aradestand retiring In a, nature, yet possessed of great determination af wr mmc. Amid the distresHinwinhtof her last illness, she was fhll of calm and earnest faith ia the atone ment and merit af the blessed Saviour, aad by ua licnce, submission, and mnny pions atteiancea, gave evidence that the iMiasastained by near aad dear onea. who hang ceaselessly nhont the bed d aunVrtnR, won Id be eternal oais to her. Thna hns lefl na aoe atbo was loved and honored alike by all classes wherever aue was knawa. Her work waa finished her mission rndrd.ead sweetly as an infant sleeping, her spirit pa sued away 4a that better land. Where bain and weariness aad sorrow nease. iino uouuicsttHwnAnine nnatne lana Ol Fort of Lexington. aanivica. August T II S Turner. rirfiaslra. " S W Ixwix, for Oman ParSRon. nl HI. Joe. ' I rlioncwall, for Omaha. " U labJlsi,ror WesUal. " M Cora, for Omaha. fttratrVKa). AneuslH Sam Gty, fir flt, Is.nn H Mary Savage, forrlt. bouis. ' 9 Welcome, -tor Kt. Imis. " in Miry Mrlfoaubi, for m. I.ouit. " III lb-n. Johnson, for St IhiU. IS Amanda, for St. Ijnwi. " II Kate bii.nev, for St. Louis. " V I'aragon, Iniis. " U II. S. Turner, for St. Louis. Tlie river is fulling slowly, with live fis t in the channel. Thu last boats up show an advance in vigil's, say UtfuMr. per MS. TIIK TEST OATH. "I, A. B.. do solemnly swear that I ant well ucipiaiutcd with the terms of the third section of the sesiind article of the Constitu tion of (tie State ol .Missouri, adopted ill tlie year eighteen hundred and sixty-live, and have carefully considered tin; sa'me; that I have never, dinidly or indirectly, done auv of the acLs iu said seetioii seeitied; that 1 have always been truly and loyaly on the side of the I'nited Stati-s against all' enemies thereof, foreign and domestic, that I will lM-ar ttuc taitliand allegiatH-e to the I'nited and will support llie Constitution anil laws Ihens.f. as the supreme law of the land, any law or onlinam-eof any State to the con trary notwithstanding; that 1 will, to the best of my ability, protect and defend the I tiion of the I'nited States, and not allow the same to lie broken up and dissolved, or the Government thereof to Is; destroyed or overthrown, under any eireiinistan-cs. . . 11 III my lower to prevent it : that I w ill slip) tort the ( oiistitution of the State of Missouri: and that I make this oath without any lirei t d re-oM t at ii .n or evasion, and hold " it to Is' Liudiii): on toe. ' a . - The Churches Sabbath Schools. 3frlt:iptist Church, Main st , Rev. E. S. Ih Sirvice, Sahhiitb iiioriiiug at Itl o'clm-k; eve ning. v . ssl.l.ath s,'h..ol, y a u. Jiyt H'folict Inirch. Re Fattier II ti., Thinl st Seruce, Sal.l.ath morning, at lo o'clock; Ves pers at , r . at . Sal. bath School, ! n I3f hristian Church, Muin st. (No Pastor at this time ) Sabbath Schisd. s. w. CJl.'lsepal 1'hurrh, Rev. Mr. Smith, corner of Maia Cross and Franklin. Service, at lift o'clk, 51. Sabbath School, . ttji'Meiho.list church South, corner of South and Maiu st.. Rev. J. W. an. Service, 1!, a. n.jTH, r. n ; Prat er meetiug, Wenedav eteninK- Sabbath School", S a. u. Ly-Mith.Ml'.-t Lpisei.psl Church Norlli, Main st. in courthouse, Ree. Mr. Cnswronn. Service as the others. Sabbath School, Ia. r. t erman Methodist Church, South and Cedar sts. No iiiloriiiation. Jln-lt terian I hiireh. Franklin street. Rev. Mr. Vr.tULKs. s, rvicc at !, A. n., nnd 7 H, r. M. Prayer meeting, eveuiug. Sabbath Sc Irani , 9 o'clock, A.M. J. A. S. Tutt II It. Johnson . . S. F. I'nrrie Kldridge Bunlen W. M. N. lireeu . W. II. Bowen .... Thos. Adamson . John Aull Rlert Tavlor Circuit Comt. Circuit Attortrev. Circuit Clerk. Judge Probate Court. . . . .County Attornev. Couutv Clerk "Sheriff.. Onuntv Treasurer . . County Assessor. ji.. b&ley, J. kirkpatrirk, T. W ernwag. Justice of County Court. JSo communication of length receiv ed after Monday noon. nyron miss County Survevor. We are absent from office from 12 tc 1 o'clock. , WEBSTER OX t'AXATICS. . If the- raaaitoTami aWVuidiM- m ewer e( pwn in Ikrir ammN they wut- aver ride Ike- crAtniw iney wiiv mnerriwt tms, set Iky Saptei aaHrs c)ikMe aad sHkeiseles. V tar aVt ale- stud make laws f riaallv. aawli bitvlcriim the rwnnitrT. asMi ael- Mstc Ii ilrl Mnxtrt. AMBOtmCEXUTTF. FOR CXK'NTV TREASf KKR. W are nnthoriaad to nnauMur.- JoliJi AtTLL a a candidate ftr Transnnrr of Lafayette eeuntv, at the next November election. We are authorized to announce 40ITH 1,. TnB.S aa a candidate f.r tlie office of oumr TnrMiirer, ntthe miiiru-nrliinc el-eti,m. subject lo the decision of alousmatitc I oiiveuliou for ruM-XTV I' We are ai.lhonz.-d ., ai.n.,..o.-. J...1... V w I.KTTuN aa randelalr lor .hiiiIv t l,rk at the aoimNtclmit; election, suliect to Uie -lei iniou of a onMrrvative iHinlt 4 Miventii-a we are authorized to announce 41.1FTOX B lAMKL as a candidate tor tlie otliee of I ount y lerk ulij-cl to the leei.iou of tlie I onaervative Ih-morralic Convention FOR Cincfll CI.KKK. are anthorized lo annonnre Rll JTXKtl r. V -if (11 AN a a candidate tor the olbee oi l h-rk of Uie iivuil Court. uljert to the derision of Ihr '.wnwiif onveniion for HHrwrr. e are to nuiHoinee Mr. SJ(n I, I i lilil s VI.K as a candidate f. Mo r ill. al Hi, ap- i l-rum-hiiig elation. Mihiect to the leeu.ion of Urn I , , nii,. ..IHI.CISIIM. are authorifed to aiu.ou.iee ls. .i' yf 31,.. -1 ItK aa a candidate for sheriff f Lla ete e.iun ty, at the approaching elect i..n, suhjecl'to a Cou-M-rvative Heuiocratic Convention. We are authorixe.1 lo sminiinr. nvvti i d . . v as a candidate for the office of sln-ritt" of tie county, at tlie approaching eleftfbm, subject ton leciMu.u id the oiiscrvative Convenlhnt. St-" snthwiietl o aanouaoe r. K. McCR W K as a candidate for the orlice tf Sheriff of l-a-U'"C"",,-T' " ,hr eleef i..a, sohhet I" the binHt of the onservative Camvention Messrs s:i,it.,o. IMUU. . rortheSheria'slty oftl'avelt.- county . Mo., at the next November elector. h..Iiwn. s.. ih. . r . Convutioa of Ina Conservative party ia saidnma i-.J - I H Jlt. I,. KWIXH. To the ot-rs of Lafayette lountv : In resmmse to inerait in the r.spres, and at the soliciuUi.M) id" iL . ' ' m'r" eaiKlidale for Sheriff, subject to nomination bv tlie County Om wrv al iv, Convent i.m JOs.Kl'11 llllHVM.. Messrs. Kiotoks: In reply to my friends under :?t IVr!!"" "'imalue f "fucasians" and c Liu r1a.,H, "? Others," iu your issues of Mat Mh, and June Mb, calling on me to bee..,me m esndidate for the Sheriffalty oflafat ette couutv I hate to say that I cheerfully yield to their wishes and ebr under,. .,oir,.B'S! the Andy Johnson Uemis ralie partv of the county deem it neteisarv to hold n tJouvention to select a eandiilate from the many aspirants for the bate that I will most cordially submit to the action of such ronventiou, and phslge myself to wuu to se cure Ute elect loa of its choice AltMI.U I. WINSOU. Lr.xtsr.Tox, June 1J, lam. To the voters aad my fellow-citizens of Lalbvetfr county. Miss. hi n : I. having leen stronKlv solicited by a number of mv old friends and acquaintances from the diflerent parts of the count v. and also from the eity of Lexington, to become n candidate for the ofBce of Sheriff of Lafat rtte county at the ni t November elect ion-which umce was so unjust ly taken from me, I hereby amusince mivtlf a a candidate fo said office subject lo n tJoiinty Con vention As to my ability or uualineations to dm charge fullv and lairit- Hm tnii. ..r tw a, ..o leave yon to judge, from the manner in which I did ' business when 1 previously fflled the oce; I Hit I will pledge myself to discharge the duties .if tlie mee wiiooui or partlalitv. mid will also pleilge myself to ride all over the count v, aad serve ail writs other prfMM-ss put into mv bands with out taxing you to fiirni.,h horses and pav the ex penses of a xjsse to acuomMUiv me or mv" deputy Lexinston. Mo.. M.yJP. A! " K" Lkxixto, Jalr ITth, lsmt. Messrs. KtHTons: I notine in vouj lat issue a call um me to become n enndidare for the office of Vinly reaaurer. If it is Uie desire of the js-ople of the county that I should serve them in that ca pacity, 1 will consent bi mnke the race. Y.hi will tliereforr please announce me a candidate, siibiect to the decisionof the t.ountv ton rent ion. Ilop'ing to see a union of all the el.uients opssinK Us.iicsl sm at the next ensuing eb-etioa, I remain Yours truly, UvULUT HALE. OTTS AOI3TT3. In tills city, our Mr. Ai.i.kx will act as the QnamJal agent ami business diretor. Wellington llr Pulkcrson, Lumax Ur . f. Kei.ick Nspoleoi. -s Kenirk. Mr. Fi.d.harV J.apel I LitUe. I Wood. Hr. Ragsdale sni-a-Rar Mr. Rledaoe, Ol . WaHim. Mount Hope Price VF. K Mc.:aoney. A. Ite rnett, Ttms P. McCbesney tireenton M . Slaughter, lr. Mobinson. J Koy. Msyview-l H. -alkersoa, J. p. Iterr, itt. Wat. tiordva. Taha . Jaaiea AthJaaan Uover Mrs. V. I 'stick, J riaUeabnrc. Waverly-;. Patterson, Rev Mr Mrearland. Ir. Yaatisv Hr. S. W. Brown, rreedonv Saml. S. Hen ton. Jan. II. Hord. Morton (Kay C.d. Hohuuaou, Tom Porter. Kichmnad Jaha Shaw Tbos. Haylis nrroHt:onnty, Ho Miss Sae Moorman. Fsyetteilb Msnaa W. Itarr. Pleasant Hill-Ur. CoUias. W. A. Ftenuag.Csnt Allen. Pink Hill-James Kwiag Inueneudvatce d. Wm. Cogswell. Lone Jack Hr. Itenbrn. J. W. V mold . Ihtvis Township s. J. r'itxcerald Holdea R Parley. OBOI r9-IfaeH tAmm at. r. ft A A. mens ia A rrsaa ItsM. second it, .aula mouth. J. (Juiaunf. W. M i Wn l taoni. J'p. Sto.i J- A. Pnios. l.W.ik. MMsasix, 5 y-r-ingt.m Lodge, No. 14, P. A A. A Maaonc. meets at Arcana Hall, the third Monday ia each month. K. WiMRoa, U M.-.W.ti. McCansutKU, See..; J. Som !. H W t It Hsi.n. J W. l-lxington It A thapter. marts in A rcana HaN nrat Mawlsr ia each month J. (XMtrui, H P. ; W P. HouLwana, Sec. ; J. lSeaorifa., K. : j. r. waatuMx, s rs-tn-iaa Lsdge. No. 45. I O o F Sslurday evening, at Arcana Hall, at 7 o'clock Jvus M'KtRKm, N. . j Jo. I.. Tuoass. Sec. Special Notices. LAJXBSS AJfl OKWTS. ICB CMEAM AMD DIMIHO BALXa. Hating feoenlly aneuf d a summer tefreshment room and IMniag Hall f.s- the acxommociiUoia f. LawleS and tntlemen, f ant now prepared to nerve aw Ice Cream, lemonade aad Gafcet a moment's notice. Alan Warm Meals and tysters,' at at noun, aeepared lo order Rrasembrr the pi"" TmnMdintelr over McKinaia tint' (noaaiaa; Tdrnw. Jytltf L BAIIMCS. "W'nntfs. WAMKD ioe or tRW ynoriff iavilea, ny eusnt cjisrseter, and Jalr efiuruion. ta ream a light and nleaeant In dour baslness. Apply at tins eluce. V IT A NT Ml In demand, at lair rrices, H. V aad good Milch Cowa, at my .Stacit Yard . laexinglun.Jiii17. M l tJtMUf. 1T ANTKII A small, neat house. witlTesy four v w or uve roomi.. ia a go hi locaury br n od bment, without cluldrea Apply at this office. jeWIW aSrhh PRM IRAK! We want agent n "' everywhere to aril oar I MPKi V -F.ll 2 Sewing Machines. Three new kind. I n iler mil upM-r fstsl Warrante.1 Ave veais. salary or large commits iaou paid The osh mn chim's sidd in I'niteil states fr less than which are fully licensed by Howe. Wheeler A Wilson. I. rover luike-r, singrr ., nnd llat-belder. All other cheap machine are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, line, and im prisonment. Illustraled circulars sent free Ad dress, or call upan Sbaw A t lark, Kiddrford, M.tine. juiieJMly hatChf h .MWSilH! rents ra " tirelv new articles, just out. Address O T i tKLY, 4 ity lluil.ling. Uiddefvrd, Me. june a ly MOMir.TIIIV. KKVT! MF.SSRS I I.AM IK Its KINNKY respectfully inform the public of Lexington anil surround ing country thai they bate rented ihr Photographic R.s.ins formerly a.eeiipie.1 by Mr J R White, and have maale great improvements by aiidiiig the latent sttle of blue gronml glass skylight, which gives the softest and mo-f pleading pietures vet know n in photography, ami from their experience in the Art. iH.tb in New Y'.rk and Saint Louis, ran guar antee artiMie work in etry department. 1'Im.Io- , BrspH caaafe. .. p.rr ,, n.l-f, ! lii.hs Ink. Tlo- beautiful Ivorvttm. miw so fssh- ionnl.le, we particiilarlv rceeoniineii.t to the ladies Pictures taken ami colored, from Locket to Life Siac, aud satiefartumtmarautrcd. Pt-rsams wi.-h-ing true and artistic pictures, nrccairdiallv intifed t.. atsil tln-nisaavM .t o... .i.a 'a.g sir tTARnElRWC! Ilo: YE WK)Lv.KOWEKtS! VW is the time to get -k1 work, nnd get it is Juick i hir Machine i doinir a. wa.rk as ever. anl it has the reputation f .b.iag thelcst. We are now ahewl of our promises, and Will card immediately those who came from a distance, aal attend promptly to all who favor u with Uicir work. Persons who have brought Wool to onr. Machine f.rior to the 15th unit., wilt iileaierall and get their tolls. A . ItlcH Rlrs k CASH Ucalim, 1imw h fHmc Bridie. Ji"f toOunc Sh. 198. tf. AKcrs TOBACCO MANUFACTORY. alrmlBstM, MissMri. HA TWO estanif'bed ia the clry of Tern(ton a Tiihncco maaufaetory . ami supplied it entirely with the latest and most improve.! machinery the suceeaeful munufartnre of loluweo, and 'hav ing empbatcd the most experienced and competent w 01 Lmcu, 1 an prepared to n-KIISH THE TRADE "TTH VflE IU I nllttjt" iatlrlin f Sbmrasinri Tabarra. At nrice that should indue tbe dealer of' the west to j Parckae im Leila; Werea.nh..riZe,lto anm uneeWM. W. tiAPXT ' I ,l 'r';r, iT. .-. . . L T. tSTN .arty, ifu,. sh.ild he held. Wia-rauc , ,,, id oiyision. is sintal.le lor the olelllier stiM-fe or hemp. I lie llmtroleiiienls are TOBACCO WANTED, ron waica i vox Pay tbe Ciftbrst Market Trkr, rn iieercl -t thr ractorr oa P.roadwae, a.lj .iiiir trcir Hsll . 1 - ;. w r Tin XfW Advertisements. A. W. SLAW B At la. As toruey at I atw, Nojli Sortli Third stro-t, Mitchell Knildinp, nest IHnr to the Iv.-.tolure HAVIXfinerinanenfle btratrd in St l,oni, an I resume.! tut- ftrto-iice ol' t:iw, reslteeJIullv re- vi me irnfnil l ei '!Telwliil,-occ Willi iil. MO uuilltaiiie(i llirtiii.'ttt,iit f in. ctinf t v h.m I " - F.K lilt. II MIIOOn. i I a!,,:n",, "f ,u"' c'Heii, ..I il;tv4te and . ,V"""i,if oamties is rvseetlully i.o!e.t to Hit i i"ii'B iiieiiie.eiiH iit. IhraMit naiued lm-li lutKju, ..lice no nouriT-liue.; ;,il nell-kiioau. alter ,a-nii-iuu iitu.) wiil rrsumr icrsiinis OS MONDAY, Tilt 17th OK hl'I KMliKU, lwie. I'Tipili of ImI1i, but arr Let in sejiarate rooms. liares mmv as those of other school ol like nnler Huoute.ur tlie country tor partieulars, addi, atisn t. -. WHITE, Principal. riKMT-ri.Ai imrm rR shwjf.. tmrt lair and extensive. Abuiidaiice of staler on the larin nil turpfses. 'Ih.ts.i. Y'Hln, resi.linp on the tmnu will ehon it toauv onewihini; to pur chase. "I.VAN HU M., augstf Ak-. nt f..rl..-. Yoim?. FttJI FOKSALE. aeies m cultivation. I lie improvements con.-1st m m uoe-iorv irsoie na., conisintnir thre ronrue. a tirsi-mte barn, l.tiill.d oak and piue lumber, and all other out-hulMluiKs Als. an ahuii!n.- never failinz water. I be crojui will In; sold, with the farm, if desire-l aug s ff a, V AX YoL 6T IM.IMI1HKS 1 IANK1NG I lOL'JSIC (Establiahcd 1843. EarmiaistM, totntmmt. Ariw. .1. PICJOTT, DKAI.LR in Sri-.1, MiscePaneous, Blank nnd other Hooks. Wr tin?. Wall, Fancy and Uraw. ing I'aiHTs, Lima and fa per Window Certains. V inlm aad liuitsr strings, piano and other music. w rittni g iK-sks, slates and pencils, steel ns,tli id ropy mg inks, engrat mgs photograph lack. red and albums, curds, pict ore irsmes, music Ules, letter book. oortfoll.M. l,aoLer cmmm. l. t t. Ac Ibioks and Music when wA in ttoie, ordered w hen wanted ag s ly JOHX AWLL ft. CO.. (At Riding', old Staud.) OPItlsilTE CITY HOTEL, Ar- now rrcvivius an eairc XtW .STfJCK szol?. Staple aai Faary Pry U4s, S RCHCTlR I KH, IJjots, Shoos. IiatiS: O.Tip, C.,t.;!lW"VJ.l-, &c. Which w ill 1m- 'M at price that ill give entire sall;lacuon lo llie faura-naser Mers I'KAK ICIIHM.S will lK wa.t oa their old friends and customers pleased to auB 9 Jut J'JMN AI LL i CO Insurance Xoticws. IWMMfW f nnMlinil T CAWTaL STOCK IWOO.OOO. CT yiiurselves bv insuring tour horses in the Missouri state H'rse Insiiianec and Iietec- tive Company nt Alexandria, Mo., capital stock. SJMS.OM.) t ?-This is the most resnonsiljle company ta ta West, and insure hive stock acauftm Ttitr r myll $ar JilflN AIH.L. Arei.t 4140,000 rj-.HO?, naawcai, OwctieMATi Joly. Ii m us- sen das oioiy. iran, at city ni Poritnnd. Maine, waa almost wholly uvstuwyed by are The PIKENIX bs.1 sdiciest.. the amount of u4a,UNU. m the Kighth day after the ffre, every bast had lees . trusted and paid, in accordance with the lint haari.d caslom nfthe Pbaeuix. nl Hartford. ClIVCK Pefarnarv ISstthe I'lfniriX.'of'Ifarlf.iTd T has nmt with i insi asii.aa lasaes. as f..U..aa : tdtVPlslnl Factory. Hartlbrd, Cona . . Odton WarehoaBe, Mobile, Ala 4e,onr. raurainff of Portland. Maine 4a.OC u.n The nlmve haws hare beea adjusted aad paid, to the entire stdisfaction of claimants, promptly, and wittenW the slightest laconveaience to the iiompaay . By Telegraph I . Mains July I, 136 Kctxooo, Preaidon, Pumaix 4Jo To Usvav naVabard, 4 . Tata I, TblrvfnVrt-ra' Than an Slfht naB?reff BaMar. A vT M.IJV.X. Vice CAMI AfWETS, JtUf.T, lC. fshoa haad, htitant.aad with Agirls.tllJMM r lliuted Statw fiscuntles i-Vi.-Vil n li,t0 h al . nfl Mn.oTnm b,;m w ae ,fs m ... 2Sj7foi 7 .nan ajiprneed Securities New York BaukStueks. Hartford Jtenk Stocks Miscellaneous flanjt stock Hon&i state. City and Water Ohio state Stock , . Accbtttiuamct lunreat oa 1,111 Market value ot Assets Losses ia ptocess oaTs.itjut.Ui.ett. ACTU AL SET, 993,9 f. The annual Meeting of tbe sttx-khobleri was re cently b.1.1 in tlie city of Hartford. aud InroldUoaid ofliin-e.forsa-hosen At a suliseuent mis-tun; ol tbe Hireetairs, the old officers were!y re-eb-ctasl. The business of the 1'b.emx I'.ht the ucal year just i-lose.1 was the most suea-essful and pros perous in tue whole hi.taarj ad the t oui.any; regu larly tjusiierly dividend of x aer-nt. iiou the Capital st.M-k "were deelare.1: business Isruelr rn excess of any pret i.rtls year, an.l the saalid liuaiieial eainiliti.m ol the I'lei-mx evert thing if most ardent and sanguine friends raauld w t-h tr. Tlie I'lliKM X enta-rs the present t ear better than ever pn-.ared for service and duty in ibe line aaf its profession, w ith ins-re sseal lacilitiis for the lion of business, an uniuiaait-e.l S!bl apilal of six hundred thousand dollars. Assets to the aiu.amit ad' 4l.oi:l.a.l:l, an annual net rash income of over one million dollars, anal a mercantile system of local agencies, un.b-r the management of vct-:'u I'mlcv writers. fn.m far Last sunrise to the golden sbor.s of the 1'acihe. shape, ami fn.m fhet.ulf of Mexico to the iraiu-bound c.aastsof the Northern lakes. sthareanv lierta-ri-otniianv m-eatal in tbe L'uited states than the l'HI.NI. of Hartford? Tbe undersigned i-mif h.arire.1 to issue wleies in tin aleate popular and leadiuj; Coi'iioratiou, at mtes. .saes Always Praasptly taii. JciilN Al LL, Resident Agent. r f raMirkiton. ST ATI. tF MIMM"RI, I ouuly of Lafayette. , Iu the lrobate Court of Lsfavefte Couutv, la vaca tion, July ITth. Usai H Havis nmt Sarah I llat is, plainlilts, t. ) Henry II Itrown, Matibta Brown. Unvid Kentie.Ma- i ry Ileal ie, Jesse Taggsrt. i Jane Taggart, Sat.-.thiel i Taggan and Lucy Janey Taggsrtf defeadauta. V NOW st this day said Tdalntln. br their at torney, before the undersigned, Judjte. and ex odicio i lerk of the Probate C'mrt ia aad fur l.srav ette county, in the slate of Missouri, in vacation, and flic their petition and aWdaTit, stating amonff her thing tliat the above named .defendants, la rid Rasatic and Mare Beatir ara nan eesidrnt of the .state of Missouri, the ol.jrct of. troieh ,aid petition i to hare partitMnv and divi-ioa of the f.iilowmg described tract of land, Iviog and hetwg ia the coantv of 1 jifvette. mid stale of Missouri, els The aorthwrst uuartrr of the porthisiut quarter of sectioa twelve il' , anu inrrM aau as tne nonn east quarter of section twelve (Li), and the west half of the aorttaeast oaarter of section thirteen (13) . and the wiTTheat quarter of the nesheast quarter of section thirteen (ia). and the southwest quarter niine norrneaM 'liiarieroT aecuon twelve (tn, una the west half of the southeast quarter of section twelve f-)a and the east half ef tlieaouibeaet uiiar ter of srctMsx twelve (Ii), all ia lowrjshtp Arty. rieht si . range twentv-ffve i-iAi. belonging to tbe estate of the late John M. W'alker, deceasa. or f-ir the partition nnd division of tbe pi-srecls of tbe pale thereof among the plaintiffs aoA defen-Unt, according to their respective rigt.t. s declared in said petition, to-wit. To Sarah fyaria, Matilda Brown. Jane Tsgar, Marr Bea'ie and Lucy fag- gart one oae-nnn parr. ncn. iv -. oieie larenralrred hv lue said ludge and ea ofhoio lerk. ia, that pulilicatif.n be risde notift-nsff tne enm i-enaanie. Dura itearie ana wary neane, that an actios has lieen rommerieed rainsf them ia tne lTonare csjnn ot Laiayette comity. Missouri. for Uie nl-jeceS aforesaid, aad anles. .ther be aad appear ai ttie next M rm oisam oittt, tn Dg.:n an.l held at the courthouse, in the cilTof ton. in saidcouaiv. on tlie first dav ot' October. A I. ISHG, and on or lie fore the third day thereof, if the term shall so long continue, and if not. then he fort the eml of the term, auswtrthr said petition, the same will be ink-en asraiivt them as confessed; and it is further ordered, that a copy hereof be pub lished in the lkinrvnn Weeklv li-f ASIAS. a nc-w- nai bul.lislted in thecitv of" Lexington. Lsfavetta roanty. Mo, f.- ..r w -"k sac.-eo-ly, ih last i a " J"J" sx-s a - i ; . - -" inflU'iti lolt al ir' vft-lts r-'f : . Tt " Gt- !Va4-It ! lh if ,if tlxsw luvt tarm riff tit I'lHI!!. A !nif r.iVL, Hilt t: KLIKIlHf: W If'I 1-OUS VI.K my lrm. lwnS 18 miles s.(utheast ot I.. .Miii(.,n.' Sli.l H t3I miles soiilbw es of WaverK, cntaiuitig S2'" Jo; acres of the best nualtly of I in I r hii II JV' r: ft i. Various. It. T. CIGAR AND TOBACXX) STORE, than. Nrrcl, W hramrr s Kaltdlac rar Roan. Faat aftheCifi Itnl.l. LcxiNuTox, Mnworoj. l.AR(.r, aSOKTMSNT Cigam. Tohsoao, i'iftes, an-'l i.,Tftieo' inliisil.o. cn-taat- ly on hanl. and t.- vftrat 9t Lui prieti. e l..le Mile .o-n-lail. Wloo-aii' t'fcers arc earnelly m v:iM to rive him aeall, as U sure be raa'aait Ih.-in, ImiIu in iuality and rics-. lli mntilcor is uow in full blast, and he whS be al.le to .-.upi-lv the demand, DomaUer ilow great, lxii.t.oi. Mltv S, 1SU; ly ATTKSD TO VOI R TEETH. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, By tlie aid of Citrous Oxide Ga. ms s-i'r.Nt r.K Ji..iK. surpion r lleltll-lr.. Nitrous UTt.b lias. t.r the I xira.-tiou ot ieetli M nbotit Pain. Nitrous tixi.le t,as is the lae.,t Vnasthetic aent for tlo- cxtr:i.t.on ol ti-tii: bi-sf . t..s-aue enough cau Im tciven to )T--duce entire innsil.ility, without auy Uaiij;'-r; let. lns-:ui. it i t. ry pi.-asai.t to l.rt-";vtlw, d.l.tiii'r n.si4-ku.-ss ir di-ae.esCle smnati'.n, and l-avie lite ty-telii ia X stulc ..I' . x;.ulerittl..u, tbe effects, bow-ver, only ltin- lisin. ..i..- ,i tit e n;in ul.s; lo-st. It-cause it will su'-rtssl with palia-ntsnn whom chlaurol'.rm an.l .ha-rhat.- bcin trie.! wi;h out suc.-ss; Iteet, because tlie mo-.l dt'lieate, nr voiis ami li-ebleH..rftu cut bieatbe it w ith nab-tti l.e-t, la-raiisc with many pati.-utn it renders gr. "at amount of pleasure while having their teeth ex tracted Ir. Spencer has, up the j reM-ut dare, ex tracted many thousands of tsth for both exe. niuoy a.f whom cajaecBeat distances to arail tbem eelv.s! of bis skill and experience, and tlie uniform testimony is that no pain was exia-rienced, and the gas pleasant to breaibc. Kead the followiiuj teeti monv : LkxinotcW. Mo , June 18. lsnc this ie toe rtifV that Lrs. Spencer A Majaarexua. ti-d everal tea til f..r me without tbel.-ast pain, wl.ias- under the in fluence of NitrouK OtMf tias, and I felt no incon venience from the eS.cts. SAI I.II-. II. LOVO Ihisis to certify that I hate bad uine teeth ex trxcled while ut.der the influence of Nitrons Oxide I. as. g.ven by lrs Sencerk Major; mid can cer tifv that it was dune without J.ain. while ntn'er in influence ti t'. McCOUl) Laxiscio!'. Jure 13. 1-JOO. atcatal Sarsery. Hr pefC'-r ia Practical. M-caanieal and Sur gsoii liei.ii-t. and w ill guarantee all operation in. in pretension, n-usten o. tnscsre, to give sausbsc tooi. Silver, Vulcanite, ol other malerial win oe api ueo ana aaiuea in tne neatest style All other dental operations perfortard in the short 'fact those that have been given up by ctber dea- ust hc uwiKiusnv equcstcq to give u a call Head sai-efuUv. aud preserve fur Aiture ref- reoce We will make a beautiful upper ar lower et of eeth Far the smalt sum of tea dollar He will guaran tee them to lie a good aa any for w hich dentist usually charge from twenty to forte dollar. IH not tie airaia to get asett ea accouot of low price. 1 r we assure vou we will aot work any but the bei mb-rial. Call aud examine mieei- oens ol cheap work, aad be convinced that Uiera is no numuug in cneap w-arx we w ill guarantee t do all work in the most artistic at tie. Cook nnd examine for youMelres. Webave'tlae Inrgr-vt aa sairtment d' teeth that has ever beea exhibited ia thecitv, wu. i-.hy we are enabled to do work oa very -liort n-atiau;, and at the same time can' give our i.alr.on the a-tvantage ot shape, sue sud color, rarely, if ever, offered in this city before. Com. and select i suit yourseive. Office on tlie North side f Main traet, over Mi Cos. 7.eilcra 'I in shop, laxiugton. Mo, locatin aermaiH-nt. Oilice hour., fruin to 11 a. , and fromltnCr tj. jesotf C. O. CniWEs. a; r VX.VAUU utl.tlKS . tx abije: Watchmakers & Jewelers. I.EXIXOTOX. Mo. THE i:'.5criler-. have removed to their NEW S I iliK i: n i.M . nn.ler Uie City Hotel, and bate ou nanu anu iir t.aii ax LOWEST PRICES, a g.Kid and varied stork in their line, ccm prising nil articles osuallv found in an estaldtshraratol tbe kind, (which i being aei ae.. iTHnwnei.r anvBm a vamat of other articles ol u-cr olounicjst, abay ha fuaaiid. IIX1UU.1, CLOtK-l. ji.WLLcr. SU.TF.R waxs. PLSTKIi WAU. . TABLK CCTLtKKT. IHKKtl CLTLLUY. r A.NC Y tiUOIlS, AUiO 4 JFiTINU XACTiTXES. newiliff nuscuiiw Kedjes, . . ." . 4ll. - sswenai ot an cisax, tn y.e lice, aaavxyfl nanu. w f -ior sale a, ie. aaouss nceM. t-PSitnjnlar attention rireo Ui i-JceumfmMm wiwsia, tocaa, afeweuy, tc We are agents for (he ceidrai! WheerVx TWil nuh Se wing Machine, aad are nfkard la adlant a-d put oa ail the improranieal aa the Wheeler A Wil son m Att kind af Seartaa; Hi notice Wee ma a call before ninri Ing , aanwe jrlHlxjl give imtjgfactToa. Loth 4 to wnrk and prioea my ly OHOKtU ti VrlWABLK. cRaaraiv high rf-tlOE PAfX SESSION of (Ids a ToaneU first Moadav of Sexiteailier. rok. the mm mt, lanmi nre na itan wa : er. J. mryphw.aA. R... ,-iaHinctot-fc sfcttsa LtuHm, Mil W. A. watsB, A. R.. BiMk-Ki it iil.ii n i f n t Tiarlail 1 1 in tot saMMr a Farm flfii li mil at ..reel tunitiea, which arr neirhere egcelbad, at isflhred tn ail amine- desiring a good lajstoem iManaUoa or pmsuwtHia fw'oUscr Tbe tTranoa vf xsxreot szas "- -. hi w ni.aT. .kwjk i.i. quum tior. of tbeir ffangblars uil s3s, and wialyt to aToe9 tne neerry expense anw e. ii lEnamce oit.ry lie.snllsar saesds, is i 'emttfuaiy soUcited. 12 oesinn. aemuna win ae given ax Utia. titer aai Sarfryiar, or sny raacb tuaeM acijee" beircx tt gTa off a ijgiiege. souai inuenauu is ptiauj iw anc Moral training of califiien. There nbaS be Govera uieat wittaxatlyfatiny, DisejxiisiM wUhoat crceity TERMS: Primary lcpartmenl, per aeaxioa of tweaty mtrl ...... Academic (Wpartinenl, junior Cans It SO Senior CJans LI no Contingent Pee, (iavarialdy ia adraaoet ... 1 ail tbiardina; fa (mod families, (per week) from SI io to a a. Pupils will be charged frova time of en trance, except "a cases of special ci.nti sci Kcs samabie deductions made tar protracted illuess or nnav.Hdable detenti.m . Half of Tuition fee requi red at the expiration of ten weeks IJa-fa-rence is ttiade to the following irentlcliKll: H?-a. M M Pngh. In.leN-ndeiice, Mo. A. Proctor. Iiid. .eudence, Ret A . A Moore. Welliugtain, I l.ler J . Warder. WeHiugton. Rev. J.C tshaekleford. Islington, Flder J. A Metlatt.m. 4.reei.t..u, Ll.U-r J. I Hit ail, Richmond, Rev J II Houx. t vlnmbus, 4 II Whiting. Iloter, J p. Hamal.t.Mt llor. A. B. Hereford. M. !.. Mt Hope, W L. Lainkin. M I , Pleasant Mill. 'reenton. Mo., July, lt. In ifinaei mvif mhmi. TIIK FIRST SLMI-AN.Vt Ai. SFssHlN anf rhis sch.s.l will commence, under tlie charge of i. F. KALLINUALL, oa tin- seraand M mlay in Jult , iu the Kascment Rooms of tbe Prcsbtcriaa (Cuai berlamll Church. A regular curs of instruction e-ilt W ndo.ted for those who nival. le to sustain themselves in ad vanced classes. Tkoc w nai may no; desire to ur sue sua-h a course, can receive instruction in such branches as may be most Weened la tlie nrdiaary atoeution of life . . ..a.. Several Primary. Classes will be formed In fro uiscutaxs studies. Daily aesMaa Taratiaa. To obviate the oldectioe to warm weather, Recl Hoiir. during the summer, will eannmenca atSo'el.aek, A. M , and continue (ill 1 o'clock P. M , if desired, if not. till 4 P M. V scat ef two week will be given nl tbe expi ration of half the aeasitm. Ruulm mt ilia row.mewc. tbe 1st of Srphnsbar. TERMS : Taitioa fr fewtan of Five Baulks, fa uY,) in a aivnncei Ad.aiced Clamlit. ..T . n s studies Intermediate Priaxary Contingent Fee. For foil her informal ion aa mm nAMma. jwlygtr 4r-r UALUSfiApL. Princtnal. T. f . IX.ETCIIEB TtrtM VaVOOB AUD UXDtGXKSa. Glass, Paints, Lead, Oil t Dye Stuffs, fine Soap. TmfUa1s, nag ToUet AxticSa. Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobaeeo, ( A Sice Ainwtm t nf WaJj Paper aad Wtadaw ftkate, Fine VTinra t Bran&ei for 3fedi&nal Purposa.' all or the rorrXAR patent mcinbs. Ales aa excellent tSoda Tottty t n in ft . I tmh rwiWh will Ym ta1Mr1 to t-ii4 tTR tVrtj- It,. -J.l. sb . Ina.ana aw... xana.aa-alic ah ' I lie with that i lwesant awl harmic bsterax-' 1. J. FLfcTtffi.a, -W A X M- ex I9t3. atoa. OBaor Miscellaneous. biu. aur. BKrJTIfcNBKOiiKaliiuVful Poem Mr i resion. KoLHUCIt, a erfull e - S"U,THsMN,s, liwbner'. Iiiof sJTX wsli Jackon," "l'..llard's lltatnrv ot the War ; "1 lie saint's Jul.ibe." the best satire of Uted,e -5 cs . And all suuaern works as thev are 1--0.-I. ,uI.f.e ,y MAI' I". U. tl LIJuN, I ul.lish.-r. Hooks, licr audstatl'mrr. Filth street. Opaa.te XI. ie..llllc LlblsrV. OTUS-rs fl'B tj c.uiitry l-e.m.filt aletid.-d to. Jult m lXtslUI-with Tin: inu:.eix. " im us a lloolc Z 'Mir: l'11'.tWI lciuis-tK avJS. I orir,.f Hartford, nSvAfi i otin-ettcut, .-Ti jre-insure al t the highest rate.-,- every ri-h anVesxasa n..w ii.. it IsjAs, nuiai-Mag .oyer atxir Uion' mid, discharge all i.i..l.-at,i(. i. Seeent or nrrn.-iae-tive, of w hatever natnn-. iv. bark, to .tork hobler. . vTy dollar ot its capital st.-c. and retire fr.aiu t-u-.u. e with a cl, so o, caab iu,tus o comt-etilion wiih U im Cat, or wnrstishle Ceuipauies doi. biL-iut ss for sb-rt or toil f.-ailiri -iii st ilia JoIlN Al I.L, Alfeilt. II at UiMiks-l lalf r trier. W It A VL just received n su;.ly aaf Hmr. I. Uook ol l!.e Method js4 I dsooaC uurch . Jrio.t .. . which are a.tler.-t at tt- l'.il.iwtBg rx-Ju'.c 1 j it.-aie. 7-Jioo.. Mora,-co. xjiJt'et'i' eft edges . . . Jio. Timo.. Itoan, fill a. T;io , Uoaa . . . aw. P. M. PIMrAHH, nysht ?Co. I'iue st , M. Ii:. Mriimix'a t.RAfz. Corner Main and IutI Streets, lexiiagon. M -. U,TOt LI) reapcrtfuliy atinonnceto Ibe iroi.;. f Lafayette and adjoining r.untiee, that ttf-v are in rrcciM of Um buml aclvcted aadniestffencisl aauurtaaent of ..... . - - . REAUT-3CADB ClATlTlfG lata, Cai, Tailartas Canals, inf. eer broubt to Lexington, and that thev ar nett ing them at the LOWEST I'RICL FOR" CASH. Our stock of Merchant 1 aiWriug ;oods is nm plete aud of tiie best quality, suits r.,sdc to d r ou short notice aud perfect satisfaeti.-a gives . We are determined not to be undersold by any bonce in Central Missouri . The xuLUc arc lavrbrff to call and examine our slots. mst t la. MrKlVMS ft 4.KAT7. JOHN H. AiiDDcaEKT WHOLSSALX ISI I UiXTI St STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, :rVfxrji.5, Jtc, aScc. llMkt tWIie KKt, UXIlVCFtM. MO. II1SJ So iy C. WIK8RR , C, REM. RCSSCU., 1 .:&! 1-fsta.ic AnftntJi ffflce Rac4n ibe corner of Maia aaid phaa streets, over L. Wi.iajr's tlUoe. UTI-I- lacrwmal attention to 1bei vThada o Lafayette and adjoining couul.e., aico if Southwest aad .ortbww Missouri, mad lit! am and Ixita in Lexiugton. Will also pay taxes on lands ia Western Mtswjwri and redeem those aireadv sold f'ar taxes, and atteial generally to all bitaimr-s ffpporlainliig Ui a frir-t Class Keal kstate Ageacr. kiley Taaaaa Ae.3 land, improved and s-nal. and larr trm-t. Also n number of house ami lota m Lcx iiiatoa aad suburb . . All who want to LTT w ill Snd it to tborr tage to call on us, nnd all who want to stXX, a xd tUnt our charge moiieritte. ' fc WINsott ff C. BLS. RISSFXL. mays Cm Keal Fstate Agenis., 9n RARTIm KrtBAR KtiraKinm evHLfmderMBned, bating bought IU iiM vf 1 C. lixrtle's svsar Lvxporatwr, fa Cute and -mi-a-liar lowaship. are now prepared to ami I each fanner the right lo make Li via sugar, an hm own iarai, at levy low price. if. B VACCIIAJI. j !hw M M aueiNMv E. irUWB. ricE. vote ASS MARHTK - InfaiAara,noe Aenti LexifMfton, Mo., , .1' Ref2ESEnotefcltowifa OOM-PAMU.a-drft: JiTNA LNSURANCE OOMPAIO; (M Hartford, O-lneh. VkJUCJSl. m. UNDERWRITERS' AGfiKCI, or II. Torfc Cay wtneu. M.UBas . nARTFOlID FIEl? INS. OO-V -Of Harttara Ct.-AmBt.. ntjttl.Urf R. UKIOS MTJTUAT"Lir Il Co Oaaa. toMhn.-aMMi. l.aT7 H. ' . ?: jrf-AM (hi JlnMlhrveinfftr aaffUian fe (fi Urea Insand na eery hxratdt ti l mm' AppHni - " lion can lie suae a nil aBiet in Immnni aril maii. atlnixatn tana. - aC wiuryiR, ii- v Fire, Life aid Ularicc iBsuranee fctsirT l asLsr. ssaa iStSwawr. Mfasaaans DflKT- ae 31 VaXi IT-XK.: a- Ff ffVAEES great pleasure la 1 hie old baa a l t sfowwtrfV TaUc a Pocket Kid rex. jwonaarai aastne oata I thrraf ati Inl ahx before haying. tottahtMaa. WafexMa, jlaafca. JewrtrT. Jilaucai irwtr imttit. eta., eeierafir Sczsshed anisM wa a.L v oiuix itjr jvew it urw stub am ausen. .aa ba fjuinest tsotice; aslaa rrcjmredto de tut wwcsr . CAIS lafaTlorimwrcTrAtea Irryrtharr. IsLAiA'JWJf STOVE & 2ZAlCET2i; W O It K S i airca si. LiruKri !na. william Morrison. MAM FACTLELU OF . .. sfm ... . -Moves,- Crates -Mlaw Ware, 4t, Lt; lKBcRpBraLrs,' Bane Faa rrs, war Tests; . w. SargboR has,' Im IrwaTta,V Wlaiaw Caps tmi tSt Irwa Fractat: aai KaCfne- ia CUlsxaA otcay masvwaviz kuts or Fatutilntet, - OOXSTAXTLT OjTKASO at. tiZSn Ok Casasl Lri tvQtf trCi .Ovi ttot, uuzt istuu it. -V f)PAlW; f n hThds don rteaptly had tw IV the most eiorktaaaiik uinuiir. Price List aad Circularw isi.t on etrffeatinu -aJ-Lfiuich Hon it at kA.VSAS CITT.MO WM.MOnCIsiC. I.exii-.rrl-.a. Ma . Villv i. uTioui.rirg te. .- hat Una an In L Wwinh ana a4 t af atXawU. anl nsjlhe-w-lll aaUk Brtoea. Ml llhaawwr oh hnhff ' OnenavRirii a TRr eiu - mX l - - a. mm i n i i tf mm i ' a . . Mid HhR9C nnuiiam, aaannnr m - ---. - nm HHatnana m m win x.e