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tfiiuriisimi ami tfrnrcss. i' PRAYER OF THE SOUTH- . ttl . J K If mot "iHI. H'.Vi! ! ?:m r k ; lit - V.-rU I T-. tij-rn - -tirti: i M; 'T" i h ut h it-ear h a hr x r -il r T l',ir l XX an :nut utuie m!T'i Hut I HI lift m v .. tliH.i'fl hand- to nd for ii. v iMMn it pra . :.! r m -. -ide fie icr-AY.-? utier :h"i.-nr.d- i.e. I kiwi and. c"iirf i-r m l -...u-riibT. d 1 turn m p- f" r mu v -k . JfcrwJ frit nfcvr, iu; i " r:l be doi- M h:rr i- rWbd w t anirn.sfi. deep uvd ta-f: v hopes r- b:i 1 a tl'i my i !i : ! !:vn ' . oti-t ; i jo-havr rttti -mv lb. a rt: j f t-r: ? 1: t h'tft, -xr I iu .nr I rii. -i -. h!i I 1. 11 -r i I tr-z .r In-.-. I'a-rher, 101.4? and tr. t Vlf:i tl hrtppv,,.- l ;HN 'tV r; ! J"jt. o,t -red ..h . Miiti ( n-hed. I Wok :t'ff . I Vil3Hvn Kails mi. fr'at buck to lii'r. ? Am. d the frVtt m:irX tne f"i n.:ui'- path I kn.fl .tini. w nili iir tVrr iu ir'om- ir-!!. I fill rut-h llMtiTirhf "f Ii.i'f . rich lurob l w r.iil;. Ami hi-rt-r- i x lor' bi I h x ttl 3 d"i .-. Ptlx in-. r'afht-r t tlie I r-Ml;tf-! mv hur.h u- nrr f.urd hi .ir: l.'if'ti !x i tn mt ir v!i m nt f h-l . A I kce IUr.;U:.l J ui.- with J ! X U ill' c:lf I'lfv at-, ttffte-r fT If.-ho!-. v ti..-.- l-i. K. u h, irt l.i.i l fur iV-w t' .ri-f. ThMt harl-tf :inti. w !:rf rr !hy -h.:ll hra!. .'tiirhf iC't t lit ;ui'l tiM'f ur i i- i. Aii. Wf! b"W dark ? I- rht.- a hri f r-!;r-f: r i- if i!t i;t in l--m i rv mi h! I Jth' T! ;:tl'i'r' wrfli mv i: , i -uikaLUVht-urt. I fc i - lUj- Kill hj tfc Mv m'-4 r ii'-. nti? :v mini. -p. r.'imni hr man iiwt in j" f- rri-i w a: tt'h.r lir;n:vrrr liiif, an lt:t tu :r.i vi . Irn Hrf many mtlrft T-ni in? i- ! & f ni nrn Atlahr tin w ;! h a..-. ri-r rj h.n-" Tr Arr morning h ith an-fc i -'-ij r f t me ; Ai-.'i grn i ui' ii. Mi-i ci-t'ii l- t't W"ii, -u at ichi "umiCi.iW-f. r.i'h-T. w;Mi n r.r. r t.T!u T ii :ith mv ff n th:'n-.:ii'I i Ik! lr n !t a ! ' h'i I 1" 1 k t i v. i i .i ; ; . I n.wm-cm r..l mrtriwir-r ijltu-r: ,?r il 1 titf w ill ;w !:;'. Ah' r'nrW. rh.u l; h-cK r t Willi ;.U lv ; x iit ftia.-Ui", JUtfc , ! ;an-l I lui iin.; 1 I'.iu-; V-v.t f M inaii i-.iniv i'll a rr-.rT,!t h s :ul ai uiu. vt:Waa4-l au'-iifU tiirr rn. Ami! .iriiit' w ir!i k-: i t'. I ki-- II. Aiil Turn tu f.wi', tf ! tt-.:.-i all .f t-v:i, i arch 'Hi sn:!! of fr my ,,.!. Ar-'Un-I in MiIir. w hcVr all ht-Ir- w a- M"-.m: Aivi mi uincb lr-l -ala.! n :hm n : tt e Ttai ihut 1 cm I-ai n on wm ?. I Vmih, Aiuitrp a:nl w l-; ui-y juj-Iiv iJ :jc An ivb" ; Iirr-I t -it-' -a: I, 'it ?-: Thr worl-a r- liirti-r." J- :r rhr h I a I jIui, A laiti that ht-al the 1- ot n:y tit Uat. ArJ thiis fnii my .rr.w int htr -aUu. It is thv pT:i t-r tf lr cr an I h'-vv ir hrin-. When liax I in, vt-ac unf? hupr tnut ; Whn -yu- vrayc I ir. si; a-.ifi Oleum 'md ifa'e ti ukr.t -3 vf m.t:ii r ?fy rniWrpn. f;ifhr, Thy f r?;vn. r.r" Ala! t!'ir liarr.- hamily j U-f f-r t lorn iv i rhci'i l .ri:M. -ry r-fi.tul i- t-k A'ulrv'i-y -.ri, ft" rl. f 'ir i! m.i'.v ;f.n- A':l ifi tht-m tift:v;th t 1 1 . 1 - I-titi !'.-- 1t,. ! An f Imm !h-ir fciar?s r:;V v, ry th.ohi .(" -har: Acl wlule they zht ir a' :ii y t t.. :r h! ht-Ip tb-to. I atlir. t- i ndur- i wri-hr Ai fr my Palf Try Tafhrr. mny I ?.r.? Ati! ftiU-- mar wth., bur nurra'.atk-oot!u- ni- , mrr f I krp eternal aTh lM.r th ir rl.iy ! th! rrl th-ir ia.-. my lather. iiniiT-re! KoiifiT my fr rh know n t u:vt t n j ; , "rivr thrui tl th- t-ur tht uate tilt- f l't.rgnir thin thotijli luy noM.-! .-n- thry I lew ' n-l thftn Tft'.iT. ??f-v rrr-r iv.x t.'M.r. t ikarlh-a-l' j i Tif idiit niT f r fin !i r ctrr '-! i f Witli swiir. whitr wia-, that, btiiiii.if in my IV iil Iw:irT.'iff. I a:h-r. all my irayr tf I" . An-1 lnriif ni- j--a'i- m ali nr. li'-a't- an-l It ar. k arhf r! I knvl 'mttl rTitnT w i-i k ai. I . A r?-w a-r w ;;:-f ail a- j -t -o r.n ; Arnl r my rluUlrtrn nrt ny ftp- ! rravt I'ify j anV'ii t ati.t-r'. ii-ar m- j'l a;. r Truly Kefresliiii. ; I if thcSC dnV ff T-CHOO Jlntl . iit . " 4 ..i i- I kiBisii, a iuu i;Uu .urn .1:1 tu ill.- it- , male pemler prometjaiiiti; put tri'ft-, lourlly denuuncinir white person as dirtv Iovv lite-rel'e!.," ininirletl with tLer epithets too ritimerous to men-! tion, alt lieoaae nmt white man ami a r.ejro have torn to Mows ami in luieil in a knof k flown, oeea.sioneil. perhap", 1-y a t!o.-e or two too nmelt of iiirlifninc wh:s!;r."iiii.e I with a sharp ppnnkiinLT of the lievfraj;'? caliei Jieer. j "VVe npprehcTiI that, the iht of the; I -rautifut form of the railical pt. sway-1 ini; herself alotiif in uraeeful style, aii.l I itiituliiiLT in fiiih iifATM: atonsemtit. i indeeit relVe-hin; to some of our tit- i.eii.-. Wo (Ji not wis, to he conM-i ereii a. enJorsins the ait ion fit" a white I nan Mtriltiri"; a ne-rro; on the cotttra-f ry, we ih-prei -at'.' nth thin aii'lr wuiil l itwii-h rather that ti e white u.iiiiii remain in us proper pia r ann n t ih.'seeiv! to siu-Ii a k v !, hut we ilol ray that w? ar hot in favor of Laving the ear of our mother., wives rind .-is- j ter- salnte f hy th of-sf-utity oftfiisor any other cla-. ' Yes Mich Mirhls arir r-fiv-hhiL', an l; if i t III more refreshing t,- know that the radicals intiit the impri !"m-3 itito' hese peop!e, ainl jn'rsua'l- them to n-c ' thl sort of language, ja-t as tht-y have been for over a qnartt-r of u n-nturyj trviir' to i in it'.- the n--r to otien r?-; " I I uliimi, ari l the s'airhter of their m:ts- ter.-. aii'l the killiii": !' women ami i IiiMreii, anil mm- uphoM aiel prefeet ! them in this sort of itso!e:ie". Thev ! live ly the iiero e!, iin-nt. Half the raJieal tarviniii- in fi.'soiiri v.otti'l have to emiifvate wenr it Tiot for the MealintjH fhev- makt from the Irioranf nero. TIipv emiM not rnake the ?a!t tiiiii wiisi i 4iii iii.-tr i ti'ii i i-;sii. tiff t!ie thnrth all an- on the north ; hiile of the river, whi the ra'liea! ' -Vor'.hern Methoilists ,'.c ( tV,,,a; !i n..ri"-i fi I. 'l s; t, r.r.ry .1. fo-:... tf, 1 where else, no iluiihl, an I will so on- linue. "Il.e ratlieahs think th nernj Their h-icitimate tV e l, an, I fee i upon ' him ravenously. The iii-m wtli eat eh him in hii meanness anon, just a they ' I 'nl in the htirih ea-e. ami will r--1 lionriee anil t!etiotiiic: him. smn htm- as itntit for as-M-iation or tra h-. 1 Hut there is another view to this pi.ture. The rai!ia!- say that Jt.rr. JAVIs was the aetivc rausV of the free- i !oni of the slave tlu.t k- I ronirht on I the f rorjMp, whi. h is false. ami that the ! lisnr.iivnists ami traitor of to-ilay onl v i ae.-rjiteil the i-sue prtsenteil. If this; he true, we '! riot i-ee that th? negro f will long remain hlirii'! to the faet ' atnlease to reeoo-i,iZp the raiiieuN as! their personal redeemers. 'the will, r at least ought, to rease to Ustow their eneoiiiituns and prais- on others. anil especially al ate their hatreil to 1 the othrr party. j A voting taily hy the name of Caro line Low, of Clinton, III., in this coun ty, Ter two years ago, uf.rr washimr wimlows, was replueing them, w! e i she )trnek her haiel through the glass, running- several long pieces into her ham!. After several thivs a phvsieian - IT i .. " I nas caueiv aut, s 8UpjiO!iei, tncl glass ail extraefeil. lis; it appears mt to have f'ecii the case, as a lare ipian- j tit v was left in the haml, whieti soon R II P I CV CI IDTIP Qk'IRT ma I, its appenrmre under the skin oiUUrLtA t L I f I It 5MKIj her arm, and was cat at l.y siir-1 geon. " It eniitiiiuet spreatling tint ii if! fas exfeiiifeil to all parts ot her It has cxtracteJ from her eyes, hcu'I, arms ami feet, ami. in fai t, from all parts of her ho-ly. Six months ago it catisetl the lock-Jaw, with which she was alllieteilfiir a'jor.fc six weeks, ex eept that she otilJ ih-iak hetwecii her clenelicl teeth. At present she is a raving maniae more than half the time, 4tnt ill U li t;'l:V 1H Worils v ill not iteserihe, a,ad .ton Jin rv4.ll; to tell. At intervals she rs ratior.i!, r.n.l ale to it nj an i ilo sme work. lp to the 11th iiist., .vr twlvu liniclre pieces ;f "jjlass hail heen cnt out of her tlesh. - - Ti.o I'mpicss C'ailotte has re-or-f.r.-il j Ieai ucs of iiitetl. i t since hear ing of iijliil v f fci r hn-''anil. Waddii McCaiislam! rry I-arf t.lvut -!' k I STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G O O D N, al n-n.-h T, j.rir llian 1hr liao Im--ti i.I.i frr ; ai flu-ir -l.'il m j.iinliu-t ! 1 1 . 111 j S- Yk. nft. r rt..- Int.- IH lA lH MM., ami ; m !i . wi'h i;r.';tl . ,ir-. Hint I, itli t n.!,-;--j i ll.-- tn tllf ai;L.. ill flu- Itialki t. 1 VADDELL, M'CAUSLAND & CO. t irrips f.T. V. AT T:ARr. IS in Prints. 1trwn ! .! Ivi..M Fi"l sht-rrin ami sinrtr::-. l'lain .ni-.l ; fi-trl Su-iuclft.-, M.iiii.-. Ili'fc-, i'hork-. Ai'. A m an'! a frt-lty a -tv-ck f ii;j: a vit w r-p'-n'l in r.Mirrt!i, r::n - n ai ; VADDELL, M'CAUSLAND, &Cfl.J TIr :itutifm thv I.m!iis i- f-pfpially ralli-I to r"i- f..-r. ami thi-y aie inviti-l to t-xauiitv fin-ir i'-Aii'lsoni- -iik. '..rt-iia'tini.-. ItrraK--. I'ni'lin-. Ji,,ila.i, 'tanwrtuei. lVrcai, Miiia.mlJi.iiii-, WADDELL, M'CAUSLAND & CO. II..V- 3 Lni-jri. htiiiT, un-i i:A-.linirl.v Clisi l ; lot ui I ! ; i ji j'pijs CASS I m kih;?, t w ki: i h, LISKXS, COTTOXAI'K.-.! ... ... t... I kV lVl -7 ivV.? r'or 3leii arnl ISoy' AVear. AVIIITK ;oolS. LACKS, IIoSlKUY, fif.oVHS, v. TfO"S i j rl sin rv llfcAl'. AT tl)i:l-l-M ttMiDtO A DDE! Aj. MX'ALSLAM) & CO.J an m:Mi i ;'llC?, AllSCS ami llillilrcil i it tin- l-t ami lati -t tj U - .f SHOES AND GAITERS. Hit t ll.i:i S 1. n- I alit.-s V AI i.-s .-, Tlic Vwrvt Mlcs Out, at WAJ)l)Kl-L, AlcCArjsLAM) & C0.-8. Z r 'I lii;kfnl for flir Iiix ral paTrouar ht-n tofori' W-fowr-i ujwn ,nir Iriit that ly ffrirt inlrrirr, anl .prompt atft-ntion to ln?imo, to p ril a rnf rrin-mrr of Hifsrtmr. tl-tTM., Met A I LAM A Various. ! 'I'm. nii.iiK-'t i i:m:i run i: ! ! CASII I'AIl) Vi)ll HKM! FKHSil KHIVA LS. trit ARE GOOD FOB THE POCKET, u .M i:lastk; .o! run Tin: ( s;, ISiit thHUM IMace in I.ii!stOii to $rt vorii Dit v ;oo!)s, &-. Al "HEADQUARTERS OF FASIIIO?:," main vii.-i- K r, i in.l i: ixxit:- v, i: i.i. mm; ion, !'. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, t-IN M l : I I- If .V '.J. riling Iin- lart'-t a; I -i .'uiini!, if .-Mi k- .if i i. 'x ' r til'"1:-.1,'! i" i. is .-1 tla- al-fvi- ti. -I.ia 1 1 1- c it . aa.l lu- i-- li I", r'in-,i.--.ii-Mi-.r any i: t.i Ihi-Ii- ilitiat -1 t-i ai - 'a. : :'"! nr lii .1 ! Mill i'i- aHI,. In I ;.a-. l..;ii ill ,i:.iiilv ami J,!'. - in l;i- lim-, m ill lit i :, , all. as In- i- ...;'-i-iilt liit j ir or w.ixt tm:AE t;oo5i. i j ; j (a t tilllllll-s. I I I haiikrul f-.r t!i.- li'ii ral iiit!-,ira--r la Ti t'ifi i' ! j temii-'l tu ::i;-. 1 h -. l,y ti ivt attention t'i IjU.sinc- : ' f-j i,:t ri a -..:;! i .!.;! :--n ui ilic .-an. v. niill;ii:; 15, Main t.. .In .r.-i we t ,.t U i;.-. JOH ii S. CO. i SPRING AMO SUMMER GOODS,! i ! 1 r. -in-i tt'lllly -olh ;t tin ir o'nl fridi.1-i-'i-t'..nit-is( an 1 tin. jinlilia cai ialli , to c thuiii a t all. l e have n lllll.iiirr .-.;h- i-k ,.f If () C'J n i s -: h -i a Iari- BOOTS MID SHOES. l.:fl,i nn l ' i!l lin l a l;; Prices as Low as they can be Sol. At IS id i if. . Oli! Staml. Opposit C ity Mote!. 'I O'-lfiiPy. .11 iIIN M'l.I. .V ( o. ICItlsO & CLOHDKIA, :W?Vv A Osiiss:itro IsiK'im. 1.1N sr.. l.KAINO rnV, ,.i,ii. i:.ii :;-t(-!i: . OtHANKFri. for .:i-t fnvw. v.-r.iiM nam. nil, . to L tin- ia:!,li,- filat tin-V an- lai-l-ali-ii to liiaiilil.u;- ; tun- ail kin, I- of " ; ih.'i.i;! i;s a.m '.i:riA;i:s, ; r rl . .:,...t t..-i i. . -.,,.1 u,.. L j,it, -l i.. i- I.-,... I i-tl liainl ali'i an- lil'isiim nji. I.ii hilli:i)alli ail ii-si-rii.T'oit ,,' l;m:;i-s. j ; '-'liii-v ha v.- on ham! sK( nNP-11 NI I'.ni.',';i- l an!, Co ,-u'av. j, ., v In, Ii mil !,i-s,,.l h.-. I --;-!. ii-lal atl'-n:io,i'l Li all kin I- of I: I-;- : UMNO. ni'-J.-i ni , It AKI.HS TOBACCO MANUFACTORY l.eiiuliiii I I MM. .-Mill'll-lli-l ill til.' ril oh;t,-ro llianuIiH-toi v. ajni so,i j, , it . ni i 't'i tin- lati-t ami n fl;- snr,-. - s l.i.iillll'ai in i-ln.I-, i '1 tin- l,i.-l ,1 k;n-n, I am pr ),ar v1 ' .. i JIoffat's Life Pills AST) I'H(E5IX IJITTrSS. T!o Most Suoceslul Medicines In t ho World. Eslal!is!jed ht hy one ol our Jlost Emiucnt 1'liysicians, ami now nsod thronghout XorUi and Son ;h Aiiiorica, with more ploasins; resniU tlian any other Medicine in cases of diseased Liver, Elood or SSkin, ' Indigestion, t'ostireness, liilicns Complaints, Rheumatism and Fever and Ague. Thousands of cert ificates are in wr possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect CUBES effected hy theso invalaalile Medicines. They resalate the System and jmt ali the functions of the body in a healthy condition. .11 I,y all Diufjists. White & Uowlan.l, rrorri rtnr Siicrrawra to Hr. Julin lluffat and Dr. VT. B. S IiI.Xct Y-jih. I I iisso!:ii. ..a t,... ol'-,.!.a,--o. a,:.','l,;.-.- i XSGiSmV'VW i i RMsi! -mi: rra mi: I iWltMlflla j Aasietifs of .Miiriiifni-tum j t k Pay the Ki-bM XtUt Ptifc, j 0.-liM-rij at tin liu-tory i,n r.r hvne, a.Ij.iiiiins ; lkj4ixi' MM. lT 7 j vv ' "' s- v St. Ailwr! miiit'lil- I' ioili S'.M-i ! !!! A K Mr-. !. M. I.olli.-. lMK KKKI'IM.: r j;. i i - l"ni'ii'al 11 I ..1- ! I. i.i-lh -:i I. 'ill! .M. 5 i 3 4 Si. A!S.i;.i. '.. imi.i .' I.!. i,i; .i i.i:- ami i ( i , vlruit-. ...-. A. ;,!. Nc. rili . ii.l t.. j..!.! N !.::. ! , I. I, !,!,; ,. ti i i '' . i' ii. i.i.i.m . taut s. saissia:v. 1 i i I... I. I; I i..nt.i-ra-rA . I'.'Xi'I l"' A IH V.. Mm S, t l.clll. Ss!5 ar X IJOTf:!,, i.rm-i- l;ru:i'! .1;. .V Itiij.i!.: stivt t.. M . l ul ls, ), .Ml 1111 I. Ml!. Pruprirlor. jnn'.l :l . ' ; ! I1.- Uol , 1' U !. -ILllLNS. ( U 1 !:.!. tiiI MI- lnN Ml l.( II N,nv :ni.! i ;i . -:i !i-. ; . d.l-i -j.'i.) m,,. i J !l :i.I:iim- ln;nli' ..II -I: -! : I: r I -. ;r..Ts. ' ;; n i: n.Y-: ! 1 i.ivr. MAP;. I ll"M lin i.i "ir1 -i;i '.' . MH! Ii" li;ii:i- i I !n i v i. ,ni, '.IM S l t-i.t -t.iniii i.iV i. ii ii.-ii'.ir.. Ill--A pi M. A M A--1.V . ! i : ! ; ;:i i ( nr. . -i . , -i . I.i.ui. . Mi.. I i IUIIV A Ilni.l : ) Lfiaiii. i. ail, rv an. .I'l'v. I;:. !itl! ii-i llis Pln.I.i- I iiiii i I.i tin- n-irMrAr-t I in l-i.f I n'Mi ami o!iv.- tiv- iniiitmv ."ih!i Olio I tn-i-t, st. ...ui-. Mlntii. !i '. ii.- will l,i- ,lca-cil ! tu r.-i'i ivi' a !" 111., r.i! i iilr'.naur In n-- i tiif'tn- Im--' cl u pi ui I; it n , ti ii. I ii - li i 'I-- tin- iiulilic. a j I iti- lliul hli i.r'"lil"ti.iii- 1 1 ( ! li.- an -m (.aril ju I Almoin. ,JN. A.M lloj.-ii.N. iTi.iifi'-tor. Z, F. WETZELL, & CO.T Y';;M: i a r.i.Ti J. ...l- li. .i :i--1 -, .ii i ii.-! Ni.. li-A ! Ill- M. :v I I! IN-..' fs; nr !. I'arl..-;-. lit'.--. II A 1,1 .1 I!' t.t - A I.I. I, Km l.l; A. ,.umii--i,,i, M-.r. i-hiiiit-, IIi-.-Iilii-i-. ami lii-iil. i v in all Mint- Wine, ami l.i i N.i Jl.. f .. S.i. i;l ) Nnrtli s.-a- in. Mri-.-t. !n 1 w 11 I'll!- a n.l I ili ,-. SI . la .11 i.-.. Mo. iil-I-l- l.v in. ill -hai! liave i-.H-i'ti.l atli-ntion . mnli;. IV, r Hay.'-i. P. V ;';n.i. J- n. A. W.laon. C. K. Alien, i fiivsi:. uiixns&.iM.iA, Ma:iif!ict itrors find Dealers in ! sv. Mo. !i!.Ci: II 1.-PW , l ai-i iaL-.- l ,-imn.insrs llln r, A.-. .No i! -.oriii Main -lii t-t ! I.nlli-, j-i:s-1 o?ii!s;k i is. coi.ia:;:. U'I) I l.l.I.mV '-' MALI., hi:m i: i in in n ami pm i st vnu:t:Ts. SI . r .oiiis. Mo. A Mi. in VI iiAN J- i.NI.. j;.tr. Tor!, " -i I 'i , l : i:.-;- ..i M.,i . . . sr. I.IU''. Pr. . ST i actorv. A N 1 1 Will rumii-ung Kannfacturing Co, janaii,.; V3 MJ JS.i3.4S IIOTI'.I.l"' iKi.iiii-rJy Hall !!..- i ! si'. is. MD. ! riMlKsrilM frm-rlv f..iut 1 r...i-:, ,.riil' j 1 I lit- i . ivl I lh ai-,., takt s ( .li .i.-ui'f in aiiiioun- I ! -i n ir to hi. n i. ii. ! - ami l!:,. j ,ul . 1 1,- t.-m vallv, that hi- 1 i ha - tak, !i : !:i' i . . !.,!r.k M i;irh I., : n-uova- : j to. v, :ai,l i-H'strni-lli-'l. 1 la- t:il,!, s will In- sit;. i 1,, , itii tin- in -t tin- miiii.,-1 all. -l-is No ai- I i t- at i.i n v iii I ,- v. an: i.m to i,;ak,- lh,- -n.-.i . f, u-u-ls j lollin-l Ni. !a. I.i. . l.Ni is JIN MNI.s, ; 1. L i lr. i ii t.-r. j : S !! t:-ai)?isjs !! iS'lti , Watches, Jewelry & Silverware,! r.! .s:r. .1 u hj:skv( o., j I TT lo. 302 North Fourth st., cor. Olive, I.. it ii, .i I'll- m l ii i.K-s r. v t.i it. rnn'.ir t :. v at riM'l ti "j . -,s. i I'.,',,!tl. .1-iN. lai.illl. Ill'is Ili.KiIli. .. IV. !!(OT!3 A. SOS, Ton?j( am) (.i-:m:hi. rKomcc COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I N'.i i ro'vl Str't. st i. ,,u I . : 1 . M. r ,'i-. i n I i 1 1,1- sal.- 1" I'i.,: iuu' :i,' i.ii'Utii'li ,-f our mar- ' tnr:-;n i . -ait- oi' an ai'ti,-li' f j ki 1 li' mi l.t ) '. v. i l,.ii t i " PI N I- W AN i 1.11 i tii.iii-a W iiNPi.KH I. A 1H VI Ml. VI Hi i.N I.NTIVE I.i Nit f::iv..T, sthvitoxal iaufkmlk's i C I A a 1-3, j Cor. Fifth & Olive sts., St. Louis, Mo. I J I. N 1 1 I-1 1; i 1 1 T.I. I .K Mi IN I li I. ami Sj,i-i-init-n ' "! ' nl'ian-llli' ii.oisi:.(: Sc w ii ff Jfa e h inc. 3I IKF.S roi'll IMTI.( T STITHIES On one and the same Machino, and the ONLY ONi: THAT HAS i:i;h stiit.i: ri:i:n. TSsi Its stiti'hes lire tin' wotnli-r of The uuik will feed eillii r to the right or li ft. ;i!l itutl cxninini'. VVM. E. PLANT, Gen. Agent, ,"ivS t hcsiiiit. r.elocn Fifth and Sixth, St. I ouisJ, Mo. r r Al.I.N i s W AN I KIl. .ianrini", THK I'.Ksl' AND M 1 i;.-i,l on lUliiar'l laliK'i, is lilt- CAT GUT CUSillOX; .Mitmjt.icturnl by KAVANACH St DECKER, Ami i'ati-nU'il lk'i-i'iub.rlti, Isii. From tw -i-nf v-Hvp to fifty Tallies always on haml. n ii'Iv tu h-.' sliijii el ami nut uj' without an huiir't, lil;: . Tahlcs i fcnsl'icnod n SUlcd or cat down. Ttilrinlintr i'Ttr'-hcs..r; are invite! lo rail ami ex-annie- tor On in - -Ives Iti-ton- jrninir ilsi-wlii-rc t- :.-I-. ervtlitm; reniic-etv-'i v. itii the lniiness enn stnurly on hnml. Ml -'.i'i' t. hy mail n-oiiilly wttfTi'ierl to. ri-i--r l.i.-t ."iti'l ireul.'ii- sent on jipi-lirmioTi. K A V AN OH A I1. 1 KKK. c il .V-r.e." r airtit St , cor. ii-;hit'ton ATi-nne, 1'. l;o.v St. l.C'UtS, to. ; - T i: -T r ur i i j ; It r-r..l:U . liar.- i:i.lii.-.-m.-at ..ffiT.-.. A-l-! li". -- ::h .-tai'ni'. - 1 I'I N r-.l;s in A l . ! ai.-.'Tiii ! N.,!-!i nirtii -t. , si i :;. rcr, ::. r-mrth ft lot -is L".VW .D PP. CB L i IT. 1 J , r.,-1....,...,..,, ,; &ei&?:-Hts-timi: 9iiiu . ruts! voimz k ('', Cuiiiiuii. 1.1 S A.IN , Ht lij.'hltl'il'l. I:. W KE, ut U avtrlr. ui la vinton ARMSTRONG. WASSON & CO, Agricultural Implements ! 1tiH'I.H ri.yKc1 InHr nmiMUncp to thv fariner!" of l.:i!'nv'tte, l.'a. :ilm' Mii't arroll rniintiri, lha! Iht-y l;:tve, at u:ii'a! rvj.i'iist. mail-- a inoT I'aro lul ii-l. tlmll nf a largt: fl.ick ut' llir m:-T i.mi"i;ivki FARMING IMPLEMENTS. All kiuii rn 1iii1 :mJ t nrrive, whicli ne M ill m II at tla- Vfry !'i rt CkIi Kar". Yoitr ordi will be luiiitt:'l. 100 Ilea pcrs it Jlotvcrs, on i-tiii,.fs..if.I;iiKi-i IIaini-IIiikirii nntl iM-op- a'li't.11. i iii-.r ami .linn. ir 1P1, l tiaiiipiim. I(iirkf vt nn:i:k an'l Ku-si-ll . COO CKLEBKATKI) PLOWS, At . 1 1 I'li'mhini. Kock I-I.ind. lVoriii. 1". I". Sini!tV :itiil Vimn's ilouvvuuil I.isrlit ; Two-iluiso ( Ijjijii r. Oii -IIoic DOUBLE & SINGLE SHOVELS. KI. K S AXI SATTI.Kl 'S 11IK IlKsT , , ,';S'fV Corn Cttltirators k. i". llawki-TP, siaM'or.i'.s amt t'arim.-r's. t hi-rk-llmvi-il f , !K )!! i: X 'OllS PLANTERS. V;iinliv,r'-. llrnMii'... Solhv' nnl Kallpr's. Iin. i- ami at. -lii-lil's i-i-!i lirateil llanil-l'IalltiTS, iWulalo ami I :iv lor IIOIKSE HAY RAKES, CANE MILLS, iSHEAR'S COLTER HARROW!, I.n'vu i if. i oi ntv, I. , M;m-h 4th, In",7. Mr 11 .1 AiiV-i konc. I ar ir. 'I lit stttl oU ; tiT Ihivi-'-v. I Itouirht f!" oti htr year lia- jrivt-n m i tin- - sit l Oiciioii . 1 put mv w )i:il in with it on foul ! Lin-l it 'loi tif.t chok' l:kt- nth.-r Marrows. I rori j i.i-r it tlif int iuiplfiin'iit tl lt.s kitxl I 'Vr uet1, I wiii I' i'oiiiuii-iifl it liighlv In put in lump aul ! ;rrai: " J. J . .sLL'MlhU. i 'I'hy host Hinge and Iiatnoml Harrows, '. T, ,. , , , , - , , .. t T ; 7 , ... ' .I,;.,,. ti'i.-L-iitir T..-i-.-i nntl Trilmn ; Wheel Horse I'owers, Engines, Saw Mills ami Fixtures, French Burr Corn Mills, Corn Crushers Fanning Mills, i-ler Mills, orn Slieliers, a large as sortment Wheelbarrows, HI At IIISES, Straw Cutters, Wheat Drills, Wagons, Pumps, J'oail Scrapers, Shovels, Spades, Manure and Iiay Forks, Saw (iummers, Flax Brakes, Circular Saw Mills, Timothy Seed, Blue Grass Seed, Clover Seed, A Lot of Pure Chinese Hemp Seed, Sold only in Small Quantities for; Seed. A full assortment of Ij ii l ie t'h 's FRESH Sl NEW GARDEN SEED. ORDERS FOR MACHINERY, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. fiTiyW V li.son ti Column. acAM msri.ti or NEW GOODS AT DRY GOODS' 12 31 1 1 I U 31 , orrosiTK t itv iioti:i. Wi- tJ.e Hit liberty of informing the I.arlier that nnr I NEW SPRING GOODS have arrived. We wouM be ph at-! to have you rail am! t-xuruiiic th'-m. Our asortim ut f DRESS GOODS Is BKI.IKVKIi TO BK The Largest and Most Attractive Kvcr brought to this city, roTi!pritnr every maf'--vi:il lo be loumi m the lari;e.-st eiiiponuins tr iliu ha-It-m Citu-.-i. Our LACE AND EMBROIDERY i i: pah rr i i: t- IS KKI'LKTK WITH Jft t'isia n Xoreftics, I1IKA1' AT WILSON'S. Our Cluak Uonm is railiant ivith Elegant Spring Wrappings and S II A AV 1 JS , WHICH CAN UK SEEN AT WILSON'S. Ol'R STfK K OF UU.MESTIC GOODS, SHEKTINGS, DAMASKS, TABLE LINENS, Mitrsailles and Allendale COUXTEKPAXES, Is COMTI-KIE AT AVILSON'S,il W have just opnrl a full Mock of English, Frencli and German I I O 1 ' Selling very low at AV r 1 ONH. A full line of Freneh Cassimeres and Linens, for Wemlemen's Wear; alo a CHOICE line of IS O YS MA TEH I AL, AT REASONABLE RATES AT WILSONS. EVERY M AKE OF "White (Toodm, That is in us, can be procured by calling ut WILSON'S. A FULL LINE OF KB II ANII DESIRABLE DRESS TRIMMINGS, To match all matvriate,on exhibition and for sale at WILSONS. In fet th whole stock is eminently ralculaint to KUHtain the already enviable reputation of the estab lishment, nd shmtM yon honor us with a visit, you will not only flnil our joocU of the Best Quality, H ii t as Cheap As they can be wild in this market. Kesjiectfiilly yours, HIGH T. VTILSOX. e)36 ljcjanS Various. G. M. JACQUES, & CO., lil:.M.KI:sN STAPI.K DRY flOODS. nts ,,,: I'OUTS AND s-HOKS, ANII FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIES, Flour, Salt, Provisions, (Viuntrvl'nxliico, Fui .--.&-. ALL KINDS MARKETING. M11N st;:KI.T, U-iXIN'GTOX. niiri'.vl.-.lnii J if TK II U K i HANI! A H.W of ih.,-e e.-li' bi-ati-il MllUI-l.'S Wl ill ll'l I'S -l, we wish to elose nut. ami will j-.-II l.,v. for rash, i al! ah'l ex.llniue before flirrliasiiiiT. U'M . MuKl.l-oN A s.iN .I5i:at iiarmis. i 5--' S I THE MI-KMi; 1 I NK To I.o-K MY Mon' 1 y thl-. I take thi opportunity lo ii.i..rm my i I 1: H'ii!- fi;-toui-r- ItiHt I taken a part of Mr. F;-lh' i i.ina -t'tn-, ne lir -:i-t ot in old taint, w lu-re I :tui imvv prepitred t c:rry on tin- "at-limnkMiir and .Jcweirv iiu-in--? . 1 keji on hand a w .-I! -t l.-' f.-d -To k of'Watehi, dewelry, :lver and l'iated Waie, whieh I will tell at low priet -. I have al-o n-oeived a lartre and w t l!-s-I -rt d f-tork ol' I:;1i!m.:i, I Luiloi;-, r auev Ooods. Ae , e t w hi" h I will -i 11 r.'u np. W atcher, lorksaiid .leeiry im paired. My v lnle -toek of o:h-r -rood- !iavebe-n removed to the obi '-'tand of Mr. inai:-r, nnrb-r il.e aur-:i-ian oiiie-. oppo-it Areana Hall, when-the gofi.K W ill be sob! ofl at y b.w pi ie--s. A tnonir th -e -rood-v id be loumi ;i lar'- toek f W all l:per, I'oeket aiivi fable (-tiller. , 1'aper, Knveloji--, Ac. , and many other uetul article, too mtiuerou- to mention . y m I L . M lA K1 E rvrov i:s : stoves ! iTovrs : J. A. GRAHAM, PLAI.KR IX rF OA Tin, Sheet Iron, &. Copper Ware, JAPANNED & FKENCil WAKE, iSTX VI5 cli T'I l i f-J. ll'II.E KEEI MlH'lyof V r.iNsTANTI.Y ON I! AND A the b.-t :llil mo-t aoi,r.ii-'l i-at- terns of si 1 1 Ks. vbi'-bl will warrant to conk Well, ur no Mile, wbiell I w ill at the Iowest "i i 1 1 Ii-ipes. I'ersoual attention given to ail kiHiN nf Job Work, fcin-li as GUTTERING, SPOUTING k ROOFING. All work ilone by rue w ill be wnrrante,! to jrive Filtitaction, it not. no eh:.rre will In- ma'le. .1 A . .R li AM. ai'v Main sf-i'.-T. ,,.ns iie . ourtli, use. i. t:i.tvio STOVE C MACIlIXi: AV OllKS, WM. MORRISON & SOX. Manufacturer;, of every tle?cri'tiou of Stovos, Gratps Hollow Ware, M A HINLIJY. . AsT T.KlLKRS. TE A M"GAR Kettle-, Waffle Irons, IM fc ami LbU skilkts ami Luis. Ac. . Ae J-ttam Knginrs, Itciup Brakes, Horse ToMers, Iron Fronts, Window raps and Siils, rrciA, AT JSAIAT LOrir PRICES. f- and Lead ripe, I-eather and ium Heltimr and Packing. Hoilrr lr.n hikI llivef. steam and Water tiuareri, lira ocks, pabbitt Metal, .t .. o hand, and for sale. Pattern and repair parts of almost all kinds ot machinery ued in thi country . on hand Particular attention paid to Kepairini; IJoib r Kn pines. Ac. W e keep opper on hand, and are the only tirm in this county that can make and repair 'opper Phe 1 ho 2d Hand Ensrinrs for Sale (heap. f'a-h jini'l fur olil Iron. Brass, .-oier an, I X'riee Lists and t iroillar- sent on application. jlylsy WM. MORRISON & .SOX. w.n. nouKiso-i & SOS MANTTACTURERS OF Stoves, fooklnc and Hralins For Vao4 foal Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Stamped, Japanned and Hollow Ware. We manufacture and sell the celebrated "IlIVOL.V For wood, a "bEXIXiTOX," Fr coal or wood. T TXnOl'RTEnLY the best cookin-r Move erec'in J vented, and are warrantid in every resject ountrv merchants supplied with tinware atPt. Imi-s wholesale prices. Particulor attention paid to Rending and Gutter ing, either in town or country; alo to Job Work, a8 our lung XMTienc iu this line, will enable us to give Good Work, ii Gnarantrr Sat is far (ion. Wm. Morrison &S011, Main .Street, oppxMdtc t.'itr Hotel, juK1S-hdeci;r Lexintni. Mo. h-rrlm ut rjVi iloi-?s, Corner Maio ani Laurel Streets, Lcxintrtun, Mo. "llOVTI reitpctfullv announce to the people ot - ? I.ataveue aim aujoininff comities, that tin v are in receipt of the be-t selected and moat g-nerai aort men t of KEADY-MADE CEOT1IING, flats, laps, Tailoring lioeds, &e. ever brotiaht to lxinirton. and that thev are Fell ing them at tbel-OWtsT I'KU Ks KoR'CASH. We have just received, and are now upeninK our SIR1X( AD SIHHER WOODS. and have the Best and most aried assortment ever brouebt to Lexington. Our stock of Merchant Tailoring Goods is com plete and of the liest quality. Suits made to outer on short notice and iierlW-t satisfaction (riven. We are determined not to be wndersold hy any house in Central Missouri. The public are invited to call and examine our stock. niav-JIv McKINNIN fiKATZ. Monuments, Tombs & Grave Stones, i . ':";V.. S5. Of either Foreign or American Marble, LEXINGTON, MO. Wr. CLAIM St'PERIOR AOVANTAOKS OVKR XV other Western sliojis. as they buy their Mar ble in St. Lonis, while we obtain ours Direct from the Quai-ries-. jryWork told by agents. orTordredby mail, rill he promptly atteuded to in ti'.e.i. jij!.ii-r.i. c i r.i.i. x I.v gal I te(;i St !!l4't;siFl. N'OTHJKi h.-rt-b iriv To aii peron, creditor.- and tt'tier, itiier.-.-;. -d in ti.e t-;ale .f li.on:- -:niTi. d.-e ;t-.t, 1 it ot I.t"a. He eouott , !i tia tu. mid-iii'i d. r.'htiiui-fi :tt..r"of -eci e-?:.:-. wiil M 1i:nivt Mm oj ihw l'n-hatr V'-liMo! .:.t:f:-IH: eoliitv. M i.--..; i . lo Im- .h-jcU: ait'i ii- id a! lh- funiio-b,. in the tA ot It xiiton, ou 'li -i Moii'lMy in July. iRii, l.T. I tnakt- a ise.iil ettli-!ijeiu ot lii- aUuiiiiiMiaUoij oj -aid -. ''t' j I-. H. t.t n:iMi -ur i i;m KxeettT f Tln. niiiir Mui-. flmiiiitrirois iitc- N n U I. 1 t.t ivliv j."v'"" -M pe!oll!-. rn-fliin aud otiiers tn:-leT-i in the tate t,f 'I hoina Jt:o idife, dt rctM 1, lute ol jtlavtt'e rount , i;-.-ou.i. lital the miU i M:rm d ha.-, proeurel n..m tin i. -rti oJ trie I'roiiaie 4 otnt ot a:tl ro:iny. p.. t-! t.i" liiiiini-triitioij (,n .aj, tiixU't daU-duu !iti t!t- J.ili day iI S iy. i-;7. Ail per.m- itidi bt d t -id etae ivill m;;l.e im liiedia'e p:t ineitt ; i;ttd alt p ron- haviijjr la:iii-n-'uiut :ni e-taie an- re(r.i;-(-ti p cxI.iNit iheiii t n.e l'-'r aHowitnee v. ithin oin- -ar IV. m tin date of :iid letters ..r iitt-y is i it y be .precluded Irom nv I i'.-iit :it of such estate, and il ajd tdaim - u.j li.ii- cxhihitt-d -w iiitin ItttiMar.-tioui the date of siiid b-Uvr.i thev ill lie fon vej b:iT. J!IN IS 1U I!tlM!M.Ka Adm'r. N"OTH i; i lK-i-by -iv en to a!) pn-or.s. rreI:tr.r an i of h j--, iiiiere-te'i in tt:e -tate and lb el -, . oi the i:t!i- ti:iu ol aiiihorn, I hmn A i o.. r. firm ; P ru'-Mv eoiuj.o-. i i'ienard I i ai.liioin, I.. 4 ; l!i"iaa-, l.:t!tiinre "Jh.-ina-, hri-topli.-r atii.n J -Ic-j l.-:i atron. ibal in: liiiuejin-l, Jol u ! t.aTroii ami tiliam -I. atr.n. a.- M-etit'rs oj th ! la-t rt ill and Te-tauient ol -tepin n aTron. ieea-- -d, wl-. 'a- iii i.i-t i:nv ii;-of ;id tiiin, mi. j appotit d on the .th day or April, 1-7. Mtch : cv. . u;oi t of ad ib-cea-ed partner. aoiij:nitrKTr I of said t ireet' aiid etate, by (lie 1 Jerk tJf the La ir.- !te count I'r-.bat- out AH p-roi!-iud-lted to aid late f;r;n will tnU im:n iii:tle pa un iii, aiid ail -er-on- Ux inp claims :t.a:n-t a:d c li t i- and -r.i:e ef -j.;d lab- mm ill pi( - iit the ?aiiif to the iiint-iiLoo-i within n I Vol iio- ilate of said 1. I i-l'.-.aud ii -tich clHtllt-uv- not pre-cuTtd in t v . u-a: from the iate ot :t:i h-t!er-. thev will be f' -revt-r l::rrd from an; betieli; of Mi" it Lite I'iii tner-bii e-t.-ttt ai.d tjae t jfll .Ail!o, j.v-i VM .f A I li' t, Ad'mr. tdeiKiiilrHtor"s alc. V li; I I oi an or'b-r ol the l'robJtte "oiirt f i Laia t: ( oi.'iTv, uiade at the April lerm. a l. l-. in th- inat.'.-r it 'the -tu?eof Mifrd 4n niiiL's, d ce.i-d. I. the undersigned, will, in nr Mi:iuec ot ta;il order. .n M'.!i(l;!V, tin U;iy f July. . i-, J.X7 at the rtuil!i'.Usc tio'ir ot tbr count v of lafjtv-tlc. h i tUiri'ijr the -ioti of jJn- IVobaie '-urt t id n;ity, t--;v-v the hours of lo o'eloek a. m. aii't Tt o'fioek I. M ollitatuav, -po-e at public ien itue or outerv. f.r e-h. t. th-hi-.dieM bidder, alt tlienht. title and inb-re-t f tte w-tiT of Miljord l iiniii-. ieee::-ed, in nd to the folbm ine rxai s-t;tte. MtuaT.-d iuaid Ka.'ay.-tte county. to- : Tne ea-t half of the ii.n:h ut oU;-t r of r-eetion thiit -t u:r. :;. in t-.w n-slno fdty. .Vi,)of ranire t Ti l - iht, -.and Uie ea-7 half of the tmitti v. t ti:t:ti r f.-eetioi; u-u, U,j intnn-htp joriv 11 in-, i fraiie t n! -t-i.-ht . . said iut-r- -l (o i.i- -ol. bein:1h r- r-iona: iit'ie-tr anJ subii-rt to tin lit- e.-I ate ol tin- ia l1t'. t-aid lartis tiavi:; !een alif.TTr-.l to tt-.v ido'A a dowr in th e-t:tf ai 1 Mslfot .leuniiiT-, decea-ed, for aud Iu: iitii In-r natural life. ll:i-, J;iiK 7lh, a ii. J-7. .IH1XN MXtrUNoT. ,i Adm'r e-T:!te of Mdtoid Jenninr-, Jec'd r NOW rtt. vi liiu a lai ire slock of i Ola ax tfiiff Otfcfttstrftrt', At the .M tail"l ftwo'iTnirs en-t i f 111. ! . .itv Hot.-Ii l.teh Wll! five the LAI.-i.lT ) 1 :iii,l Bi.sT .issjl;iM.M -t vt sllllQ? Louis. rts 1 .-olieit a r.ftbe iatren:ie io lils. .-rally l.e-tii-A eil uj'oii lirm hen-iolore and hal! ive 11, y l.i-si attention to lite wants anil in terests of all m patrons. In VARIETY AM) CHEAPNESS my -tork wiil le tinejimlied lv any rtber bne. jnd I shall uiake it an ib;-et for eu-tom.-r! to bnv t .'-ir .o-l.s of me. imeb: U. K. iJl-.LM.S. " liscel'uneous. " -kam t'ttAiitir. wtsiinir M.U III.VF. I'atented August 1, lstf V J. T. Ilatcrtv, am; IVit, Illinois The Bestfi: Cheapest Washing Machine ever Invented, 1 It will va-li more enih and ouirVly tLsn cai bTio a a.-li-loai d or any ulher Waihiiig- M ,teb;ij'. 2 It w.t:-tie-. tiirty ;-o- in collar and wri-bands P-rlVil rleaii" withii! rnhbiiijr litr- ci aiier pan.-. 3 it re-iufns le-j- s:ii. :mil wa-he?. w i;h t'oilin i. ab r, tl:u- mi inir tii:e in boiiin-r the cluthie. 4 If can be operated iitinir r -tamlinj;. ." With it there i- b-?s u r .f clot hes . ii It will w a-ti a i;iule collar, S d zt n ?-hirt or a bed juilt, without anx ctmnirt- if maehnn-ry 7 U i- u-eful a- a k;tciun table xx ht-u not unt for xi n-hini- s It-i merits hnve sc.-tained it lor two years. it A ciiiid twelve wars tod can operate it. lo It U-a be n n lud xx ith a number of the bet Wa-Jiin MarhiiM-s in u-e, -tu h :i-The Ccion. ' ' ( h;.!iiion. --1. it tie .ian:. "luip'.s,'' IMtts I'irra. " and ther5. ami ha? never failrnl. on trial before committee-, t surpass its c-m-pet it as certilic-tes in iur posseaion niil prx e. The patnte' ha had a stnndinjr propojtir.n iu his circular? ever Miice the introduction ot the Ma chine, tii te-t it tt irli any other Machine patented, tor Js'O't, Jon or Vnt a pr.xi'ied Ihe Io-tr"j iii-mex ti;:I iro intooiuc- cliaritabb- in-t itut Jn W v'xxili re:;:nd the iuoh t x h n a Macbine fail- to pei fe t!Mactiouaftr a tair trial of IV oi; i.u.n i VAMii(.. Allxvea-k i-to ?zive thrtn a fair trial, then ht them M'AMl FAI.K on their oxvu nn rits. Persons de-it injr to learn nxihiiijr fuitlter in re gard to the Machine, fau tlu to by addieSs-in- the under.-itied 1MIM FU M CHINK, CASH, at the Factory : Si:t on at any point w ithin our tei ritority. cnibracms tlie f.-lioXA inir co:inti-?, to-xv it: al:ne. I.ataxette, Jackson, l'latlt, Clay w liay. 'arroli ami i liaritou All orlers piomntlv title bv ad Ire linjr W. T Mmi;i. x CO., jel Wax-erly, I.afaxeite e-tinty, M Hrl'OltniCH'S 141311. J5AKKR, IMI'i;VK! FH 1.7. BKT.OW will !"e 1 und tome of the merits of the Improved SM-if-b'iiker: I. it will sxveep tiir iiitrh the heaviest cropf-thnt ever frit xv, and in fallen or ldired frrain it wilt f-traiUten out and rake oil ilieln at letierihan can be .lone by any hand rake or dropper we or uy ther manufacturer etr built. 2- It is. made of s-ucii a c.iubination of iron and wood part-. a to be the tronirest and yet the light est d rait K il raki-r in:ili'. ll has of late been light ened to the xerce of .-atcty. and iM-vond that line w xx ill not f-.r xxe intend to t-elf a machiue tht thall be honestly worth all wc ak tr it. : !l is the cheape-t ma bine in market. lecan.- the KHt and ran-l la.-tin sr. and ueetis to tinkering t keep it in order. 4. It xx ill not break down or jret out of order rn (1i:Ucull cultini;. but can be relied on to golfcromli any harvc.-t. under all circumstances. r. 'J he cxjetTienceot an riinary lilVtime habeen expe-nded on it by the inxeutor and maiiulacturert-, in irt-rb-ctin it- d-taiN. year alter year. ('.. It i- r-o r-impb- that a boy or pirl can work it. ami in fact a frreat many of our machine? are oie rated by tho.-e uis-t dd enuijr!i to dvixe team 7. It will ave as much jjrain over otiMTmacbine-s a- xvili pax lor it in a few season;.; and the saTinp ol labor a hand raker w ill almost pay for it in one sea"n. iv lr iis tl:P only raker that makes life f-epartitt of the r-heaf iu tne staudin; jrrain In-fore tlu fickle. I he rake, Mx-epmjr over the sickl and plalforrn, makes clean work at every revolution, k-axuijt not a straxx- behind. This- is the ieerct of its saccos. 9. The machine, in all it b talis, t made at otir factory in hicairo, nuder o;r perMjnal care. ntt every part of ex cry liia hine underoe?a cartful in spection licfore shipment. J Kadi year's machines beinc: made br impro ve! machinery from a separate t-t of patteiits, care fully pre-ewed, an evact couuterpaxt t4 any piece in liie mactiine ran be had at any lime iu the future and on ?hoit notice. II. It is a splendid flax cutter, and in the hemp region of MiMuri, more used for hemp cutting than any other machine. While we do ut make it spH-iaily for hemp cuTtinri, wr do warraut it for flax cutting as fully a- for jrrain. 1-J. It will nnw as well as any other combincii machine, x Idle we reeomnit nd our separate uiowcr to those who hax-e much havint: to do. PKMF iF liIIK t A1FMKXT. A pn.Mtf that we tsay xxhat we mean, and mean inM xxhat wc mv. we challenge alt other Ilea per, of exery decriptbin, by proimsinptoalUiwthefar-m-r xx lit tie-ires- it, leave ti work our -df raker orv trial through the harxi-M w ith any other reaper, he asr-einir to keep and pay for the one that de the bet-t work. The poorc-l machine may ilftpiMtd work in fair weather and in nice pram, but the proof of sterling machine is in a piece of heavy down train, or in a xnhole seaou's work. Wr invite all iaii trials, and our a?euts are instructed to afford every laeiltiy to the farmers in making such te&ts. For further information Me pamphlet. IIM1-; TII 1MNV. J. I. Iysart, Dover, sayq: In grain, pr9 atni h-mp, 1 baxe m it seen thectjtia! 1 t he Met orwick. -ll-Iiaker. 1 be rake wrk- to m i fectin in hemp six feet hijrb. If made witli a hifrher retdr it could lieiually fiMd wrk in hnipor Hi fett higli. t;.i. A ' huull, ax-r. : 1 al--o purchased of th Self-Kakers, and fully endor- all the btatcmenta vt Mr. Iv-Hvt. ll. Douthett, on the I.ijrhtncT Farm, mt. Ijst harve-t 1 tried two reaper.-, the Itiissell and the'. if M'- ormlck Self-Kaker. 1 retiiru-d Ihe Huscll and kept the Mn ovniict. 1 cut mv oats and rrasK ! xx ith txvo mules, easy; and 1 cut mv hemp w itii four under, easy. Ihe machine worked well in ererx part. and 1 pronounce it a Crst clas machine Uir all kinds oi harveMitiir. dd Mr. Hitt, on she Hill farm, near Dover, fav$: Wish in; to purchase the be1 machine for all work;. I wrote to my brother in Illinois, unjuirinp what machine was there ned to the rreate-t extent, and for bis recommendation a.- to xxhich I should buy. His answer to tne was. that theC. H. McCrmick machine vx as almost tinivereliy tised, and that he considered it the very beat iii use for ail the uses of the farmer. JfWFPIf HOOK, on the 1r. Fb-urnor farm, near the Fair ;roiinds, is w.le ajreut fr Lafayette i o , to whom all applications lor machines vhoiihl b? made. Kepatr parti can be found at Waddetl. Mr- :ui-Jand & i o 's, Lexington, or at C. Jc T. 4. Fb-tcher's, Waverly. my 4 3m IKKiissell C'o.f Old Stand of Mendenhall and Rosselt. Market tr--f . Ivexiniton. RK n--w ready for b-ines.s, and solicit a sliarc of the pMbbt iaronave Oi ler?i for Nexv W ork received and promptly fill ed, in lc-t stvle. AH kinds l!KPAIi;i; dme at j-.ort hotire. nh.ind, several i: "OND-II AN D VFIU I. d VUHI.T.-Old V. i'yr IC rbcap iii-1 li lv 1