Newspaper Page Text
C The WEEKLY AXJCA Lexixgtox, Lafayette County, Missouri, Sat-tiiday. July 18(17 Xl'MBKU 12. WlIOLK XO. 4. 8IAN u St. I .out Ailvcrti-cTiietifs. 'TIOOII.. UK -II El. N. .. lloLL-Yl.k. loalrr- in '"" i.i.ih f.RI. l .... . .i. 1 .tpiH.1 I WATC ll! WATC ME!!! VI l:.4 -.M K "t lii-l l and -ilo-r Wnichi-. n dl-Il. - i ami Mm ri.-iu atrhi -. i.l the l.r-1 maker,. V .rrri.d- and l'1-t..l-. at 44 Imlr-ale an 1 Li-lait. 4..t.-tir-. l.-rpa.rrd ,nthr best T. -UII -1 -'. '", i.H-liiv V. rti". N..rth Main -tirrt.J-t I., in. !. -. " ltf." .. TlM'.TI n wri.ii.-t. ntKicn. TIUIOTTMO.. g M.i; l. owm iot m:i.ii. 1 1 Tlm-hiitr-, .-preial tritrn In Hemp. ..ram and ..tT.-i--.. and Filling order. Vi -V t mitiiirrrial -trn-l. i iirnr i( Lrtrt and Wa-hiii:;-t.-n Afeiiur. i ln'o-. M--- , W .IHR"" K If -l-tH.U. i.tti:i(hi.Mm er. tti:ki- am M)r"i i i'i:-i a r law, V. .lei olive str.-rr. nrar Ihird. t Lnuis, Mi-miri K. II -I'FM 11.". V-tart - -V. rTtr.l rli:ir .re ni.nlr I'-r takin.r a.-kunw Ir.lrr-itt-nl- 4 unlet alters pri-p-ired m iMir nlbe illl-y -l.kl. .. Hi:M c. nrl-si Kl UI.TTT. II tRPER k IIKI AS. UK l. K-f ti K H.4.M-. "in- MTrrt. Mirrm I 'iflh anil -irlt. iniil l.ntii-. Tlimiii. Krai I -rati- l.'ii.o- and - 11. Kmi- mllt-iti !. I i- par rmi:r.:r il""Ur friend- and the tfi - I e r:iilv i- re- pertl'iiily -mliciieiL july i It iu.nKi nut ; tt-ini ii i:ifi; . nui v.. rmo'frrt. lftivii-n 4'tllli :i!nl -ixtli. -ainf l.nui-i. Mt. . I a ill iciii- hi- .r-i'iial alf'-ntjH l-i tlw i'iirrhfc-r ami j n ill- .l'all kiiMl-nl' Tini-. I'-iflar anJ :i!mit l.iiln- I l. r I alii-, tii iiiri.--. !"!-. -jh. I".! :n-l-. . f Tlx f.M-tlttu-- urt- ut-li n :.i niaWi- U in tin- mu-iv-t f tti t jintrott-, hi tUi-i:it au'l t-iuu;rv , t.i .urrh;w lirnuicii in-- "iy j. . iir.iiii.iun. V. S. HUMPHREYS, tit tikic H an r. tii Mi:m 4.1. m -n:4 4. r. -r Li-li-. A iv iiu-i .ti i-'-n-i'inn iil- tn t -.'.'.in I t tiia.) t IHt I LAB S tH .IIEI. m i: ri a A-itri: r r Tafrnt 1'i.rulilr an.l -tainlanl i.n ; K.imil'.i.-t I Tti-n-iir!r at fhr w.ll-kni.ji-h.ii.-i.l vi;-. I. a mi. i.i: a 4 . II HU. TitT. Mlto. iI E1:i'iMs 1-4 i-l -f . - l.iitii. m . w!irrt" Arii-nltural an-1 yiannlai-riu l;-.-ionrri are ttiriit-ni! al Mjiiut'ai-luri r-' lri.-r-. nii)i-.inft li-.isim" Tar . II. orriTT. X""! tuy ri in. n ih'-r trr p.- in r' In- a f iy -iiram-r (foMMiioN a ri:w.i:ii-iM: if xr. iH-al r in t-nr -kiI. .rain. Ir.. i-ini-. , U ;. r Mrfrt. ...w-r ?.nr.'l:'i;. I.rtnrn :i-t'y y . 70 l'.'ir;- .tu t t. nonnMn a. it h itto. Uy. Al. l.-rl'K AliUM-. Iln-rut l.afavtti jimitr. !.. II. '. ftl.l.1 E. Trl:.Y Al l.U. i.. Tin--t..n. M nTi.- n Main -trt. r, up -Uirs. ovtr tin- sMrr f II. I Wit-. III. l-l l-lill " taill.111 J. BI.I.II ETT. A TTl;N4.Y Ari.AW. l.rTlli.-:..n. !. llfirt m i.rih.iii-f. tir-r .l....r in fhr ri: HXI.MIV i.r. . KIHI:l 4.111.1: A. KiTlini . TTl:M. 1- 4 I I W., V't l-rai-rii-r in all th-- ..tirt. ..4 thi- -hi-tt'-i , will I 1 Ii- rt-r. ir.-iiit i.nrt-.f Uav a:i'l I armll, tiir -ti- r- mr .ni t ..f thr -farr. ami I uilrd -tali i nllrt ti,,.r M.en -frrrr. nppn-i,-. iry M"t'-1 ni.-h: It tiet6i ii i tt h:hy a i law. i m t:-pr-rial attrnti.Ml L'tvru tllr rnlli-rfinn i.f lll-ilt ll-.r-li.rari. in and Ivrti'.-twii nf Land l i:I. and ft t rittiiiial and U.-al K-ra l.itl--ari..n irrin-r illy . in I. . rtlr an.l adjninill-f rnllllflr-. I.tit-r al -aw - t.-i-'- nl-l -taml. r.trurr nf .Main and i.;-..adway rr-t. a. r ii mM'1. TTh 1 I K i A I LW. M.MV.I. !. will ra.Tir in th ftu f i l.ala rt nnl aI v.irtina r'.iinti-. rroint tt iiti. civt:ii l c--l-it f,'n tiff riattn-. :Ii.' 1'Vft i ia-r In-uri-nt'r an. :kt i-rnt-'n apMl" .Kt.i: X KTlllil . SI.t U'H;- is j: Vk.l u-- now j.r- l;r-l with fh U, l.-rm- f t tttim. -rl'r-. At . lo pra-tfr in a- f lt:tnkrij.iv l.-Tor- ff: l; i-t-r ).f tlii omrrf tf 'til l;-rrr t, uii'l Thr iwfi Mr-rc lM-triri n;rf f- tU r-t-rn tru't trt" li-.tir:. ai'l r-j "rCnUy iri'il r th ir --r- (.- Jo tho-r w ho mav to r.'.ail f tt. tit1-!' .f ihr .-n-tit l" Ui-at f r I, Lrtitiftoii. r. ir.i.f. r r ti n Ift HELL M E A. I1T IIEEE. lMilIA-l l.l.'H:- AT LAW. ATi! .MiUltMI M- , will iir.i-ri.-r in ai! fhrrmirrs tn l.alatrtr.- f.iim'.T. and in fhr I ..urf .ff K.i-nrd in -f !ltllilX r..imllr-. ill al-i atfriid In r.i-r- nndrr j the hiiitkrnpl I. aw prmnpflv t... Ilii-rnii Tl.nn sfrrrf. i.pi.i-ifr l ity jl'.t.-l, and . i.lrf II t TVil-nn -i -fnrr. .'UlyHT Il-ftf SUBLET ii i ett noi.i:. 1Toi:.Ys AT I. W and .rmral K. at K-falr aiel I nlln-tinif Atf.-nf-i. will pr.n-firr in fltr -..iinlir. 4 Bafr-. la, llrnry and rrti.n. Will .:ir tutu, rorrrrt ra--r nit rtr-. Ar. Ail lin-inr-i-i titru-Int t' itnr rare will rrir pmmpl af Uli-h' mi ii f If l KMMItmi, JC Jii- KatH HUi. i:EIlltKI BROTHER, nnmiiin, K r-i ins A rorwarflin Mfrrhantt. pri.n n LonRR i-A-ni.. OI'K n-n:I rl..- anl prompt ufVntion n i!! J1 sr.vrnfoail l.ti-an-- ririiir -I t our car', at f-itii-r th- I' i-r or rmr F.nn'Iinx- m. hitw. KI.IMl IM A RRnTflff: nART ri.YX r H 1- t'l-KM U A -Hop in thf l:.i-o-ni nt f.ff lr. It:irly hoj.. t'r Ta,rr.i-h-ttr aiol ro-f'Airinir of 1 l--rif'tion-t of I nrniturr. art! will itix hi- -r-onal ait nTin fo fn- ln-i-fi-.-4. rrth-r 9t r-il-n-i--. or bin -h Iht-i-B fWev wan' anl one thai will rov a wry irr-af r-onrrni4m-i I.atiir an-l tli-r- ht mg Work in Vtm linr, will lintl hi- rhnritw low. All rlfr-4 Irft at th- arria Mop Knlfin-nn A l-.w-My. will rrrt-ivr prompt atNnfion. ') T vtiv i: m nHi ii. M f1R-H I.I. X K.Tr.lf . at th- Leinfft.m Mill." arr int-aro1 fiirni-n ativr LiiihI-t of al! irriil' at Hip Iowi t .-.mMp liirnrr. Wr a-i rnlantly on hunla ifo. nppl v l'lz-. anl itrh Ir4ritt ! a- w- ta n.t on hanl wit. ijwfil ininiriarlv iimn rl-r. r It XVt ALE A-D BWOWS STOIT PORTER. MR M E. l"tlM.K-. nl Ili:ritT. i- th a-.-rnt fir llir-t famrilr l.rtt rrairrs fnr llii- part t.i ihir r.ninlry. Hit ili-imt i on franklin -irrri-T, ..pp.. iiilr tWr .Mitrkrt n.m-e. The tiirk. rriiuirinic Ibis tVirittiiil of Iniite, willrluila if.M,i -iim-k ihrre. a Kij.-k arlirle. li-eliTrml I.i any parr i.r lltr rity. my lltr Yr.ff I.ITrRT . l.t l - r tllLH, l.anrel -treet. 1 Iwt Main . Third I wmilil rr-prrffnlly call tl-m attention nf the ptil.Iir to lite fart thai I haTs recently Htti-I up a K M -IAl;fl. fnr Ihr alone piirpn-rs, at Hie alnive ftlare. and -hall lie plea-eil al all tinier t,. .ee an w ho may rlio-e In parrnnte me. I ill always ke fminil at my po-l, and Diy char-fe urt-ill hr as rranenahte a- any in the eiry A elmre f the iuhlir patrona-fe l.- rei.peetfnllv -o-llrite.1. imtlltl J. li. -TII I II. j W IE-fi t C O.. WROt iTt" A T . - I.KMXt.ri.-V, .H IM FAITt RLU Or MID I H AT til. -tlT. ARE yttlt PKHI'KErt fnmi-h trie rif 1 inof I.eTinirfnn witli a iiirearTii-le.if-i. WATUR, eillirr by tlir If.T nr-imrle hntfle mav 1 1 ml W IKM A l'. C tRROLI.TOi WOOI.ri .9111.1.!: Mt'-nn A irt::T. Dr. ALKR1 IX Until., A MAM r Yt'TITtERs nf W.mlefi Irimh, keeyi enftslanllT on hantl a larae TarieTr nf Yarns ami Wmtirn 4'mmI.s, tn r.T-rhan-te f..r I snal atlrnrma (riTrn to rn torn -aortii. 4 ai-ilinir, -pinmn'r. W eaTin?. iy-ein-r. tr nllinx. Ac., al Inwrr price-, an-t we warrant rrini-h hrtter than ean lie dnnr l. hand Take the sinr!e item of -pmniir-. whirh wed., (,.r a ,nt what it iM lo hau.l. and -mi i,f ail wlhrr rn-lmn WOT. mi i-".m:l a. i. wiEi.itn. .T HAM BOAT AlilAT. rOWWISHfit-T T I I liMW.TRliIT-. Tf FRftt TT LOWER LlTplMi, l.l;IM,Ioy H ATPti: REMOTE!' t.i lite !-w W arrrin,,-, . eenily e-rrefrl at the Lower l.andiu-r. willenn tittite the bu.-ine in all itsTarinus liram-hes. HEMP ntEEO AD SHIPPIllt. iM rpMiablr rt, aul lrliirr t ail hrmU iur- rha-e.1 frhllt I EW NPRm. Av Si 11I1U STOC K r Mll.l.lNLl: Y ;ool-. t R M r. PKK T.. Main Ttreet. near the i.l 4 onrthniise. wnnhl anttnnnee the arrit ;i ..I hrr new anil eleaaiit MII.I.IM IIY l.oolt- fnr the "iprinn ami -ummrr iraile, coir-l-tuig in parr of ROMM.T-4, CTrrj rrtyle awl shape; MATH. Turhina ami 4.1atiatnrT, lleail -res-r, nf all Fa-hinnal.Ir tyle, I re-s Trimtiiiu.tfs in ;reat VarietT 4 Inall Trinimiincs- " fLl'-Mr.-. of all rotor. I.AC ES . RIRnotS. ami all articles usnaily l-wnil in a siinilar F.sfah liehmenl. Inreest ami Ctoak-Makin?. Stamping. Itraiiiin;, and EmhrtiHleriatr ilime at short not ice. J J"!Hr fait k a-ka the attention .if her frim.-Ir anil the -fHiMic to her tm k, frrliBK nr that it will -pleas, all. jnnelr EW BOOT AD SHOE SHOP." 1IT.H -4 llo-l'll AI.IKR. rashi.mahle Knot Ma- ml her. wonhl resm-ifuilT inform the piil.lic of Ls-ttnKtoi ami sin-rounilinft rnitntrr that he is now prepare! lo recene onlers ftr KkiIs. -hues attrl .alter, off eTcry .lesrriptton, all ntmleofthe- ttcst material, ami inthelatr-t sttte. Ili-B; eTiie rtr are a- a I alter anil I irti r, both in I raure anil in tniTtconntrv, rnal.le biro ti. urAIMNTKK A PERFECT FIT, in all r.r. fh- iitn tr tl 1in trr-rt. irt ffr trtill H"l !' Mo,. l.rintrtof. M . m.if Jll Medical lciitistrv. lJC. T. I.. noiro. S! Til MM. "it ll -1KI-.M, ihinl rfi ili lli-r l-:l-t ill' lr. Inllll'j. llli-rilllli ir.Tivritv. JF. II V.l.l. will m-i-rl a lull ni-jH-r . t.r t'.m r n I ..I In t! en Ki-I, 1'ink. IVrnuii nr Whiir Ktil'l-i-r. f"T flu- -mm- Uriii-. ami a- I llr. l' a Iln- IIKA I'K T. -. A'llilllll-lt'Vt-il wtiru i-allfl I.T. lJj ly TEETH i:TK ( Ti:ilXO F.4IX IT NiiW vi-pari-t In atiimi-ft-r tin- Mll.'ol - uMlii: ; -. I..r lli. rriat-!nii if fi-i ih wirlmia aiit. ail t.i iu-i--t arlitii-ial li-i-lli a- t-liiaii a- 11 -an il-nii- in llii city, liilni- ii-r taam'-i I m -li"ii. fil'i-iti- Itii-1 i.nrlliiiii mav . Iv Hi; . M. t. t. jiajok. i:i;i:ox ii:ntist, I i:INi.Tl'X, MO. s r M .iin: wii.i. in-ki;t ti;ki I! -r--y 111. l any li-ii!il lu tli i i i:mm.. ri.i(.i.:r. & i:xri5mi; INn- in a '.it-nfiii innnnT Nitron I'vi'l i:is will lr i'tTim--lt'i fT!in l--tti W ith nt !.!? mi 31iiiu trrt-l. ui-r ti. I Jiic- n. e. E. MrrscEit. Sri:..tN MMM. will in-trt a fST' l.iailtlt'il! -.1 ..I I I KTII. Willi Arli-SX m ial i.unii. t"r I I.N lI.I.Ai:. K- i-.Tr mi'iiil'i r Hi..! lr - nu-thr tir-f t.i iit tin- lr Ill mrliiii llii- n-ai-h "I' all A f.-w lu.iiitli- -m.-i- ; -i rr..iiur rhai-.-.-.l lr..lil TllllMi In t.ll.MIT .l..iiai- f-.r -it ..I ti-i tli lr - will inaki- llir J -.imv kui.l "l trr III. an.l tin tin- wurk in llii- lilit-l ; W. fi.rlhi' small mim..l UN I ' HI. A 1:-: It.. g iml IVar iri-t a -it i.n ai-i-.iillit i.l Ihi- l-i in.-r. w ili mi.iraiiT.-i- tlif in iti-rial I. In- llii- Li -I tin V.a-t- in nui k. I a.r.l- I Kill Inrtli.-r sll iranti-i- I" .i j tll ..rk 111 a- Ii'..- -It ! as t..llll 1 wire lo rn rltf ! i--I..H ati..iii.. rri in. ii;. !li.-t- ov.n.i .i Z.-ili-r's i i in -ii..i- l.rlii'i.ll. 3I.. Harks. jiuu--.'y V?t. l.llltl( K, II s n -Timi- t at Iii- 41 I'otiVMl:.- !!.!- I -lit ii-if - tit.- .ali-iiii.iiri-.. tin- .u inn-, r ? -ir ...-its m-i-ni tl; t.T-tiar.i:r pmhi-iii ami -..i-i. t oiicti:hiiii sotii i:. i W ixi; a-iH':. .! with ii-. in our lt-1 ! -. Mr II Jt -roll .. iri.4iii:i. lolitf '?I1 f.ivran! known f. tin- .'omui.imTy a- a n.t.rotiu'h rU:irii l.n-i- n-. i;i;n. wr w.tiii'i a-h i-t im- urm i-'.nt in- u;intf of thf I'Htr t.natfi hrrt fl'rr tfi.i;--! ttrtiriti. fhr rtainr antlfl iri-:n-r"'i-l i-T-i.f thi- linn mil m- thr -iiinr a- li rrtof'-r1 A,.nl 1-t. I-.7 AI.HX. .MllCTll.I-1. A r.xt & iitiiKiMi iioisi Alex Mitchell & Co.. i.kxin;tin. .mo. I TV IIAM.K mi s i;inN. HW' YnKK, rnii.Anni.rtii . -r Lin ts. n-1 nfitrr riiii i h..iiM an-1 -mM. I ..lli-i-tii.n-' iii'l fr i.l- i r-.Ttii-liy riinitti.l at riirrrni rati-1. 1 I tiitr.l -at.-- au.'l ntli.T-..i-k-t..n:-rlit ami "11 ! j.ininu inn. an. I ri al r-tatt paper ur-cntiatt-.t m la fnraltlr frrni-. I m.m .Mtlnary l: n l-l.niiii.t an.l -.11 mii ly Yor Sate For Kent. IlillE llC E. w ! ItKIIHK Utii.M l.l -iM.-S, on a.-i-t.iit.l nl ill liraitii. I o:li-r l..r rair my -fH .f Oi.rl-. rnn-i-tin-; nl I.I5 I.KIK-. I'KY .lils.. NiiTlnN'S. Xr . To anr i.n- w i-Iiiitir fm iia rr in rtc- rarr l.arj; mi will 'ir iriT. n fi-.n ifi.jitirr i.f t itiin.ll I'sirthf-r mtorni:?- j r i: .ni:i n I on i.e Em . A nn TWO i Y III: ! K dwrllina Ii.-u-r. imatril third -ti-i-rt. at thr't latn, ctilifatln -; rnnin-. I ti. rr arr mi rer pr-iiii-i'- -j -nlnkr ll itl-r., and I n ria;:r ll..ll-i iiitOrliiatmn. ai l.i W M iirl-uian. Mil r .t In U s l.iiil hiii. ..pi-..-i'r An aiia Hall .fin ::m IOK itl.KOI! niAT. T II T SI' H ltl;li K KL-lllKM K A lllnlMNi. TIIK r K-o A.4. ..t tin- Tl. 'Imni-t i. IIIITII. ..nth -frrrt. w .11 I.r .1.1 at a rt a-.naMr prici , i.r rnifr.i to aLnitl t riant. Apply i.. j,-, ir. i; v Afi-ii N. ' "roil Till! I'M'rr-H.M H ..ll.-r inr -.TV Iii- IM.-I-1 i.M K. -itiiarr l in llir l. .nil ..f WVllin-tnii . Tli-rr l- Oi.r and -iTft rvrn linii-lif.lth (I tn-l'm.! a. i. -"I lir-t-r.itr -rrnitml l.-r -raidi nin-i piupn-i . ..t it !n.-h thrrr i- a larirt- and rt. ml'.. rial. h- Iti-ii-'s irllin-r. rniitauun-r Ki-rht r.mnt-; al-n a rtr-t-ratr Kr:. k .Tlr.Tih .ii-i : a -r.-."l and ntlirr i.nt-l.iiildini:-; I wrlvr ln-ann-r Applf In-r-. and aoniil thr -arm- nuinhrr i.f i'rai-h trrrs. and -niar lii rrt: tri-r-i. 'Ilo-rr i- al-n a lir--r-ratr 4 i-trrn il f. rt.lri ii. It' nnf -nld i.v tin- fo .fill-. , it will I I'1 I nr ti rni-. tail on th nmt. r-i-;iiril irl.ll .1' IIIN W l. II .1 1 I -4IIC t tl.!.. I TVrLL-IMflloV Kin I- AI.VM. 7 mil-- ouihrt-t I ! -A i.f 4Vavri ii . :n -itlirn-rnunt t . l-i arrr prai- i ri.-. -o rt'-rr-li'ni' r: if a.-rtf- iiudi-r Irn'-r. ihi.r j ! T:i!Iri nf lltr'l ni''!".r, C..1..1 nnil-i , I r:i-i. ri-i'Tii. nr '. n. ...i.- ... , rattstrnu la- biaricil. Inr I 3i"i."l'ar-. apply In Hr. J M I'lloT. Ii wi? Urn U a-.ri-ly . Mo. TWO l' tllM-4 I IIK H tl.E. SITI tn ITI A I I H almiil 14 litllr- -...ii hra-f nl I.t Tinir iij. i.n I 11 11 arrrii-itui -r rnan . an-i i-..iit.iiiiiu I.arri-i-.ii-li. Al-o iV acres nn plan ir. 'l llirrr arr r.i.'il naprovriin 11'-, truir. .. . .n iiic lllarr T....I, ... I 1C .11.1 I ajIrf ar l.i-T HiZi "ll . 1 iiYi: rti:tii'OKiti.i:. XVKMI.I.I.I.M KAliM "I "Nl. IH .MKI.I ' Arr-. Lik-hiif ai-rr- hrinir nitdrr f.-nrr ami in rnlritarimi. and Ti n arris i f I iml-rr. twrniiilr- ..if j There are ir.-ml i.n the farm, tthlrll I i- l.eanr:l'iiHv -ifiiatid. Ittiltr milr- frr.m Inttn. nn the -alf rmid K-.tnl and admiiun-: flu- Tin au-!:iii(l faritl im Ihr i- a 4 rami ll-.u-r. rniiTiilllin. fi-iii rie.m. wirh an i:lirr in tin-yard. Klf.'hrn. I. r II. iti-r. -nmke llnii-e. -tai.Ii , Ac. tr nr trrne-. A.1. III. liurr al till- nllirr ji--lf imrii roii viu'i. TOIH l: 'ol: -! :. n-t nl. a i..-r,d ft?. I RYI. aiill lo mill - s.itillii a-t nl l.r- fj-. mi Ihr Sail I'mtil irnad. ai d .-.n- It tin Kin ic ll:l arre-: al.nnt -o acre- in culltta- m tt Tmn. l-al.inrr in tifnl.i r. "I h.- iinernti nirtit . r.ti--i-t nf a Krann- ll-.u-r. with fniir 1'm.iii- and kiirh. en. ire tlnll-e. -Tnnkr hnll-r. l-arriaL-r hnll-r, -mall on-hard nf sr-url Irliif. ir-rrl watir. it--1 oilality id' itUt-elt ran-cr mvlSm.t .ry unnd harn. Ac A op it to I. IV I.UKKN. Tirnr said plai-e. r rii roRMiii:. I TIN-. llVfc .MII.K- -Ol ITIW K-l OF fa j Wellin-r'nn. .n the .lark Itnn.l, W..., rnnlaintni IHI arrrs -. ,n ai-rrs in cultiTa- j linn, 4il ncret in prairir, -Jiiarrr.- in irnnil in. timhrr; ilwrllinjr two tnrir- liurh, all ntlirr nrce nirT lnuldinv's. (r.i.i.1 w ati-r in Ihr yard, w ill he -mill at a harifain if appliration or mn.. s.-mn. I or terms, apply I.. i l. ll VAI.I.. Dir:.orf nrar l.rrenton. I.afayettr rn . Mo I'tlin EOR KtEE. MisT HK-ll: Mil.H TRAIT otr Kami. r..nlaininT almut so arret. : acrrn in riiltiiaflnn. lialam-e wiwidland pa-Inn: is in. H-f -.if:il. Ir fnr a t.-rk Yard, situatr mile frnm Ihr rif t limit-, on thr tt arrrir-linrjj ma. los-..-sii, ii -riiirn iiiiliirdiati It-. I or partic ulars and Irrms, apply In IlKNIlHIl T TlliUMS, S K eor Seminary -ullarc. old Inwn. KE.1. ESTATE ....EXT. FOUK KAKMS FOR RENT, FIFTY FOB SALE. TWELVE hon-ieT for ale in city; also a larfrc niimlirr nf Int. We will rent farm and h.m- ifi anil miirrf rrnfs, ami pay laTes in inis r.-uiiiy acres ef w ild wooil, prairie anil coal land fnr fair. All iern-ns wi-hin-r to r!l pmiierty w onlil do writ to tfive as a rail, and all win. w i-h In hut -.Imuld -tee 11- d..lll- sn. W IN-Olt . KI --KI.I. ia-.T'.inil 1 'lit-. liMH' BANK OK M 1 IJU'IrKK l.r alp. rhrap for (,a-li. tin lotlou utj, tracts o taml, t(-wit: Thrrr lliin'lrl Ar-. a portion of the Bnj. I-rorrn fnr in. in Itav ronnly, !. .-ixtv .rrr .f Tiiii'nr l.:in1. apart Af th" .1 aroh St'.rm'- farm, on rooknl Kiv rr iu Ka rountj , ami nine mil-- frm 1.stiiton. Thrr ltnnlr'.I ai Forty Arr1 ff land in the Oil Kzmn, nt-ar ih rwl from l-inirt'n to l"ti-a. ami riv'hfwn mil-- nttrtht-a-l of I,-xinift"'. in Ray 4 o. 'Hir llnntlrwl Arr- of Inml n:ir Fit-liniir Kivrr, filVfii tit I- wp-t f Kirlimon'l, in Ray romity. Thr-p llunlrl Arp- n-nr Wavcrly ; ixty arrr-. ritn.M-r. ami two hnn1rl an.l lorty arr- lrairip. if llumtr-! ami Iwt-niv A rs. a part ! the Wm. lii lN farm, thirty nrr-- in timtM-r anl nirnry rr- in prairitr anl rnllivalion, Ihri- iml" iitn of let-xini-iton. I hi ih iiiif o thp ve ry ln-t tract.-- ol I-. ml lklitv-rtP rotinfv. Ihirtv A'rt" of I iin.-Vr, two mil- 5outhw-tvt of I.f-xintrlon . Kiifht rTi, a qiiartrr of a mil f-a-t of the Col Irup. Thi is a majenitirfnt itr I'r a family rt-i- l--' an.l tin vhIiihNIp. ortv Ani-T f I imiM-r ani m i. in'i, inu nnun -aY-t ! l.fiiir'Tn anl on Ih' I(tT. iin-iivi-lr-l on-si;ill inrrr nnn.irfii ami twrntv ivri-i cf Mip-rir land in Jackson comity . thr tiioTrr-t n i--liti.irhoo.l. Al-o a.otit thr. r hnmlrfl acr. a part of thr fann frn-rlv own. Ir Jim lt al. nar lirrntn. A ! Kighty acrt r of 1'rairic lanl, m ar I olom-1 Walton' Alio Ki?rhty arre of Prairie land, near firorge O-lwrn'f. AH of thp aTiovr land will he aold at T-'diicd prir.", for ra-i. a thr Hank ir o-n to he wound up. For trrnv-. apply to thr und-r-ifn-l. li VVK.NTWnRTH. IYf-!-il'nt of t arm-rs' I'.ank. I.rsinsrton. M.. Mav ar. lw-7. VHEss .Ti.iHnii-mnPKu- r.i: iimxi, a kmi:i:oiiiki;in;. rTTHE l liKIE-li.NKIl take this mrlhml to inform I their frirnils ami the Ladies of thin Tirinitv. that tlley haTe cominenceil the linsiitrss of iirernt Makinfrl! rlaliiiine. Rraiilinic ami Embroidery, ami will lie happy to wait on all those w ho mav favor them with a "rail in the allot e line. Prr feet -an. farliim ciTen in all ea-es. IT'r'lloiisei.n franklin utreet, four iloors west of theSlalket. fcblin5 Mr .1 H. W. M. .14KIAX. REVENUE STAMPS. FUR SALE BY' EliYVARP WlMSilR, FIRE, LIFE AVP MARINE IXSl RArF. AU T, ls!rl I ElM".TO , MO A. .1. .ra KW AK r. By JULIAN, ALLEN & Co. m. jiuav. k. ai-i.en. w. o. Mi -r.mivr. Gce Hours, from 7 to !2. M.i from 1 to 6 P. M. TERMS: ""Unt' tnr, in :if U ;int -, 2.50: i'c nuntln, in ulanfV, $1.25; iMi,'U roiu-.. Ic. ulii rii'tina iiOfniiiim l :i ! t.-rm mi!M r-nl . l-;-.nav Noln,'.'4, M ft, w Hi'i'i tut minimi only i. ili-srrtlir'l. ami l in) lor tarh ail"tiUoiuii ani m:il iii Ih- -am- iii-tiff. f Ailiniiiitiu!o' Noticrsi, $3 50. Final t ltk nifiir Nt'ii-, .". ; vi.m a! Nitr '. '-SM-wit jn-rlino f.r lir-t inm r- " iion, ami 1" ct-nt? i r Iiik lor each subM'munI in- - sr!mn. y ?I' i'i:il N"ttf";. I"' rents per tine. T-n lin. of i.h'l n'ii(-:ii il, it,) ir its tjuivak-ul iti l-a'. makr iif -(ii;tvf. '3' Alt :i'lvt rti'fiiif nt l'-r a tini th:ni tlir-f iiiitntii-. mii-t (iail in a.laiu'-f unit J.y ic- ccil ai i anirt infill lh rvi-r. J mnvnriitr inti''S, n rliars . Mtu uy " lii c-. ti n lint' in length, or tnuh r. -ay s vtni -ilve tillili'il lr- ; t-vt-r lliat at-, 1 lor tach tvr. Iii". iiIii;io" notiros IVif. Z.y ' fc ' a iii'N titifi- in lu-tt tyt. on n- In-i iir iy, a! -ah rat-??. irl r iniit tl, aiiii'roinptly :itu nil lo. CASH RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 Sq. 2 Sq. 3 Sq. 4 Sq. 5 Sq. Col Co! 1 Col. I .' ii :t ml 4 iki Tt mi 7 .Vi 1.1 mi 'J(l mi 1 .vi :'. iki 4 .".11 r. im 7 -'ki 11 -i -" mi mi I im ."1 iki 7 in !i m in -7 .Mi : 4 .vi 1; im s mi 1- m 1 mi mi ti in 4 mi 1; tin s im 11 ml l."i mi -iz m :iti mi .'i". mi ."1 mi 7 im lo mi 1.". mi H mi i im :la m 11 ml 7 im I-' mi l"i im .11 im -.."i 011 -V II" 4"i mi W il ) (Wnh. p .. 3 " Year, In i" in -J i"1 - '"' -H ' " "" Sundry Tliinrs. Ml.t: lll l I l.l.l Kit V . I. III- 1-. W III I K II A- JL - I Itctlirn.-il -1 fi- in St. I... lli-. u iilt hi-r i m.ii fitrk t nl Ni-tv an. I hii-xaiit Jlillim-ry IhhuIs, the ..-r r:tn-. l.i-anlilul an. I ri-.-li.-ri'lii-i-vi-r ulli-r- i-.l hv ln-r in thi- niarki t, aii-l lh.i-f i-liinir arlii-I. 9 tit tin- Inn- an- lilt It t-i i t.i i-all . All lilt ill tin- line "l Hat-, i.f w hi. !i an- hi- liiai-k I ri...k. l in- l i-i! ll. .nr. I In- Itla. k l ....k, I hi- i-li-ali..n. Tin Kin inn. I tit- II. ill Km'.irr, T In- lliitht II. .nr. I hiLhi'li': an.l a lar:i- ta-. ii-ty i.l' tn llli'llt!..!!, m ilifll .-il' Tin -.iittair. I hf -Milan. I In- l ..I. tit u. Ihi- Ki-I.ti.-r, Hit- .-a. lili.-, .Vi-.. iV.-. -tyh--. ti... nnini-r..u--i il at li---- .rirr than mil In n I..I..I.-. ll r -t.M-k ..f Hiiwrt i mbrai-i- th -! Irs ami -h.:.. -. I.atr-t -lilf llii in'iiti-. riiinti-, tfallu r-, .Vr. lVicr: in. -ilr in all S.iit-. I run ill. vn In l..v jm-l.'-v hi the riiiHi:it. V UK icpIi r-i.-iii il w i-hr- tn mini in fs. thr r arm. r-nl l.alat i-ttr ntllii-- I kiii.t- nl' i Itliicksmilhins t Wasoii-Maliin: at hi- -Imp. mi tin- r l;. .ad. al.niit tln. r inu frnln KfrMll-rtnit. 1 havr nn, and lliaki-ton I.r. iinr ami Tim-il.T-i- Turiiins I'low--; also and -iiiBlr -hnti-l-. s ;.-AII kinds nl' l: pairing ik.nt- witU Xtatnrss aJi'i lli-palrh. Mr l-IT.-. i.tif nf tin- ttf-T tv nrWm.-n inthecitun tv, w ill altt in - I.r mi hand to uKt-nd lilt want, of aiiv .-u-t-.l.ti v- '.-iV..rk tt arraiitnl a- r.-prt-enti d, or uuuey n fuiid.-d I all and t-.aniint-. in. 1, !f A. I. I.iir.AN". E.M'.ICI'.IK-: &. JHWIMiS, I.HXIMiTiiN, MO. t.EAi i r.s ix i.uui i.!:ii;s, M INUS AM) I.IljroHS, 4.I.ASS AMI gl KUN-W AIIK, TAIJLI. I I'TLKBT, ( i A I. 1 1 1 1. I. A M T s , I.r.MUIll:. LATHS, MUM.I.l'.S, YVIMIOW SA-II, IiOOKs, LIME, 4 KMl.NT, I I.A-M U TAKIs I I.A-IKI.INl. IIAllt, lioor I.' hr .-. Nait- . n-.itl- . Ilina V.-.. Ar Hotels. Lll.llETTi: HOI SE, SOI TH STIH IIT. --- - .I.t I llXlXiiTUM, J. .. EITHER, Pl4l ii loi . rTtTIli Ilnl'SKhn- ncrntly l.r.11 ri-).air- '. -s:t-l r l furnish. -d. and th....titilt- rrl'rtrd. and i- n itT in jr I rnnditi-.n, and Inr thr ari niiiiuniia- tinil nt Ihr i.llliln. I hr w ill al'ta-hr -up. lird with thr In -t Ihr mai kit all. .rd-. Hit propr:- T w ill alwavs In l.tiiml at hi- post, ami tt i.l .-r hi- imiio-t rndi .it t.r- Tn tr thr oim!i t nf Ilia tm-fs i liar:r-s nio'lrrarr. julyljy hoi it it o nu s r.. f MN -1.. l.KXIM.lnN. .MO. llii. -frjj 1 i- nntv in frnml r 1 i T i . -n and t--l--; r.'i.:ur I llr mi.III- nr.- lal!;.' alio rnntlnrt- r .i i v f n rtl l-lll'' 1 . IUI1 ill iivinu i n .-, it i i. 'i. ;ti .,,.,. latinn The patinn.-i:;- ot Ihi; public - r.. tfullv --.liritnl ,,,,.1,-r.y 'THo.MA- YVILI.I AM. rre-Tii ti.r. 1 llt.ll t MAIN" STItl.HT, IIOTEE. MIAMI, MO. I'ilK. i:ii i.-r-ijiii d t itiiiier-t-riie'l taxe pe a-iii-. in an- jWft e.i-inir to hi- frit ml- and llir travel- j ... lit-that hr has recriitlt purtha-id til!!' til. ji-iu-i in an- x i-.i.u 11.'. tilt llir ;in..i. n.iiii--. ,i.,;,i. i, 1. in . 1 - p! a-i d t. -rr lllrin . I 1! 1 . tiat a 111 -l-l-ia--.- i.:m i y ill r.iitnt i-lii.ti tt ith Ih. h"..l- ti WitJ. s. ATKINs o . st. Vic hoe as iiotee. IFornnrly 4. alt, ENOS JENNINGS, Iropriftor, .-T I.Ol is, Mi l. TIIK srp,-( It I I'.H i: . fnrnii rly pr. pi i.-fnr if thr Ktt-ri-tt II. u-e, take- pl. a-nrr in atinnnnr- imr Tn III-Irlrlel-, and llir pllltili- prltrral't . tlial In has taken thr ahotr l, which I - lirim; n nn vatnl rt llllrd ami rrl'urni-llrd The laltli - it ill hi: tllpplirtl it ith the i.--l thr niai ki t alt. rtl-. at triili'in will hr tt antun; to make cited- iVii nd- of thr si N,. .P,- , lll'N 1 Kit ItKX .IHNKIN-, l--tr i f Ki'.kuk Pif-krt ii.. and nnrr a t it i.'n nf thi- rnutitt , i I In k I.f thi- llnll-r. t Itrrt- llr hnpr- In -rr his friend- and ciwm- -rrm-rally. Ii-iard, !-' vi prr day, or "Ml no l"-r i i k. ai WESTER HOISE. Laiinl Street, tirturen Franklin and Main, I.LX1M.TON", MO. N. HAERLE, Proprietor. iiavim; un hxti.y nnroMK thk I 1 rrnprirtnr i.f thr nhovr House, ami prut miii li liihor and iimney to put it in 5 iii.i-ritir nrdrr thr ll-avrlun- tilllillr. well as -ill nf he is. ran rely on timliiiit accnmnioila un-urpa-i-ril hy any other house in 1'pprr Mi--nuri ; j"Nn pains sparctl to make guest- IX roWF.n'IOX with this Ilout-r, 1 havi -t antl niecnt tiiriitht 'l the IurK IlII.I.TAl.n SALOON' to ho found in I'pper Missnnrt. The Tiuilt s new and in Ihr l"-t of order . and lot era ot gaiilcare ilttiteil tn t-tvc tlirm a trial. Tliii TtAIi Ts alway? sllpplird w ith rn v varirtv of W"hi.-kv 'Ai:. Al-rt lirantlt Willi-, 1 lars. At'. LAf.KU I .III-. It, thr fre-hrsl anl ltrst in the city. altvarT on hand. i r"l.v rnnfiiimitjr In Krrp a lir-t-cia-s, nrnrriy hint-r, I llnpr tn mel ii a rnllf illllaiier nt the lllil'llil patrona-rr lirretnliiri- ln-.-tott t-4 upitn mr. apri.niT N. HAKKLK. Watches, Clocks, ,Vc. . i.. i.i tiwiiis, rn. Mot: vrn. Laic with L. Mr-rede. I.IUWK.M WATCHMAKERS & IflORATII. AND JEWELERS. First ' for ra-t t.i t otirthoiwp, I,pxin-rton, Mo. tl'K haieimtr a lare ii n't wt 11 t -r plCll'tl httM'k of i IrM-k-i, -Ipwflry, Silver aiitl lMatrd V;irf !ne:tai'lf). Fancy i4Mid--t Tv-,, AVost. nholm'f Porkrt Kniv?;, Httirrr'A " " nthrv. Vit.lin'unil ;itnr itrn-T-', (hest) , Violin and i.nitar Triinniins. M all aiitl Wiiidw r:i,i-r, oil haiit"-T stationt ry, Rt-volvt r- and Aininunitioii, Picture Frami's, f.ilt. F.botiy, Ko- vvod and walnut, -wliit-h we put up in any iz-. and a jfrt-at variety of goods HMially kt-nt in a fancy !tnrr. t hit oiMl-, aif all fn.-h ami honjiht at the late d clin', and w ill h 11 at-rin-iiinply , ch-:tp. ?r'4VatchT.", i lock., .lewi-lry , Arcordconfl, M'l sifal ln--tmin'nts, St-win-r Machines. U'., can lnl ly repaired anl warranted, and orders for new nr til'i promptly filled, t j'Oivc u a call hefore pnrrha'-inK' eNewlicre. Lt'inVltiS & MORA TH. mK It opposite the City lltttt l -nil.EI-.ERl. MRS TOMM KR-i A M ARTIN are now in the market with a larpe and cnmplete stiiek of all iroofls in the Millinery I. me i v. . .. ....1 ........ I ,i. ..., .. . -., t! .- Toninierson, on her late trip to the Last, and with especial reference lo the wants of tlieir friends. Those ladies w ill he pleased to wait upon those who may visit them, and arc coiilldrnt in their pow er I., please all. niylly XOTICE. w E ARE NOW FI LLY I'KHl'AKKP, 44 ITH our w ui ine i.ower i.aiiuinai a alsoat the 1'iipor Lamlimr. to attend to the liereiv inir and Fnrwardilis of I'tihIhco and .Merchandize, ami any other business thai mar be entrusted to oiir oare. f ap-.lmit;l RK1M1ARI A lilto. irt CKSIIAEE Ai. EASTER. t T I KXIM.IIIN MILLS, kcni roii-tantly on hand a hill supptv of FLOI R of all qualities, ami also MKAL nml FEKII, which will always be mild at as low prices a-i thry ran lie lmnitht i-lse-where in this market. Flnitr nud Meal dellvrred fliK n rllirze wilhlD the rily liuiits. njojil l f Thou hast One Heart that Loves Thee. From a yi.unjr fci-iilU-iiinn s-nlTi-rin Willi tli iaii.'-t i.f lov, anil a p.imlly amttunt nt'.-y mpatliy. Until lin-t one lii art liiat lmrs line-; Thru tiaiiNh lliy br.iw That Im.k ni im-liiiirli.illy lv That inar. I It v l.t-atily hum ; I..-! joy .livt-ll ia thy y.iiuulul broat; ln.-.i-l i-arh ri-tii$r i-ari-; lint- tiiitlitiii lii-ait uiil lo i? Ihci.' ii l.l not I., dark ili -i.iur, T1i.ui haft 1.110 In art that Imti tliii ; It- tiutli is all llii tivn; Th. .11 art nut in lln- f"M bliak wiirM r ur;tki-ii an.i al.tiu-. 1 hi-rt- 1- a v.tiri' al ili-nt t-vi- I'liat l.ri-allu-s tlli-i- a l.raycr; Tlii-rf in a lii art that li. al- inr lliri-, Yi-Ul nut to iluik tt.-ipuu'. Tiit'il lia-t our In-art that Iuvob tlu-r; I ill tlu i- ti. tin.- laM : In il.-a-liri- i.r in .-...riuw 'a hour. Till I iff il-.-ll i .a-t An. I ithT it- trulli 'hall In- tliinr om n In v. .nli- 111. .11' l.rii;lil an.ltair llni- faillilul lirart mil t-u-r I..M- tliei Y ii-lil ii.. I t.i liiik ill-pair. THE THREE CALLERS. ity i-ii.iui.t- SWA1V. Mum ralh tll f.millv tn a fair Imy starvi.i-r. ' Mill -jit hi- n liiciiitntv-, l irli w nil i litvi -nli'WS, she cali-i hut hi -.1 ill tli ink.-i.f natilil .-avi-play uv, Ami -it -In- -mill- ami tvat t-s hiln yn inlitu! W tiii-t hr, i-t ill iin-rrv with hi.- tlnni-ry -.Inn-, Iiti ins n. .1 that .Mm-n,sri.-i Miirii.ri lmii-- iioimirc -i.mi-til hut thr liiv tt manhtttiil irriitvin-;, llri'-In in tt tin It inr. Hi' mis hut -t ft-1 tj m, i Inr v.tlin-r.fair face, fri .il hi.w i-r .f ja-ainlni--rr.ot-An'.l all hi- I. tv in u' lira! I itii i- warm ; ling. so, nnin.tii-i'.l. -rrks llir r.-trrn -hre. Ami man l-.r-rt- that .N i ri lurni no mure N'iirht tii.pi-Th centlv at ft cn-nni nt ?li :iiiitii-r. ith Ih.- t 11 i it tirr llirl.t 11 l.-ki-rintr lilllll an.l I'OV, By tIiii-h a -rray hairnl man i- r-mll v ilrt-aiiiin.;, 1 1'i-r i!i-a-nrr-. -r.tlir, Ms Lite'-. .lta-lIrl j-.t. Nihl i-all- hiin tn hi-r anil hr Iravr-t hi- il.-or, sili-nt luui ilark and hr it-turns no iinirt-. RUTLEDCEHEREBEL. A SI ijt 1.1. TO Thr Trnrl of Prarl llivrr. by .TIrs. Sontliu iirlli. nv ri.r. it. nraiivv. Written for the Lfx;:iaton Wcck Cucsslan. 1 i.t i-ri n 1 1 . 1.1 r-T rl l.'rl i 11 1; ttitlt tni-l .Itlllli Lie- thr plnnl t.i' V ii 111..-. sii.-.:ii-i:.ui: 1 Ulltl I A 1 ION'. 'l ime still viii-;t-(l 1it weary flight, while, faithful in the ili-ehai n of hi-dui its a-a sol dier. Mark Sutherland proved his i tlit ii ney in anus hy hi-n-allanlry on iiuniheiless fu Ids of earnaire. Side Ivy side w ith our hravest. he had touirht heedless ot lhe leaden hail that poured around him . I launtlessly upon various rampart.- he planted lhe "Stars and I'-ar-' throunh deluninn; storms of -.'rape and -hell, and still un-cathed he stood linn ami invul lierahle in hattle. a his adain:iiitine faith iu justice ami rin-ht. liis ht-rni-m was appre eiati d hy his eoiiii'.iaiiders. and he received the acceptation of the I.ieuteiiantey hill .Mark declined all. w illi the cool atlirmalioii that he ""was not a -eaivher lor lame; he wi-hed only to -ei ve his country, ami that he pivleiTed doi;in -u in tin- capacity of a private."1' j This hi'.mhle and honest declaration oiily in-piled nicater admiration for him, ami j while hi- splomlid talent, courtly adihe-s. land supciior military judntnent. retnlct-.-d ' In in a favorite with even tlii-ri :i'i--t iu rank, j his prcterred eithordiiiate position, his imo--j ions dcporliuenr. and hi- -ri-iieio-i! , ! naiiic.l him i-.iiiol favor with the lowlic-t; ' and. thus, he minplletl with all "i-nlc hi -nl- ilierly inleicoui-e, appreciated, hoiiored. i admired hy tin nft-a!, c-teetned, re-pec'etl, I and lovt-d hv all." j Mark heard of the arrival f-f Colonels .ar, ' deidale ami A-hli y in the army of Vii "in ; ia; yet. with that olden dignity am! pride he ! couid hot hrook. he held him-i If aloof littin j them, makinn ilnir rank an i 111 pa--able har , rier lo soi-.i.d int. i-i- i:r--- 1-u'.. 11-uaily. in 'ads of j.eivc!--. iie-s :ii.d pride, we an- not favored by late: ami. ilc-piie Jnai k s at t mpls to'-huu his friends. i'ullod"v. In inn aware of his rceinient. was enu-ta'itly on tin., alert se.:ry!iiiin- tor him. ami e'er many days, l.'ultcdtte stood h- lop- him in his t.-nt. M uk ri-. . d his vi-itor i.i-!.tn:lv . and :uo-e to receive him. with a chillim; "l ol . A-hlry, 1 plc-uuicV'" a lie. L-lan.-i'-l nt tin--! ly" unitoiui and et'iTteiinir liappin.'r- of llutlelj;e. who eagerly i xtendi il his hand, ami eNjiie ed his nia'iilii-a'i. 11 at lhe liictt itin. addle in"; Mark a- Colonel. "Mr., il you ple-e," re-jM.lcU-d Mark, L olol inn;. l'utlcd-re. for tin first time r.o'.icinn the I mean, worn and nileii apparel of his tti. ml, 'frankly, rejoined. "-t matters little about I rank or title. I leel honored to claim you as j a compatriot.' ' I This wi ll deserved and sincere compliment set Mark perfectly at his ea.-e. and relinhtetl ! the expirinir llaine of olden friend-hip and j esteem for the man he had so jj-nllaiit 1 y op I iosimJ on the hattle field, and whom now lie acknow hdncd as a political friend and fellow -oldicr. Iti theirinereasinn- fi iotnl-hip for eaeli oth er. l'utledn;e -non appii-ed Mark of hi- at tachment to India, w hn h united more clo-cly the. links tif individual c.sfecui anil national hrolhi-rhood. and made them almost iu-ep-erable. Km ledn-e otteti nrjretl Mark to ac cept an ollice. arniiiii"; that in thai eapaciiy he could render jrrcalcr service, yet Mark n -inained inesploi ablt lo entreaty, averrinn that he once made fame his noal in war. ami now hoped that his a-pirations were of a far more purely patiiolie nature. Mark was not Ion"- in the enjoyment of the eompatiion-hip of Lauderdale ami A-hley helore he unexpectedly met a third friend". Strollinn-one t yeniiin-on the outer skirts of the encampment with Kut led;e, liisatti-nlioii was attracted towat.i- a captain, finely uni formed and equipped, d.-ishinn pa-t. Mark viewed him a few moments, ami impured of Kutledn-i ""il' he knew that otlicer?"" Very well. That is Captain .lack Allen of tny fcnjineiit . ' '" "Allen. Allen? He very strongly resem bles lip. youth who conducted me out of the federal lines." "lie is the same; I have heard him relate the circum-taiiee often. You were very for tunate to have met with him at that lime; if I were in such imminent daiini-r I should as soon rely upon his taet and courage as half our Major licnerals. " ' He is certainly very brave. ' ' 'Uravc! 1 have never seen a man I would sooner rely upon for courage. He has only one harrier to distinelion: mental traitiinn-. lie possesses the mind for a irreat man: hut, unfortunately he has not had lhe advantages of the sciences, thoiiohhe is an unexception able soldier, and is just the man to discern Yankee trickery ; he is tinequaled as a spy . ' " : "Yes."' rejoined Mark launhinnlv, had sullieient proof of his capacity iu that line; he has mastered the art of duplicity ; when I hist observed him in the Yankee camp I thought him a true Yankee, and a fa vorite soldier of their cause.' ' Yes. he can innratiate himself into the confidence of even a Yankee by n-enuine taet; hit hasuctcd the spy on numberless occasions, and has always proved his capacity in a mas terly manner. " ' '"Here they were interrupted hy the indi vidual iiKjite-tion; w ho. dasliiii"; up lo Mark, threw himself from his saddle, and familiar ly benati. VVell. Sutherland. I s'pose you remem ber the time we had that moonlin-ht jaunt to rether? How do you find yourself now ? All rii;hl, thoiinli. as I see from your ridir-ment.-ils, eh, Sutherland?'' "I trust so;"' returned Matk. jrivn! 11a turcdlv. "IIow are you enjoyiiin life. Cap tain?" ' .lack sw ung himself around w ith a conse f 1 1 H i 1 1 i:il air and replied. " Maziujrly well. now, thank you. hut I ve had somr trouble since I aw you, real heart felt trouble." "Ah! 1 reirret your inisfortune. Of what nature was il !" .Tack heut his eyee to the fifroutid for a mo ment; then, confusedly turnuiir to Kutloilire, said. "Captain it don't make no difference now its over; " "t won't do no harm to tell Sutherland, will it?"' "No," returned Kutledjre, with an un controllable lit of laughter. "I see you are try in to make light oflove; hut just wait, my good fellow, "hi some lit tle reliel girl worms herself into your good graces, then. I am afeercd, vou'll laugh totherside of your mouth."' i lert-he gave Uutledge a look of utte r disgust, and turn ing to Mark, continued. "'Yes. Sutherland, soon after I got out of our serajw with them Yankee cusses, I got into a still worse one, dow n in the piney sw amps of low er Mississip pi, by fallen iu love Willi the sweetest woman lienealh the skies of natur. Oh! she's a reg ular trump, I tell you. Given up to he the prettiest smartest, sweetest, ch-verist. and most popularest girls in all the pinev woods. ' ' "Iion't iloiibt hut that she's all that, hut how did you come out? Y ou really believe in love il you?' ' "ltclieve in lore! lVhy, lo you think lam so green as not to lielieve in it? Where is the sensible man that does not know there ar such a thing? I tell yon. and you'll find it out to your sorrow, fine of these days, if you don't already know it. Unit a mail can '50 Iilutn crazy 011 Hit.- sulijii't.. I ti-11 vim. liftnri jrt my cuiiniirt' slrunr i'( to tin- pi'i-li "t .-iskinyf I-a,' 1 was as iiiifh t-my n any ! I v ytiit -vT s:it. not tti lav;'. Wfiy. m git:ir.i urotr, I was t'tcrii.-tlly 1 r;tni in " I In heat sis llmiili in v lift' was at staki' it I lilti't. I i-iiiildn-t think of nothing -l-.c hut -l-a:' if I ! went to cntik. tl was a private thi n.) I'll ! smisrall (lie ictuals mi a tilf til winnl.ami i;o i dtl" williuiir evi r pri-temlm' to jn it a -ji irk lire lii-ar tln iii. It I went to loat! in v ;itn I In-like the iron r.miroil tiyin to jrit the loa-l j in the wronjr enil. In taet, 1 like u to siat -veil al! the liiess, eookiii; lor them; hail the hole enniiiaiiy iiityin' me; thoiie;lit sure I was crazy , ami all t:ir liiis loye hu-iness. I j tell you. Sutherland, its the tightest place a ! mail ever trot in. I've heen a miv in li deral j camps, wiih tlioii-ands at blm; aitiund me; I've had to run lor coats all i dear life, 1 w hen tin-halls sun'' lair tunes in mv ( j--; I've spi-iif iiioiii h- in the iiniMiiiio -wamps j of Mis-is-ii.iii. and all that is nothiii"- to a : man in love, when he knows his sw eel heart I had as leave jilt hiin as not. I tell you. it worse ner awful," concluded Jack Willi a tlrcti drawn breath. Ihttletlgc again pealed forth in meri t laugh ter, w hile Mark, stifling a sympathetic sigh, replied. "I hope you were suetes-ful in se curing this prize?" "Oh. yes, we are engaged, though it luck a migiity sight of coaxing lo gi t Iter to say yes; lht-n 1 don't Know as -he'll ever a said it. in the creationable world, hut I wa- or dered nil' here; and I told her I never inten ded to com.' back . 1 took this short turn to get her answer, and it worked exactly, fur she commerced a crin. (bless her heart, what a bitrte I was to make her cry:) but then I knowid she loved me. and 1 didn't mind cumin away so much." "Mark Viewed the youthful lover before him. bouvaut with all lhe brightest hopes for the future; and. contra-ting it for a mo ment with hi-own life's dream, he deeply fi-lt his blighteil anticipations, a-he extended his hand to .la. k, w iih the sincere wi-h that he might realize all the hii-sol mutual love and conjugal itlicity . This brief love story of the hopeful lover had touched the tenderest chord of Mark".-sen-itive nature, and reawakened those ol den, dormant pas-ions 1 hat ever relu-ed the soothing waters of l.elhe. There were still moments w lieu lie could not n i-i tho-eohlefi memoric-. though he spurned thein with all lhe pride and contempt of his nature; -till, lliele were moments w lien Kosalie I .audi rdale won hi rise in her .-iipreme dignity and imperial potency upon his imagination; and. iie-pi;e pride, 'rejection, and scorn. a.-crt her pow 11 ml and indisputable claims to hi- devotion . r.eiween thi- idol love and his future destiny. Mark would vainly striv e to build the impass ible barrier of alienation and la-ting separa tion: he selected every stiti nn attribute ot his being to ca-t upon the mckv fort; and. when ! he i-nireiichetl himself lir'nilv in what lie 1 th -clued ils invulnerable wall-, fair as the gotlde-s of f. triune. I he potent Ite-eig.-r stood wit liiu asserting her imperial -way. lu lhe roar and din of bailie only could he stillethe anguish in his heari ; there only could he dis pel the weird imagery of the past; there mily could he 1 irget that proud, cold woman who chained his heart in the freezing i.-ebei L's of ' hisnatnre. ami refu-ed even to give it warmth and light. Yei. Mark Siilhci laid was not ! lhe man to indulge in vain regret lo the ex I elu -ion ol all enjov incuts around hi ui . Thor J ointhly alive to all hi- varied routine ,f duties, i heilid uot tread the path of life eln eries-ly . gloomily, a- if crn-hed by a great di-appoiut-inen;; but, philosiiphiziug wi;h ad lhe itreiigth of mental depth, and lirinm-s of ; purpose, he pui away, as much as poT-ible. ! :hc one great sorrow of his Jjfe. ;i, a some j thing too bright for reality. His or Ro-a-' lie's ini:'g.- was enshrined deep within the j inia-riuo.-l casket of Id- soul, as a g.nlde-s of j wor-hip; lhe Ih i tha of his idoiatry. lhe all i !"aiililul o lilt., -till more lovely hecau-e tin i atlainahte. . ii rcvoc.-ihiy lo-t ; w rapt iu lhe I black ist:i of de-pair, and unrciui!ed love. ; ritieijuiii-il lov..-! Ah! that wa- the adder , -'iug: lhe deadly upas that sent its poi-onoils ; breath to hi-inuio-t -mil. "Had she have 1 lo-.-d in. . ' ' he ivotild -ay. "she never would ! have -o ci ueliv rcjeetetl me: never have de nied me Ih" a uranee. even inongn ner pa-trioti-ni. under the circumstances, might ha'.c 1'il'onijiteil her oppo-i-tim to a union; had her heart been iniue by the boundlc Wcallh of love, it would have lcuiaim d s,, over every external harrier. Nomaiterhotv cheeiie ly loomed the future; no mailer bow iiicoi'iip.nible witli fate: still she would tn vcr have detnaiKletl, so coldly our separa tion: never have bade me leave her, an.l for- ! get the pa-t." ; Thus Mark often agonized internally: and. , a- a light amid intense darkne-s. lhe w hi-pi.r-! iugs ot hope w ould eliaimt its melody iu hi- ; soul: vainly endeavoring to sweeleii ii 'of grief. Now." it woulld sav to "alt him. ! "now. Mark Sutherland, you stand beneath i her country's llag its defender: you have w mi : Iht country's fame lor your brow : you and ! she are now both worshipper- of a common j cause: von too. now love lhe South. Mark ' Sutherland: and let thi- be lhe foundation of ia reconciliation, do -lie again loi tat or w ith ; your imperial mi-tn-s. and she will ilo.ibt Mess listen: doubtless bestow the boon your I heart langui-hes for."' And how does Mark I Sutherland meet thi- title of thought? How i does the rejected lover hail the sweet chant iug i of hope? "As the avant coiiriel of future -bliss, or as the s reu wiles of an illusive ; phiintom. tin- glareoiis it east over hi- iiieu i tal perception was bright, even radiant, as would have been the reality; yet. Mark ; Sutherland would have posse ed less of spir- it than was given his heroic nature, had he have laid lhat healing hope upon his hi ling. Wounded pride. Proudly he repelled it as un worthy his thought; unworthy thegrcai sac rifice of his heart'.-best love, that hail been inured out upon w hat he termed "an im- penetranie. marine neari. ie sweet for him to think that Ro-ahi dale watched his career from afar, a it was f.auder- he could not but believe with pride, with admiral ion; sweet to think that the same sunny skie smiled in glorious traniUili!y for tin' same hallowed cause. Yet these thoughts did not lnsoire one moment's contemplation of a happy future; I hey only awaken those faint j gushes ot satisfaction that wells in the chan- 1 nel of disappointment, betokening the con- ! ciotisness of a virtuous heart, iu its paih j of duty, springing from that pure fount ! of honor and integrity that, keeps iis . uiideviat'nig course within him who li ars not tt) meet the vicissitudes of human life. Not for a thousand worlds w ould Mark Sullur land have again suffered himself to evi 11 think of .lniir.iarhine" Rosalie Lauderdale (4 1 suitor: not lor a thousand Worlds so com - pronii-cd liisindepeiidence, even in though:, as to have entertained, for a moment, such a possibility. Political prcdjudiee. thebnrnerupon w Inch Rosalie's rejection rested, had been removed: vet. every attribute of Mark's iron will re volted al the lcat. exhibition ot weakness on his part. - It is true. I espoused her eao-e, he would say to himself, yet the world .-hall decide liiy motive. To no being, short of Omnipotence, will I ascribe the power ol changing me. Alone I will tread the dreary waste of lhe future, sacrificing to my devo tion to principle the love that, under other circumstances, vv ouhl have made me immeas urably happv. Rosalie, the proud, hanghiy Rosalie, siifdl yet know that I appreeiaie firmness anil stability no less than she; ami the pain she has indicted upon me has only made me strong. " ' And thus Mark still reasoned w ith himself, happy in lhe thought lhat he was but acting out the promptings of his conscience, and vainly tr ing to slill that hungry cry of his heart tliat wailed it- dirge-like anthems throughout the past, and cast its shadows over hopes, aspirations, and pro-poets that, but for lhat sombre shade, would have given him perfect peace and contentment. And, how was it with Rosalie? Atar tiff, she viewed Mark's star of destiny mounting to the y.enith of Southern glory .'with an al most breathless anxiety, so tearful that ii might be dimmed, so wmiiy joyous ai stc tdv lin-ht. she listened to every mis: that bore intelligence of Mark wilh a feverish impatience; ami. though no mention of nn: name, no in!nuaiion' of a remeinbraee of her, breathed through the cot.tcnts. still the very thought that lu Mark her ideal horn -now belonged to I he South, awakened within happiness to which her heart hail long been a stranger. She heard, from afar, the thun der of applause tluit echoed forth hi- heroism . and it sounded grandly, sublimely sweet in the ears of that "hero worshippinggirl. now. because Mark Sutherland was the subject. She had loved liimbcl'on-proviiicneegavehini toher country; admired him eminently above all other men; good, noble, self-saerilicing. she knew him to lie when h stood arrayed in a brutal cause. Then this revoluiion of sen timent had cll'eetuallv wrought the change. She'had rejected him; spurned him. for opin ion s sake, yet 'he felt that she had not lhe power to change him . Changed, indeed, he was ;lmt. now. amid the plaudits of comrades; crow ncd with the valor, the respect, the ad miration of a nation, mt spurned 11 tti: favor. She saw in him now the material for a perfect licro: the very man whom, above ! all others, she could love. "Cue w h" had," i 1 it. "proved himself too proud to Iii-e; t. mi s iiperior to admire hvr: " " ami j this very hat aeti ii tie Wi w hen notiiing ; -l-i j:.- eiiulil liave il.itie ?u, the latin lne id liie l.auilenlale. CliAf i 1 ii x x I!. T.iy prf-rnof i.niy, 'ti-eaii nuiki-mi-i.H-ii-i;. II. :.l my iinqnii-t iiiiml im.l litnt- m Ill AW A I lltl-IIAN . MKFTIN.i r 'IIIK K-tlAMil:l. 'erv wearilv time fled til t'aliiiiere: throtijrh the winter tiial eln-eil in its i.e- binding fetters the tide ot hlootl-shi d that poured so copiously in the w arm genial rays of the memorable suniinerof "Co. w hile each of its inhabitant- toiled on for lhe good of that cause tluit. paramount to every other hope, rnse ever fresh as the springing laurels that crow ncd each wrc-iling heme's brow. 1 ri-w eeklv missiveeiime. heralding !il id lidms from the lar-ofi' iniiiei ih d loved i-m-s i ln-alih. ot hiipc, of continued safety, aunnu-iit inu: in llm hearts of Velaria. India and l.o-alu. thai aiilt-.ipat!ou im- the fulure thai dwelt so brightly there. Tender. Iov and hopeful were the letters of Rutietlge and Mark to India, inspiring wiihui her lhe) brightest expectation; while Velaria and . Rosalies hailed. mi less joyou-ly. the iietfuent episiles of the loud Im-band and fat her. teem- ' iug a- tin y did. w ith renewed assurance of! sublime devotion to wife, child and country. , The -tin iiner of 'Uli. w ith iis leaden -iorins. j its great disaster, and it-fluctuating titles of i forluno. had draped t he laud in mourning; clothed lhe souls of our bravest with douiit j and uneerlaitiir. and cti-t iinivi-ival jr.'iitni ! oyer every lioine-tead . l!ut iiiituinn and i winter's bright successes again slit-. I the halo i ol fond anticipation upon the triumph of our I e:iu-e. as lhe fan p al attempts of Ranks, j Sherman ami othcrnoted Yankee leaders ter- minated in ludicrous lailuri s; and. gleaming : upon our st ili proil'lly floating colors, was j ihat halo of hope thai" relighted the beiiiglu- ! i d soul with jiairiotie lire; nerved again the j strong arm lor battle, w hi!o iiiab -bless 1. 1:1 blazed upon the di-e of country "s sky the; Rethlchemic -tar to the cradle of our infant I Liberty. 'j'he Xorlh again threw her legion-into lhe ; Coulederacy . lead on by her boasted chain- : pious ir.ui! and Sherman: while, lo meet j this mil! lit in limn is ho-l . hovered around , invulnerable Richmond, with his handful of; heroes, while brave .lohn-ou again bannered hi- decinialetl rank- w ith hi- ti iiiiiiphaiit Hag in I leorgia. and the Sou! h again aw okc to life and energy, as the song-hiitr- ol bright ; spring-time earrolli d their thanks lor thej glorious sun-hiue. in thi- political malieii- j vriug and rearranging of troop-. Col. I. an- ; tlerdale and Mai k were again transported to' i .lohiison s command, while l.uiiedge re-j j uiaiueil in Virginia. Througout the entire; J Soul h there w a hurrying to and fro; bliss ful ! meetings, and -ad parting-: vet. e very heart ' nerved jl-i only Ihrol If with lhat in Ilex i hie li nunc I hat ; s with lhe iioble.-t emotions of he- I loi-m and -elf aci iilce. ; Rain ami ph-a-ure. lhe two coiit'iciing ; emotion- of human nature, held their -trong ; rivalry ill India Sutherland's heart . Sin-had ' ju-t received a telegram that Mark would! lie w iih her in a lew hours, but Kill ledge w a-.-till iu Virginia. Col. Lauderdale was en route lor .lohiison's ,-uniy. too. but would not .come I hroiigh Mi i ippi . " Sothetele-i ! gram read, and concluded with, "this will i i only precede me a few hour-."' i ! The word-cl! strangely sweet upon thej J ear of Ko-aiia Raudeidaie. making lovely ; inti-ie in her heart . ! j -Mark will be here: here at Ca-hniere. " . j she repealed, again ami again, a- if unable ' i lo realize tiie strange ini'.h; and v i t tl-.vd- I ling upon it as the very liie of her life. In- j ! ilia's and her mother's disappoint mints were , ! all swallowed up in Ibis niael-Iioin of secret ' bli : the eve -o prone to Weep Willi others, i : to mingle the sympathetic tears at others j ; woes, now Wore a siralige sof; uess. ;i leinli-r- ' ', lies- that spoke of polled joy. Rosaliecoidd not conceal her feding-though she struggled ! mightily to overcome them: -heicli morlili- ! etl. chagrined, to think lhat ln-r mother and India could so easily divine fhi- sudden Iran- ' ! sition limn i!e-pomlcney to buoyancy if; ; spirits, ami lobave hei heart's secret expos- 1 jed: to reveal thai secret to any mortal hi ! iug's eomprt hensioii was 'diomeli ically op- i ' posed toRosalie's uncom-ui labile pride. Yet. ! i be -ure, this great joy couid not be hidden by j I hauteur; and too well the deep warm blu-ii l ; upon her check , lhe solt. luminous light o her eye, and the elasticity of In r step, told to Velaria and India lhe welcome tnuh. i liosalie bu-icii herself arranging every ar- iicie of furniture in iis nio-l tastelul position w Uli ln-r mv n uaintv lianiis. ihi-ting thvaus. I chairs, aim tables, ami arranging Hi.- rarest I bompiets in their superb l'.oheuiiaii va-es; w hue the Hear tiutli. "-.Mark is coining. ! Kept us tnu-to in her heart, ami lent a w lit h- 1 tug ta-!e to her slightest touch. lhe ta-l i "as to. sacred, she ihotight .torany hand tint her own: here in lhe bond. nr. w ik-iv she a slur teiTin ier own: here in lhe bond..,,-, w ne.v she : Um.w Mark - admired: that he had snoRea ladehim "g.iaml torget; here would .-1 ; .pie.-i, Iv. and with the airota goddess. il-iee fhi- eho i-es' evotie- to Im .t hi- nt..- I . i i-' .- i .1 it ii.netni ciiones. txoiits io Hint iiis ee.!nt descending lroin her throne ot jeweled t I lu re this wealth of blooming beauty should greet his entrance, anil revive his olden hopes; here -he would lav ln-r hand in hi lawn, atatileot relresnmcnis stood groaning beneath iis weight ol delicacies, while flu faithful Oriole beheld with dehgnt a display of her ex i iciiceil labor, a- Rosalie's la-li lul arrangement gave il it- air of magnifi cent luxury. Yet. Itii-v as w as Rosuli I'el" quick . eager ear fust caught the roll of ai proaohing wheels. Thought, brain and soul all pan-'eil in the excess of joy. Mark was w-hiiltout! Rosalie Hew to the w inflow , momentarily expeeiing to see him alight .ami 1 lake iiiitia lo his ito-om: when, instead, the ! driver dismounted from the box and handed j her a note. Rosalie laid her baud a moment upon her heart and groaned aloud: lie will not come; he is too proud, he ha-ceased to love inc. i.ove and independence are ineoinp.iii ble terms." she moaned, as she hid her face in her trembling bauds. India's step on the piazza around her. She arose slow Iv from her chair, trembling at the thought of mifting the gaze of India ami her ! mother. India sprang into the room: and. j in the intensity of ln-r excitement, failed to; notice Rosalie's altered countenance. j "till. Rosalie. In-i- now" ill Jackson; he j has only a lew hours fo remain. We must be oil. Oh! do make basic, dear Rosalie, do j not stand there looking so unconcerned. i Mill k ! Mark! Oh, brother is iu Jackson," I were the disconnected, half crazed exclama- j tions of joy ami entreaty that fell from tin liiis of Ihecitthus'iasiic India. Rosalie stood immovable as a marble sta- inc. 1 bile her mother, at once M-r.-eiv ing the li ne staicoi aitan s.iuriieii nurieiiiv 10 luilia I Then ome. will lake us hall ! ! nn hour to drive lo Jackson. Make has she continued, throw ing on bonnet , - ind ! pitching to India her hat . I liiu w here is Rosev 's hat ? I b ar Rosey . jwhyil.iyou look so iiiditlerenl? Are you j no! going to see Mark?" ' j "No." replied Ro-nlie coldly and 1111 ' phaiicallv. I - Hi. Rosalie I had thought better ol von. indeed Iliad ." licit-India broke j dow n iu sobs: Ro-alie hat wounded her sen- j sitive nature, but slill Rosalie stood proudly jcold. and -nil without even deigninga reply . ; India. -i k vtuii luappoiiiliui iit and wounded t ill if. 1, ill. i i'ii I". iiii .t'.! i. nui ii illinium! in.vt- .il il.-.i n...i, ..t l,.... t. .! . . ' " V ........v.. . . i,ri iiHist. uaii'iseiiiie s-iiiii i nave ner ; now . ami look thai woiiil ot love too il.-ep her imposing. ntvciiLv step, awed bv her - .t - . - ifor uitcian.-e. 1 bus a continued train of ,,,.,,1,1,. .-..Ii'ii.-ssi w 1 " ""jseeu 111 these waters. Hie is a lull j thought coii-titiitcti Rosalie's morning 'She is grtitid". siirpas-in"-i-Taiideiir itself ' ri-.-cd lipper, and judging; frorni JiCi : dream: while the eniire hou-ehold aw tiiieil i i.r p:,t rh. tic d". votio'n . v7nil.l she .w.-re : nmiliil, should he capable of outstrip , Mark s arrival with lhe greatest impatience. ! less of a liiart more ..f :i w.mi:ni': ' ' be ., ..!:.... ,f;.... .s....-l Velaria and India ke,it th. ir sen.inel be:., j groaned a- he turned into the ! '"" ' " ' V" T ' , ' from door to door, and thence io piazza and . 1;. .li.. s..n..i,t 1,.., r,-; ,. .1.-..-., ... sw iltfie-s. She has been inspected by :,.ii iheihi-e-hhold. shegl.uieed timidly I lack i -o cxico : Hear Mr--lour fomiiiuuiea I into Rnsalit "s lace, and said. You were j iion, dated New l orlc, Jan. !, has ome in- irieuii. uo-aiie; iu nit- iigiii 01 .uai oiiien iricmisiup, w 111 v 011 mn seno iiuti some message? What, dear Rosy, shall I -ay to him tor you?" ' I bis was a simple r.'ipie-t of a devoted friend, an earnest desire of one whom Rosa lie felt loved her dearly, ami a! any oilier lime. Rosalie would have taheii it as an es pecial compliment : bin now. il only piijued lis ' her pride more, sue he-italeo . "it was a ive ; cruel taunt 111 India to sp,.:,k ot the pa-t. II was nut a tn in-i nroin- or'- iliiliil'el-el Ill Illi- ' tbolli'-ir IOsali' she haughtily respond-d. "You will greatly oblige me by not iiiciiiioning my namt India tin lied ami sought the carnage. Rosalie watched thcui from the window as , they were rapidly whirled away, am! win n j lost to her view, tears, long restrained tear-, loll fast over her burning checks. It wa- an I unusual occurrence for Rosalie I.auderdalc to j weep; ihe deeiwst wounds inflicted mion her i could not draw from hercjes one sparkle of! dewv moisture. Tear- were hut a mental weakness," she had often said. " "and ipiite unworthy of profound feeling. ' " i!ut her's were now a sympathetic response to those that had just gushed from the eyes of India. She felt t'kat she had wounded "India far above what India's tears portrayed, ami for this slut wept; yet. against lhat wild pas sionate, maddeninggrict that held its stormy riot within the flood gates ofher t'-t lings was barred. She -ouid have died sooner than h ive given vent to this insufferable woe in tears.' "-She would wrap it in marble eold ! ncss; and thus ki-ep il from every tinman j cm. " ' she mentally mused, a- site turned lo the b 11 chord, and -uiiiiii-uied a servant. - Have mv potiv lu-inight out iin. Iv !" ""The waiter I.f; to ole v. and l.'osalie. dunning ln-r riding costume, w ith an aiteml i tint groom, was sm.ti galloping toward ! .laek-mi. Her duties aiming tlie invalid soldier ncc ; es-arily compelled her presence there daily ; . ami. though it wa- a pleasure she would not have exchanged for lhe world's wealth, vet. j unweli'oinlv ihi-eveiiing. the city ol .!.: S:.i ; bur-t upon her vi-ion; reltletaiiiiy .shecnter i ed its suburbs, 'l he thought of a pos-iblc ; meeting with Mark Sutherland entirely ovcr ' came her: and -he lei! she must not bedcti-r-j red in her daily abor-for lhe sufferers. even il , sue w as .-iiure ol tins meeting, i tins so-f possessed. Hosaiie entered upon her daily routine of duties for the evening. 1 Rosalie.' " ' Major Slratton '." f.-ll in surprise from ' the lips of each, it- tin y met ; the dmir of a ; hospital, from whence Kosalie was ju-i ! enierging with nuiidieiies- iain-ltil package ! in her hand. I " llusaiie. liow glad I .11:1 to Tec i you. " ' . I His tone savored 110 longer of (he oltl.-n warmth of the lover. but wen- frank. -in.-i-re. confident, a- even a hrolher'a could have Uin . "My friend!" responded Rosalie. s she raised her eyes to hi- face w iih a fjiiiet smile. "Oh. Rosalie! you surely nn mv tu lle! angel. .Iti-t now, if ever in the world, f n-( -"; your f riiin!-hi-i . lam called tv the front, and I want von to take charge ot a jirii-e,'f treasure- of mine my wite. She is away i from her.-elative,: shi-rcfu-ed to he separa- i ratetl ti-om mi.-; she cannot accompany me: lurther. and I will have to h ave L-r' her., ! among entire straiigers it if ."' "Nav, mv friend! no it's about it. will he most hapjiy to have Mr-. Stfatto'i ft:;-, ; v, ith ti,. I iliigeue dre-.y the iiand of Rosalie iu Li i arm; and. together, they proceeded toa lm I tel. where -he was at once pre-eiiletl to Ru i gine's wife, a liively Ai.thamiaii of sixteen i suiiimei's. Rosalie lound her weeping bii lerly; but. a w :i-cli.iracti-ri-lie ol ln-r i:a I inn, she liMik lhe girl-wile to her embrace. and talked to her long in beautilul strains ol ! Ii icnd-hip: of condolence, and of re-igna-tlion: pi irt raj iug iu her sublime devotion to i pi iueiple t In--aeredue-s ot sip h a saerilice; ' and liie sublimity of the loriiiudc it should ; awaken . j Ki lit ii length soothed. consoled, i by In r new friend, con-cuted lo avail her-elf ; of R.t-idic's invitatiiTTi; and Ro-alie prouti ' iug to call lor her at a late hour iu the veiling, i again entered upon her mi ions of im-rcy, ; lea ing tin y oinig bu-banil and wile alone to become reconciled to their approaching separation. i She wa-the most freijiient visitor lo tho-e j loat hsoiiie abodes of ini-eiy ami wieelnd ; lies-; he!- tamiliar lace daily southed lhe aii i gili-hed heari of inuuuierable siill'erers. as he knelt by I hem vv il It li!t-Jite l-'fresluiielits. ailiiiiui-ti-red to them s-weot .smt hing opiates I fully eomplicd w ith the full conditio!.. or. . wiping the death-.laiiip from th'.ir ,-ol,l. ! , lt. . ;rCL.,..t ;nid liaid the tw ouii-i brmv-. poiiitcl their ta-t Hedging; .i - - i --oul pini,.i,st,ihat bright worldwhenccThev -v,,,llI-r " tr respective salaries, mu-l soon take their triumphant night. : ' i7-: il-'l each, ami tlieir cxpenss lu Rosalie hat! thspatched h.-r sviAatit back ' riiig the VoyaHf, which amounted to for a carriage to convey Mr-. Strattoii to ,.i., - n i I, .1. i ; , i it- r -t. Ro: for Cashmere, and il was late In-fore I'fs return. ! Meanwhile the brigade to which Mark: Sutherland wa- attachi d. had lctt the city. ; From the ceiilerof an imiiieiise building lhat had been converted into an Invalid's lloiae. i... -i;.. i ,-.i ,i... .t i..- .....i..., ,i...i "-.oi- ..i ii i in- i tiiiiniei in ,ii..i.t,i-i- III. 11 gn-eied Ib.-ir departure f.,r the iront; heard the iiuirtial mu-ic lhat swelled upon lhe brec;;e. until. faint and more flint -tiil." it .bed up.,., liie sounding woodland- in in.- Iiiiiii.ii- echo. Rut I hey gone: he was gone. "' was the thought tluit sent mingled pain and pn-isuic io ..osaiie siiean. i uai. k nca - en. 1 will at Ica-t be .-pared the iiioriili.-atioii of meeiing hi!ii.""she further thought, as she bade a kindly adieu to the invalid-, and retired from the ccnlral ward. Ro-alie had gained the long front hall. and was walking hurriedly along, wlnn :t step at tin- entrance arrested heradvance. She paus ed: for she knew Mark Sutherland -totid be fore her. i Sin- would have turned and retraced ln-r ; steps, but Would he l!ot div ilie her C"llldllet i iiislaully ? There was no side entrance into ; which she could turn. No! of the two aller I L'.itivi!.-. which mu-t -he choose? Must .-he meet the spurned, the rejected, but 'lie : itl!i-ti .tvt r tai-e to lace: or. must she re trace In r us iiinl lit- so i Ii ,t itti- e. nut it-ntii t-o ( .r iinl. .mlem-e ami pride; p-ve-il to Mark ; the secret of h.-r heart ? She felt hi-presence; ;,e knew his , ves were fixed upon her: she . e-inietl t. ee In : ii iii the rebel grey ; and yet '.that self-willed woman a-suuied her J-Totid- t. most imperial carriage; that step sh- sph-nilor. liaiighiilv wilh avi bv, and d gaze, she swept i ili-appeared down lhe the hotel, w here sl,e , and wite awaiting her. ttnd Major Stratton Kugeiie lifted Kilith to a seat beside Rosalie ami left her to the guidance and care nf that en woman: into w ltf-r il itk. deep eves, mi i mortal beinn- tild look and ever f!istrii-t her. TO tti: COXTIMT 11. Is Booth Alive ? Frnei :lH' o. Pit-at nnr. 2tnli uli . The reader will remember that two comtmiiiicat ions have appeared in the ; I'icavune concerning- the existence of .1. Wilkes Iiooth, which detailed flu H'e It terms of a bet made by Command lolbert that the man was yet alive. - rt-i ti'it-i.- lrivct -iTti.i- n.r in- I .1 . t ... I . ... : a l We find in the f.'alveston lul!ctin, of j .jtl, a rather ferocious appvHrttiK-e. He the I'i'.th, the following remarkable let- ; sported an immense gold Lea-led cant ter, which gives a very circumstantial f very curious workmanship ; wore a account of how the wager was won : lurgo seal ring; a diamond pin of great Matamoras, Mex., June IS, 'li7 brilliancy ; and a beautiful gold chain, Editor Flake's lhilletin, t.alveston, jym which, were suspended a few re Texas: Sirs The question of ootht j markablv line tj -ciJaenn of ocean present existence Laving again Ifon : SIK-l!s. 'lie is a man of MnuiKHrical agitated, I take pli-asure in enclosing 1 vou a copy ol a letter which I haveiust received from Mr. Francis W. Ode!!, j w hose acquaintance I formed while at i Shanghai, sonic vcars since, fit which time he was liiling the position of Vice j 1 IlIlSIll 111 i tliat eit v. a 1 ... ..1 . r Her I'ritanuie Maje-ty, in Ho i.i a vrrv est iinuble geh j tleman, and one upon whose wtird the ! public may rely. The truly remarkt ! able statements contained in this let- j tcr will throw additional lighi upon one I ot the greatest tragedies of the pret lent age, iJi-specfftiily, your huinblc j servant, j t'.H.f'lTT A aron 15. rknsIIAW. 15. I., .March -'(, Y.7 Aarmi U. 'retis-haw, Matamoras, .. .. 1 .,, j0 eivcii, and conteiit-i noted ; and in response to your request, viz. : 'That I should make some inquiries here concerning the final disposition j made of the money staked 011 the wa ' ger laid by Capt. Wm. M. Tolliert, in j June hist, tliat J. Wilkes iSooth was ' still living,'' I fake pleasure in for- 1 -jv-ardiii" voil the result if mv inve-- . i tigiitions. I it so nappens mat. the panics inier- It so happen . , - ,t . csted 111 this strange aiiair are person- ,, , . 1 .- ally known to me; thev are respectne- 1 "4- t . -i- 11 . , ',f (1 ly . Martin lolbert, captain of the "1 r- 1 .-.1 . . 1 . slup Iiird of the Ocean, and winner ot ,, 1 , . I, 1 is 1. ... llif Sl.llW'S. ITI. .11-1, 1. Illli" Hi ll'i nui' ly of Hoston, Mass., the contestant and loser of the same; Samuel 1 C 'raw- fortl, resident, holder ot the stakes, and William Miller, resident of the city, and Theodore Campbell, of London, witnesses chosen by lirowu to accom pany Tolbe.rt on a voyage by sea to point or port unknown. I was not present when the bet was made and the articles drawn up; but was fully posted concerning the condition of the same, by Mr. Brown, on the following morning. They were aubstantially as fol'ows: ToH-ert and l!i'ow n each tak- ci live liuiniro.i jioumis slorlinj; in th liaml-s of 'raw Tiird, to I.e holtt ly liitn till the expiration of f-ix luontlis, an-i siiliject, at r-uth tiioe. to tl.e order 01 wliiclu-ver i::rty nlmtil.J lc iorlart'-I fairly -nt it lo! Hi il Ry Jinle Knowlcs. Miller a in.! t.'ampl.ell were -hoson l-V Hrow n to go on a v.-iui-e w itii Toll-rt, in his ve-sel, their swtirn aflitlavils lit Ik; thi'y jircsemcil to Knowlcs ur tlieir return ; the loser tn jiy thoir ex penses while im the Voyneje, Slid A'-0) eaeli jut month, additional. '1 he bet was made and the taoficv stsiked on lhe l!Mh of .Tiitiif ISGiJ, nnd two tlavs hvmc th" iiird til the Jr-eat sailed ostensibly for Hoti Konjr, Tol lM"t l eing in cotnniand, and the two tc'!i! lemon above referred 1 o passenirtrs. The last seen or heard of tin; Bird .f the Ocean was m tin- 17th of July, when she v.-as spoken by the tshij Winged l.'acer, Capt. Hayes, off th -oast ..f Jnva, hearinjt south. Week- and months elnjed, mid no ti'linir- reached here of her liaviitj made a jiovt, frietid- f;t ally rerew uneasy, r.tnl many ptispected she had gone to th Rottoin. lk-ts were rnttdc ten, and v. it i. an l.JycL o i ..t , tluit si T would i.evt r rttiirn to thi-i city, and lr. lJPCwn felt certain of winniiitf thn .... , , ,, ..... ...,. n M :lkeS' w ht "' ' , ;C i--Hut ot a.I parlies coiicernc":!, the anouncemetit j vv;ir jTiad-." that the ship l.ird of th i t h-enn hiid nrrv"l from xan Francisco, in l .nlhtst. This tva the evening of ; I.ieeeiiiliei" l!"t h. The notorious pirate, , Tolbert, soon made his appcaxatice, ac , eompaiiied by Miileraud Campl.e!!. and ' wondvrfiil to reflect, these two eentle- men swore really alive etc. .lutlgi. "M.nt u likes Kooth ; that they had seen him," Knowlcs rendered his. le- ci-ion in I'm or of t'apt. Tolbert, aiid the latter, iroin.g to the hotel of .Mr. 'raw-ford, ws tnaile the recipient of A'l.i.MKi stcriins. lr. lirowu ex pressed perfect sit! it-fact ion with thr result ; :td "h uotr fully believed that the I'nited Sta.t4's Treasury had been basely swindled oi't d S10.,mmj ly t'ol. liakcr and his aceompiiees iti palming off a spurious body njion th 4 iovrn tc;4nt lor that of Wilkes lsooth, and claiming, the reward itTt-Tcd for liooth's caiiture." The Doctor -heer- j about tJ'Xt additional. Ir. Brown i- ! a gc'itlemaii of -rood standing, and has I amassed 'oiisiiterabie wealth in 1h? Kast Imlies. lie sail he is satisfied , lhat llootli is alive, as he has known ;, , ,-ii 1 1 11 . j hot -Miller and t ampbell tor years j ami has ever found Jhetii hig;!i toned, J truthful in-ii. He tried to induce Mr. , ym , , , , 1m fri , tti - i l" divulge the jrreal se ret. viz : wlierfj i he had heen, and also Booth's place of eouceal i nen t . Imt .Y Uler nositivf T tc- i s ; fused to do si, stating that 'die had j taken a solemn oath never to l-ctrav" J llooth. and could not be tempted to vi- iolat-r st ;1 the wealth ol the ludi ies tt trn ! laid at his leet." ' This sitiirjlar aiiair has created juil a sensation in our eity, and is l.-eiiij' ; diseusscd in certain fashionable circles ! with considerable eiithissiasm. It is j the general opinion, entertained ly all j parlies at all familiar with the cireum , stances, that Uooth is certainly, iatul tliat the I'liitcJ abates authoritie-4 j at Washington were Victim izi-d ly a. ! et of canning scoundrels. If such was j the ease, (iod jxrant their villainy may ; be exposed. j "apt. W. Martin Toll-erf, aftcf re- i eeivitijr the anioiiitt at issue, remained - ,1, it .i.i,,,.. ,,' .. , ; Hi tl C CltY I'tlt thrCC IIJIY -, tllCll CK'STT'il . .. .. -"in . ti tn;:iiii for Honrr Kiniir in ballast. The vessel w hich he commands, is certainly 'he authorities h-r" as a tynvjitfr, Imt ! ,ot Ii'm-r was dune lo rrevrtit lier de j p-n tr0t her papers being apparently, ! all ris-cht. A it may not v tituntrr-je-frVir to you to Iuiiit -fvitielhiii";morcT 'flier t':;'t.iiti, I will apj-end a bri"f de--riptioii tif him as be appeared ! while taking an cvcniiif; inomenado I along; .ine of the fashionable thonmili ! fares of this great Indian city.- lle was dressed from top fo toe in a, handsome suit of gray eb'lh wttre a. a black silk hat. a yud4rfoiis) tirousi- ' tachi, and an imperial of about tW4lv i inehea in length, which entirely con- : fo-.l.-tl h mouth and and irsva ; proportions, about six feet in height, .,,i straioht as an Indian. Las rather v-.t pres. light blue eves, ilark brown Lair, rind moustache black as jet. Has a very lordly strut, and air j of self-sutlie'iency, which plainly -stamps-, j hitii m i mati w ho has been nsed t ! coiiiiiiaiid , otherwise lie has a jjeittle- manly bearing, and ItetraY's in every j action a familiarity with the usages of ! good socielv. Altogether tf ii an vl- j ,j;7v uu, his whole mak iij is design ed lo attract attention wherever may go. While promenading tV streets here, he was the apparently nt 1- j COIiSl ions SIHM " I 01 on t fi s.ii ouinirm, by Jlni'loof, ,T!u-st-imanF, e urrTiar, and the various mongrel races which populate Calcutta. I You are at iitwriy to nave my letter 11 is voitr wish irjn w,, j though it has not bf-i written with j lhat care necessary to meet the eye of a criticising public. The Mafemetit- j herein contained I shall take pleasurr jiu substantiaitiirf whenever callrdl nji i 011 so to do. j 1 have the honor to remain, sir, Francis W. Oi'ti.L, ! 11 -V ire -..ii-lil fnr II . B M . . at shanghai . 11 ..l.l!..-, ..... r.n, l...lli,.Mll.ll Ct.t. l ililti I s ,111- pt iiiuii'iimiiiii. irie.-iair . M. . '. , . . . . ol fieorgia sellinjx what they stylo . . " . H . . - -. '"land script to the colored people, . . ' , . . . 1 hev inform the latter that the Uov- - ... .... jermoeiit will 111 a lew days confiscate 'the lauds of ti:e whites mill riVC thelll lo the recent f-laves. C'ertilieatea of land to lie entered iijioii are to 1? ohl at prices ranging lroin one to dollars each. A radical paper says that "Gotl nev er created on- man, or class of men. with the right to control other nicn. This radical paper tloeMi't go on t state why it is, if that l-e true, that the jiuriiatiical pharisees tif New England assert and attempt lo exercise the right of coi. trolling all the rest of crcatjvn.