OCR Interpretation

The Andrew County Republican. [volume] (Savannah, Mo.) 1871-1876, October 22, 1875, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034076/1875-10-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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New Hats at Mrs. Buskirks.
The St. Charles, Hotel under its new
proprietorship, is undergoing a thorough1
repainting and. touching up. It now
has a decidedly improved appearance.
Lady boarders wanted by Mrs. Georgd
W. Glazier. Terms reasonable. oOti.
John liiggins, one of our farmers, re
cently purchased four line Ootswold
sheep, at Pleasant Hill, and has brought
them to this cojnfcy. Wo are gratified
to note the desire on the part of our
farmers for improved stock.
Fall Styles of Millinery Goods just re
ceived at Miss Thompson :? call and ex
amine them. no-lGtf
The citizens of Uolckow Lave had
omc excitement over the question of
granting license to dram shops the pres
ent week. A petition in favor of grant
ing license was got up to be presented
to the county court, and a number of
citizens sent word to Ike court they
wished to present a remonstrance. The
matter was therefore postponed by: the
court until its next session.
Fisher & Dailey's Hog-Cholera Mix
ture, for sale by L. G. Wilkcrson.
Pure Cider Vinegar best kind can
nov .be had at the Savannah Meat Mar
ket, South side of the Square. no il
Mr. Stevenson, our active City Mar
shall, still continues the good work of
improving the streets of our city. This
week he has been at work on and- near
'Christian Ridge," and has suceeeeded
in making some Jin& specimens of road
Toilet Sets at Mrs. Buskirks.
Crops destroyed: Money hard to get!
and John J. Miller has reduced the
prices of his mammoth stock of Cloth
ing to suit this staic of-affairs. Call
and be convinced.
William Hancock, nortii-r-ide butcher,
who has been supplying our citizens for
so long a number of years with meat,
and his partner, M. O. Robinson, more
recently into the business, turn over
their business at the end of the present
mouth to Messrs. Bennett .& Selccinan,
who will prosecute it at the Game stand.
--0 -:
Six spools of good thread', 200 yards
on a spool, for 25 cents, at Russell's.
New Ovstkk Saloon. William 31.
Cann has opened a new Oyster Saloon
in the building, up-stairs, adjoining the
Farmer's Bank. He is now.-preparcd to
furnish oyster suppers, fried, stewed, or
in any manner to suit the preferences of
his customers, served up in the, highest
styles of the culinary art.' Charges
Genuine Beaver Overcoats
at Tvncrs, south side square.
Hardy's Liniment, so successfully us
ed in the cure of Big-Head and - Fistula,
by "Uncle Dave"1 Moran and others, for
sale lv L. G. Wilkcrson.
The Faumkii's Insckance Com pax v
or AxikivW'Cjouxtv, composed of cit
izens of this county, is now about ready
for business. The Policies of Insurance
and Applications are nearly ready, and.
they expect to begin business next week.
Judge R. II. Talbot, is elected Presi
dent; Elijah Bray ton, Secretary, and E.
A: Carson, Treasurer. All well-known
and reliable citizens of Andrew county.
A-large stock of School Kequisites at
Cooper & Greenlee's; such as Books,
Writing Paper, Copy Books, Plain
Slates, Pwubber Cushioned Noiseless
Slates, Reward Cards, Mottoes, Book
Straps, Penalis, Pens and Holders, Inks,
Chalk Crayons, &c, Adopted Series of
School Books to Districts, changing
from Wilson s and National, at Intro
duction and Erxhange Rates. 47 wo
Rev. Mr. Weiler has returned after
an absence of about a coile of weeks,
from a visit to Quincy, Illinois, sound
and well. He Informs us that the un
finished "Johnson College,'"in thaL city,
has been exchanged for the fine large
residence of ex-uovcrnor Woods, at tho
same, place, by paying i difference of
$10,000. "Johuson College" is under
thc joint patronage of the M. E. Church
ef Illinois and Missouri. By this ar
rangement the Church have secured a
splendid building, ready at once for use,
and well adopted ijv educational pur
poses. Mr. Wcllei thinks the exchange
a most advantageous. one for the inter
ests of thejSollege i.iil.Chur.qh.
Novelties in Ladies Hats, Ribbons,
Ties, Collars, &c., justva-eeeived at Miss
Thompson's. noi'Jti
Purviance has a line assortment of
miscellaneous books for rent to rcs)on-
; suble parties. Call and see them. l"2
Buy your Overcoats at TV-iter's-,
south side square.
. -e-
All kinds of School Hooks used in the
county are kept by L. G. Wilkcrson.
Merchants License Reports arc now
due and should be returned immediate
ly to the Countv Clerk's office. lw
Masters of Subordinate Granges in
1 Andrew county will meet at Savannah,
: YTpilnpI.-lv. November :il. for tlie mir-
i pose of electing a delegate to the State
j Grange. The County Grange will meet
at thc same time.
Artificial Flowers at Mrs. Buskirk:
"Which is whv we wish to remark, J
that twin" to three veaiV drouth, u,0
epizootic, the financial crisis, -vu:
I LllL
Massing call of the g. hopper, the bed
rock has been bored through by Stiles
&: tardy, prices have been carried down
below the aforementioned rock, and we
arc selling goods strictly for cash.at cash
Largo lot of Gents - Fur
nishing Goods just received
tit . the old stand .of A. Soli lis
Cooper &-Greonlce, w.i;l-sell you live
ouircs of Note Paper lor 50 cents; En
velopes. 5 cents a bunch and upwards;
Ink, 5 cents a bottle and upwards. Fine
Writing 1 aper a speciality. -17 f
John Put presented us on Mor.day
last, one double and one thriblc apple.
They grew on ilie farm of his brother,
Peter Ent, in- Lincoln township. lie
says the tree-has been bearing for three
years, and always produces double.
This year it b-.re live bushels, all of this
Ladies Neck Tics at Mrs. Buskirks;
VxTA good thread, works well on ma-
I chines, 200 yards on a spool, six spools
J for 25 cents, and other goods in propor
tion, nt Stiles & Hardv's. We need
money, and if Low Pi::ui:s and good
j goods v;jll bring it,we will have it. Yrou
hear us.
Nice KMbroiderics at Mrs. Buskirks.
Go to W. S. Gilman's in Opera House
Block, St. Joseph. Mo., for the best Pi
anos and Organs, Pimci-.s the lowest
and vkkms ok payme.yit tiik hasiks-i.
' Call or send for circular and teems.
Gilt Edged Box Paper at Purviance's
Book Store., and for sale by-the sheet or
box. I tell vou it :s nice the h.test.
Fret Y . Ashley. Esq., our voungtyno
friend, formerly of .Savannah, and now
e.igaged in the Corning (low.) Union,
dropped in o:; us on Monday last, be-
ing.i.own on :i visic
Ho- reports th
Union in a flourishing condition, and
Messrs. King & Cook succeeding well
in their ::ew enterprise.
Howard" pays ;-5 cents a bushel "for
Jcniton apples and M2 for all other
kinds, suitable for eider.
Beautiful Ribbons at Mrs. Buskirks.
Rev. W. G. Ready, of Jefferson City,
has received a call io the pastorate of
the Presbyterian-Church in this place.
He will supply the pulpit every Sab
bath,- morning and cveningvand in liie
afleriioon afc liackberry Kulge. He will
enter upon the discharge of his duties
on next Sabbath.
The Jefferson Citv State Journal says
that: "'During his residence here Mr.
Ready has obtained many friends, and J
will go to his new field ct labor with the !
good wishes of all."
Larger stock Custom Made-
Boots fcr. Lovs and Men at
the south side Clothing En:
porium,than any other house.
T. Yir. Mackie, hate of-Andrew, our
correspondent who has written us sev
eral interesting letters from Oregon, has
removed to Portland, m that State, and
is now engaged in
teaching school
Parties wishing a thoroughly good
Organ, are advised to buy the "Silver
Tongue" the REST' IX the world.
Manufactured by E. P.Needham & Son.
New York, and for sale by W. S. Gil
man, Opera House Bltfek, St. Joseph,
Mc, . a5It
Go to Purviance's for Pictures.
Quarterlv Meeting with the MethodistH
elmrch -will commence on Saturday
eveninir next at the Sixth Street Church
, anil continue over Supday
For pure Drugs, Chemicals, and
School Books, go to L. G. "Wilkcrson,
successor to Sargent & "Wilkcrson.
Our paper has been delayed a day
this week on account of the failure of the
1.uiil iiiMiiu io airivu on mm-, i.uuv
day morning. Tlie shipment bill arriv-
ed as usuai. What caused the mishap,
a. ......... a . 1 i, riM I
we are unable to tell,
not occur again.
We hope it may
Great Variety of Tidy's at Mr.?, lius-
i kirks.
We learn-that George Cooper, of this
place, and brother of Porter Cooper,
druggi.4, .who was badly injured in the
Railroad accident on the Burlington and
At- i -l i i . i nc.
M.ssoun Railroad, last summer, has le-
ccmvcu irom the toinpany imu uama -
siMU (lama
f... fp.. li' I i
Five nounds of calico, containing over-
irtv vards, .lor : and othc-r goo.lJ
,, , , i
liroporlion, at Russell s. Iw2
Twenty thousand -Envelopes just re
ceived at Purviance's, and for sale cheap.
o .
In the latter part of August, :i man
named Albert Bain, was arrested at
Bolckow on the charge of attempt to
rape the person of Mis.:- Fannie Munk
ers, a ycung girl of thirteen years. The
offence was committed r.fc the house of
liain, the girl being in his employ. lie
J went to her bed room about 12 o'clock
at night, and 'attempted to accomplish
his purpose by violence and threats.
Tlie girl screamed and raisod such a
noise that he was frightened away. He
was arrested and underwent his exam
ination before Esq Townsend. and was
bound over to appear before the Circuit
Court in the sum of 00. lie was una-i
ble to give bail, but made his escape i
from the Constable that night. He was
Midicted by the grand jury at this pres
ent term. On last Saturday night he
was arrested by the Constable of
Bolckow- township at Cieston, Iowa,
and brought to Savannah ;.nd lodged in
jail on .unhvy, where he now rem-ains.
ills trial will come off at the December
term. He is the same man who was
sentenced at the last December term of
our Ciivuit Court to pay a fine of .-?200
for selling liquor without license, and
being unable to pay it was sentenced to
remain in jail for sixty days, which
time he served out. He was keeping
saloon, in Bolckow. at tho-time of the of
fence for which lie is now arrested.
Chinchuila Overcoats a",
the Cio tiling Emporium !is
'well as-thc largest assortment
j Qf QCRts YoiltllS, and BoVS
! . .
j fruits, at small margin OVC1"
i 2CY York COStS, SOlltb side
A new lot of cloaks and
dies furs
just received tit Russell's, and- will
sold cheap. :ilw2
Henry Brown-, convicted of murder
in the first degree-, is sentenced to be
hung in St. Louis, Friday, October 22d,
(to-day.) Carpenters have been at
work constructing the scaffold. No
hope remains for the condemned man
except the Governor interferes. A peti
tion in his behalf has been presented " to
j f;0yernor Hardin.
Worsteds at Mis. Buskirks.
Fine .Fruit.
I have received from Dr. F:.ulknor?s
nursery and fruit) farm, some very fine
specimens of thc following varieties of
apples : Jonathan-, Ben Davis, Wagon
er, and Grimes1 Golden. They will be
preserved for the Centennial, if possible.
We -would be glad to receive fine sam
ples of winter fruit from all parts of the
county, four or five of each kind, sound
apples, smooth, and in good shape.
They can be left at -Alderman's store.
W. R. ELY,
In behalf of the Centennial Com.
Savannah, Oct. 10, lc75.
STew -Octave Pianos.
250,00 CASH.
Opera 1Iou.se Block,
Proceedings Andrew County Court
October 18th and 19th.
All the Judges- and Officers of the
Court present.
Road petition of P. II. Allen and oth
ers presented. Koad ordered opened.
"W. M. Sapp, permission to borrow!
$50 from School Fund.
John Sickles, an insane person, sent
to St. .Joseph Insane Asylum.
The following Judges of Election for
; thc V()te on the X(nv Constitution wercr
i appointed
j x-dawav Township Savannah.
E. A. Carson, D. T. RihscII, E. W. Jov.
W asiii x ;T N To wxs 1 1 1 p. C. tuna n
School House. Geo. T. Coffer, li. . A.
Watts, R. Pollard.
Hr.XTox Township Holckow John
Anderson, J. 15. Kildow, .Jas. Xeehy.
( 'lay Township Clay Center Win.
Deboard, .;-fihn Hays, James Middleton.
.JACKSotr.TowxsniP Fillmore- Jno.
Wood, James Giiiispie, John Lincoln.
! Lincoln. Township Amazonia -Jos
Brock. John Ligget, John Hart.
, T():vsim.,,.(l,m. S,,KM)1
- nmis(, j.;;ij:ls Hughes, John Rucker, Jj
-Hdward Kclicy, W. P
Moberly, Jolm Krull.
r K "'"J! TwvMiiP-Rochester-
Jfines P-vooks, Henrv Blount, Beniah
! hMPIIJi: JoWNSHIP i-lag Springs
' T?bliirI i'i I'll .1 nlVikn llni-l Wm
i Elrod.
Pi.ATli:..TowNsi;fp Whitesville E
Agee, A. J. Agee, Peter Ssoner.
Dram s-hop license granted to W. II.
II. Gilbert, for 5 months Rochester.
Road petition of Joseph Lanning and
others, set for hearing second day next
regular November term.
F. C. Matteson required to give addi
tional security on school bond in place
of absent bondsman.
Remonstrance presented by Newton
Bird against granting permission to keep
dram.-hop on Rochester and St. Joseph
road, in Jefferson Township.
Wm. Mack granted license to keep
saloon for .'J months in S:vannnh.
Road petition of J. Shoemaker con
sidered road ordered open.
Same of Thomas F. Neely same or
der. ' leury She avd accrrded contract to
deliver seventy-live cords of wood to
court house, a, $2.50 per cord.-
Koad petition of Fred- Breit and oth-
ers, dismissed.
Schooi-bond of Henry Wallace for
$400,18. approved.
Enos Thompson granted license to
keep dram shop b" months, at Rochester.
John Crissley granted permission to
; iJ01Tow $)( school money.
Certificate of Yrui-ig E. Miller and W.
D. Ilatton liraying an appropriation of
$175 to build bridge across Peddler's
Creek, received, and oidered to be
Assessment of J. J. Sigrist on Roch
ester iots raised from seventy dollars to
one thousand dollars.
Ordered that W. B, Wells, guardian
of W. Terrefs hei.s, be assessed in f.he
amount of $1C,(W(J -also V.'. B. Wells
assessed $!50 personal property.
The bond proented by J. C. liiggins
indemnifying the eor.iuv against loss on
accouiu of stolen railroad bonds, receiv-
i anu ordered on file.
Report of Wm. Challaeonibe on value
swamp lands received and ordered on
Report of Road District No. 1 reports
road opened.
Treasurer made settlement.
Ordered that Collector's settlemenL be
continued till next regular term.
Wm. Challacombc .presented parents
forl.W:X7 acres swamp lands which
was placed on file.
Court adjourned to meet on the third
Monday in November, next.
The following accounts were allowed
against the countv :
Dr. .r. O. 7. iFirrpuson, mi'ieel sorrier
for Pampers ami exunruin iii.-anu
person - S"i0 2.1
Eloinit&Ur.nvii.ooils t'lirnisheil pauper.. 10 00
Wm. IS. Sliiinks same in 00
Loin Maliar, blankets lor poor farm 400
li. Clilie, oods furpi.-lieil pauper 10 00
j Ij. r. .Hi n turn, jirovi.-ions lor jiauper... 10 00
) W:.v. Piper t Co. , lumlier for briihre 17 00
j .lam: Hall, keeping pauper.. months CO (io
j J;H. (:. Walker, painting o M
I . 1'. AltgeM, ofiicial scttmv'S 150 00
Siibr.niftichariKnn, jfir one quarters uji-
port jiauper
E I.ir.yton, making out jinlgnicnt bank..
E ISrayton, ollicial services, &c
W JI Kinzer, siimlr.Ph
.1 J Miller. clothing to paupers ami 'pris
oners Joseph Williams, meilical services
7!) ?r
10S Cm
1 7.-. !
7t f.V
lo oo
W U McMhrain. .salary Su.-poor farm ir0 00
KASimmoiif, jiost mortem-: examina
tion of John I5ra.lv
Wiiuhell & Khert. printing. etc -
Jas IJrooks, work on poor fa .-in-
A I: Murphy, gooil- furni-heil iiaujier. .
Tlniifnril Xr CIi ImiiAu'iiri for .wirn- funn
2 ."()
n k;
15 (M)
2-J 51
41 -10
8 7.)
c Wassnier.hedsteail ami lounge p. h...
L McUinnis, building bridge across
Kay's branch 130 00
I'htlip Uook, sjiecial bridge com ,r 00
Wra.Har.cock, nicat for poor bause.,
2G "L.1
20 00
ir oo
.") 75
:;o 2,"
13 o:
c 7."
17 r
14 (Si
47 7.-
41) (Hi
5 I?.
41 M
::.) 2.-.
121) J."
2.1 (
1 .1)
!55 7.1
12 7.1
.1 in
2H IK)
1 ) CO
20 2l',
1.10 00
.1 IK.
1 .It
2:1 i:o
I Winehell .tEbert. printing
r 1 Meradtlen, ollicial services
S M Young, washing clothe.-, tor prisoner
L D Carter, ollicial services
l)r W II lSryant, incd. service- pauper
eh-terVMMth.goo'lfuvnisiH p. h...
Kli Ah; 'rman, .-amc
I'M Taylor, al-ifri-iiijy ami job work...
W S Wells .tUo. groceries-tor p. h
K Mc.Elwain. bay fur poor Ihhisb
A Dorr&ai:.-, mending boot.-, f..r p. h
second DAY.
M S Morris, black-milliing
W A Price, seed for poor farm
i K seely, sundrie,
N Kirtley, quarters salary .. .
I U Caldwell, balance on transcribing
Will Keooi-l.
W W ' Slade.'JHUet on John ISmdy
For briilge across ( oleman's branch
Milton White, jtauper. 'lon.-d, crippled
E Ilrayton, express cliur-je-!
Wm Challacombe.coii.. on S amp ImhU
S E Seely. bill.-, of eo-t in Circuit Court. 11.-2 21
Shelby Cook, bliililin bridge
M KaiiMiin, cnlurcil pauper
A Schuster, goods to poor houe.
A Sohu.-ter good-, to pri-nners....
.1 AvniihIitj; J:e! p:ng pauper
1.H) (V)
i; 2.1
I I 2.1
is 7.1
1.1 (C
: ()!
1; Oil
c, m
III 0'
s 00
11 II Walton, .1das .-erviccs
i J li Stanton, 4,l days -iervice.s
lonathan Miowiien, .lnv services..,
(j.onre L:i.iibriiit, 2dav services..
I w, m si,u,ks, 2 days sjrvices
1 Lvman DanuN, paui.er
! Jos a Kelly, advertii.u-
I L I) Carter lltcial services..
Don't forget II. B. Sargent new
Drug Store, West 'End Public Square
His old customers will find it to their in
terest every time to hunt him up when
they are needing anything in his line.
Bear iiunind his goods are new aim
fresh, . and as cheap, a.s they can be
bought anywhere. 52tf
The Alexander Murder Trial.
The case of the State of Missouri, vs.
Henry Alexander, for the murder of
Jaeo!) Norrick, in Nodaway county. ha
been occupying the attention of our cir
cuit court the present week. The trial
commenced on Tuesday. But few peo-
! pie are in attendance ; the trial having
, lost most of its public interest. The
j following i.u list of the jury:
i Samuel Pbrter, James Smith,' John
Minter, Asa Rice, Sahithiel- Ensey, Phil-
:n Raider. David Carmichael. Daniel
j p f ,y
j aid James Davis.
The (;vitlence Avas a ;n bv AVednes-
! daV evening. The attorneys on each
, - , V,
i 3iuo remain the same, -with the exeep-
1 . .. . .. ...
...... ... . a . ) ... . a i . .a A.lLVi
In Andrew county, on the Kith inst..
.at the ministers residence, by Elder C.
A. Gary, Mi:. Asa Conn, to Mi:s. Cai:
ouxe A. IIauding, all of Andrew.
In Andrew county, on Sunday last
' October t7th, 1675. at the residence of
the bride's father, by Eider C. A. Gary,
! Mil. Set:.-' J. Ivei.loc.. oi Nodaway
county, to JtECECCA bTOXEK, O.
Andrew county.
At the residence of John Terrell, or
October 1 1th. 1.S75, by Rev. .John Ren
nett, Mk. Com'misi's I'aisix Coins, to
Miss Jennie D. Teukei.l. May the
blessings of heaven lie with them in
their jouniev'througli. life.
On the Tt I of October, JS75, by Rev.
Moses Wilson,. Johx -L.. YVii.helji to
Mjs. lw. J. Watson, both of Andrew
"Perpetual harmony through life attend,
And Venus still the well matched pair befriend
May ahc when time luu. sunk him into years,
i.ove her old man and cheri.-h his white hairs;
Nor hM-perecive her chams thro' age demy,
ISut think each hapjiy sun his bridal day,"
Temperance Wine for Invalids.
It :s well known that there are cases
when the most strict advocates of tem
perance are obliged to use some sort et
wine, especially those who are old and
infirm. Many weakly females as well
as invalids and debilitated persons in
warm v3:ither need a little strengthen
hi'z wine... The jxreat difficulty has been
in procuring a rich. Port that is reliable.
There are main' casas where wine
would be used to gif.it advantage in
place of alcoholic ("rinks if only a genu
ine article could be had, and upon which
physic:aii3fCOuld rely as being strictly
pure, without alcoholic admixture. The
Port Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, of
Passaic, New Jersey, also his Sambuci
wines have been analyzed by chemists
in nearly every State," and have always
been proved strictly pure and beneficial.
This wine is now being used in hospitals
and by families lor medicinal purposes,
also by Churches for Communion ser
vice. It is -principally sold by Drug
guts. Mr. Speers mode of conducting
the fermentation is .such as to retain the
rich flavor and sweetness of the grape
without much fermentation to create
stimulative properties Transcript.
G Lay ton, work on ioor house
i'C Wright, same
W 11 I'lirviam-c, stationery
St lot- Steam Printing Co., printing
KM Harlan. brick, lime, etc, for p. h

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