OCR Interpretation

The Andrew County Republican. [volume] (Savannah, Mo.) 1871-1876, November 30, 1876, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034076/1876-11-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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0 0 UN T j-
The Andrew
ftltor and Xroprlolor.
VOL. VI, NO. 7
hey and uounseior at Law,
Oder orer Farmer's IHnk.
hour from to 11 A. M., and from 2 to
ASH WILLIAMS, AUtonnm nt Law,
nemo, Hu. tiniorr im unnith Hrnr
lllullon. Will luncllce In tlio Court" ul
uu.l uctjoinliifc rotinllr Snlitf
(III VAN, attorney ul law, ill iir.it tlci-
nil Hit. n.irt. of XorlliWeat Ml.nollli.
illciilun glin tolnulnm In tin- county
-unto co.iri4. uiuce over tirmrrs-
II. M.UOItS, nttornfy-t-tv. Will
ot nil lminv tntrmtcd to hln.
nnil ciuerolly. i.sn tit wuwi ftl in
i nirtiri, iffo uoorseau uiinc ion
itnnnn, jno.
'U J . !
r O O. r Snvttnnall lo-lre, No.
PI. II. Hitviuimlt, M., mi'i'U eTfry
...... ........ M..11 .....r,t.u.i
lillc H in ire. AH mmiliora orihf nit'r
Undlng, lulling llio city, lie cordially
mm who m.
J.O.IIONNOI.n. x.a.
MlTM, Son y. WJ
M f AIOMC Savant'-i'i folir.., Vo.tl,
It) A V K A A. M ,'mrt tn-ry ihln.
.uttmiy in Men momn.ni i o-cku-r ni.
11 nroliier. in icoo'l Hiinmug nie irau-r
11 h. DAvroun, w.m.
lor, Ref'r.
!' A A M , m,'. t. nr.t s.ittn-.l, In
I Itl'MIMl. Hi 1 1 I M .Ml til ntlirl 111
u.UmiiUtiir nrv lut.ini.lly li.iu.-l to
.ins 1. iiln.ni.it. w. 11
McrAMir.N Siev
s in uov i, Am 11 1.11 vrnri:. No
Sit ,-ti III 1 1 iitlt irl'oni of it Ion on tli,'i-f
ltty of ,"t, It month, at 7 f i, tui'l 011
I1111 ail'tv nt In , , All I liiiimnii inti
run Mucous 1.1 r Invited to mcft with in.
n . s. wcllm, 11 r.
ton, Hee'y. Hold
tw iirMJiiP'O to innkt- Iohii for thr Mtr-
LTri'etCo of Svw York, in Mitmnf $1
' itrdiiprlv In Nntlhi'it MUtoliil
IIUASON Altl.K. Lt iti'i-H nil rttUit-
pfrtuiis v. lute luithtr lniorni'iti'iti.
Httrutloii will fto kIhi- I "I" tMt
h, Ainln'W cnnt) , at .ulnlc hn w ill
ittr ftntHMiiH'Hl in tlit l'Mx-r. lor ttip
oT r ct- Itiz .iiplit".Uuni from peron
01 borrow inp in nn-y
(Jt'tit'ial Mtutnor.
Wo6t.Mh Pttvct. Khiivxk l.ltv Mo
mt r.ititli.K. r.fllo Ltnkcrr. ronffC-
uncrj nn( rprttmirunl, vl Mof tin
Boot & Shoe
ILwf And l)rnlr In II HAD V
BfM MAUI! Hoot, anil Shoo
MPJ Korili k!Io riitilli- s.ii.iu-,
Till. ttnil-Migtif'l W1111M
1 1'alHTttulK liiforni tlli-
.t hr -1I nhv ih kfrn on h mil 11111.-
IV It ET .M A T Kit I A L , Ulllt'll U ill if
nit Khtit nolli'i., unit in iii, iiuii,m
thi Art Ui p.tlt llnr nvull ilon,' 11ml
uttin'l,'il to. nittiilirtt'in tfn irmttwl
lsiooalilF. A IIOKItSAM.
nv i mm
mm mmm
n-m-ii Until. intriiini-ntH ,o-,.4 ritintrl
nittlc.tt fflVrtu itii'l tApti ion inv. r tu-
lifl, iinn)iwil lfr Alt) iM'or niiu I'toiin
n.l itn 01 luniimt In nny 11 trior.
in oi'Ai.nv ir ioNK.iiii)iimi(iii
KMAN-IIII', Kl.r.(iM I I.M1..SS
i.lt-rtt.l Vnrii'y i.l tl.mr CumMiintion
Sol Mill,.
illful new Cvuli-iiiii:il Mylm now ri.nly.
WRkli'ncloiK Nr Jpt-i v 1" A .
me Insurance
Farmer's Insur
ance Company,
row County, will In'iire Farm
tv In Anilriiw Cminty. Apply tti
rclary, or local A"(iiit apponuvil
1 (ir:tnri'.
It. II. TAlHOT, President.
CATToy. Sfci'dni v. nn.ltt
A Good Paper.
Kvorybotly knowi Tim Independ
ent, ol Kow York, tu tlio Icndlnjf,
most ctitrrpilflnt,', ami, oil flRrco,
most readable ami I'.ittrtlctlveof our
numerous rellKloun paper. It Is not
slow to rccognlio llto fact tlint tliq
populur fashion for C'liroinos Itasdlcd
out, nlttl It makes llto vcnmi knMu of
frr of nny one volumo of Dickon's
Works, n handsomely illiielrntud and
Ijotiml ilitotli-clnio, to niiybody who
will sitbiicvlbo and send tlio regular
Thrco Dollars subscription. This is
pqulvnlciit to uffurltig Iho paper for ft
dollp.r and n Imlf. Everybody wonts
somo volumo t-f Dickons, mid every
body ought to want Tun Jndiu'END
r.NT. jsjati Ocean
$2 CO
Men's (llto calf Hnots,
" heavy kip boots,
" br-et Chicigo kip boots,
IlflVh' " " "
Youths" " " "
Women's kip Shoes,
Women's pebble goat tewed pol
Women's pebble gnat hide lace,
Misses' pebble grain tip shoc9,
Mistcs' kip pulktis,
Child's gruiii copper tip shoes.
Gicnt bargaltu In Family Tltblos,
rocket Dlbtcs, Albums, Pocket Boohs,
Perfumery, Soaps, Lilly Whites, tec,
He, nt 11.11. Sargent's until after tho
Eyo, Ear and Deformitlos.
One or more of tho Surgeons of tho
IndL'ttiiipolts, Ind,, will vliit Savutt
uah professioually, nt tlio St. Charles
Hotel, Friday and Saturday Decem
ber IS and 16, and at St. Joseph, at
Pacifle House, Monday mid Tuesday
December 18 and IS. All nllllctcd
with nny (lUenio of tho Eyu or Ear,
Cataarh, Cross Eyes, Club Toot, Spi
nal Curvature, I'lsttila in Ami, Piles,
Epilepsy nud Chronic Diseases, can
consult them frco of charge. Artlll.
clnl Eyes inscrtod. Kvmembcr tho
In the City.
323 Prllx street, sign
lioot, ST. JOSEPH.
of the Gold
I tun aked every day what will
cure neuralgia, audi desire to an
swer through the newspaper to the
public that llancroft's Discovery is
tlinonly sure remedy I know of. This
truly wondoi fill remedy is without
doubt a specific for Neuralgia mid
nheumatlsm. Sold by Cooper and
Greenlee, nt Savannah, Mo
Baptist Preaching,
At the III tck Church 011 Third Street,
tho first Sabbath in each mouth at 11
o'clock a. M., nnd at 7 r. m ; alio on
Saturday preceding at 3 o'clock p. M.
I. T. Williams, Pastor.
Sabhutlt School nt tho Sixth street M.
E. Church every Sunday Morning nt
0 o'clock A. JI., Parents and children
coulially invited to attend.
Preaching nt the Sixth Street M.E.
riitit'i'lt evcrv Sabbath lit miii 11 r at 101
o'clock; In the evening at hall-past 7 '-t for ?:),00; calf boot
o'clock. Tho public uiid ktrangers gnuntlet glove for 75c ; 11
are cordially invited.
riihnoro Advortijomont.
Sewing Machine Attachments, and
needles of all kinds; lino writing; pa
per of all style.-., anil other Notions at
frank Heed's, P. M., niltnore, Mo.
All pcrons knowing themselves
Indebted to the undersigned, by note
or account, con save tosts by coming
ronvnid and pavlngf ip nt once.
W.M. ZOOK, ,fc CO,
Savannah, Mo.. Nov. 30, 1876-lw.
Uhango of Programme
I. N. Webftor has added to his gro
cery stock n line nsMirtmcnt of uen-
tleinen nnd ladies' HOOTS nud
SHOES ; also boys and girls, of nil
sizes, together witli n full stock of
gentlemen's nnd boy's winter gloves
and mitts, which will be sold nt the
St. Joseph retail prices. Give him a
call bcloru you buy. 7-3m.
CHINE nt Vienna, in '73 and
tho Oontonnial In '70.
While nnxlotisly nwniting the elec
tion ret urns let us not forget our
homo interests. Everybody knows
thcbcnetlt of a good Sewing Ma
chine, one tliut will not get out of or
der, it cannot get out of adjustment,
lias no cog wheels, runs light, rapid
nnd still, every wearing part is made
adjustible, you can run it lirtccu or
twenty years nnd then tighten it up,
ami it will bo ag good ns new, has
the pull-hack wheel ; in fact, it is a
far in advance of other machines ns
the palace cur is in advance of the old
stage coach. Sold from $15 to 825
cheaper than any other first-class ma
chine. The reason it is sold clioap
er is the Wilson company docs not
belong to the Sewing Machino Com
bination. Price list sent frco on ap
plication to 12. M. Mitchell, Snvnn
imh. orS. h. McCube, Alautlius, Geu
try comity, Mo.
Great Inducements aro now offered
nt II. H. Sargouts in Mirrors, Picturn
Frames, Moulding and Brackets.
At TYNEIt'S, south 8iilc7&avau
nali, Mo., you can find a cap for 85c;
Shoes for 50c ; Under Shirte. 35c; good
for $2,60;
an overcoat
1,50; Hats 60 to 75c; ami ninny thing
too numerous t-o mention, nt equally
low prices, lj
oBVr In Ihtlr
pieces JiUwnnl Harris'
Casaimcrcs, unquestionably
tho best goods of American
inako, anil aro declared by tlio
Tnulo fully equal to tho best.
Goods made in Europe.
30 pieces fine Cassimeres,
from $1,50 to 2,00.
30 pieces heavy cassimeres,
nil wool, and Missouri manu
facture, $1,00.
35 pieces cassimeres, all
wool, Goc, G5c, nnd 7ic.
25 pieces enssimorcs, Un
ions, 25c to 50c.
100 pieces jeans, one-third
wool, 20 to 2oc.
bu pieces jeans,
wool, 30c to -10c.
25 jHoccs water-proofs, 1
yarda wide, 55; 05 nnd 75 cts
21) pieces water-proofs, fine
in Black, Brown, Navy Blue,
Invisible Green, and l'laids.
Wo oiler the Public in
this Department (up one
llt'ht) the largest woolen stock
ml a liner grade of goods
than any House has ever held
n this city.
Just received 200 piecc.3 ot
sheetings, (etittal to Indian
lead) at 7Jc.
1 case ladies linen so's
(collars and culls) edged with
animal, at a low price.
100 dozen ladies ruches oc.
25 dozen ladies bone cor
sets at 25c
F, Fortune & Co.,
-iir BNjIIx Stroot. ST. .TOSTCPII.
Boys' Over-coats at Tvnek's,
south side.
II, II. Sargent will save vou money
on Stationary nnd lilb.nl; Hooks.
Doslrablo Town Property for Sale
Any ono desirous ol purchnsing a
'own residence will please call on us.
Wo have tho ageney for tho sale of a
house with thrco rooms, kitchen and
sited room, situated close to tho busi
ness portion of town, which can bo
bought on favornblu terms. On the lot
are n quantity of splendid grape hear
ing vines, and Irtiit trees.
Savannah, Nov. 80. 187(1.
Mrs Hastings, a ladv of
dL'cd nbilitv. uud Ettnei'ioi-
s to givo readings nt naun
this plate, December 14th. We hope
our citizens generally will turn out
to hear her.
nnd Squaro and Uprigh1.
J hi urn Y Jor.iii, 111 in of Itrp.m lir-
TBuii itv, Mo , niter ii'ce;wiK
97(Mt IiikIi imit-ni, fuji
rfacht-il us In cotnl cn.nUtion. 1 nut
.urn! with It, H1h1I tm rvprckfiit It
K. It
n-ililrUljrt'. Hcnnliiffton Pnniricc,
Hitt-r rm-Mnu i r,tn ii
nciiiv" rvvf iviu 1111 uii , an w, i .
tiilly tii lo Miir p pit m illation, mid
nur i irrlnli"i.i lull' I thurt profi
luilp' In the m.i t-tr Mrs It iloos, mhI
icvh li orpt v itwu'i tout1; una is w-iy
iii-nl UU tt "
inliiff n.int' trofffrrO. Mont'y rtruinl
ri'tuii) of Pinto mil Irt-iirlilcli trK- i 1 1 I
DiitililF lttatt) tiutli uiivi ft uin.tth-
iiiti-r n tiMt irlal of IU f tuy i'iuno
M forttiv U'tirtt, Agmto w.mlfd. ttnl
Intrnp. Aililn h.
U aiti)itou ivw Jf ritTi I' M A
Tinnly Mi:fhliniistc
Tho publisher of "The Nursery"'
has issued a Ut ol premiums for ob-
tninitig subscribers to his popular
magnziii". The list comprises arti
cle useful nud ornamental, including
books, games, knives, skates, nud
toys of all kinds. Here is a chance
IVInys nre ilnnymma. It U t to ri-fUct I fol. i,oy8 nj jrs lo obtain a nice
Unite ininiitiiiiKHoriijtnmiiiiiirifmiiy inttr-, - !r - ,i,.Ii,.-
!...,. ,,.. ,i ii. m-xi i.v,,t,i,ii. lint liolldtiv gift lor themselves or
viiiirmi.iii:actiic )nvptotlons to iu Uji- friend, by making n little healthful
iii'iimi Kiiiiiiiiun n t m tirnt eniiiiiitr wnsi are oxci lloii. "TheNurserj enters up
ii,u ,s.,ntut, to com on0i,i,. r i-, j 01I )( lovcnth year In Jn.iuary. 1877,
allltluiiun.'y and a Murcu tnmtrlgt c Mr J mid is full or lilu and nnillintlon ns
route," sunk't.t tiu'nuikcuto utirmii.il us ri'piii-1 ever. The secret of its success is
eiU'lo,illholnt. ti.lwinirtlic i.n.lr of tlio ; ,,,,..,.1 .., ...,,., ., ove..8 evCrv month.
Hut Hip mm ol tin- wool" m.itifr ! con-1,,,, , .
tnlndl in "4 jjtrjul JnoiWrJjf 'of the route.
Nou-liy t.iklnz ll.r Olil lii'lniMi- Il.uniili.il A "l.
Iui-h'li Uallnmil iu:,l conntrtlons yon Odciipv the
Tlio price Is SI. CO a yenr.
lished bv John D. Shorcy,
ndcrsluned has n brick house,
tour rooms, ami lot 40x150 tec',
lib Seroud street, St. Joseph,
lio will sell cnenp lor cam or
c, or cxchaiiito it for stock, or
Into in Andrew county. Call
11, for further particulars, ornd-
by letter, Thomas Pkttiokbw,
male, mo.
y 4, 1876,-mG.
Irand Squaro and Upright.
Uin. K, 1,1'tclier, Inn nl Win. II, Lelclirr
a urn, Ii4i.srri, r at pup, umo.
ri'pptvl lltp 11 nun biiiI think 11 a 101 r
ipil onpoiiltipu. Wtiltpil a Bliort lime to
airnrMi let. Ir von 11.I1 li wnrtl in IMinr
e nui ciivvriiiiil Kilt' 11.
,, it .... ,. ..1,,. it,
. uiunn. r..i , r.imnii,,, iiir. .,-"-
ti lleatty l'liino received glvia entire tuitl)
ill wtntpit. Spinl lor cmalnirtip. A'l'lrrm
XMl.h h. IlKAl l 1,
WtuklugUn, New JertrrtV. B. A.
Daniel F. lleatty, of Washington
, Is constantly in'' receipt of tho
flattering testimony from all pnit
)'Unltod;Slntcs and Canada, as to
canty nod excellence of his pianos
irgans. Send for cntaloguo anil
f testimonials. Address Daniel F
ty, Wnsldugton Warron County, N,
. ilnliisi . Ilnstnn. who will send a sam
iitnml.lil.tnl.lrtlusoouiiiow.liiip.iTi om- , . . .. ,...,.,.., .., f(.
rpf.-itl.liiK' l"" v
ten cents.
rllnitt, t.n.1 enjoy II. p cool unit
lorn.' nlotiirltlir lakes, with 11 mneulflcenl view
i M iK.trii ittnl the lirttutllul .renery o( New
YntL ami r niiMUaniitt Ihroiigh tluycmcli'
ml rutin, .in feluin r In 'in Kunaiis City toLliic
o,l 111.' II AQ li. It.i.wllltultt cltanxe, ninl
tin' nime 1'ioni Alc-hiton ami ht. Jostili to To
ll .lonn.l L'K'iiland, vi T. W. A W.K'y, with
itit I'limitfe, Afply to O, N. Cluyton, J'hsm
Agt nt, Ul Main direct, Kumai City, or lo T.
'iitlilrl.l, Ut'U'I Tuts. A ticket Agent. Ilsnnl
i ! t'o)ier.
Tbvuiai Ur.eulee.
Dealers in
Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils,
Glass, Dye-Stuffs,
School Books,
Miscellaneous Books
Blank Books,
Building Paper,
Picture Frames,
Mirrors, Mouldings,
Window Shades,
Pocket Knives,
Shoulder Braces,
Trusses, Lamps,
Toilet Articles, JVotions, J-o.
In rtrirk Drui! Store, (lately occupied bv
11. 11, Dobbins, )south sido of tho publlo
sqenro. riavacnah, Ilo.
April 16 1876-tf.
I'eaverCnps and Collars, Wool Com
forts and Mulllers, Dog, Kid, and
Duck, skin Gloves nnd Mitts, in inrgo
variety, at lowest prices ever named
nt TYNEIt'S, fcouth side, Savnunah.
Buy your overcoats of Ty
ner, where they are sold lower
than anywhere else.
Tho undcrMgncd would respectfully
Inform tho public, that ho is now pre
pared to do all kinds of Tailoring, (ox
cept cutting coats) at his residence
Work dono promptly, neatly, and on
favorablo tonus. Publlo patronago r0'
spectlully solicited.
Savannah, Mo Nov. 16, 1876 lm,
or TUB
Good, Clothing and
Goods !
Savannah Publlo School,
Pl'iilio School, for the months ol Sep
tember, October, and November.
Balance '-of tlio Stock Bound to bo sold in
-TsrrrL. ' Q r
rr so
Prices lower than ever ! 'Terms C. O. D.
311 nnd 313 FcJlx Street,
No Postponement.
! Iw
Holt County Itotna.
Holt County Prfi.l
W. I). D.ivls reports that thcro h.n
been seen on his tartu, near Minnesota
Valley, lour deer. What h:m become of
our hunters?
Died, on the 17th lin-t., nt her resi
dence, threu utiles lioith of Olvgiiu
Mr. Catherine lluelier, aged 19 ye.tr.
.Mis. Catherine Hit. her (m.iIiU'i'i namu
Smith) was born in tho Kiug.lom of II t
vaii.i. hi thu city ol Pinnesscnge, J.uiit
arv lb27 ; emigrated with her patent'
to America, in 1831, and settled in Kos
ehiako eotiuty, Iniltau.i; was joined in
matrimony with Ulri.-h ltttelier, Feliru
aiy .'iltli, 1843, by whom slio had 25
children 13 still live lo mourn her de
parture. Jtt ISCj hu, witli her lanillv.
canto to Hull county, Mis.iomi. In
1H40 she eniliraci d religion, and be
came a member of the Evangelical As
sociation, in which she led an c:une.-t
uud devoted Christian Ill'e, being an ex
iimplo ot piety to all who knew her.
Her end was peace.
Funeral took placo at Salem Church,
John W. Willicrson has sold his In
terest In tho drttj storo, on tho south
side, to Mr. H. 11. Sarguit. Mr. S.
will open out in tho old post-oflleo lo-
at Inn inn week or two, and will
Itito Ids stock on tho west cud with
that purchnsed from D. (1. Wilkprson,
Ho will t lion have on hand an unusu
ally largo stock, nnd people may ex
pect the best of bargains.
Men's Overcoats ntTYNEit's
south side, Savannah, Mo , at
ower figures than any other
E. M. Mitchell, nt tho West End
Drv Goods Store, has Just received
another shipment of New Goods, and
will not be uudeisold.
Tho largest stock of Drugs, Hooks,
Stationary nnd notions at II. 11. Sar
gent's, nud must be sold.
Men's nnd Boys' Overcoats
at Tvn'Ek's in greater abund
ance than any IIouso in the
Northwest, and at prices lower
than ever named in this coun
Good henvy Casiinercs nt tl 00, nnd
nil-wool Flsuuel nt 20c, at Mitchell's.
Tho December Term of tho An
drew county circuit court commen
ces lu this plnco on Monday next.
Colman'a Bural World.
Wo aro pleased to uollco this old
andrelinblo Agricultural Journal Is
going to bo enlarged on tho first of
January by tho addition ot eight col
umns of reading matter, ami that it
I will bo otherwise greatly improved.
'And Joseph wept aloud, and said
iinln hit. brethren. 'I am Joseph: doth
mv father vet live?' And his broth-l The Uubal Woiilu has long stood at
rcn answered him, aayhig, 'You bet 1 1 tho head of westorn and southoru Ag-
tho old man is doing bully.'" He
docs nil of his trading at Stiles &
Hardy's, whero they keep such good
goods at such low prices. You must
go nud sco their storo too, they just
beat Egypt all hollow.
For choice meats of all kinds, go to
Howard's meat market, south sido
Cooper & Greenlee, will soil yon Dvo
quires of Note Papcrjor 60 conts; tu
velopes, 6 cents a tnincn c:iu upwanis ;
Ink, fi cents a bottle and upwards. Fino
Writing Paper a speciality. 47tf .
Cash paid for hides, pelts and tab
low, l the south side Mot Markot
rlcultural papers, and tho great im
provement contemplated will easily
onabloitto maintain that position
It Is published weekly at 92,00 per
annum, or In clubs of Four at $1.50
per annum. For samplo copies, ad'
dress Colman's Rural World, St.
Louis, Mo.
Manhood I Womanhood i MarriaokI
Impediments to Marriage j the causa
and cure. Sent securey tenUd, post
paldror to cents, oyuti. kj. whittiir,
617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Mo.,
the great speclallib Read his works.
There will bo no war.
anan doesn't happen to
just now,
Niekeb's Grove, and was preached by
Kov. tvaus.
(rrorn the Stntlntl
Mr. Clark Irvine, lato of this place,
is nbou t to embark in the newspaper
business in St. Louis. His paper will
bo devoted to thu Tobacco business ex
clusively. Inrmcr ot Forbes town liip," meiMfn'1!
serious mUh.ip ono day la-t w cck which
came near costing him Ills lite. Ho had
goue on horseback to lliu itulroad sta
tion, and had tied up his iiorso to a
fence, when Irom some can.! tlio hoi so
got scared and broke away, earning
along tho plank to which ho was hitched
In the scramble to extricate him self,
Mr. Ashworth was struck on thu head
H n piecu of timber, which knocked
111 in fccnselcp, and when ho was picked
ui ho was bleedlnir freely from mouth.
I niHu and ears, ami it was fearod hu ti.nl
received set loin Intertill nijutle? wnieit
would jeop ir.liu liN life, Wo hope hn
may spocdily iccover.
The nort'.iern p irt of Holt county is
Hi-ttiins up r..ii.Ily. In diiving fiom
Mound Cilv to Ateliis.ni ciunty line,
the other day, our reporter wa- struck
Willi thu number ol acres leticou in ami
thu many larm houses that had been
erected within a brief peiiod of time.
Eight years ago Ed Glllis and Fountain
Donan wi-ru thu onlv farmers between
Mound City and Kus Grove, a dNtaneo
of seven miles. Now all the land in that
section ol country is taken up and near
ly every '100" aiitl "Su" is ornameiiled
willi ncnintorUblo farm Imiiso. etc.
The farmers of noithern Holt rejoice in
tho heaviest corn croti ever raised. Pe.
ter Wehril informs initial his corn will
nverngo seveuty-flvo bushels to tho
aero, and he lias s.nuo fields th it go as
h as eighty and ninety bushels to tho
HAM lllCdlNOS.
For somo tlntu past It has been known
to n large portion of our citizens that
wo enthusiastic miners were nigging
or cold near this city. Uncouth' thoy
Iiavo luadu somo fresh discoveries
which vevlvo tho Interest felt in their ex
plorations, ami render it appropriate Tor
uslo briefly narrate tho narlicutars so
far as wo havo been nblo to gather
Tho names ol tho dolver nro l.cvi
Crouscr ond John Hun. Tho occasion
of tlioircommonciii!r to search lor golil
was a revelation made liy thu daughter
of Crouscr, who Is a tranco moditim'
SI'O professed to he nblo to sco tho gold
In the crounu, ami an tuo uiiiirinir is
ilonu under tier direction.
The locality Is about two nnd a half
miles bnlow Oregon, In n bluff two
miles norlli-oast of tho Missouri rlvor,
between two ravines which converge
near tho diggings.
Onerntlons were urst enmmoncen in
Aoril 1810, ami nave ocon sioauuy pros
ecuted over slnco. Throo alialU have
been sunk the depths bolti!. resnoct
ivelr.ttireo hundred feet, two hundrei!
, , , .... .
ii, nnii nnu niinurcu mill iiilv iuil
Thev commence In tho slue or tlio Dlnir
m j . I .... . ,
noounour icci ir.uu mu guriiicu nnu
gradually drift down to tho bod rock
dentli of sixty toot Irom tho surface.
Near tho mines, Crouscr lias a shop
whero bo keeps all klnus ol mluers' lut
plumenls, nud also a good supply of
chcmlrais wiueii no tues in examining
tho various specimens excavated
That thoy havo found somo gold
thcro can bo no doubt, but thuy not ot
struck a "mi: uonauza." in inct, tn
total amount taken out in uearly
two years they havo been nt work,
nmnunts tn loss than ono hundred dol
James Buch- lnrs. Yet tliuy aro not discouraged and
be Prciident I cheerlully look forwuid to a day la tho
vry esrly future wheu u thwr hopos
will bo realized. Dating the time thev
have been nt work they hao met with
many indications that gold had been
sought for in the fiune place nt some
by-gonu day by a race now extinct. In
dicative ol this thoy have taken out a
gieat many implement which had evi
dently been used for mulling gold, in
small ptrtleles ol thu precious metal
still adhered to tliciu. They als'i lotind
Pipes and various kinds of pottery.
made of liru-clav. A few days ngo thev
lotind a largo citK'ible, about eighteen
Inches in di'imeter at the top, mid slo
ping down to a point, like, a funnel. It
was surrounded by charcoal, nud boio
uviileueo of having seen mueh service.
In-i'le of It they found panicles of gold,
atuotintiii"; in all to about live dollars.
They were rendered more enthu-i.flic
than ever by this discovery nnd nro now
proieeiiting their search with renewed
Some time ago they found n blood
stone which they sent to Now York anil
sold for thirty dollars. M iro recently,
they struck n placo showing evidence
ot volcanic nclfon. They uncovered a
hole about ten Inches in diameter nnd
extending to an uutathonublo depth.
Through this is n dralt ol air so strong
that it a candlu U held befnro It, it is
instantly extlnguMied. What causes
this draft, ami whom this holo leads to,
are rjui'Mlniis our milium havo not yet
been ablu to olve.
(.'row ds of curious people flocl: to tho
siiiiiiftWJ "A'x'iri'l;1 of...llw. iwumty mi
giei-iii.;, nnd to discuss tit.) probability
of gold being uttilil duly found in Ji IV
in ir qu intittes. Tho "laud hcluiigs to
Crouser. whom faith Is So trong th lt
he would not -.ell it fur u piinco's ran
sum. Wo don't think they h-ivu as bis:
a'tiiing as tljny bcliuro ; but.th.it is their
And Iho above is simply tho latest
noivs Irom thu "diggings,"
I others, continued trom the 21st: Th
lftontqlofw.il' Irtn ItnHrfl nf ntrtM-tnM Ot
Report ol room No, 0. of Savanna ir NoilaWilv ,owriShlp is reversed a ad th
old road Is declared legnlty vacaUd,
and tho now road established, and It to"
ordered that it bo worked as othtr
roads. "
Jonathan Snowdcn, J L Stanton;
Gcorgo Lambrlght, Joseph Potcrs, II B
Wntson, allowed 812 each for official
services. -
WmMann allowed f8 CO lor Tr
urcr's Journal.
N Kiitley allowed $200 for tare
months official services.
Mrs Rtiznrd nllowcd 120 house rent.
Ordered that Dr Mullcnlx bo granted
a new hearing at tho next term Incaso
that was rejocted August 21, 1876..
Joseph l'utcrs allowod 93 for one
day's official services.
L D Carter allowed 911 CO for official
Ordered that James Carmlchael be
nppolntrd ngent to find out how much
ViO piles, delivered on tho ground, will
cost, and nlso to confer with the rail
road company as to what proportionofj
tb-xrwn5e they;ntH-W!Ui.iviTs
to court 3d Monday In December.
L D Carter allowed $33 19 a com
mission on sale of swamp lands.
Ordered that tho prosecuting attor
ney ho nppolntod to attend all sales of
land sold under school fund mortgages,
and attend to the Interests of tho coun
ty, nnd to bid In all lands which tall to
bring tho amount of mortgage thereon
when in ids judgment the interests of
tho county require It.
Ordered that tho mortgage given by
J M Stewait bo entered satisfied, 4c.
Ordered that It bo placed on record
that Willis M S.ipp his been duly qual
ified asTro.tsuror. and cx-officlo Col
lector, and lias received his commission.
Ordered that Abo Baker receive 910
toward support ol insane colored person.
lloud of J M Stewart for 935 60 for
benefit of school fund, opproved.
V I?' t
S ? 3.o t
NAMES Or A CLASS 2, V1 r? -i
B1 B r
2 8 o
MaryPrlco, 2 2' '00
Jennie Howard, 1 1 03
AllloJoy, 2 2 87
Anna Cooper, 2 3 85
Alico Carter, 4 06
Lottto Layton. 1 1 92
Prudio Harbour, 10 95
Fitnnio Ilticklcy, 6 2 90
Cora Garrett, 4 5 81
I.izzto MnrrU, 6 2 93
Minnie Majors, 10 1 02
Willio Dale, 1 07
Charley Ardery, C 2 87
Clarcncu Stevenson, 2 89,
Willio Majors, It 05
Edward Young, 93
Carlio AUurman, 11 7 83
William Knuckles. 07
NAMBS OP D C'LASS.'iJ!!' " ' .
Irene- T3i,itunMSiT8,l't),--,r1?5
Nor.iSrnufb, 13 8 9(5
MarylUrr, 15 0 92
Mary Cox, 03
Anna Mel.anc, 4 9 90
1'lorencoShaekulford, 10 13 93
Anna llilhter, 91
Joseph 1J u r, C 8 80
Homer Luce, 3 11 01
I.illlu limkirk, 7 10 83
Inez Cook, 4 2 91
John Nulson, fi 75
Ella Urayton, 9 91
Carrie Uurolchlmar. 10 85
Lor tin De'hazn, 2 91
Joseph Shackelford, 1 87
J. W. WIUCEKSON. Teacher.
A pupil averaging 90 per cent, during
term is promoted.
Androw County Court -November
Term ,1070,
THURSDAY. NOVEMm:it23.1, 187C.
Clias I. Thompson granted license to
keep dram shop six mouths ni
ter expiration ot pruiunt lieeine In
Rochester, ho paying at tho yearly rate
of$l5tJ to county 8160 to Slate.
J W Itrooks presented his stllloment
as superintendent ol Poor Farm to this
lato as follows:
Disbursed, SG.10 75
So.-vle. s. $i5 00 675 75
Cash received, S 150 00
"Stlltwator Ponlfontlnry, Minnooo
to," their Addro33in Futuro.
Faiiiuavlt, Minn-.. November 20.
The Viiiinger brothors were lirnuirht up
this m .ruing to plead to the indictments
found ag.iiii.-t them, nnd, contrary to
the expectation ot all, entered the ile.i
ot ruilty to thu llrst imlietiuuut, dial
ing them with Iho murder ot ll 'vivoinl,
the Northlield batik oiliei.il. Up tun
itu hour yesterd.iv thev had not deter-
milled what plea to enter, tlioimh their
l-tuf ami aunt, who aro prusent, liave
sited tuai iney iiikc none oi tnu cii.iu
es ol being hung Implied In tlio plea
1 not 'Miilly. Their counsel proval led
ainsl lliu iticlinations of Cole and
irolliers, who have all iilon" said t.'iey
could nut
Ill 001111110111111" upon this plea after
ward. Ode. however, remarked that Id
hive l.mirlit titu Inui.'tmeiits would have
ostthem S.i.CKW or Stt.000. nnd tliey
could not expect a verdict lighter than
murder lu tnu second iiezreo, to which
Ualtachud lliu samu penalty as to tho
plea of guilty of murder in tho llrst do.
greo tho penalty lor which is impiis
omneiit lor thirty years, which iio con
sidered about tip.' Mine thing ns for
llto. Tho three other Indictments, for
tho murder or (iustnvscti, assault on
Hunker and robbery, they were not re
quired to plead to. When the pleas had
been entered tlio rrosccnung Attorney
moved that n jury bo Impaneled to pass
upon thu guilt ot tho prisoners, as much
as in tho hope, In tho case tho motion
was granted, ol receiving a reconnnc'i
dationoftho death penalty. Alter nr-
gumunt thisaltcrnoon, Judgo Lord over
ruled tlio motion, dooming tho statute
explicit and clear. 1 he thrco loungers
wi'i'o men arraigned nnu were eacn giv
en the fullest penalty In tho power of
the court, a sentence to mo ante rem-
tuntlary at hard labor unt'I tlio end of
their natural lives. Tho sentences
were received complacoutly by tho pris
oners, who seemed rather rolievcd that
tho suspeuso was at au end. and Unit
wlllilti prison wans iney couiu Know
tho rust which lias not been theirs dur
ing tho long years in which they havo
constantly and persliteutly beou huuted
Miss Henrietta Younger nud Mrs, F.
Wvuian were with them in court.
When tho sentence had been declared 1
they gave way lo tears, which tho most
touching vlluru on tlio part ot Jim failed
to check. Tlio prisoners were removed
to their quarters, and will bo taken to
the penitentiary at Stillwater in a low
days. The court room was crowded,
but thero wn no excitement, nnd a gen
eral acceptance of tho sentence ns all
that could bo oxnootod under tho law of
tho State.
Ralance duo htm, ' l?2-?5 75
Tho same being examined was al
lowed, and warrant issued therelor on
pauper fit ml.
1 R Williams and W W Caldwell
present petition for Joseph Lanning,
claiming $15 road damages. Said po
rtion was relused. and nil appeal ta
ken to supreme court.
.1 U Caldwell, jtulgo ol Probate, al
lowed .010 -J, for stationary, coal oil
v ,r. ,. i , . , - ,. .....
neiois tlio .lOil.uvay rivcirtpprorttry
and license llxe.l at tin co ilollais,
MinSchl Spiccr allowed $3 25 for
rojin, luul, una services as coustauio at
J 11 Majors nnd Jesse John nllowcd
thrco dollars each lor certifying to
school anil g. ner.il elections.
O J Hurly allowed four dollars lor ad
vertisiug and job work.
Jas S Henderson, Treasurer State
Lunatic Asvlttm. nllowcd SiiO 40 for
six months board of S A Scott.
Greenle.) Ss Cooper allowod $2 25 for
stationary to County Clerk's ofBeu.
Hll Sarjent nllowcd account stn
tionarvof. ?!. CO.
Wincholl & E'jirrt allowed 315 73 for
poll books and blanks furnished county
11 Jl D.iuford allowed $3 03, hard
we ro r..r j ui.
Joseph Walker allowed 33, for work
on court house.
C Mack nllowcd $17 10, tor black-
smithing for poor farm.
Ono hundred dollars granted to F M
Hrockus, to bu disbursed for benefit of
poor farm.
Illotint & llrown allowed e2 8o for
shrouding Joseph King, ducoascd.
William Mann allowed account of
$03 15 lor books furnished circuit clerk
Philip Slgrist presented nccount for
sixteen dollars for coffin for Joseph
King, deceased : court allowed soven
dollars for smuo.
T J 11 irger allowed 92 60 for medical
attendance and medicine to Sarah King.
Certificate from Hoard of Directors of
Washington Township a to necessity
of additional span of forty feet tn bo mb
ded to biidgo near tho north llr.o of sco
tion 12, township 60, range 35, district
No. 47, was presented. Court rejected
the certificate.
E Drayton allowod $339 for official
Ellnn ton allowod 31C5 42 lor vari
ous official services, less ono lialf to be
paid by State, and said half to bo paid
by Statu to bo certified to tho State Au
Vnnbeck, Darnard aud Tlnsley al
lowed $19 10 for Record Rook for Pro-
b;to office.
Ordered that a certain Chinese va
grant who Is wandering over tho coun
ty bo sent to Iho poor farm,
Ordered that tho County Suryoyor filo
with tho clerk by 1st January an item,
Ued account of Ids foes for the s-.rvey
of ''Cat Island,'' and that ho deliver a
copy of said turvcy to the clerk,
W S Earls allowed account or 916 20
for hardwaro furnished county clerk and
M S Morris allowed thrco dollars, lor
blackjiulth'.ng to poor turui
Lottor fromProfoosorCV. Biloy.
Xuthimtt Holmes, Corresponding 8ertUUT,
Ara'lrmy ol Self licet
Mr Dk.au Slit I had hoped to bo
present ut our next Monday evening's
meeting, hut I find so many tilings in
tins locust, or "grasshopper" region to
interest or detain me, that I shall not
reach home until Wednesday. A largo
proportion of Iho locust eggs through
out the country are being destroyed by
paraitus. predacious insects and other
enemies Somo are addled front exces
sive moisture, whilo n few have prema
turely hatched ; hut tho hopes that soma
peoplo nro building on these facts ara
not warranted, if nine-tenths of tha
eggs deposited over large parts ol Kan
sas, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, etc.,
should, from one cans; or another, fall
to hatch next spring, there will still Ira
young locusts enough to devour errry
green thing, nnd the people should pre
pare for thu worst. With a mild, al
ternately iroezlng nnd thawing winter,
thu destruction ot the eggs miy bo such
tli.it tho injury will bo comparatively
slight next spring; but this will not do
l.w.iniii mi 'tin. m;npj throughout
organizing, the better totiiectr-tno
threatened evil. Let tho worst come
that can. and they aro in much better
condition to meet tho Injury than lhejr
were in 1871-5. Coru is plentiful nnd
die ip.
I have discovered four now enemies
ol tho loetntoggs. One tho most com
mon ami efficient Is a now species of
.ImVwnifii Valoittcni; the second Is com
mon llesh lly (Siircophaga Caruaria:)
tho third Is the larvao ot soma hymen
optcron, belonging, doubtless, 1to tho
Ichneumon flels.-and not yot rearod to
the perfect statu; and' tho lourth is the
larvae ota ground betlo (Carabidae,
of the gotius Iljrpalus. Yours truly,
U. V. IUlkt.
Sioux Suu Dance.
lllsmuV. letter to Chicago Tribune.
These curomnnius wore held In a wild
canon of tho Dig Horn Mountains; and
a graphic description nl thorn lias been
given mo by W. C. Uooding, a young
Massachusetts trader who Is studying
thu aboriginal character, previous to
applying tor a position on tho Indian
peace commission us a iiu.uinuiia. ia...
l liu sun dance wn neiu m june; ana,
from its commencement to the end, 200
warriors weru not to ent or drink any
thing. Uiulersh.ulos made orcut boughs.
Silting Hull and other warriors were,
gathered to witness the coromonles.
Iho 200 young warriors wcro rangeu
around n medicine polo, their bodies
blackened with charcoal, am! wearing
nothing but a short skirt or buckskin
nroundtheir loins, and eaglo feather
caroncts. They would d.uicc at Interval
or hall an hour, and were then allowed
a shott respite until again called out by
tlio tom-tom. A warrior was suspeuutm
from the medicine pole by tho ends ol a
lariat fastened to twu mors siuck in wo
flesh of Ids back; In each hand ho held
ii long pole, which partially supported.
him: hut every lew minutes ho woum
swing tho whole weight of his body
upon thn lariat, in an cuort loiearino
thorns from his flesh. Alter banging
lor three hours in the g'.ar.ng sun, lio
was cut down aud carried away. An-
other young warrior, who wanted to
show what a brave heart he had, lay
down on his faoo and had six thorns
put In his back nnd shoulders; men
turned over, nnd had two more put la
lu breast. Then, rising to his leet.
buffalo skulls were fastened to tha
thorns in id back, nnd a lariat to those
In his hi east, and he was made fast to
the medicine pole, Tho tom-tom, struck
up. and the Indian began tn danee; and
a the t-kulU tore tho thorns out of tha
the flesh one by one. Sit
ting Dull and tho chiefs would shout
their approbation. Then, bracing buck
tl.l tho fariat pulled his breast out like a
woman's ho danced with renewed vigor;
and. ns iho thorns lore Irons Id flesh,
nnd ho had demonstrated terrible pow
ers id endurance, tho chiefs gave1 ulta
loud cheers.
Those nro tho kind of men who ara
now on the warpath ngalnst their bared.'.
Utnry loe, tho;ulo-faoo. Is It any won.
tier tual tuo bravo cusrec icu uouhv
Adams In 1824, Van Uureti In 18S,
Polk In 1844, Taylor hi 1848, Buchan
an til 185d. and Llucolii In . i860, wort
all eluded, alihgugb, t no popular oi
.V. ma mP .li.tMa T .iI.n nrt waft atfnlnaf- tlipm.

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