Newspaper Page Text
A* §fcî gtostficï §auuw BELLEVUE. LA , «iibMAY. SEPTEMBER 30 , 1886 0 Cooler. 0 - Jack Frost creeping on. 0 Last day of September. j^Old Sol has crossed tbe liuo. All over town Monday—mud. 'Possum and 'taters will soon »-noe. m r - gy Winding up of tbe beated ter»- -, T — jy Tbe air felt decidedly fallisb yrtiter day. m _ ^ jy Bagging and ties are in de maud sow. ___-- 0 Bring along tbe small silver erttific ates. __ jy We must all back up our K^ool with one accord. 0 The days of tbe sere and yel low leaf are approaching. ßpNow is tbe time for a fall boom. Turn out and start it. jy Tbe cool weather will soon bring tbe ducks and geese South. jy It is timejto sow small grain. A large grain crop is tbe farmer's friend. i m ___ 0 Tax Collector Wycbe will soon begin bis rounds. Prepare for bis comin g. __ jy Tbe chronic prophet of a hard winter bas uot yet put in au appear ance. How about it? jy Tbe fourth quarterly meeting for North Bossier Circuit will be beld at Collinsburg on October 23d and 24 th. __ 0 Last Thursday was tbe first day of autumn. Summer cuded tbe night before at teu o'clock. At that hour tbe sun entered the sign Libra._ ___ _ 0" Don't forget that Messrs. Henry Drey fuss & Son, Shreveport, will not be uudersold, aud offer you tbe largest stock to select from.— Call aud see them. 0 A. great many persous are taking advautage of tbe low' prices offered by Mr. Julius A. Jacobs, agent, Shreveport, as his popular store is crowded with goods. 0 Hon. N. C. Blanchard, Demo cratic nominee for Cougress, and other speakers, will address their fellow-citizens of this parish, at Red Land, on Friday, Oct. 8, at 1L A. m. iy Heavy raius tell here Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and light showers Tuesday. Wednesday was a bright, pleasaut day, but this morning the weather is cloudy, with indications of more rain. lyBcv. Dr. W. C. Dunlap, for nearly twenty years pastor of tbe Presbyterian Church of Shreve port, died on the morning of the 28tb instant, aged 69 years. In every respect be wasa good man and true. In life he was honored. In djatli bo will be revered. BP CasseWs Family Magazine is • great favorite with us aud we heartily recommend it. The stories belong to the best class, and while tbey interest and culti vate the heart, tbe sketches, biographies, and his tory are wisely selected and of real **loe to its readers. $ 1.50 per au Mm. Cassell* Co., 739 aud 740 Broadway, New York. BP Elsewhere will be found a *o*d from that excellent school, the Tulane Uuiversity of Louisiana, at Sew Orleans. This celebrated Un iversity, ander the able management * OoL Wm. Prestou Johnston, LL. President, has gained a strong foot bold and a name among the foreoMst of Southern educational footUutions. Its course of study is thorough *od complete, its teachers the most cultivatod and ex I*****®«! and its educational facili* . w P«rior. Its next annual ses will comtnenco Oct. 7. Meeting of Citizens of North Bos sier and Caddo Parishes. Cottage, Grove, La., » September 18,1886. j A meeting of the citizens of North and Caddo parishes was held at this place for the purpose of breaking up the evils of miscegenation. Chair man W. M. Abney called the meet ing to order. Prayer was offered up for its success by Rev. E. B. Foust. The chair theu stated that owing to tbe unavoidable absence of secretary W. M. Bell that he would propose the name of B. R. Nash to act as secretary for the meet iug. Carried. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.— Reports of committees to wait on parties guilty of miscegenation were received, who reported that they had waited on the guilty parties, and that in a majority of cases they had promised to abandon their evil mode of life. Some came iu persou before the meeting aud pledged themselves to reform, which were accepted. Committee to draft circular letter to Louisiana State press reported through their chairman, Mr. John Pickett, that they had formulated a circular letter but had not seen two members of the committee, and they would like further time to consult with them. On motion, the committee was empowered to obtaiu the name of the full committee, and to make such ebauges iu circular letter as they deem proper, and to request publi catiou in Shreveport Times aud Bossier Banner. On motion, the following resolu tion was adopted : Resolved, That we urge upon our Senators and Representatives the urgent necessity of passing au act raisog tbe age of cousent iu females, without the sauction of marriage, to 18 years of age. The meeting theu adjourned to meet Wednesday, January 5, 1886. W. M. Abney, Chairman. B. R. Nash, Acting Secretary. Red Land, La., Sept. 21,1886.— Editor Bossier Banner : Our es teemed friend, Mr. S. H. Cochran has been made happy. It is a teu pouud girl baby. This section of the country re ports a half crop cotton. Corn above an average. Health good. Yours truly, Tiios. Z. Barnett. New Orleans States : " Tbe Star Route service during the last fiscal year was $5,414804, a decrease of $62,623 as compared with the fiscal year preceding. Tbe staamboat service was also reduced iu cost 20 per ceut during the year. Tbe mail service having been quite as efficient as formerly, this is a creditable showing." Sunday last the day aud night was of equal leugtb—each twelve hours—tbe suu rising at 5:52 iu the morning aud setting at 5:52 iu the eveuiug. New York Star: "Skilled laborers have found profitable employment iu this country under a great variety of tariffs, and under do system of taxation were tbe complaints of la bor so bitter as they are to-day atter twenty fiv*e years of war tariff." There is uothiug so sweet as duty and all the best pleasures of life come in tbe wake of duties done. Mclareu says the little sins get iu at the window and open the front door for tbe big house-breakers. Troubles are bard to take, though they strengthen tbe soul. Tonics are always bitter. Tbe juice of a lemon iu a cup ot strong coffee, without sugar, is said to be a good headache cure. Earnestness in a good cauuot stop short of fame. Ignorance too ofteu mistakes cou ceit for digDity. Inquisitiveness is tbe creation of indolence. _ _ Fools seek notoriety by ,their od dities. ■a « *—■ ■■ .. • Method is tbe right band of busi ness. Qhccsi anti Iroscent Route Round Trip Rates. The Queeu and Crescent Route have issued a card giving Summer Excursion Rates to all the principal watering places and Summer Re sorts, continuing iu effect until Sept. 30. Tickets good to return until Oct. 31st, 1886 : We notice among a number of others the followiu: Ashville, N. C.,........ 38 35 Blue Ridge,........... 44 50 Charlottesville,......... 46 70 Chattauooga,.......... 27 10 Chicago,.............. 38 45 Cincinnati,............ 36 70 Mont Eagle, Teuu...... 29 35 Morristown,........... 34 60 Niagara Falls,......... 48 70 Staunton, Va., ......... 46 70 Warm Springs, N. C.,... 36 15 Grceubrier WhiteSulpher 46 70 Under the new schedule, which took effect on July 11, 1S86, close connection is made at Vicksburg, with Maun Boudoir cars, running through to Cinciuuati without change. Those who contemplate a trip are advised to communicate with Mr. I. Hardy, Assistant Gen eral Passenger Agent, Vicksburg. Texas and Pacific Excursion Rates. The Texas and Pacific are now selling excursion tickets, good till October 31, to the following places : Ashland, Wis.............$56 95 Ashville, N. C............. 38 35 Blue Ridge, Va ............ 44 50 Bristol, Teuu.............. 36 50 Brownsville, Mo............ 36 10 Charlottsville, Va .......... 46 70 Chattauooga, Tenn ......... 32 50 Chicago, 111............... 38 45 Cincinnati, Ohio........... 30 70 Cleveland, Ohio............ 48 30 Colorado Springs, Colorado, 57 65 via Kansas City........65 GO Deer Park, Maryland....... 43 00 Detroit, Michigau.......... 49 45 Denver, Colorado.......... 57 65 via Kansas City........ 65 60 Eureka Springs, Ark....... 34 65 Fauquier White Sulphur Springs,Virginia....... 53 70 Grand Haven, Michigau_______ Green Bay, Michigau....... 49 35 Green Lake, Mich.......... 47 25 Harper's Ferry, West Va ____ 53 00 Hendersonville, N. C....... 38 35 Hot Springs, Arkansas..... 16 90 Lake Chautauqua, N. Y ..... 46 70 Los Vegas, New Mexico.'___ 58 30 via Kansas City........ 67 60 Lake Miuuetonka, Minu____51 75 Louisville, Kentucky....... 33 95 Lnray, Virginia............ 47 15 Madison, Wisconsin........ 45 35 Marqnetta, Michigan.......61 45 Milwaukee, Wisconsin...... 42 95 Mont Eagle, Tenu .......... 29 85 Morristown, Teuu.......... 34 60 Moutreal, Canada.......... 74 45 Niagara Falls, New York... 48 70 Nortolk, Virginia........... 52 80 Oconomowoc, Wisconsin---- 44 45 Pueblo, Colorado........... 57 65 via Kansas City...... 65 60 Pittsburg, Pa.............. 48 70 Quebec, Canada............ 85 45 Roauoake, Virginia........ 44 35 Sewanee, Tennessee........ 30 75 Spirit Lake, Iowa........., 47 90 St. Paul, Minnesota........51 00 (Boat from St. Louis go iug and returniug via Chicago rail).......... 57 00 Staunton, Virginia......... 46 70 Tullaboma, Tennessee...... 30 60 Warm Springs, N. C.......36 15 Waukesha, Wisconsin......43 50 Greeubrier White Sulphur Spiings, West Virgiuia. 46 70 Wytheville, Virginia....... 40 35 R. T. HAZARD, Agent T. & P. Railroad, Shreveport. Practice only can burnish the virtues into their glorious lustre. Public Sale. In Tutorship o£ Minors of A- P- Dickson. I will offer for sale, for the purpose of paying debts due by succession, at the late resi dence of A. P. Dickson, on Tuesday, 12th day of October, 1886, within the legal hours of ssdfe, by virtue of a commission to me directed from the Honorable the 2ud Judicial District Court, iu and for the Parish of Bossier, the following described property, to-wit : One sorrel horse, oue black mare, two cows and calves, oue old 2-horse wagon, three head of cattle on range, one hog, 17 j acres of cotton in field, 12 acres ef corn in field, household and kitchen furniture, one lot farming imple ments, one saddle aud bridle, oue side saddle. Terms of Sale—Cash, if appraised value or two-thirds thereof be bid; else the property will be immediately re-offered for what it will bring on a credit of twelve months—pur chasers required to execute 12 months bond with approved persoual security aud bearing 8 per ceutnui interest from day of sale. LOUISA L. DICKSON, Tutrix aud ex officio Administratrix. Motive. Registration. Registration. I will, in person, or by duly appointed Clerk, Mr. Thomas Z. Barnett, open the Registra tion Books at the following named places for revising Registration : Dickson'sX Roads, Thursday, September 23. Bossier City, Thursday, Septem ber28tb. N icholson'sstore, Wednesday, September 29. Ash Point. Thursday, September 30lh. Knox Point, Friday, October 1st. • Deer wood, Saturday, October 2»l. Haughtou, Monday, October 4th. Bellevue, October 25th to November 1st. B. R. NASH, Registrar, Bossier Par. Railroad Lands. A ll parties occupying lands of the Vicks bnrg, Shreveport & Pacific Railroad Company, in Rossier parish, are hereby noti fied that I am now prepared to sell and lease the same. A. R THOMPSON, Agent for V., S. & P. R. R- Lauds in Bossier Parish, La. I* roc la m u t i on, B1 Wîl. TIHBËKL1KË, Returning Officer for Bossier Parish. I n pursuance and iu obedience to a Proclama tion by bis Excellency, S D AicEnery, Governor of the State of Louisiana, ordering and requiring the proper officers of this State to hold an election on Tuesday, the 2d day of November, a d 1886, for tbe purpose of electing one Representative for each Congressional District of the State of Louisiana in the Con gress ot the United States, for the Fiftieth Congress, to serve for the term of two years from the 1th day of March, 1887; Now, therefore, I, William Timberlakp, Re turning Officer for Bossier Parish, Lousiana, do hereby order that an election be held iu the Parish of Bossier, on Tuesday, the 2d day ot November, a d 1886 (it being tbe first Tuesday next following the tirst Monday in said month) from 7 o'clock in the forenoon until 6 o'clock iu the afternoon, to elect one Representative for the -tth Congressional District of this State, and I bereif appoint the following Commis sioners to hold said election, viz • Ward One—Knox Point— J VV Atkins, TB Moss and VV H Hodges. Ward 2—Benton— T J Martin, G B Terry and T W VV Stinson. Ward 3—Collinsburg—James R Cavett, J II NattinandJ P Keith. Ward Four—Red Land— W B Boggs, T Z Barnett, and John G Allen. Ward 5—Rocky Mount— W J Hughes, PC Broom and VV E Hall. Ward 6, Precinct I—Bellevue—B A Kelly. E M Carstarpbcn and G VV Lilly. W ard 6, Precinct 2—Fillmore—, E M Platt and J S Herring Said Commissioners, aided aud assisted by the Clerks of Election (to be appointed b.v tbe Police Jury of Bossier Parish) will repair to the respective places named, ami hold said election in accordance with law, aud make due return to me at Bellevue, La. Witness my hand, officially, at Bellevue, La., this the 9th dav of September 1886. WILLIAM TIMBERLAKE, Returning Officer for Bossier Parish, I.a. -J W Raius, Partition Sale. Susan T. Marks, et al, V No. 3137. District vs. > Court, Bossier Par Mary L. Marks, et als. ) ish. La B y virtue of an order and commission for sale issued in above entitled case, and to me directed, authorizing and requiring me to sell, for purpose of portion lietweeu plaintiffs and defendants, the hereinafter described lauds owned in indivision by them, I will, on Tuesday, the 12th day of October, a-d., 1886, at tbe Court House door, iu tbe town ot Belle vue, La-, within the legal hours prescribed by law, proceed to sell at public auction to the last and highest bidder, the following describ ed lands, known as the "Forest Home." ro-wit: The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty two; the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, aud ihe southwest quartet of the southwest quarter, all iu section thirty two (32), of township 22, and range 13. Also, the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, aud the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter iu section 33, same township aud range- Also, the northwest quarter of the .northwest quarter of section four (4), aud the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section five (5), of township twenty-one, and range thirteen, containing iu all, -1ÜÙ acres, aud situate iu Bossier parish, La Teruis of Sale—Two hundred dollars cash on day of sale, and the remainder of bid payable, respectively,in 12and24 mouths from dated saie, with eight per cent interest on each installment from day of sale and solvent personal security and special mortgage and vendor's privilege on lands sold- Sale also to be subject to appraisement R. É. WYCHE, Sheriffaud ex-officio Auctioneer, Bossier parish, La Bellevue, La-, September 9,1886 JYotice to Tax Payers. tXlax Pavers are hereby notified that I will be A at the herein named places at the tim» s mentioned, for the purpose of collecting their State aud Parish Taxes, viz: Haughtou, October 25th and 26th. Deei wood, October 27th. Atkins Landing, October 28th and29th Dortch & Pickett's, October 30 D. E- Nicholson's, November 1st Bossier City, November 2u»l aud 3rd Shady Grove, November 4th Willow Chute, November 5th Beutou, November 6th Pickett, November 8. Dixie, November 9th Collinsburg; November IPth aud lltlr Red Land, November 12tli anil 13th Rocky Mount, November 15th aud 16th Midway, November 17th Foster's Store, November 19th and 20th Meet mu promptly ami save time and money. R. E. WYCHE, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Bossier|Parisb, La. Tax JYotice. Tax Collector's Office, Bossier(Parisli. La., > September 9,1886. J T he State, Parish and Poll Taxes for the year 1886, in the Parish of Bossier aud State ot Louisiana, as set forth in the'Asscss meut Rolls on file iu the offices of the Clerk and ex-officio Recorder of Mortgages, aud the Tax Collector in aud for said parish aud State, became due September 1,1886. and will become delinquent on movable property October 1st, aud on immovable property Decetulier 31st, aud incur a penalty of I per cent per mouth from said dates until collections can be en forced according to law It. E. WY'CIIE, Sheriff' and ex officio Tax Collector, Bossier Parish, La. Constable's Sale. J. B. Oueal Y In Justice's Court, 5 / Precinct, Ward 6, Boss y. ) Parish, La. 2nd Bossie: ß* vs. C. W. McKinney y virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued from above Court, in the above entitled suit,aud to me directed, I have seized as the property of the defendant, C. W. McKinney, and will proceed to sell-to the last aud highest bidder, within the iawiul hours of sale, at the townof Haughtou, Louisiana, on Wednesday, 6th day of October, 1886, the following de scribed property, to-wit: North half of the northwest quarter, section 26, township 16, rauge 11 west, containing 73 65 100 acres more or less. Also, about 1,00U lent lumber, oue bay horse, one brown horse, two cows, lour cows and calves. Terms of bale—Cash, with benefit of ap praisement E. M. PLATT, Constable. Ilaughton, Louisiana, September 2D, 1886. \ " TUE EEE BOOK." Memoirs of Robert E. Lee, By General A. L. Long. A full History of his Military Service and Campaigns, written by General Long, from data collected while a member ol the p irsonal staff of General Lee. and from letters and material contributed by the family. Commended by the Govei uorsof \ irgiuia, and North Carolina, and approved by the Southern Delegations in Congress. His private, Domestic aud Personal History from information heretoiore unpublished furnished by personal friends, companions iu arms, aud leading men of the South, collated and edited with the assistance of Gen'l Marcus J. Wright. THE WHOLE FORMING A Comprehensive, Accurate and Standard MEMOIB OP THE ILLUSTRIOUS SOIL) 1ER. Complete in oue volume, about 700 pages fully illustrated with portraits, maps, etc.— Sold by subscription only. For descriptive circulars address, J. M. STODDART & CO., Publishers, 622 F Street, Washington, D. C Queen and Crescent Rouit. Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railroad. SOLID TRAINS Between Shreveport and Cincinnati, With Maun Boudoir Cars from Vicksburg. Condensed Time Table—In Effect July 11. 1886. Read Down. Trains East. Read Up. Trains West 7 40 a in I 8 19 a m j 8 54 a ui I 9 32 a in 9 54 a m 10 40 a in 12 15 p m 6 55 p in 7 30 p m 9 57 p m 3 00 a in 4 25 a m 11 55 A M Lv Shreve|M>rt Ar Haughtou Lv Minden Juiic'n " Gibbs " Arcadia " Rust ou " Monroe " Vicksburg Lv Vicksburg Ar Jackson Lv Meridian " 6 35 p in 5 55 p in 5 22 p in 4 44 p in 4 22 p ni 3 37 p in 2 10 p m 7 20 a m 6 50 a m 4 37 a m II 30 p in Lv Meridian Ar I " Birmingham Lv j ." Chattauooga " Ar Cinciiiuatti Lv 11 3o p in 4 10 p m 10 00 a in 8 47 p in o 5o p m 6 50 a m Close connection at Chaltauogu for points iu T»'unessee and Virginia ; and at Cincinnati for Northern and Eastern Cities. Summer Excursion tickets now on sale. For further intormatitu, as to rates, &e., write to I. HARDY, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Vicksburg, Miss. M. S BELKNAP, j H. COLLBRAN, Superintendent, Gen'l Passenger Àgt. Vicksburg, Miss. I Cinciuuati, Ohio. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY Ï Ths Remainder of the Edition of JWARTIJY'S HISTORY —OF— LOUISIANA. Original Price,.........$5; Reduced to.............$3, And Mailed to any part of the United States on Receipt of this Amount. E. F. HANSELL «t BRO., BOOKSELLERS and PUBLISHERS, 28 aud 30 Camp Street, New Orleans. H aving purchased the remainder ot this and the only edit ion of MARTIN'S HIS TORY' OF LOUISIANA, would respectfully call tlie attention of the public to this liberal offer. Iu addition to the original History prepared by the distinguished author, it contains a Biography ami Portrait, a ftic simile of his celebrated Will; a Map of New Orleans, show ing this city as it appeared 100 years ago. It contains a ïioster Oi all the commands fur nished by Louisiana to the Confederate cause; the art of purchase ot Louisiana from Napoleon I by President Monroe, and Annals showiug all the leading events in the history of this State, from 1815 to the beginning ot the Civil War. The work is substantially bound in leather, printed on good paper. Address E. F. HANSELL & BROTHER , New Orleans. [oct7 TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. High School, College, University, Law and Medical Departments. WM. PRESTON JOHNSTON, LL. D., President. C ollege and High School session begins Oct. 7. Entrance Examinations October 4, 5, 6. Courses of instruction Classical, Literary Mathematical, Natural Sciences, Mechauical, Commercial. Full corps of Professors. Modern Languages thoroughly taught. Manual training. Terms moderate. For Catalouges address the Secretary of the University. ang 12-3m C. Z. COCHRAN, DEALER IN Groceries, Liquors, TOBACCOS, CICARS, Confectioneries and Cammed Goods, BELLEVUE, LA. r. SHI DE T, Watchmaker and Jeweler, T akes this method of announcing to his old friends and patrons and the public n geueral, that he will he_ found on Market Street, in Bogel's new build ing, Shreveport, La , where he is prepared to repair Watches, Jewelry, &c , promptly anil at moderate prices, lie also has on hand Watches. Jewelry, die., for sale cheap for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. Homestead Entry No. 1874. Laud Office at Natchitoches, Louisiana. August 23rd, 1886. N otice is hereby jjiven that tlie following named settler lias tiled notice of his in toution to make filial proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will bo wade before the Honorable District Judge, or in bis absence, the Clerk of the District Court at Bellevue, La., on the 2nd day of October, 1886, viz : Homestead Entry No. 1874—John Gay — fur lots 10. 12,13 aud 14, of section 3,townsui 20 North, Rauge li West Louisiana Meridiai He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land viz: Johu Chatman, William Roach, L. B. Kelly and J. L. Poole, of Bellevue Louisiana. VV. E. RUSSELL, Register. August 26,1886. sept 30 Bellevue Academy. T he Session of 1886-87 will open the first Monday in September, 1886. Rates jot tuition from'$2 50 to $1 00 per month. Music extra. Board is private families at very cheap rates. A. J. MURFF, Principal. Miss F ANNIE MURFF, Assistant. Miss LEILA WYCHE, Music Teacher. Eost or Stolen, O ne Black Mare Mule, 15 or 16 hands high branded J W on shoulder; brand is dim When last seen, had on a small bell, and there was a small cream colored colt about 1J years old, with her. 1 will pay any one who will deliver her to me at kuox Point, Louisiana the suui of f 15. J. YV. GRAHAM TRASK'S ■ELECTED SHORE rc tt BASICS or <s>? EATING ON EARTH. Ask Your Grocer for them. ™SK'S>™<5« XBASE FISH CO., ST. LOUIS, M0. TEXAS & PACIFIC Railway. Tlie Great Popular Route — BETWEÊN— The East and the West! Short Line to New Orleans AND ALL POINTS IN Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona and California, 'avorite Line to the North, East and Southeast. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars DAILY BETWEEN St* Louis and Dallas, Ft. Worth, El Paso And San Francisco, Cal. —ALSO— Marshall and New Orleans WITHOUT CHANCE ! Solid Trains—El Paso to St. Louis Fast Time, First-Class Equipment, Sure Connections. See that your ticket» toad via Texan nnd Pacific Railway. For Maps, Time Tables, Tickets, Rates, and all required Information call on or address any of the Ticket Agents, ot H. P. HUGHES. Passenger Agent, Houston B. W. McCULLOUGH, General Passenger Agent. Dallas. Texas. W. H. NEWMAN,Traffic Manager, Galve» to.i. Wesleyan Female Institute STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. S'*. 1886. One of tin» O pens September 22d, FiHfcT Schools for Young- Ladiks in thorough Buildiugs elegant. Steam heat. Gasjiglit. the Union. All Departments Situation beautiful. Climate splendid. Pupil» from nineteon States. All important advan tages in one greatly reduced charge. Board, Washing, Lights, English, Latin, French, German, Music, for Scholastic year, Iron» September to June, $260. For Catalogne, nt f{fcV. WM. A. HARRIS, D D., President. Staunton, Virginia. D. CAEEAUAJY, MILAM STREET, SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA . — DEALER IN— FRENCH , GERMAN AND AMERICAN Chromos, Painting», ENGRAVINGS, Picture Frames.Cord, Wal» Pockets. Bracket« Window Shades, Mirrors, Cornice*, Fancy Goods, Toys, Ete. /"louutry merchants and dealers will fiBd my Vv price* very low, aud my goods of the best lualitv. " . Orders by mail willreeei v* prompt persoual attention. TMsvriMrl nusBioerf for Mil jwsilrCWebmtsd Med lei ns _ . - - -^jgoutn ___IDICIKE. ijdre mtiafaction. Brou . for itself mom friends in the Wh^BeeitS» itSZvSit^ f!SÎ& As * Household Remedy H is_ A LIVER REGULATOR TOOtQUADLKD, IT ^ICKLY^ ^ all Billon« Disorder« and itieeofthe Blood, Corea I«di ____.Bilious Colic ék Constipa tien. And ss its name impies, it f s sn sbssln t slT gTTRE CURE for CHTLLB fc FJtVEB, DUMB AGÏÏS, SWAMP FEY2S udMALAXIA. for Chills and Fsrsr. Itlsmljoeelnlmitteha J J. Düitoas, Gon'I Mercbn'ee Dealer, Prit *. Isa.