Newspaper Page Text
TISE DONALDSONVILLE CHIEF. LIME 1. DONALDSONVILLE, LA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1871. NUMBER 1. IbSnntDkt O4 in Creeeent Place. Every &sturday Mor , -A.- I ille, La. Y EDI PROPIllETOR. TUB O SCRIPTION: ne copy, o ye ................ n c opy, e on ................ Payab in ly in advance. AD R2 r RATES: ransient adv rtie.$l.r square t niertion ,7. te.u int lwea, $15 1 nn " | E Special t t ral advertisere. When is are plike a horse When he isbakin es, to be su. See it ? The .Lonui. na te Register a nounces its elitori partment cloed for repairs. The Repufijians ew Jersey probably non a n. Kilpatri for next Goev or, with such gallant and po lar or are hop ful of carrying e e. One wasted lito4-That of t New Orleans 4senting the a pearance of yell fec in Charleston " Yellow jack ' woin't appear } oblige either th Ti€ or the tel, graph. The Territory f Metana, which i 1869 elected a Dgoczic delegate l Congress by 2065atiuy, returns Republican delegle td year by majority of 237. T'is prious victor for the Republicanois et fruit of vigorous and earnes civass. When an editor iner such a par:i graph as this in his jo , he evi dently measures the Ro ty of othe* by his own: : Whatever MIidas to* was turnt to gold. In these dais, buch a ai w'th gold, and he wil n to a# thing. -he State of New.ri ill syracuse on S.ete er 27th. startling discehsei of the frauds of tie unmnay a tRpublicans a.i t col caiying the Sta a hanl ajory. ur's eority in tucky In tide al contst 868 was T emoerati inee for or of pat State a ma f onl 7,153 at election nth. o notthe ublicans tacky eservegr ise for I whic reduodth nocratic ty un y one-alf w more attles id Keituck inevit &ll int he liI of ublican e Nel Dparir" den E. y'st w drawn fro I infa o housediq e joy you, fiend en, to -tas the brcherhd f true iean triota andicerely on the St Jaen dtiel oub tin~ *your IOIALD 8(4 tLI 8: your a3s hIe Swas the Sand ex lost Elate uu anio1I bly mice al yel Or alse has and the lbe: " Governor Warmoth Digging his own Grave ;" probably intended as a sequel to " The groaning Ghost of a ghastly Graveyard." By the author of the highly sensational report of the recent meeting of "them asses" in Ib erville. This new story will make a splendid ingredient for soap, by rea son of the great amount of concentra ted lie which it contains. The Iberville Pioneer has been ta ken with a relapse of the toe fever. The unfortunate accident which oc curred to Governor Warmoth, crush ing his foot and rendering the ampu tation of a toe necessary, has furnished the mushroom journals opposed to the Governor with material for a thousand and one wittiless, crugl jokes. Of late, however, this toe fever had abated; most of the mushrooms referred to had seemingly become ashamed of their own littleness, and dropped the sub ject. But the Pioneer has a fresh at tack, and its sufferings are painful to see. Perhaps a gentle reminder ad ministered by the Governor's foot up on that part of the Pioneer man's anat omy made to be kicked, would have a salutaryeffect--in fact V-toe the dis ease entirely. One of the most frequently used ar guments of the opponents of the State administration is; that a great number of its adherents-a majority of them, they say-are holding office under it. This is an idle "argument," and is ef fectually rebutted by the fact that at least tfour-ffths of Gov. Warmoth's revilers are either unsuccessful appli cants for gubernatorial appointments, or ambitious aspirants for nominations to fat positions under the next State government. These latter recognize in Gov. Warmoth a decided obstacle to the accomplishment of their plans, hence they vainly seek to crush him, and bring him into disrepute before the people. A few appointments to lucrative offices thrown among the dissenters would scaer them like a bomb-she. - - Ttiold"' Li iteIanht Governor Dunn has not helped his cause a bit by sending a letter a half-mile long to the agricultural philosopher of the New York Tribune, in which Governor Warmnoth and all his friends are abso lutely annihilated and forever swept from the political horizon by ponder ous verbs and bristling adjectives. Everybody says Dunn only wrote a fraction of that letter, and that wily Carter and imperturbable Packard assisted in its composition. Dunn's name was signed to give it prestige. Many a public man has been ruined by throwing himself vehemently into print, and Mr. Dunn should be careful about signing documents which are to be published in newspapers. They will be treasured up when mere spoken words are forgotten. IMPORTANT ANTIDOTE.-Mr Frank lin Dyre, a respectable and intelligent fariner residing near Galena, Illinois, gives the following recipe as an anti dote to the effects of a mad dog's bite : Elecampane is a plant well known to most persons, and is to be found in many of our gardens. Immediately after being bitten, take one ounce of the root of the plant-the green root is perhaps preferable, but the dried will answer, and may be found in our drug stores, and was used by me slice or bruise, put it in a pint of fresh milk, hoil down to half a pint, strain, and when cold drink It, fasting at least six hours afterward. The next morn ing relpeat the dose, prepared as the last, and this will be sufficient. It is recommended that after each dose nothing be eaten for at least six hours. Mr. Dyre avers that he effectually cured a little son, who had been bitten by a mad dog, by the use of this re cipe, and he has known several others to use it with entire success. If this simple remedy is as efficacious as it is claimed to be, Mr. Dyre should be re garded as a benefactor of the human race, entitled to as much honor as any other great discoverer. Our readers would do well to cut the above recipe out and keep it. * -. Blowing up monuments and mutil ating statues, says the New York Tri base, has always been a favorite means of " getting even " with dead histori cal personages. But what special rea son has moved anybody to apply gun powder and fuse to the statue of poor old George IV. at Kingstown, Ireland, one cannot guess. He was, it is true, a hated Saxon," and as such entitled to trl ation of all loyal Irish r good reasons, to the verbvhody else. But it ss to blow him up now. A Rebuke from Rhode Island. The Warren (Rhode Island) Gazette of the second instant has the follow ing excellent article on the subjects connected with our recent Gatlin gun convention: LOUISIANA POLITICS. It seems to us that if the President wishes to maintain his hold on the re spect of the law abiding men of the country, he will do well to set his face against the custom-house party of Lou isiana at once and with decision. Whatever may be said of Governor Warmoth's course, the United States officials have clearly exceeded their prerogative and ought to be removed. It is high time that this custom-house and post-office political business came to an end. A United States court-house is not a place to hold a political convention, and United States officers are not the men to attempt to exert a controlling political influence in State affairs. The people are tired of these constantly repeated attempts by United States officers to manage State politics. Men like Collector Murphy; of New York, and United States Marshal Packard, of New Orleans, are to be found in nearly all our leading cities, whose business is with the general govern ment, but who seem to think that they can best serve the genenal government by meddling in local politics and in making or unmaking local politicians. We do indeed need some reforms in the civil service, and among them an act which shall compel those in the pay of the United States government to mind their own business and attend to their legitimate duties. Independ ent people of all political parties can but sympathize with Governor War moth in the present aspect of Louisi ana politics. We mistake wholly the character of the President if he does not take the same view and discharge his duty in the case without fear or favor. Though we shall embrace all reason. able opportunities for impressing the public with the value of our journal as an adv-ertising medium and means of information, yet we shall never be guilty of carrying the thing to such an extreme as did the assistant editor of the Colorado Herald in the following notice of the demise of his senior's consort: We are compelled, this morning, to perform a duty which is peculiarly painful to the able assistant editor who has been engaged upon this paper at an enormous expense, in accord ance with our determination to make the Herald a first-class journal. Last night death suddenly and unexpected ly snatched away from her domestic hearth (the best are advertised under the head of " Stoves and furnaces," upon our first page), Mrs. Agatha R. Burns, wife of Rufus R. Burns, the gentlemanly editor of the Herald. Terms, $3 a year, invariably in ad vance. A kind mother and an exem plary wife. Ofice over Coleman's gro cery, up two flights of stairs. Knock hard. "We shall miss thee, we shall miss thee." Job printing solicited. Funeral at half-past 4, from the house just across the street from the Herald office. Advertisements inserted for ten cents a square. Tammany Losing Friends. We find the following in the New York Tribune of a recent date: By using all the small arts of wily politicians, the Tammany Ring has heretofore managed to strengthen the Democratic party in this city with a large portion of the German voters. The inclinations of our German citi zens are naturally with the party of freedom and equal rights, but selfish and bad men in the ranks of German Americans have misled their fellow countrymen and brought them into the support of the corrupt organiza tion which now oppresses the city. This state of things cannot last long. The Germans, too intelligent to be hoodwinked by demagogues, have dis covered for themselves that Tammany is but another name for robbery and oppression. No honest and thrifty citizen can abide an organization that lives upon the plundei of the people, and German Democrats have begun to discover that this is about all that the dominant party in this city is doing. There is a semblance of lo cal politics, it is true, but the main business of the clique is theft and rob bery. The leaders of the German Democratic party have begun to cut loose from the corrupt gang which still pretends to the name of Demo cracy, and have had a long consulation with the Democratic State Committee, the results of which are published in another part of this paper. It is understood and agreed that the charges against Tweed, Hall, and Connolly are unanswerable, and that no organization can afford to maintain any appearance of an alliance with them or with a party which coun tenances them. We believe that the political power of the Ring, great as it is, cannot detain the loosening al legiance of these aroused German Democrats. A Prussian engineer has invented a machine which will manufacture ice without chemicals, merely by cow pression and expulsion of air. The ppecimen machine, now at New York, can turn out two tons of ice a day and the capacity can be increased to twen ty-five tons more, The ffaowing touching incident is vouched for by a Memphis journal of recent date : Many instances have been recordd. of the affection and sagacity displayed by dogs when their masters have died or been injured in any manner. Per haps as affecting an incident of this kind ever witnessed was the action of the dog Pinch, owned by the late Hod Morse, who was shot Friday night, upon being shown the body of his dead master, as it lay upon a board Sunday morning, preparatory to being placed in the coffin. Everybody who knew Hod knew Pinch, for they were inseparable. An iron gray dog of the Scotch terrier breed, he was noted for his sagacity and fighting qualities. Sunday morning a friend of Hod's, for the first time, took Pinch into the room where the remains were. A number of Morse's friends were present at the time and can attest the accuracy of the story. When let into the room Pinch let his head fall to the floor and with slow steps walked directly across to where Hod's body was lying. He then raised his head and began a low, monotous howl. While uttering these howls, Pinch would from time to time look around at the different men pres ent as if making a mute appeal to be allowed to have access to the body. Noticing this, one of the men took a chair and placed it by Hod's head. As soon as it was placed in position the dog jumped upon the chair and with his fore paw brushed the cloth from his master's face. After he had re moved the cloth he threw one leg over Hod's breast, while he laid his face on that of his master, and rubbing it over a few times, commenced licking it as if desirous of awakening him. Seeing that this did not have the desired ef fect, Pinch stopped and looked into Hod's face a moment, again com menced howling or rather whining in a pitiful manner. The whole scene, taking in the surroundings,was a most sorrowfil one, and brought tears and sobs from the men whom the world regard as social Pariahs, but in whom, as this incident proved, all the better feelings had not been deadened. Pinch continued his pantomime until seem ingly convinced that he could not arouse his master, when he jumped down, and with slow steps left the room, never returning until after the body had been conveyed to its final resting place in Elmwood. Is aft 0 Care of Sucking Colts. The following from the Horseman's Mannaal may prove of benefit to same of our readers: Those who raise colts, usually exer cise care in the selection of good stock to breed from; but a great many neg lect to give the colts proper attention during hot weather, while they are running with dams. It is not uncom mon to see those that were healthy and well developed in early summer looking puny and poor, and their hair falling offbefore autumn. The trouble arises from allowing the colt to draw milk while the blood of the mare is in a high state of beat from violent exer tion. When the dam is used in hotweath er upon the farm or road, so as to heat her blood, the colt should never be al lowed to suck until she has fully cool ed off. Let him fill himself before the mother is put in the harness, and if it is important that he should accom pany the dam, tie him at her side so that he will be unable to draw milk until he is liberated; for it is much bet ter that he should go hungry a few hours than to take his food while it is in a fevered state. If the mare is to make a long dis tance in a hot day, and returned at night, it is best to leave the colt at home, and draw the milk from the ud der once or twice during the day and upon returning then allow the colt to till himself graiually as the milk is secreted. Colts injured by heated milk seldom recover from it for a year or two, and, many times never. They become re duced in flesh, get lousy in the fall during the first winter of their exis tence, when they need health and strength,-as, under any cireum stances, this is the most critical period of their growth,-they have just life enough to move, and the second sum mer, the proper time for development, is spent in the recuperation of lost vitality. Every Tooth is Worth a Diamond. Feats of strength performed with the teeth are absurd; those who indulge in them ought to be punished like that youth who, says Dr. Demartie, broke all his front teeth, who bet that he would throw over his head a chair, which he held with his teeth by the upper part of the back-board to achieve that noble feat. Another fel low, more imprudent, caused himself to be hoisted up from the ground to a window by means of a rope, which he held in his teeth. When he reached a certain height he lost his four incisors, and broke one of his legs in the fall. Some others, says the Doctor, find pleasure in grinding drinking-glasses between their teeth, and wounding their mouths grievously in the attempt. One would suppose that the life of these maniacs is a perpetual challenge to the Almighty who gave it to them. The loss of a tooth is a real misfort une, since it cannot be repaired. A tooth is worth a diamond, says one of our authors. Remember these few words, and try to put them in practice. S--herald of Health. Newspaper LawIs. We ask of our readers a careful pe rusal of the following laws relating to newspapers, in order that no difficul ties may hereafter arise through igno rance of them: 1. Subscribers who do not give ex press notice to the contrary are con sidered wishing to continue their sub scription. 2. If subscribers order the discon tinuance of their periodicals, the pub lishers may continue to send them un til all arrearages are paid.' 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they are directed, they are held responsible till they have settled their bill and ordered them discontin ued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publish ers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held re sponsible. 5. The courts have decided that re fusing to take periodicals from the of fice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. 6. Any person who receives a news paper and makes use of it, whether le has ordered it o0 not, is held in law to be a subscriber. A Just Decision. We extract from the Poughkeepsie News : Capt. Samuels sued the editors of the New York Brening Poet for libel. The Jury, after hearing the testi mony, gave a verdict against the Post. Gf course the editors of the Post ap pealed, and the matter was brought before Judge Barnard. In setting aside this most unjustifiable verdict, Judge Barnard said : " It is idle and foolish to sue an edi tor of a paper for a libel that he knew nothing about, and is willing to ren der any proper redress that a mistake calls for." The press of the country will thank Judge Barnard for his ruling in the above case. A newspaper editor should be held to a strict account for any abuse of the privilege which the large liberty of the press confers upon newspaper proprietors and publishers. The honest journalist will never allow his paper to become the vehicle of rpalice or of personal vituperation, but it often happens that editors are them selves impose:'.ppon by falsehoods, and thus unwi.ngly cause injuries that no amount of retraction. _a re pair. To fix the limit of responsibility in cases of this sort is extremely diffi cult, though it would seem that where no malice is found, and there is a willingness to make full reparation in the way of retraction, orofexplanation, there can be but few pretexts left up on which to base a suit for libel. The editor who is base enough to use his own organ to blacken the character of his own personal enemies is not on ly unfit for the place he holds, but what is better, will not be permitted to hold it for any considerable period in a well regulated community. Appetite of the Tuangudias. We extract the following from an interesting article entitled " Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow-shoes," in Harer's Magazime for September: We had heard of the enormous ap petites of the natives. We now had ocular demonstration of it. One of our Tungusians had been sent back on an errand. The two others sat down to their supper. First they made away with a gallon kettle of hot tea. Then they prepared a four-quart pail ful of boiled fish and soup. Just as this was dispatched their comrade re turned, and the same pailful was twice filled with boiled beef, all of which was devoured by the three, the bones being cracked for the marrow. They had rinsed out the pail, and cooked it full of "crupa," a kind of mush, which went the way of the fish and beef. Then they fell upon "ukale," or dried salmon, devouring the skin after boil ling it over the fire, then built their camp fire, and began to cook another meal. We did not keep any account of the dishes, but the last thing we heard after retiring was the cracking of beef bones to get at the marrow. Twartz told us that a few months be fore, a number of horses had been sent to Ajan under charge of half a dozen Cossacks. One of the horses broke its leg, and had to be killed. At evening the six Cossacks sat down to the car cass, and in the morning there was nothing left of it but the hide and 1 bones. Even the heart and; entrails had been eaten. STRAYED.-Broke into the pocket of the editor of this paper, some time during the week, a ten cent piece. Who it belongs to or where it came from is a mystery to us, and we earn estly request the ownet to come and take it away ; we have been without money so long, that its use is entirely forgotten. Upon one side is a beautiful young lady, with a handkerchief to her-eyes, weeping to thinkly be had lost her mate, and upon the other a night cap on a polo aA p agnal of 4is trees. A beautiful woman is like a greet truth, or a great happ and has no more right 4 cover rself with a green vail, orany simi abomination, than the sun has to w green spec tacle. Our Levees. As a matter of general interest to the community, we publish the follow ing communication in reference to the levees, which will explain itself: PAeIsS or Asces.xoi, Sept. 11, 1871. The undersigned would respectfully represent tomte Governor oft e $tae, and to the Louisiana Levee coaglany, that they have been appointed a spe cial committee by the Police Jury of the Parish of Ascension, at the earn est request of the citizens of that Parish, to call the attention of the State authorities and the La. Levee company, to the condition of the Levees in the Parish of Ascension. In the discharge of this duty, we would make the following statement, that after ,personal inspection of the Levees on both sides of the Missis sippi River and on that portion of Bayou Lafourche situated in the Parish of Ascension, we find that the following Levees absolutely require to be rebuilt or thoroughly relpared. On the left bank of the River near the upper line of the Parish the Levee has caved into the River in four or five places, extending over a half mile in length, on the Tillotson and Minor plantations. For these breaks a new Levee will be required across the Tillotson and a portion of both the Minor plantat is. And if the bank lsould eve lower down in the bend, which it gives some indications of doing, the new Levee should be continued below the New River Road. At the Dorcine Landry plantation, left bank, a short Levee will be re quired connecting the two elbows of the old Levee, which is too near the bank to be safe at the next high wa ter. The Levee at the Marchand place, next above Burnasld's Riverton plan tation left bank, has beenin a danger ous state for more than a year and a new Levee will be required across the entire Marchand front. The Levee in front of the plantations known as Ash land and Bowdon, belonging to D. F. Kenner, and the Levee immediately below Canty's lower line, belonging to A. S. Darrow, have been so completely honey-combed by the craw-fish, that unless they are rebuilt or thoroughly repaired it will be impossible to pre vent crevasses at the next high water at one or more of the weak points. On the right bank of the River, at the Lacroix plantation afew miles be low Ilonaldsonville, the Levee has caved en'tirely through in one place and the bank is still caving making a new Levee necessary at this point. 18-0LVfee t lTi'Uor0 hi-fUr l@ruJ A. plantation, also that in front of the Prosper Landry plantation, now be longing to Dr Legare, have been worn by the action of the water till they are in an unsafe condition and need repairs. In many places the levees in the Parish have been worn down be low the level of high water, by the wear and tear incidental to the tramp ing of cattle. It is impossible to des ignate all of these points as it would reuire an instrumental survey to do so properly however, we call your atten tion to tte general fact. There are also weak points in the Levees such as in front of the Pedes claux plantation, where as a precau tionary measure it might be advisable to strengthen the levees. Shoul any crevasse occur on the left bank in this Parish from the neg lect of these levees the water will tow into the Lake through the channelt formed by the waters from the break at Bonnet Carre, deluging, however, . much larer district of cultivated land, andoin g t fury to the Jackson Rail Bead. We respectfully request his Excel lency the Governor to transmit thi' statement to the Lia. Levee Company, with such endorsement as he may deem appropriate as a ferial notice to. that company of the aheolute and i-. mediate wants of the people in Ascen sion Parish on the subject of levees. E. W. MASON D. 1. KENNE , A. 8. DARROW, FELIX REYNAUD), C. N. LEWIS. A Judge's Opinion of Editors. Says the Richmond Enquirer: The recent death of the venerable Judge Leigh has revived many aneodotes connected with his long and eventful life. Among them is the following: When Judge Leigh's court was in session in Lynchburg, a number of years ago, it so happened that Mr. James McDonald, the present secreta ry of the commonwealth, Iweakhnated alone with him for several mornings in succession. Conversation ensued, without an introduction, and the Judge was so favorably impressed with his companion that he at last asked his name, "' McDonald." "Not the editor of the Lynchburg Virginian ?" " The smne." Virginia editors ust at that- time, were not making themselves partic larly agreeable to men of Jade L.s tastes so he turned to Mc and said bluntly: ' E;cnse me, sir, but I m hardly bellete you are as editor. YA hM s the manners (A gentleman. An nlgnlol aul ru sily has d tit upon, ,v *ro plai W* a heavy OmY-. vance, to te. eple who end of that time show the ,wber.ot deeesdJt5nan