Newspaper Page Text
aonailbsanbille 8 bif, Published very Oattitday, ýubscri _on Prie, 1` 1 olla . . Y LINDEN E. BENTLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Saturday, " June 14, 1873. The captured Modocs ore to be sired by sert-martial. St.iell, the murderer of Fisk, has been granted a new trial by the New York Court of Appeals. The Red Riper 'Year reports two ogecideas and one suicide in Natchi t.ches parish last week. The Lake R&publica of Carroll par Mh is one of the lirest country journals upon our aSchange list, while the Crescew s ity leads our city exchanges in spice and vim. Wu regret to lorn tuast lion. Mor timer F. Smith has been compelled to rBsi the position of Deputy Collec tor Internal Revenue of this district ao ,gcwount of ill health, Mr. Norman Whitney, a promiuent ~w Orleans merchant, has been ar rested, charged with the crime of arson ij setting fire to his own store. Much credit is awarded the Metropol itan detectives by the city press for the manner in whiclh the case was ' worked up," The 4ttakqypas aegister, published at Franklin, St. Mary parish, has chaned hands, Mr. Emerson Bentley ;etiring from tlhe cditorial chair and being suoceeded by M~r. J, R, Jolley, who has our wishes for his success. The Planter's Ban ecr , also published in Frgoklin, disappears fronu the jour lalistic world, and the Bra shear News. will ftlfIJ the advertising and sub criptioa contracts of the defunct jour 9al. Our 'f devil" suggests that the best manner it wlhic to solve the problem of "What shall be done with Captain Jack I" would be to rent him out to seme enterprising menagerie man for exhibition throughout the country, de Votiug the funds thus realized to re imbursing the Government for the expense eieurred in suppressing the Modocs. The idea is submitted to the Indian Commissioners, free of charge, with the recommendation that it Ihe maturely considered. Woodp's HoI'USEljnO.L) M.AGAZINE. 'The Juun ninm ber is just the book for the family circle! Just the dear old household imagazine we used to greet so gladly. Tihe articles are not so heavy; there are more stories; not trashy, sensational colmpositions, but such as bear throughout a strong in fluenae for all that is good, and pure, ind true, A noticeable feature is that there is somaething helpful, encourag ing, comforting upon almost every page, a bright face like this is needed in every houschold. The children's department is fully up to its standard, and printed in much bitter type. As to make-up of magazine, we notice a great improvement. A temperance story isannouneed hereafter, for every pnumber. H. V. Osborne (Tenoroon) lhas been recalled as editor, and assumes the entire management. Subscription price only one dollar a year. Address Wood's llouselhold Mlagazine, New burgh, New York, Pstersoa's Migaline for July, 1873, is a superb number. Themre is no mag szine offering similar attractions upon our table. The magnificent steel en graving of "The Young Harvester,' is full of the most suggestive beauty, and feeling. Two children lmong the golden headed wheat, one with sickle in hand leads, with the rake, her sis ter, who draws after her a tiny wagon load of fow.ts, The pure sweet breath of the sunmmer is int this beau, tiful picture. Then there is a lady's slipper pattern, colored; a steel fash ion plate, tinted and colored with ex quisite delicacy,whose perfect accuracy of fashion may he relied upon, for Peterson leads all the others in its fidelity to Fashion, Mris. Ann S. Ste phens' enchanting novel of "The Lost Inheritance," is continued, and grows more excitim)g with each new page. All of its man}- departments are filled with pleasant, useful or entertaining reading. Remuember, it is the cheap est of the lady's books! To single ,ubscribers it is $2.00 a year, To clubs it is cheaper still, viz,, 5 copies 1 for $8,00, or 8 copies for $14.00, with both an extra copy and a splendid premium engraving to the person get ting up the club, Specimens are sept I gratis to those wishing to get up clubs. I Address C. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut t street, Philladelphia. STORY OF A MONUNENT Somni thirty-five years ago there stod Spot the +merican shore of the i9IagaM river, *ar the great fadls, a; granite mnonument surnwuntad by a beautiful marble statue of the gallant Frenchman who proved such a noble friend to our country in her hour of dire distress-the famous Lafayette. This statue was the impersonation- so to speak-f all that is beautiful in the sculptor's art, and great was the adnmiration its fine proportions ex cited among the thousands of visitors who yearly thronged the region round about to gaze upon the greatest natu ral curiosity of the kind the world can boast-the stupendous falls. For years this marble image of an illus trious man had stood in majestic si lenes, keeping guard, as it seemed, o'er the scething, angry flood beneath, apparently assuming by day the air of a commander of the waters, but in the mellow moonlight invested with the aspect of a lonely, melancholy watcher, waiting for one who came not; ;and none who saw it in those days but thought it would remain in its position hundreds of years to come, when the dust of a dozen future generations of human beings was nmouldering beneath the surfaice of the great Mother Earth. Alas for the fal libility of the expectation. One bright and lovely morning in the pleasant month of June, just as the first rays of the rising sun glinted through the tree-tops, and the air was fllled with the merry twitter ings of the awakened birds and redo lent with the fragrance of roses and sweet-smelling shrubs, and the earth looked her lovliest in a beautiful dew covered mantle, and all nature seemed rejoicing-a blasted "Injun" came along with a pound of powder and blew the monument all to flinders ! [Commuunicated.] DARWINISM AND POLITICS. MR. EDITOR : Perhaps no doctrine, theory or creed was so generally misunderstood and misrepresented as the Darwinian hy pothesis. To the ordinary mind Dar winism is nothing but a huge joke about monkeys and men. To the the ological mind it is extremely profane, because it accounts for the origin of the human race after a fashion very different from the account given by Moses as it has heretofore been inter preted. To the scientific mind it has ever been a question of such startling originality as to be regarded as rather too extreme an innovation upon all received hypotheses to win for it im mediate support. But there can be no question as to the fact that it is rapid ly gaining favor. Several very emi nent and learned ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholic church have recently written of it in a tone quite respect ful, indeed so much so that it is quite doubtful whether they are opposed to itat all. Among men of science it has certainly made very rapid p'ogress. Though exactly contrary to all pre conceived ideas of things they admit that it has sufficient foundation to war rant futher investigation. Heretofore there has never been a theory of tile origin of life except that furnished by theology. The opposition of the theologians is brought against it be cause it is an entry upon a field here tofore, by common consent, occupied exclusively by themselves. They claim that science is passing beyond its proper limits when it undertakes to account for the origin of things, and that in so doing it becomes FALSE science. The Darwinists, however, reply that all attemps to limit science to any particular field, or to forbid its passing beyond any established bounds, are and must ever be futile. They point to the theological Canutes of the past who have held aloft their mitres and cried, " thus far shalt thou come, but no farther," without avail. They cite the cases of Galileo, Kepler, Brunot, Laplace and Christopher Co lunbus, each of whom was censured for daring to advance theories not con distent with the theology of the times in which they lived. But whether Darwinism lives or lies, it has now reached that point at a-hich it is to be classed among the :espectable. It can not be put down my ridicule. Though it is not snp yorted by the majority of scientific nen, yet it is believed in by so many, lnd is being investigated by so many fore, eminent scientists that it can ºe laughed at no longer. When HIer pert Spencer, Professors Tyndall and luxley, Sir Charles Lyell, Sir John ,ubbock, Sir William Bagehot and cores of such men announce their iith il the doctrine it is time its op onants should try methods other I ban mere ridicule. !!aving extended itself over the I ground claimed exclusively for theol ogy i is jow Lakiay oait on groun1i0 npd~ which it was no iped ed. Il as tered .e fieldi politise, aid nos una.i takes to denmonsrate to the politicians that there is a fun damental error underlying the opin ions always heretofore received with out question. To professional politi cians, as to professional theologians, it is an unweleome intruder. It is not be told that the doctrines of "natural selection" and "the sur vival of the fittest" are applicable to governments and to political parties. They have along been making the people believe that the control of such things was entirely in their own hands. While admitting the general truth of the proposition that all things are governed by immutable, inexorable law, they mould make just one ex ception, that of politics. To be in formed that only such governments and such parties can survive as are best adapted to the surroundings and the times, or (to borrow a term from the scientists) the environment, is not consistent with their professions of ability to tear down and build up forms of government and political parties at their own sweet will. A close and thorough examination of these doctrines as applied to gov ernmnental and political affairs will dissipate all causes for alarm. It is painful to have our old idols torn down before our eyes and new ones set up in their places. But, as applied to politics, Darwinismn is really the most pleasant and satisfactory faith that one can have. Without undertaking to follow the processes of reasoning (for that would require volumes) I may state briefly what I conceive to be the conclusions to be reached by assuming the correctness of the hy pothesis of natural selection as applied to politics. Darwinism would teach us that we have, and may expect to have the best form of government that is possible under the present stage of human development, that that po litical party will have control of the interests of the nation that is best adapted to meet the wants of the age and of the country. It teaches us that there are better things in the future for the human race, that there are great inducements to philanthropists to put forth strenuous efforts for the bettering of the condition of their fel low imen, that no good deed can be without its effect. P. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. .a.I.%sINGrToN, I). C., June 7, 1873. EDIT Rn ('II:F: The trouble concerning the postal cards is not ended. The department has been making an attempt to have the quality of the paper improved, and to that end sent a special agent to the works of the Morgan Envelope Company at Springfield, where they are made, with instructions to see that none are printed on inferior paper. For some reason that company has stopped work on the cards entirely, and for upwards of a week not a card has been printed. The contract with this company was for 25,000,000 cards, but scarcely a third of that number have been furnished. The price paid by the government will not cover the expense of furnishing them, and the company is losing money, but no blame can be attached to the Post Office Department, as the sample of the card and the quality of the paper were definitely settled before the con tract was made, and there could not possibly be any misunderstanding as to its terms. It is not known whether this com pany will attempt to go on and fill the contract or whether they will give it up. Cases are occurring every day in which parties make contracts with the government for services, material, etc., at ruinously low prices, and when they find they have burnt their fingers they throw the blame on the govern ment. To some men there is a charm in having it to say they are govern ment contractors. The Morgan En velope Company seem to have been determined to obtain a contract at all hazards, and now both itself and the government are suffering because of their folly in bidding so low. Postmaster General Cresswell has concluded to not rescind the contract with the White Star Line for the car rying of the European mails. The officers of that line were required to show cause why the contract with them should not be abrogated and they appeared the day before yester dlay by their attorney, Hon. Edwards Pierrepont. The contract calls for six steamers making regular weekly trips. A clause is inserted whereby -he company forfeits $5,000 for each ailure to take out the mails at the equired time. Between the date of the contract-Oct. 1, 1872,-and the 17th of .y had n fiv .fail after the failure of the company to perform their part.L ince the loss of the Atlantic this company has been in a somewhat crippled condition and really unable to carry the mails as freqdently as Is required. Theft steamers are the fastest vessels afloat, but they have not enough of them. It is proposod, however, to put in for the present two of their steamers now in South America. Two now steamers are being built for this line, the Ger manic and Brittanle, and it is claimed that they will be faster than any ves sels ever before launched. The Inman Line and the North German Lloyd are competitors for this service in case it should be taken from the White Star. But Mr. Cress well has decided to let the contract stand for the present. It expires by limitation on the 31st of next Decem ber. All other contracts for the Eu ropean mail service expire at the same time, and Mr. Cresswell is anxious to so arrange the mails after that time that there will be four mails sent out from New York each week on four different days of the week. The steamer Frolic, the vessel that was despatched by the Secretary of the Navy to convey that portion of the crew of the Polaris who were res cued from the ice floe on the 30th of April, arrived off the Navy Yard the evening before last with her charge on board. The survivors, nineteen in number, were interviewed yesterday by Secretary Robeson, Commander Reynolds, Professors IIHenry and Baird of the Smithsonian Institute, and Cap tain Brown of the United States Sig nal Service, but no other persons are permitted to communicate with them. The investigation had not, up to yes terday afternoon, progressed farther than the direct and cross-examination of Mr. Frederick Myer, meteorologist, and John Herne, steward. The other survivors are Captain II. C. Tyson, assistant navigator; W. C. Kruger, Fred. Jamka, William Nindemann, Fred. Antinig, G. F. Linguist and Peter Johnson, seaman; William Jackson, cook; Esquimaux, Joe, inter preter; Hannad and child, Esqui maux; Hans Christian, wife and four children. Mr. Robeson is not at all satisfied with the statements published in the papers, and proposes to get at the facts concerning the condition of the expedition by inclans of a thorough investigation. Each one of the sur vivors will be examined separately their evidence taken down in writing and when completed tuned over to Professors Henry and Baird, who will make an early report upon the same. It was amusing to witness the ef forts of the representatives of the daily newspapers to obtain some infor mation from these survivors. Secre tary Robeson had, previous to their arrival, ordered that a strict guard be kept over the vessel and all approach es to her, in order that no one might question these persons. Men belong ing to the crew of the Frolic had to come on shore, but no sooner were they on terra firma than they were beset with eager questions as to what they had learned from the Polaris folks. It was evident that they too had their orders and that they knew how to obey them, for to every ques tion the answer was, "I don't know any thing about it." The report of the National Com missioner of Education will be dis tributed during the present month. It is a volume of about one thousand pages, and is a compendium of the educational progress of each State during the past year. The Commissioner in his statement discusses at considerable length the leading educational questions of the day. The appendix contains several valuable papers upon special subjects by some of our leading thinkers and writers. Perhaps the article that will be of most interest to the general reader is that entiiled " The Value of Common School Education to Com mon Labor," by Dr. Edward Jarvis of New England. He treats of educa cation as affecting the wood-sawyer, the coal-heaver, the grindstone-tur ner, the mechanic, etc. Congress placed but five thousand copies of the Educational Report un der the control of the Commissioner for distribution, and he informs me that this number is already nearly, if not entirely, promised. The entire edition will amount to twenty thous and copies, which, with the exception of the Commissioner's five thousand copies, will be distributed by Senators and Representatives on application to te afici urt of fish Irrt '~terS ofbe oae4as succgd so welt that the experiment is to be tried in the Western rivers. A few years ao the Poem c was stocked with bass brought from some of the rivers west of the Alleghany Moun tains, and now it is literally crowded t.hii them. A fIew days since the commi!ioner from the state of Mich igan came on here to get a quantity of shad roes with which to stock some of the rivers of that State. He was furnished with fifty thousand, which he has taken to Detroit. The same number has also been sent to West Virginia to be distributed in the Kan awha and Greoenbrier rivers. The hatching has been quite successful and in a short time there will be a supply sutficient for the entire West, According to the dispatches received yesterday from Vienna the American department of the great exposition is getting in shape. It is said "the novelties surpass those from any other country." Steam was applied to the machinery and every thing bids fair for a successful exhibition of American enterprise. When Mr. Schultz, the successor of General Van Buren, took charge of our affairs he found every thing in utter confusion. Exhibitors disheartened, and it seemed that the United States was doomed to disgrace. By his energy and perserverance he has brought order out of chaos, and the Department of State now has faith to believe that our people will acquit themselves to their own credit and to that of the country. Mr. A. D. White, President of Cor nell University, has been tendered and has accepted the chairmanship of the Bureau of Education at the expo sition, and ex-Governor E. D. Morgan of New York, has been appointed chairman of the Bureau of Commerce. These are both important positions, and these gentlemen will fill them with honor. ALERT. We learcn from the St. James &nati nel of Wednesday that J. W. Hun saker, the defaulting President oi the Parish School Board of St. James, has left the State. Our friend Mr. V. E. M. Anderson signed a bond of $500f for the appearance of Mr. Hunsakes before the District Court, and we feal he has got into trouble thereby. We should be sorry to see such an estim able and honorable gentleman as Mr. Anderson suffer for the acts of a con fessed swindler, and we hope he may in some manner escape from the di lemma without being forced to forfeit the amount of the bond. New Orleans is to have a fruit fair at Expoeition Hall, commencing on the 17th day ooi July. NEW ADYERTI$EMEnTg. NVIENTORM and others interested in PA TENT BUSINESS shblid address Eds.o Bros., Patent Lawyers and So licitors, 459 SrT ST., WAsuIIGCTOr, D. C., for Advice and Circular. 1f we report an invention patentable we are willing to wait for our fee until a patent is allowed. Letter from Hon. D. P. HOLaow Ar, for mer Commissioner of Patents, dated Wash ington, March 30, 1868: '"I cheerfuilly conmmend to all persons who may have business in the Patent Office the ir-n of Edlsn Bros.. as gentlemen of prompt bucsiness habits, and in every respect worthy of confidence." la" I concur in the above."-T. C. TnlEAKER, late (Core. Pats. JOHN W. FRAZEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, 90-...... Seventh Street,.......909 WIASHINYGTO-N D. C. sT. CLOUD HOTEL, Corner Ninth and P Streets, Washifgton, D. C., On the American and European Plans. The most central location in the City. Opposite thie Patent Office, Masonic Temple, and one block from the General POst-Office Department. The F Street and NJinth Street Cars eon, mtunicating with the Capitol, Executive Ma, sion, Tlreatcry, War, and N"avy Departnent,. nd trhe B. i 0. acnd B. t P. Depots, pass the N. B.-Take F Street Cars at B. & O. De pot and get out at 9th street. Take 9th Street Cars at B. & P. Depot and get out at F street. J. E. LYON, Prop. '7Cut this out., Pr THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. ADVERTISING AGEINCY OF WASHINGTON, I). C. IAdvertisements inserted in papers in every section of the country in thoer than those of any other agency in the United SJtate,. -Advertisers will consult their own best uterest iy adcldressing PEN'NYWITT, .ENNETT & CO Boa :.34:, Washington, I). I). C. lIIE "VICTOR" S. M. CO'S NEW SEWING MACIINE " VICTOnR - runs very Easy, Runs very Fast, Runs very Still. las a New Sihnttle superior to all others. Defies Competition. =reat Improvements in Needle. ('an not be Set ron. !i Agents Wanted. Addres Wron. "TIIH E VICTOR,, Si M. C'O -j.4'Tenth St., i 1doors of jlioafo- ir. -New York ADYERTINEMENT`. U e >fý - M isrslsal , r ; pi e .Can .s. Theodule Mire Fifth Circuit ant District of Louisja, No. 46968. By virtue of a writ of seizure andl , t mne directed in the above entitled att, . proceed to sell to the highest bidder oi Saturday, the 5th o. o , in tlhe town of Donaldsonvailoivile, ension, the follsowing 4i(iacL vis: zrr A certaln tract of land situated it parish of Ascension on the right kth Mississippi river at the place knoewa the name of the "New River 8e and lying on both sides of New Riv r deteadthe upbr M Aw 'thie o New River by lands of Nicho Do and on the left bank by lande L Etiemne Reine; and on the lower [ right bank of New river by lands b! g to Vincent Paul Landry and knows ny uh name of the "Sherman tract," sl an left bank by lands beionging to lI noux. Said tract containing ab j1 superfidal acres. 2nd. Another parsel of land Newd ia the same parish and neighborhood, lb n both sides of New river, bounded o the right bank of said river bt en herein above described, and on t by lands belonging to Simon L , below on boIth sides of said aver byJ.os erty known as the " DoresnI Landry t said parcel of land oontaining ablot tlir. Ave supetlQlal srp·nts. 3rd. Another tract of land seta e same parish and neighborhood, b k the upper line on both sides of Nte.°loi by the parcel of land herein above described and on the lower lie bank of New River by lands .I o V. A. Gauthreaux frere and on the l by lands belonging to Marcelin Brand, said tract containing about thirtynt ficial acres, together with the b t improvements on said tracts or. p, t land and the standing erop th theea=--' cattle on said land used for its and the farming utaSl~ae _ i4 thereto beoonginag, as per envera7 snu . Terms-Cash on the spot. United States Marshal's Office, 1.. Or leans, May 24th, 1873. S. I. PACKARD, U.S. .r lial. J OIIN 8. DUNHAM'S YEA~r POW.hLg for PURITY and STRENGTH are 1J1. EQUALLED. All honusekeepers w* Be them like them. Try themn I uer poer has them! Sold by all Wholeseale.err in New Orleans. NE. .. WILlSaig, Boot and - hoe Saler, Donaldsoallle, .IA., In the building adjoining the Wharf, Respectfully announees to his friends arl the public in general that he is propescd to mak.e boots and shoes of the Iarr beI ma terial to order, and guarantees all hi Rork to give satisfaction. TFerms rfrieffy . SEWING IACHINES! I am also the agent for the F I1rLE & LYON, the HOME hIlUTTLE; awl tlh WILSON SHUTTILE Sewing Machiums,ll of improved pattern, which I will sell at pricns varying from *S3 to *eo. l'er.rns of limited means can.procure a machine by paying hart cash down, the Ial. ance receivable in moathly instaltmeats. SEWINO MACHINES REPARIED at reasonable rates. Satfsfactory workoera pay. GIVE MEl A QtALL. my3 iH. H. WILLERS. MARX ISRAEL, WHROLUSALE AND RETAIL DEALPI 1N DRY GOODB, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS &, CAPS, SADDLERY, BUOGI8, CAIIrB, Erc., Corner Mlissioippi andt Lesard Stre*s, Dleu ldseaorte'e,. La. Special public attention is caled the large stock of saddlery, harness and baggier conastantly kept on hand at Mr. Iaraes es. tablishment, and for sale at greatly REDUCED PRICES. ja4-ly Call and examine his Goods. R BEAL"AIS, Attorney & Counselor at Law, ADDREs :--Convent P. O.. St. Tames, RF$SIDECP :-ILoagview, St. James FPls. Practices in all the courts of the PsMut Judicial Distriet-parishea of St. Jaes, S. John the Baptist. St. CharlesandAaee - and in the Supremae Court of thi .le New Orleans. 7a LAW AND NOTARIAL OlPIE. R. N. & Winm. Sln, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. DTnaldsonrille, La. Practice in Ascension, Assumption al It. James. mch--ly ENiRY C. DIBBLE, Attorney & Cownselor ats jsw, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 170 Common Street (ULp sta5im mhS-ly NEw OauzAs, L. J. D. AUGuJSTnT L. DEPOORTIE, St. CharlesP. O., La. Edgard P. ., Is Augastin & DePoorter, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the parishes of the 4th Judicial District. and before the Sure's Court of the State. norSe Fcr Sale! TlE , JOIINSO'IAN INSTIT'TE" 84' Lots upon which it is situated are . "ted. for sale by consent of the Bishop of th* i"s "us. anti the vestry and presiding miaitr of the Church of Ascension. For terms and conditions apply to E. N. PUI'GH, Tresanm Donaldeonville, March 15. 1:53. Donaldsonville Boys' School A PRACTICAL SCHooL 1oF Boys from six to twenty years of age. Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. Y. Arrangenents for board will be made'ith private families for scholars living at a dia "ance. For plarticpiuars address W. Wt. BrFORD. ~ .~.I t,naldaviUtlle.