Newspaper Page Text
Oflice in Crescent 'lace. OFFICIA1L DtIId.CTOro . Fourth Judicial District (Comnprisinf the parishes of Aseension, St. James. st. John the Baptist and St. Charles.] District Judge,...........Othello J. Flagg, District attorney,....... Morris Marks. Seventh Senatorial District. [Comprising the parishes of Ascension and St. James.] }eta't Senator, ............ eorge E. Boyce. Parish of IAsoenion epresentative, ........... Pierre Landry, " ...........Charles N. Lewis, Parish Judge,.... ....... John A. Cheevera, P'arish Attorney.... .... Frederick I)Dffel, Clerk of the Court,.......John D. Cantoy, .Iorder, .................Charles odeks. e,.retrary ................ Frederick Fohbl, Treasurer................Christian Kline, Tax ('olletor............ . E. Beatley, llhoril .......- -............Aaon Mh • Jail i'h vlsieian............ W. . McOalliarlit, Olticial Journal,.......... Ascension Leader. Pou.icn J.I!ROR.s.-Wm. Kehtter, Presidleat Alliveg's lHarrisn, Edward Cantey, Hillary iRice, elnry Johnson. li .n0i1 OF S.Hnoo. DIRECTORn .-Pierre I,andry, . resildent; Riodolphe Braud. Bee,.r tary i.a Treasurer; GI. H. H.ill, Charles N. Warner, Jackson lStarks, L. E. IBentley. Town of Donaldsonville. Marvol'..................... Cls. F, Smith, At torney, .................Edw. N. P'ugh, Se retary ...............David Isrnael, i'reasurr...............Christian Kline, Assess.o........... ... Aug. Bereergeay, 'ollect .r,................Frelderick onhi,, rinter .................Morris Marks. Wlprf Master, ...........R. .. l)uke, 4 :onStabkl, ................Louis Lefort, lio.Rit) OF AIn.UEREN. Ant. Rohnigue. Jos. BIurlridge ..... it Ward. S. Wc.iu .en,'ek, U. Martin, Sr...... .. " John K. Link, Joseph Johnllson,....3d TtE TABLE 1. 0., X. & T. 3. R., LOUISIANA DIVISION. l)aily Passengger and Frcighl Trea,. em hi ed--ltauves New Orleans itt 8:15 A. M.; Arrives in Donaldsonville at 12:l:0 P. M. lreturning (Sundays excepted), Leaves Don ald~,,nville at 1:15 P. M.; Arrives in New 4) rleans ait 5 P. M. .(,sndaty l'aslmrgeyr Teala-Leaves New O(r leans as: abovei', arriving in Donaldsonville at 1` M. Retui'lrling. Leaves )Donaldnonvilleh. at 2:30 P. 31.; Arrivtes ill New Orleans at 6::11 P. M Tlrainui ,stop at all way stations. DONALDSONVILLE, LA., Saturday, - June 14, 1873. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Use Dunham's yeast powders. See advertisement of steamer Katie. .crewing machines sold and repaired by Mr. Hii. II. Willers, in the building .:uljoining the Wharf. Prices moder ate. Mfr. Jos. St. Martin, a late resident of this place, is here on a visit, and Ihas met with a cordial reception from his numerous friends. The parish roads are in a horrible condition, in many places almost im passable. There will be abundance of work for the Syndics as soon as the lirst dry spell of weather occurs. The names of a number of license deliuquents will be placed in the hands of the District Attorney to-day, and that official will enter suit for the collection of the overdue licenses. We are informed that Mr. Adelard Landry has refused to accept the ap pointment as a member of the Police Jury of this parish, and considerable curiosity exists as to who will lie des ignated to till the vacancy. We see that PltorTER & GAMBLE'S EXTIA Olnv n SOPr is becoming very ploplar in our town. Its quality, we Jknow, is superior, and being nicely plerfutied we are not surprised that consumers prefer it, and that it has a large sale. We are in receipt of a letter from Maj. A. K. Arnold of the U. S. A., in forming us, that lie will be in Donald sonville on the 26th of June to pay bounty claims to parties whose case have been favorably considered at Washington. Claimants in St. Martin, St. James, Ascension and'Assumption parishes are notified to meet him in Donaldsonvurille on the day mentioned. The week just ending has been one of daily rains, and on sonime days no less than three separate and distinct showers have fallen. During the in tervals between rains we have beenl blessed with warmn sunshine that did muchl towards counteracting the bad effect of too much water in the cane and corn fields. The nights have been resplendent with silvery moon light. -The First African Baptist Church Association of the left bank of the river is about to build a now church, and a petition for financial aid for tile purpose is being circulated, which has received the signatures of a number of our prominuent merchants and citi zens. The ground upon which the chkurch is to be erected has been pur chased for $475, and it is estimated the entire cost of the building and site will be $1000. The suit which was mnictioncd ili thlie record of J)istrict Court proceed .,p',e, which we llunbli~h'd last ,"'eek, "J. B. Hebert vs. Felix Braud," is not an action against Mr. Branud person ally, but ia his tate capacity asl3eriff, and relates to the title of some prop erty sold at auction by the Sheriff. We make this explanation at the re qunest of Mr. Brand, so that none may misconstrue the nature of the suit re ferred to. A new and valuable publication to be called the New Orleans Medical and SurgicalJournal will make its appear ance on the first of July, and every two months thereafter, and will be devoted t, the interests of the medi cal profession and the instruction and amusement of lovers of science. Each number of the intgazine will contain one hundred and fifty pages, and the subscriiption price is $5 per antnum. Wilkinson will receive subscriptions at the news depot on Railroad Av en ue. The CHIYFr is no longer the official journadl of the town of Donaldsonville, the Leader having put in a bid for the publication of the proceedings of the Council at the very low rate of *25 ia year, which is $75 less than we would undertake the job for. Hlaving been deprived of all official pap, the C nII.;F now relies solely on its merits for f' ture success. We accept the situation cheerfully, and feel confident of our ability to make this journal a perma nent institution, whose existence will not depend upon the victory or defteat of political rings or parties. The Common Council held a session Tuesday, Mayor,$mith presiding. The bid of the Leader to perfoirm the town printing for $25 a year was accepted. A committee of three citizens--Messrs. Jos. Billeisen, W. G. Wilkinson and li.i'nard Lemann-was appointed to examine the streets with the view of suggesting means of effective draiu age, etc., to the Committee on l'ublic Works. The appointment of a conm mittee of three to examine the books of the late Secretary concluded the business of the session, and the Coun cil adjourned. At tile instance of Itepresentatives Landry and Lewis, Gov. Kellogg has appointed Mr. G. II. Hill Justice of the Peace for the fifth ward of this parish, vice Albert Brandy, and Jos. Carter Constable for the same ward, viue )anieil Butler. 'l'hese appoint tments were made on the 10th inst. Mr. Hlill held the position of Justice of the ifth ward two years, and the efficient mianner in which he per formed the duties and exercised the powers pertaining to the ollice are cv idence that his renewed occupancy of the same will be creditable both to himself and Gov. Kellogg. One improvement we have to note that has been inaugurated in the man agement of the railroad since it has passed into new hands is thell, revo cntion of the silly rule that all freight received at the 1)onaldsonville depot should be detainied there until trans portation charges were paid. This regulation has been the cause of con siderable annoyance and inconven ience to our merchants, and was the cause of many of them patronizing steamnooats in preference to the rail road. Now that the obnoxious rule has been dispensed with, the ficight business of the railroad should in crease materially. 'iThe body of an unknown black man was found floating in tile river in front of the store of Mir. Paul Ilebert, Jr., Smoke Bend, early last Thursday morning. The Coroner was notified and held an inquest, but nothing was elicited that threw any light upon the sulbject of the identity of deceased. The only effects found upon tile body were a single nickel, a pocket hand kerchief to one corner of which was tied an iron nut, and what appeared to be a piece of a steamboat deck passage ticket. Upon this fraction of a ticket, almost obliterated by long soaking in the water, is the printed word " Johnson," and this leads to the supposition that the man either fell accidentally or was thrown over board from the steamer Bradish John son. IMProRTANT INJUNCTION.-Mr. A. J. Braud, Jr. has filed a petition before the Fourth Judicial District Court, setting forth that the " parish war rants" issued by Messrs. Rodolphe Braud and Frederick Fobb, former and present Secretary of the Police Jury, arce illegal, and praying for in junctions against the Police Jury, the Tax Collector and the Treasurer, pro hibiting them from paying any of the warrants aforesaid or receiving the same in payment of taxes or li ceuses. In the absence of the District Judge, Parish Judge Cheevers issued tihe iijtnctiulu. brayed fir, We hall publish in our next issue the full text of Mr. Braud's petition and comment at length upon the character and probable result of the suit which this petition will open. TOWN SCuOOL BOARD.---The newly appointed Board of School Directors for the Town of Donaldsonvi!le met at the Court-House on Tuesday last and effected an organization. Mr. N. M. Conway was chosen temporary President and Mr. Milton Sagendorph temporary Secretary. The selection of permanent officers being declared in order, Mr. Chas. F. Smith was unanimously elected President and Mr. W. G. Wilkinson Secretary and Treasurer. A committee of two was desigunted to ascertain the amount of money due the town school treas ury, after which the Board adjourned subject to the call of the presiding officer. Messrs. Sagendorph and Bur bridge constitute the committee men tioned. We hardly think it probable town schools will be opened prior to the first of September. The proceedings of last Saturday's session of the Parish School Board are published in another column. It will be noticed that a committee on school houses was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Rod. Brand, Jacob Warner and Jackson Starks. This committee is constituted for the purpose of exer cising a general supervision over the buildings used for public school pur poses throughout the parish, and is endowed with full power to order such repairs as may be necessary and wart ant upon the Treasurer for the payment of the same. We believe it is the intention of the members of this committee to make a tour of the par ish at an early day for the purpose of inslpecting the various school-houses, and they will take steps to have the buildings prepared for the opening of the schools in September so that the children may have comfortable and healthful places for the prosecution of their studies. The corn crop of our parish is al most ruined. The long continued rains have caused the young plants to rot in the ground, and the prospect is that less than third the usual yield , ill be realized upon most of the plantations here. The l)bst crop will probably be that upon the New Hope place, owned by Gen. Allen Thomas, where the corn was luckily planted upon a ridge instead of the lower ground as is usually done. From the cotton growing sections of the parish more cheerful accounts reach us of the crop outlook, and in a number of in stances the cotton is exceptionally file for the season. The cine suliirs somewhat from the excessive rains, but several planters inform us that no irreparable injury has yet been done the stand, and with a return of favoralde weather we may look fo1r a renewal of the cheering indications of a large sugar yield that existed pie vious to the conlmencenient of the little deluge with which we are visit ed. The magnificent steamer Katie will pass Donaldsonville uponli her down ward trip every Sunday aftiernloonll e tween the hours of one and three, and will carry passengers to New Orleans at the rate of $2 50 each. The Katie will stop for hails at all points along the coast, charging $3 each for passen gers who embark below D)onaldson villeh, and will also bring passengers from New Orleans to D)onaldsonvillo or intermediate points at the same price. Many of our people who have occasion to visit New Orleans will hail with pleasure the olpportunity a t' forded then to make a trip upon the beautiful Katie at a rate not exceed ing the cost by rail. The offliers of the Katie are all agreeable and olblig ing gentlemen, and the appointinents, of the noble steamer are not excelled either as regards elegance or conm pleteness by those of any craft upion the Mississippi, and a ride upon her iimust, in the very nature of things, lie a most enjoyable episode in one's cx perience. The bounty claims of the following parties, residents of this parish, have been allowed by the Government, ani they are notified to meet Maj. A. K. Arnold of the V. S. army, at the Court-house, in this town, on the 2u0th inst., where tihe money will be paid them : Marcellus Johnson, Ilarrison Blunt, Peggy Brown, John Blarsk, Orange Miles, Parker Patterson, I lypolite Le crax, Enmnia Dupray, Thomas Koco, Billy Williams, Jo-seph Washington, Asa Williams, Angell Williams, (Geo. Warren, Anderson Winchester, Emanuel Williams, Ellis Weakly, Judge Turner, Laudir Tompkinis, Edward Thomas, Alfred Samson, Wilson Simons, Horace Sinumonds, Jesse Scott, James Robinson, Dick Riclhards, Milley Robetsont, Simon Rodley, Douglas Rogers, Joe Lyon, David Alexander, Henry Clay, Henry Cow, Prince Curtis, Fleming Harding, Jonas Hudson, Thomas Hall, Abra ham Joltison, William Johnson, Jonas Henry, Olmnstd Pinckney, Martin Robinson, Lewis Alexander, Vincent Atkinson, Joseph Carlos, John Coco, Gideon Calihan, Jack Hall, Betsy Ilhter, lHenry Harrison, Abram Johanson, Robett Jackson, Frank Aroe, Horace Jates, Ermantino and Ursin Black. Nothing couldl m more unfair than the strictures upon the Parish School Board c.ontained in the report of the (Grand Jury. The statement that the School Board " has grossly neglected its duties " is a fabrication conceived in a. spirit of pelrsonal dislike for the icnmclcbi of the Board, and uttered with the intention of prejudicing the iiinds of the State and Division Sup erintenlents and ta,' uninf(ormed pub lic in general against them and thinus probabltly securing some changes in the mnclabershiip that would hae palata ble to the individual who led the in telligent Grand Jury by their several noses and kindly concocted the report to which they attached their names. WhIilhe it is true that "no schools have been opened since last ()ctohler, and thi at there, was " nuot a cent iin their t.rasury " at the time the Grand Jury reiported, there is no reason to be fiunnl in these facts for the, assertion tlhat the Sclhool loardl grossly ne.g hletced its duties. Thie indeblteldness wvhich has teacn hanging (av'l: tlhem ipreclndad them froam ,opla.eing s,'hools anal incurring additional ohbligations, citluhr in .justice to tlmllseclvc s ,ir thle nedy v teachers to whom tLhey weire in d(letedi fior services renhderedl. The inexplicable ae'tion of the recent, Tax ('olhlc'tor in withholding the school tax from the educational tr"tsury so lonig ia time embarrassed tile Board con.siderlaly, and tended to produce the inacation which hasn been most un justhly termed by the Graud Jury's re port a "gross neglect of duty." I'.A\iisl ('i -Irr.--A sessioni of this ciurt wais held Mlonday, Juldge (Ihee viis presiding, and thle following cases \wer' (I Ioill crl d : Everett ILane rn. J.. l. ,nmnar.; .juldgmnent by defilt. W . I". .1.I avis r.. Allbert Iraldy ct. ls.., faltse iml0onii tMent ; .ljudl M nt by default. Jeian i itzgelald irn. Jos. (loziizles jnllgnit, l . ly defl ilit. Lbcien ex s.A. . '. . & i . aisance, ,ijudgniment by default. State .s. lien Hill ind llani'iid Tayv nlo, in.rnuiiatio for tasanlt ani bat tery Ii ld ; accused nlit answering, liondls tforlitild and Ilncieh warrants isslnted fltr lllarrest. State ri. ell ; salme as alovie. Stale x. *Janiie ('hapnian, larceny san.1 is above. Statie rc. Isaac BrIown, assault and bhatlterv i saiil a above. State rv. Allison Lang, informationll for larcenyV; accused waived arraigln lenit, case fixed for JiIne I ith. State vs. Albert Villiamis, informa tion for larceny ; accused arraigned, plead not guilty, case fixed tor June; bail allowed. State vs. Geo. Taylor, larceny; lc cused plead lnot giiuilty, case fixed for Juniie 16th; bail iallowed. State Ts. Sylvester Lemicux, lar ceny; accused discharged and bond cancelled. State r'. Geo. Taylor; information for larceny ; accused plead not guilty, case fixed for June 161th; hail al lowed. State rs. Ellen Comintois.; nolle pros'. State cs. Marks Kelly nolle pro,'. Conrt adjourned until Monday next, the 16ith instanit. SANGERFENT: (The Singing Festival.) A Collection of Glees, Part-Songi, (Choruses, etc., for Male, Voi( -.t. Sample copies luºailed, postpail, for ýl ..0 $15 per dozeni. Addrhss, J. L. PE'T'ER{, 599 Ilroandw:l, 'New York. "SILVER TONGUE" ORGANS, Manufaetlured ly EI. P. NEEI)IAM & SON, 11:,1 I15 &. 117 East 2t Sti.. New York. I'srxT. :LI. i.;1i IN I.1-I6. lCtepnilensile parties applying for agenrits in etjions still utnsuppiie.d, will re.".iv. prompt atteItiti anid liieral induelomeuts. Partie's r.esidith ait a ditatn 'e. fronm nill' nll itli'izld agents uany1 order flro our o aetl'ory. fiend f "r ilinstrate.l price list. tovt'-:ln MIcKenney & Co., Claim and Patent Agents. ('l.~ni of ('insu. Mart.hal. of IsRn codl tedu Si.tlh-,,.:t proo it of lvalty. '. 0 t,... i't. W ad l..r -ton r.: . D . C. List of Letters Remaining in Donaldsonville Post-OfBlce June Ist, 1873. Boudouquie, Edmond Bates, J. L. (I. Branmble, Wm. iBauras, Mile. Mirthee Beeman, S. llizely. Perry Backe. Franc E. Brown, Nelson Brooks, James C (ahallero, Mrs. Ma- Courtars, Chas. nuoel Carroll, J. W. Conners, James Clark, Augustus Di-F Dugas, Felix Foyd, Loren "Gage. Loren F. Gaudin, Sylvester (Grillin, Mrs. 8. H mIl.nilton, G. L. IMorrow, John eleekh, (lGeorge -lardin., John 1. lannes, Satn Holloin, L. P. J Johnson Salvel T. Jordan, Miss Joanna Junior, kiss Virginia Juniot, f(raham Jacob, Amelia Jackson, W. B. K--L Knight, J. M. Lapice, Burgundy Laudrv, Philip pphuam, Henry LeBlane, Mrs. rLeon LelIlanmc Ernest Lamo. .J. .1. Lamon, l)]hert S. Leveque, Arsisre lhebinu, M1le. A. teCaflerty. J. M. Marehel, Mrs. M. M. E Moore, J. F. nmore Monroe, James 1--O Opdyke, R. F. Nonrth, Rev. Van Dan P Plorhle. J.. A. Poeoro l'iatt, Robert l'roctr, Miss Mary Peterson, J1. 'arnmele, Miss Katie Patterson. .Joshua l'leasent, Saraphine 1'icken, Jolhn R Rnlddl, Duddley Richard. John M. lieanld, J. M. RicUardson, Isatia Riedel. Henry Right, Miss Charlotte Rodrigi"ma, Reaehaw, Miss Georgi ana Stone,.ipher, William Show, J. Smith. Wm. Salassie & Co., C. F. So"w.resse, John Spencer, Daniel T Thomas. George Toursey, P. G. Truxillo. Muine. S. Truxillo, Manuil Teney, IH. White, Henry Wheeler, W. P. Walker, Ellen Wallingford, Joseph Watson, J.. . Watson, Sherman VWestley, 'Ihomas Williams, Mrs. Lizzie Yiensent, Asetna P1. LANDRY, P. M. '. Foun, Asst. P. M. Proeedeingi of the School Board of Ascension Parish. Menmbers present-P. Landry, President L. E. Bentley, C. N. Lewis, R. Brand, Jack son StarkS amnd! Jacob Warner. Absent (,. lI. Hill. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of L. E. Bentley: Resolverd. That i committee of three lie appi,ointeid to exazlmine thle I,,oks of the 'riena nrlr. atid said committee shall stand na a Fin.'illce ('onilnitte'v. ( 'rrieid. The P'resident appointed I.. E. Bentley, Jacib iilarilner ;id C. N. Lewis on lthe coai mittee afirestid. fill motion of J.aeohr Warmnr: /res,,lred,. Thalt a conimittelc e he apolinted for wchool-hou.le repairl. ('arried. 1. Ihrand, Jacob Warner and J. Starks were appointed on said committee. n nmotion of L. . E. Bentley : IRes..olved. That the Committee on Repairs le, and theI stule are hereby vested with powe.r to icoltrIact fillr school-house repairs. ('Carried. There being no firther business the Board aldjou'rnemd sine die. A true copy. RODl. BRAUD Secretary. L) EMI MONAi.--TICKNnOR & COI., the ieleh.:ntedl clothiers, llllou)llll the introduction of a plan of ordering cloth ing by letter, to which they call you' speciad attenlion. They will, on applli cation, send you their imprloved apd ae curat:te irules tir Self-M':lsuremunt, Illus trated eircular and Price list, with a fill line of samples from their iunlllense stoc.k of ( loths, Cassimoere.s, &e., kr.. tihus en ahling parties in any part of tilhe ountry to order chlothing direct fr'm tlheir housii with the certainty 0of receiving garllments , the .very. latest style and miost perfect lit at htaillnaltle. Goods ordered will he sent by express to le paid for on delivery, with the on Iderh.sthlding that if not satisfiatotry they call be returlned at 'lieknor's ex piense. As is well lkniwn tlhroughont the SMonth and West, they have for 17 ye:rus EX (EILEI) in all departmentus of their blusiness, which is a guarlantee as to time chalreater of thl 'goodis they will send olllt. Your ordeirs are soilicitedI, and when in St. Louis you ar1 invited to call at the extensive' establishment of Tieknor & ('o.. mllnfacftlurers and retailers of mench and11 boys Clothing anil Fnrnishing gouis, (1t01 and (103 North Fourth Street. St. Louiis. Mo. ilunys clothing a specia' v. Post-office Notice. DONA .DStl'VILIE, LA., April 8, 1M72. Arrive-From New Orleans :it 12 I1. d:dil (iSnludala excepted). From T'hiholauix Mionday andt Thursday at ti o'clock P. M. From St. Francisville Mond:y alnd Thurs day ;at K o'clock A. M. ma. iii are Closted-For New Orleans lat 11:3.t A. M. dai:ly (Sundays excepeted). Fr 'I!hilhodaux in 1Monday and T hursday at 5:30 P. M. For St. Framncisville Minul:iy andl Friday at 5:30 P. M. I'ost-otmli'.i will lie op.n every day: froml A. M31. to i:30 P. M., P except 1 on iauly, when it will 1h. op,.i froir S to . A. M.. and again from I 1 A..I. to 12 M. Persons having business it thel' limue will plelase noticei the retgulatilon s ndl gulidle theml selv, s a. ccordingly. Moner orders anm tl obtained at this othlie. i ,tip l..t-t-ottlir, ii all pat iur ,thr- I'niten d Sta rte.. A list of mloney order othe,. ( an he e, o upon a:pli:; }tin. 1'. LAN IrY. l m-r. F. FOsv, A' 't. _" ' .....-t,,. THE large, swift and uiagu' iceut astmer Wi.lpass Dold..ssa.ue -r.4WRLerhY. the hours of I ans 3 IR{!,., arriving in New Orleaft at 7 P: Mlf. Will take pnssengers from Donaldsonville to New Orleans at '2 5Me5ahi'hlm~ h4uded. Passage up from New Orleafs toi DEinld Asnvill, $3 00, Will stop for haull at all landlings below Dony Lonville. I";IAsago each way $300. This arrangement will last dtlrilg ~e sam mler Iimonthls. WM. CAMPII4 jin7-tf Master 9teamer katie. PI. W. M. McGALLIARD, Offiec in Crescent Place, ionmaldmonville, Lta. 10,000 GIFTS, $500,000. (nu 'rUESI)AY, JULY 8th, 1873, the Third Gerantd Gift Contert, under the mIsungetent of ex-Governor Thos. E. Brandntta, aiid"8u thorized by special act of the Legislatture, for the benefit of the Publie Library of Men tucky, positively and unequivocally comes off in Public Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., when 10,000 Gifts, all cash, amountia to 500,00(0, will be distributed by lot among the ticket-holders. The money to pay all these gifts in full is already in blnk and set sidle for that purpose, as the following cer tificate shows: OFFICE OFr FARMERS' AND D)OVROs' hAWt, Louisville, Ky., April 7, t187f. This is to certify that there is in the Farm crs' and D)rovers' Bank, to the credit of the 'Third Grand Gift Concert for the benefit of the Public Library of Ky., Fate tffgidred Th',rsand Dollar#, which has been set apart by the Managers to pay the gifts in full, and w-ill be held by the bank and paid out for this purpose, and this purpose only. (Signed) R. . V EECH,Casthier. (Only a fow tickets remain unsold, and they will ie furnishled to the first applicants at thei following prices: 'holc tickets, $10; halves. $3; quarters, $260; 11 wholes for $100; 56( for $500; 113for $1000, and 575 for $5000. For tickets and full information, ap ply to THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, mn I-Inm Louisville, Ky. - SECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBUT'N. 75,780 Prenmiamu Ranging in valne from $10 to $5000 GIVEN AWAY To the Subscribers of Our Firelide fPrit.d. Every ,Rubscriber is sure of one pre mimi, (111/any wal, and also thas al teual chance of receiving a Cash Premium, or a Piano, Organ, Watch, &ewing Mr chine, etc., etc. First Grand Cash Premium $l 00!! OUR FIRIESI)DE PRIEND.--Eight pages, larme size, illintrated, the family eekly, is in its third volume and has attain"e the h. gest circulation of any apnrmr the West. Its success enabdles the proprietors to furnish the Ie.t,, most dest.rable and most nuseful original reading matter in gret artlety, that mlone.y can buy, and to rake itabome week ly. siiited to the wants of every famtly. Subl scription price $3 per year ibf~2 teem !es. The Elegant Chromo "CUTE," size li6x20 inchlles. i colors. Acknowledged by all to ahe the handsomiutt and most valua lil prlimiinni picture in America. Every sub scibelr is p'resented with this chromo at the tiie of sumseribing (no waiting), and also re iet'iv's a it nulmbered certificate entitling the holer to a share in the distribution of $2., 0501 in cash anud other premniums. 'I'lT distribution takes plane on the second Tuieslday in JJune next. The ehriome and cer tificate' allt oill rIce ipt of prlice. copies, premium list, ete., givingli f int - ulars sent free to any adidress. AGENTN Either local or canvassing in WANTED every town. Large cash pay and the hest outfit. Rend at onee for terms, Address OUR VIRESIDE PRIfNl). c(hiaea. Illa. DELINQUENT TAX PAYEEt; ATTENTION! TlE, attention of property holders of As cension who are indebted4 to il4 Steps for hack taxes is called to the following Act, Iass'ed at the recent session of the General Assembly : AN ACT No. 46. For the relief of tax payers. remitting all penalties and interest to all delnlquent State tax payers, provided said back tasca are paid within ninety days from antafter the, passage of this act. SuIcTo, 1. Be it enacted by the Senate anid louse of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in G(eneral Assembly convened. That the delinquent tax payers ot the tlliat are hereby relieved f'roml the payment of in terest and pienalties imposed upon them ftur nl.n-paymnient of taxes when due; s 4l1e4, hlowever, that the same are 1.1 4Wtkfn ninety days fiirn the passage ot lliast, in default of which all penalties and interest to remain as heretofore. S.;c. e. lI it further enaeted, etc., That this act shall take effect front and after its passage. f s (Signed) CHAII . W. LOWELl,, Speaker of the House of Representatives. (Signedt) C. C. ANTOfNE, Lieut. Gov. and President of the Senate. Approved March 14, 1873. (Signed) WIM. P. KELLOGG, Covernor of the State of Louisiana. A trite copy : 1'. U. I)Efsi.oNiE, Sevrett"ry of State. Delinquellnlts consulting their best interests will come forward and settle up before the xpiration ot' the time specified ia the lbove Act. L. E. BENTLEY, Tax Collector, Ascension parish. T 11 E NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO. Manufacture the Celebrated Jubilee and Temple Organs. These Organs are iisurpantssed in quality of tone, style of finish, simplicity of construe iton. and dlurability. Also. MELI( I)EONS in various styles, and unequaled in tone. Sitdl fotr illuistrateld c;talogue. Addre-s NEW HAVEN OtRGAN CO.. Aeiilts Wantedl. New Haven, Comns. USE the leisinglr Stsh lock and S.pportto FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS ! No spring to brlel, ino itting of sash; cheap, durablei. vi v easily appiiied: holds sashI at i:inv place desired. nrld a self-fastener when the sash is idown. Send stamip for ciretlar. (:ircl:lir and six olpper-brrnzeud locks entitto any address in the I. S., pxstpaid, Onm4t pt of .0 cts. Liieral indlueeiiients to the trhee, Aglets wanteid. Anldress RgEISINGER rASHi LOCK ('O., No. 41~ Market St., Harrisburg, A RARE CHANCE ! We will pay all ageints It, per week in rash «!.o will in aia Rith uts (t care. Every l.,n" farmni . O' :! ;Ti1 e xpanr:sis aid. i A.ddresa A. (DrL'i YE!' ,- b l (_:.... L:.U ?Ino.