efth e W ltatrsa v qr. 1>oX STATE ivjWl Gleslag tron the Louaieeas Press. Thibedas f Bftlsel: Four plantations lal besw conmpleted rolling have made ua mda of sugar against 370 hogs beads is Mt . COsldwel Hfertfd: A .eutting affray took pl-at SeIrown's s.ore in which a ma. nworth Was probably fa. 37460 miied by dim Smith. Clinton PP blteDesworat: A Mr. Hoff $, a tailor t thlis place, who was t a building on the Domi u * tSmerman premises, fell in the SSaturday night and was burned to death. S. lieJru rd Eagle: Stephen 8. Cole, a 'basV,1e; under arrest for shooting and lIaewsaly killing Ben Valere, another soleSai youth, on the Olivier plantation. YVler was shot becase he refused to go heating with Cole and several other boys. Claiborne Guatrdian: The dwelling hens of P. C. Collier was destroyed by sAiB#qdep night with all its meontes. h i yfiily did not even save their wear lag apparel. The house was large and wrdit fmraibed. The loss is a heavy one. Coanordia Bagle: In the case of the Mitke. AChbtrry Harris a colored man, fortih alleged murder of R. P. Derbin, whte,. a n'esee on one of Mr. Yanaga's plaitatic. comlng up on preliminary e S em Judge Hough held that the t.altgi'wr justiflable and discharged the priso.er. 9a0 aouge Advocate : Mr. R. H. 1A ib. contracting carpenter, has po ahead his work on the State rneas with sarprising energy. He has the Wouse of Representatives and a nnm b.l3r other rooms near enough com- p p fLste the plasterers to begin lathing. In d.,hMayr he will also have the Sen- ( ate eb,"bet near enough done for the latthiw. I£blysbsIe: A party of surveyors a ativa last week at Mearepas for the prpe of continuing the survey of the CaoiyW tract of the Honmas claim, above Tla Bluff, and extending as high up the A;lito river as Coruett's Mill-in *owl gllb 8 and 9, range S. It is to be 1e0ei t are many months shall have pele awiay, the settlers on the disputed territory may be satisfied as to their elaims. ehpaes hareOns Pleat: Messrs J. W. V: Rbasa, and James B. Wil liate, of tbhis parish, started on Monday lasiter Alabahma for the purpose of pro eahring eolred Iaborers to work on their platatione next year.) `They will probe lly' e hable bring on about one hun dred and ifty, and this parish will then lac jtust 9860 more. Ten thousand la behpl, in addition to what we already ae would not be one too many for this peil. We maed labor, and we need it badly. 'Weet Felloiiana Bestine: A young man PIemed J. C. Ball was shot and severely wounded in the left side during an alter astion with a Negro calling himself Gar aet.' lempeon. The Negro was pursued and shot to death, andt proved to I.e a murderer who escaped f:om jail in T.'re boas emetime ago. The verdict of the C. er'ejury was that he was killed by pa"Mr phkownot....A two year old Ne gre Ohild was aoocidentally drowned in a bolb of water nee the store of J. Freyhan & Co,, Thursday evening. LGrant Chmratele: There are a set of Aw.Mdly esthressts some eight or ten Iil~'.mthtast of Colfax, on Bayou Phdlip or Bayou Darro, who richly de srvoa teriLftbe penitentiary or justice at th end of a limb. Thursday night, tbe ast fire to a store owned by two col erqdStun, lrael Smith and Hansom Bris eoabd burned it to the (ground. The storehad goods in it amounting to near ly 6800, and the building was worth ebpat 0100 more. While the store was in flames smeral volleys were fired int, t. No one was In it at the time, the oc enpean being at a houseoveral hundired y.ras away, and too freightened to ven tare par.~AThis party is evidently'the 1 ieret who killed a young Negro man toth same store early in the fall,t by *ootang through the walls. Measures shald be taken to break up this niest of oentlawa. Celesuieu Bedo: Last Thursday, abOllut midnight, a fire broke out in Wmin. E. Gill's noew two-story building next to the de pot of the Louisiana Western Railrond, habout half a mile north-east of Lake (ibarles, .daln a very few minutes the Slty with all its contents, was con was built for a hotel, and was rate and oeeupied as such by the rail road eompany. Up stairs fire employees of the railroad company were sleeping. They escaped by jumping from the win dows of the upper story. Mr. F. Bunce, eablet of the botel, bqrcly escaped with his lifS. The building was about 50 feetl wide by 60 feet long, worth $1500 and not I injured. The contents of the building, worth b 00, were all cousnunmed, but this l~oe believed to le covered by iusu rane.... During the past quarter six ew-pertoffices have been established in this pirish. Caleasieu has now thirteen puet~*sa. T810AN8 skly it is a PERFECT IUI. BTITUTE for the nlpbhate quinine *spsxior0 tomat properties, and produces so dismgreaile effect. DaiM te Saie as Sulphate Quinine. -m sL J. iart s Co.. Few Orleans, , by mail fbr .1.50 per us. Billina, Olapp & Oo., Ohemists, Boston. ADVEITISE.ENTS. OIT AGENTS MG W PAYzTw r.D We waIt a limited u:iuber of active, ener .ti enaasamers to en age in a vleasint and postaleas iaeIa. u ve men will find this Sue dahee W MRASEU MoNrUT. bsw WinI please answer this aivertise .e b latterS enclosing stamp for reply, ·kato t ea siaess theyv have been e. aim. None but those who mean buai - Pl ppll Address t , 7IX T, HAIVEY & CO., Atlanta, Ga. ADVERTISEMENTS. le a. T EDGE to Ea Ig er 18 A TROOtOIO WEMtEDY n. EVERY CARS OF FEVE. AND Av.t while for disorders oft the stomach , ,t y o he liver, l tige tion nd dtsturb.nce of st, r tl form, which debilita t s no e Int r.ld cs byO Uie huStliotute.It slho.i not he g- senfoadedl wib the triturasted rompolds of spirlts aid essental oils ofltn seO; ader tai am or$f Bitd. Fo D. GGIMI s OROC1e0N AND GENERAL. ir- kbEhI.EB ,sEer wber Id Wholeesle Depot, e. BER.'tJRD LE.RAI Mi, Donaldsonville, La. ,n, 8 In Full Blast at the Old Sy tand ! BILLEISEN'S C. opper, Tin and Sheet-Iron asi DONALDBONVILLE, LA. as Manufactory of Strike Pans, Evaporating Pans, Clariftiers, Juice Boxes, Syrup Tanks, i Chimneys and Breechings, Force and Lift, n- pumps. etc. Steam Trains put up and fully guaranteed g. Alsokeeps on hand a fill supply of Steam n- Ganges, Iron Pipes and Fittings, for steam hend water use. Mr. Billeisen begs leave to refer to the following named planters who lave usneed or are still using his Strike Pains: EIMER BADER, Iberyille. De D. R. CARROLL, te LEMANN & BAILEY, Ascension. LEM 4NN & LUM, "e LEMANN & SON, SI EYMOUR & 0O., .JOHN REUIS. " in JAMES TELLER, " be MRS. M. ISRAEL & CO.. St. James. re ITON. TAYLOR IEATTIE, Assumption. A. J. 8IARP, "' 3d E. J. VICKNAIR. ,ir ON. D. F. KENNER, New Orleans. Jobbing and countrig orders promplly allended to at moderate charge.. y PLAQUEMINE & JEFFERSON 7 SAW MILLS DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF 0 '" SAWED AND SPLIT Ia SLumber, tkhsngles, Staves, etc. All orders promptly attended to and satis ly faiction guaranteed. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. All letters and orders to be addressed to A. WILBERT, 'e- P. O. Box 88, e PLJQ Q U[TEJIE, e febl5-ly Iberville parish, La. SCHONBERG'S$ LIVERY, SALE AND FaUD TaBLmas -AND Unaertaker's Establishm't Railroad Avenue, opposlte City Hotel, Donaldsonville. Cheaper than the Cheap Stable ! A FINE IIEARSE and a full assortment of COFFINS Of all Sizes, Styles and Prices. R~ He have a preparation for nreserv ing bodies an indefinite length of time in the warmest weather, which will be applied gratis, and Hearse furnished Free of Charge, when the Coffin is purchased at this cstab lishment.,Q FRESH KENTUCKY HORSES. NEW BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, HACKS, SADDLES & HARNESS at reduced rates of nire. Particular atten tion to boarding horses. A supply of feed, HAY, CORN. OATS and BRAN, always on sale at bottom market prices. A spacious Mule Pen has been provided in connection with the stables, affording unequaled facilities to d ro vers and traders for the acconrimodation of their stock at bed-rock rates. TRY US. Satisfaction must and shall be given to patrons. Respectfully, aun3 SCHONBERG. I1VAID l 30 DAYS FI'RS! TRIAL. If you would regain health, strength apd energy,Withoat the Use of Druags, try Beach's Improved Electric Sponge Belt, which we will send on trial. Agents wanted. Address W. C. Beach, 8T. Jonas, M;ca. LEMANN'S OLD STAND. It is with great pleasure that S. MOYSE, announces the resumption of business at a new location, Mississippi Street, DONALDSONfVILLE, LA., with a Magnificent Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, GROCE1IES, Furniture, Hardware, Crockery, Liquors, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Notions, ETC., ETC. ETC. Excelling in size, range, quality of goods and lowness of prices any he has yet offered the public. Having secured the lease of a very commodious building at favorable rates and being daily in receipt of goods purchased at lowest market rates, I am offering UNEQUALED BARGAiNS FOR GASH! A visit to my store will show that I mean this. Youas TRULY, S. OY.'. HENIIY O. MAHEIR, Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, CROCKERY, PROVISIONS, WIPVES and LIQUTORS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Etc., Etc., Corner St. Patrick and Claiborne streets, Donaldsonville. Having fitted up my store in first-class style and laid in a narefully selected stock of choice and fresh goods. I respectfully ao licit the patronage of my friends and the public, assured that my goods and prices will always give satisfaction. oc2-ly RBead this Carefully. Spring Mattresses at 50 Per Cent. Reduction. PITHE beet, healthiest and most comforta J ble thing for the lhumn bhud' to rest upon is a SPRING MATTRESS. It is su peri..r to all new inventions: looks better. wears better andl is less trouble that any other; the bed is always " made," giving the housekeeper no work except the spread ing of the cover. These mattresses have not been more gen erally used heretofore because of their high price, which was due to the fact that special measurement was required for each btrd, and they could not be made and placed on the market in large quantities. To overcome this impediment the under signed has established a Spring Mattress Factory at Donald.onville, is canvassing for orders and taking measurements, and will furnish mattresses formerly costing $30 to $50 at a reduction of over fifty per cent.-say from $16 to $10, according to size of mattress and quality of ticking. No paymuent req(uired untill mattress is deliv ered and full satisfction given. Orders by mail promptly attended to. In measuring hedntread give precise length and width inside across the centre. Necessary deductions to allow room for bed-clothing will be made at the factory. lDonaldsonville, November, 1880f n6-3m H. C. GRUBE. L. A. COLOMB, GENERAL Fire ýlsurice Al lt, Donaldsonville, La. REPRESENTING: ' Liverpool, London and Globe Ins. Co., Assers,...................$30.731.893 45. La Confiance, of Paris, France, AssETs .....................$7,795.213 27. Assets U.S. 4 per cent. Bonuds,..-$532,410. Western Assurance, of Toronto, Canada, AssETS,...................$1,757,326 39. Hope Insurance Co., of New Orleans, CAPITAL ......-----------------------...,000. Rislks taken at the Lowest Rates. JOHN P. FOICIIA. Cistern MIaker, Railroad Avenue, opposite the Post-office, Donaldsonville. La. All work guaranteed and satisfaction warrapted. Prices lower thea the ldwest. City Hotel, Cor. Railroad Avenue and Iberville Street Donaldsonville. La. P. LEFE VRE, - - - Proprietor The bar is always supplied with the best Wines and Liquors. jef3-ly IBSON'S Hotel and Livery Stable, Darrowville, La. 9 Left bank Mississippi river, opposite Don alduonville. Good entertainment for man and beast at reasonable rates. Horses and buggies for hire. mv3-ly Notice to Delinquent Tax and License Payers. e IE TIME allowed for payment of back A 1Taxes without costs and penalties will expire on the 31st day of December next. All costs and penalties will revive after that date, and the collection of back taxes en forced according to Act No. 107 of 1880. Parish of Ascension, Oct. 16, 1880. P. A. JONES, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Sheriff's Sale. State of Louisiana-Twenty-Second Judicial District Court-Parish of Ascension. Myrza Bergeron, wife of Martial Segal, et at., vs. No. 68, Felix lteynaud. DY VIRTUE of and acting in obedience 1 to a writ of fleri facias issued by the it lion. Twenty-second Judicial District Court, pIrish of Ascension, in the matter of Myrza Biergeron, wife of Martial Segui, et al., vs. No. 6,. Felix Reynaud, I have seized arnd will ofier lfr sale at public auction, to the high est bidder, at the Court-House door of the parish of Ascensson, on Saturday, January 15, A. D. 1881, at II o'clock A. .., the following described property, to-wit: A certain tract of land situated in the 1 parish of Ascension, on the Ieft bank of the SMississippi river, and about five and a half r mies from said river, in the portion of said parish )nowui us " New River settlement," Ssaid trict of land measuring seven arpents front by a depth of fourl'tee(n arl'ents, lthund ed in front by New River, in the rear by Slaun of Marcelin Richard, above by I ands t of Coues Mire and Bertin Denoux, and be low by those of A. T. Rybiski. together with the buildings and improvements there on, being a portion of Southwest quarter of c.! i,,n '4, township i., South range 2, east. being the same prop,.rty purchasedl by Ju lien Le Saicherre fromll Wm. i. Boots of Iberville parish, on the 24th October, 1866. Seized in the above suit. Terms and Conditions-Cash in- United State currency. Parish of Ascension, December 11, 165880. P. A JONES. Sheriff. MANHOOD : IIow Lost. How Restored ! Juut ipulished, a new edition I of DR. CULVERWELL'S CELE BRATEU ESSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spiermnatorrhaea or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage. i.tc.; also. Consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sex ual extravagance, c. ''The celebhrated . utlor, in this admirable Essay. clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming o.oasequences of self-abuse may lie radically cured without the dangerous use of internal jedicine or the applieation of the knife; pointing out a moiie of care at once simple. certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. I[ This Lecture should be in the ha s of every youth and every man in the lanu. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. THE CULVERWELL MEDIOAL 00., S 41 Ann Mt., New work; Post O.fice Box, 4 59. 111 ChAAL sThMtT, Piles, Fistula and Fissure O.red without the use of the KNIFE, LIGATURE OR CAUSTIC, Free from pain, danger or loss of time from bushness. These Diseases 1eoeive Special Attention and Oures Guaranteed. Epilepsy or Fits treated with wonderful success, as all cases are carefully examined, and none taken but those offering good prospects of curing. Impotency, Spermatorrbea and Sexual Debility, treated by medicine alone, has heretofore proved useless and even Injuri ous. They do no good, is the universal tes timony of all honest physicians. Thousands have " doctored" for these complaints, and have thrown away their money and their constitutions together, but the Doctor com bines medical treatment with electricity, the electricity being generated by a simple electrical apparatus that any one can use, and by these means insures success. Constipation, the bane of so many lives and the most prolific source of ill-health, cured by a simple method, with little or no medicine. Diseases of women treated by electricity, without pain or exposure. Stricture of the Urethra and Rectum cured without a surgical operation and without pain; Tape Worm, Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Private Diseases, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous and Sick Headache, Asthma, Weak, Painful and Sore Eyes, without a surgical operation; Deafness, Noise in the Ears, all Skin Diseases, Scrof ula, Tumors, Loss of Voice, etc., success fully treated by improved remedies. - Letters of inquiry must be accompanied with stamp for reply. N. B.-No names made public without the written consent of the parties. The following persons may be referred to. NEW ORLEANS TESTIMONIALS. Capt. MAX BLANCHARD, Piles. JAS. WALLBILLECII, Supt. Jolhnsen's Foundry, Rhnumintism. L. II. PATTEtSON, pilot str. Fagan,Piles. MAX BEER, 163 Canal street, Neuralgia. Mrs. MILLER, corner Jackson and Lib ert~ streets, Deaf. E. DILL. Morgan railroad, Tape Worm. THOS. ROBINSON, 19 Conti, Piles. JACOB BLUM, Baronne street, Piles. Capt.PHARR, Morgan City. Loss of Voice. LEO WOLFSON, Grapp's Bluff,La.,Piles. Col. W. O'NEAL, Covington, Ky., Fistula. W. F. SIIROCK, Goodman, Miss., Piles. J. T. SWIM, Main street, Cincinnati, Fis sure. E. WOLF, Port Hickey, La., Piles. BYRON EASTMAN, Mercer, Ky., Stric ture.) J. B. ROSS. Be.n Lomond, Miss., Piles. JAS. ALDRICll, Covington,Ky.,Diabetes. A. FRIEDIIEIM, Bastrop, La., Piles. . ,J. GORDON, 132 Walnut street, Cin cinnati, Ohio, Catarrh. J. T. IIA WK INS, Mason, Tenn., Discharge from the Ear. J. B. WILSON, Alton. Ky., Epilepsy. G. D. HICKERSON, Vicksburg, Asthma. J. T. WARREN, Carrollton, Tenn., Bron chitis. H. SHIPP, Owen, Ky., Scrofula. Office hours from 9 A. s., to 4 P. w. Regular New Orlears and Bayou Sara Passenger Packet. THE FINE PASSENGER STEAMER JNO. W. CANNON, & J. C. LIBANO. J. H. MOSSOP, Master. Clerk. Leaves New Orleans Every Wednesday and Saturday, at 5p. m For Bayou Sara and Coast Landings. RETURNING DOWN: Passes Donaldsonville Mondays and Fri days, between 3 and 10 o'clock P. M. Y is now being made faster than ever by those at work for us. Persons of either sex can make $66a week in their own towns if they are willing to work. No risk. $5 outfit free. Anyone can run the business. Capital not required. All who en gage prosper. No one fails. Particulars free. Address H. HALLaTr & Co., Portland, Me. busin es now before the pub lie. You can make money II faster at work for us than AaJL. w . .at anythiDng else. Capital8not required. We will start you. $12a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted every where to work for us. Now is the time. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free. A great opportunity for making money easily and honorably. Address Tauu & Co., Augusta, Maine jlyl0 EGETABQl flAI , ENEWE Has been In constant use by t public for over twenty years, and is the best preparation ever in vented for RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL OLOR d SAND LIFE. Obemist It supplies the natu- of MaSS. ral food and color to the and hair glands without staining the skin. It will leading increase and thicken the Physi growth of the hair, pre. Cians vent its blanching and endorse Ailing off, and thus and AVERT BALDNESS. recom It cares Itching, Erup- mendit ions and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it as is very desirable, giving jreat the hair a silken softness triumph which all admire. It i medi keeps the head lesn, tine. sweet and healthy. Bic !GnHAWS WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation it is eassily applied, and produces a permanent eoeb that will not wash off PREPARED BY IL P. HALL & CO., IASHIOA LI. ld by s l Deslisr Is.ied s onca get HE MEDICATE $I.) You can get a pair of speetacles that will keep your eyes ts good eau e after as when first you use them. These Medicated Glasses have been tOro.. amined and analysed by Prof. Berger, theret * rl rea eale Dr. al the famous German. oculislt, and pronnoenc as ft sup ertior to s as . yetl recommended as the only glaeses to be used to eels the eyke ~reu-lss.ai. Sthat the Medicated Glasses haveno equal, and can in somie cases restore the eye i. original sight, when used in time, and is ng ease e.an the eye become impaired by th . s. of these glasses, if properlyBdapttd, for the followig reasonp: it -iu 1. The chemicals soften the light to the eye, eiopietely det.ns way ]tt e - sensation that is usuallyexpeerieneed in using glases after one of two ha us e.m, 2. The medicated popertles contained.-in the glass make itas ina. as a dfiu , It will retain its polish and never becoame dull or dim, hence you will ealways see tho it as bright and clear as at lt. 3. The chemicals keO the glasses sold ms iee--result i, your opti.e setv0Md y sl, doing away with any feverish sensation to the eye. -. - 4. These glasses base no equal for night reading or sewfng. With . aeea st up all night, and the light has no effect on the eye, with io tiresome sensation whatever, which necessarily continue to improve the ee. We snit all eyes and warrant out-work, or money refunded. Persons iing £.t distance, desiring the Medicated Glasses, can be fittedby ending, addrei wit stamt. The Medicated G lasses can only be had at 74W5-. arles S .as -a ps agents, nor do we employ peddlers. Granulated and sore ]ye-lcde wdt ith of knife or other extreme measures. - " HER.i. h OUS A . H, .25 7'4 St. Csharlnes atreete nTere ONe )w.yne CHOIRTER PERPETT.AL. Louisiana Life and A-e. i Inisa.oe` CoP*e z S39....... .. .Carondelet, Street,... . ... ... *gw O..o.,--LAww E. B. BRIGGS, PRESIDENT, Vrfotrsawse , .' 0. P. E BIA C8, zoauz W. The Policies of the Lauisiana Equitable A. (trC R lE QI: .. Life Insurance Company are registered, the ana .,hWeev teontt and the Reserve thereon deposited to the credit of the Policy with Is Aoannei the Auditor and Treasurer= This Cor $. proF of State, in compliance visionls of the above A mactL...r Itc' with an Act, approv third deposir of the required reservw F ob ed April 2, 1877, ruary', 18S. entitled: AL JiMEL,A: "An Act to better secure holders of Life ACTIWEvA-GItM ,WT-lA .' Insurance Policies in this State; to Apply to provide a reserve fund WIZ..rs.Wl@s there; and for other General Ageant Baton Rouge, La- purposes." Wm. L. ROCHE,.......Agent, Phutsqdhi, L. A. Colomb, General Agent, Mississippi Street, 1' Mr. Colomb also takes fire risks on the moeet favorabl t Consult him before insuring. UCHTNINC No. 8 OPEN. THE BEST SEWING MACHINE WORLD. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATA LOGUE No. 280. S.WAN AGENT WILLDELIVER A MACHINE AT YOUR RESIDENCE, FREE OF CHARGE, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. No , AGENTS WA I.E i. 167 aM St., ew Orleans, L.. - - THE 75 'Owy7 PICoAYUNEss.a aH z. c iProjected TownB f anwyle (oApo-it e 0 t onaldsonvi'flae j AW -M ILL ." " l , At prices rauging from. A9 to $55 HALF-MILE BELOW a OAI5@3Isow arsr, ~ 6 LAt G EJ LOTS - for $5S ps lot. The tit of the Sawn is enmeDald. OF ALL cIentre town theorws On Halblau Sapwe4 In~er. UP .r. t s Orders executed on shortest notice to the uiBesine as ti anl) AT w- mssema LOWEST PRI1OgI. Eeek !ljur 4wOp