Newspaper Page Text
T1~e-Do~aidsoi~vi11e Chief. Two Dollars a Year. /4'I ITHE DEADI DETECTIVE. The End of Allan Pinkerton's Strange and Romantic Car r. Allan Pinkerton, the greatest detective.of the United States, vhbo died in Chicago July .1, was bdrn ini Mi irhead street, Glasgow, Scotland, on the 25th day of Augnfs 1819. His parents were in humble circumstances, his father, William Pinker ton, being Ieiployed as a Police Sergeant by the municipality. When Allan was but a small boy his father died from injuries received at the hands of a prisoner! whom lie was arresting, and the family were thus deprived of their means of support. Before attaininig his majority young Pinkerton became imbued with the senti ment' of independence and reform which were advocated by those who put forth the "People'aCharter-" in Groat Britain, and Pe soon became identified with the eel ebrated Chartist movement of the dis affected people. The G3overnmentresolved to crush the revolutionary movement, and several of the leaders wore arrested and transported. Fearful of his owfi safety, Allan Pinkerton resolved toleave the coun try and seek a refuge in Anlertei. Aceord ingly in 1842 he was married to Miss Jane Carfrae, and on the following day the young couple set sail for America, landing fat Quebec, after a perilousvoyage, in which their vessel was wreaked, and the suffering passengers piked up- by a passing vessel and iiarried to that port. From Quebec Pinkerton and his yoithg wife made their way to Chicago ib the rake's. Tj young couple, oicng to their 'sisfortunes, wore nearly dcAittatc; but with a stoat heart he applied himself to'securing employment. Meeting George Anderson, who was'then engaged in the tobacco business, he enlisted ,the services of that gentleman in his behalf, and soon succeeded in obtaining employ 'ment at his trade-that of a copper. While employed afterward in'his business as a cooper at Duindee, Ill., he had frequent saccasion to visit sdine of the islands in Fox iiver 'to ijrocure materials for his stock, -and while on one of these he discovered `the existence of a gang of conterfeiters, who made the island their retreat and established their headqnarters. Having a natuiral love for adventure, and being a straugerto fear, lip detrd4ihed td thqrough ly inivestigate the entiie operations of these couuteifeiteis, which he eventually suc ceeded in doing, effectually breaking up the aristence of the gang, and securing the arrest pand conviction of John Craig, the leader and prime mover,'together with the most prominent and dangerous of his associates. Whon Mi. Boonie iwas elected Mayor of Chicago he appointed Pinkerton as a deter tive of the 'city force. This was the first ,appoint nt of a betectil-6 it (hicago. In 1852 Pinkerton became imipresied with the 1 important of establishing a detective agency which would be iidepepdesit of 'political influenc , ;mld by whosg pforts the criminal ceuld be punished without fear or persofnal Atver. He accordingly associated with sitn r, Edwarn I. Rucker, ain attorney at law, and securing the patron 'age of several railroad companies, then in their infancy, they started the "Piniierton Detective Agency," the first ineititution of its kind in the t itod States. Rueker con tinued witt, him only about a year, when 'Pinkerton undertook the entire manage- I inent. When the agency was first estab lished they employed some four or five men, among the' most pirominent being George H. Bangs, .afterward General Superinten dent, and who remained with Mr. Pinker ton, until his death, which occurred last year, and Timothy Webster, who, while in his employ, was taken as a Union spy and executed at Richmond, Va., during the Re bellion. From that small beginning the detective force under Mr. Pinkerton's orders increased steadily until it now num bers nearly 300 men. In prosecuting his business Mr. Pinker ton made it his inflexible rule never to operate for reward or on payments con tiugent upon success, and would never al low any of his operatives to receive any ;reward or gratuity for their success. He pain his employes liberally, and worked for those who engaged him at a certain fixed sum 1ter diem, which was all that was ever received. 'Another notiecable feature of the nature of his immense busmaess, and one of the-striatost rules of his insfitution, was that lie never under any circumstances could be induced to operate in a divorce case, or witre family matters were in dis pute. 1tie leaves a widow and three children. William A.. the eldest, has charge of the Chicago (fic3 and the Western Division, while Robert A. is the General Superinten-! dent and has immediate charge of the Eastern offices. His daughter is the wife ofeVillhinm J. Chalmers. of the firm of Fraser & Chainters. in Chicago. .Spring Without Blossoms. Late in Life to Look for Joy-Yet Never too Late to Mend. Roaderr of Hlawthorne's "House of Seven (ahbles" will recll the pathos with w-'iich poor hliftord Pymeleon, whb had been unjustly inn prisoned since 'iis eajly mauhood, said, aftir his releaie: "siMy life is gine, and where is my Ilappiarisxe? Oh! give ins my happiness." lit that could bh done only in part, as gleams of ' muarti minshi'e occasionally fall across the tloom of a New Ehginad autumn day. In r letter to Mo'slrs. Htscox & Co., Mr. L. I. Titus o.f t ngaington, N. J.. says: "I have. sat. F-re-I uitoild misery froam ehildlhoomm from it chroi & d r. se -'f the bowels and diarrhoea. iccuniiptrii hi resat pain. I sought relief at tthe hal-ds.' o phiysieisns of every sAotit, a',d mass every puatent and domestic remedy under the sun. I eset atlInt found in t'AilcKEic:' 'P4 Eti .u complste pecilic. preventive nid cure. 'As youranvalnasbiejnedici i, which did hI -fur inm What uothiar elsp coulid do, is entitledI tit So tit- credit of my getting back my happy days, ma -I eheerfully --nl 1ratefaulf acknowledge the et famt"! - - - '1'; b K :. ">1:;.e'-.who nointrodactinsato tie psonple af J l'.i hihe'e teatimeo Azial of Mr .l-ita,-e-. d auntaryr Mly he doe"; et is t' sater- I ,i Jug he has ndured foris m brother vi la j d I k well. He ' is now perf ; ,ei f'ret~t1m? troeublesa acd im m'mm,ssvs itmswtfriuni hifemst 'ialtoPl m e~t i t ntimlates all 'i'ver, kidnes, O ADVERTISEMENTS. LANDS? Having purchased that desirable tract of land known as the LeBLANC PLACE, situated on the left bank of the Mississippi river, parish of Ascension, a short distance above ' DARRO WVILLE, I offer it for sale in lots to suit purchasers at low figures and on easy terms of payment. Persons desiring to acquire valuable lands at cheap rates will find this a very favorable op portunity. Maps of the l eBlanc tract may be reen at the office of the Clerk and Recorder in the Donaldsoiville Court..House, at the store of B. Lemann & Brother, Donaldsonville. and at the Darrow-ille Drug Mtore. For further particulars apply to or address me at Donaldsoiville or Darrow post-office, Ascension parish, La. BEN GIBSON. . I WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of this parish and the public gen.erally, that I keep constantly on band a kiln of First-Class ouhatry Brick, which I will deliver at any point on Bayou La fourche or the lississippi rivcr,;at the lowest market prices. HIOUSE LMOVING. I have had many years' practical experience in house moving and am now fally equipped with the very beat apparatus for raising mid moving houses. I am able to compete with any person in the State in this line of business, and will guarantee satisfaction in every instance. Address through Donaldsonvillh post-otlice, or apply in person to C. F. MOSER, PORT BARROW. LA. .1). OIILMEYER, eVcinschenek', Old itandr, Railroad Avenue, between Attakapas and Iberville Streets, DONALD ONVI LLE. BUtY, Carriago and Coach Trimm:rg, Sad dlery, Harness laking, Repairing, and all kin.ds of Leatitor Work in best style and at lu prices. Buggy whips of all kinds on hand, THEOYTRUiT R I Wl'l pttr.f.,lhn !j~LO'D, reen and TOGNI of C l" lafpciaV tan.fltAroeiite. If:-t a1Ti'fire° Feeting absolutely cured. Bones, mnsieesarnd ii. v es rcccivt newEoire. tootl po In t ooi-,cn Clo nol seit t L A D sapitires Ltra po:awer. LAU "S tffertuugtroaetnfam P y C .. ::r ahto toti ' itr:ill s'eycr.Gvsandeceive fr, ae:i cc':.j:hercF (u t ountderti only and to the opulatrity of the er isina. tto time mxerri tFottusc .: the worerC t:ItoNl, AD Br' T. :send a unddr essT to'ihoDr. Auter'At.d io. ti the Lfeeds o. tor our "Io3" - erel.' 3 Fraeler s reu.and wseftl Hnforsatttienfroe.m ftr e s t &e cents for nst tan , MU ge reSvensi free, acouutly hon ofcsth hs ergoods thic unlhelptall. i ofIes.f etier sexo to mnor nirnety right away than anything els is this world. Fortuneips await the workers nrsulotelysere, At once aridre..s T'tus & C o. AugsustIa. 'Maie in itenirhdAens: thedietivee orgns, and t brcstepyichal energiesto nhsi aaralFever, oiUtipatIon, dyspVEPsIaI the blood. Wheutn ovderome by fatigue, tr'hed ther mnutalo hyinery, th oer wesryp ted debilttktc~ultied itarempl~able sorc ofs rnewed strenghande coroet. Fors salo O 1' ao t ie needs teatus gmercdl o steghensryh diestv raff, and fuiflences It Tinve and peet milaroal fevenr, bestptioen, d'yspepsia ft, helhul.simulates street des n bladder and. enrit chneryas well~f~ a f sugrief theo blwood. Wenecute rcomptly patingbest eonderiitated dud ibta reiable source iof t~ reede sto rder.t an coOrt orsl dpcpper Tfihe ande aI o-wgi asiiss.d Stsflnite bssetwee Conw as andC f tb 1 Lad e.. an(' thernushi thsf adnatas everyotaeaeep. . rl t.nie r gm 1 h 152.'e.. air k(a5ih~ k , . TI h 18 t ehnly0h4arteed ttery of any State. LOTISIAITA incorporated in 1888 for 28 years by the Logis ature for Educational and Charitable purposes -with a Capital of $1,O0O,x0--towhichareserve fand of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitu tion adopted December,2. A. D., 1879. A SPLENDID OPPOTTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. its Grand Single Number Drawings will take place monthly. IT NEVER SCALES On Posn'oNES, Look a. the following distribution. Gail Mty knig CLASS H, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1884, Under the supervision and management of Ger. G. T.` Beauregard, of La., AND - Gen. Jubal A. Early, of Va. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fraitions, in Fifths, in Proportion. LIST Oz PRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE.. .........t., 1 do do ... ............ 25,)0 I do ('Q . 10,(0W 2 PR1'IZES Oi :+1X ..... .. 1,j 5 do 0) .1............... 1o.Uo 1(1 di HO. ,@1 20 do JA) ..1.......4..... . 1 4)00 120 do (5A ........(...1... 20,ue I(0) do 100...........).. 31)WO N) (1d (1) ................. 25,W0 1(0) do 25................. 2 .A) APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes, ý7.A)...... 6, .( 9 do do it)...... 1(,.0 9 do do 250...... 2,250 11'17 Friges. amounting to............. ?5500 CE;TIFIQAiE, Wx no grannY UsRTIa'i that we aupervire the arrangements for all the monthly and semi annual Drawings of the LoreslAnt STATZ LoT T3vY Coaw .ue and in person usanage and con. trol the Drawings tleusnlmes, and that the same are condtcted w ith honesty, fairness tnOl in good .1aith toward all parties. We authorize the Conpapy to use this certificate with fae sinilies of our signatures attached, in its ad. vertisemipents. G. T, BEAUl1EGAIRD, J. A. EAULY. ('o&' issionerf, Application for rates to clubs should be made mply to the office of the Company in New Jrleans. For further information write clearly, giving uil address. * IZPORTAN1. Remit by POSTAL NOTE, Ameyisan Ex, cress Order, New York Exchange, or draft pa iew Orleans. Letters with Currency invariably by Express, We pay Express charges on all su5s of $5 or pwards. Address: M. A. DAUPHIN, VETW OJLEANS, LA. . Address iI~.estegl Letters and make Money rders payable to MeW 9 6-4 Natridna Bank, NEW ORlL a , LA. ---OR - -. RYBISKI, Agent, 0 N4L SOV JI!, vF V. MAURIN`'S fNDERTAKIRG*ESTABbISHIIIT, AT-'- Always on hand, An elegant 0 0FFI N8 HEA RSE, -oF-- - _______ EVERY STYLE, RICH AND EVERY SIZE, HANDSOME EVERY PRICE, EQUIPMENTS, And competition defied. - Has just been received. -THE R. E. LEE STABLE, MISSISSIPPI STREET, Donaldsonville, La. Plain Pine and Cypress Coffins, elegant Rosewood Caskets, imitation or genuine Metallic Cases, and a full line of Ornaments and trimmings to suit any taste and any purse. Funerals con ducted in best style and at prices that must prove saftisfactory to all spy customers. YELL'\§ 2&T0 -Corner Claiborne and St. Patrick Street's, DOl\ALDS1OTV"ILLED, LA. Has recently been purchased by Mr. Louis Wild-and fitted up, in every respect, as a First-Class -EGROCERY,E~ WIFtRE HIE WILL KEEP CO'i5TANTLY ON IHAND A LARGE STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES, Provisions, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. LOUIS WILD, Proprietor. JOS. BRADFORD, ?tanager. F1.OA O~%a o"Fý- .-- EA NS=910 , LAr.ý OFFý?'~ICE 11) TCO'TOLCSTE ~~:a ~ a Co ulingEngnees nd ruhsmon.r' Wil frnshEstmaesan a, Plan .O nd Contrt fo the.vL Costutin ~Ereti'o 0 >y mgss'» Cot+F iePanain ah rý a °pecalty. -F 0rices o agpic- in PtSIS1P CTRT 0A T14AHOL ilR Henr Hther AW-ED i P o- o Qagaýn o c o o,ýy0 a °;Orde rn pr .tly P le . .ý>= P y" ý all K ndsa ay s o q a d CFo CCSa Rw nsw tRan 3 J on °pV v 84 ", in _t+-eF suga mnkn seso I °ec a'C h ay up l of up ria 4 44 JOHN McPEE - So , . . A T20( tem'.ra ers 'n Com biio a ~ ~ t... 'r Eu (}FO. PANDEL,- Predent. Nb WLe r L I TONh arager, W. J. Cad Tu INos Sec. and Trea, . W( --& -T' MŽ 1 n7" IRO ORKSA COMPANY, I Rparin obo Tchotnpitoukasn St. Joseph and Po Uer streets, U) OFFICE, 141 TCiIOUPTUOIL LS STRIEET, onIli;4 i}ncranI rlltsIn.WlfuihEtmtead Un Plaits, ourid Coiitiwt for the Constluction, Erectionc and RRO e irs of all kinds ot o RAILROAD, STEAM : SHIP, STEAMBOAT 'AaND StWN.IL u MACHIINERYl AND IRON IVORK.i Sugar, Co~tton. IV Rice Plan!tation Machinery a Specialty.t Fully equip~ped fur all repairs or breA cdown lobs requirin¢g immeodiate dispatch. MANUFACTEUR]ERS OF BOlLERS, STEAM PUM~PS, tiAC;UUM) PANS, SUGAR MILL-S, VACUUM II4UMPS. CORLiSS AND) OTHER, ENGINES. Cam' Prices Oil application. SMatermIa, Workmansship~ and (late bf delivery Guaraniteed. MISSISSIPPI STREET. -`,EAR THlE CATHOLIC CIJURCTJ, Henry Ielr, - - - Proprietor Bolt~er and. Soda M nufac to 3y WIN-S LIQ1 UOLS~ I LI. ORS, C( AS ST. LOUTiS AN1) MILWAUKEE BOTTLED LAGER;, PEER, BEST A'L, P011, ER AND CIDER. Orders pro;Tiiptly filled. SYRUPS of all Rinds always on} liatiId. lIur'iag the sugar n1a-iagII seasonI I keel) a heavy- suppVlS of Stnlpuliric Acid. P'lanters antd others in n~e dl of this article wili fimnd it to their itttet'e t to ptt='chas e of m e, as Ii (pat anyl will undersell city 1wices. JOHN MPT SO, E. J. HART &C Q-G .ý3"b r T-usrrWol~o'eskeDcalers, SA W-MVILL HALF-MILE BELOW D99A~aDSO3IYILJIA, LA. OF -ALL k~iNflS' On Hand and-Sawed to Ordea Orders executed on shortest notie' AND AT LOWEST PRICES. Encourage bhorne -enterprise. Try the work and prices of the Picayune Mill. before going elsewhere. Address aei mmnicali ias to ALFRED ESNE CiiLT, P. O. Box 54. Donaldso e La. LEBLANO SAW AM~t DONALDSONVILLE 'LiA., s in full operation prepared to promptly fill all orders for ALL KINDS OF Sawed Lumber, on short notice and at more advantagousterms than can be offered elsewhere., With improved machinery and ample facili ties, this mill will challenge competition . is unantity, quality and chpapness of its .work. Those who patronize it once will nod fail to recognize the euperiority of its advanefges. ifEILIX LEBLANC. Proprietor. SAW-MILLS, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF SAWED f AND SPLIT Shin;igles, Staves, etc. Orders promptly filled and best of zsefction guaranteed-to patrons. PRICES TO SUIT THu TIMES. Orders and letters should be addressed to A. WILBJE ,T, P. O. Box 88, Plaquemine, Louisiana. PEEP -0'- DAY BAR ROOM, AND GENERAL PLEASURE RESORT, Mississippi Street, on the riuer side, between Railroa4 Avsme ajsd Lessard Street, RONALDS JN1H LE. Weatern hUnio Te1a ph Office i the IT i wih €at leasero flhat "I pnliamee to Iy friendsi d patrons that since 1 1iays purchased this establiskment I Bhae bepe most iberaily'potroniznd by the general pr~sic, anm in cnsequence have been enable, to make many gttractiva additions tnit, The bga is now stacked with the nestt WINE'S, LX(UORtS" BE { , CIGARS, Ear. A PtIGENtNJOLE TABLE has been placed in the saloon, on which games may be pibyed fur drinks or cigars. Both lotel and Saloon will bo OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, T AT J.r IOUI;s. Boanr and loding at low prices, neat rooms and an elegaunt tia Is. ' ..e ýactffully i . A PiBiLJHOMME, Manager. Willyou try your Luck? Tie .., place to make the venture is at BURKE'S HOME SPORT '"E EA DQ TAZ.TEppyg Crescent Place, near Market-louse. DDonaldsonville, La. My gamnes of chance have never been chear-. tered by the Legislature or approved by avote of the people, nor are thu drawings supeinten-. ded by distina-nished cit' ens, bit giv all my custoisers a fa deal tits Ciie ndyeaannmga at tinouic If you like a square game, come to BURKE'S HEADQUARTERS. PRICKIY S seop are from a der Sbmenmof ts Liver, oeth £seasemof e&-av' ewels, its order to effet a re, 4ite necssry t e4pru~emo.taae e fa adrtgthaton of teseeartases. me** waasemssnerassoattheai teage; tesoaat, Ianhae. r.. nuse assitne to aasttin s oga MalybbhAtidredansasded f ,etc.,etc.- As.ap. eaa'.g 41lfsew. g aLY i~pA pmgewte otm (* valid It is s . !$ 40W in all their branehe Prices an work aaan,0 teed satisfactorp. Sells ali .ne of ' end paints, also nets teof every descripteon Iand~sie ngl. il z_& : Mille pos tiee. Orer lft > or the stomsfIe .rf' o. prompt-attention Y e e Town Phoary fai *al#. Lot and: Improvemeats iu 4)onabison >'>illp. > l;S IMPOý -LOT ON LAOla l sweet, lately' o* ed b . Jt ip 1Vanm. degri . The improvemebta conaist 9f resld ence, an apartment sitable for sterorror carriage house, stable,? uthei so ets. W sold at a bargain' For terther ppriulr e lr; Dr. J. 13aYi~dgt : Carrolton Avenxe D SHRTAriUN. Elrerld.e, (a!, The, dry 49iluata esasr Mz finnty Tea th :, LS.L m es r , p., roete, 2340 Pag es,.Insttataled g - fiden40 vice-whomea anarrybonet, he.n Iow Lost, Row Re`toid Just published, a new eeditsenf gr r vev. well's Celebrated Essay . eaZ tar of SPERBMATOaRmGLt or weekr in volaatar'ý seminal l $,' -, Q- g0te and physical incapacity, imps nts to' ;iage,' etc,; also, goaanm ;tpz rated 'Fin, indduced 11, sdf~,ipulngenp o, asa bI . travagance. ete. 'The celebrats4 anthor in ihsatie ial a celarly dpmaonsatraes frpai a, irt yare-sac-e cesiful practice. that the . ruin glacse q:enses of self-albse may r cl ed pointing out a modeuf e ee lien cer tain, anti effectal. b sufferer, no matter w a inc may'cnre himseltcheaply, iratiy. This .Lecture should be in the k1nda ofeovery youth and every main'i the land. Send under seal, in a elope," to any address pouf maic `on ye#ii otfour centas :, two postage stamps. A=i~s - THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO,, 1 Airm street. Xew For. N. 7, j P. O.Bor.dQ E the d1ýsci:ea '`*tI1yulij1IV n .. ¶Iace inyptoinjfntiicige Loi~roxitend0e: a~of Appeti~t6; w1fiEF costive, St~iea. s ehc, Si inC.5n fe~r eathing,ý aversion to ezr~iana of biody. or mind, E5'uttiI offoods Irritability of -to pr, Low siiriL_. A f""e1T>g, or l a1(Ia. gietetdt "somv4e:{y, fl--,?ijasa'iugttcrm i4.tbw ?IL ~ r.o'.- Inli. TEheir notion on tho 2ý ;.j ittevs.- 8km tis a"l#: jirfFwp-t; ,remdag ;k~:;~lyfn~tu~i~.Ai TUfT'H PILLS t Si!' o i n-#$tO1t 879usr SIYE. C: viLan~ 1 Wlyp itii linoei -21i RWABLEW4E A favorites precipatioia of pme of the. me~t flotid and inefau l ts ehiuatshi .inhU. S. (now retired) for ecuri-o(Nrw'erto Address DR. WAR~D & Co., Lose de,. U, TUE STANAUD 31 A. Thqdford *Co.'s Livesi )Zodicine or Blao3ck sSh . manu actured at Cba nooga,. Tenin., by the id ties! Vecpe the unainufttetske2 of -his Liver. Medicine, as early *s 1330,.tbia.. home near C*4oa, ADAM SVILJJ, GA., . 1I mom' ai~t gxf a i i. 'Medictine sud alsoag-nltf °ic, mend it to iep bhlsthe fgenn and bes& eicn ithwrd M it mk~& -sock ' ha o sthe wane sad - ~ a oflu- Xu Th, -famous RoeoA we. cnee Cae, at uTrial pAcn " ~asata.~ ý ý flets *