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THE DONALDSONYLLLE CHIEF. A Wide-Awake Home Newspaper-Published Every Saturday-Subscription Price, $2 a Year. VOLUME XLVI. DONALDSONVILLE, LA., SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1917. NUMBER 33. LI1.LOF THE PHOTOPLAYSI Offerings at the Grand. Today --concluding episode of "The Shiel lit g Shadow," chapter of "The Girl from Frisco1" Pathe News and comedy. Sunday, Ap i 1--Frances Nelson in "One of Manyi" Sunday, April 8 --Harold Lock wood an! May Allison in "The Prom ise." The (;sraid will be "dark" during Holy Oe n Sunday, April 1, and Sunday, April S. the pictures will be gin at o'cloc: p. r. Thereafter, at 4 p. i. '' "undays and 5 p. m. on week days. "One of Many." The sou'-stirring struggle of a pretty girl to support her widowed mother and herself is depicted with intense realism in 'One of Many," which will he presented at the Grand tomorrow, with Frances Nelson as the star. The play is a great moral pantomime. On the screen is flashed the story of the struggles, the sor rows and the regeneration of Shir ley Bryson, the little manicure girl whose love for her mother blinds her eyes to her duty to herself. "One of Many" lays hare the pit falls that heset the path of young girls who ro out into the world to grapple with modern conditions. Es pecially it flays those who take the attitude that i rich man can do no wrong; that youth, beauty and inno cence are fit commodities to be sold over a counter-or across a manicure table. It is unspariog in its denuncia tion of those parents, who, secretly walking in forbidden ways themselves, display hypocritical anger at the shortcomings of their children. "One of Many" preaches in plain terms the doctrine that "they who sow must also reap." The National hoard of Censorship, after seeing "One of Many," pro nounced it a profound moral lesson, and its entertain ent and moral values were d easribied as of unusual strength. "It was the majority opinion of those present," the censors announced in their report, ''that this was a deli cately handled and dramatic picture, vividly presented and most excellent ly acted." The women members of the board were especially enthusiastic, considering "One of Many" a power ful moral lesson. "The Promise." Life in a logging camp in the deep woods of the great northwxest is production starring Harold Lockwood and May Allison, which will be the Easter Sunday offering at the Grand. Every detail of the activities of a lumber camp is depicted, from the hewing down of the great trees to the final floating of them down river, and the ,'ams that endanger the lives of the hardy "river-drivers." Harold Lockwood, as Bill Carmody, enters with zest into this work. Contrasted with this are scenes of metropolitan gaiety, glimpses of Broadway life in which Carmody fig ures before his regeneration. A col lege football game is one great fea ture of the production. May Allison as Ethel Manton, Carmody's fiancee, heads the contingent of pretty foot ball "fans." The picture version of "The Prom ise," containing variety of interest as well as absorbing scenes, is bound to add to the ever-growing popularity of those screen favorites, Mr. Lock wood and Miss Allison. Coming Attractions at the Gem. Today-W. S. Hart in "The Return of 'Draw' Egan." Sunday, April 1-Dorothy Gish in "The Little Schoolma'am." Rides Well and Fights Hard. William S. Hart is given more than the customary number of opportuni ties to display his athletic prowess in "The Return of 'Draw' Egan," which will be today's attraction at the Gem. Perhaps the most unusual stunt this notable actor performs during the ac tion of the play is that of picking up a handkerchief from the ground while astride the back of a horse. The scene is not 'padding'"--ii'.. it was not made simply for thte purpose of giving Hiart a chance to "play to the gallery' -but jt is actually material to the story, for it serves to establish the admiration and gallantry which he, as a reformeti bandit, shows toward the girl that has come into his life. Hart, it is said. (lid not even rehearse the stunt, so adiept is he itt feats of this nature, hut merely rode up to the camera, where Margery Wilson, who plays the girl, was standing-and recovered th' hatndkerchief. Another thrilli in the pictuire is that of a hand-to-hand encounter staged between W. S. Hart andi Leo Willis, LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGErIS Tells how to loosen a tender corn or callus so it lifts out without pain. You reckless nun and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least one- week invited an awful death from lock ja w or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a druii called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied tl any corn or callus the soreness is re lieved and soon the entire corn or cal lus, root and all, lifts off with the fin gers. Freezone dries the moment it is ap. flied, and sinmly shrivels the corn or cal the without inflaming or even irritat' otte of lundin, tissue or skin. A smi ttle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drnu stores, but will posi tively rid one' feet of every hard, or soft corn or hardened callus. If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get it at any wholesale drug house for yob one of Inceville's strongest men. These two men have fought many battles for the screen since Ince be gan making Hart plays, but this, it is said, is by far the most sensational. The fight lasts for several minutes, between the two, and then develops into a free-for-all melee. "The Little Schoolma'am." Before beginning her latest Tri angle photoplay, "The Little School ma'am," in which she will be seen at the Gem tomorrow, Dorothy Gish, who plays the name part, spent sev oral afternoons as co-teacher in the Triangle school maintained at the Fine Arts studio for the dozen and odd child players employed there. She wanted to be absolutely correct as to schoolroom detail, and, inci (dentall' , she says she bad a won derfully good time antf found the most responsive and interested group of pupils she had ever seen. As the same group of children played with her in the picture, she was able to continue som 4ffhe actual lessons, and her dielItrs say this was a marked contribution to the effective ness and realism of the schoolhouse scenes. Which is an interesting example of the care that is taken to secure at mospheric detail in the making of Triangle pictures. APPEAL FOR SPECIAL SESSION. Gonzales Farmers Ask Repeal of Widow's Dowry Bar to Loans. At a mass meeting of farmers held at Gonzales, the following preamble and resolution was adopted, urging that a special qession of the legisla ture be convened to change the wid ow's dowry exemption in the state law so as to enable the recently es tablished farm loan banks to make loans to small farmers in Louisiana: "The conclusion and decision reach ed and announced by the officials of the federal farm loan bank is su preme and final as to the legal effect of article 3252 of the civil code of Louisiana, and bars the small farmer from participating in loans to be made by said bank, and the disputa tions over the interpretation of the provisions of said article by all the I legal talent of Louisiana are in vain and will not affect the ruling of the governing board of said bank, and because of the supreme and vital im portance to the small farmer of Lou isiana that t be a speedy and to conform to' th*interpretation and construction of the officials of said bank, it behooves the people of Lou isiana to call upon the governor to convene the general assembly in spe cial session, which is the only legal method of procedure to obtain the de sired relief, therefore it is the sense of this meeting that: "Whereas, it appears from the po sition assumed by the officials of the federal farm loan bank that article 3252 of the revised civil code of Lou isiana contains an obstacle and prac tically a legal prohibition against the small farmer of Louisiana securing loans from the said bank, thereby prohibiting the most needy and worthy from receiving the assistance and benefits to be derived from se curing said loans; therefore, "Be it resolved by the farmers of east Ascension, now in mass meeting assembled, that Governor Ruffin G. Pleasant be urged to convene the general assembly in extraordinary session at the earliest possible time for the purpose of repealing or amending said article. 3252 of the civil code so as to permit the small farmer to enjoy the full measure of benefits and opportunities offered by the federal farm loan bank." TUBERCULOSIS KNOWLEDGE. Spitting and Kissing Largely Re sponsible for Spread of Disease. Now that tlt c trol and preven tion of tuberce i!si fs so well known, it is possible to improve conditions everywhere. A few facts should be generally told to those who have al ready contracted the disease, as well as to lose who are fray, from it. To say you are not afraid of tuber culosis and to sleep with persons who have it, and eat and drink after them, does not mean you will not catch it. Such a course shows ignorance. Nine times out of ten you will catch the disease. The germ of tuberculosis lies in the spit of the person having it. Care should be taken that this spit does not come in contact with others. Peo ple with tuberculosis should spit in spitting cups, or in paper, or rags, and these should be burned after wards. Do not allow them to lie around for children or other people to handle. And do not throw such rags away, for they may be gathered by rag-men or by children and so spread the disease. Another way to catch tuberculosis is by kissing. People who have tuber culosis like to kiss. On greeting per sons they love, they often want to kiss them not only once but twice. This is one of the symptoms of the disease. Kissing is a bad habit, any how, and should be avoided. A smile or a good hearty handshake is much better, safer and frequently more pleasant to the recipient. Rank Foolishness. You occasionally see it stated that colds do not result from cold weather. That is rank foolishness. Were it true colds would be as prevalent in midsummer as in midwinter. The microbe that causes colds flourishes in damp, cold weather. To get rid of a cold take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is effectual and is highly recommended by people who have used it for many years as occasion re quired, and know its real value. Ob tainable everywhere.-(Adv.) Boost your own town. LINKED BY THE SMITH'S HAND! f/ V THAE-LNKS ý` 1\\`r K >f/c3/ <A' CHA/N IS BUT TH E BEG-INM/NG. OF AN .NbLE SS CHA/N OF GOOD CROPS ANDS' PROSPEROUfl The abuse cartoon, reprinted from The Times-Picayune, was drawn from one of the suggestions submitted by men and women of Louisiana and Mississippi in The Times-Picayune's campaign to se cure ideas and suggestions that would impress upon the minds of the public the great opportunities and wonderful natural resources of Louisiana and Mississippi. In Memoriam. The cloud of sorrow crowds out the sunshine at S. V. I., for one of its beloved pupils, Zoe Schexnaydre, has been summoned to the realm of rest. No wgier a dull spirit boverl r the-liace, for has Et not lost one whose life was all gladness-one who brought sunshine where e'er she went. Her loss is felt more deeply by her I classmates, who, knowing her the better, loved her all the more. Like a flower that's just started blooming, And has perfumed the air with its breath; Then all of a sudden is plucked from its stem, By the hand unbidden, called death. And 1low he hearts who have loved it, Whose lives it has brightened for years; Are overflowing with sorrow And steeping in love's scalding tears. Though gone she'll ne'er be for gotten, Since death could not take all away; For her spirit which brought joy and sunshine, Will live on through memory's long day. ETHEL PARK. Donates Bed to Orphan Asylum. G. B. Reuss, of Germania planta tion, with characteristic generosity and big-heartedness, has donated a bed to the infants' dormitory of St. Vincent's Asylum, New Orleans, in memory of his daughter, Elise B. Reuss. Mr. Reuss' name appears among those of twenty-four persons who have given beds to the asylum nursery, in order that the babies may be segregatedefrom the children of older growth. It is necessary that the sleeping apartments of the babies be screened to keep out flies and mos quitoes as an essential to the health of the infants. Besides the health requisite, the screens will do away with the need of mosquito bars, and eliminate the expense of constant re newal and laundering of these pro tective features. A tablet will be erected in the nursery bearing the names of those who subscribe the funds for this screening, and the names in whose memory the money is given. HOUSEWORK IS A BURDEN. Woman's lot is a weary one at best. But with backache and other distress ing kidney ills life indeed becomes a burden. Doan's Kidney Pills have made life brighter for many Baton Rouge women. Read what Mrs. Hi mel says : Mrs. W. J. Himel, 604 St. Louis street, Baton Rouge, La., says: "I was troubled a great deal by my back. At times I could hardly do my house work. Sharp twinges caught me across my kidneys. I got great relief from the first few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills and after taking one box or so, I didn't have that dull pain across the small of my back." Price 50 cents, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that Mrs. Himel had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y.-(Adv.) Is it too late to plant trees? Will they grow if planted now? The best time to plant trees is after they begin to bud. Let us prune them ready for planting, and then follow our plant ing instructions sent with order. Griling Nurseries, Port Arthur, Tex. ++++ ++e* 4. *++4+++N++++ *+ VOTES FOR WOMEN. Southern Stater Woman Suffrage 4 9~rence. - + 417 Camp Street, New Orleans. ++++++N.++++....+++++++++ Women of Russia May Vote. Via London comes a dispatch which states that one of the most notable, movements among the politically re juvenated populace of Petrograd is the growing agitation for the partici pation of women in the political life of the nation. It is generally be lieved some form of woman suffrage will be incorporated in the new con stitution. Under the old, autocratic sway the women had what was really equal suffrage with men, but as man suffrage was very limited, the frag ment of voting was little for either men or women. It would seem strange, indeed, if Russia's new po litical progress took away the rights women possessed under the old re gime. Universal suffrage would be the just course for the plans now be ing formulated. Credits Men. Miss Jeannette Rankin, the new congresswoman from Montana, was asked if the reason she was elected was because western women were more progressive than eastern wo men. She quickly responded, "No, it is because western men are more progressive than eastern men. Wo men east and west are much the same, but western men afford women more opportunity to express them selves." Missouri's Governor Knows. Governor Folk of Missouri attend ed a banquet as the guest of honor of the Chamber . of Commerce in Cleveland, Ohio. About 750 guests were present and the portion of Gov. Folk's address which evoked the greatest applause was when he said that within five years women will be entitled to vote in every state of the Union. Only One Anti Vote. When the vote on the woman suf frage bill was taken in the house of representatives of the Indiana legis lature, but one vote was recorded against the measure. This speaks well for the democratic principles of the legislators, who evidently believe the voters should have a voice in de ciding important questions. Some Cold. While a bunch of idlers were sitting around the stove in a small cafe one cold day telling fish stories about cold weather, one young man, famous for his fish tales, took the day with this one: "One night last winter," he began, "I went home pretty late and the light was still burning in my room. I pre pared to go to bed and tried to blow out the light and was very much sur prised when it didn't even flicker. Upon examination I found the blaze was frozen, so I just broke it off and threw it out the window. Next morn ing our old pet hen came along and ate it and she laid a boiled egg every day for three weeks." A Word for the Merchants. Donaldsonville merchants contrib ute to every movement for the up building of the community; they em ploy scores of clerks; they own or rent substantial buildings; they are the backbone of your city; they are entitled to your patronage. Proof that Advertising Pays. The subjoined communication was received by the Chief with a sense of gratification, not only because of the expressions of appreciation and good will of the fact that it gives concrete evi dence of the paper's "pulling power" as an adv ertising medium: "Donaldsonville, La., Maich 23, 1917. "Mr. G. D. Bentley, Editor Donald sonville Chief, City. "Dear Sir:-That 'it pays to adver tise' is most conclusively shown by the results obtained from our adver tisement in two issues of your paper. I have been endeavoring to secure advertising for our directory for the past two years and have been unsuc cessful until the last issue. Our ad vertisement was inserted in your pa per twice, and we:;ld all the avail able space in our directory and could have disposed of more. For this val uable assistance I wish to express my thanks. "With best wishes for the success of yourself and paper, I beg to re main, Yours very truly, T. T. TYREE, "Mgir., Cumberland Telephone Co." Good News of "Lep" Weill. We learn from the Lafayette Ad vertiser of the 20th inst. that Leopold Weill, of Weill Bros.' sale stable, has just returned to Lafayette with one of the finest assortments of mares, mules and saddle horses ever brought to that section. "Every one of these animals was purchased in Kentucky and was selected by Mr. Weill him self;" says the Advertiser. "This is a second purchase of its kind during the last thirty days, the first shipment having been sold to farmers and citi zens of this and neighboring parishes. Weill Bros. have been doing business here for a number of years, and judg ing from the great number of horses and mules which they handle and sell so quickly they evidently must treat their patrons right, both as to price and the grade of stock they handle." Salt to Prevent Perspiration. Encouraging results from the ad ministration of common salt as a remedy against excessive perspiration in the case of marching troops are re ported ba Marine Corps officials at Santiago, Santo Domingo. Sweat contains about six parts of salt in the thousand. A tropical day's march re sults in the exudation of three to four quarts of sweat, with a salt content of 200 to 250 grains. For experi mental purposes about 100 Marines were given a teaspoonful of salt (about 75 grains) in the morning be fore beginning their day's march. After a tropical march of nearly twenty miles the Marines thus dosed exhibited much less fatigue than their comrades, and their perspiration was but a fraction of that of the others. When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets. When you feel dull and stupid after eating. When constipated or bilious. When you have a sick headache. When you have a sour stomach. When you belch after eating. When you have indigestion. When nervous or despondent. When you have no relish for your meals. When your liver is torpid. Obtainable everywhere.- (Adv.) Attention, Farmers! Money to loan on improved farms for 10 years at 6 per cent interest. Write C. A. SMITH, Box 76, Crow ley, La. For results! Advertise in The Chief. Rates on application. HOW WILL WHIT MARTIN VOTE? Further Discussion of Progressive Congressman's Attitude on the Speakership. As the hour for the opening of the special session of congress ap proaches, public interest grows in the question of how the five Independents in the house of representatives will vote when the' election of a speaker is the order of business next Mon day. This query has a particular in terest and significance in Louisiana, hecause one of the most conspicuous of the independent five is Hon. Whit. P. Martin, the Progressive represent ative of the third district of this state. The following Excerpt from the New Orleans Time-Picayune of Wed nesday is therefore "live matter" at this juncture: The attention of Congressman Whit P. Martin of the third Louisiana con gressional district, who was at the Grunes ld hotel Tuesday ee route to Washington, having been called to the statement of Congressman C. H. Randell, Prohibitieatist, of California, appearing in press reports from Washington, to_ the(effect that the in dependents hdZ )agg , to vote with the Democrats in the organization of the house, Mr. Martin made the fol lowing statement: "Congressman Randell is without authority to speakl for me. I have not indicated to him or any one else how I shall vote o the organization of the house. At is time I can only repeat what I hav already said: 'I shall vote for what I consider to be the best interest the people who have done me the distinguished honor of electing me to`e ingress.' "The only eon inication I have had from Congre an Randell is the following telegr which I received just before leaviiw my home this morning: 'Mann announces with drawal, favor bipartisan organ ization, which mans independents must act quickly .secure credit for organization. SR st we announce at once. Will t in war crisis for Democratic o tion for special session, not coant ig ourselves for regular session. e quick answer, also give me list committees you prefer.' "To this tele I replied as fol- 11 lows, a d this a r speaks for it- t self: 'In organ on of house my h vote will be cast tirely in what I a believe and conel is for the best v interest of my d' ct and state and a without regard to tion of Mann, as set forth in your egram. The ad- a ministration will- ve my undivided t support in the p war crisis, -and l dorse your sugge tioh. that independ- I ents act at once and co-operate with Democrats in order to secure credit c for organization and secure commit- c tee assignments: Our course should c be prompted by what each independ- a ent thinks is best for his district, I state and country.' " a The attitude taken by Mr. Martin is inferentially indorsed in the follow- ( ing editorial from the New Orleans L Item, but the paper is evidently in- a clined to the belief that the interests d of the Progressive congressman's con- t stituents will be best served in the r present emergency by his support of a the Democratic candidate for the 1; speakership. The Item says: "A great deal of political import- c ance will attach for a few weeks to r the attitude of Congressman Whit 1 Martin, Progressive representative f from the third district of Louisiana. a A greater interest, for Mr. Martin and his people, will continue to at tach for a long time on the decision his attitude prompts him to take in the organization of the lower house. "Mr. Martin holds his seat in con gress because a great element in Lou isiana has been dissatisfied with the conduct of Democratic politicians int Louisiana, and because other elements a in Louisiana are dissatisfied with the i treatment accorded great industries in this state in the past by the nation al Democratic party. "This newspaper, believing that its I first duty is j it^ own people, has voiced much f tes dissatisfaction. i It believes that this is the duty of a free newspaper. "The Item believes in square deal ing all around. Mr. Whit Martin was electedby a very narrow, ajority at a time when it appearR that his vote might determine the speaker ship of the house, and the control of congress by either the Democratic or Republican parties. An immediate cry of fraud was raised and a move ment was started to deprive Mr. Mar tin of his seat. "With local encouragement or with local acqiescence it is reasonable to assume that Mr. Martin's seat would have been in jeopardy. This paper immediately took the position that it was no more right to steal a seat in congress from a Progressive than from a Democrat. Since our ex pression, we have heard no more of the patriotic movement to contest Mr. Martin's seat. "Mr. Martin goes to congress with out commitment to support either Democrats or Republicans. His first duty ii to his constituents in the third district. In every honorable way he should act for the advancement of their interests. "Circumstances which some might foresee have brought the Progressive movement in Louisiana into extra ordinary prominence. When the Item determined to endorse and sup port the campaign of John M. Par ker for the governorship of Louisiana, it was thoroughly aware of the odds against immediate victory for his sound cause. We did not know to what extent the people of the state could be aroused. "The result of the Louisiana eleo tion was substantial enough to war rant the selection of Mr. Parker as vice-presidential "nominee for his na tional party, and then, by a curious turn of fate, Joha Parker and the Louisiana Progressives became an element of stupendous importance in the national campaign. "The Parker eamupaign and the na tional campaign helped elect Whit Martin. Whit Martin, in turn, be comes for the moment a figure of great importance in congress. We hope, for the sake of Louisiana, that he will make decisions and take po sitions that will cause him to con tinue to be a figure of great import ance there. "The Democratic party has drift ed steadily toward Progressive doc trines. It has given us the Missis sippi flood control bill, a measure of stupendous importance. It has par tially restored the tariff on sugar. It is reasonable to assume that it will place a higher tariff on sugar, as well as restore the tariff on rice-for the nation is confronted by stupendous needs for revenue. "Altogether, the fight which some interests in Louisiana have made for recognition for the state and for jus tice for its industries seems well worth while. It is important for Washington now to consider what Louisiana thinks and wants before it initiates new le.islation and policies. "Our own people should realize that what they do, say and think can be made important. Mr. Martin seems to us to be peculiarly in position to present their case effectively." AT REST. Beautiful Tribute to Memory of Lamented Young Woman. Over a little home a shadow has fallen. In the midst of a little fain ily circle a silence deep and sorrow ful prevails. Wrapped in the cold stillness of the tomb a loved form lies sleeping. For on the night of March 14, 1917, the gentle spirit of Mrs. David Ker, nee Euphemie Ayraud, passed on into eternal rest. "God giveth and God taketh away," but why it would be His will that death should claim one so young, and when there are left to feel her loss a loving husband, two devoted brothers, and two little ones yet too young to do without a mother's care, is almost beyond comprehension. Through the long months of a lingering illness .he endured her suf fering with a remarkable fortitude, never forgetting, even until the last, to consider those willing ones around her who were ever ready to admin ister to her every want. And while the darkness of grief gathered in the hearts of those patient watchful ones at her bedside, her angel spirit was wafted upward to meet the light of a new day. Possessing a very winning person ality, Mrs. Ker was loved and es teemed by all who came in touch with her. The aid she gave to every Noveat in ,4 inera ot charity Y But only those most Inti mate y me quainted with her were fully aware of all the goodness her truly gener ous nature was capable of. In a time of need no one ever knocked in vain at the doors of that hospitable little home so lately bereft of her bright and genial presence. When a sorrow comes upon us our Christian faith has taught us to look up to "Him who doeth all things well." And the consoling belief that death is but the beginning of a beau tiful life on another sphere gives us new courage to take up the cross again and movt.:on to where its kind ly light leads. The memory of this dear departed one will ever remain fresh in the minds and hearts of those who loved her. A flower has been plucked from its shade in the earth to bloom again where pain is unknown. A FRIEND. TOUR OF HEALTH OFFICERS. Series of Lectures Planned in Fight Against Malaria. Dr. Oscar Dowling, president of the Louisiana State Board of Health, accompanied by Frederick L. Hoff man, one of the most noted statisti cians of the United States; Assistant Surgeon H. R. Carter, U. S. P. H. Service; and Dr. W. H. Seeman, state bacteriologist and president of the State Medical Society, will make an itinerary of Louisiana, April 9-19, visiting Baton Rouge, New Orleans, New Iberia, Lake Charles, DeRidder, Shreveport, Tallulah, Monroe and A, exandria. In the lectures delivered by Mr. Hoffman and Dr. Carter emphasis will be laid on the plans and purpose of malaria eradication. Other subjects pertinent to health conditions, ty phoid fever, cancer, infantile paraly sis and the declining death rate will be discussed by Mr. Hoffman, Dr. Carter, and Dr. Seeman. There will be an afternoon con ference and night meeting in each of the cities. All physicians are in vited to both, and the citizens are in vited to attend the general conference in the evening. One of the purposes of the tour is to arouse interest and co-operation in the compiling of better statistics relating to communicable diseases in the state, and especially of malaria. A survey made by the State Board of Health of 35 towns and cities to lo cate breeding places of the malaria bearing mosquito, proves that the eradication of this pest is practicable, and indicates also that there is much less malaria in the state than is gen erally supposed. Figures would be convincing to those who have the wrong impression of our health con ditions. Louisiana is one of the healthiest of all the states, but sta tistics are needed to prove it to those who doubt. School for Firemen. New Orleans is to have a firemen's school for fire-fighters from all over the state. Mayor Behrman an nounced that the institution will be established in the central station, De catur and Bienville streets, and Chief - Louis Pujol will be "principal." 3 Practical demonstration classes will be held weekly and the difficult points x in the dangerous profession will be n graphically explained to new mem bers of the force and visitors from - pther cities.