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ST. CHARLES HERALD. Publishe d Every Saturday, In a Rich Sugar, Molasses and Rice Producing Country. VOLUME XII. HAHNVILLE, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1884. NUMBER 36. GRANDMOTHER BROWN. Dear Grandmother Brown Lived in Cran Derry town And kindly old woman was she; There was no one so bad, Either lassie or lad. But some groud in tho same she could see. One June afternoon Mistress Poily Muldoon Ran in for that moment that ends In an hour or more. And did naught but talk o'er The short-comings of neighbors and friends But in vain did she scold About voungr folks and olv, Only patient exc ises she heard. About young- folks and old, )nly patient exc isesshe h Till at lust she cried out: "You would speak, I've no doubt, For old Satan himself a good word." Then said Grandmother Brown Of Cranberry town: "Well, whatever his failin's may be, I don't think we could find Many people who mind The r own business as closely as ho." —Margaret Egtingc, in Harper's Magazine. VAMPIRE STORIES. A Revivnl of the Old Superstition of Blood Drinking Bats and Men—The Literature of Vampirism and Its Influence on European Peoples—Stories That Were Told of Vampires and Their Doings in the Last Century. A physician of local fame in an East ern city said to the writer recently: ' This is an age of queer mental and bodily delusions, despite its enlighten ment. Gne of the oddest cases that I ever saw I was called on to treat tho other day. A man came in to com plain that his ankles were wounded, found that the wounds were scratches, and expressed my surprise that he should have consulted a physician about a trille. He said he often found the skin of his ankles broken in the same way on rising from bed. I suggested that ho smooth the foot board, and not kick it so much. Then thS real object • of his visit came out. What do you think it was': 1 With bated breath he whispered that he was the victim of a vampire—not a vampire hat, but human vampire. Actually, here was a sound, healthy, intelligent man cower ing from tho effects of that old super stition. He hinted to me that he knew who Ihe vampire was—a former enemy now deceased. He had come to me lor a charm, or something else, to exorcise his terrible visitor. I tried to laugh and chaff' him out of 'beidea Whether 1 succeeded 1 don't know. The man went away very much depressed, and hasn't returned since. I ought to have mentioned that he was a native of Hun gary, and had imbibed vampirism in his childhood's homo." This is one of several instances that have come under the writer's notice to prove that I ho ancient and horrible vampire belief is yet lingering upon earth. Certainly no more extraordinary or appalling belief ever troubled men's wits. The very ideais startling. That the dead returned from their graves to prey on Ihe flesh and blood of the liv ing should have ever been believed by thousands of people sounds incredible. But it is a fact nevertheless. The history of tlit vampire supersti tion ranges over 'A000 years. It begins with the Lamia of the Greeks, a beauti ful woman who enticed youths to her in order to drink their "blood, and it may be said to end with the dawn of general education about seventy-five Years ago. At certain periods its be lievers have numbered hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of people, not, of the unlettered entirely, but in cluded educated and scientific men of France, Germany and Italy. Fifty years ago the vampire was a well known figure in literature and the drama. The foremost poet in England was credited with the authorship of a popular play called the "Vampire," and did not wholly deny it. A hundred years before this time vampires and gnouls were the topic of interest in the salons of Paris, that ranked with Law and his schemes. At this period, in deed, the superstition obtained the greatest currency among educated peo ple, and ils literature is the richest Voltaire expressed astonishment at the spread of the belief. The shafts of liis pen and the powers of other writers were directed against it. We learn from the memoirs of a court ladv at the time that vampirism was talked at every soiree, and that its ardent be lievers were nearly as many as those who scoffed it. Among the former were members of the army, the law, several members of the academy, aud numerous scien tific men. Physicians were divided. They agreed there must be some founda tion for Ihe vampire belief, and for the were-wolf belief, which was closely al lied to it. Finally they gave the mono mania which lay at the bottom of all the vampire belief the name of lycan thropy, Elaborate treatises were writ ten for and against, and a host of minor writers flung out books on the subject. The principal of these were liaufft and Calmet. The latter's work is especially rich in cases of vampires, many of which are described by actual witnesses. One of the best attested vampire sto ries in Calmet's work is that of Mar shal de Retz. This was a noble, brave and worthy man, who lived in France in the reign of Charles VII. He was a soldier and after distinguishing himself in the wars retired to his country seat. Shortly after he took up his residence the neighborhood became alarmed -at the disappearance of many young chil dren. Only children under the age of seven disappeared, and soon the num ber of distracted parents mourning their lost ones was very great. No amount of vigilance could discover the mys terious agency which as it were swal lowed the children up. Accident, how ever, directed suspicion to the noble de Petz. His castle was watched by des perate parents who had lost their little ones, and circumstances multiplied to give the people courage to accuse him on in I a a of being at the bottom of the mystery. He was arrested and placed on tria 1 , charged with having kidnaped over one hundred children. He was convict ed and executed. Before he was led to the block, the monster confessed that in three years he had killed 800 chjdren. He was led to do it, he said, by an insat able desire to taste their blood. Calmet relates this story cir cumstantially, adding though it is largely exaggerated that he believes it is not a myth. He citcä de Retz's con fession that he was led to commit the horrible atrocities by an irresistible im pu'su as an evidence that there must be a trait in humanity which leads to vampirism, and which awakens from its dormant state in individuals from time to time. A case rather different from the .a' ove was that of Jean Grenier, a herd boy. In 1003 he was placed on trial for at tacking young girls m the form of a wolf. The girls themselves and then fathers gravely and po itively identified him, and what was more singular, Grenier himself admitted that their charge was true. He declared that ho had eaten several of them. He pro duced what his judges accepted as good evidence of his assertions. It is pre sumed that he had suffered the pen ilty of being a vampire, though Calmet omits to state what his punishment was. 'J he most celebrated vampire case, perhaps, and the late t, happened in 18t!'. In that year the cemeteries of Paris were entered, graves broken open, and corpses rudely tossed about the ground. The greatest alarm was felt as the horrible depredations continued. Tno strictest watch failed to detect their author. Physicians who were called to examine the wounds and mutilations inflicted on the corpses declared the depredators could not be, as was first supposed, resur rectionists. A man-trap was setin Pere la Chaise, and a heavy bomb concealed beneath it. One. night the sentinels posted about the cemetery heard the bomb explode. They entered, but be yond a few drops of blood and some fragments of military clothing, found no trace of the vampire. Next day it became known that Ser geant Berlrand, a soldier, was danger ously wounded. He was arrested. On his court-martial, of which Colonel Mansolon was President, Berlrand con fessed to having committed all the hor rible violations of graves, but could not explain why ho did it. Ho was controlled by a great power, he said. Like do lietz, this man was frank, gay. and gentle. He was sentencea to twelve months' imprisonment, and a counsel of physicians appointed to ex amine his m ml. These are more properly stories of were-wolves, since the distinction in vampirism made between the vampire proper and tho were-wolf is that the latter is alone all the time, and tho otiier arises from his grave only at night. The true vampire, according to the superstition, may be detected by the signs of life he presents on be ing exhumed from his grave. His cheeks are red, his lips moist, his flesh warm, and his veins full of rieh red blood. In tho literature and legends of Hungary, Silesia, Poland, Bohemia, Moravia and the Grecian Islands, where the vampire is easiest found, he is always the same, a terrible crea ture who returns to earth at night to kill men and women and drink their blood. He is a vampire by in clination, by inheritance, or by the curse of his own misdeeds. He hals usually the power to transform those persons whom he attacks into vam pires like himself Such is the vampire of the legends of these countries, and such, it may be added, he is in all es sential particulars the same to-day. For among the poorer and more ignor ant peasantry of Silesia, Poland. Hun gary, and especially Crete, tho vampire belief is by no means eradicated. It still exists. A traveler in the latter country informed the writer he wit nessed a few years ago tho ceremony of exorcising a vampire. It was the same method in use a hundred and fifty years ago. The body was dug up, the heart removed and burned on tho seashore. Among the old charms this was the only one considered effective. Driving a stake through the vampire's heart, whipping his grave with a hazel switch wielded by a virgin not less than twenty-five years old, putting pieces of silver in his mouth, tying up his jaws tightly, wore all of no avail—the vam pire continued to return until his body was exhumed aud incinerated. From a large collection of vampire stories these are a few of the best. The story ot the Arnold Paul vampire gained a wide celebrity in Europe about 172Ö. Arnold Paul was a peasant who lived on the borders of Hungary. Near Madnerga he fell from a wagon and was crushed to death. He was duly buried and forgotten. Thirty days later four persons had died, each with a small incision in his throat, tho edges of which were purplish. Another per son, a young girl, declared that in the night she hatl awakened with a ter rible feeling of suff ocation. In the dim light she recognized Arnold Paul, and cried: "Avaunt, vampire, in Jesus' name." and the vampire immediately vanished. Paul's grave was opened and his body was found to present strong signs of life. There were traces of blood about his lips and blood on his hands. The Embassador of Louis XV. was present at the disinterment and stated that the full lile blood was in the cheeks of the supposed corpse. Paul's body was burned, his ashes scattered to the four winds, and from that time the vampire vexed Badnerga no more. Another vampire story is taken from a book containing many which was uubibbed under tne protection of the a 1 , is it A a Bishop of Olmultz in 1706. A herd»* man named Blow, who lived near Kadam, in Bohemia, was suspocted of being a vamp re while in life. After his death and burial several persons were killed and the flocks about the place were sadly decimated. Blow's grave was opened. He sat up, con fessed he was a vampire, and defied the villagers to prevent him from glutt'ng his fearful appetite. A stake was put into his coffin by direc tion of a physiciai, whereupon the vampire thanked him ironically. That night he arose and killed three persons, besides twenty head of cattle. His body was carried out of the village and burned, his blood gushing forth the while, and his lips uttering fearful cries. Another somewhat similar case in Gradltz is attested by two officials ol the tribunal of Belgrade, and the Kino's officer, who were present as oeulai witnesses at the operation of destroying tho vampire. Mr. Pashley relates that a man of note was buriod in St, George s Church in Kalkrati, in the island of Crete. In the popular belief he was in life a vampire. An arch was built over hid grave to hold him down. One night a shepherd lay down to sleep near tho grave, leaving his arms arranged so as to form a cross. The vampire rose in the night, but could not pass over the cross. He requested the shepherd to remove it, as he had important business in the village. On his promise to re turn shortly, the ehopherd removed the cross. The vampire went into tho vil lage, killed a man and woman, and drank their blood. The following day his body was taken out and burned. A drop of his blood spurted upon tho foot of a bystander, and instantly that mem ber withered. The scene of another manifestation of the superstition which ended in a tragedy was laid in Hungary. A young miller, on the eve ot his marriage with a peasant girl, was suddenly seized with a mortal illness, expired, and was buried the next day. That night several cattle were killed fn a mysterious manner, and the young man's betrothed dreamed that she heard him calling for help. Her story, together with the incident of the dead cattle, inflamed the minds of the villagers, already saturated with tho vampire belief. They repaired m a body to the miller's grave. On opening it the supposed corpse sat up with a loud c y. Tho mob c ied vampire, and fell upon him immediately and beat and mangled him with stones and clubs. A physician who examined the body short ly afterward declared it his opinion that tho young man had awakened from à trance only to be murdered by his former friends.— Chicago Inter-Ocean Presidential Brass Bands. People throughout the city are won dering why amateur musicians are dis» laying so much industry in tooting on urass horns just now. An old band master smiled blandly when the subject was called to his attention. "It's tho harbinger," said he, "of that great crop of spasmodic musical organizations known as Presidential brass bauds, which every four years, on the eve of a great National contest, spring up like mushrooms. You see, what is wanted during an activo cam paign, such as the approaching canvass promises to be, is just enough music to pass current, and as much noise as can be gotten'from the biggest sort of bin brass horns. Already half a dozen now bands have made their appearance in tho city since the Chicago Convention. It's an easy matter. A musician of passable acquirements and three or four fair blow ers together, rope in a do zen or more amateurs at a cheap rate who know just enough to keep time, and lay in wait for the campaign. They a e bound to bo in demand, and at the end of the canvass sometimes find that if they have not mare much music they have made some money. In a few weeks you will find that Philadelphia brass bands will bo legion." Having thus delivered himself the old bandmaster was about to move on up Chestnut street. He had, however, torgotteu something, and, turning back, said, a3 ho winked with both eyes: "Very few people are up to the corxed horn dodge; but, for goodness sake, don't say I told you! Somet mes the supply of amateurs runs out when pol itics get at a white heat. Then a few wicked band men will play the dummy racket. A club or a parade manager wants a band and all tho first-class bands are engaged. He sends to one of the gorilla leaders and makes a con tract at generally for so many pieces at so much a head. He wants a good deal of noise, and, therefore, contracts for a large number of players. The head manager gets together all the hard blowing amateurs he can, and fills up the number contracted for with dum mies. To these, who couldn't blow a note for their lives, he gives great in struments, taking care, however, to plug up the horns with cork. The dum mies, thus equipped, march along with the other musi-tans, pretending to make music with all their lungs. Perhaps the cork of one of these horns blows out, and a wild, discordant note is heard. The dummy quickly lowers his instrument and pretends to blow tho spittle out as he recurks the horn. Tho dummy gets from $1 to $2 for his day's work, and the manager pockets the other $3 or as the terms of contract may be.— Phia'.delphia Record. —Deafness, it is said, can be cured by one being suddenly surprised. All a physician ne >d do, therefore, is to whisper to the patient that he does not intend to charge anything. Ten chances to one the pat:ent will hear.— Philadel phia Call. < About Corkscrews. The oorkscrew is a contrivance to facilitate the removal of corks from bottles. When a cork protrudes from the neck of the bottle far onough to admit of grasping it with the hand or olinohing it with the teeth, a corkscrew is unnecessary. But when a oork is Hush with tho bottle's mouth, or, through unskillful manipulation, has become lodged down in the nook, a corkscrew is not only a convenience, but almost a necessity. '1 he bottle may be emptied of its liquid contents by crowding the cork down through the neck with a penholder or any other suitable article that may be at hand, but this method of opening a bottle is generally roga «led as inelegant. There are several kinds of corkscrews. That which has bven tho longest in u-e is th-j simplest. For several hundred years it was the best, until a genius added an improvement which brought it to perfection, 'i he primoval corkscrew consisted of a wire, pointed at one end, twisted into a -piral with about five turns tempe ed so as to give rigidity to it, and provided with a wooden handle like that of a gimlet, The spiral part of the wire was about-two inches long after being twisted, the part left straight was of about tho same length, and tho wooden cross piece was round, and about throe inches in length and half an |ineh in diameter. Tho handle was made fast to the metal by putting the wire through a hole in tho wood aud clinching it. The metal was not burnished, nor was the wood pol ished or painted. It is safe to say that thore never was a corkscrew job which could not have been ac omplishcd with one of these primeval corkscrews. Tho name of the inventor of tho corkscrew has not been handed down to these generations. He lived bofo:o the days of lette s patent, it is held by a oertain sohool of theorists that ho was no other than Archimedes. The similarity of the oorkscrew to the spiral of Archimedes is r—a theta. The i ork screw can not have a constant equation, for tho pit h varies not only in different screws, but iu the different spirals of the same screw. A oor,,screw fash ioned after the equation of the spiral of Archimedes, with important modifi cations, would be serviceable; but there seems to bo no sufficient rcaion for be lieving that Archimedes invented the corkscrew. An important improvement in cork screws is mentioned in tho foregoing, iu order to comprehend its value, the practical use of tiie ordinary oorkscrew must lie understood, 'ihe bottle is grasped by the neck with the loft hand, the top of the cork is p icked with the point of tiie spiral, and about six or seven half twists are givou to tho cork screw. Tho body of the I ottle is then gripped between" the kno •», and a lift ing force is applied to tho c rksorew and through it to the cork. Tiie re moval of the cork is accompanied by a sound which may be airly imitated by putting the left forefinger in tho mouth with its end against the inner surface of the right cheek, inllating the cheek--, and then removing tho finger by a quick push against the yielding right hand corner of the mouth. His uerfeoted corkscrew has the blunt end of tiie wire brought back through tho wooden handle and twisted around the sto.n of the corkscrew till it comes down to the top of tho spiral, where it is wound into a concentric coil. When the spiral has sunk into the cork the blunt end of this coil strikes against the cork near its periphery, and with the purchaso thin obtained the oork is turned around in the neck of the-bottle and withdrawn far more gently than with tho unim proved co. kscrow. A good article of tiie perfected pattern may be I ought lor about fifteen copia in almost any general store in the country. In a cut lery establishment in the city the price would not be over seventy-five cents. There are other complications which ave intended to increase the usefulness < f the corkscrew or niake'it more con veniently portab'e, A metallic contri vance shaped like the bow of a jews harp, is substituted for the wooden handle, and the stem of the spiral is fastened between the ends of tiie bow with a pin in such manner that the im plement may be shut up like a pocket knife. _ Th : s pattern of portable cork screw is adapted for excursion or pic nics, wherethere may l:o bo'tles of milk tobe oponed. There is also a vury elabor ate kind of corkscrew sold in some of the drug stores and cutlery establish ments. It is nickel plated « looks as formidable as a toy steam engine. It is so constructed that a r t r it has been adjusted the engineer has only to keep o:i and the ceric will be hoisted high and dry. There are a few rules regarding the use of the cork screw which are generally observed by the elite. The place for the corkscrew is not by the side of tho hostess's plate. Champagne bottles are not opened with a corkscrew, nor condensed milk cans, nor cocoanuts. Any person who has tried to take small cucmbei- pick les from a bottle with a corkscrew will ever afterward endeavor to have a pickle fork a 1 hand, if he dues not go t> tho extreme of having the pickles removed from the original package before they are brought to the table. It may be set forth as a general rule that any at tempt to utilize the corkscrew for any purpose other than the removal of corks will result in embarrassment, and had best not bo tried except in privacy N. y. Sun. —Mr. Hammond, the owner of the now-famous English raee-horsc St. Ga lien, began life as a stable-boy at Newmarket. Duriu^the last few years he is said to have won 8400,000 on tho race-course. By St. Gfrtien this voai lie wins #100,000. He Was Not a Kicker. Ben Rldgley, a Louisville (Ky.) new», paper man, who for tho first twenty years of h s life h id been accustomed to feeding on champagne and dift niond back terrapin, has for tho past twenty years been having a catch as iateh-ean wrestling match with the us ual boarding-house spread, aud is still alive, but weak. One day, early in the spring, ho wont, to his landlady with complaint. "Madam," he said, with aderai-somi quavor in his voioe, ami a piece of wet ness in each eyo about as big as a buck shot, "haven't I been a protty good boarder for tho two years 1 hav e Tioen with you?" "Why, Mr. Kidgley, of oonrso von havo. Only yesterday a lady asked me how long you had been a "member of tho Y. M. C. A., ropliod tho lady in surprise. "Yes, and when you gave us eggs with tho feathers on did I ever kick " ' Wna what's tlialP" stammered the woman, thrown off lier halunce by tho suddenness of the blow. "And did 1 ever insist on your clip ping their wings?" "Sir, 1 don't----" "And didn't I keep right on, oven though you let tiie butter wear it's hair banged, when you knew 1 hated bangs?" "Mr. Ridgely, th ! s is going too— "And did I complain when 1 found a button in my pie, because lliore wn-n't any buttonhole in the tlupp" "Sir, 1 won't stand this any —'' "And did I report you to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty when 1 picked that poor helpless cockroach out of tho biscuit?'* "Shut up, you-" "Yes, when I found a minnow in the milk did I ask you whether you milkod your oow with a fishing-polo or a seine?" "W ha—wha—wh--" "Don't mention it, madame. Whon the steak was a little tough, was I one of the boardors who sent a buzz saw and^a steam engine up to tho house?" "And did 1 ever object to paying for furniture repairs, because the brcail was so heavy that, whon i swallowed it. it knockoJ tho bottom of tho oliair ou ?" "You mean, goon for nothing —" "Don't get excited, madam. " Did 1 ever inquire whether you drew yout tea with a windlass or a chain punip?" "Oh, you villain, you, you-" "1 hear you, m-idam and 1 want to ask if 1 ever reflected on your molasses can by asking if you hail a patent on that fly trapP" ••Oh—oh -oh, you oh------" "I ask, madam, d d 1 ever do any of those things? And 1 answer by saying ■never, no never.' Therefore l want to know why in thunder, excuse my for cible language, please, when they bring me a plate of soup with a dishrng in it, they don't bring a'ong a pair of scis sors to cut tho darned thing up so a man won't choke on it. That's all madam." When tho lady was roeuscitniod, Ben was compelled to go out Into the cold, cold world and got another hoarding house. Such is women's inhumanity .to man.— Merchant Traveler. The Leon. This wild and solitary biro, once Abundantly represented in this region — in tho old days of tho early New En gland settlements—is now but seldom seen on our Connecticut rivors and lakes. It is still o 'casionally met with, however, on some of our Connecticut waters, as on Hartlaud Point in West Hartford, Long Hill Pond in New Hart ford (where a low years ago, on a low water island, it was known to rest), and other places in not much frequent ed localities. Dr. Wood, of FouLh Windsor, shot ono on the Connecticut River, opposite that place, not long ago; hut tho loon is tho hardest of a'l birds to shoot. His quickness is nuia ing. Ho will escape a rifle ball liy diving after he sees the flash, and this at a «lis lance not greater than o ght roils. The writer onee succeeded in hitting one with a bullet at long range by creep ing through thick cover toward a small ami select company of these wild birds that were havbyt n little pio nie of their own * no water at siinr'so; but, unie'"» tney oan be so taken they ir>uat be shot. If at all, as Dr. Wood shot his, by having his gun already aimed at the probable spot whore tho loon will rise, and firing at tho very in stant tho water breaks, oven before the bird's head really appears. Hero is an account of the loon by tho best observer of birds in America: One of the strong and original strokes of nature was when she made the loon. It is always refreshing to contemplate a creature so positivo and characteristic. He is tho great diver and tlyer under water. The loon is the genus loci of tho wild Northern lakes, as solitary as they are. t onto birds represent the majesty of nat re, like the eagles; others its ferocity, like hawks; others its cunning, liko tho crow; others its sweetness and melody, like the song birds. The loons repre sent its wildness and solitariness.— Hartford 'limes. —Actors have a dispiriting outlook for next season. Managers anticipate bad business in consequence of the dis tractions of the Presidential canvass. Not since the introduction of the combi nation system have fewer performers been engaged nor smaller salaries offered. Those who last season re ceived seventy-five dollars to ono hun dred dollars à week can only get forty dollars to fiftv dollars.— -Chicago Her ald. la: ill I iu SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. —Paper bottles are now made on ri largo scale in Germany and Austria. —A clay whtoh can be utilized ii^ the manufacture of putty has been dis. covered in Attala. Miss. —A Santa Barbara (Cal.) botani fe has discovered a specios of gooseberry wholly unknown to science, also a new species of olive Woe. —A Gorman paper says that a rtmf can be made fire-proof by covering if with a mixture of lime, salt and wood ashes, adding a little lampblack togis it dark color. This not only guai ' aga nst fire, it is claimed, but " also i measure prevents decay. —A New Haven man hat invente l g new kind of a parachute, which tl fastened around the centre of the balloon itself and it Is expected to bring the whole affair, including tho aero naut, down safely if any accident imp pens to the balloon.— Hartford l'oit. . —There is hardly any safety raihvaj appliance hut may bo improved, ««id inventors who are socking for profitable Holds of labor will do well to investi gate tho cause of railway aooldcnts and deviso means of greater -a'oty to life, limb and property.— Seien Ha American. —Mr. Case, a watchmaker of Frank lin, Pa., has completed a looomotl a and tender six.Inches long all told, tfiat has every part complete that s found In a working onginc. It is mailu of gold, silver and iteel, and is destined for tho New Orleans oxhib tlon. Pi VS burgh Post. — Experiments by Dr. Fehl, of t. Petersburg, go to support tho the« ry that the waters of rivors are puriliod «y the motion (mass or molecular) 1 a parted to the liquid. Bringing water» into rapid motion by means of a centri fugal machine tiie numborof developing .germs of bacteria was reduced by ninety per oont. —The brillianoy in tho eyes of eats !» oausod by a oarpot of glittering lib« r* called the topoum, which lies behind the retina, and is a powerful reflector. In perfect darkness no light, is observed in their oyos, a fact which lias been i-s lablishud by careful experiments. Nev ertheless, ïivery small nuiou it of light is sufficient to produce tho luminous tt;> pearancc.— Detroit l'oit — The Photographic , Tourna ' repo t» an ingenious way to prevent forgery of bank notes. This is no othor than t io employment of an Invisible ucllnle In c, of which no trace can bo seen ou t t« paper or upon tho image upon the in cusing screen. As soon, however, as you eomo to develop your plate, 1,ha word "forgery" appears In hold lett« ra right across the negative. —The hoight and velocity of clor I» may be determined by means of pho tography. Two oarm-ras are placed u)d feel apart and provided witli instantane ous shutters, which are released >y eleotricitv at the satno moment. T a tingle of Inclination of the cameras a >d tho position of tho cloud as photo graphed are thus obtained, and simple trigonometrical operations give ti# hoight and distance from those data, -i Exchange. FITH AN» F01NT. —Lot the light of reason »hr flj through your soul's windows, but keep) warm by the fire of affection. — Fight hard against a hasty temp Anger wilt come, but resist it stoutly* A spark may sot a house on fire. — "G. is very c'oso," win observed by B., "he wills niabble about a com '* Well," remarked W., "1 have nlway» thought that the lest one sipiahhi about the'better."—-V. Y. Ledger. An article in nn exchange is hord ed "Costly Misuse of the Mail-." About tho most cosily miss use of tho mntsi that we know of aro indigent young men marrying boires es.— Saxton Po <t, — A Nevada lady took an unfivr ad vantage of h r husband's Indulgence in a bath, to elope with another mi nJ and Dio bereft ono expressed a oonv od tlon that «-he hud been waiting for :Ut. pportunity for yean.—Detroit Frei reis. — Soft soap for all sort« of poopl For a Lieutenant, call him a Capt: For a miildle-aged Indy, say you no took her for her daughter. !• or a you ng gentleman ri-ing fifteen, ask fits o| ou re meeting the comparative merit of Mccnl and Mappin as razor- eilet For young ladies, If yon know tlmhs color to bo natural, accuse them painting. —Odcago Tribune. -Some pimple are poetl al by nature, but there are othors to whom poet cal or sentimental language is utterly uu ns tolligible. Miss Molly MoDudo belongs to the latter class. George Smitl era has Leen paying her attention, amt a few evenings ago, In a wild po 'tie out burst, he exclaimed: "How fast t ma vanishes in your company, dearest N ols lio! The hours become brief minutes.'* "How can you toll anything about it?. You haven't even louk«:d at y. u* watch," responded the proaaio Molly.—^ Texas Siflingi. —Some stoic writes: Mail that Is married to a woman Is of maa» days and full of trouble. In the morning he draws his salary, and In tha evening. Behold, it Is gone! It Is a talo that Is told; It is vanished, and no man knows whither 11 gooth. He rtwuh up clothed In the chilly garments . i « if « he night And secketh the somnolent paregoric. Wherewith to soothe his Infant posterity, lie eometb as a liorso or ox, Aud draweth the chariot of bis offspring. He speedeth the sheekols In the purchase ol tine linen To cover the bosom of bis Family; Yet bfiipeir 1« scon at the gates of tho oitf With ono suspender. Yea, tic Is altogether wretebtxk