Newspaper Page Text
St. Charles Herald. PUBLISHED Aï HAHNVILLE. LA, Every Saturday. INDEPENDANT OF POLITICIANS, KINGS OK CLIQUES. i SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year - - $'2 00 | Si* Months - - 00 Three Months. - - 56 Cents. Payable Always in ADVANCE.^g^ SATURDAY, fc Bl'T. C, 1884. A PAPEE POU TIIE PEOPLE. Farish Fagraraphs. ST. CHARLES TIME TABLE, —o—O—c— IsffiijpiWsyEioiä LEAVES SARPY'S STATION coing south at 9:15 a. in.; going i " " 6 ,U 0 p.m.; ith 8.40 a.m. " 6 , 00 p.m. TEXAS & PACIFIC RAILROAD C0. 3 TRAINS EAST. Mail, " 403, " 9:50. A. M. Accom. No. 404, arrives, 5:40, P, M. TRAINS WEST. Accom. " 409, " 8:40 A. M., Mail, No. 401, Arrives, 1:55 P. M. J^Read liegist ration Notice. iy See proceedings of Policed ury |y Subscribe for the Hera Id. A. Riggs, & Bros Cistern Makers: Shop,No. 247 Delord Street N. O., fceml for Price List. Are you troubled 'with rheumatism? Use Kendall's Suavin Cure. Read advertisement. Considerable jjfever is prevaliug throughout our section. Leah Lodge No. 2891, (Hahttville) Knights of Honor, meets every 2d and 4th Thursday. One thousauiP'horses and mnles wanted to be shod on reasonable terms by Franz Gerlacli, blacksmith and horseshoer, Maiust., Hahuville, La. We were pleased to meet our affable friend, 11. L. Youngs, Esq., of Bonite, at fctlie Courthouse, on Monday last. Wo regret to learn of the illness of almost the entire family of Mr. Elias Youngs, popular residents of Bonite station. Wejreeeived it pleasant call from our genial friend, Mr. Morris Bein, of the Ashton plantation, on Sat urday morning last. The tliei momeler at this office on Ft ida.\ last, six p. in., registered ninety six degrees. A' »aim and suitry fc uight followed. J. Curtis VYaltlo, Jr., yf New Or leans, who was liereoti a short visit, returned homofon Monday sioruing last. He was t he J guest of Master Albert S. Urban. The storm ot Saturdàyîevenîng last blew down considerable of the tall sugar cane on tlie(Kelly) Ashton plantation and else where through out our parish. We received a call'yesterday from Mr. O. Jacobs, a lorm-r resident and merchant of this parish. He is on a business trip to our parish pur chasing rice for one of the mills of the Cresceut City. We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Magee, the active and efficient Division Supt. of the Texas and Pacific Raiiioad, on board of the through weBt bound express, on Saturday evening last. Our active young merchants, Messrs. T. C. M adere amt Anthony Madere, of Fashion store, just below llahuville, have, we regret to state, been ill with the prevaliug fever for several weeks past. Our worthy president of the Police Jury, J. L. Boutte, Esq.,was able we are glad to state, to be at bis post of duty again, on Monday last, after quite a serious spelt of sickness. Wo had the pleasure of meeting MivCuçullu, of the well known firm of S. B. Steers & Co., of New Or leans, at the residence of our genial frieitds, II. Viterbo and bros' of the "Edmee" plantation, on Tues day last. He was on a visit to our palish but returned homo last. Thursday. The telephone exchange of Ed gard, St. John, was again visited by lightning on lust Saturday evening; it struck the instillment and shat tered it to pieces. Mr. Harry Mil tier, the efficient instrument mat*, of the company was on hand Mon «lay morning, anil repaired the damages. Our sanctum was also visited but no damage done. We made a pleasant call Tuesday last, ou our energetic brother postmaster ami merchant, Mr. Max J. Chapsky, residing about four miles, btilow here. \Ye fourni himself and some of his employes ÿfd at work in his moss factory ^paring the different grades for .. e western markets; some of which goes to St. Louis, .Cincinnati and San Francisco, we are glad to note the evident signs of the prosperity of oui' young friend. turn has her was in : the on the the ful girl. We your with and ers, and to ing to the al at of of by mat*, the also for and note of We aro pleased to note the re turn on Saturday last, of Mrs. T. T. Baudouin, wile of our esteemed citizen, T, T. Bnndouiu, Esq., whit has been on. a six weeks sojourn to her family and relatives in Ten nesSee. She is in goöil health, and was welcomed by her niariy friends in our parish. _ : Mr! Harry Milner, from Donald sonvilte, Lai,' the genial employé of the telephone company, dropped in on mi Tjfursday morning last for the purpose ot inspecting and re ; pairing the pi irate line connecting the lialtUYIHè Exchange with the Eilme plantation (Lui(ug) five miles here. Another man made happy. On Wednesday night last, at nine o'clock, p. m., our old friend Col Owen McLeran, received a beauti ful present from bis wife, a. little girl. When last heard from the mother and child were doing well. We congratulate the Col., on his matrimonial j rize. ADVICE îi)^ MOTHERS -O— Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of catting teeth? If ho, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children Teething. Its valtie is incalculable. It will relieve tlie poor little suft'ei*er immediately. Depend upon it moth ers, there is no mistake about it. It cured dys entery and ciarrhcoa, regulates the stomach and bowels,cures wind cone,soften 9 the gums, reduces inliamatibn.and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup for children Teething is pleasant to the taste,and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female uurses and physicians in the United State' and is for sale l>y all dr gists throughout the world. Price, •25 cents a bottle. OUR BOOK TABLE. Hairs Journal of Health, for An 1884, has arrived. The Herald acknowledges r ceipt Of Catalogue of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, for 1883 84 Vol. 1, No. 12, if the American Journalist , lor Ang. 1884, has ar lived, and, as usual, contains large and well select'd variety of useful und interesting material for the fraternity. It, is published in St. Louis, Mo., at $2. 00 per annum We have received the able Com mencement Aildress eiititleil"Niiiion al Aid to Education," delivered before the facility and students of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, at Baton Rouge, La., July fourth 1884, by Judge -VA Gtuiby, of Monroe, La. Col. Frederick E. Goodrich's admirable "die" of Grovel* Cleveland is now ready; it is handsomely bound aud pinuted, mid cuhtains' upwaids or 500 pages; it *'*••**■ wodd and utd the now E. wiä on! illustra to«l'by first lass artists; it is from the pret-ft of Messrs. H. Uallett & < :o., of Portland, Maine. As a rapid biographer, Col. Goodrich « oubtlcss stands without rival in America, and the volume has the impress of the hroodcst information and most careful attention on every page. 'Jt his is the biography that received the idoatimable beuetit >f tl»e net i vo oo-oj te a t ion a ml a ssis tance of Mr. Cleveland, his relatives and iriends; this is tlio volume that is recommended by the friends uirI private Secretary of the distin guished Candidate; it is a' true picture, drawn by a master handy of the Kfe Of the St atesman from tlie humble cradle to the present day, and presents a striking contrast to the scoroof so-called "lives" which aro to a large extent tilled with irrelevant matter made up f. oin flic newspajK i-s of the day; those who are wise will subscribe only for tlie authentic Portland edition—-the largest, cheapest, handsomest and best. The steel-plate portraits of ( 'le vebvnil and Hendricks were engraved for the volume and aro a stRndiug rebuke to the caricatures which appear iu the so-called *'lives" with big pretensions. We umlerstand that this Autli ntic Stand ard edition is «mtselJing all others, more than ten to one, and that its agents aw meeting with the most phenomenal success. A few more agents are wanted by the publishers; tho most/ liberal terms are. offered. It is a splendid chunoe for beginners, as with this grand book no one can fail to do a great busi ness. The volume also contains a biography of Thoma^A. -Hendricks. V 53 FOR RENT. The spacious HAHNVILLE HALL, and grounds will be rented for Balls, Parues, Picnics, Soirees, Meetings, etc., on reasonable terms. For further particulars, apply to Joseph W. Carow, HekalD OPF1UB CLEVELAND Agents wantedforau thentic edition of his life; written at his own home,with his eooperation and assistanoo^iytlie renowned Goodrich. Largest,cheapest, hand some sehest, iifogautly illustrated. Goats more per copy tomanulact urn than the other li vesthat aro sold for twice its price. Outsells all other» tcu to one One of our agents made a protit of over $60 the liistilay. A harvest of gold will be reali/ed by every worker. All new beginners succeed grandly. Terms froe,and the most Iib eralever offered. Save valuable time by send in g 25 cents for postage,etc,on free out lit, which includes large prospectus hook. Act quick!v; a day at tho start is worth t* week at the finish. U. HALLET Op., PoftJtuub.MMue. CEORCF. BANQUER, JJoodJopeJtore Freetown, G Miles above HahuiIUe. t^ -DEALER IN 1DRY GOODS! J -—u—-O o J NOTIONS. and Shoes, __ats and Clothing, HARDWARE, TINWARE, ( ROCKE RY, ETC. ALSO. A. FULL LINE OF ks liquors, Mss*, sic., ALWAYS ON HAND. c WANTED. A goix.1 Potter to take chargo of a pottery. Apply at this office. A person is needed to cut into cord wodd the woods between Hahttville and the Railroad. Apply at this office. , YV ANTED. —A person who under stands bees and bee-keeping,to take charge of an up a try. Apply to the editor of tins paper. Wanted..— Some reliable and com petent brick-mnket to manufacture utd burnout- or two kilns of brick at HahiiviHe. Apply to the editor of the St. Chaules Herald NEW ORLEANS CARDS; UPPER COAST PACKETS: Office 46 Camp St. N. 0. EyERY DAY,*oxoept Monday, 9 A. M., Belle. Monday, 5 P. M., - * - Whisper. Tuesday, IS M, - - Belle of the C oast. Thursday, 12 M. - - Belle of the Coast , Friday, 12 M. - - - - Whisper. Saturday, 12 M, -, - Belle of the Coast, --Merchants and Planters' Indupkndknt Electric Lioiit Packet. For the Upeer Coast toillampton PWfrr And all way landings—the now and h mi sonic MAttEL COMEAUX, E. J. Comeaux, Muster. \V. C. Macli'N& Ciias. Dean, Clerk wiä 1 leave as ns above *Vucsdays . Thursdays and Saturdays at 12 M., returmug down the coast on! alternate days. fias a clerk ut the head of Conti street, N.O., daply to reqéivo freight. GAŸ BERTRAM, or 30HN M.HOIH4KINSON, Agents,4 Conti st SALE in »»».i DEXTËR :*& 11 2 Baronne St., NEW OR LE A NS. ClPKeeps constantly on hand ii choice so leotiou of siwldle and buggy horses and mules. Satisfacton guarantee«! or money refunded. Sixth S a of V HENRY HALLER, 53 AND 57 CAMP STREET, N. O. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STOYES&ÏÏN WARE. L'|r H6 ! usbfui'iiLsliiiif «Very ili-wi-i-ipt ion. Goods of Now Aih at CHAJRhES BE\$(W. MANUFACTURER OF I!n;es; ! -Ç5 ' U: .... « ■ -v '-- v - -A.' i llfP) Spring Wagons, etc. 16H & 170 BARONNE 8Tv Between Lafayette rfnd Girod, NEW ORLEANS. l^ 13 Keeps eoiiRtantly on lia assortment of m w and Sccönd buggies, light sp ing wagons, eonipTeto amages, Brackets, G VS FIXTURES, Globes, JAS..ÏÏ. AITKEH u Co., (Late of Maniôn.Aithcii & Cd.,) PLUMBERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, Dealers iu Iron Pipe, Fittings. VALVES AND BOILER TUBES, 11$ VAMP ST., (Seau rorDUAB,) JVetc Orleans. to his of be Iib a ( Eutajjlishbd in 1875.) ADOLPH BILLET, Wholesale & ILetail GROCER, Wine & Liquor Dealer. Nos, 113 & 115 South Itampiîti, AND 81 AND 83 VERDIDU STP EETS NEW ORLEANS, La. opecial, Attention given to Coortrv OOnti-i-K. Gooils, out of my Hit«, bought ut lowest price ant ce. J 3 f*By request numthly price oupwmtq will bo mailed free. Scn«l in voür names. a7Iy No chargo for packing ALL GOODS utnd un< dray i'uU gutu- J ETC. LOUISIANA Steam Sash, Blind and Door IHANBFACTOaY, Vus. 301,303,305,307 GltAVIER ST., Branch Office,52 Carondclet St., NEW ORLEANS. ROBERTS & Co.,Prop's, Snsli, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Flooiiiig and Ceiling, Newels. Dal iisieia, ttc., always ou baud or uiado to Older. Orders pronqdly attended to. Estimates given when required A. & F. A. VILLERMIU, CS-KOCKRe AJXTX2 Commission 3MEeroliaxits> No. 91 DECATUR STREET, t Between CoNit and St. Louts, . NEW ORLEANS. EEOS " f tv ft «ruin afin Kb»«« mW IHuhanl s tîMfry niaUn-t tnethoU fl LUI of reliure < f itrwu.Jioot Orfijw. Mwtëi Oroiw. ? r. c «■«»■■■■■mi *" d • rr ' c - dm of poor ui»s. KIKAsS SISLEY &T CO. Rochester,N.Y. Chicago,111 smut's suos ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALF1ED. SHAW, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practices in New Orleans and the Twenty Sixth .ludieitj! District. Office, 1J4 Common trebt, New Orleans. WILLIAM E22D MILLS, ATTORNFY AT LAW, No. 8 St. CHARLES ST., New Orleans, La. THROUGH DAILY TRAINS TO AM), HU)M THE . STATE CAPITAL, Via 'i ll Mississippi Yalley, ROUTE Commencing Sunday, Feb. 10^ 11581. The New Örlcnns ami STississ pj»l Vnlley T» UI.Y 'I'll AINS between Railroad RUN Now Orhuius foDowiil: id Baton Rouge . ander the SCHEDULE. THAINH SQUTll. TH Al N« NOHTH Aih i'i iO,l5A. M., New Qrum »,Lve',t0 AM, \ •• 7,15. 1*. -M. " '-5,45 1'. ' L'to6:l3a in. BATON ROlTGE^rive 1 1: lO' " 3, IS jKin *• *• •* 3AÄIV.HD " 7:O0,i.iu. VICKSUUim, " 5,')0a.iu. \ Trains will only stop at regilhtr àtatioim and at tllag stations when Hugged. Flagstatious-aiM | designated by post with Jianie, an«! paep« s wiriifitg to tiiice ti'uiiM ut ihceé Hcations will liguai them tmdop: ' 7V«rf f arriçc unify puvlfi' qui Jachsqn JUpol. JOHN BRADLEY. Supt. ROUTE TABLE, Tsixas & Pacific ïl- K., THE GREAT i'OPULAli ROUTE —BETWEEN— The East and the lest! I 11 1 AND 'ALT, POINTS lN LOUISIANA. NEW MEXICO ARIZON A AND UA L1FORN1A Fiivorite Lm c jn the Moilh. East a nil Soultrast PS SLEEPING CARS Daily Between 1 . Si,. L0UI8, 'DALLAS, FORT WORTH, EL TA iJ AND SAN FRANCICC .'.CAL, —Also—, MARSHALL & NEW. QKLFAN« WIT HOUT CHANSEt Solid Train« F.f Paso to St. Louis. FiistTiims First- Class lii|nipincnt,Stiri) Cmmcttiims. —o—O—o—— See that your ticket« nmil via Texas ami Paeilie Railway. For Maps,TiineTiiblefl,TieUots Ba tes ami all required inforimitlöii.will on or address anv of tlie Ticket Agents,or li.P.H UG ! 1 ES, Pas. 1 ?, Au't, Houston, W. U. NE WM A X'tVaffii-/ M ami yilr, B. W. McCULLOÜGH, Gen'l Pas. Ag't.GHivusUtii/lo >as. rWrtW TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. Fromtn«i»D sources ariao tin c«-fourth» of tho «Usoases of tim human iho<*. TIi^ho » yinpumu» nuUuato iheir «xut« cco : Lo«p of ä|>ttelito, Mutnl* «a*uv«, ftick (>oihto, fuUnat* iill«r «MtUug, utmlnn to ciei Uoa of biMly or mind, Enu-toUon » I ftiiri, h'M.'JiliUUy or iriu|>er, I,o«v «{{(dl*, A f.«U»iig of linviiig fu'nlicU«! htiMio .lntr, boJildeii*, l hUi«ring nt ihn tMFforo file ejr««. cat ired ilrliafl, <and df>* man.! Mm usa of » r««m«* J .y that ac ts diKastJr «in th« i.iver. Aaaldvur tn«ui1aSno flbltl» Khl . all IthpurttlM Uirough or th«* producing tippu* tit«%j«m:»| (UgoAtlon, n*gal«ir siooliga woar skill and a vigorous body. TUTT^NFIa.I-Ä om nH.« no uuviaiHfli or griping nor Interfere wn h dap y work and aro a perfoot À^fgDOTg TO MALARIA. nrj Kiscirü i.ihh a mim mar. 14 1 Uv/d had I>ysp«*pBla # irith Conorlpa w ». yean*, and uuv« trl«-d ton «Ultciont kin la nf pills, and TVTT*» arc tbo first that, have (finie mo any good. Tl»oy !«a»o o'.etun d mo out ploefy. My gppotlu» U» spb-utlid. fo A dtgcHto remit*/, and I now hnvo nuiuru! i»a«»age«. I feci like A new man " W. I). EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. Sobi evurywli. rr*,9lfo« r>filce t 44 Morrfky St^N.Y. ialM liav«» no equal. Tboli* uotlpn on the lnoys an«! 8k ui 1» aluo prompt ; romovltig iitipitritioa tiirough tnuao tiiivie •• s««iv TORS HAIR DYL G;ur IIaih oh Whmebm ebanyed in »taAPly to ft uisrtgr Black t>y a OTngto np p)ttj.,ioti of Hits Dm, Sold Dy Druggist*, hi etmt by exprès» ou receipt çf g I, Ofüm-, 4-1 Murray Street, New York. IUTT 3 MMUAL 5 f UStFUl RECEIPTS FREI. \VE .PAY Spécial Attention TO ALL KINDS OF Job Printing-. Gvr Prices tire LOW. Pry Us. "Herald Office." ÏHE MOST POPULAR « --*—>• or ALL*— v SEMŒ MfiEHlNES. \ ' \ | s tfi V)' m •4 ^ 0E a r 5^ S\N* glJP N o HAS ALWAYS EQUAL IN ORDER LÄßT t F ET I M H U SUSP Mothers HPASBES m 0 NV. Ttio lu,t mot scud ,uit-. sp«M«k to ho the GÜSTAV SEEGEH, 3V|o, 170 CANAL STREET, N 1 Orders'attended to wit h dispatch or >as. THii ONLY TRÜB IRON TONIC FACTS RECftHOIMS Sr, Hartei's Iron ïm a A MH and VIGOR ri'qnirlar K'WÄÄ», riabittiul «'tUcion jro I, * t ■■ mg euiallt Dvapppfclu.Vi «mi wl Ai>|»c*ilUu«Ii"UK , t'* Lack «if bU-«;u*Ui,Tlc., Ms us.q In mark«;«! .... n.liiié «Mate's»i*Vwiiuiirriil reaiilt^. mui«jl«»,anU nerv«« rccih« ucw lorcu. -LPlivçua tho mind and ^«ippll« » liraln rower, n a b*î» 'j i** f» «lutTcriit« imni all complaints dire. It frivol a rictir anrt hoallli) ot»ji|iloxK»a. Uô UOt c-Xperlni«ait—get llkr OlIKHNAL AND llLsi \lkili of «Irbttti» a a<f ot« fui luf^rmutlou, liw F Du. Habter*» Iron Tpnio is poh 8als oy au DHU 001 ST 8 AH 0 DSALEria Evervwhchs. ASH of of to ihn df>* first !«a»o U» now new the > mi BITTERS H CURES ALL DISC A S£3 OFTHC .LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND IBÔWKL8 K ALL DRUGGISTS CL 0) rRtc DOllts. ccrjaBS in np FREI. Dr.paf.L, Genexal Debility, Jauadio«, Habitual Constipa» tion. Lint Complaint, Sick Hsnduuko.'Diaeaaed ILId naya, Etc., Etc. , .t containo ODly the Purest Drue,, among which may ha enugierated FB1CILV ADZ BALZ A» SmiZD, KAKSÏAZÏ, DCÏBO. CEMA, Bti. It cleanse, the ayateîn thoroughly, aud as a PUXtIFLEB OF THE BLOOD la Unequaled. It ia not an Intoxicating bevorare, nor can It be uaed as such, by reason of its Ustbartla Fropertlas. PRICKET ASH BITTERS CO. Solo Proprietors, ST. LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY, It 0 B 1 aY (S' 0 A ' A NEW ORLEANS LIGHTNING BOD UOMFAN Y. Lightning Rods and Lightning Bod „ . U-dliKlALS. , liobiusoDB "Kfrct'ro-Bfiigi.otli; Sllvir C'littri, t 1 u BlK-f tBltJ. ' ' 11 . J, Mi Eobifcaou, Manag'r. DEVOT AND OFFICE—ytti CAN A I, 8T , C*r MMflrtjv Ki-lvOvlFnii*. 1 gyCruiitry Onlacfi«« J It] fcUruded to NV. A GREEN, Agput, lX)KAUnn)NTJU.K, l*. StEtillltint in 1*55. Ttio oldest i »ÉÂilisli«><l unit w»ty Houro of tlie kind ili 1 11,- kuulh. f KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tub Moot Siiitsmpvi. Kwmkdy «vor ,11a ,V(>l r<t 11. it H I'. rt.iin 111 il M ( fl.Tl, alltt lu,t titi.toi' Rooit Proof twtow. iioi by. Mion., Du»-., X, tsaa. Dr. É. J, Kauldll A C«.. Dour NIib.—I lmvu mot yoOr S|uvVin Curo in ivvo cifoi'«. Olio for nrl), Hint ouo Hiilini. It it ill ntoely. M. A. 1'l.CMIIBH. KENDALL'S SPAVIN UURK. N. Dm.. Il, 188U. Dr. B.J % Kendalltk. r*l..(jhtnHei«ieii:—IHenHO scud mo eircidar» printed on ow' »id«*, *«ver tisement tor KenditU's Spavin G«r<*, as I am ,uit-. Y«*ur KeudaH's Spavin < uve gives satU fa<'H«»n at niv duMouiet* arid aII* who use it sp«M«k well ««f it. Ah il. U «« g«u>d tiling 1 wish to (uiverüne It iu gond shape. S« nd m«'such advertising mail«>r as you have ^ud.oblige, Your» very fOsp«'«'t fully. W. K. Tiiihti.m. Price .t I, \x\r bottle or si x bot tles for $5; All Druggists have itoroRri get U for you, ovit will ho sent t«» any address ou re«»dpt o I price, by U J. Kendall Co., Lnos ISULI) HY AI L DRUGGISTS. the proprietor burgh Falb», Yt For Sale at this oßett. TUTT'8 n affto TOBftw I, cvniT.o.i.'d or Uoibul »ud Mumlugmou. prod ont., w n loi i porniMU« th« «lb. ton«, of ihe Inn,,, auiotontM til. aorhl mu«« ttmtunwowm tbo bmnohlul Tub«l L »uamrlo»» ioothluK cool, or, wbiob relieve, the It rltatlom ihut. oiiu**» tlie aoo(k. It eteàu... tue lung. <*f «U limpuyitl«., «UenaUi.n. them when enfeebled by dUett.e,iayi«ot. at«, tho hlrculatien of th» blooä, .mi briictmth. norvoen Rrutom. MlRht eold. often end f Sll«n •munibeUen. It I, d.n&.rQ.i to otoi them. Apply tho retpedy promptly Ay ,oor. Wiirmnt* th. »»»»nlon ■ tonenlect twtoftironVÿ yOor. wurront. th. mMHitoif ttiot no remedy ho. ever be.,, ftmnd thnt l,u prompt tn ilavlI»i)loi«T'' """" * ulnifle do.o roll«, I liifl.minhttoo, »u4 U» «M . , _ oh.Hnole cwutrh. A plee.ent cordial, ehU- drei, take It readlly. For Crown It ia UiTalnablc nnA RhoiiUi t*" In y family. -» iWc, and *1 Bottle«, « TUTT# IXMCTORAJtT. i. tue nhlvitm, iuWuM ia* . I v wlilv fur,« tho un«t PILLS ACT PIHEOTLY ON Cure« Chili« and Fever, Ity.peimla, iHlok KIe«dUclie.ltlU«ma Colic .C«»»»« I|»a- iNlok lIe«it»lKC»»c, tiD.i.niih t»»« k'imrti EleihtliACiic. imiouM rihrum*ti«m,Pil«)a t PslnlIiUlff» of bnr«, Diuluflfs, Torufltl LlVortUhtl I« Irregoluritt«*. If jro» do aok^fwl t iy woll/'asinfflcpiUiir. bod-tlme •timulfttcstLo pi om udK, r**i nrettb» aptlcH **, j mpnr tn vj{?or t o tjio pvsfemt »J» Wi«rr«y<»t .rir.Vw ftjjr FQft TUTÎ*& WlAMUn nCIHTjg; 9 c 02 I BALZ Bti. as a can CO. ]ieui Oil coni j Opening December 1,1504 ; Closing Mty 31,1680 — UNDKIt Tim AUSIUCIW Ü* TUB — Uijited gt^es. ßflUBmment. $1,300,000, Appropriuled by the General Uo-«rumeot. $ 500 , 000 , CvnUibuteU by the CUIaciis of Hew Orleans. $ 200 . 000 , Appropristt-t) by Mcsicow $ 100 , 000 , Appropriated ty tbe Slut« of J.oui*Uo*. $100,000, Apiiwprlubil by Uw City of New Orlesna. From $5000 to $25,000, ApiaOpriuted • hv Iim«iiHerab!i»' t>t»te$, Ci tic h ami Foreign CouaUriee, Cv$rÿ Stst« snd Tsnitory in ths Union n»prMSftt#d, »nd nssdysHtbs Lescltntf Nrtions snd CountriM of trie Wot Id. The Biggest Exhibit, the Biggest Building end the Biggest Industriel Brent, la the World's History. ArruOATimi# Foil kxhihitm ai bkai»yrrckivku CUVKH MOltKei*AUK AND A «UKATKU VARIKI V or MiniicrTs than th«jsk or any • jgu'OSl I IUN KVKH 'I*he cheaufst rate* of travel ever known in the annul* of ir:ins|M»ru«tion secured for the people everywhere. For iiifonnation, address E. A. BURKK, Director General, W, I, & C. C. K. New Orleans,-La