DOWN mmi A Careful Young Man. "You want to marry my «laughter?" "I'm not certain, hut I'd like to take ft opti of» on her hand, sir." ; NO MALARIA—NO CHILLS. 4 "Plantation" Chill Tonic is guaranteed ftD drive away Chills and Fever or your money refunded. Price 50 c.—Adv. Told Truth for 146 Years. ■On Lincoln's birthday, an aged man was brought into the jail at Butte, Mont., for drunkenness. When he proved that he had voted and fought for Lincoln, Jailer Lavell sent him «me In a taxicab. Word of this got abound town, and on Washington's ,J 4 rtliday a "drunk" announced that _4pjiad voted for Washington. *You must be a pretty old man," the ^merlsaid. "Past eighty," ventured the drunk. ''You'll huve to come again," de clared the jailer. "I didn't say how much past eighty," fcautlously replied the alleged drunk ard. "What's Washington famous for?" -asked Lavell, as he continued his work ■pt writing the man's name down on the blotter. "He never told a lie," promptly an swered the old fellow. 'And I suppose you are following his '.—IP?" _>et your life," said the drunk îss From the Gulch. Vhis Hindenburg line we h about?" asked Three sndéh ""^J^this fellow' to jail and we'll with lying," instructed the ®ne of his assistants.—Butte ♦he otb - ' •rorn b;_ to have had beet] ata that 1.' tober 7 Tv that he bei y f or cer t a in," replied '*v TLr 'k pD ß h)ut judging by the kinks likely to rettj^ must look like a on hii^jg 0 f a tenderfoot." them. The <_ lieving that twy 0un g man has so dered the thiropse that a college Wf the expenstmfit him for a use xBnltow them am particulars. On ------ wad Tate started^ They found the mile below the Fori) Prom information the vicinity were there had been bv one womatL. therg dren. ftvpM des Woman Tells How $5 Worth of Pinkham's Compound Made Her Well. Lima, Ohio.—" I was all broken down In health from a displacement. One of my lady friends came to see me and she ad vised me to com mence taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I began tak ing your remedies and took $5.00 worth and in two months was a well woman after three doctors said I never would stand up straight again. I was a mid wife for 9 even years and I recommended Öie Vegetable Compound to every wo man to take before birth and after wards, and they all got along so nicely that it surely is a godsend to suffering women. If women wish to write to Cne I will be delighted tc answer them. " -Jifcmv-TpNNiE Moyer, 342 E.North St., O 0 . "a who suffer from displace* ? weakness, irregularities, ner ness, backache, or bearing-down p is, need the tonic properties of tho tv ts and herbs contained in Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Kill All Flies! ™ E OIsIas| AD Placed tny where,D«!«y Fly Killer attracts and kills all ■ tfw. Meat, clean, ornamental, convenient, and cheap. i-MUa'lnffmAon Mad* f e«n't apiiiw fi ti p c»er : will not soil w » .Mr 1 Injniw anything. Cuarao Tf toed aßactlva. Aak tot Daisy Fly Killer -«MOLD SOMERS, ISO DE KALB AVE., BROOKLYN, HOW THE GERMANS TREATED BELGIUM Proclamations Posted by Army Commanders in the Invaded Country. __I Von Emmich's First Demand for Free ! I Passaac Followed tv Warn i nos. TAKEN FROM IRE ORIGINAL. Passage Followed ty Warnings, Requisitions and Information of Ruthless Penalties Exacted. Some iih'a of wliat the Belgians Move ; h:ul to endure under the military rule ! of the Germans may be obtained from the copies, printed herewith, of many j of the proclamations posted by the ; Teutons in the little country they in vaded. The documents are authentic, j having been translated from the orig I inals that are in the possession of Ian ! Malcolm, member of the British parlia j meut. They require no explanation and little comment. The American I reader may imagine what his feelings Would be if be should lind such proc lamations affixed to his residence, his church or his town hall. TO THE BELGIAN PEOPLE. It is to my very great regret that the German troops find tlieinselvek com pelled to cross the Belgian frontier. They aro acting under the constraint of an unavoidable necessity, Belgium's neutrality having been violated by French ofiieers, who, in disguise, crossed Belgian territory by motor ear in order to make their way into Ger many. Belgians ! It is my greatest wish that there may still be a way of avoiding a con liict between two nations which have hitherto been friends, and at one time even allies. Remember tho glorious days of Wa terloo, where German arms played their part in founding and establishing the independence and prosperity of your country. But we must have a free passage. The destruction of bridges, of tunnels and of railways will have to be looked upon as hostile acts. Belgians ! It is for you to choose ! I hope the German Army of the Meuse will not be forced to fight you. A free passage for attack is all we desire. I give formal pledges to the Belgian population thnt it will have nothing to suffer from the horrors of war, that we will ptly in gold for the provisions that must be taken from the country, and that our soldiers will prove them selves the best of friends to a people for whom we feel the highest esteem and the greatest sympathy. It rests with your good sense and with an In telligent patriotism to save your coun try from the horrors of war. The Gt'neral Commanding the Army of the Meuse. VON EMM ICH. [This proclamation was distributed by the German army among the Belgian civil population on August 4. 1914. This was the day they violated Belgian neutrality, and they still hoped that the Belgian army would offer no resistance. At War sage, the village where this proclamation had been scattered by the Uhlans, 3 civ ilians were shot, 6 hanged, 9 others killed In various ways, and 35 houses were burnt down.] ORDER To the People of Liege. The population of Andenne, after making a display of peaceful inten tions towards our troops, attacked them in the most treacherous manner. With my authorization, the general commanding these troops has reduced the town to ashes and has had 110 persons shot. 1 bring this fact to the knowledge of the people of Liege in order that they may know what fate to expect should they adopt a similar attitude. Liege, 22d August, 1914. GENERAL VON BULOW. [Two hundred and flfty civilians—men, women and children—were killed by the Germans at Andenne on August 2«} and 21, 1914, and 50 at Seilles on the opposite bank of the Meuse. A hundred and fifty three houses were burnt at Seiiles, and 37 at Andenne. As a warning to Biege, the killings at Andenne were superfluous, for on the night of August 20 the Germans had burned 55 houses at Giege and killed 29 civilians.] NOTICE TO THE POPULATION. On the 25th of August, 1914, inhabi tants of Luneville made an attack by ambush on German columns and am munition trains. On the same day in habitants also fired on ambulances bearing the Red Cross. Shots were also fired on German wounded and ou a military hospital containing a Ger man ambulance unit. On account of these acts of hostility an indemnity of 650,000 francs is im posed on the commune of Luneville. The mayor is ordered to pay over this sum on the Cth of September, 1914. at nine o'clock in the morning, to the representative of the German military authorities. Fifty thousand francs of the payment must be made in spe cie. All appeals will be considered null and void. No postponement will be granted. If the commune does not punctually execute the order to pay this sum of 650.000 francs, all goods that can be distrained upon will lie seized. In case of non-payment, house-to house visits will be made and all the I j ! j I j ! I inhabitants will he searched. Any per son who has deliberately concealed money or tried to withhold goods from seizure by tin* military authorities, or who attempts to leave the town, will be shot. The mayor and the linstag* s taken by tin* military authorities wili bo niade responsible for the exa<*t oxecu tion of the above orders. The mayor is ordered to publish those directious to the commune immediately. Ilenameiiil. ,"(1 September, 1914. (ieueral commanding, VON FASBK.M »Lit. [The motive of the pn r at proclamation s found in tio- German maxim that "Pun ishment is a proof of crime." The hein oils charges made, in the first paragraph, against the inhabitants of ville are ! flatly denied. At I .une vill** tber** were p, victims (including a *' * • ' and a woman of mnety-.*n*.:.t hay. n.*t. U». ind 70 houses were burned ] PROCLAMATION. Inhabitants of both sexes are strict !y forbidden to leave their houses so far as this is not absolutely necessary for making short rounds, in order to buy provisions or water their cattle. They are absolutely forbidden to leave their houses at night under any cir eumstances whatever. Whoever attempts to leave the place, by night or day, upon any pretext whatever, will be shot. Potatoes can only be dug with the commandant's consent and under mil itary supervision. The German troops have* orders to carry out these directions strictly, by sentinels and patrols, who an* author ized to fire on anyone departing from these directions. THE GENERAL COMMANDING. [These restrictions imposed upon the people of Luneville are the Oferman staff's ideal of the state to which conquered peo ples should he reduced.] NOT TO BE REMOVED. German Military Authorities. The mayor of the town of Luneville officially requests the inhabitants, un der the sanction of the most severe penalties, to abstain from making any signals to airplanes or other details of the French army. It would be very imprudent, even out of simple curiosity, to follow too attentively the maneuvers of the air craft that fly over Luneville, or to try to communicate with the French out posts. The immediate steps to enforce this, which would he taken by Colonel Lidi, commandant of the communications depot, would consist in the seizure of a considerable number of hostages from the working class as well as from the middle class. In order to prevent or repress crim inal behavior in war time, as well as to insure the security of the German troops and the civil population, the special police .stations flying a white flag are to receive day and night all communications which may be ad dressed to them on this subject. The Mayor of Luneville, KELLER. [In this proclamation the mayor of Lune ville is made to warn his fellow-citizens against rendering any assistance to their own national forces. The threat tit take hostages in case of disobedience was un derlined. To be seized as a hostage in tlie invaded districts of Belgium and France was almost equivalent to a sen tence of death.] NOTICE TO THE POPULATION. In order sufficiently to insure the safety of our troops and the tran quillity of the population of Reims, the persons mentioned have been seized as hostages by the commander of the German army. These hostages will be shot If there Is the least disorder. On the other hand, if the town re mains perfectly calm and quiet, these hostages and inhabitants will be placed under the protection of the German army. THE GENERAL COMMANDING. Reims, 12th September, 1914. NOTICE. The persons mentioned below were condemned by the tribunal of the council of war and shot this same day at the citadel, namely: Eugene Jacquet, wholesale wine mer chant. Ernest Deconinck, sub-lieutenant. Georges Maertens, tradesman. Sylvere Verhulst, workman. 1. For having concealed the English aviator who alighted at Wattignies on th<> 11th of last March—-for having giv en him shelter and facilitated his pas sage to France, so that he was able to return to the enemy's lines. 2. For having maintained and assist ed members of the enemy army who, after discarding their uniform, re mained in Lille and its suburbs, and having enabled them to escape into France. By the proclamation of the governor, of the 7th April, 1915, these two cases, being considered as espionage, are brought to tiie knowledge of the public in order that they may serve as a warning. THE GOVERNOR. Lille, 22d September, 1915. [Espionage is punishable with death— that is a commonly acknowledged rule of military law. But there are other serv ices which the civil population of an oc cupied territory may perform for their allies and fellow'-countrvmen under arms, which are absolutely distinct from espion age. of infinitely less danger to the occu pying power. The Germans wished to punish these acts of service with the ex treme penalty. They therefore "consid ered them as espionage.''] j I i j j i j I PROCLAMATION. Tn future the inhabitants of places situated near railways and telegraph lines which have been destroyed will he punished without mercy (whether they are guilty of this destruction or not). Fur this purpose, hostages have been taken in all place* in tin* vicin ity of railways in dang«*r of similar attacks; ami at tlit* first attempt to destroy any railway, telegraph or tele phone lim*. th'*y will be shot immedi ately. The governor, YON HER COLT/. PROCLAMATION. Tlie tribunal of tlie imperial German j council of war sitting in Brussels lias ronoimecl tlie following sentences: Condemned to death for conspiring • _'* ! her to commit treason : I Edirl; Gav. II. t .teller, of Brussels. Philippe Bam*«], architect, of Brus Je.nnm* It* Belleville of MollUgllies. Louis Thuiliez. professor at Lille. Louis Severin, chemist, of Brussels. Albert Libiez, lawyer, of Mims. For the same offense the foliowing have been condemned to lö years' hard Hermann, engineer, of Was ilH'S. Ada Bodart of Brussels. Georges I>erv«*au, chemist, of I'atur Mnrv «le Croy of B* llignies. At the same sitting, the war conneil condemned 17 others charged with treason against the imperial armies to sentences of penal servitude and imprisonment varying from two to eight years. The sentences on Baneq and Edith Cave!! have already been fully exe cuted. The governor general of Brussels brings these facts to the knowledge of tlie public that they may serve us a warning. Tlie Governor of tlie City, GENERAL VON BLSSINO. Brussels, 12th October, 1915. [Treason means t lie* opposite of patriot ism, but the German word "war-treason" means loyalty to patriotism at tiie risk of one's life. Acts of war-treason are acts done by tiie inhabitants of an occupied territory, on behalf of their native coun try and their fellow-countrymen, for which the German military code pre i scribes the penalty of death. Edith j Cavil and her companions had done such j acts and well knew what awaited them if i they were disc, vered. It was in this that their heroism lav.] PROCLAMATION OF THE GER MAN MILITARY COMMANDANT OF LILLE. j _ Tbc attitude of England makes thd provisioning of the population more and more difficult. To reduce tlie misery, the German authorities have recently asked for volunteers to go and work in the coun try. This offer has not had the suc cess that was expected. In consequence of this, the inhabi tants will he deported by order and removed into'toe country. Persons de ported will he sent to the interior (tf the occupied territory in Fran«', far behind the front, where they will be employed in agricultural labor, and not in any military work whatever. By this measure they will be given tlie opportunity of providing better for their subsistence. In case of necessity provisions can be obtained through the German de pots. Every person deported will be allowed to take with him 30 kilo grammes of luggage (household uten sils. clothes,.etc), which they will be well advised to make ready at once. I order, therefore, that no one may, until further order, change his place of residence. No one may absent himself from his legally declared resi dence from 9.0 p. m. to 6.0 a. m (Ger man time), unless he is in possession of a permit in due form. Inasmuch as this is an irrevocable I measure, it is in the interest of the population itself to remain calm and obedient. THE COMMANDANT. Lille, April, 1916. [This proclamation was followed up by the deportation of 25.000 French civilians from the towns of Boubaix, Tureoitig and Lille. There were girls as young as six teen among the victims, and men as old as fifty-five. Families were ruthlessly broken up] ! , ! j j ; j ! ; j j ' j I j i ! j j ; I NOTICE. All the inhabitants of the house, with the exception of children under fourteen, and their mothers, and also of old people, must prepare themselves for transportation in an hour-and-a half's time. An officer will definitely decide which persons will be taken to the concentration camps. For this pur pose all tho inhabitants of the house must assemble in front of it. In case of bad weather, they may remain in the passage. The door of the house must remain open. All appeals will be useless. No inmate of the house, even those who will not be transported, may leave the house before 8.0 a. m. (Gor man time). Each person will have a right to 30 kilogrammes of luggage; if anyone's luggage exceeds that weight, it will In* rejected without further consider ation. Packages must be separately made up for each person and must boar an address legibly written and firmly fixed on. This address must in clude the surname and the Christina name, and the number of the identity card. It Is absolutely necessary thnt peo ple should provide themselves in their own interest with eating and drinking utensils, as well us with a woollen blanket, strong shoes and linen. Ev eryone must carry his identity card on iiis person. Anyone attempting to evade transportation will be punished without mercy. ETAPPEN-KOMMANDANTUR. [In this proi lamation the German trans port officer at Lilt** puts the command ant's decree into effect. "It was terrible,'' writes a witness. "Tiie officer went round, pointing out the m< n and women whom he ••hose and giving them, to make t'.^ir preparations, a period varying from ui, hour to ten minutes."] AGIS LIMITE OS LIVER Guarantee "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had—Doesn't Make You Sick. Stop using calomel! It makes you sick. Don't lose a day's work. If you feci lazy, sluggish, bilious cr consti petted, listen to me! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones, Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking :t up. This is w hen you feel that aw ul nausea and cramping. If you feel 'ail knocked out," if your liver is tor pid and bowels constipated cr you navo headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach tour just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee—Go to any irug storo or dealer and get a 50-cent aottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a LAS ''THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" $3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 a1 Ï8 r wS5Ïn Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over9000 shoe dealer's. The Best Known Shoes in the World. W . L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth tlie price paid for them. T he quility of W. L. Douglis product is guaranteed by mote than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to nyike the best shoes for the price that money s' can buy. /( ^ Ask your shoe dealer for W. T,. Douglas shoes. If ho ran- r *» not supply you with the kind you want, take 110 other 1 '8Xj make. Write for interesting booklet explaining lioiv to '. W get shoes of the highest standard of quality for tiie price, \JJ by return mail, postage free, LOOK FOR W name and the retail stamped on the bottom. •'riot' 1 il beware of jf/J SUBSTITUTES lO Boys' Shoe» Best in the World _ , ../Jri * Best in me noria $300 *2 50 4 32.00 ■ , P , President " \y I,. Douglas Shoe Co., 185 Spark St., lirockton Mass. TRICK WAS COSTLY TO HIM Conjurer Who "Found" Coins or» Street Car Floor Forced by Con ductor to Turn Over Money. A conjurer performing at a lo<*n! theater got on a street car with two members of his company, and after a while, moved by some sudden impulse, he pretended to find sundry quarters, stooping her and there, and producing them from under the seats, on the floor anywhere, to the amazement of the passengers, says the Toronto Mail. His two friends laughed heartily at the joke. Not so, however, the conduc tor. who came forward and sternly de manded the twelve 25-«*nt pieces he had "picked up," In order that he might hand them over in accordance with tlie regulations governing lost property found in the cars. In vain did the "tinder" protest that it was only a conjuring trick. The conductor obviously did not believe him. And in the end. in order t<> avoid a compulsory visit to the polie»? station, lie had to give up the coins. CUTICURA STOPS ITCHING Instantly in Most Cases—Write for a Free Sample. Cutieura is wonderfully effective. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal all forms of itching, burning skin and scalp af fections. Besides these super-creamy emollients if used daily prevent little skin troubles becoming serious. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutieura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. Obstructing Navigation. "They tell me that Smith was ar rested today because he drowned his dog in the river," said Jones. "How could they arrest him for drowning a dog in the river?" demand ed Brown. "Why. they claimed that a sunken hark obstructed navigation." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds ■ap the Whole System. 50 cents. Still Fishing. Ho—Pardon me, I didn't catch your last name. She—I haven't caught it yet myself. THIS 13 THE AGE OF YOUTH. You will look ten years younger if you darken your ugly, grizzly, gray hairs by using "La Creole" Hair Dressing —Adv. Both the fruit, which resembles grapes, and the flowers of a tree in Brazil grow directly from the bark. Many people imagine that Worms or Tape v.-f rrn cannot be gotten rid of entirely. Those who have used "Dead Shot"-—Dr. Faery's Vermifuge, know that they can. Adv. Doing the impossible place of enterprise. a common Granu!a!ed Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo sure to Sun, ßtisl and Wind quickly relieved by Murine r w ÊyeRemedy. No Smarting, r Book cl lire Lye IftlL a.k Murine Lye Scmedy to,, Chicago spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone is destroying tho sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put jour sluggish liver to work and clean your bov.ols of that, sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson s Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn t gripe and they like its pleasant tasta —Adv. A Question. "Does your boy Josh help you to run the farm?" "I can't say," replied Farmer Corn tossel. "Sometimes I think Josh puts in too much time lecturin' th' help on efficiency, when they might be plantin' potatoes." DON'T GAMBLE that your heart's all right. Maka sure. Take "Renovine"—a heart and nerve tonic. Price 50c and $1.00.—Adv. People given to self-love need fear no rivals. ; ilil iiaiiii I Government Issues Warning Against Fly Poisons U Following is an extract from "The If Transmission of Disease by Flies," H Supplement No. 29 to the Public H Health Reports, April, 1916. H "Of other fly poisons mentioned, fj mention should be made, merely for g a purpose of condemnation, of those gl composed of arsenic. Fatal cases of j] poisoning of children through tlie g use of such compounds are far too §j frequent, and owing to the resem f§ blance of arsenical poisoning to g summer diarrhea and cholera In p fnntum, it is believed that the cases |f reported do not, by any means, com p prise the total. Arsenical fly-de Bf stroying deviees must be rated as g extremely dangerous, and should never be used, even if other meas ures are not at hand." 106 fly poisoning cases have been re ported by the press within the last three years. As stated above this num ber is but a fraction of the real number. Protect your children by using the safe, efficient, uon-poisouous fly catcher TANGLEFOOT §s The 0, & W. Timm Company GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN SÏI!!î]ïï!!!ini!nil!!li!!!!;''''''î!!l!l!T!înn!!'l!!!'n!!ïï , !n!îïïür ! !F' , !trrt n i! ,r "?">f!' , 'rT"!i '' Men and Women nt^°î nen i a ? we " as men are made miser k ; ® kjdney and bladder trouble. It. rniiMniLS kwarop-Root, the great kidney sands ine ' iS h K liy recommended by tliou star «ls the highest for th* "' a L s " many people say It lias ^ ^ ust the remedy needed in cases dS ° f CVen the 111081 distressing At druggists in 50c and $1.00 sizes. You ?,v.L n> iT lvc , a sample size bottle of by Parcel Post, also a pam L-o™ t '' 1 "ng you about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & t o.. Binghamton, N'. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. COSTERS' Cropweather Forecasts rn -'r r rilLL L If g £ R 'AJ -Il 7'" ticaurs. U. ËilMji Job'lJept, Buttalm S.X. Hemstitching i.';; - ..',. v [ work UiU.J. Deucy. (Spue'S;!/ huuy.jtji 1 ,..•.*. N.ti