/ 4*. IS & (s D ic ♦ COUNTRY. RICt PRODUCING AND VIOLASSES RICH SUGAR SATURDAY 21 . September. PUBLISHED EVERY 46 Bahnvilie, Louisiana, Saturday, S 7 . CHARLES HERALD Published ai Hahnvuxt La Mery Saturday 'uiétt Journal of the Parish, éj St • Charles^ Editor T f rm% of Subscription $ 2.00 a year Entered at the Postofhcc at Haknvill La., as second ciass matter SATURDAY Sept. 14 ! 9 l8 mm' .cation* ,.*n• t ft * T e rtlae lit e M t s * I pe r e u U A t e fl re t «•'*( 0 « *C«cn '«i™oqn«'W Insertion, fifty ''"itipe' acb tioo.oo 0 n comm" I one year - * " ( tfae-eaif cel*».»®*« year - Uoe iintrWTtolm»« t'«» T«*t • * mat carda one year • • * 10,0 litrertlaementa and subacriptlone areool .lectalueliifarlabiv In advance CHURCH Nh IVS The patronal feast of tlie Holy Ro-arv's Church will be Celebrat ed on Sunday Octobei 6ih. The Rev« react Pastor invues all his parishioners to attend the services ou this day ,vt w) A. M., Solemn high Mass Sermon on Holy Rosary. At 4 P. M., Exposition of the Most Bless ed Sacrament, Holy Rosary's de votions, Brnedicti on The Rosary will be said every morning in October at 7 o clock mass and every Sunday of the mouth, at 4 P- m - » exeicises of the Holy Rosary followed by the bene diction of the Blessed Sacrament The Cathechism class for child ren to be admitted to the .Solemn Communion will begin on Satui — day October lath at 3 P M The Pastor invites the parents to send the children regularly. He in tends to have a large class for ihe beginning and so to be able to as sure the Christian and moral edu caton ot the children Die parents are supposed to know the dioceson regulations a bout Holy Communion. The child re» must have completed their tenth year before January ist to bt admitted to communi-n provid they shall have attended the ins truction for two years However, this year, all the chi| dreii ten years old. provided tney follow regu'arly the instructions will be admitted to the solemn communion In order to the small children fo» - their easter dutv and /consequently to the private com munion which will occur in Lem on St. Joseph's feast, the parents are invited to teach their chMdrer. the first principles of our holy ben eniciion, to make them learn thr ppyers, t> teach the manner of m-'king a good confession and to explain to tnem some questions a br.ut the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Euçh^riït wljigh tfcey b-.ye fec.ivç LIS T OF JURORS List of Jurors drawn to «erve at the session of the 28th., Judicial district Court in and for the Parish of St. Char les, Louisiana, beginning on Monday the 14th, day of October 191S, to*wit: Grand Jury Names Nos. 1 ( 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 J. I. Dufrene A. K. Hubert T. B. * Sellers Philip Friloux Walters Ochmand J. W, Champagne V. E. Hymel U. J. Keller Marcelin Zeringue Olidee Cambre Geo. Keller P. J. O'Brieu Jos. P. Baudouin J. P. Lawson Jos. Cassaly, Jr. O. H. Shelton C. P. Bettman Prudent Candies R. L. Schexnavdre C. P. Schnull Petit Jury 2nd week Monday October 21st 1918 J. S. Barre Ben, Boudreaux Adam Clouate G. H. Dejean Edward Millet Marcel Durapau Kemmett J lasch Joseph Zeller Joseph Vial W. N. Kugler A. Levesque George Robert Ernest JZeringue J. M. Ourso Icar Hvniel Abe Walker George Kugler Z. L. Perrilloux Felix Iielsom N. V. Candies A. Zeringue Antoine Gonzales L.'rien St. Amant 1 uke Keller Iw .-.se Lorio F. X. Madere Victor Landrv Neo Gendron J. L. Perrilloux Atnedee Robert, Jr. Petit Jury 3rd week Monday, Obtober 28, 1918 F. Friloux, Jr. Albert Blanchard Felix Simoneaux Louis Brady John Triche Raphael Bonnamore P. N. J. Bossier Camille Gauthreaux Sidney Millet Albert Kinler Joseph Hebert Chas. Desroche P. A. Caillet Louis Lauve St. Martin Becnel Wilfred Zeringue Louis Bye Chas. Gourgues Frank Friloux Mathurin Matherne, Jr Eltno Thibadeaux Hermogene Lavegne Albert Vicknair William Brown Chas. Boudreaux J. L. Schexnaydre Jules Kelier, jr. Alcide Robert George Friloux , Robt. P. Mire A trne copy from the original I. T. Baudouin, Clerk of Court Wards 3 LET COTTAGE CHEESE TAKE PUCE Of MEAT Tbl« Dish Is Eoonsmlcsl, Whslessms and Dslicious. "Let cottage cheese reptaso 1 meat pound for pound and extend eggs, where they are scarce, if you ; would economise in your war means," says Mrs. Virginia R. Baton, cottage cheese specialist, Lo uis ian a State Uni versity "It furnishes a convenient and economical way to Utilize skim milk aB a human food. One peund of cottage cheese furnishes ss much pro tein. more mineral (except iron) and almost as many calorlsa as one pound of lean meat, or a dosen egg», »ad cor*.s about half aa much. "In thia food emergency aklra milk should be used to furnish the greatest amount of human food aad none should be wasted. It does this best when used direct, ss cottage cheese or aa butter pii pt. Skim milk is used economically In feeding hogs for pork production yet when made into cottage eheeee It furnishes seven times as much pro tein and nearly as muoh energy M H*® pork that it will produce when fed with com. Besides when cottage cheese is made from skim milk, about silk for hog feeding. Let us, therefore, use as much skim milk as possible for bu live stock." DO NOT RUSH COTTON TO MARKET EVERY GROWER WHO RAISES 10 BALES OF COTTON SHOULD PUT TWO IN WAREHOU6E. SELL THE CROP GRADUALLY If There Is a Surplus It Muet Be Absorbed By Reduced Produc tion Next Year. In a recent speech on the cotton situation, Clarr-nc.e Ousley, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, said that as he sees the situation "no calamity Impends if we do not lose our heads," and that he is more concerned about the gat tiering of Lhe crop than about disposing of it He ofTered a solution, even if there 1s a surplus of from three to four million hales, and says: "If every farmer who raises 10 bales of cotton will put two In the warehouse and sell the remainder by installments from month to month throughout the winter and spring in stead of forcing it all on the market nt one time, the difficulty in even its worst aspects will disappear." He thinks tost if there is & surplus of cotton this year it must be ab sorbed by reduced production next year. Furthermore, he points out that the Government did not ask for So large a crop, and that in all fair ness this fact must be recognised, the crops having been produced because the Southern growers refused to beed the warning of agricultural lead ers and economists.— L. S. U. Press Bulletin. all a SUGGESTIONS ON SELECTING SEED CORN FinW Selection of Seed Means Greater Yield and Better Corn. Field eelectioo of seed corn is of too much importance to be left to the av erage laborer; it is almost always a good plan for the farm owner to su pervise the work. A great deal more corn will be pulled than Is needed, and it should be reseiected in order to get the ears that conform to a type. 'There is no argument that can be ased against this kind of seed selec tion," says A. F. Kidder, professor of agronomy, Louisiana State University, "because it means more corn and bet ter corn. When field-selection of Beed becomes more generally practiced in Louisiana some of the money that our farmers are now sending to the com belt will remain nt home. "The ear should be from four to flee feet high on land where peas are te be sown In the com. "Leng shanks and good ears are sel dom fonnd on the same stalk. The shank should be sufficiently long, how ever, to allow the ear to bend over when mature. "All ears of com not covered by shuck are apt te be damaged by black weevil and the oorn ear worm. Pea of ten (if By FIELD SELECTION OF SEED IMPROVES CORN 1 ; Much Mors Profitable Than Selecting From the Crib In Spring. Seed corn should be selected from g talka standing where they grew, be cause only then, with certainty, can i seed be obtained from— B talks that have a tendency to yield ' wall, as shown by the superiority over surrounding sulks that grew under the same conditions. Such seed inherits high producing power. Stalks without suckers. Such seed produces fewer suckers than seeds from sucker bearing stalks. Storm-proof stalks with ears at a desirable height Seed corn should be selected as soon as It matures, because— Desirable stalks, especially early ma turing stalks with hanging ears, are then most - sally found. Warm, wet weather may cause ker nels to sprout before drying. If the selection Is delayed the ears may become infested with weevils, grain moths, and their eggs. It is as easy, more satisfactory, and much more profitable than selecting from cribs in the spring— L. S. U. Press Bulletin. ] 1 Profit Making Farm Equipment on the Williams Line. Power Hay Balers The well-know« standard Wiliiams T utile block less, seM threadinsPow er Hay Balers have many exclusive — — features. Most economical to operate—stren* and durable. Hun _"j_____tlMvLUtlrMlhiniULyt. eEOTiOri't di ID Ujiciaiv ovi^iir ------V" , dred; of satisfied own«». Booklet iree it you uak. One-Horse Hay Press na TheWitramsSteel Princes*, liaht. simpK sturdy, all atecl. with ainple power and streoKth. Make a compact, marketable bale. Suitable ior small farmers. Write for new fuider, mailed on request. Portable Engines Wïtfiarm thmttlin« governed Engmcs are espe cial*'« ana buiil to dcnvsr .ull power on F= low-price kero sene. All sizes and t y pe9 — thousand» are giving satisfac tory service. Full information seat Free on request. ImII Thresher* for Crain, Peanuts. Rice, Peas, Beans, etc. JL estmg Williams Threshers are a sate and profitable invest ment — unusually efficient and depend able. Standard the country over. Inter circulars on request. Williams Mill Mfg. Co. of Ark. 417 E. Broad Sfc, Texartian*. U.S. A. Promt and Craie TLrafcrrs, Pesant Diggern Hw Pu***, Grât Md 1 eed rüls. Case Hk, SbingTe Kük. Savais, Cm SUWt, Silos. Ensilage Ceffi-rs, Keroe* Fapau, Pea Hellers, Feet! Cutters, Cam Skr édtrs, Weed Sen, Props, f awLitueg Mac kmj aad El S i ppl ai . No, 629 Twenty-Eighth Judicial District Court Parish of St. Charles, State of Louisiana Succession of A. V. Caillet Notice is hereby given to the creditors of this estate and'to all other persons herein interested to show cause within ten days from the present notification (if any they have or can,) why the sup plemental account presenten by P. Ar mand Caillet, administrator should not be homologated and approved, and the funds disributed in accordance therewith By order of the Court I. T. Baudouin, Clerk Clerk's Office, Parish of St, Charles, July 18th, 1918 Prentice F. Ediingtuti Jr LA -VVER 40» Whitney Building NEW ORLEANS NOTICE i ' No burial or removal of nodies will be allowed unless accompan ied by a burial or removal premit from the Local Registrar (Post master) of said District in the death occured as per from ïTie Louisiana Mate of Health N. Zeringue Sexton Red Church Cemetery which ord ?rs Board USE DISHES WHICH CONTAIN LilTLE SUGAR Sugar consumption ;» many house bolds can be easily lowered not only by giving preference t«j dishes which contain little sugar or with which 1 sugar Is not usually served, but also by the use of sweet paddings, or a salad in place of dessert. Sweet dried fruits, such us nates, raisin' or figs, served with breakfast cereal? will re ] duce the sugar needs.—Extension Iff 1 vision, Louisiana State University, $500.00 ?,500.0(> 2.500.00 j.ooo .00 50O.OO 3 .o.oc 1.800.00 1.800.00 It 'v ,s n liven 1 y Mr. De'aune and.by M". D-ifrene, that the fol low'!' g approximated tableau ol th expenses of the Parish oi St, Cliai les for the current year ending June 30th 1918 Sheriff's fees in Criminal cases maintaining prisoners t-iui's Salary Sheriff's Deputy Salary District Attorney s fees for conv ictions Coroners salary, ^Justices of the Peace V"Constables Grand, Petit and Coroner jury • ,500.00 Secretary Police J ury, 600 00 Official Journal 600.00 President Board of Health,300.00 Assessor's Commision 20,... ou Assessor's Clerical Lxpeues 5 0 "- 01 ' Parish Treasurer too.00 Scnool Fund 8.500.00 Expenses Board of Health lor Inlections and Contagious diseases 300.01. Road fund, r. 700.00 Maintenance of a Ben Cadets at L. Stave Umvei sity, Maintenance of 3 Pen scholar at the Slate Nor ma. School Syndics Salary Sergeant at arms Salary lot oiling wnnd mill & waslrma tank k.»au Supervisors Eitciion expenses Pansu Auditor Jefferson Ti ust 8t Savings Bank Parish Demonsutor 500,00 600 00 5110.01) 100 00 60.00 I, 800. ou 500,no 6 jo 00 S 000 00 OJO.OO $,4 I80O.OO I hereby certify that »he a.»ove Tableau was adopted by the Ponce Jury at the meeting held on ll *e 6 day of bept. 1917 F. Schexnaydr' Secretary Parish of St. Charles Sept, h 19 1 7 Notice Hunting, trapping and trespassing are hereby prohibited on proper ties ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caduw To Bankers: W rite Us for Samples ana Prices on ii't State Senator. Judges I. E 1 «' U. y District Attorney L. R.R.van c Parish ot St 1 ■ Representative Sheriff & Collector • Il P. Î : R. Marl Chief Deputy. Deputy Sheriff Clerk 8r Recorder, T,T tiaial jujfa Deputy Clerk Coronei L)r V 1 ehivia I,M Treasurei V\ m. nssau Assessor 1 ' r * Kegist : ar I 1 ' n Officia! Join j-.i, 1 • 1 I .'nsti' os >i 1 ii-.r Pa. < ' . First Ward Vv. V. Pallets« 1 Second Ward A. L. Mone« l; * Third Ward (). K'g'-r Fourth Ward \ 5 . Tianth Fifth Ward F. O. Wea\e Constables. First Ward p B-nnl«-um Second Warn L L. ( (un «.} I hir'd Ward P M- ' i Fourth Ward V a. ! ''ifth Ward R \\ Polict 1 - i i \ . President r L.,rr Secr etar y F. v,-. » cxiiavdie Sergeant at Ai ir.» , , . bit si Ward tit Second Ward ( f , ,. Third Ward ^ . .. , 1 Tonrllr Ward VV. Dunt ft Fifth Ward W,A . Elio Meet« isr Tuesday ot evei v o.oiar I School Board Preside». M L Guidiy. ff'rsi Ward M.(i Bec nef/ Second Ward,' !.. Guidry,-. I hinl Ward. ' I 1 . Keller Fourth Ward' f-, J. Dejean Fifth Ward A.I .Schexnaydre r J. H. Mart.,,; Sup, Lafoirroie Basin l.cv^ t i;, JU t resident £-G Swarf», décréta,.. W. j. Slcl - 1BC Mpmlipt-s A. Champagne, lùl gard ; p b Lemann, I '«.naJsoiivii.'e; G, oie Lorio, Uu-eilr; K. C. Mrirrtn I, Albemarle; K. Kerez, -.end, E. i î.l.-rlr Hurt.-n'T V Tuaggard. Mc«lo.u,ghviile- ' ( Vrering Grc.rra; 1 F, Wig^,. n , Bowie. The Stair Board or engi neers compose 'he er.g„, e , rifc de partment and tr, e State Trrasu.e. is treasurer of the Board ■n!fzz :ir:z g ry 7 irrr and Ocrobor ..-.„„„J meets firsî Monday of each mJ at New Orleans office. Terms of Court In '.ne Parish of Jefferson-. Jury Sessions ,st Monday *1 Apiil. 2nd Monday in j Ci.il Sessions. ,/ d May. and Monday in N'ove'ml' Jorv ''sf . ... ..... M,v Sei " ,ons ' Monday * May rnd ..tonday i„ Noveml.e. civ.l Sessions. , st Monday '1 bebruary and Monday ,» Panshor bt. JohntheBaotm Ü lune TAT ,Sl M «"day H June and Monday December 1 civil Sessions ,s- Monday March 3rd Monda» in J u j y y the best of the good ones. AH th* exoeriments ot the Gov**, men: too* -«.pert» and the !r ''' rrj YkJe University prov* "rc the strongest th ■ - - - . arc UK strongest - •.S', he: ••• —iert Quakqr-Scotch Gate v •v: nos at lhe Lead of the list ofeererf * i ' ; s ,,0 < onl v the best fo.4 * * h - ''heapest'food on earth.* V ; acW - J ,n 1,115 il will V«p sweet id tretb ar.vwhere indeiio.taly. ' » J SL Chaiîôi jder;<.i.., PUilLiaHKI. M HAHNVILLE, LA Krtry Oatu-.-naxt. " OFFICIAL JOuRTUv, *r t KW PARIMI1 or ST. <'HARU>S. tM»tr»itD«irT 0» foLmciag* ' AIMS O« CLK4U** "