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—P VOL. i] LAKE CHAULES, PAEISH OP CALCASIEU, LA., SATURDAY, FEB. 15, 1868. [NO. 1. THE WEEKLY ECHO. PUBIilSHT 3 —- i-L»— > EVERY SATURDAY BT (hutchins. Office tb, 1b THE C . CBT-HoUSB. Subsc •annum, in fa—FIVE DOLLARS per ice. ÖVEHTISINO : Per Square (10 lines or less)_____ .Si 50 Every subehuent insertion------ 75 Announcement of candidates for. office. J..*.............. .$10 00 Advertisiiients sent in for publica tion, whei thare are no directions, will be insertecln English and French, and when tim» is pjA'anited, will be con tinued un il amers are received ; and «harged M lorlingly. Liberal ; iscount to those who adver tise by th< yetr or quarter. No cred > wll be given for Advertising or Job w rk, except by special agree ment. Cards, ïtaüncr merely the names, business nd;pn*ce of residence, with paper ini lutbd Twelve Dollars per annum. MgrAll ludcial advertisements must be paid ft 1 01 the last day of publica tion, or o tbs day of sale. Past . ai— 11 was a Friday, on one of 1 te canal boats, crowded with paiseagers, and the dinner, as may 13 mpposed, was not over good. ] nl there was a beautiful cut of fr îc) salmon, about a pound and a ldf or two pounds, just before e reverend father of the Church, i good natured and jolly old mai nothing averse to the good th igs of this world, as his rubicunc bee and rounded pro portions rally testified. This he .slipped [lietly on his plate, ob serving ) ihe company m a com posed w y " Ladies and gentle men, ti i is a fast day with me;" when a ig fellow, with red whis kers, opposite him, stooped across the table, cut the bit of fish in two halves, eating out as he carried off one half : f ' Bad scran to ye, d'ye think nobdy has a sowl to be saved but yerselr ' " An ho^Bt man is the noblest work of tb Lord," enthusiastical ly exclairad a hardshell baptist, and then fter a pause he added : " But theLord hasn't had a job in the woid for fifty years." An Akcous Task!— Fair in valid: "br June, I do feel so bad ! Do please, make me a tumbler o: brandy and water as liot and stmg as you can—and— .and just njke me take it whether or no I _ AUDIlbR'B OFFICE, Stas of Louisiana, Ng Orleans, Jan. 4, 1868. JToDÀvTD .* READ, Esq., __ Tax Ciector, Parish of Calcasieu. Èm: J The State3onstitutionaI Convention How in Seaion in this City, having passed an (rdinance levying a tax of one mill up4 the dollar on all taxable property, fcpey the expenses of said Convention you ar e hereby directed to proceed inumiately to collect said tax, the same tel» reported by you as the Gpnventio Tax/' and to be calculated upon tiie asssment of 1867, and paya ble "only iithe legal currency of the United Slat*" _ . You are ) pay to the Treasurer of the State r Ihe end of every month, under all sums collected by you under thisifdinanoe, less the «mount of Jour counission, which is the same us \or thf collection of other State taxoA; and to make your final settle menü Xor tb pame on or before the 1st Äp^Serty in your parish on the assessment of 1867, being $....... the tax will be $......-.. Inclosed is a copy of the Ordinance referred to. 1 Verÿ respectfully, H. PERALTA Auditor. If there is no assessment for the year 1867 take the one for 1866. ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Constitutional Convention of the State of Louisiana: The Warrants issued by this Conven tion for the pay of members of the Convention and the officers thereof, shall be received by the Sheriffs and Tax Collectors of the State in payment of the Tax of One Mill per cent, levied by this Convention by Ordinance passed on the 24th of this month. Be it further ordained, That the Au ditor of Public Accounts of the State shall, as under existing laws in relation to the collection of Taxes, superintend and control the collection of said Tax of One Mill per cent., and shall give immediate notice and instructions to the different Sheriffs and Tax Collectors. Adopted in Convention at the City of New Orleans, this 26th day of Decem ber, 1867. JAMES G. TALIAFERRO, President of the Constitutional Con vention. Attested : Wm. Vigebs, Secretary. Succession of Hilaire Escoubas. NOTICE. T HE creditors of said succession are hereby notified to make themselves known, and present an account of their respective claims, and the titles, if any, by which they are established, to Mrs. Hilaire Escoubas, Administratrix, West Fork, Calcasieu, or to Louis Leveque, Attorney of the succession, Lake Charles. And all who may be indebted to the same are requested tc come for ward and settle. E. ESCOUBAS, Administratrix. Feb. 15, 1868. Succession de Hilaire Escoubas. AVIS. A VIS est par le présent donné aux créanciers de la dite succession, a l'effet qn'ils aient à se faire connaître, et à présenter une note du montant de leurs créances, et des titres sur lesquels elles sont fondées, i Madame Hilaire Escoubas, Administratrice, à West Fork, Calcasieu, ou à Louis Leveque, Avocat de la succession, Lac Charles. Et tous ceux qui doivent à la dite succession sont priés de venir régler leur compte. E. ESCOUBAS, Administratrice. 15 Fév. 1868. GEORGE H. WELLS, Attorney at Law, Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, La. Practices in Calcasieu, St Landry and Lafayette. Feb. 15, 186a— ly. LOUIS S. LEVEQUE, Attorney at Law. OFFICE, LAKE CHARLES, La. Will practice in all the Courts of the Eigth Judicial District composed of the Parishes of St. Landry, Lafayette, Ver million and Calcasieu. Feb. 15, 1868.—ly. Lake Charles Male and Female ACADEMY. r [E present session began, Monday, 23d Sept 1867, and will close about the last of July 1868. Charges in specie or its equivalent in currency, payable monthly. Board, lodging and washing, per month for children..............$8 00 For young men and young ladies, 9 00 Tuition in English department... 2 00 Students furnish their own bedding, lights, toilet soap, table and toilet nap Striot attention paid to the moral instruction of students. J. W. BRYAN, Principal Feb. 15, I860. PUBLIC NOTICE 1 8 hereby given that from and after this date, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Theogene Broussard, in the name of the partner ship firm of Broussard * Co.. I hove instituted suit for the dissolution and settlement of said partnership. JEAN CASTE3L Mermentow River, Feb. 15, '68.—3t. AVIS PUBLIC E ST par le présent donné, qu'à partir de cette date, je ne serais pas res ponsable, pour aucune dette, contractée par Theogène Broussard, au nom de la société commerciale Broussard a Oie. J'ai institué les procédures judiciaires pour la dissolution et le réglement de la dite société. JEAN CASTEX. Rivière Mermentow, 15 Fev. 1868. Probate Sale. Estate of Paid Augustin, deceased. B Y virtue of an order of the Hon. the Court of the Eighth Judicial Dis trict of the State of Louisiana, In and for the Parish of Calcasieu, there will be sold at public sale, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned Ad ministratrix or through the ministry of a duly commissioned Auctioneer, in the Town of Lake Charles, on Monday, Maxell 2d, 1968, the following described properly, be longing to the said succession, to wit : A CERTAIN TRACT OR Parcel or Land, fronting on Lake Charles, and described by act of sale from Louis Lefranc and wife, to said deceased, Paul Augustin, dr., passed before W. H. Haskell, Re corder, on the 2d day of May, 1867, on ile and of Record in his office, as being oounded North by Lake Charles, East by land of Mrs. Anselm Sallier, now Dr. W. H. Kirkman, South by md West by land of Arvillien Farque, measuring Five and a half arpents front on Lake Charles, by Forty in depth, containing one hundred and eighty-one and 47il00 acres, all lying in Section 38, Township 10 South, Range 9 West, South-western Land Distrust, with all the Buildings and other Improvements thereon. . A. LOT OF LAND, in the Town of Lake Charles, together with the Improvements, bounded North by property belonging to Estate, East by Ryan street, South by public square, and West by lot belonging to Estate of Hilaire Escouhps, measuring 71 feet front on public square, by 90 feet on Ryan «street. Another Lot with Improvements, lying North of the one just described, fronting 90 feet on Ryan street, by 71 feet in depth. Another Lot fronting on Ryan street 118 feet, by 71 feet in depth until it strikes the North boundary of the lot belonging to the Estate of Escoubas, then 100 in depth, bounded North by lot of Wm. Levy, East by Ryan street, South by last described lot, and West by lot of Escoubas and this, said Estate, together with Improvements. c Another Lot fronting 71 feet on Pnjo street, by 144 feet in depth, bounded North by Pujo street, East by lot of Wm. Levy, South by lot of said Escoubas, East and Wert by lot belong ing to this said Estate. Another Lot adjoining and lying West of the lot just described and of the same dimensions. Household and kitchen furniture; f head of wild cattle (more or lees;) 6 head gentle cattle, (more or less;) l ox cart; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 skill; 1 yoke oxen; 1 double barrel shot gun, and other articles too tedious enumerate. Tutus and Coinmoxs : On a credit of one, two and three years from day of sab. Purchasers to furnish their notes with satisfactory se curity to the Administratrix in solido, and residents of this Parish, to bear right pear oeni. interest per annum after maturity until paid. The lands remain ing specially mortgaged and vendor's privilege retained until fall and entire payment of both principal and interest Acts of «de before W. H. Haskell, Re V *t purchaser's expense. Fur. chasers also furnishing Internal Reve nue stamps for sale« and notes. CELESTE AUGUSTIN, A ilmtni i itnd rit. Lake Charles, Febrnary 15, 1868. Tente Publique. Succession db Pact. Augustin, Sr., déc. E N vertu d'un ordre de la 8me Cour de District dans et pour la Paroisse de Calcasieu, Etat de la Louisiane, il sera offert en vente publique, an plus offrant et dernier enchérisseur, per la soussignée Administratrice, eu par un Encan tear public, dûment commission né, en la Ville de Lac Charles, le Lundi, 2me Jour de Mars, 1868, les propriété*» ci-dessons décrites, ap partenant à la dite succession, savoir : lo.—UNE TERRE, i Lac Charles, et décrites per acte de vente de Louis Lefrano et sa femme, au dit défunt, fait pardevant Wm. H. Haskell, Recorder, le 2 de Mai, 1867, et enregistré dans son bureau, comme étant bornée au Nord par le Lac Quirles, à l'Est par les terres de Wm. H. Kirk man, au Sud par , , et à l'Ouest par les terres de Arvillien Farque, me surant cinq arpents et demi de face sur b Lac Charles, sur une profondeur de quarante arpents, contenant cent qua tre vingt-une et 47jl00 acres, b ton* étant dans b section Na 38, Township 10 Sud, Rangée 9 Ouest, Dissrict des Terres Sud-Ouest, Lne., avec toutes le* Bâtisses et améliorations. 2o.~Un Lot de Terre, situé dans b Ville de lac Charles, avec tontes les bâtisses et améliorations, bor né Nord par les terres de b succession, Est par la rue Ryan, avec une face de 90 pieds, Sud par b place publique, avec une face sur b dite place publiquè de 71 pieds, et Ouest par b lot de la succession de Escoubas. 3o.—Un autre Lot, avec toute« les bâtisses et améliorations, situé dan« b Ville de Lac Charles, au Nord du dernier mentionné, et borné Nord par les terres de b succession, Est par b rue Ryan, Bud par 1e lot No. 2, et Ouest par 1e lot de b succession de Escoubas, avec une profondeur de 71 pieds. 4o.—Un autre lot de terre, si tué dans cette ville, au Nord du dernier mentionné, avec toutes les bâtisses et améliorations, borr ' au Nord par b lot de Wm. Levy, Est par b rue Ryan, avec une face de 118 pieds, Sud par la lot No. 3, dernier mentionné, et Ouest par b lot de b succession de Escoubas, avec une profondeur de 71 pieds, jus qu'à l'encoignure du dit lot de b suc cession de Escousbas, et de la, une pro fondeur do cent (100) pieds. 5o.—Un autre lot de terre, si tué dans cette ville, borné Nord et avec une face sur b rue Pnjo, de 71 pieds. Est par b lot de Wm. Levy, Sud par b bt de b succession de Escoubas, Ouest par les terres de b succession, avec une profondeur de 144 pieds. 6o.—Un autre lot de terre, si tué dans cette ville, borné Nord et avec une face sur b rue Pujo, de 71 pieds. Est par 1e lot No. 5, dernier mentionné. Sud par 1e lot de b succession de Es coubas, et Ouest par le lot de ———, sur une profondeur de 144 pieds. _ Meubles de maiôon; ustensiles de cuù sine; 6 tètes de bétee à cornes farouches, (plus ou moins;) 6 tètes de bêtes douces, (plus on moins;) une charrette à bœufs; une brouette; un esquif; une paire da bœufs de tire; un fusil double, et une quantité d'autres articles dont rémuné ration serait trop long. CoxnrnoKB: A un, deux et trois ans de crédit du jour de b vente. Les acquéreurs four nissant bars billets avec ooutions per sonnelle«, solidaire, résidents de cette Paroisse, i b satisfaction de l'Adminis tratrice, payables à elb ou son ordre, portant intérêts à huit pour emit l'an de bure échéances jusqu'au parfait paie ment Les terres demeurant spéciale ment hypothéquées avec privilège du ▼endear; en faveur de b dite succession, jusqu'au parfait paiement du principal etdeaintérêts. Los actes de vente pardevant Wm. H. Haskell, Recorder, aussi ks Stomps da Revenu pour les ventes et les billets, seront aux frais des acquéreur« CELESTE AUGU8 ÀdminisL Lac Charies, 15 Ferner 1868,