OCR Interpretation

The Ouachita telegraph. [volume] (Monroe, La.) 1865-1889, September 25, 1869, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034336/1869-09-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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Terms of Subscription.
The follow g rates of subornpton will be rigidly
adhered to in all cases:
'One copy, one yeasr - - - - $3,00
One copy, six months - - - 2,00
Single copies - - - 10 cents.
Any person sending us fvre new eash subsdribers,
to the same poetoffioe, will be entitled to a copy of
" r'a1 TaLuauoWa" gratis, for one year.
C Subscription price einariably in adrance. ,
protteeional Qarsb.
SDr. D. H. Tvey,
CAN be found at his office over the Drug
March 3, 1869. n24:10m
TAS resumed the practice ot Medicine
I and offers his services to the citizens of
Trenton and vicinity?
Office over the Drug Stbre.
January 30,'68 Iy
Drs. Calderwood & Richardson,
HAVING associated themselves in the practice of
Medicine and Surgery, offer their services to
'be citizens of Monroe and vicinity. They can
be fonre4, when not professionally engaged, at their
,4aie, opposite the Catholic Church, at all hours, day
a.d night.
'Ipecial attention given to Chronic Surgical
Monroe.Jnns22 1568. E v2u37:chv3n40:lv
WILL practice in all the courts of the 12th Judi
el District. u7-tf
Corner Wood and St. John Streets,
(Opposite Recorder's Office.)
ORO ................ .........LOTISIZA'A.
August 5. 186S. n46-tf
PRACTICES in the Parish and District Courts as
O sachita Parish. Monroe; SMorehouse Parish,
Bastrop; Franklin Parish, IWinnaboro.
Monroe, Aug. 2'1. 186.. 5:17
~Attorneys at Law,
DbRALTICE in all the parishes of North T.outlsana.
*.n the Supreme Corrt at Stourne, the; Federal
Curts. and in the Land Oli0ce Department of the
'eneoral Government. nl9-tf
J. & S. D. McENERY,
PRACTICE in the Parish and District Courts of
Ounchita, .Morehouse. Franklin, Richland. Cald
well and Catahoula Parishes, in the Supreme Couxt
at Mouroe, andl U. S. Courts.
Lad o P.articuiarattention paid to business in the
Land OtlSo at Monre and the Land Oflice Depart
nuent of the General Governrment. in 7: tt
Morrison & Farmer,
Monroe, La..
Will practice in the Parish and Diatric,
Courts in the Parishes ofOuachita, Morehouse,
Frapklin, Ca' vell, and Union.
Also in tht aoreme Court of Louisiana
*nd in the United States Courts
.Jionroe, La.,
$V'ill practice in the Courts of the 12th Jud'
crial District, compused of the parishes of More
house, Ouachita, Caldwell, Catahoula and
And also In the Parishes of Jackson and
Union. v4 132
B. Wius Richarduon, eobt. W. Jermison
RA.CTICE in the Courts of Catnhonla, "Caldwell.
Franklin, Onachita, Morehouseh . Richland, Carroll
and M3adison. in the Supreme Couit tof Louisiana,
in the United States Courts and in t he Land Office
Department of the Government. Special attention
paid to the collection of claims. marl0-n eSa'
HI[JAVING determined to settle permanently
J in Monroe for the purpose of practicing
my pro tession, I can be fo mnd at my office
oppoait'e the south-east corner of the public
'quar. in thu house lately occupied by the
Le'h'tsfilce, at all hours. My family will live
in the sanme building. Having had a very
large experience in all the different brachele
of my profession, the treat ing of children's
teeth and all the diseases of the teeth of adults,
and the extracting of teeth and arranging ar
tificial teeth; I feel justified in satying th:at I
am prepared to do anything in any dep:rtrnent
of my profession as well as can be done any
where, and at reasonable prices.
Jan. 6, 1869. n15:tf
Onaohita Female Academy.
T HE FALL SESSION of this Institution
will open on the Third Mionday of S'ep
tmber. The Rector will be assi-ied by an entireg
new corps of efficient siMi experielced teach
era; he. therefore, assures the public, that io
effort will be spared on the part of himself and
assistants, to render the Academy worthy of
the confidence and support of all who advo
cats a thorough and liberal course of educa
For further information, auply for a catalogue
Motroe, La., Aug. 18, 1869. n47; tf
VT . '. ' MONROE, LOU'ISIANA, SEPTEMBER ý, 18 O. °~.No. 1
L. W. . STURG~HNOR, Proprietor.
tireiv repaired, and refitted, and the Pro
priet.,r promises the publi. every comfort and
convenience. Board moderate. n 20
THE above House, recently erected and newly
Sfurnishe, is now open to the public. The Pro
prietor engages to do all in his power to render
guests comfortable and contented while under ihis
roof. His Bill of Fare will be kept fully up to the
market and ether accommodations maintauedin- a
style that will insure satisfactior.
A liberal patronage is reapectfully solicit
Trenton. La.. Jan. 20. 1867. v21l7
(Oppoaik OcathoLic Church and Female Academy,)
tgHE Proprietor, formerly of the OUAC.ITA
. HOUSE, itforms the public that the
large and commodious residence of Col. ION,
Robt. Richardson has been purchased u
and handsomely furnished, and is now
complete in every particular, as a First Class Hotel
Am ple accommodations, good, fare, and conven.
eut location. Board reasonable v28
St. Hyacinth Academy
WKTILL he opened on WEDNESDAY, Sept. 15th
V for the reception of boarders and day scholars.
Apply to
Monroe, La., pt 15th. 1869. uo524t
T HE Fall term of this Institution will open
on Monday, August 30th, 1869.
w2m n46
f RR. C. E. PHILLIPS will open a school
I for girls, in the Union Church, on the
first Monday in August. A few boys will be
r.,ceived under ten years of ago Rates of
tnition, three to four dollars per month.
July 27, 1869. 2m
i ea in the
will opr.,, Monday. Soptem'er 6, 1669.
Tl'he colrse of studies o(tThr. every f:cility
tor agnqiring a thorough Classical and Conm
mercial education.
J D. McE aERY, Esq., Monroe, La.;
A. G. BREAnr,, Eeq., " "
HI. FILHIOT., Esq., " "
For catalogue, &c., address
REV. F. H. ;TUTFrasaEc, S. J.. Pres't
St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo.
n47 I m
Trento1n 'chool
.M3 LE .2''D FE.M.qLE.
t HIE Session for 1869-'70 will open on
t. the Fourth MInd:nty in September. It
will be composed of thsee Terrns-thirteen
weeks each. One hall of the tni, inn must be
paid in advance and one half at the close of
each term.
Primary Course, $9,00.
Intermediate Course, 12,00
Academic Course, 15.00
Contingent fee, to
Pupi!a are charged for thre wh'le term du
ring which they cuter, when there are no,
speci:al arrangements made. No de:lnetion
made except in cases of erotracted illnes-.
,irculare in.dicative of tie correct scholastic
and general status of Sch:ara are i-sued at
the close of each term. Pipils are thnrongly
prepared for college and 'o- entering npon the
entire duties of life.
For further information applyv to
J.L :NE: B)P, )DE'N.
Trenton, Sept. let. 1869. no 51t"
Young Lad ies,
Mrs. LEONI.DAS POLK. Principal.
This School will opnrt on Mrnda,. September i6th,
18609. T'ro will be twvo Sossinns in thu Srhcrol
y.:ll: the tir-t clditlr on .Tnlllal:r lIRt, 1l70; the sec
ond, on the last F'riday in Jusne, 170.
Board with Tuttion in French English and Math.
ematies, per mdonth ..........................4.,04,
Us,, of PiinUo, per month, .....................3 00
Entrance Fee, which covers fuel. light and
so of furniture................................20 00
Washing, per month............................5 e0
Sunfor Class, per month................. ...l,00
JPinile Cllass. per month, . .....1......... 00
Junior ClIas. per monthe.....................10 00
Piimary Classes, per month.............C.. to t 00
Sundries. (pens, pencils, etc ,)...................)B
unel, perSession;.............................2,50
Mosic Iustrtumental.) per month,...........12,00
iiuisic, Vocal. per month,................-...12,00
Solfogo, per month...........................3,o0
Dancinog, per month............................6 0
Drawing, Pinattng and other accomplishments at
the Professors' charges.
Bills payable in advance. Each pupil shond be
provided with two pairs of Sheets. two Blankets,
one Counterpane and losqto Bar for a single bed.
three PiLe- Cases and sior £'s-el. 3t
IFrom the Natchitoohs Times.
The Democratic Party.
We are glad to see that the
embrace of Conservative Republi
canism by the Democratic party
was only a temporary expedient
to overthrow Radicalism in two
or three States where proscrip
tion had made a consolidation of
opposition necessary, and not a
permanent union foreshadowing
the dissolution of the party. Al
ready the press and leaders of the
grand old party which has weath-!
ered the storms of over half a
century, are boldly and emphati
cally protesting against the aban
donment of principle for the sake
of expediency, except where cir
cumstances render it necessary to
break the trammels of Radical
proscription; and the indications
are strong that the Democratic
party has vitality enough not
only to preserve its organization,
but to engage in future contests
with the enemies of right and
justice with all its ancient vigor
and power. Those who have be
lieved it dead, will find them
selves mistaken: like the fabled
giant of old, it has only stretched
its limbs along the Mother Earth
that it might receive a new vigor
and inspiration in its future con
tests with wrong and injustice.
Right can never yield to might.
Error may triumph temporarily.
Its horrid front may rear itself in
the land, and overawe the nations
and suppress the truth for a sea
son; but it r~nk its course, and
truth and justice triumph in the
We do not want conservatism,
except as a means of accomplish
ing the ultimate object, which is
rejfobrm. There is nothing to con
serve. TWe may check the mad
career of Radicalism by a union of
forces, but we shall then only
have arrested the hand of destruc
tion. We need something which
can build up and restore. The
Democratic party alone can do
this, and if we are faithful to our-.
self and our country, we can never
abandon its organization without
abandoning at the same time all
reasonable hope of restoration of
constitutional liberty. Yielding,
what has been lost, let there be
no compromise with evil, nor any
change of front or title. If the
few who so loudly clamor for the
formation of a new party, will
not come to us, let them go back
to their flesh-pots. We can offer
them a national policy and con
stitutional ground to stand on
we can point them to a proul
history of sixty years as evidence'
of our devotion to the great fun
daniental truths which underlie
the Federal government-and if
they will not come with us, let us
not go after them, remembering
the fate of those who forsook the
true faith and wandered after
strange gods.
Acquiescence in settled results
is perhaps a political duty. Ques
tions of mere policy may be aban
doned: as times change we may
change with them, without the
imputation of an abandonmuent of
principle. The past is the chart
by wll ch wise men work out the
problenms of the fulture; and the
I)emocratic party, in yit'ldi':i" up
its present organization, would
renounce those traditions, by
which and through which, as the
only exponents of true comistitu
tional government, the American
people can hope to restore peace,
harmony and proslerity, and equal
andl exact justice to all men.
In the language of the recent
I)latform of the Democratic party
of Mia-.sachuse-tts, we can say:
:'Rlceunt events, as wltl os thie ex
periencc of our early history,
serve to conivince us that the far
ther the nation wanders from the
old and cherished principles of
Democracy, the more urgent
grows the need of a return to
them.'" Its history contains the
charter of our liberties: its expe
rience is the gui(lc which directs
to the sure haven of peace: its
tradlitions the land-marks which
warn us of the dangers lying to
the right or left of the ,true path
of duty. Shall we then abandon
all these-shall we give up the
I precious memories of a history so
closely interwoven ~with that of
the cuontry and its prosperity and
advancement that they cannot be
separated, to wander after strange
lights and into uncertain depths,
for the sake of securing tempora
ry advantage? WVe think not,
and are therefore rejoiced to see
that the Democratic heart beats
true to itself and to the country,
and evinces a degree of vitality
which neither the storms of the
past nor the disasters of the pres
ent have been able to destroy.
Jefferson Davis's Finances.
Ex-President Davis has been
frequently charged with having
accumulated great wealth during
the war. His Postmaster Gener
al, Mr. Reagan, of Texas, in a
recent letter furnishes the follow
ing interesting items in reference
to Mr. Davis's pecuniary affairs
at the close of hostilities:
In this connection I think it
right for me to make a statement
in justice to Mr. Davis, which has
not heretofore been made public,
as far as I know, and a part of
which is only known to him and
In coming through South Car
olina, he and myself riding ahead
of our company passed a cabin
on the road side, when he asked
a woman who was standing in the
door, for a drink of water. On
handing it to him slhe said, "Are
you President Davis?" On his
reply in the affirmative, she said
to him, pointing to a little boy
barely large enough to walk a
little, "that is your namesake, we
call him Jeff. Davis?" He took
from his pocket a gold coin, ap
parently the size of a three-dollar
piece or sovereign, and handing
it to her told her to give it to the
little boy-saying to me as he
rode off that that was his last
piece of coin, which he had kept
as sort of keepsake on account of
its being a coin seldom seen in
this country.
Subsequenitly, when in compa
ny with several members of his
Cabinet, the subject of their
finances was mentioned and their
poverty was made, among them
selves, the subject of passing
amusement. SIr. Davis took out
his pocket-l)ook and counted I
think about two hundred and
seventy dollars in Confederate 4
treasury notes, then almost entire
ly worthless, and said, laughing
ly, that was his fortune in money.
lie then added, that it was a
source of gratification rather th:n
of regret that himself and nearly
all the members of his Cabinet
had s. rificedl their private for
tues in'the struggle for the liberty
of the people. I will also add,
that when it was determined,
after the surrender of General
Johnston, to transfer the field of
military operations to the west of
the Mississippi, one of his Cabinet
told Mr. Davis that he had money
enough to take them across that
These facts are given to show
the injustice which has been done
to one whose hopes and thoughts
and energies were all wholly de
voted to the cause, then so dear
to us, in which he was engaged;
and who, amidst his all engross
ing pllic duties and respoiisibil
ities, took no thought of his 1mri
vate fortune or of his personal
John A. Logan recently made
a speech at Carbondale, Illinois,
in which he said the election of
Lincoln "caused the Democracy
to reel and stagger." LogRan o1p
posed the clection ofLi||,olnm hit
terly. The Quincy Hierald, in this
connection, says: Tie only D)em
ocrat that we saw that "reeled
andl staggered," was John A. Lo
gan, wlho was beastly drunlck
around the streets of Sprin"gfiehi,
threatening to shoot Steplhen A.
Douglas because hie hadl taken
ground in support of the war.
The work on the Men.phis, El
Paso and Pacific Ratilroad is pro
gressing rapidly, and the hands
being well fed and promptly paid.
More laborers are wanted.
Cabel Cushing lives in Wash
ington City, practicing law, writes
for the newspapers, and' will be
seventy next January.
The XVth Amendment.
The obstacles in the way of the
XVth Amendment are thicken
ing. The refusal of ten States to
-ratify will kill it. Thus far we
have against it beyond contin
gency-New Jersey, Delaware,
Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio, Geor
gia, California--7. A rejection
by three more of the States ends
the controversy, and leaves the
settlement of negro suffrage, in
its borders to each State. Can
we count upon three more? %We
think so. The Tennessee Legis
lature, represented by men like
Etheridge, will certainly reject it.
If Pennsylvania goes for Packer
-and the prospects for his elec
tion are encouraging-she will re
scind her former vote. One more
State will be wanting. We can
get that State from Oregon, In
diana, New York, Virginia, Mis
sisippi, Texas, or Maine. Even
supposing that the three unre
constructed States, in order to
escape military rule, should ratify
the amendment, we have still
Oregon, Indiana, New York and
Maine to fall back upon. Before
the requisite number of States
can be obtained, we think Indiana
will annul the bogus ratification
which was extorted from her.
Oregon will refuse to ratify, if we
may judge from the result in Cal
ifornia, and the dangers which
threaten her from Chinese suf
frage. New York cannot be count
ed for ratification so long as a
Democrat is Governor. It is true
that her Legislature ratified the
amerdAment, but the old method
of ratifying amendments was by
an act of the Legislature, approvoed
by the Governor. In this instance,
o ily c.ncurrent resolutions were
passed, which was an intimation
that the- Legislature considered
the business to be exclusively
their own. Hence it is that the
State Department has no official
notice of the action of its party
friends in Albany, and it devolves
upon the next Legislature to rec
tify the error. Will the next
Legislature do so? We doubt it.
In Maine, also, we have a chance. 1
-Monotgomery Mail.
able Denmocratic organ in Phila
delphia, indulges in pleasing'
hopes of Democratic prospects in
that State:
During the past week we have
seen several gentlemen who, in
the routine business, have travel
ed the State from the Delaware
to the Ohio, and the reports they 1
give of the tone of public senti
ment everywhere uniformely
point to an overwhelming Demo- I
cratic victory. Our info-mants I
are gentlemen of intelligence,
who would not misrepresent facts.
Their opportunities for observa.
tion have been very extended,
and but for the fact that we can
place implicit confidence in their
statements, we should feel incli
ed to doubt the possibility of such
an enthusiastic awakening of the
masses in behalf of the Demo
cratic nominees tas they report.
In the large cities and towns, in
retired villages, and throughout
the rural districts, the universal
cry is: Give us a change of rulers.
Anly change must be for the bet
ter, is the general opinion. If
this feeling is taken advantage of
in a proper manner, Asa Packer
will be elected by a large major
The President's father, now in
his seventy-.sixth year, has lately
expressed bitter hostility against
negro sufrlage in the following
ti.rcible termns:
"And," added he, after abrief
paiuse, "I don't blame 'em much,
if'they are rebels. I am opposed
to havi ingniggers vote. I always
was and always will be. I
w¢ouldn't' now, and never will,
vote for niggers. If I was an
able-bodied young man, and was
elected to the Legislature, and a
nigger was elected to sit along
iide of me, I would say: 'Nigger,
take both seats.' "
The Boston Journal says that
drunkenness is just as common in
tme streets of that city as ever,
and that intoxicating liquors flow
just as freely as when there was
no law to restrain their sale.
' Rates of Svrtestl
t e) fia t I n mewb q L .
B oo c~rwt Mo a foe.o ... U$ 6
liberara s.
Cards o uetos eaei - -V b
willl be hsge donb~ cs segkt af
otherwise ordered, will bsia1-· "MU tu W
W tssi slar eerea asau. bt in
will be charged Me whole squares n v- ia iisra .
When displayed, .alaavettismeuft5w b_ hzra
by measurement snd not by the nXu*W ef line..
Obituary and larrsiags ntlees wil bh eaebdreei
Professional card. 83 per aumaa* mt"
*1tw in kdvanceo
Taos M Uclnrr s a... is the duly mtlu
agent for the T _egrap NeW , Orleans
Agents wranted thouthbut the State io wbota
a iber per ent. wilt be pad out of all mss re
ceived by them.
The Oondition of the South.
The Northern press teems with
eulogies upon Southern prosperi
ty. Our agricultural products
pour back into our laps the wealth
which was destroyed by the war.
Rising from the chaos of a revo
lution which uprooted our insti
tutions from the very bottom,
without capital, and with eman
cipated slaves, the Soutb has
steadily advanced towards pros.
perity. There is no example in
history of a more complete ruin,
nor can there be found an in
stance of such rapid recovery in
the face of such difficulties. Our
political enemies ascribe it to the
beneficent operation of the gov
ernments which they hage estab
lished over us, but to those who
are conversant with the shameful
misrule and extortion which make
up our postbellum history the ar
gulnent of "The Imperialist," that
the prosperity of America so far
from being the result of wise
republican institutions is in spite
of them and the sole result of
natural advantages, seems not
But the South is pursuing the
true course.' Let us render our
selves independent of other sec
tions as far as possible and our
favor will be sought. There are
those who would fain enter upon
a crusade for eternal, "hopeless
poverty over the South, but the
mostflagrant oppression, the most
heinous decrees cannot wholly
counteract the operation of laws
more powerful than man's. If
only the sword and torch be kept
away we will soon get wealthy,
and in accumulating riches we
are placing ourelves upon a van
tage ground where we can succes
fully contend for our rights under
the constitution.-N. 0. Price
An invention has been pro
duced in Paris for settling dis
putes between cab-hirers and cab
drivers. It not only reckons the
distance traversed but indicates.
the exact sum of money due to
the driver. Two dials are fixed
on the back of the driving seat;.
one contains a clock, while on the •
other the distance traveled is in- -
dicated by a hand acted on by the.
wheels; it is entirely beyond the
control either of cabby ..or his.
"fare." The apparattr is put in
and out of gear by thnering"
and raising of a level g
word "Libre," which--l *t" i.
ble when the cab is empt ia
the "compteur" consequently un
employed. There is no danger of
the driver omitting to lower this
lever as soon as he is hired, as it
is his interest to have the greatf
est possible distance paid for,
Hon. J, A. Royce, of Cincinnati,
heretofore a prominent Radical,.
in a communication to the Cin-
cinnati Enquirer, says: "I have.
severed myself from the Republi
can party, because it is an organ
ized hypocrisy, a shuffling dissim
ulation, a fraud, a delusion, and ap
snare, a combination of grasping
fanatics, fattening on the vitals ot
the wealth-producers and wealth
distributers of the country." It
is evident that Mr. T'oyce, during
his connection with the Radical
party, kept his eyes about him,
A little black and tan dog, nat
meed Andrew Johnson, was re
cently, by accident, locked in
doors by his master, on leaving
lhouo, in Upper Alton, Illinois,
andl was found nineteen days
after, still alive, but in an emati
ated condition. Ie soon recover
ed. lie had not a morsel all the
nineteen days;, he must have had
his narmesake's eonstitution, how-.
Meetings of sugar planters are
being called ii. IJafourche, Terre-.
bonne and lber-ville, for the pur,
pose of considering the recent
decision of the Supremle Court of
the State, giving Mrs. Brasheair
the exclusive right to use sulp4u.
Sto clarify sugar cane juice.
The Texas election occcrs 30thi
" November, 1st, 2nd and 3rd )e-.
Scember. People will only ,ety
at the court house. " :

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