OCR Interpretation

The Ouachita telegraph. [volume] (Monroe, La.) 1865-1889, September 25, 1869, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034336/1869-09-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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.1V tdC 7RA1ýtIE.`I . E~· Lditor.
a(M4E-OE LA. SEPT-zn=r_ 25, 1869.
```ý -^"__-------ý - 1869
::, .egislatur in Extra Session. will. It
oirom various sources the state- ty they 1
ment comnes that Gov. VWarmoth, they doul
in the exercise of his discretion, nefarious
:outeemplates convening the Leg- For this
islature in extraordinary session may not
some time in November next.- warn the
According to the provisions of leaders 1
t.he'Constitution. the Legislature their lii
would convene any way on the are able
first Monday in January, which these do
is only two months later than.the much ti
period fixed by rumor for the Tow
meeting of the extra session.-- The eS
W hat particular exigency in State "The
affairs has operated upon the one lih
Governor's mind-supposing he bonds i
takes any account of the State- Meiph
'so as to influence him to a bare to the
contemplation of convening the nouncd
General Assembly in extra ses- of eigh
sion, we, who are known not to we are
be in His Excellency's confidence, and let
are not expected to know. In- tion
deed, we find it difficult to form this ph
even a satisfactory conjecture in month
the matter. whistlh
We might suggest some legis- and de
lation which in our opinion is tion of
greatly needed; but as it would Her
have reference entirely to lessen- how ri
ing the burdens now borne by the Missis
people, and none whatever to the secret
increase of salaries or to extrava- of tha
gant appropriations, our sugges- the S
tion would no doubt be rejected sissip]
-with contempt, if not indignation. the v.
WVe have learned that the govern- a mc
ment of Louisiana is only nomi- trave
dially the people's government, as tei
and in reality is the government resou
of "rings." Men chosen to legis- bring
late for the State, and to the end They
that the greatest good should ac- price
crue to the greatest number, leg- bring
islate persistently for themselves comi
and favorites, and in order to comi
make government not the blessing away
it was designed, but the curse it road
was devised to avoid. but
The people, just now, all over men
the State are putting their hands tray
into their pockets and paying out
from their hard earnings the cost and
of maintaining the adventurers surn
and usurpers who now control cess
the State, and never was a Shy- yea
lock so clamorous for his pound dre:
-offlesh as the tax-gatherer for his are
taxes. We venture to predict that ricd
the collections this year will be,
in any given parish, but littke less cil
than the amount of taxes assessed, tir
while collectors will reap a har- del
vest such as never was reaped 16
by collectors before. It is a skin- str
flint business. wi
And the: law called the Reve
nue law of the State surpasses all tin
previous revenue statutes in com
pass, in rates and convenient
ambiguity. Scarcely anything es- o
capes taxation. Even the small th
planter who gins his neighbor's to
cotton must pay a license on his It
gin; every "inhabitant" of lawful
age, his or her poll tax; and every t
occupation or profession not spec- n
ifically taxed, a license of thirty
dollars. In addition to this, a de
niand is made for back taxes as b
far back as 1862. (
These enormous abuses of the i
objects for- which governments 11
are organized nmight properly call i
for an extraordinary session of
the Legislature; but so long as the
bcnificiarics of such excesses are
the inlividuals we must look to
to correct them, so long will they
remain in force.
And the people must suffer and
Some of our contelmporaries
have endeavored to account for
the supposed intentions of the
Governor in calling an extra ses
sion o." the Legislature. There is
one matter, connected with the
subject, not yet alluded to so fahr
as we have noticed. It is, in a
fewv words, a scheme to lprolong
indefinitely, by legislation, the
rule of lRadicalism in Louisiana,
by putting into the hands of the
Governor and one or two others
the results of all elections to be
held in the State, giving themi the
power to reject or annul electiolns1
in lalny portion of the State, upon
the most flimsy pretexts. The "Private
hope of effecting this outrage
consoles the Radicals with the The Ra
loss of popular strength and gives has a "e
them confidence of maintailing Committ
power regardless of the popular individua
will. It is a fearful responsibili- New Orl
ty they propose to assume, but teen we
they doubtless intend to put their Packard,
nefarious scheme into execution. ~ay, B. 1
For this purpose an extra session I. T1witc
may not be necessary, but we ~. O.
warn the people that the ]Ildiceal recently
leaders have such designs iuponl closet in
their liberties and that if they izeci by
are able in any way to forestall sub-exec
I these designs there is not too The
Smuch time left in which to do it. signalis
--- ---- mittee
I0ow RAILROADS ARE I P'TIT.-- havi;g
The Oolmnlbus (Miss.) Index says:
e "Tlhe question uof subscribing
e one hundred tihousand dollars of of secre
e bonds in aid of the Selma and inal pa
- Memphis Railroad, was submitted self, an
to the people of Pickens on Tl'ues- benefit
day last, and we are glad to an- out the
nounce was adopted by a majority
s- of eight or nine hundred votes, as these
to we are informed by gentlemen been di
e, and letters from Carrolton. but it i
"This insures the early comllle- as the
n- tion of the road from Selina to dentia
1n this place-and within a very few circi
in months we expect to hear the ly cir
whistle of the engine arriving or
is- and departing daily, in the direc- italici:
is tion of Pickeus." ing
Id Here we have the evidence of the op
-n- how railroads are built east of the party
che Mississippi river, and also the the fa
the secret of the rapid improvement be a
va- of that portion of the South over before
,es the States lying west of the Mis- cals a
ted sissippi. The people there realize a huW
ion. the value of railroads not only as and c
rn- a means of transportation and late
mi- travel, but their far greater value ever,
ant, as tending to develop the hidden raisii
Lent resources of a country and to the
gis- bring it prominently into notice. The
end They find a railroad doubles the ings
ac- price of their lands, as well as are
leg- brings them into constant daily vide
Ives communication with cities and faith
r to communities hundreds of miles henc
sing away, and thus regard aid to rail- for a
se it roads not as charitable donations, and
but as splendid paying invest- mili
over ments. Thus it is that persons m
ands travelling through the old worm- nece
,ying out sections of Georgia, Alabama, the
cost and Mississippi find new railroad A d
urers surveys and new railroads in pro- by
ntrol cess of construction where ten stre
Shy- years ago railroads were not mnn
ound dreamed of and where the lands dev
or his are not worth, compared with our If
t that rich lands, 25e per acre. me
.-------- try
ill be, STREET TAX.-The Town Coun- til
e less cil have properly levied a tax of the
eslea, three dollars upon all male resi
Shar- dents of Monroe above the age of ci
eaped 16 years, as a commutation for tap
skin- street duty, leaving it optional g
with the individual to pay the tax
seVe- or work the streets the required
;ses all time, which we believe is three is
Sco- days. This is a good .tep, against
renient which no citizen of the place
aing Cs- ought to complain, since during
small the five years past street duty or M
llbo:'s tax has been exacted but once.
Son his It should be, however, a personal y
lawful tax, disconnected entirely with- c
tihe property tax, as it is a perso
Ot spec- nal service due by every citizen
thirty regardless of his property-a point t
i, e- not fully considered, we suppose, i
axes as by the Council, as they propose '
dleduicting the street tax from the
s of the individual's real estate tax, where
u eents lie is charged with any, which is
ary call improper. Wye would suggest al
sion of so that all members of the Fire
gas the Company in good standing be
jSes are exempt firom this special tax, as
look to they have special duties to pler
villthey form of a public character from
which all other citizens are ex
empt, and which are as implortant
as working the streets and are
lporaries entirely gratuitous. At the same
pount for time the Council could very prolp
of the erly require the F'ire Colmp:ulany to
ttra ses- have its regular drill meetings
There is and parades and observe such
with the other regulations as would insure
o so fhr its efficiency and p)romuptness in
t is, ill a time of need. The Council has
p prolong full authority in the matter and
tion, the could justly enough exercise it.
(ds of the ey The acting Governor of
o others Louisiana at this time, is a full
ons to be blooded negro; lov. Warinoth
Sthemii the having gone to Missouri, leaving
·lectionsL L't G(v. O. J. Dunn (col'd) as
ate, uponl Governor in his stead.
1. wnleever
"Private and Confidential Radical 9th ver
Circular. bet and
The Radical party of Louisiana newspaP(
has a "State Central ExecutiveC and ath
Committee," composed of sixteen I will circ
r individuals, with headquarters in pers.
-New Orleans. Among the six-i 10th:
t teen we find the names of S. l. holding
'r Packard, O. J. 1),un1 (col'd,) ,Jolhn pointlnIu
1. Ray, B. F. Joul)ert (col'd,) and M. witrh oIu
UI. Twitchell. According to the if ,o
N. O. Tribune, this Committee ganizti
1 recently held a meeting in some furnish
)ni closet in Neww' Orleans, and organ- o five
'Y ized by electing officers and a. . eloril
11 sub-executive Committee. as a P.
oo The following secret circular such cl
t. signalises the advent of this Coin- call a
mittee into official existence; it elect a
having strayed into our posses- comiple
sion regardless of the injunctionlt alv c
of of secrecy imposed upon the orig- 1ll ii
nd inal possessor by the circular it- in wha
:ed self, and now published for the itia. 'wi
es- benefit of theDeimoeracy through- filI f(
out the State. Large numbers of acd r
as these circulars have, no doubt, transa
len been distributed all overthe State, us, (t
but it is hardly to be expected, N. 13
11e- as they are "private and confi- privat
Sto dential," that they will be public- All
the ly circulated. Colin
ing Portions of the circular we have Orlcae
rec- italicized with the view of show
ing more clearly the character of I
3 of the opposition to the Democratic a sui
'the party in Louisiana. Considering drawl
the the fact that there is not likely to Farm
rent be a general election in the State soda
oer before November, 1870, the lRadi- the
Mis- cals appear to be in somewhat of the
alize a hurry to organize Committees Stub
ly as and clubs, raise money and circu- mor
and late documents. Perhaps, how- heca
ralue ever, they are more desirous of feret
ddcn raising money and organizing Con
A to the militia than anything else. "th
otice. The offices, contracts and pick- jlit
s the ings afforde1 by the Legislature pro(
11 as are probably insufficient to pro- pro'
daily vide means of living for all the duel
and faithful leaders of the party, and the
miles hence the anxiety about money Stal
o rail- for a canvass, reports as to peace for
itions, and order and the necessity for plei
nvest- militia protection.
ersons We submit to Democrats the had
worn- necessity of watching vigilantly in
bama, the movements of our opponents. pre
tilroad A desperate effort will be made low
in pro- by the Radicals to weaken our tha
:o ten strength, to counteract which we tio
e not must be vigilant and constant in the
a lands devotion to our party interests. for
itb our If there be any "Third Party Sb
men," or "'Whigs" in the coun- Cr
try, the attentions shown them in th
. Cotn- the circular will, no doubt, excite tic
their indignation, andt may prob- wi
o resi- :ably lead them to see the prqjudi- wi
ag( of cial eilect their isolation is .a:ving at
ion for upon the interests of the olely
iptional Southern man's party in Louisi- o0
the tax ana.
equircd The circular has bec&i recently
is three issued, and reads as follows:
e during LOUISIANA
SNew Orloans,La. ----- 1869.
duty or -
t t once. W'e would earnestly requenst '
personal you to at once place yourselves in t
ly with Communicatio with us, and to e
prso- tie end, that the exact status of t
tile party in your IParish, and its
Scitizen organizilation, may 1h)e known to
--a poinit this Coemmiittee and that we may
Slil)pose, he pre)aredl to act in all cases,
proploseC with promlptitude and accuracy,
ore the pilease fiurlish us with the follow
wotee inmg inforuationu:
x, where 1st: With a list of the members,
which is oflicers, residence anld P. O. ad
iggest al- dress of your Parish Committee. 1
f thle Fire 2nd: With a list and tile loena
lding be tioni of the dlitfrent Republican
ia t Clubs of )our P'arish, the names
al tax, as of their otfficers, andt tlheir address,
s to pier- and the voting strength of such
.cter from Clubs.
Saruo ex- 3rd: Withl the names and resi
tlaldece of boltii!ng Rplutlblicans and
p ortant oubtful Rlnepubliclans lwho are con
Sand arc nected with any bolting organi
I the same zation.
-cry prop- 4th: With thie lnames of all per
nm)pany to sons who have not publicly acted
imeetings with us, who are inclined to act
ve such with thie Ipublican Party.
;erve sucl .5th: T ith ia mes'. of any
hld insure "Third Partf" men, "'1Vhi i.s" or
. ptncss iln nE)cbers f anyt political partly op
.uicil has pIsed to the Democratic party.
o ttter and 6th: With the names of the
nrtise it. prominent, inllfnential, and active
crcise it. Republieans of your l'arish.
)ernor of 7th: The numlber of Rcpul,lieau
is a fll-votes in the l'Parish, and tlhe
- i roth a(mount qf mionry that can be raised
Wat. .l lamUJ thiem for a canra.s.
ri, lcavig 8th: A sltatemenc t of the peace and
(col'di) as order of the lParish, anld the pIros
•poet of a fair and quiet election
l-hncver one tanks ,place .
S9th: 11 statemlelit of the nuel r-I
ther nd nanes of Iepublicanl roi t-,,
b 1ei s)al)e taken il your parish, ri
and t iwhe Wlaes of four or five - ' a cross withtu
i tiv'e and responsible pers n Sept. ,ho
1 will circulate docuIenICllts and lu-I 'l ulir
pers l" " .e o ,,ndr.
- Ioth- : With a list of all persons i ,,
Solding otlice by election or 1it'- i n
,i ,poiI itIl'a t of h opunbliCans, w o . wa t., 0:t
ia..e op1rsill tlote )arty, or' acti..g. e upn: t1 ut
wit-tl o itr ellenle-. O . .. . e tsn Sel
canoie.atiOli in thLe parisl, please
.c fu ni ull ,s with the llalles of four " •l. .
r- or five prolllinent and iilEllnltid Specitmen t
ie tpblicans, who yill, upon the prices. Sp
authority of this Committee, act ''enchers ._
as a Parish Colnluittee, organize d
arsuch clubs as may be Cnecessary, General
aeI a Piarish Conventiona, r and r
it elect a fiull arish Comtllitte- Genl
cotupleto the orga lization, antd s
oi Ou)i correSpOUdellncC -with uis, as Fr.Y
S love set for thr. e
osi All information tending to show
it- in what locality plrotctionl and m til- S
the itia cwill be needed, should be care- coTT
.io- fully forwarded to this Committee.
of Please designate somniuee ergetic Gene
and resConsibio person, who will
Lttransact any 'necessary business for No.
Lt, us, and r(Oirt monthly. '. n1- 0n
ted, N. B3. This Circular is of course rf pero
fit- private and confidential.
i- All commilunications to be ad- AnDitE
dressed to the Secretary of the
Committee, P. O. Box 2145, New A
ave Orleans, La.
asti a suit bro ught on a lortgage
ring drawn in French, by MIorrison &
y toPFarmer for the Consolidated As- JTo. G
tate sociation of New Orleans, before
eadi- the District Court in this parish,
it of the attorneys for the defense,
ttees Stubbs & Cobb, plead that the Se,2
irju- mortgage was unconstitutional, F1
how- because drawn in a language dif
is of ferent from that required by the
izing Constitution, whict provides that
else. "the laws, public records, and the
pick- judicial and legislative written
ature procepedirgs of the State, shall be Corn
pro- promulgated, preserved and con
1 the ducted in the language in which
and the Constitution of the United
aoney States is written." Judge Craw-WE
peace ford, in his decision, sustained the fresh
Lty for plea, saying that notwithstanding
Chief J.ustices IMartin and Porter
Ls the had decided the point otherwise Calie
.lantly in cases brought before the Su
,nents. preme Court, he felt bound to fol- Late'
made low his convictions and to decide
c our that the mortgage is unconstittu- teoci
Lich we tional for the reason offered by
ant in the defense. The case goes be
terests. fore the npreme Court on appeal.
Party Should that Court sustain Judge i
coun- Crawford, the southern portion of
:he in the State, where so large a potr
excite tion of the notarial acts have been r
y prob- w ritten in the rench language,
rdejudi- will le deluged with litigation ,
eaving and driven into bankruptcy.
Sonylluy o If there be a single reader
Loyatof some of the Now Orleans
lpapers who is not thoroughly dis- Pott
cntl-gusted with the Louisiana State
. Lottery, and especially the news
'ARTY OF paper editorial notices of the
concern, we would like to lilac in
-- 1869. ourself in communication with A
request some relative of that reader with W
selves in the view of having hin interdict
adcl to edby the courts. We can assure
status of the city press that these notices
andi its are a nuisance to the general
.nows to readcrn--regular dead-fills, holl
we maiyl out- a tepotirg literary bait
CeCuracy, for a headling, but invariably
e follow- wi*nding upt wih thile nm ohtel
e ers stong about the State Lottery and
p. O. ad the way (not) to draw a bi igfr
uxaittee. tune. WeC have been caught thus
tle loe'a- a score of times, but never with
p:l ubican o'tt a mneiital ejaculation not very
Ie naities comp1lmluentary to the Stato Lot
r adldlress,
of such tery.
and i resi- WTe have decided to sus.pend,
icans and for the l)resenit, the I)aily andil
. are con Tnri-\eekly Post. Thle 1)r'ostl'rla
org orani- tiole of the i epublican press
throtighotit the State is a ne(cessa
o)fall per- ry e ~nselq"llc of the late disas
icly atel trolls tiverttlrrow tif the llepublicanl
nlc n to act !l:irty.-3fe' ili is Post.
rta. We inf'cr then that the hepub
V hi'ys" or: can party otf Tennessee, aftber all,
ar.ity op1- is stir enough dŽad. The gpapr
a rrty. ;ttlbirded( tihe elplulicaitn plreiss o"
Ž5 of the the State is, thereforc, cut oft, andi
amdactivo i the prte s havin no ram-its ;eli_
eln hlieall1o r1eaders, of cour'so dlies too.
a and the Otie byone, hero andi there the
en be ractistml origans of proscription attl nc
ss. 'gr l equality fold their shltst,
it--a 'an"l "liii like the Akrabs, silently steal
tet clctioi' away."
I:¶ thou de d, living "at Blastlop, L a:: a
L'-.\1 a.... d .' yeas, e .r l, ip .... 'rd .. th
a cross wthi, ah heart; hied feet hE, R +ThuNeoerth
,,: t 1111p13"' ill e lh i
Sept 1, f9. day, the 4th day
Se l uc t i nt t n i n e A i
RNI ---lllufrl th nbli, t of Chatter
.IlE undersgnoed roespo etult' infoers the public
- and tiai ] i'Cii ssogoiierls. t]'at he'
l iifureln we 00,,-f J O. l SALE.-"
I necld " th ill 1Sh iu Tren 0I po ticior . STORES
i·tlle' ac taoh.I·* t. em , COI proper
S'lext Boks is the creapes and he Ost le k o
lat!ltelhiG now ieaisedl fo1
t1 iis ufl oi esi "st
'e .chers .illE torward s. .lonte
0t Tadchers r please forward their addruses, ic 11lti(
J. IANE i(HL)EN ,Trenton, iutis In fine
SGeneral Aecnt f.r Text Books of all kinds, holusoifdcsir'
i snd- for lte Memoirs of the Var," edited by town. T"ermn
Leeu lnci in o
General . E. Lee. finolitf Applyt
Sept. '25, 169. Orleans, uor tt
i Successors to rist, ltnshatw C.ninatck and Geo. O West.
ce. -AtND
tic General Commission 1lerchants,
for No. 3 Perdido Street, New Orleans. B
N ers for the purchase of all C escriptions
ISC iO - produce wihll rciive our particular atttiltio. d
_ __ _ _ __ _ - - -
('riccent City B3nk.
the Sept 25, IS101t.
onl, TFALL FASHIIONS, 1569. .
O- o n niet. oan
.¢ IMAYA, ,. .-eK. :i ot p]
O. -- -a -- tg-- ,---w
the ...............
1 that O tritc
t(1 the JOSEPH HAYMAN & Co N:
ritt i
all be Corner LeSuiprd and Second streets
Craw- "E ARE constantly recivlvin . in addlit to onr
X roirnlar stock of Fancy ai Staple DryGoods
ed the fresh a sdditions of
in all of its varions grades;
Poplin. oerioinooa, DeLaines, &e.; can b
erwise Calicoes, .Kerosey. Linseyi.. Osnalbirgs. Ti-hingt. rates,
Stripes. .easn, Tweeds: Satiniets. CaOi'res, teed.
IC Sr- alra'ielotnhs. Plain, Twilel . Shkeii
and Opera Flanl.s. Nn;asSongtgns k,
o fol- Tools, .Taket. Shawls. , now
Latest styles slalmoral Skirts. Hoop Skirts. &o., &c. Patro
decide E also offer a superior and carefully selected me
nstitu- stock of Lsdl s. Ies' Cii
and Chilhrenil b SOce cte
red by nne; CGisnt Clotheiri. Nc
e~ts Prrn~i~ uX COotU. T:ontP. irre
e s 1be- fkooS. I:ats . i Tr1Vr ein  "n n'ul P tr'i en it
Trnnks. Vailoeas. ae.., Tobacco, Cigars, rll
napal. Fancy artic'is, &e., &. ausc-i
,JUdge All of which weo ill sell as low as porssiilo form
either them
tion of Cash or Cotton.
eo t-ak thsi mseetbn or thaniin': our friends for itre
ye been pear fors, and1rlee illy solie1t acontinnloc fice
,f t ie sameit. hl, c0 t1 r llt ni a a w i ell to r
te ,.lv gel fair ileeli:., x.r l of t h t li,,.ral filrili
titation t.ilblishcdi ero. &
Ds uSirll Street. Co-nor 2nd,
e, reaeO Io`o oE, LA.
Sept. ^.5, IEC9.
Orlecan: P. S-Oir .fair" onstnmrys will '.- dllr 'n ifrl CA
i of thelrrivaloi thee? new 5ttt.LLLNEiX (it tOn5i for
O ti asn J. It. & CO.
SStat te T=RU'-T EE ,)
e l DlS- DARK BAY MARE: MULE, shunt six f
of the An old, 141- hands hiph. branded on the T
left shoulder wiih 'h13," no oilier di-iineuish- J.
tto l)ac in, marks. Was last seen nhout the lst of
011 with Au-gnt last, in the vicinity ofMrs. Dinkgraves'
r on thya river below Monroe. A liberal reward W
le0r witl vill be paid for the recovery of said mule. F.
t terrdict- Sept. 8, 180. n51:3t
I1 assure -
n otices G. L. IIEI'NDON. L. V. MIAUIV. T
Is , holdI- GESERAL cOIIt10 ASo I
'tal'ittbl,1 Go.ln, ST., oJ o Eoe , Lx.,
11 Oils "1  TIT nai tondt the sale, p!llpmant. or stnmin ofa
, t ery allti !V eottir.lt, l to Illaiin * ietnl rhaiod for lanters
Itnld other.. ir, ttoi u shlilimi ti uf tl .il i s I rlIe P ari n
e n rrill- ' a g esll , b u,. i ei , rt a ckdo lleL'8 , ticl.llo i lsr i R ad y m al d elln
t i lhl.'e b le i oloiie l u ca . i t t o t h em i r ,t. i p i lic 1t o o t h e ir
friil.ll ill No. Orleans, oew York or Liserpol .
"or with- Sept. 15 , I;, . k, tfn
I eot verye
S 'U'().Chill theixti.ncivc Nurseries ii 1'. .1. IlEItIK
I l .I.\NS'.. Al Io,, . r .IEO .llltA ill ho fusni.tio t nl y
mil and i:ionii on tho lin.Lehiia ir t I-i ticieS. I wilt delis
U I(C'!S.'Si- rI"r,:vs -- 1-: itrh ar r mu.t hl nsee nlpnnil d Ixy ri-as
I. 4Ij roe or "l'rcu Oil.
L)l tt..lic. FARMR.
MIonrao I.a. S,-pt. ci. Ilot. uoSi f6al AnF'ST
II pre S of eicitS iunlrrsirrned takes pleasnre in making
t tlt in 1.-u- ilisa i-e is now as well prepared *se
'irf, ti ~, .  w, ii" not better, to do a:i kinds of
' tts Ill tl wvlrk, u-i'lir in manufacturing or repairing
(Till to.'carriares, buggfies. hacks, etc. Ready matde
work kept on hlandl: specimens of which may
thetre the be see,,n iv callin,, at tihe Factory.
lie will also carry on a general'BfRcksmith
I Uid. 11C'- shp arranged so as to do all kinds of black
Torms reasonable,
ently steal i FR. ENrDOM
April 26,1866. n3C-T°
tin o Chatter. Jos. F. McGltE, Secretary
O nu"tl m tett nr of th Stkhelotlleas
a fro nt of 110 e 'rao collier build in he" two
'.TieNolet ,0rl itt TuuL= "" OD"
t)nr ien c hiell hat tls Coa rnt of abolt 45 feet.
tee at n tores sol the lovie floor, with a ware.sd
rONROE, OUt Beli e tai,
nORw LE. A fora lewollily elote and taos
lmel asil trOTaIo e no et dll
ai ry huilhi rpu thr tho e tob , ac whlohIs accottolh s d.
Cs, ' S lOr"O tin str o, t
trtaont oriesi liote t and well built whiaL ruc c to
'rtli a ill is not unlt a gret protection agibOll st 5 re l
e, 'I i fe oi iu oretou to lowser tloor, witllof a 'buck
b1iol ie in one and two yeaniae with d per centt nter
S of corrton , sOte rooil o
fst fi.Mate, wsith nturCt cii o lloyd. e es
-A pply i oi for iiAtewoes &LLopr Bsld ot lyd new o
o rleahns, or to Morris"ttonle & toirryhouse, nt w nt
S, lMonroe, La... , , ot tSe r is a l tri,'k 1'1l9
nto toiet doowr lSooth oell bailt, w2 ich ost S00-ie.
>L'is wall is DNot oT otREEtll if Ir.
o) ti ilAVE 3LJ'Tl if CIVI I) A.
oif esiro assortment iof i o ti ce ntral nl
e te• ,..ms o a oal'-- dstabl; one thr'c able and ellt tlle
v kn" o. n two I ytl enc e ith L Er A .gUc i mtol
cudoor Soath of Camet rlaoin o pFclbeant''io
NVH:TIE JL anT plllIYing~ for abr
coletd ave personal artttmetnti to the repa
n e by of h p .resyrietions.
S and eorory prtitcle kept in ioa rst Clds orhy ftorel at
COW L - J1 F WA S ,
_. I
mnt. AT veRS and others needing Laboring
TiintS. rates an y o plantations guaraircriion
known In irituoa Labor solgency, as my old
y selected n5e their orders and recommendes.
red at the shortest notice for plantations.
tn the lJ. 21o /oydDras SDIReEC .O
STicANTERlanernd oyplying for Laboringrs
- reandspoibl parties or discharged worthless
iieraes, and eliverpay on lcense, have notations place ofn
in is an od estalished, reibilityable and wellho do
i for notwn Inteien, must naturally expect to lose
i. M E. Patrons are constantly proving by sending to
etheir monders and time, and be disappointed and
lamagaed y thle nonCdelivey of treely promised
City er hans alwahos o es and. ut of ten,spro
cfriends for ired: privately engaged ortesto "jump" the Plantions.r at
Norxe.Planters ayplying for Laborers to
rnner who pay no license, have no place ofe.
busRneee, have no responT.ibihty, and who do
not advertise, mnstation Inteuralligy expect to lose
n51:3t 2r 7 Poyd as St., New Omrleans.
SCaroliey and time, Insurand be Ciappomnted any.
O woI lss Mnds who, eight time, s ont of tenN.
nt te foropp
L -Income to October 1, (14[monthv,) $100,U00
on oFn elRS Prestince
a honlt six set. .. W TCKSS, nePres ident.
S..T. ;. ITvTl . bNri.e-'r'sidont.
tided on the Wi. F. Fo10,t.. Secretary.
distlingtlhi J. H. EDMONSON, General Agent.
t the 1st of BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
Dinkgra ves' li. .T. Wieks, E. .. A ppcrson.
1. '. . Petit, W . it. Ilti iot,
ortal reward tv. Dl.reenlaw. Janrus Phelan,
id mule. F.ritis. Nalioleon 1ll1,
)DFREY. I.1 G. Loiigshale, Wni. Joyner,
F. V'. NinEithi, A. Sessel,
n51:3t * ,. L. Vmanc, nun, N. S. Bruce,
". MAUVIE. TrEIEvANT &s BIrSa. Agents itn North Louisiana.
Odfc: Mionroe, Lri.
Nrw ORLEUas.--General Wiarry Ilays, T.
S II. and J M. Allen & Co., Galbreath, Stewart
& 'rizer, Jennings, Gates & Co., Nelson
ANTS, Lauphied & Co , eadles. Wingo & Cao.
doSCo. , .a.
Sncrvrr.OnT.-B. Mn . Johnson, Banker;
tonr storla of Wimberly, Anrdis & Co., I!amilton & Co.,
wi'l lie evriril Wholesale Merchants, Cutmting, Morrison dO
it,.,t. l',,iihi,-s Co., T. H. Morris, Druggist, Gregg & Martin,
iral. alv cetsln Jessup, M.arsh & Wiggins, Hyams & Kennedy
'nt to ttheir )
Liverpol,1. Issues Policies on all the improved plans.
No restrictions on travel or residence wilhit
the settled limits of the UnitedStates, British
SNorth AmNerica or Europe.
A1 policies non-forleitable for their eqnita
1..T. .1.tE1K. ble value. Liberal deductions made ¢.. Minis.
bo fitii. t'i h l~ y ters.
. . 1)iriiiii iiy- Active, intelligent gentlemen wanted as
ri-un ol a. :iug agellts in every Parish.
ti,-i, catalht,,i-,.o. Medical Examiner, Monroe, Dr. Strothe4.
t l, o al tohe hul nl0 ly
t.r~..,n.." on- E. J. IAIArT & CO.,
FARMII:R. Wholesalo Dealers. Importers and Commissiou
Ci .\nXST --Mlercuharnts in
Grocerieu and Drugs,
" - e f keep nonl:itlv- ,n hand, T.iitnor, Tee-,
Tli)l, eo. o:11.. illCigu r ol.C i . Pl"Oivi Olsm, and al!
nre in mking, rtlia'rti Miiticln i.' n15¶ l
el l prepared as_
ddo a kinds of "(\ I)OZtFN S'TEEL IlOES WITtt A
,rr or repairing r)u splendid assortinent of Axes, Hames
Ready maldle Traces, Collars &c., for sale on lowest terms
of which may CHA.filErL-.Ata & Ep.1a1.LstA.
sa'Bfscksmith IOl|.N~1 and tlsnjosandl Violit. Geitar
inds of black anda itanjo strings for sale at McFee's.
n3OC¶° hlre,, f'r -a!e at McFee'.i ,.40 1

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