1Publiyhc'd vcery Saturday.
-a-. VT . 1,/JCcCl.I--iT'JITl,
Editr and Proprietor.
AG EN'' S:
l'eo tingill & ('o ........................Ne , York.
crljiln. N Iloll'lrn .................... altimore.
'Trhos. Mclnt\'reo .................... New O)rlcnii; .
.ulJohnt !chiar't ................. 'Iraveling Agent.
.All other at'eclees are iber·Lcy revolretd.
, DV1i t adli c ar i';l s Ih:u l; st, Ii i. p
r'·'I uI t IIi: ?c:('n tl11.3,. ,il 1l he 1,:t:,I
.r in ,<tdvea c.
kAll ade','ertise not sent to thi (i,it
l het not er horwise ordered, will be inse rted
"ill tor1i' " and c*,'rcq l cc c'ordiglyl/.
.dittrori.d btltino.-; s no1 ieecs ,ill ei uni".to.
e of chtargo, of all adtcvrtiseolets otroe '1
i, t le 1 1,:t.r; jr ot:lcr editori:tl nlotice.
.rtc o;f 2 cents per line 1 viii be nunte.
.L extr.r thar'o of ": 1,(er col will it
t.:2!tre be iutdo o alo l euIts al.ovtIe onle in1i
A width, 1and ]1}pol, all d,)ohle-eoluln :d
,,.r'l-iunenlt sa int111.ilar' ch'] 'll"rt, : ,ill bt made.
. :i '" - (1 l"'\I)V\ " I1IN' l 1H.\"LT':S..
{v :c'is ,,:"n,ts ,.+iil! ra i ilnrertcd alt ut:l
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,) . , \1c : t:("'r , "ltnte" ,> 1.:i ., t; ·i l Iut,
med iI ii] i li t '.I
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Irv. ()(lie',, "u .:1It'-,e *I :, . 1t1i) il .
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1 .: ' 3. ",1 "1' tI:N" : I:Y.
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o. : ttRt:' !' ) .. at \It" u . i ,:! .zl I: .
, tit i:: the d I (+tttate (',. t :.
. . t he ;' t 1. . . :: l l', ,tlt u'.0 ll...... 10 : t.,.
N ' ts hi- t,- i ...- at- e ,lahy ,"i!. 1,
!,.+ti ! 111: ::I'llt', 1:;ur milt- hl" 1 b,|(w -110l
.l :1]."11 If, ". ,
' i 1": ','-"i AT [., 1\\',. 2 11t+'1+,"', 1,:t,.
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, ." : " h a d , t( . t h l ' i | ( ;10 1 1t : (i . t : t h to u t tb t 1n - r ,, ,
,i ..... ý. l, t o 1i2 'u l 1i3. )I F t( .IrI 1 1,1| 11
E~ enti:.e.try. 1
1 1. I. 1:IL \ t':\I 'Y , lh tll 1- ,. r, "- 111 tr' ll| V
Y ole's" 1 ,ji' l).i ''-.h ml :-1 rvir:"-: t tih',
".;'.-. ! ft i" 1_ 11 t " ! : ,- t te.gg o | " , i:I .("'r,1
, ill sh e *,l't ";i t, , }l, . ]11]11 t1 l ý',!("t 1,1
', '.i-1qil in : b ,r:.r' <o '1
., , 1'. . 1 1,1)'ih.1 l t"1 , " :'in 1 ill l'. '1 1 "
Steam Factory
(Corner ot" St. Charles antd (T'io Streets,
Doors, --.Ih, filitds, MIoultin .s,
A\ ret'hitratves, iase, Newetls,Pilasters,
itnlusters, Cisterns, Doors, lllitndi atnd
tl:htzed Sasi, lIough antl Dressed
iLumber, FlooriiC, ('cilling, Laths,
re:attrheiboarding :and(l Shingles,
Aw:ys otn o tltaind it Lowest zmarket
I'!tPrt... Stoor and WVindow Framttes
tMade to ordter---ill tiornts ttd sizes.
;":" Setd for Price list. y2.1y
:D .t A M) NZAL.lL:. It. V. _'A3131.LCK..
t' i .i I'1STON IMEICtII'.\NT,
Ni. l:1 t traviotr Striet.
N T; V I. i': . N , . .\.
Iaitt (toteon". iltil'its to th1 :lthoe' firmill h.
.JtlitN (. S. AND El "ti.
Octolr 5i, 1t72. :-lnm
No. 50 Union Street,
NE it' 0!1 L)' A N.,?.
)et'.etilicr 15, 1t72. nl1 :
A lli:i. \ \.t 'h.t',.
3::.": .1 M' i N:. - . M l.I.
t-ý,. (.rll../i^ (irr o)ulde retr llr ;It d ctcl'ii
1.1. I. Lewis, Proprietor.
"T'ii:-: lhai'"., it< lndcetr the eidlic.ient anallago
S, *J+,i" :.". \11n. L/ewtis, who has t«wettty
, :t'." ".l . f itL. ll4 texperieotne ill the
' e ll-re-atl:itd. ie::'tlty keptl , L tld
"ni. l,1, ,I w\ it i tt'lllle t I ti t dttt (i titl he -fare,
tii' 1i,-wi>' 1 ouse. let-.ated niit :tl- th wh rlt
un: ,! . I ,d 'ilnl " n al : Ii in b, tI, · heShr e-1: -
pIl't s::li.'s, i' " co fit"|do tli ret o ntt enlded to
the it:t,.v liln. .huhlie ::v ':tn noth1, hotel.
tl. hewr 1. 1,70. 112:1y
J1 ckrr '..,Ht ,5.':'c. t,+tdjoi+in;tM/.Wetl,+, di.st ('lh i't'h.
"l'et` undertigd hllus thtt(on chaglel' of tI hi,
:nI intends iit:kinig it a first-eaiss
tin,,nlhinh thouse, 0ttd is now prepared to r"`
oive l::to'tit:rs I:}yI 1th week or mI ntlh as In-w
ht (l:"-;r"d, Hlo'ms lare7; ,s)a('i''us and wI'l:
l t. oil::tl , n:t itll o t s tit tFoi t.iliet. i No'
i will h' ,snl'd Y- the proprietor to
h:ii , , " hk- (\-' illli r. le. I 'hnoges ito
sit il tihe t tt *e. A. I.\. V . I'IIl
't-t 'tt. 2 17 .- <:1"
j _ - . WI mI IIO'EL.'
'i'his n::'tnitientt Ihiotel, itteltv rt!enowed I
• l gveatl, I inpl'rold, tland entilely" relolr
iietd in moitst suttlpituous stitil, Itt' he (l.
Louis Hotel Assohiatiohn. of which IV. F.
itotli "q., of N 'tew (Illns, is tile l'rtsi
h tlti, \'tS o lllliietl it tl Ie ttla i t e lit in ( tll lt
tlI o"Irith'ly ' lrolt'r Ne' w Yor.k Itotet.
"01" .C .ITA i ,.
I r. 1)thINNiad:t Third Sts.,\Mtnroe, LA:l.
3. L. Elusticker, Proprietor.
Th'. liltaixe ralled hotel, so long anld lt
itl',I\" - i > A th 'h tl'l 'nt thi o IO nt"" hI
hIe(,-:: il.it )ll: ! ne\ly f nll' she']ll, [li)(I i's
o, . omple551 icn e\·tr' dela rtmle nt. 'Theo
'rot ieto. ll:_c`- hilli se it to sp tl' no tof
lirt t, n ':tlke : it 'iiotor:i IVble who mitt" favor
i wi V.'itih U. it. Iatro- n: e. h .'ril l, ti61. ly
,'IN , E . iI lA i X .\N It 1'I(1. 1R1 ,
,1 . i tx ",lr.s r . t!/,r liSti '!
T nder ho ll, t'lsi]nl( lea oi iols e(1 it Saloon in
th,- Ie1 'hinll t "thiildinl, which lie has sup
pi,,d " \ ith It few air "sti.xturs, the choicest
i' -l's Io ,hi 't s, :iand tin , 'i-rs. H e lilts
\\w- t1:ll]::ral tatllo , alintd da rin the "Oster
h 1."," ..t ....i. s livy freish v"to,,'s on the
;, tii". 1.::. ,r Slr fr't, tihe hest \- Vestern
l,;t"\\ l'i!.s tl",pt :t! this .ialoont. P'r'omipt at
l.:it :,,td :I ;- l enter will 1he observ'td.
T'i" ,N . 111'NN.
\l,,ito ne, ` v~ieii'i" ::, 1 72.--11-1
,t)l0i.ý,site l,:nE ,lnm's Livery Stallt\
\1 it N I : I", i . .,
Is k* pt ",well supplied wilth the he t \+in,es
nl li it| ors ' : utit thw'l rite' brh:': is at1 'im:tr'.
olite Itlt ii:>ni :,t l:i , iw ' 'l' '"" iarni: tt e dl .
\ 'prit 1,7, 1"71. t::.+>-stn
71 . 1;A RltE I.
Particulars of the Sickening Disaster.
The steamship Atlantic was run upon
the rocks, some ten days ago, while
steering for the port of lal ifax. Several
hundred immigrants were on board and
a nulmber of callin passengers. Several
wvomenl and children were among the
number. Particulars of the disaster are
furnished in the following recitals.
The followiing is the statement of
Captain Williams:
WVe started from Liverpool 3March 20.
During the first part of the passage had
fatvorable weather and easterly winds.
OM the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth and
twenty-sixth experienced leavy south
west and west gales, which brought
the ship down to 118 miles a dtay. On
the thirty-first of March the engineer's
report showed about 127 tons of coal on
We were then -1610 miles east of Sui, dy
Hook, with thel wind southwest, and
high west swell and falling barometer,
and tilt ship steaming oily eiighlt knots
lter hour; considered the risk too great
to 1push on, as we amight find ourselves,
in event of a gale, shut out frolm any
port of suplply-, and so decided to bear
up for Halitfax. At 1 P1. 3M., on the
thirty-first, Sambro island waIs distant
170 miles, tile ship's speed -varying from
ten to twelve knots per hour; wind
south, with rain, which veered to west
at 8 I'. 31., with clear weather; at Illid
night 1 juldged tile ship to have llmade
122 liles, which would place her forty
eight miles south of Samlbro; I then
left the deck anld wvent ill the chart
roomlll leaving ordelrs about look out and
let e1110 know if they saw anyilhlllillg and
call u111e at 3 A. 31., inltending then to
pitt tile ship's Ileadl to the south andltl
await daylight. My first intinmation of
tl1e catastrophel was the stliking of tilt,
shipl on 3hn'r island anld remaining
thlere fast.
The saca ilulllndi:lt.ly swep,t away all
the port boats. The ofliv.ers wenlt to
their staitions and11 coililnced lc(:tillg
w\\'ay the wea\\theIlr boatts. RIockets were
firedtl by the second otlil'ir. I1efore thley
couldl bce cleared,( only tell minutes',
lhaving elapsed, tile shilp keheled heavy
to port, rellllerinlg the Atarbt)ar.d 111 uts
us-eless. Seeing that no 11el11 could be
golt frolll tll boats, I got tie passegersll
intol the rigging nild outlsie rails, and
encouratlged thnll to go forward wvlhere
the ship was highest and Ie-s exposed
to watter.
The third ofllcer, Mr. Brady, :iuar
terlilastlrs (iOwens anlld Speakinan, hby
this tille lhaving established coinlulllni
cation with the outlhyilng rock a:ibout
folrty yards distlianlt, by means of a line,
they got folur othe,'r lineh tol the rock,
along which aboutill l two hunlred per
soils passed. lBetwoeli the riock and11 the
shore there \-a1s a pa;lssag' ole hultlliredl
yards wide. A rope was sulcc:sfully
passed across this, by which means
;llbout fifty got to 1l11141, though liny
drtoxVnclt iin the attempilht.
At -. A. 31. the first buytt aplpearedl
froli the islantd, but she. was too Smilalll
to be ofally ue. 1'llItllhroiui l exert ions
of31r. ]Bradly the islanlers \wel're irolsl d,
and by Il A. 31., thiree I;large boatlls ;lall'e
to our aSSist:lnce, and by their ellorts
all that rellained cl il tile dite Iof tni
shilp and on the roclk were landetd 1n
I::;laly and eared for by It i)oor ilnl
mi 11n1 nauled ('111s11" aanl his dtaulhtel'r
DIuring the day tile survivors, to thli
Inumber of -1211, \twere drifted off to \v'ai
ous hout.ss sc'attered tabout, the resident
mlagistrate, ( )Isniou llIt yan, rl'linderinl
valuable l. i.Sta lice.
Tillh elifL oflicer got u1p theI Iziieli
rigging, but the sea tcut ofil his retreatl.
]ie stood1 for six hours, bIy a \vwo1nu111
who had Ibeen placed in tile rigging,
the sea beiiing too highil to attemplit his
At :1 1'. 31., however, a cl'rgymanlI
11ev. 3Mr. Anlciellt, succeededi ill gettillng
hin1 a line, by whiciih lie was releIased.l i
3lany of the plassenlgers, salooll :111and
steerlage, died ill the rigging lrou l'lll1 col[.
iAmong thllelii :was tile pluilser of tll I
lBefore tile bouts went out, l, 1 pl.1,1' I
two latdies in a life-loat, but fidling
the boat tustele-s, I calried the, to1 tlhe
11an1 rigging, o here I left thein .ld
Illill 'it ill (', il 't 'hagl't h tti l l ilt,
went :aft to enctlur .age tlhe othersl' to go
folrwarld oil tll e idet of tilhe shipil. At
tliis timlie i' I ll' explo'ded adlttiid the'
boat rolled over to leettwarl, the s:hip at
this timie Lein;.;' )iti hear b lil 1end1, it
l'ould not Ie stinll htted t1o any o fibrtI
to =ave tlht-elve-, bot lJay in the rig- I
eingi ind dii'l fl,1i fright tanld ex sll''.
il illlc illnld on till' -li cO i i tl ourh gin il. I
-helping1,l uul d r1 etin It untli ll il lliout lit li ,
[tiir lia nel, when, h.idig that -y
1 liit till' 1hi,.1 '
tir. - r' tltly, t ,thi'l mllif .,tollililix, 1
o 1f th l ' di- :t r all lii ltlttin a--itl ii,
-i-hli1 toi Ir', foJr th. tool, n Itllh ' i
• oI ... the fi• ". 00.. 1 "It;, nity,+ i ch ur;.i,,
to salvage of the cargo :and materials.
The second olicer was lost with No. :10
The wreck remaiiled in the samen po
sition as before reported, the bow and
1 masts only above water, and the sea
a breaking so rough that the boats could
not approach with safety. She was
broken at some places anlti : ftew pack
ages had washed out and drifted to sea,
but the bulk of the cargo iapplearedl to
e be undisturlbed.
J. W. Firtllh, chief, in reply to the
reporters, made a statement in sub
f stance, as follows:
iMy watch tended at twel tveo'clock on
3Monday night. The second and fourthl
I ofieers took charge, and [ went to 111y
berth. W1as aroused by a shock of the
1 vesselstriking. 'T'hesecond otlicert eane
Sdoiwn to my room; said the ship was
ashlore, andl that he Vwas a.xid sihe was
gone. 1 put o a fet"w art it:.. : .,clothing,
got an axxe and went oni dtck to clear
the boats.
The ship had eareen.llI ov -r before I
reached the dl'ck, I cei, a 1 the sta r
board boats; just then a i:ea .vy se: swept
the boats away. 1 was holding fast to
the llizzen rigging, and now climbedt
t higher. 'The night was so dark iand
the spray blew :o thickly that wve couhl
not wet' soe? wihat was going on around
tus. I salw olen onl the rocks, but dlid
not knloW how they got thelre. All
who\\- were alive oi board wontr in the
rigging. W\Vlten daylight cantl I count
oed thirty-two ipersons in th'" xomizzeni
rigging with llie including one \vol:an.
\Vhtien these saw that there were lines
between tilhe ship and thtle shoil'e, mxiaxiny
- of tihen attetxpted to go trwaivrd to tit'
l tlies and on doing so were washied
t over and d row\led. dlaly reiachetd
I shorte Iby ito' atil of thel lilin'-, anxd the'
I tisherxanxx's Ibuoats resxtil lxxiamiy nxre'.
IAt last all haud ither hben swashed
I away oi r re' "t'.t'tu, exi x.'lht my~s|self, thet'
\t o)i:t ian al al buoy'. 'lThe-a hail I tiottll
0)so rough thait ioIts 'could not V'enltr'
n1ear us5.
Ntioon the bty 'iai- w-uhldi oxii; but lit
Ixlwamx gallantlyl : xt x'xxxlx'il xroc ll on t" of tihe'
iboats iln satlity. I .tol a tuil t lhold oft hle
onal and sex'tln'd her iln the rigging.
I could set x t ' xIoplo pl hI onre' axnlt it,
boats anti xonldl hail litin, lxil they
wiv'e unablle tol lill, t.
At two o'clock in, tihe alter';'lo after'
we hald tieeil inl tIl' ri'ill ng tenII lou's,
Rev. .l r. Aiii'thlll, wi\'hoxm ie nob lexi
itvut I u tial mioveir for'get vlhilx I live',
got Il ct''r'w of ur eL l lll ltll 1 r'l 'w hix olli w I o t
to the vreek. 1ix gt ii the main rig
ginga:ni prorutlred the lin ,then atIvantl
eid asi fr a11lx he 'old toI\ward i oI , :xldii
thr'ex' it to nut.
I cauiight it, inle it lift arounld xoly
boidy ,ilx thenli jnuxptld ciilar into the
sea. 1iut for the 'ie'rgyi"manii's ,gallant
coIldu'el I iuiiist htave lIpe islllxtl .-xxn . I
\'as so tnch i xhault.d andil olxnitex'dl
that I was hardly bile to lxo atyll ill Itg
foir myse lf.
''hl'i \volioni , after ble:u ing it tp willi
rmitrlx:ilxlh'x s'rnxtl'h Uloxhr tx ' 'roiat
trials, had d'ed tl o hour'.; before i ir.
Ancinit xirrivod. I lex''sex'i-old'e bIody
xwas still hst in thle rigging, lxr xeyes
i'protrudling, iher outh lx,:ingxx -i
glhastly slp' ctu-!', r'lendered i -till torm'
si by till' 'conxti'-Ai wvithi the' xxnxx xrolli
jwe'.'! which spkh'ledl on her i it oid .
\\'oe ,terl, i'r'ed to le:tvt htr I ly xlh ' .
nxii it is proh:xlx " l h'ix '' 'it.
Ihe lx 'xie of tl, 'ixrot:;k tei- a3 'wxx li
Thone, stwlh a: I have gn'et'v Vii" I11e iV'!l
ilx":t l d 'xx Iii au iei' et i to itt' i s . :lig i.
Cx 'o x np r"l(xi y ir' x - lh di cix h'ifthiled
lshore'i', ll,' gr te''r poriiltiion of lihinl,
with ullch article.x ; :3x ta'tx out of il1'
s lhip i x (I wax l xxxoni lxx', xweri r'x;i'ti
Sit 'Ht I N(hlNt.-'
x i -x: x-xi l
:\Alx I xr x "u) i ix Iy b rrii t , x ix f xxxx xixti
baron, and It-sdinng :at ltrlin, lit-, nut
wvithstan, din; uinty iinllnln'c -, ri.
Imlained :t stauin-h I lr'rt'lch b \W :n)tn.
Recen''tly, :it a dingler', shi" wi- -'n etxx-
l'l'rated alt sxxxme x Inx'x rixxx ; i ln xx ilt the'
0f I,'t thlt l'xrix wasx'x x l fiu 'd 'o 'r,
aun l (Ihn tl x lin " ,'ill i xlr:l ,il i :li.f itztl.
xpla' , f xlhe, calit l li" the civilii tli
xv"orll x, that, ai:thhl, txo x i:til: in I '1 i
-tel'-co( .lm .nd, -it" el , , rl "t d : ul '; ]jl
al nI tver r'iv\' l I'i-; 1 h"ity,i i rntii
g iv' nit' ax '-i::.;h. urx ichn t hl' 0 vx tTx 1'.'
or1 tii't --, tii xsxi I ' i- ia l n t ''nlbellili- It
with itt- 1it and grnl ' ."' All \ ix ii '.
drew fr'' t hik htirtl:t . I i,' h |ir" : l:,
saidl: x 3 blaulu nx , iie \h lxnt I'P rix , anx -
withl thl -; I will .enid :ul ,,ther ti ; l.r:in
lto ', what that tit:x t ill 'its ith it."''
't'lx ' xi l. wxi- it ; ix-i -xix't"' lx:lt xli-x''in
c'rt'l d, biut :.t I;t-i --et lhe hlair -h,, hlli
to : x.jei' ,'l."ir i tilx ' "he 'r . ti Il: ix , w ithi
a full re tl<a iti o '' the c ril mt no -.t . It
Slxt'a.i ni-hirlli . in - uhi tt lt u '. I,'' - i.
h'uil -litt 'xlt hI u'h x l" it. .\ i i-t
eax ,I Ixx bli' in it- i' t:ii- , ..i: t"
hair.' -tilt - 3i bll t, tihe tl'x '! ,I
rwhic'h '' xr, Into x lit gle i ulix i-,
th,. xl: ::lu ."' "T xin x'.wx.x
x'xtxxur ,'xx I hi hl iy ::- it '. - 'i ial
-tri ii Ii ' ,I h , 'hi, i h ; ,, i. -
lxrI'xxx --x - ' li ,'':,-.'v" c,,' r 'tix,
xi l 'tiii:.+l bi' -tone txx i x x Il xi'i y lh,'ix'x. t xi'
x'f txlix tl ii lxii, -xlxxrx'e, -, 1. b " A ;
drx,\; iK eli.,Il, in 1701. t lx . I;:bl,,.lx
-aid hl thollx lg t it 'x:x lxxxi' 1x Il x :- I
i .f xl .xrrick t< bxIv it thii l<. 1h,.
X\Vxx-hitixx~lii Mxx+ix,,, x,.xi
u? ~ -
What the Negroes are About.
(On Tuesday t'vening last, Judge Rut
hland, of Colfaix, (grant parish, 'was ne
costed by ai large mobt ofarineti ntegroes,
headedtl by one Flowers, a member t)f
Sthe Legislature, and the mob ordered
Judge Rutlandt to leave the parish of
Srunt. lie was given fifteen minutes
to i.ake his start-untler tli penalty of
beinig killedht if lihe refuted to obl)ey the
The judge tlqietly left within the
tiiie given, andti his wift andi familty
followed hinit is soon as they could get
a small amotunt of Iilwearing appalirel to
get her.
'Thlnt night his houtse was broken
open by the nobh-his furniture broken
to pieces alndt his houtiseholtl goods
During tho night the mobt were yell
ing andi shouting all around. In the
village they tired into the house of Mr.
Iti.h:rdsottn, end:tngering his life and
tn liv,,n of his ttutily.
SIl Vt.lnestlay morning the mob or
dere'l Mr. Itiehardsont to leave within
ten minutes. Ilc obeyted, anti Itoh and
fatily" cro.stttd to the east'tt side of time
river. As .soion a- : thy were gone their
hIttuse was btoke open anttd robbedl of
its conte'nts.
A notitter hotiutse was also br'oken opent
l robbe[ bty the motitl \it'dtesday.
During the nights of Wednesday and
Thulrstliy guntitis were 'tlring for setveral
nilts arounli the lowntl by lt, nelgrtc's,
killing the cttle-alti litogsof the whites.
O(il Friday, .htther, :t freedmants, who
is t Imerchai nt, ii t li - t i ' a reptittiomi to
above retprtioacht, called otl Register,
Iht, parish jtuig, to take lua.ulres to
istopl this rapine ian it tlraige, andlt hIle
tit tllied to interfere iii any wty; whitrt'
upon Iuitler tried all his power of per
' u'itsion to btop their unlawful outrages,
out (1h0Inch gave littler:s fe w miutimtes'
inotice to tleave titi countriy. Aibout
It-it th l ii titit'. 'ltl ' tI'Vlllll'
tlii liuiitlt tilst, a itr t:lth e Ioti uis, fO int
Shreveport , botlind lit tis city, t'ital,
',"l lii it 'til , I le t llltt-r titii iitt fIityi
ily who ar: u t1'. I Xt' l'Ino .
'lt'here was no whilti it'itt prsns .tn It
(d if:lx :r: lh .tMalri Louis pa:sl. -\
igreat l.i ily ltnegrot's .llt iitu tit with
itl.u s a t-l six-shootert , were otnt , i |lit
li-ikt, ai la 'ti lld iin -hhli:ul :ii-l inso
lent all itt i tdte.
It wits itpolrted that (1seneogroes were
live htltrdit strong itt it t ititm; about
two h11111 '11-od :nor it',l.
Sollisii lwas looked for otil t Flhritiay
night, the whit(:., it was unlderstood,
ial tin the i'ighi borlhooI .
'fTI lit, -ii iLoui; brought steveral
f:. ili , s f' ii Inlhlow l l':.x to Ah-.1in
dri:i, who Were fleing fir .s l'tly.
ithat thl' t\i:t.- Ili) -'o tes t r ollieh in
thatill trish, :tit he i teplt tblittns were
pt leably t-l d wIithout dispute iln lieh
t::-:e..ion of tit olli t's c'liitl- i by
them.- It ' - lt i-teit, tllt.
T'iIE VI Ne a. " .X-"t 'i''I\IN.
It lt)Q i.10s :lii t c'iffilall of the l ,
piu - ilt'l It tltl'.\ti tli l -l th t I h t l' lil-st
pt ri', I fix d,' f"'or th( pl hlt-li in o " il,
iol'ih' im 'lit ; : lt ii; hith rtl'y oi the i x
lbilitioli gro'ul ls t Vi inn:i is ihl loiut
of ..lli e, :111,l that ll l irt I 'ial win ll
take plat', oat th( ",110 (,l o Jtutw. Coo
tIri - yl I tri•i ii ti nt I i,' lir r -it. n nis
sl ti Pres 1 , It ' iit(it i[, :ll- i' llit tlt:
intenl lh iI f r c st.lil tition. ll, O ihi:I in- t
f'oiI'i tii ll Ii:,- b e, n rec' iv I l ti , t I
\'1 lie t to (hl- i''ll er that ar'rang 'e, lnls
hartv .eel istahe by whsicls, during; thi
Inl ( ir:ati i:io l . . al,,, linio , lhl, city w ill
b thlh ll ln.llysll,!i t[ \wit h provi ion..
(hiil;,, b'llh I -y riv' r :unl , ';4il. This
w ill hiave tlie, li.1 f1" k ,ding (hl, prwi.i,
of Igo t'rl 1i n l ," i v le 1i r rat , :tlif givt,
no c. us~ f1' l- ,. lrlion. Illotels :ul
r '.t;. nl'. ll:s hai r'" li crei. -.,I. l h t'n h tint- 1
a al :dit i -', \while :I ny no'\\ public.
henl = ha'v'r b.,' i t'',, i lru' cti' . hT '
Ilittil in.-, lto ,, will sc :liart sou, tis in
their hoe-e fir til e; utnal -iota of
the to".n la'dy " \t ill ill -,1 rrctsub r,";l to r
ti'h A , 1''l'f twea her-, sorti-:u e, :,fil olhcwr1
tai-linci' . I l. - in Br.et, b oth , ll Ih
ov\ eru sani : r!l tilt 1 l~,. arc e riag : '
1ii it ilm l en-uli"tl i tioi of, wl h iow -,
is , -.:-. \, illf:ati i', :a il v i if ,ol. ' ili rtl e
i a ; t, t ,l . 'l'hi ',.n w ill I, l lori ll+t ii
i ti,0 i I n ;:ila " lh,,: , :;t I'" +,, f' r,' mix ,
:u 1 'i;_h l 1 rim . : 1 , , t bi l, thou
; oi,[ 1 ill t.l'o. w ill he :a naiu. wi ntll l ld
it: sfi, -i btii , -tri' h ,:ly - ate t o lwr
1i:lin- ,.f I" l .tu i- n 0 l ti,,* i,. i iti iillo l t
.\ I' .',.1 l" IlI'M aIT. i
.\ It " '1 'i'"' ,"hle ," I -. ..inl lisle ,. 1 ', uly
U,;- i,- -. -iliils;-,,," h, h-ltir',
i - , : ...., ait-, (,all tll. t hl , ;e el .: -
1) : ' s-. ", (1:1 5 s.t1' .i l ' 1 t
v , , t t i 1- " i, y; h' lui l the
11 I I;1 , , ! ', " ' Il , : l- i l I '.ll","1' r ': l i .
ti.,.. i l - i n :1 {\V l :ii;' . \.'il ¢ , I \ ri lii l
h" ,- th w' , h, .d,. m all, I I l., . inli rl , - 1!'
' it h i, : V. ' r tw l,, !i i nr.- ':t .t I',l " l'r ..
;tw o, hi'lt , V, bu im w ng r giotl (l|".ll n.]l h!- osti
tif th lat ti u n la .' t :tii itsl :t u'rs Ju oti ,g
htL A s isL(; ive I -ail th 1 ab~yoill,(. w 'ourin
breezo fromt the organ, which drove
them along in fine style. The top
rigg~l yacht flying the blue pennant
was well ahead at the stake, and came
home ahead of all the fleet. The
Speaker then took the floor and an
noltuneed his intention to ask that the
Sresolutions of censure that had been
heI lcapel upon Annanias should be re
Ssciltted, and proceeded to read the
recorlxds in the case, from which it ap
pearted that Annanias had sold his
house anlid had not given all the price
to the church. 'lThe Slpeaker thoen went
on to say that no reason appeared on
the record for Annanitas to give any,
tlnd much lesst ll Ills property to the
chturch, ntd that Ihe questioned it any
of those before hint would do any more
thnll Anannlas had in the same place.
I ec thou Venllt on to show that Annanias
had obteyed his wifeo in tihe matter, and
t'xpressced tile belief that few of those
betore hint could say as much for them
selves. After further arguments of a
similar character, hIe moved that the
characnter of Annanits be and is hereby
declared A 1 by the mtleibers of this
)Iur town was thrownl quite suddehly
all astir on Monday mtorning last by
the alnnounceicmnt of thie 1)Drs. Manning
that small ipox was a.ctually provailing
in I Mr.l. C'. lassonl's falmily. The
totwn couneil were hurriedly got to
gether, astLL quarantine limits estab
lishited ill short ordelr. Tlie yard felnce
of Mr. hlasson's is made the limit, and
tall yIrons alrce forbid passing in or out
ti" yardi. nMr. (Ilasson rccently return
ted fr'o NOw Orlans and has been
quit Il\v unwell vcer since, at times sick
etlolngll to ket'l, his bedt forsveral day.s;
bilit no iOltI sIlSlo(,tei suchll a thing as
sra:ll pox, until olther Imelblrs4 of hllis
lainly weret taken .lick autd the ecrup
tions inaide their appearance, when the
iht'oL-s I'rotollolmcldt thle disna~se nsmall
pox beytlond dotllt.
'lie tj qii:trzlilinc ordi inauce laippened
to eatlel 'ill publisher, who is boarding
at ,l r. (U lssoit's, within the limits, sicd
oit beillog tl vtwed to comlle otl, we have
ittetili d1rni\-tel of hirs services this week,
\vlich wvill aIceountl for us getting out
onya half shect.
\\e lIito the uniwelcomlo visitation
will nt lstil long. E:very olrort ls he
inlo -ntle to keel, it collled to Its
l'reseent limits.-- Idon b 'rcord.
h~l EI tillIS.
iti': V l,:lt. (*i'lv, ('olorado, Malirch 28.
-Tht'ile great religions revlvtl which hits
I'e'll it, Iprlgrisi.s ill )iiver City( tlle
l15,l L\Vtwit wuek-, tlnlaer tle directlionl ojf
I:. I. IllllllllltIlmo, ('c)ntilnlltl s w ith ini
ireal iitierst. S'everal lhnltlr(,h riin
virsiotn hitvl e WI e ii ntiit'. At the re
,est of a Iirolinei.t Muorftinl/g 1er,
Iwo huiinl ',re tic tkeis were (listriitutetl
i,le'lter .a, unll(ong" g. mblelrlltW4 iro.titutit,.
tltl .I: l-tll m kiIt(,tl( .. Mantiy attomlttIec
tie tllltis ng l.st evlin ig, o(.ulijbg
i'tervlli seatsi. i ive or six of thIis classl..
ara inurIn prayer.
,A i'n iiilt.tl l ate vir ilig till stilltas,
ir:,'n;t willh ti n il -uth . l havllii g
tyh itiltl it .ttiwii tut-. T Itclhtly iro rei
.,ittil wilti r1en tlhefltl atllllioll ti. Ntix
biItIrt o , ii ,Iuilt l lit it, llls , lLr e r rikerp,
Vit .Ir ~it~ o iiie liiilii·it· I iii~iiiilt.
o'itl t tilll. Iriliylr i ml tiltti -its ll( hoolk
titiiiigli,:tiu Iat layiglit wettic seen·(
in lt-u.int l r erviii miorning. tie iiililr-k
elnlcie i. lxteldilln" tllolrl. fi..lldll
:o i Ii ni-- ill .l Tll u it h e itta
I InT TIL l lN.
uOn t tintThurliesniii tif it.e 'itne-by
fe plr I st i hotttrt lyiiai .t. th jit tllteth tl t
ipaymi<'lt ofl linxe. ,Afh'r wvhhih, th¢,y
.t/'no. lqtt i, tomuf t-, It..io t w
lnt tillr p itr lleovi, y Aitllt irti rtikU,
ii, i-i II tti a i p t l-tutu hur itit llints.
tit l-o.. o \ t-rut-lil itrs ttie, nt istrtltlof ¢.lltu .
thae liitit ideIt, iti aitnt slg~ropes were
i-rene~t lit-it-:It s for a teiiihnu..mt* Juaut,
-i-trai.t t ttg, i l : t id lJ f rli til.i i tout
-|lt iini,, l tn t I. it ttyire its iI' itack
I-ar ( minhilili. Tlhey, iin.ut hiave hul It
'iul Ilire:u, linti," lilt( twlutt~k all nirght
uu tt t wi- t f il"iei rilit htf ii . Tilhs i sc'El
t.II iialh. t libre rt-s f o th y jritht cildn . tif
I li le it t tli.i il lh th i tisrllt niligUll r.-
.T ie Si t l t i' e Ip '/ o ir.
.%11: ad.hniitandi iersoni i.+ liii olj¢.: olf
usi ttit" eiet a" I.lvity. Sti ili estaili-'¢
op'Iei-i'' Ht t I tt e rtli' rtry Itil. illut
tiut-i litg r lit l t-i t-; isi 11 tli o r¢..it h)f ct ont -
itt-, giitl fir tututlder anoti clstidere
sitittis. tit'l or t whiat tlrlycii tlyreitK
t.e- fiJtit liii trth.ii- itt l wliiti o is eiga wi lrh
- 'i+t' t wli iiit-il cx lttst, of thed Vrriedta
-iixii I'iititl l- iglt r itlramhalfu mllIon h
I clo t', -pidnlnedfruo h
dir.J +lf the+ )bout. I t wile 11 Iltr.n h It I
full sini ntll0 beforlep¢ h:l'oulil storlid ('rn.¢.
:llial thileni turin'lil , hi. I'olnicall explre,
:+bio wn-' exl.al~ inl¢. y I s. iis wo~rdl: *ichll
Itiaiiwhiat al ¢nll!" Tihe; bollt wa.s. thien
ibouil .-¢!v{iliy fthat ouit, urll( the( c'hilI ¢of
I-'atl* tMliill in his ..imln ichity, Islie'ved
thuif he, haul 1 l:l. the <opllnilig.
'1i, , Su retill' el ( ouri't ofl Illinois hill
.illt. rendowll.'d at dl+i.iS whsicht et..atl
li+ Il+'thi lllriatulin~lrseyo<f wvhitt i know
-! th,. Statl t.iilp¢ranielaw h~. IGllder~
thi-. rtuliing. tli .¢lhr is pit oln the con
:.ltant 7!lit. fblr troutlelt landl lmlae re
sponsllihl¢e |'r wha'lteve-¢r evil aniy resutlt
I'l+ai t ih. trafltii in wilelhh' is(;i eniage(I.
The. e-thianute-d ex.p le.l¢ of the; Vi(;inna
1*'xhiititio)n +is .iht itril a lialf mnillion