Newspaper Page Text
ý IONROB, LA., APRIL 26, 1873. URANT PARISH TROUBLE'. Statement ofa Citi-cn. Over fifty negroes were killed. Their bodie , were lying around the field of action. Previous to the engagement they had entrenched themselves and thoroughly fortified their position. The battle with the people of the ad joining parishesslastcd about four hours. At one time it was most severe. It is believed that there were about ten white men killed and wounded. The whites, before the fight took place, endeavored to avoid bloodshed. They raised a flagof trusee. DMr. Nash, the Sheriff of Grant parish, sent for IL. Allen-a leader of the negroes-and begged him to disperse them. The reply of the latter was they would fight to the last. The white people then gave them an hour for the women and children to re tire from the place of conflict, which they did. Whilst the negroes were in possesion of the town of Colfax, they committed many cruel acts against people of their own color. They sent different bodies of armed men to the plantations throughout the whole parish to compel the negroes to come Into town and as sist the revolutionists in defending the same. When resistance was made the leaders of the mutiny and their follow ers did not hesitate to resort toviolence. Indeed, many of the poor, inoffensive field laborers, were unmercifully beat en. The postmaster of Colfax-one Saul Cuney-a negro, formerly a member of the Legislature, was driven out of the town, and not allowed to attend to the duties of his office. The hostility against him arose from the fact that lie would not assist the negroes in their work of violence. All the negroes who sympathized with the whites were compelled to flce from the parish-their lives were t it reat ened. In the adjoining parish of Itapides the enmity of the negroes against the whites was so great that a war of races seemed to be inevitable. The most difii culties would have occurred there, had it not been for the defeat of the revolu tionists at Colfax. The negroes, since the reduction of this place, have confessed that they hadl a full military organiztion in ilapides. They were prepared to assist their friends in Grant parish. They even gave the name of somne of thei r leaders. Since the fight all the negores belong ing to the plantations in Grant parish have returned to work.-Pieagyule. - BOY WHO FOUND) A HI1ME. The lion. A. l.Stephensi, of tcorgia, in a recent address at a nectingat A\ lex andria, for the benefit of the LorpIhian asylum and free school of that city, re' lated the following anecdote: A poor little boy one cold niight, with no house or roof to shelter his head, no paternal or nlaternal gua:rd ian or guide to protect or direct himt on hiis way, reached at nightflll tihe home of a wealthy planter, who took him in, and fed and lodged him, and sent hiint on his way with 1ie bIlesilig. 'l'These kind attentions chieried his heart :and inspired him with fresh counrage to bat tie with the obstacles of liti*. Years rolled on, Proividlnee led himn on, and lie reached the legal roifessiIon. I lis host had died; the cormorants who prey on the substaitellof ntlI hail flormi ed a conspiracy to get fromnt thie widow her estate. She -sent for the nearest counsel to collllit helr cause to 1Iint, and that couinseil proved to be the boy long before welcamned alll entelrtainled by her deceased husbanld. 'The stinlu lus of a warnl and tenaceiols gratitude was now added to the ortlinary motive connected witht imeproflssieon. It ui:n dertook her casel with a will nlot easily to be resisted; lie gained it; lthe widow's estate was seCe'red to her ihi property, and, [Mr. Sthnllse :<hlled with an emphllasis of elmotiol thilt sent an electrict thrill trlolith thel hlnoe, iithat boy standts bfiore Viui." Etlwin..lootth received an ovationi oil being released front thin parish iprison, where he had been incrleratetl for i"1 hours by Hallwkins, for alleged h con tempt of the Sulirell'tt Iistrlict C'ont, in continuing busiln.-:, :mid refuoiing to pay taxes to the Ketllorg collectors, Hawkins having issu,l anll injuncltion restraning himn fron doinig further bii-i ness until the taxes were, paid. A piroc' sion with a hand lof nun-ic esctoirtotl i1r. Booth from the prison Itrieeouh lhth principalstreets to hlis phlct of bIeui loess, frelquently eliCercll nllhlg the roiutit. As the procession lp:sdtl tlle corner lof Cmnp and Graver sctreot Kellogg was hung in ehligy to a hOlnlp ,ost. 1'Uhe efigy \\was afterwards lbrir ed. A wvag once courttlot I alllll lalxoii o maid, uld whenl lut hshould have I te'n I prepared to mllarl-y her, lt, toiptdl to parts unllkinownl. ,WVtll,, Al, ,' sal her, 'youl htave lot iyoreo h lean, havn't you "''Oh, no, inldteil, ilmanrlin, ue'll comlo back, foir I hlave his lprullnse to marry mre, land in writing, too." "*Indeed; let lle see it, woll't .ou?" So out from between the leaves of a Blblo, Ann lrodlucctiet a sort ,i a pronl issory note, readinlg as lid lowls: 't promise to lmarry MIis Annl I -niiilnety days after date, value rect'civetl. 1. . \'." lion. Jutdlh '. 3lnjaiiun, e',n itde rate Secretary of State, and llmow ow e tof her Majesty Queen Victtrina's coun selors-at-lawr, will 'visit tin United Statoe during the summer. FLIRTTING WITH STRANGCERS. It is a prevailing custom, says tile Philadelphia Dawn, with young ladies in the country towns, to promenade the streets in the evenings, especially past the hotels, and signify to the new comers by looks and gestures that their their acquaintance can be made if de sired. Drummers from our wholesale houses, lightning rod men, venders of patents, showmnen, &c., are so accus tomed to those things, that they are not in one of these towns or cities over night until they have a ",duck" in tow and tlhat , duck," perhaps, the daugh tor of some respectable citizen, who knows little of the danger his daughter is in. \VWhatl is the result ? In seven cases out of ten the fly is caught in tile unmcrciful spider's web-the girl is ruined, and in endeavoring to screen lher parents from the shame the knowl edge of her fall would bring upon temn shlle fluds her way to this or some other city, and into some of the gilded pal-aces of sin, where good-looking country I girls are at a premium, antd wvhre, run der an assumed unllne, she is dead to her parents, als she soon hiccolnes to shame and all the liner lifeelings of her nature. It is a well known falCet that it is not our city girls whlo people the bagnio, but girls from country towns whose faur pts was strceet or theatre fiirtations with strangers, anl listening to their honeyed worids and grand promises. Let girls bewaret of itinerants those fellows who go into, stereotylpedl rhapsodies over their beauty and swear they are fit to adorn a manllsioln ill tile city-who travel ion their c(lrtls, anld. dine, when at hlonie, with ,Jay Cooke and Drexel; whol, nacc:rding to their own words, are tile goldenll apples of society at hIonme, ntald woull rather dlie tlhan dii a dishonorable :at. Ieware of such, we repeat, girls, l and if you would save your good lnItIlel, li(ace I)f llinll the lhal,, of those whi, gave you birth, and ctllnlllanld til rcslcct thai every wolnali a.-s within her reach, treat every stranger yot mellelt in ,' Ia irregular way ais a /o,i', a lilortine. Gicutlellen do niot seek to formIl the acquaintante otf ladlies except ill :a legitinate anltniir, depeul upon it. BIEll-ItOOM SCENEI IN IOUISIA.NA. Tieli Frallklinll Stl of thi' 1811th recoritlI the followinlg: A nelgro mainll, or ralther boy, for lie applears to lie scarc(ly oult of hisr t'eenlls, namled idw:arl T'oliver', was upl before Juldge I). Bluii on \Wellicdsil:iy ulliler a grave charge, that of being in the hlouse iand clalnber oif Mrs. A.\. V. I'iidins ill the night timec. 'The ihouse is ipretty high olt the grountid, and from the fl'ait thit a hogshead was founde uulcr the window ofl a small room adjoiniing tihe bled-rooi), and anll nx eillltlhlei pretty deep in thle grounl, :as if it Inhad been thrown from a hight, it is iniferred that he used the :ax to pirise up tilt window alll threw\ it dlowll and tenteredl, and tlheu it seemiS, shut (down tlihe witvdow. Mitrs. lidlins heard ni uiicecountable noise thait solli\ivhat a:l:trultil htr, but relmaiuned iljict,t:u t pr'senltly saw\\ coll lug lthrougli tI(' raInu that cointicted the tLvo riotimiis, a nian r'mhlitg on all tiours! Ihir ltelings at thi be riltty well imagined, estaially when it is considlerel tthat there -wan nos hotly iii thi, rooiii or i nlenid ini the hittiti, ,x ',t hter two chihlren and a lath, Johtni Armiiistrottg, of ti'twli't year: f age. All Vth e glii,"ii i iti'i :alltI ii, iaiolf itu twerriLly al|;rlmtet, bult .lohnny was tlw c'oolt't ofl tIe, lit. i li, lit t I, r I:oi.lli itl, thi ;n-hii 1nitlt'tely sthize ti dtitnMt,-ll Iarrehtd saiot i' I- . Ily thit ttlun t t atrt, ntigtily lau it o.i to tit Iher iith-t o iif th ia roI , fellry ort aitlrl h; lvlrds. lwhint I\ l o-a, ilthe rlgl ol intt i ai t hi i ,:l ix . li tth rI ' la litre ies the lilh rotlio, nfl whicht p)ition tl t l'lh-i tlt.l ( oigi (tl thre ts aionii hroii ht him i-ilit til lit.lli ri - liiev thi it -rty 'ro. their u.wl 'tt i visitor. \Whether hi-< object was rob [)eryv or at mtoret helli.h l)Urlpo) inftlu elt'w tl h.illl, is not kIowVU, The dealtih lif i otl i rli (t:ittiji rediesr the uiatglh-r to irit:utia.r I ltiirl ioi tirt roibtt tilntItu to six. I tll the law tht'l'e t',' lht n1o promthtionll It) this g'rattlt until tiht stumbel~tr i- r't'ductt' btlohw .rix l 'iel. i-: -. h, the maximu ht'lraflte'. There iv talk of ret'iring' t ,tQr l Ihili ii t. tti orgit I t ik, the throug )Lii" iii the itir\'i. ag- it igraliuate of 1oitt'7. Thiu w\'iil'd lluiih ti ive V ii,'w t ,I l, lihi l I) l r n . i t , i ith :t lrvte tlU lllub l"e ) t'Nped an'[ :llll' <I1] :!;'i~ tlet{' io i i i i i l. Tl h tliiln Lil. irtiArk.) .iL ttii ' xx l oit tiilt l nth i i g t: int ilfor' tt that Iti'p. -e , i .,.hi t ii.e rt iiie ulir it, Let rit ;t river his l'-bailihi Lo thitl Liii luihrot-ue hout the entire year, hi v tiuishalt tinllo'ks Illtvetlii'xptt cii aiti-i'lii )irt)l',), FtI., 'Itlute mii l ldtiliha htwn iaI1i0lionrtse andtr dt'l, mlidl thiat the wor,'l l,:t- :1!rt,.uly The j.oilre l thiiiki t'.ut i,:l i I , v i , /to' railro :t cm'n t.,ci i1 e, f Soutn Ihw\\est .\rk :ln :s. Wet aitr, .jud int'ttnr,,, thlel iu the wV'ke of tile .-toi'l thatl lalttlyv l,:iste through thi-< emtultri-3" g'ie:iIt qlua itiiy of pine lopls w\-rl' ftmind .ll ovetrl the, gratunit, a,etciallly ini ltw twitghlboihood Ibeenl torint by% th0 wiital ltwaiilyv tw\o hundhrtd utiies, fromli Ih"'aul t'oult i%', Arkl'atli"a, :is flat is the ltwlltrost lltinit, ill thte trahk of tht, w\hirhI-wind,I ;to :llI p linet grlow\ ih. - I tcan ItO/ : '.,. I.ut-t I ridhay ('tilt. AL. ,A. lKntiglt, or" !Utntuhan , :t memtllbler o,[ th t" ic'an ol" $1axey, Kn.iight < ( 'ion,'w't h, who hlaul bteen dlrinikini hatr, for twvo \v,,ek<. t'l,\\ hi, brains out intlw pleirt,-tancet of! hi-. w\ill, sain,iig ,,latt(, yotu Mrh ll :to lont,.vtr livet"thwi"tua, fl dirltlkard. " Tht, tradet othir~li h:lr nt,:ll,.d at profomllld .-w iIitatio inl Jonintsll~, mull cut'' :l glYoom toVer a largo t'h'tlh of fri'intl< usu~l r,'l'tiv ,<. - #Dallo. ( 7T .,'.) .1bre.. HOTELS. MONIOE HOUSE, Jacksozn ,Street, acjoid'ingAfethodiat church. The undersigned has taken charge of this houseo and intends making it a first-class boarding house, and is now prepared to re ceive boarders by the week or month as may be desired. Rooms large, spacious and well ventilated, and suitable for families. No pains will be spared by the proprietor to make his guests comfortable. Charges to suit the times. JAS. A. TLAWLER. March 21, 1872.-28:1y TILE ST. LOUIS HOTEL. This magnificent Hotel lately renewed and greatly improved, and entirely refur nished in most sumptuous style, by the St. Louis Hotel Association, of which E. F. lloiton. Esq., of New Orleans, is the Presi dlent, was opened to the traveling commu nity on the F'irst Day of February, 1872, ur. der the management of the undersigned. IIIIIAM CRASTON, 10:1 y -Fornmerly Prop'r Now York Hote. OUACIIITA HOUSE. ('or. DeSiard and Third Sts., Monroe, La. J. L. Ihuanickor, Proprietor. Tim above named hIotel, so long and fa oriably iknown throughout the country has bcen retittced and newly furnished, and is now colnpleto in every department. The 'roprictor pledges himself to spare no ef firt to mllake all comnfortable who may favor inl with their patronage. April 21,'69. ly NEW ORLEANS CARDS. 6-ORtE PURVIIEO SASII, IIND AND DOOR Steam Factory AND T.UMITIE:1 YARD, CI'orner of St. Charles and Clio Streets, NEW O ILEANS. Doors, Sash, Minlds, Mouldings, Architraves, Base, Newels,Pilasters, Baluste rs, Cisterns, Doors, Ilinsls an (lazeid iSashl, Hogllgl and Dressed Lumber, F'looring, ('oiling, Laths, Veatherlboarding and Shingles, Always on hanld at Lowest market Plrices. Doo(r alnd WVindow Frtames l:tle toh Ortder-all ftrmins ani1 sizes. " .Smend Itr P'rice ist. 22:1y JO). I. wVOL.I" i &d COW., '< VTLl'tN 1'A('l'TORS AN`I "t )M \1 MISSION MEIICIIAN'IS, .Nis. 1') Croltdlet .'treet, NE V ORLE ANS, A. AUENTS IOR DIANET. l'l.Vr'r's 131 t i,[ovtK1 , 711 l4'O1'I'TON (N IN , AND T11HE 1": t :l ¢A TT'()'[O N t(l\." Junine 21, 1572. 41:1v I'DVAR.Dl N.\I.r'. ,. t . ,.t.NMA(C' . \1AI..l1' & (CAMMACIK. ( O'TTO'rN. I.'.\( ""TlmIN \ND I tc'(111 ON 1,10R 10111 S('m) \iI I S I . O14 N 1 It ('l A N Ts. No. I1( Ir t\ior St reet, N V )" 0 1 1 I l lA N', I . . . JLbre 'll s € "lh Adrm.I l ll 4" ', 1,0,ll:, otilk' u.'.- ,ul \ll to he ablove fim i lli 1 111 N (. SAND1 I" :t . O tI,,r .-, 1272. ;-GmIi IIltIII)' lll'RIt'ON Nt iAlt'i'E, 1 h;:eler' il 1Ii't ;5, 1 11ll 'INi; , 1'.PAINTS, t)il , A ,, 19) (':ntal St reet, Now ()rlo:uns, L.ta. Dle. )i, 1571. ul2:ly 7)(1: & SIMMIONS, ('OT'l'(i)N lA.\"'l'OtlS .AN) ('O.11MISSI()N \1l1i1t'l ANT'IS, N.,. ;)0 u'ninm Street, .N" I: Ii' 1. 1. 1". ,( YS. I,,telhe r IS. 1572. nll: r lhith. AH ls.TT. ,' 't T N i ' T I S" \N' N i' i '(11SSI ON MEh1'IIAN'l', N : \" >t ,1 , .\ N s, h, i . sr 2t r" 5. 1'40-. -I-I MISCELLANEOUS. t I') TEA IIE1lIN. .tndlouy \: ' ( l Xprs'.x ir- li tii.2ld i Ji y', 1s7.i. I'rl',pe .1' Itr ain leas,. for i ' year'r (or1' I " 't'ls, will ho "e' c ived fr'l ionl ht'rg.': d ell ala'ti t' o the lur'oIe fir rst'td ith ,iie rifley or ixty ti- sehohri.hrs (ii. I ihier' isah. 'mol:olt r,',,ii foramionilberofl oign,. . It.1. .llIt'liAll{SON', onroo, April 10.-- I Presidhint.' , Vill h11y ii- d isell cotton at lo.t nmr 1. iv-l ' . i-.\ .-..---M.1r. Pa-rker intioro. the t ip-l" ioiig hg.ries.A''e.. and will tike g i,,,, f o, :iny .,toi l left 1 it his stable. .o ... 1 '.'r l"5,v Agemm 1i-i "di' ',f t'ithti'." -x. youniig .'r old, imak' bore A (l., o~1a~ - ,-aiaa.t ja,,. JOB PRINTING. t C fELEGRAPH 7 JOB OFFICE. ---:0:- We are prepared to excouf a J O I3 n 1( An sn TAII ,;N o~f -Evrey Descipfton,, FROM T I4E MAMMOTH POSTER,;! `PLAIN. OR{NAME~N'TAL, AND; FAN4W'1 PRINTIJN, SU('CI AS PO)STE"RS, HAND-B3ILl S, PLACARD:S, C1 "IRCTLTL A 9S, BJILL-FIF1A*D, PROGRAMME.I, J311,LH OF LADING, BLANK RECEIPTS, C ATA LOU U PS, LAWMIIILL'ItKS, & c., .(.c &H.. CARDI \VotRf: Cd' ECV.EII' V.'ItIr.:Ty' I~nlr ·III ii lr·:l,.* N APPROVED STYLE OT' I'IIfl A Rv. L,ý '. tiy SI'/I'. Ccolor .\ ON A N Y 421 A 1. I TI Y () FL1, j P'ItICI:s.t AC'CORDINGLY. MISCELLANEOUS. ~T. & s. WrIIlt.IAtIS, PIN I;IL Itr.t1.FY LA.. (Id/elyr ?.r,~C. ll,r,,~ 1Sll,,. ?'IAlnT Co o t, or boo y h atl. th 11it~r.c t ~t;rtI l'rioe -~·i J~ M'It*~ 21mn~,+ t (.2 1.: 11··r No,. ItO? N. rceeo,,d~ Streect, Sr. 1.outi.. MItnu(/ieturc'rs ottht 1'r:1lkllinl aol 1-,jr - Gmroo celebratedl Itook and No~we P. per. September ~4 187. It TYRPE L A'I T~liS OF1'tUP. NEW ORLEANS ADVERTISEMENTS. E. J" HART & CO., 1t7tol'esale )l)aers, lnporl'c's antl C',;nni.'s sion JIercthantl it GROC( : IE' s ANs) )ltt1: I , I No.. 78. 75,77 itandi 7 'lcituito titunlnla Street, N n'E (I .t:AN . To., I" 1portors of Iiilti2 c) (' itll I: i i C A l . -, t psr t l S lts, F.tus, all kinds, ('<,'^rts, A..lunt,W i'ot., (;ltawý, 1)etlntr tuu uttts ,Ps'er II trV, ihrut;:tictý' muilries, Eni li,h T'Vhito I 'itd. 51r)o ilt goenuineo,'tle ; 'in i rt tiruhes, o tc. iuitline, 'French tand ei rCtniii; 'lrg'(l" s )( i. ( i llAmeri n Btrati(:t s. F"tinces a, Stil, . ro'ie+. "/'ro .isinl,.ns, Pi Tur ('i debtsrs, "t A :IIO,,. , Iod ill'n, Ilntr e. I)",lO!er I, 172.-12-1\" H. P. BUCKLEY, 8 Camp St., New Orleans, WATCHMAKER. And dealer Il Fine Watches, Silver Ware and Spectacles. ervery Sort of WVatches Repaired. Jewelry ouado to order. DlatnonuIs resob in the newest style. All at rcisonabla ricese and fully guaranteed. A ntA I It'1 \1; . : ('1' , i (Ih'i LI:ii F I" it N I It I N i ti ( 4 1,h it" ' 1E. IC .\ N . 1' '. I.A'I'Ni ~Y:.1 IN II ENLS' ANDt lIlnYsti ,l ,!ll NtI. Fu')tixAli (;toodvu , 'u'tr ,/.:v, i"' ,. /,,I r -,l/ lI"it l r/ ',r ,../ ('l1,thit,¢l I'IO,(TIFIN(: \1.\1 :1'1't) tl O ll~ltil i PA Itrs, Lnvt'lii's AN 1' \ N '\' 1X : X :' o .r I)ecentlur 1t, 1571. 12: l' flu , 10 imb m ilt x . L r -. l' LUInw>S :111} 7 -il ½n; 1 1-t r 1'1, . .1 !A i TI' 1I. It .t 1 i. i t t: i , It W-tl.ih",-,!:" ::1:,t l','::iil rl';ll"r iln t',sl' ii;i J iilnt''1', i "Tilt \ %i 'iit, 11,111, I\1 ntl','l';llcr tutu"(' t- ll ? ini :I hiii. " I'i t'r,-." "t'riil" - ni--h'i 17 1 ts " v rv do-riltihn. l)t, At -etll fi l" 1 , ('tt le r .tA " lilttnt 1 "tIh r, -l. .. 5 " l- '1 -.- '. 1111;i. I''i C'5'I'll 'i l, iN .i'l)'i 'I .. . Nt 42 I' 'sin N tro "!. cit ttrlni . lly pl''l~lc, . '-'!l ,! ,'' ,, ,r NIXl v PUBLICATIONS. PROSPECTUN F'OR 1873- SIX'TH Y leAt. TIlE ALDINE, A.\ ILLUtSTATED MONTHILY JOtIL,AL l'niversally admitted to be the It.AN DSOMEST PERITODICAL in the VOIt LD. A Reopresentative of American Taste. OTr FolI SAIiE N BOOK 011 Nwav TIOa. The Aldine, while issued with all the regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of uire, light, and graceful literature; and a collection ofpictures, the rarest specimens Sof' artistic skill, in black and white. Al though each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and and beauty of The Aldine will be rmostappreciated after it has been bound tiu at the close of the year. While other piublications mlay claim superior cheapness as conllparedl with rivals of a similar class, ThicAldine is a ullique and original con I ;eltion-alone and unap)proached-abso lti.·l,, without competition in price or char acter Te possessor of a complete volume cali not duplicate the quantity of fine pa per and engravings, in ally other shape or ~nunltbtr of volumes, for ton times its cost; anld then there are the ehromos besides. ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding the increasein the price of subscription last fall, when The Aidine assualed its present noble proportions and representative character, the edition was Imtore than doubled during the past year, proving t hat thie Amorican public apppre (iat<e, and will support, a sincere effort in tle catuse of art. The publishers anxious to iaustit tile ready contldence thus demon striated, have e oerted themselves to the ut 11ost to devetlop and improve -the work, snld the plans ltr tihe couling year, is un folded bI thle lmonthly issues, will astonish aid delighl t oeven tile imost sanguine friends of The A.ltinc. Thle lblislers aroe authorized to an ltiotlll depiglls frolll tuany of tile most em it eotnt artists of Anmerica.. In addition The Aldine will reproduce exi:lliles of thie best foreign masters se Tlccctt witlh a view to the highest artistic ticest antd greatest genoeral interest, avoid ilt siltil as have becolme familiar tltrougia llphotogrlpsll or copies of any kind. 'he tuarlterly tintedt plates for 1873 will reproducie ibur u'f Jolln S. Davis' inimitable c thihl-skiotnlcfs, aippropriute to the four sea sotls. ''llhese plates, appearing in the issues Ifor Januarv, April, July and October, woultd he anloo worth tile price of a year's a St.ut _etrilt t ior. S'The lopllar feature of a copiously-ills titted "C'tlristntas" numnber will be contin nctld. T'i I)O'ces such a valuable epitome of the art-world, at a cost so trifling, will com itatdtl thie subscriptionts of thousands In eve y secutiOl of the country;- but, as the osefiuclnltcs and attractions of The Aldine ct lie enllihttled int propotlon to the numer icall increas of its supporters, the publish ers) romius to make "assurance doubly ture" Iy the following unparalleled offer o t'\ZI UL CIIROMIOS FOR ]uýf ` l':vrv byubscriber to The Aidl ' be he tuays ini aldvatce for the year 1873, will re nu.e, without additional charge, a pair of ieluittiftl oil chromos, after J. J. Hill, the ('litc(tllt I':nglist painter. The pictures. etiitled "Thio Village Belle" and "L'rossing tole Mo,"or," are 14x20 inches-are printed l'roil t\\etitv-live dilferent plates, requiring twenty-liv-e impressions and tints to per t't cattti pictuire. Tlie same chromes are toild for t:;t per pair in the art stores. As it is the detlerlninaitioll of its conductorsto keep 'ihe Aldine oust of tile reach of cola petilionr in every departmnent, the chro ia e will be found correspondingly ahead of tlny that can be offered by other periodi i nts. 1"vcry subscriber will receive acer tilh-:te, over the signature of the publish rs, guaranteering that the chromos deliver 1 shall Ie eqlual to the samnples furnished thle trtllt, trli t mIoneC- will be refunded. ' Iet lt iribtution of pictures of this grade, lt' t t tile itbscribers to a five-dollar pe ldi:tl, will inmrk ati epoch in the history iof ti; ; mld, tli(tsideritg tie unprecedentedi tlitiu.t-as or the pIrice for lrTe Aldine it l, lie titarvu' fll s little htiort of a ulira i-o' n citel () t thItCe bhet alt tLtinteLd witilh the :tii MivelnttllC tts lo inventiveo gcelitt stld iln ir;tittlas of t hhese tIoiUOs see Novenmber ist-o til 'lie Aldine.) Il1F: ITR'I'I.IAIIY DE1'AItTMIENT waill ti ,itillo tIltlder the rcare of lr. Itichi :i'rdi Ihenry St(tiddlard, assisted ly the best at\'ils tialltl poets of the day,. who will rvei tll haveI, tile litr:atture of The Aldiuc tl\vt\'a ill keeping wsith its artistic attra0 uiper attnlitilt, itt advance, with Oil ('hro SThe Ahltinc wilt hereafter be obtainabla onltv bh ,-ubslcription. Thleroe will be no re iduted h ~r club rate; casth for subscriptions iutist ie rseailt to tie publishers direct oi l::lcdedl to the locaIl agent, vithlout respon siitlit\i to C lip) ublithcrs, except in cases i\'. theretlo et) crtitieato is given, bearing thei la'c -sini ito sigtltllre of .:Jaiies Sutton S Co. \A(t;:'S WVANTED. A :- ite-rtson, wxishing to act pernlanently i :ti, it l Ia ,l agent will receive full and prompt illtll'rtult iott liV applyling to Jamnles Sutton Nio. 5s Maidlent Ltane, Noew York. T RE T!HlEl S(''1 LN'I'IFI(' AMERiIIiC.AN. "O ti 1 t7:1. 1;,it ititil'lly ll.tiitiratld. 'l'ihe -'iettific Anterican, now in its `.:th ;titr, cnitjoys the widest circulation of any inagouls" p(,riodical itt the world. lits -olntttltiu eltbrace the latest atld nost tite'resitig itlfortmatioIt pertaining to the ilti(stri:t, nIt'huaii(al anl scientiic p'ro gros ot'lii' wotrth; hetueriptions, with beatt ,tit'til etgrrtvin }, i' m Icet- inveltiins, mene il'iu llt t:ll:, ew pir'ocesseCs, ainld iliproved ithlttric,- oi' ull kitaltuds; usfui notes, tlactsi ri-i-iti.i, a 1tit'rtiita t itid ullttivie, by- piracti-' iil| bIth irit'itlIS :u'ts. t i ttit lti~t'l ttr.v; records of tIle atit.ati l:lllit tl·:l'it., rd\\'a1sa. ship-bttilditig, navi .it i,:, tot h,-r" lilly.telegraph cntgitneigern t''t' tinIL-ntl,!tustl, Ilitilt anlt heal. ,. t v. lti-ia ath ti-c tll altl t icatiotll 'if - ItL:i-vl' iiL th lieur iarOttin in uitt l·estie or ,l i.ts are ctiraced twitiin the ,aih to Ii intttlligeiittv itform MtL-N-N" & Cut)., 17 l'ark IRow, N. Y.