Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME VIII. MONROE, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1873. NUMBER 83. TRE TELEGRBAPH: Published overy Saturday. 1'I' MON hOE, OUACHIT 'PARISI, LA. _-"r. T tJNT. VEoC:]L..dh.%N.TIE , Edlitor and Propriotor. A(AENTS: AUF,-.k. Pettlngil & Co............:.......... Now York. triffin & IIoffian.................... lltimnore. 'l'rho. Melntvre....................Now Orleans. .tJhn Schardt .'r........ ..Traveling Agent. ail other acgencies are horoby revokedl. AIV)YEITTISINCG 1tEGULATIONS. .-tInsionllt advertiscolllellts lllust be paiI i x ill adlv#ncce. Al1 advertisoments sent to this oflice -o.lll not otlherwise ordered, will bo inslleorted .ilI forbid" andl chrged accsrdingtly. :ditorial business notice~s ill be maide o*, o of chargo, o all advertibenuuts ordered theo papor; for other editorial notices a • rgo uf25 cents per lineo ritl he made. .n oxtra chargo of 23 per cent will in : tro bo itmado onl all cuts above o(1 itlnch wiidth, andl upon all td'llblo-rlulllnn ad -tLigOimiellts a sltmilitr cllharge will be IIlltaII. .'A.ltF' OF ADVIERTISINtl ItATI S. ;.dlvertisollnents will bo insertcd at ono iar anll ifty ctlits Ier sqluare (ono Inch *place or less), fo"r tho irst, and se-ellts Stia for (eac utslleboquent itioCrtlin, for 1 ill Ilndeor ino o1111111th. 'For lolng'r *ids it s follows -..Nu .si's. i ~-'. 2i .1;ni. -iii.n. ti. • e r,'o .............. . 11 tt; I , 20 rl 40 '................ ... 15 0 7 ' li U I o i1 c'lv ................... II+ ~,1 , + 3 .. ,8 (7 l 2 (i 1 'I 11111-c olt) .. .. 10 0( 4i , 7, Il5 "5 lilt 14 ,"iftroon ( ?;-col.)... ,!3 GO 75 10ti 140 ,Onlty'-onaiOtl e.).. 55 75j00 1 0 t' ,) 2"l0i 1'arlds ol a picesoiinl chkoarcteli.a-wlhion iti idli tiblo-wiil bte chlargol d', blo i tir rei - ir ad ltl'eritisi g rates. sltulary aitd iMlarriago nltIces will he * utd 'is aldvertistmients. 0y ileraonl 'itildin"'ii ts l-o iti'w e:th Stll t ri,: t tio e11 110 a O pst 0,tPlie, will It' Oi I no 'i copyvtf Tuliti 'l'lT.01itt4ivt g'ritiS, I- e:;io yeo-r. 'i ElU'd OF M-'BSCRLt 'IP' ION. .copv, one yr ar ........................ ... .$,00 'io e pliy, six mrnonth.,.......................... 2,0O DVA.t' IIA TI-:`: i.e ropy, anoA A-~,.......... ......~( S ci: 'oIy, six tIllO litinst..........................2, .- f'iro Subsctitioli ptrt ice of thi r'l'i:I. •IA wi' wlas rediled froii |ive to/iou'r dollars, .I sulihbscribors IpatyiillnIi idvi'oec 1i hvI-o ul1i ''lrmi ly liOo illowe'd Ii dtiscolntt of one diolltr'. -tll$criboer dtayiiig plaiyiient LOIle 11 lilionth trter it i dillle, are reqtuiroed to pany foiur idol :'ra. T'ilero will bo lo doviattion from thibi itlle. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. At. 0a. Cobb, 'i'£OitNEY AT LAW', .'tiiNtlt:l', LA. Aug. 1i, 1871. v4-tLt tobt. J. Cnaldwell, LAWY ER, MONROE, LA. S ' Jani, 25, 1873. 19:I A. L. Slaclk. S"I'''OINEY AT LAW andl (Cunlllll0 - £ a Mionor for ''oxas. Oillco Wolod Sirent, i•n. 6o, 1L.. 'rolmpL ttntioni t ivois to tl :".'jiiis ill .Niorthli Lottilhitan. Aud . 20, i6.s: 17 L. 1. Polk, 'URVEYORt, Civil Engineer anmdl Ira g3ihtsmlan. AlL orders left with lHichard o & ltlcElnery, Molnroe, l ii., will lilcot 'itli propllt attelltiun. TIermsil C-Atr. lMay 11I, 1"72. 31-ly 8-. I,. IIC11AR .o T. W. NI.A(UICII. DIra. lichlardlon & Mlciglcr, j A3V1N'l%iG nssoeititct ill Ilii plrato ico of ellcdicinle, 1lt'r their ser'victs in the ittlterenllt braili'che, tio tho'ir ll !t2.·"li-,i to hle -itizons of Jlonroo ili l uirrolntl tilgi 1o011l tr'y. 011co, On .hl kaC,,nII Sitrelt. aLdjonlllng Methodlaist Chtirch. ey ", 1:-7:1. tf **tt. 5. C'AIDII\WOOD, L0ll. THO-;. T. AIIY. Lrs. ('aldcrwood ,& Aby. 7l5s1o1 , 11 A. SLi 'FIfE in rear of llerllhtirat's tuildihh 'L-. isge'oniid stret, itwis'C'll l)e'iard illtntd the - Z.lilroad. J .u 5, 1572 d&iw ..WILlIS IIHArI)SON. 6I 'Y iulkejl'l), rN. JAS. i. M EN.-IL1` . Crichardl~ous r&- 3cl~nery LSL:JLicn llrlll lll I llll~lleirh 1 ~l • pratico in all the P'iiiisties of North as,,llianall, inl tie SuprenInOll C',url' IlL M1nro, :,+ Fk,,|r:d ('ourt., ll inl Itr, Laudil ic(llto i ,,l:1rItmet, of tthet G~en rl ~ti X ern m'eln0t. J U ''2', 1752. t- t-I • . ;,i. 1(U is1o0 . ,Wq. W. FAMMl i.\';l Ylorrison a It'lErillr, ,"IlOiiNEYS A'r LA'..', 1lontroe, La,., .. will tlracti'e it tlo .iouts oif the P. I; tes iif Oull'chita, Sli rot 1)L:3, liett land. i".=,iiklinl anl~ 'ahldwel , in the Su|,re.meit .,ir- and in the 't oitt Staltes ouris. l nlso alttenil ito all l'ticii~n s ilitruitell io Saonll i the .ate, andi IFe'th'ral Imlmitl (lilv.. -lit-It l IDlr. BI'n. ,tTl(-i •ENDES his services as , hl'hvySiian and INul ,o, to the pnblie. lie can lie foiunild ;onl hisi pIdantationI, f*)ult mlilt bIoI.W .%l~io elaretl II, -7I . -23-1 , s ". M- R-+-N1ITY. I. D. M E].'2ERY, .- . " 9t. "' l. n rEnerl, t'HN:tIEly0 lT .Alt. .1tourni, I .rp. tta'ctitWn in ets t :riia'- -i' srih arsof on~ hi m. Morehoasi·r u w, 1cr-, r·' :mklin. :0h. lanii,+ r41 id elll (" It'| t: I hi Parl shl e ' ,iTien Sup rt nlt I ritl' I t .1 r , i ci, if th(l . '. I st , r ?l ilnirnl Lt-~ t r i t't : i' i I 15'j 05 ti~~cc Ililr' ~~ . 11,115" St-ir 1'115r: z, · .......c. I~ ii-ttli~nr· T. lc· ~r ,i .'I. st '.M.lT A r'+ . lt t i. t, s'- ci t fl llt nJliTers his pro'fe'rsri,,tx: .' rvi,,, ;, i' e.IixonIR of n konro moo:rreundii! nt -ry. 11:inrl ani iI.+ioi I I ro 5-0)r i i the priti iiti't , hI 3 ',t'I t ibb<'ll a I l tiving a.tiit' tii in a1t itran5 aI rs,,f hit p tro fes .is -. a w i- lin e i , w1.' r r1 1 1 , f-1 ,,rk . flifies rear retohe C rthou'ltsto in . 'exti'"tv -Ath o, te Ou- rtt: iitars cl 5tt',# s . i.ic , tre of it."ot, ht, r . A M.:. l v's-lm.rlrd:;.y Frank AE1ore, g)ATUISII ,r.iVt:.'YouI :,; ,,.e:i:. and _ Genellr.-. Lan 1i g .% ult 1I.r. Nortih !.*, - .mna, will .'t!Itend I. an\1 huImionels inl thlis ,/ ,,lininiI, TPari-' ,,,. I arne v,. Whi~ ing t,+ *oil ,r' pulrchin foal c-',i,, in l ll al Iet'=l+ an ill tin1 it to their itarc+ow " a+, rl'hc' hinll. Hf, 'lSi¢ f'¢r, solot seve-p l-'j llthe ,.+]is if *landl in :anehia, li,,hilnud. ,MIornI,,,u'* [- raniklinl and Caldwell Panriahs* Per ]''".ns w'ishingl to iell will u¢n.l1numb11ove., dec."rilpt ,una 1. 0! ,,i provemen~lt.' nR. I ormT'., ] l:1-ine E' ru::,., 'nnect~l.'ionts inl h,h W\ l]i*Ln ,,i #It ,'l N'r - ¢lroleans.he l@ pinpatrd . , reinv,,'n: litha '- al mn eontoate,1 lutn, e-' sel -, <'*.:ain 1,*l-" P :. , -t.+, Ofie* rea~r rea'in" c . Hlrbherards,,n , Mt+'Ir*r'¢ a LaIw Office. F",)r p,,r:i,'nlars'l addt:'0e hi--, a trel of Richalrdso.' & Mobi~ery. Mtearee. T.s. Auaguslt 6, 1970 EDUCATIONAL. I H0 EUL MASONIC FEMALE COLLLO.ll The exorcises of this Institution began on the first;Septomlper last. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions of twenty weeks each-tirst ending t the last of January; the second the last of Jllon. C FAC'ULTY : I.. I.Wit.cox, Prosident, and Prof. of Latiu, Mental and Moral Science.t Mliss A. CALIIOut, Teacher in Mathetmat ieS. Miss L. TAonAlT, Assistant in Literary D)o Ipartrlnt. i N. A. BARB.nn Prof. of Music and French. Misr MI. M. VWilcox, Assistant In Music. Pulil t admitted at an, time anid charged until ond of sess.ion. No deduction in tul-t tion except for protracted sickness. 1 Tutiton, En glihl ... 3. $4 and $5.00 per ni. lInstrulnenital Music, withl use of instrunment ................. ..... O *"' 1Extrt lessoiis ill Vocal Music., 4.00 " Fl'rcuel h............... ........... ...... 2-.00 ,, Draw\ing .............................. . 2.5 ) lloard, excltsivo of washing, I Iighls, and articles for toilet, I it lpaid lin adv-anlco, for each St?..ioll. ......... . .................12.50 If not So tidl...........................15.00 f0 Incid cntal, lpcr session .............. 1.00 ' Prof. Wilcox has now entered upon thio labors of the tenth ryear of his connection 1 as P'rrestiolt, withll the lio r Masonic F'etnalo College. During that tillo the ranllge of tudtiea has bn as oxtenive asn any institutiton of the kilnd, ald the tode .1 of inst rut ion has beeon toiipart athorolgli knovwletode, of tho studies. The discipline ill the College and IIoardingDoplart ent hats beOn firml, constant, but pairental. 't'hie It health of the pupils ihas been invariablt\ d good. In cuonirallltion of the above, refer enico is conlidentll made to the patrons of the Insititution nd forter pupils scattered t lhrouhoulut North Louisianta. Adtitions are being made lothe lBoarding i Mouse, so that a large tnntben r of pupils can itie aeeontliodateil in the fainily of thto l'res- I idnt. 1 Wi', thle nldoersignlced, having beon so: itaittt Witih thn workiltgs of tlhe I ntittt tion (litring. the timeo it has been unltlr the litianlage1intiito of Prof. WVilcox, very cordial-f t1 -ret ttmtlllnio l it to our friendts as suitable t lilac to uend tllheir daugrhters. F'. A. JoN i:s, iV. M., A. VAno, S. W. Jons S. YoNo, J. W.,. and JudgParilh Cottrt, i . .1. I. RAMSEr, BSe'v, It. T.VAeoizx , 'I'reas., Ioy. J. T. IAVt)MOy.o i F'eb'y 5, 15::. .t:13 ily 0 ^CIm1TA l tIMALE AtI'AEMY, A JIt A.Ut)ING jND )ASDAT 6tlOtU.. r Y.'or Yoaueg La die , M\ONHIOE, LA. T'te s5ttsiot oif It72-'73 will contsua.oen 1 MoltndtUy,t d e 2d d' of Sitetnmber. Itrs. T. V'. litrros, Principal, and fi: structreos of the l'rimiiry I)partueient. r Titos. O. I3:e'rox , l tt., Ilstructtor of l.o Acldemtic Dl)oljartlient. , Inatructrest orf l'real, atnd a isi.tant ii the Eniglish It ranches. Ms. I., T\V. \V\DInteI-, Instrutitros~s of Mtusic. Mi"-i .L.S.PI 1PEN, Instructress In Draw- 1 tot, Painting in witter colors or oit, n- 1 tbr :iddory and fantcy noodle work. 'gItItMS (I'AyAni.B IsONTurLT): Primary ('lo-isej....... .. $3.00 per ito. Middle " ....4.00 Ac entic " ............... 5.00 F'renchl . .00 " Mu.isic(with tiuof ilstrumnent) 6.00 " Board, includiong vwashi n g, lights, de ........................ .. . 20.00 ' lrrawing, p'ainting, to.. at tIac. eta' sit:,-gos.. 10., P,72. 80-t f I'hi.i ('ollogo, lnow in its twellth scholast ic yttar, is in r:Ce.sht)i fronit the firslt I''ue la in e ptoultt-or to (u'onimenceoreaornt )ay, i /Vitl nttlyi- ali'er thirdl t-tinilav in Junie. h corps of instrurtiotn is filttl th tliurae of i tud"i amile; the lib)rtary anid iapparatusil satd ciut:tto; tit outidowni t in hopeftil iprogre-: Ioal1ity e lnillellly hii tthfll, rlid conltutlli- .t ty inst(lligeni t and refilleo|. N,11ct" r ftr l tori . lt ;ttirt], frttiti i2. ;uj Is 515.00 per month. ontingent, $1.5t) F"or flirt itb-l t iettars, address Ifet . J. 1:. t'ot, f'r iid iii., It. C'. IV. F. ituRu:LAND, iatrl;:ZDti f t'ros't oard of Trustces. MONROE SALOONS. NEI Ti A&A.0O0N 1.IN IT 1.I 1gUIt.Q A ND CI( AfRti, .h :l( c(y+e".-1 ndl Lp"yr Ree!', T11e uni tricntd hIas opened a ~Maleo in it( lherrtlutard, ultli,iing s, wie he has sup plioil with now lIar flxturus., the choiiirle Iranil. of Ltiu-ors, atnd fln itiga:rs. lie hias two ItilliOrt, talo, nurl during the OSyser e ion (tal sslltylV freshi Oys!ers on I tho shell. Lager Ioeer front thir blet VWest erl icrswtcrie-s klept at this atloon. P'rotmpt at tention ail gt ,lood "rdir will e l lol..viql. 'T (1( . To, t at"1NNS. :)ppoit 1.:ndom's l ivery -rat,: M O N I(Ri 1T, LA., I klept well slpliiol with t1:- 1test wines in li n I; ra s -l" favoritei lrands .,f i'i ", r.. Polite aS ,n'lit ;, nt dtU1 g..n',I d rdoobr ,arantie,1. April I.t , 1-71. i"i.i 'is ru MONROE ADVERTISEMENTS. l-01 1T R -r" I A l'.aes. PPas, Ie"tae, ('i -kens, felter. ID V xt.I, Tii* . 'Ma ill tw. re., liought and ,,, Iv 11.I` n.,l 'r ile* l,. , it ((ratl I'roe- , r, " I 3 0 .A¢:vb I, ". u it e *)r tm ut of Sa-.i y ..r ý " ,. ries i. pt " ,.i tt nntl-r . o i .all i . t I-Ir:. , -an 1.- t,. Firby -a. ".--. .1Inr e, ,at. r m o .h aNt"( . I'r ,),ri'.--,-r 1 in the , ntr- ,f r - it-inet - ,,rt ,e w:'ll furni*he,.. ilqpCe .l:'tSi,, an, skll ftl work I tirnls o . Ifa "aa,- aad ,,r S0 Itarrata ef Fs'rk. 48:?'J.* SA"AN5eSt KELLOUG'S MIERCENARIES IT AMITE 'J CITY. What Thoy Did and What tho Pooplo Say. From the Amite City 1),cmocrat of 2 the 26th we obtain the following account of the proceedings had in that place to t install the Kellogg oflicials. If we are a lnot mlistaken, someC of our Union parish a readers will recognize nn old acquaint ance in the 11ev. Elia tcGeorge who ligured. in the installation. The Demo- d crat says: t On Sunday night the mail train of t' the New Orleans & Jackson IRailroad, landed at this place about seventy 3e- d tropolitan Policeenln, arnted with rifles. 1 They were condclicted to the Court 1 louse, it is said, by C. 1. Bradley, who was defeated for Parish JIudge, ini No tvetllbcr by over 250 majority, but who has found favor with Vice Roy (Kel logg, and has a dis(honest c'ontitni--ion for said oflice. They took possession of the public oftices. an Court 1 [onue, and a oeeupied them during the night. On Mondatl-y they formed ia line around that a building and within it wore gathered the Sheriff, Lanier, radley ll and the 1 RIe•. liais ;corge, who wba dtefeated d at the election for Ileceriler, but who has, like Bradley, a lellogg appoint- I Inent. iBradley and (ieorge, after their defeat at the polls, acquiesced in the re sult and their suecessful oppiolnenlts, Messrs. Addison and Cooper, \vere co in mn issioned in December :and 'enterel 1 upon theicr respective oilicial dlutices. In tFebriiary, after Cooper and Addison had been in ollicofur mnore than two months George anti Bradley received Kellogg .Oinisiis-it5ll and sot iip ('aliiis to thlse olli(es, not by ldematnuls uponct he ill cumbents, lnor a resort to law, billt by assutintng to discharge oflicial duties in the guerilla style, a:way front tilht, pub) lie olics. To install llradley and George was the (ld''ai'ied obje'ct of this police expedition. )n Motlnday, thli regular term dlay: of the i'Prish Court, lit 12 o'clock, the Ipolibcenenl were put in line, :tlII ral: icy, with his Sheriff, entered the court room, ind lprohlhail7ed the court ini session. Judge Adtliscon then called on theconl lianding officer, claiming the right to t hold the termn as P1'arishl Judge, and was told that he would bu pirevenlted by force from doing so. I'Unabhl to a' resist this force, the Judge protested andl retired for the day. Jas. F. Ard, IE:sl., l)cputy Sheriff, was ealled to act as officer of the court' but nobly refusedl to obey the usurperl t 1Vm. Duncan, Els., the District Attor neaty, pro toent., of thl parislh was c:ll',l but al-o refl-ted to respe.t or notice' the 1 liisunioiis. MembiClcr.- of the bi"ar refusedl to attend, they having formally rs.solv (.1 not to recognize any 1'ari-l<h udgue other thtan Judge Addison,l the elected, colnllissiotned ant nacting Judge. '1Th' citizens were lookers otl, with scolf' ;Ia deris:ion, denoun'ilng thli bel lll, upon all courtis. lvcei tihn Ilereenary police tenll, alllltlaed of lihe duty they were on, gazed with ill titlccilceld conitelipt at this "'Judge" ('tsav(e thi !markl'), attempting to per:tide yoverall tu1w'ill ing people, slunnted by the citizens, rtpu diated by the hliio:st allclr.- o,"f (ie pari -h, and scorntmd w)y the :atr. A ftir a short .set:i1 thli 'Cou rt'" ad .ourned sine di, awl trshow n-idelihd. 'This (dolt,, pagro t toirie wi t)as indL-l ell into th,'. Ileenl,, : h1r'".. ' nir., at)-1 took ,oý('-ssimon '''·f th", 1, hih: Ih), h:til neitlher oral ter leal right. Were, H r i tdk P' to m e r ,, \ t'it in: -, h , \i ,,u l li , r ," sciy, tllrh'tithr.n, hIt u; o rni -." At nithI thie tolicet lie . lftl; llo'dl, - nt:uiktd, fr mnt hi.= hidinug pi) :Ico, u:ti tindl er e t)v cr of thie night and the i h(- ,hiw o f,, tieit" Iayui otes, left with tiehorn.1 'lT' 1pcople feel dleeply tlhis nei ouit lrage. TIhe .Kellogg usirpatilio1, i1flt mtous lefore,, brought n.ow iita" il o-r conlt:act with the titizon-, gr.\.: irk "amet beyond emtlurattcO. If flit o, ir-. fi ';, , w ill o rn -i te1. - ndotI . ! 1 \hI -h'. li'-c h I ti l!,w I, t i I Ii iidi 'II, d i - i r' 'l,- r , will ,ot"ii. ni inlu t, .<l i= y t I t, ' .- it-. '-il'.O.'1 - T i I 'L T,.li . All rA, ti i ':", (.) i i..'oi: li, , trT,:-" |"i:;i :it (',,fx o,.,.. .a, r" -t -t night by th" r l t r of Il. -l' e:Iti r l a-rt . b , . TI ,, -t .: , r 1:. I. iI'nage had ju-t hu l, ,! thlio n ,,n: th . ,n c h 'al sta i ,, r t .A , : I a -:, ui .. T l ': - r , cq ite i ,iTit+ i l, , t --,,r ,-' "i . .,7 I. ,, ti ,,t r-.n "t:l ; .'< - . d.,, c" i i. TILE STATE MALADY.---TIE REHEDY. , Flromle the N. O. Pic:tyune.] It cost just about a million dollars, after the war, to bring to this State over 20,000 colored immigrants. That is the rock on which Louisiana split.- - l Every State in the South that has a brought from Virginia and other States I; a large number of colored Immigrants C since 1865 has boon made poorer, and r its government has been made more t oppressive than before. Louisiana should now spend a million t dollars In bringing to the State multi- a tudes of white farmers and mechanies, a to settle in the Stato permanently, and i own houses here, anti who will feel a deep interest in supporting whllesolne c laws and a good government. If the State of Louisiana and the city I of New Orleans a're worth saving, why a not at once agree upon a i,..t of salva- r tion, and then all haumd- t. . hold and il help carry out the plant Saving Louisi:anl is ioe, mlerely a I buintlti : transaction. It w\:ill lake ahout a mnillion dollars ito do tIo , ork tef tct natty andi llt to la3 th doctto : bill. If wo a allow the State to etxpire, it will cost at vast. stun of money to pay Ilneral ex pe'nses. It would die all iltnsolvelt i debtor. I As the natural incrt a- of our coloredtl I pliontlation is ltss than the mortality atmong that race, ourt agrietilture ustl t yearly retrograde, tlil ltiln-teotthsl of the tillable lands must remtain unttilti- I vated for an itltin ite period iof tilmie, t iperhaps hailfta century, if we tido n ot tbring niultitudles of itilnligrants to, cil tivalte thlise idle lands. I t is doubtful if'l'exas or \'irginia hias spent mor10e thn a million dollirs teatch, sincel' the war, in inlnigratiion, anti yet, 'l'exsas hits added over .10i,t0i0 to hI er population siniei 1101, and V irgini:1 las i greatly strengthened hter rtural polttila lion, and is well goverlnedl. Such an investitiet in thii S ite wioulhl Irinzg paice aiir plrosperity to all of thle lhonest nrl inhlustrital classis,antll would add "lore than :t':!,000,000 to the , tinarl:ct vtali of Ituliitila hillands. 'The I I:nudholor. themselve. coulld wtll al- t ford to adlvance lto money nee ldOtleld for ' the redtenlltion of the :tiate,. The Lottisiatnt lIltuigratioin anti llontiesttiteal ('otinplatty l.s unlertaken this nobleo wotrk, in which every honest citizen slintlld ctllist, and, ito seture its t succtý-, ionltriblto- meanlts to the extent. i of his ability. If it obtains stiuhserip tions, through its Iratnlchei. in aill thie I country piTrishlies, averaging lten thti - ti sand dollars in et91h pa:rish, this will stcure- a fundlil of -live tultltiinr and sixty I thnousanti tll llar.5 l! isiiti of thell city of _Now Orleans. This city shouldl sul Scribo ias u('Ilch a- all of the cllntllllry p.uili-he, and illllre. Thie shares of the Iotilpatly a:re livei dollars tia-olc, and the ipaytit-itIs et p'll r ceit . att the tilmel (if sulscribihtig, and ten I per cenlit. qluarterly. 'Th suhl> riptlions rl ini the city anid count,!ry wotuld give tlih,1 ('ttnllpany otvetr fiour ilittlrdedl tholuatitl dt(lli1rs( ia ytr fori twvio yetar- ti t ha litlf., 1'lit lti this: t unitit the, ('cni laity slv tei1 Statet in a fete year-. 1 'ihtey co bltll eui' -l its ialety :ut 'aina tion in It lintih shturtir titimt vitlh liat iiltit ell i i:r l ila I liv y. i iii ititit i0l11 itn dollar- tintly mtoy. Ttil cost hts boon. \,tti counted, a1 l l tthe ihlotle Subtta.r \-ell \oii lty Iini etmbers of the (romp -ny. T'ilt patrihl.e and ItnilenthiI t'hin. Mautlr, tIt<.tiol l " of iis liii n slite the \. "tr i*: t?.," initort,t of inanii ratiohn lto v V "i- its antive tatt, 'il Stlen. Il aual'g will sh w\" eat l idhel ily 1u11l zeal in lik oil 'rt'ts o $L stve Io - i.i Il, lii nativeo 4It;0 , i. th+, 9S - I itlu I . 11:N N : Ii1, ,ate Agent IaI. I. :awl I. I. N'e'tV (Olr :l i-: , .\pril _,;, 11.7:7. i l 'l I:. TO LS.7 il:. O i the ; ItI if 3! t t, 'I a t:til a. I I. MI ilti, of X7 , ;."' ý-o',l'k ,'it \v, -:- fri:,,; it it , " Irt 1, I i, ,,t of i[ , ,oc l, li t h i I , \' tlt:, 1 ,t n tI , . " 1 'h t ;, ci". sf i 0 5,, ;;'y . uti1 .t i ut- I,, i: 'l sii ifl. r r\'il \.. t , !" :l: . i ilr ".I" h ilt ' ii , i, l ,it l , - i ' v . h,1 . l it i, , l . i i ! N ;t :, l t , i <t iT , : tl , f t r, I, ,\ , 1 t l ' .' t tti - <", tl.. tt <.l,'l t" , C s ' .: "s i, ; ,r:la ti:l, r1 i n, t.1 ; , , . it t itlit I . r. I . o . li,, I 11r ri\': itl ,'tl, t Ii . , : n i ;wh1- 1 I, o tt .i l:. " ., ;ýi . 1 tnlt ! ;t, II l i l, l 1 ' r n i i i, ; nt ; .,-. h lr , t i + t ?ttith ,. t;. -1 "," t ; t h (,\t' ur1 t h ,l : a m ) c otlvt" - ... t . . ' i 'i i,< d T r+ . t rV. + i , \ -t teitst - t r, :' t - ,tl i l " l', it i,n AN HIOUR IN TILE ROOM OF GEN. LEE. ' His O1ae Habits. [Front the Lexington (Va.) Gazette. In strolling around the first spring day we stopped at the Memorial Chapel and passed through the rooms particu larly associated with the memory of n Gen. Lee. The guard, a student of the o univorsity, walked with us through G the apartments. Over the marble slab in the contre of the room are wreaths of flowers, crosses and crowns of immortelles in a circle of a autumn leaves. The marble is inserted p in the floor and over the vault. From this room at door leads into the P oflcoe once used by tile secretary of the h faculty. This is now bare and empty. ti From this apartment a door opens into IS a small hall, and then into "thle Gene. s ral's room," as it is called. It is alld. wol known that its furniture has never been ' clhange tI. It reillains us left by (eit. It Lee. tl 'l'ho round table in the centre of the ti .,,rnt is still covered with his papers, c a!l ot.i.rly arranlgetl. 'Tho scraps ot u hIl:ttk paper were kept it a systematic 0 manntler. A. p;-oftssor took a pieco for 0 a tlenuorandltllu, when the General hanttltel him a piece frol anotheor lot.. IIto hl:tl intlentltldl the irnt sheet for f :another purpose, All his writing was donei :it this table. lie uiset an atrm chair, wit h loather sent, anll on rollers. Ile wrote rapidly, rarely interlining or olnitting words. There weoro o uchll tI hings tu rough dirafts. 1lie tinishedl at a single heat whtatever heo had in hand. WheVin his feelinigs were onlisted, the Pit Iltovet'r pl:ausold dlow\t to the last prial. )Its rorders," or rather ad dirti-ts, to the studenitts a:id iimportant eorrespotil-ene owere intisltil wvith tin' ink wet, on thIto first lines. Iel never dictated, :nlI utsedl I i-: otmnial sorot-r5y sparingly. H is lavorite pen wats a largo gold Otte, of a enrious model. It was ualmnost as btroad ttlas it was long. It was Iheart lhtlttd. A firmti in lalltiitoro owned e the pattern. Tile first pen of this kind tsedi by hiitll \:w accidentally injuredt. t 'The w\'riter, at the reqtlest of lioen. Ice, entrietd it to latltitlore while on a Northern tripI atil htad it ropaired aind a:lother mltado froml the original die. The in~stand is still ott the round table. Th'l ink is raised by atmos- 1 pherit pressure appliedl by at screw. The instructions on it directed thie ink . to bhe ltowereid wheni not in use. 1io 'J nlever failed to turn tIthe screw and lot (tle ink down inlto (Ith stand before t leaving the ollice. Ottne of his secrota- i ries noticed his regularity in this par ticular. 'llt`here wats a loungttie in tile room, lut I hi tte'ver was : iu own to rest ihimself for at tnwoit'ttl (oi it. 'l'Itru nitever was at pairh of slippers or a rho do thallllre in ll his room. ItI is noodhles.s to say no 1,pipes or tiigars wor thero-ho tewasn'lt frielndly t Ito tolllba't't. But once wals Ihe kiowll to violato Ithe situillest propiriety of his t position. Iduring it dull rottitino of t fa:eulty mIeeting," ill wartm weathitr, the I'resitlent for a low tltOlltments. lie sat as usual, ere't, butt his eyes goetly yiehled toi the heatl atnd hum drut. Ills coIlle'aguts, witlh courtly giace, lot tile lIsiltess pause till tihe brief ntap ttitlel, aMti then It tartted with t lasit, hI ord Is the c'lhairittal iitul ht'artd. Tllis triumpL h 41" M orphtlt-t e' a's noti, altlteI(tl to. ''It , I 'liil lrplhiaht I ui tuiror, I f th2lll st itilt., ha t ia a ticllt, tO ll. hl ttrotrble'u s ill our ,ttle t, fro titt il ahi Itt' takt hite ftl h\% i i : Itt a tia bld trotl' s It t ten tho T:,0 polili, 1!partic in Iunisitn' er hn tin r , :Ianl are likely to do l o unl il ihla l iho: ;ilnyofel"i' r p tlt-h",, rl . :u ltlrlriv1n" .Itl-he ith , utlariI of it'' tI i tat inl "m n uniialt. I:ta oiol e lt V i-" it Il imistalk \whi, l t I tas c Int gJil rosil' l1. Loui li thi- itt t,' it is that t i't'tht' flit , tiontl . tiI rl i t ; ''i.rnov 1 hav' lioo tniltrei maI lil t I :liy , guerrillat earint-h~l ". c s-l i ili ,, Oiltl, ,o n tl i h:fo < -' n -M ri . r i t lo in o ill,, looui-innat trol ublel , S,,!v,rih, il the mnh t- o'uln liaii,' imannel" ; i l ,t t h e i i t ,r f r t i o i " " o f f hi , !I o i-n il (iov 'irninient il tih , 011airs '.f il, t ihes in , :i t O wn- , i., Ie. rat rlenl : tilhlo ti ' ihiIo t ut rl tati i: . I,., if lh \'. , hold U 1snliti l lin.pit,. . n-i', , aha te v to thI, , p-opl', I ol' t h( f('<,n :,+,,. .,"r ilth 111 1tlr "ti'"h (,tii l -titiore :t< to iin-l-, a fnir,',onl. rI at ho poll , :i pl twoi fl l u il ;tt l i -(stator' o tIith - s i l t \\ 0u i t] | . . r a' :t o ' l. \ " ,a ct h r a in . "*Ili-i ln fi t, thl ,.1I v,; t1 r .v in tl!' rio p t 'baggr cohnt 1 h . The oally ]I' " '1 tor" in L o n : iin; t1oI t I 1 i1 , 0 i y , ivi: ;, ,r tiltl n s*l,, rigrhi i - h " " , h :t i l ,t - re I lm l .. A l 1, r ,,oe n T.¢nistannt THE NEW YORK PRESS ON LOUISIANA. The New York WVorld holds General Grant responsible for the disorders in Louisiana; be sowed the wind when he set the example of lawless intervention in the affairs of that State. Imitative ness is the most notable characteristic of the colored people. What the Boss Grant does, must be a good thing to follow, of course: "LetGrantlookat hiswork inLoulsi ana. It is heo who has interposed to prevent the will of the people of Loti siana from having its legitimate and peaceable sway. He has put forth his hand to hold in power the representa tives of a miserable minority of white and black rascals of the State. The re sult has been what it was sure to be. The rascals, flown with Insolence and whiskey, confident of immunity and help from tWashington, have set upon the decent citizens, and in thoseparishes where rascality is strongest chaos is conto again. Ve need not step to pick up the threads of this trangled skein evon if it were yet possible. But for every item of this villiany the Presi dent cf the United States, who has set it on foot against the desperate protest of every Louislanian who had a char acter and standing to lose, is ultimately responsible. Let Louisianians whom ies has exposed to anarchy, and all Amoricans whom he has disgraced, re tmentmber this responsibility and hold him to it." The New York Herald, referring to the subject, says: ''The mistaken policy of GCon. Grant in behalf of peace in Louisiana has been produltive only of mischIef, confusion and ditsordler. It is but justice to hin, however, to say that he appealed to (ongress at the lato stssion for a settle Iment of this imbroglio, and that Con gress, lacking theo moral courage to sot tie it, left tihe whole subject, to the dis eretion of the I'resident, as the two hItouses left the M\oritonl tdificulty, and that the Plresident, adhering to the Kel togg goverlmntliiit, Its lhe had notified Congress he should do, if left to his dis cretion, has nutado it def/uto the ,tate (iovernolntt.'" The Now York Commncrcal Adver tiser says: "T'le bloody entcute in Louisiana shows one thing very plainly, to wit: That whent blacks attack white, whito will unite with white, without distluac tion of party, to put down black. Hore is the great fact of race antipathy do monstrated by the irresistible 'logic of events.' Amtong the whites of Colfax thero were mlon of various political opinuions, but they sunk all such differ tollnce, alti hid anded together as against a icO1liiimon Cot_. ile is noI true frlend of the iiegro who teaches him ll ither to utneorvatlue or dlisllievo thogreat truth which this conllict hlins so terribly Illus tralctl." ])tc-orationl Day was observed iat Viculsburg. The lrtany who have soldier sons, friends or lovors buried I lere will road with interest the follow ing from last Sumitlay's I eralid: Quietly, antd without ceremony or ostentttitinm, the ladies of Vicksburg procieled to the (:ity (omnotery ycstor tlay, atld with loving hands nlnd symll paht ltic hearts, scatterod fresh and hiat:lftful Ilowers over the graves of the soldieors who feill in tho Lost C(ause. 'T'hiero wa Iio) Iponip or pageantry, tno pilan of tpraise sung in chorus or recited in it .Ie-'h, bIut shilmply tnileont, hllaurt of wreaths will l iisniornlles. V1Vatf. cnthi heI more tutlching than thie htrant of Ibehalty strowing th lulst rting llace of valor with itlitltifiul flowers nH a simptll oi(,lring of love? It was bltter 'lThei tax-re-sisters imr gauiniag gramit ti-ir i-ra or lt'ne, anill ol,rtlly tleclnredl ltha if tlhe o-mi'nllal Ict-llotgg (loverim itti-mit initilitl yaitbl against lin, lae in raly to ,,ltohitthe propelr IIlleasurey for Alioit ltiin dlays sago, Itt iItipconilh's Milk, Iniair .Jll;,riont, in Alartango co111 Sty, b lat., t of thr ro till rocks etxplod IvaII, tlllllig severrnl perst,ns. Two negro' 's et hal itlg lI irotken, nlld atti,thr hlud hi.s tIotth driven dlown his tlhrtA. A t urlti wias struic k ltuarn-ly Ilt ilrmiiil rill II i sHld lnoxtlllrontthl ndlor Ihi l, nlikru it I:tw. It is lt umnlroflta. -a hil i htu 'it" tl Intif i t ailwitys rt,, ain ·i, tinua-'i iliVilltivIt Knius IHIOvistO HorIO Iro"-i-,n l Tii Sav't:illaht Advertiser, of the I:lth i- i t ., i~-S: "Itev. WV. II Milburn, the Ilin, Ircechecr, hutl oltained a dlivorce fripln hliq wife, \wvli, was oinco a Iaullt ful hi llonf iC altimore, andl mnrriid hil - whlin lhi \was' chatlilni of Congress." iI ,- yuIItg wiolnlan wa- rc'ltlttly taken y fr'se 'lurnlh:rl, wMain,,l to the Rayilma •f :t Augustan, whlo wans rcndlerd insano frrom Iupnro -aeint-ni matter.