OCR Interpretation

The Ouachita telegraph. [volume] (Monroe, La.) 1865-1889, June 07, 1873, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034336/1873-06-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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Published every Saturday. I
C3-. W, . Sha'oC3MA.NZ t
Editor and Proprietor. s
Pettingill & Co ......................New York.
Griflin d Hofiman ....................Baltinore.
Thos. Mclntyre...............New Orleans.
John Scha.rdt.............Tr..aveling Agent.
All other ageneies are hereby revoked. 2
Transient advertisements must be paid D
for in advance.
All advertisements sent to this office
ai hen not otherwise ordered, will be inserted
'till forbid" and charged accordingly. u
ldltorial business notices will be nadoe. t
lfree of charge, of all advertisements ordered ,
in the paper; for other editorial notices a
.lil:urge of 25 cents per line will be made.
An extra charge of 25 per cent will in
fuiture be made on all cuts above one inch
to wilth, and upon all double-columni ad
vrtisemonts asimilar charge will be made.
Advertisements will be inserted at one
*I.lliar anid tifty cents per square (one Inch
,: spaeo or loss), for the first, and seventy
It vo cents for each subsequent insertion, for
.Iny timle iunder ono montli. For longer 1s
leriods as olilows: a
. ..................... $3 75 7 - $ 9 $ 13 $ 20 a
'iwo..................... 7 50 12 15 22 30 o
Illrou .................. 1 00 17 20 30 40
IV r................... 15 00 22 21 38 50
I'ive ............. ... IS 01 241 30 43 60 b
'en (-col...... ... 00 45 55 75 100 Ii
l"ifteen(%--col.)....45 001 )0 75 100 140
T'wenty-one(l c.).. 15 00 75 90 135 200
Cards of a per.onal character-when ad- tl
moissible-will be charged double our reg
ular advertising rates. I]
Obituary and Marriage notices will be b
-charged as advertisements. ii
Any person sending us live new cash sub
•ti',lbeos, nt the same post office, will be en- q
litLLt| to a copy of TIln TI.tI.o(ItAPI gratis, ti
tir lino year. I
rt` The subscription price of the TEL:
SItAPH[ was reduced from live to iour dollars,
ibut subscribers paying in advance have tuni
tiruily been allowed a discount of one dollar.
Subscrlbors delaying payment one mnonth
after it is due, are required to pay four dol
lars. There will be no deviation front this
IR. G. Cobb,
L Aug. 19,1871. liv4-tf
Robt. J. Caldwell,
L Jan. 25, 1873. 10:tf
James T. Strother,
May 31, 1873. 37:ly
A. L. slaek. A
T 'I"ORNEY AT LAW and Collnunis
L sitoner for Texas. Ollice Wood Street, a:
..IotnroO, La. Prompt attention given to col
,etitlns in North Louisiana. Aug. 21,08.15:17 '
L. N. Polk, ii
Ue TIIVEYOli, Civil Engineer an Drau- b
ghtsman. All orders left witlh Iicliard
son V& McEnery, Monroe, La., will meet p
\iCith prompt attention. T'ortms, CAsir.
May 11, 1872. 34-1y A
T. !". Riti[.inlDox. T. W. uIAOIi:R.
Drs. Richardl on & ileagher, 11
- AVING associatcd in the practice of
mlmedicine, offiler their services in the c1
dltintrent brtnches of their profession to the
citizens of Mollroo and sutrrounding coun
try. (llic, oil .1ackson Street, adjoililng
M\tlthodist ixuntrch. Feb'y 8, 187:;. tf
il. .i. (,AsI.iiiWOOu. Ut. TruOs. Y. ABY. y
Drs. (:Calerwood & Abhy.
MoNnoie, LA. c
W l'IFCE in rear of llernhardt's building, 5
,SecoLd street, betwoo n lioiard anuld the 0
I:tilritid. Jamn 5. 1872 d'.w Ii
JAS. D. i'EitNERY. V
Ilehsardsones & McEnery,
A L"L'ORNIYS AT LAW, Monroe, La., (
practice in aill the Parishes of North
lan.isiiana, in the Suipremo Court it M onroe,
the Federal Courts, aitd ill the Land Olliceo
Iiopa:rtiientit of tile (tcileral 4oveoriiincot.
J nle 22, 1872. 40-tf
i. t..onitisoN. w. w. FAUlNrER.
Mlorrison & Farmer, I
"'li'r)RNEYS AT LAWV, Monroe, La.,
jL will practice in the Courts of the Pa
rihmis of Ouaichita, Morehouse, Riiclhlaind,
I.'iaiklii aInd (Calltwel, in thi Supreime
Ie'Ilrt :laid ill thle United States (Courts.
\will also attend to all Ibutsiness intrusted to
I tI'II in the State lnld Federal Lanud ()llicos.
Dr. in. Sn. lldell
if I;N )lKlt.S his services as P'hysician and I
S lsrgein,I tothi, iiublie. lIe : be fotittnd t
"l0to his plantation, flmar mmiles below M0on
Mlarlch II, 187:. 25-ly
I.euiN a'i:rsitY. s. D. 'WEyNtvY.
J. & S. D). IcEniery,
-'Ll'OINIEYS AT LAWV, Mionroe, L.n.,
A. practice ii the Parish and District
i IUrts of Oalchlita, Mlorelhouse, lrankliin,
I.tllland, (aldw ellul aii 'atllnulllmi Ptarishes, I
"n the Suiprelme t'olrt at Moirie, anid Ciii
tid States Courts. l';articular attiention paid I
It, business in the Land (illicO l)epartiument
,rI tile (eneratl ( overlllnimet. 11i17t
R. .1. 1l ItRACEY, olentist, respectfully I
Soilers his professionald services to the
citizens of Motlroe anld snlrrolnlding coOn
trv. fHllaig ian experiencei oif lilllrtrtei
yesers in the practice, lie feels confident of
givillg satisfaction inl all bralnches of his
irofession. Is willing to warrant all work.
thlico near the Courlthouso alld next dloor
siulth of the Otuachit(a 'lera'tlih oltlice oI
S;lrand street, Moniroe, Lai. v7-narli:ly
Frank hloore,
)ARltsl SUIVEYIOR foir Onneliitmt, and
Iei;eral Lanld Agent fr Norlth iluisi
;tio, will attotld to any liiisiniess ii this or
:ljoiging Parishles. lParties wishiig to sell
,rii plr.i:tse real est:ato in this section will
lilti it to their iiterest to antldiress liitl,. I
ihn, It ir sile sev\eolral iulo I)oidics iil ltlmil ill
oni 14ahlwwell Ptirishes. Peirsons wishing to
S.ll will senld lnul)ers, description as to illl
,riivet,,ietts, tniiil termls.% llavillg furlned|
brleaui, he is ireiarid ti, relrcsi'nt litigatlts
iii toimtsiii laid i:tises, olitaiti p:ihiits. mt'e.
Oltu'o riar riom iii hIiichard,ndsoi V tXiEnmry's
Law, tillhme. li"r hitirtieilai. addtres hiimi,
rare of 1-ticlhsitiNlimui A NIc-nery, iotroie, hum.
August 6, 1870.
The exercises of this Institution began on
the first Monday,in'Septemner last.
The scholastic year is divided into two
sessions of twenty weeks each-first ending
the last of January; the second the last of
L. F.WVIcox, President, and Prof. of Latin,
Mental and Moral Science.
Miss A. CALnouN, Teacher in Mathematies.
Miss L. TAOGART, Assistant in Literary Do
N. A. BARBE, Prof. of Music and French.
Miss M. M. WVIcox, Assistant in Music.
Pupils admitted at any time and charged
until end of session. No deduction in tui
tion except for protrncted sickness.
Tuition, English........$3, $4 and $5.00 per dno.
Instrumental Music, with use
of instrument ..... ............ 0.00 "
Extra lessons in Vocal Music.. 4.00 "
French ................................. 2.00
Drawing.......................... 2. "
Board, exclusive of washing,
lights, and articles for toilet,
if paid in advance, for each
session........................... .....12.50
If not so pad ...........................15. "
Incidental, per session.............. 1.00 "
Prof. Wilcox has now entered upon the
labors of the tenth year of his connection
as President, with the Homer Masonic
Female College. l)uring that time the
rango of studies has been as extensive as
any institution of the kind, and the nlode
of instruction has been to impart athorough
knowledge of those studies. Theo discipliine
in the College and BoardingDepartment has
been firln, constant, but parental. The
health of the pupils has been invariably
good. In conitrmation of the above, refer
once is confidently made to the patrons of
the Institution and former pupils scattered
throughout North Louisiana.
Additions are being made to the Boarding
Iouse, so that a large numnber of pupils can
be accommodated in the fainily of the Pres
Weo, the undersigned, having been ac
quainted with the workings of the Institlu
tion during the time it luas been under the
management of Prof. Wilcox, very cordial
ly recommend it to our friends ast asuitable
place to send their daughters.
F. A. JO Nos, W. Dn.,
A. WARD, S. W., [
JoaN S. Youso, J.W V., |
andJudgel'arish Court, i
.. R. lRAtSEY, See'y, I
1i. T. VAUnHN, Treas.,
Rey. J. T. DAIDsoN. 20: 1
F'eb'y 3l, 1572. 20: ly
For Young Ladies,
T'lhe session of 1.72-'73 will coninICnee on
Monhday, the 2d day of Septenmber.
Mrs. T. W. ]BNTNroN, Principal, adil In
structress of the Primary Departmieni.
TOas. O. BaNTro, e.q., Instructor of he
Academic Department.
Instructrcss of Frenclh,
and assistant in the English branches.
Mrs. L. W. WEDDELL, Itnstructress of
Miss NI.S.PIHIPPEN, Instructress in I)raw
ing, Painting in water colors or oil, cnt
broidery and fancy needle work.
Prinlary Classes ............. .... 3.00 per ino.
MIiddle .. ..... 4.(,
Academic " ............... 5.00 "
French " .................... 3.00
MIusie(with uscofinstrument) 6.00 "
Board, including was hing,
lights, e ............................ 20.00
Drawing, Painting, &c., at tteacl.ers'
charges. Aug. 2t, 1872. :10-t f
This College, now in its twellth sclhohstic
year, is in session froni the first TJ'uesday in
ieptenboer to Commencement Day, We'd
inesday after third Sunday in June. The
corps of instruction is full; the course of
study ampl)e; tlhe library and apparatu s ad
equtate; the endowment in hopeful progress;
locality emninently hoathful, and coniltnuni
ty intelligent and relined.
Tuition, $4.00 alul $5.00 per nonth, in ad
vance, for the term. Board, fromll $12.50 to
$15.00 per mllonth. Contingent, $1.50.
For further particulars, address Rev. J. 1.'.
('lon, President II. C(.
inurlt:26tf Pres't Board of Trustees.
F Thell Oy.s(ers andt Lnycr Beer!
'lhe inlldersigned Ils opened ia Salooin
oil G ranld Street, whichil lie lias sup
plied with new ll Iar fixtures, thle choicest
ranlds of Lillluors, and line Cigars. Il has
a Billiard table, anmid duritig the (Oyster
season e:n sulipply fresh OysIters on the
shell. I:ger Iecer fronl tle best WVestern
breiseries kept al, this Sllooni. l'roliipt at
tention uIl good order will be ioblservei,.
'1'11(O.?. DU NN.
Monroe, Noi\ 'li1 r 1:0, 1572.-11 -l
L )L I) S A ]R 1) ST1 It E I. T,
(Opposite Enldont's Livery S.Ltah )
Is kept well lsupplied willt the ,best wines
and liquors andt fvorite bram Is of cigars.
Polite attention and good ordergnliranteed.
April 15, 1871. n:t10-snm
l'ot:atos, Pns, Eggs, (uhiekens, Itutter,
lleeswax, llides. Tallow, Ac., onught aind
siold byv the undersigined, on (rand sItreet,
near Male Acadeimy. An assiortmenit of
Fa I i I ) ro e res kept cnstantl ilo
froiiiim it-0 'ontrv. Orders solicited.i
TO(M ItACT'NI', I irandi Street,
l'cl~y 1., I15?.-ly M1oimiie, Liii.
G(. .TJONON, iProprieloir,
liloatedl Il Dosiard streot, oppnsite St.
J.ohln. iln thle ·clltre of Iih, hiiusiiltiss lurt ioi
if Moliroe. Sholl reienmtlv renovattid al I
well fnrni..hied. ol'lite nttention anl skill
ful work gnaralltecd. Ie(spec'talle aI, i(,'
derly stmtllller e a-ord lial y w e i:arne (d. r mrsrllr
tasi. Mlolil-roe, larii 1, 1s7:1. If
lii) Iarrels i- i (ape loilni :
:hH,0 Ponlld.s of lnanoll:
:Io Ba1rrels of Pork.
48:if J.i . ANlIElHS.
To the People of Louisiana.
,Mtate of Louisiana, Executire Qfticc,
New Orleans, May 30, 1873. 1
As the duly elected but deposedGov
ernor of Louisiana, overthrown solely
by the intervention of the judicial, mil
itary and executive authorities of the
United States, I deem it my duty, in
view of the recent proclamation of the
President relative to Louisiana affairs,
to address you some words of advice
and counsel.
The Federal Executive, in the face of
the report of the Committee of the U.
S. Senate, declaring unanimously that
the U. S. District Judge usurped juris
diction, and that his court was without
authority to coerce a State or seize or
overthrow its government, has issued a
proclamation commanding the citizens
of the State to submit to the Kellogg
It is apparent to you as well as to all
citizens of this Union that the Presi
dent is resolved at all hazards and at
all costs to sustain by the military arm
of the nation, the present usurpation of
the State government, ushered into ex
istence by the midnight order of U. S.
District Judge Durell, executed by
United States bayonets, and presidedl
over by Mr. William Pitt Kellogg.
You are ordered and required by the
President to view with calmness and
resignation the overthrow of the legal
government of your State, elected by
you in pursuance to all the forms of
law; the displacement of judges, clerks,
sheriffs, recorders, justices of the peace,
police jurors, etc.,-in fact, the displace
ment by force of the whole machinery
of governmr.ent-State, parochial and
municipal-and the installation by
force of persons notoriously defeated at
the election, andt whose only title to
oflice rests upon the return of a return
ing board withouta single official return
or vote before it to canlvass or count,
and predicating its illegal action upon
affidavits (in many instances forged),
certificates, statements, census returns,
You are commlanded by the President
to oppose no armed resistaunce to this
admitted usurpation, which, without
the potential aid of Federal authority,
would cease to exist in thirty days, and
I counsel and advise you to obey this
peremptory order of the President.
Grant, as the Chief Magistrate of the
nation, has assumed the high and grave
responsibility of foisting upon the peo
ple of this State a usurpation without
precedent in this or any other free
country, and he is answerable before
the bar of public opinion of this IRe
public for this high-handed measure, so
utterly destructive of free government
in this country.
The President of the United States,
with the array and navy at his com
masnd, has the physical power to coerce
the people of this State into any line of
policy he may be pleased to dictate,
and it would be but folly and madness
to interpose any resistaince likely to
bring us inl conflict with tile national
authority; and as it has already been
successfully demonstrated that IMr.
Kellogg's government, unaided by Fed
eral peower, was powerless to enforce its
mandates, further violent demlonstra
tions will prove barren of useful or
practical results.
While the President's lroclamnation
will speedily repress any threatened
outbreak in any part of the State, yet
the deeply fixed sectiments of irrepres
sible hostility in the minds and hearts
of an outraged people, against the vilest
usurpation ever attempted to be fasten
ed upon freemen, will find their full
scope and vent, and I advise that these
manly and patriotic sentiments take
form and shape through all moral and
legal agencies possible to be devised.
To abandon at this crisis of ourallairs
the peaceable and legal means within
our powers by which we may contest
until the last hope is gone the uireten
sions of this usurpation to t the title olf'
being the legal govcrnill(let of Louisi
ann, would be an abaseiienllt of our
manllhood, and thrusting our lneck. in
the yoke of tyranny and oplpression
already prepared to receive them.
With the Executiive of tihe I nitled
States to Sullpport hirn, Mr. Kellogg
Say, until Congress (meets, administer
his governiment with isolilme :lapparentl
degree of succe.ss, lbut this slihu Ii( not
eaulhse us to dlesioir of ultiitate relief.
The publil sentiituent throughout the
Unimon, and the sentiuninis an(l opinions
of meIlmbllers of ('Iongress leadl mnc to the
well considered conclusion that when(,
Congress asserlnlls in I)econrlher o ur
difficulties will he speedily adju-'ttl.
and that if we fail in securing a recog
nition of the governlneltt electedl by t hie
people (and an earnest iffort will I,
made in that direction), at least ('on
gross will surely idilinte ano,1 p's theli
necessary l n ensures, ai' cordimig to lou
isiana a lgitiinmat ovgoernmllllltl, to
which Iher citizemls if all chla*ses "mIn ofr
l i rtis wll r howv in willing *mdl
liyil oliedhienic.r
IiL thIe lieantliie I trIll-t that l:wo
:id order may reign supremi through
olt tihn State, and that atll or inlidus
trial porsuils will lie unieliiharrMiiln by
happi ly, wi- have 1n 011 uni tII1ole--at rily
and ruthhls-ly pluingmsl, ano sjtecially
do I urge ploll the lpeoll<l iif the two
races wvho ri e nlire mericait(ly nil:mrly (qtllal
in this State, to iultivtli the li nie to1
wards the other but feeling of amnity,
good feeling and a mutual undorstandl
ing. The fears and prejudices that
have been instilled into the minds and
hearts of the colored man against his A
white neighbor, should give place to
reason and judgment if the people of
the white race are frank and open in
their avowal to concede to the colored
man all the rights guaranteed to him Ii
under the law. On the other hand the ib
colored man should accept with sincer- C
ity the plighted faith of his white
neighbor, and thus by an interchange 0
of candid opinions prejudices enter- ii
tained by both races may be obliterated, c.
a new and brighter career opened up
for both peoples, and the antagonism
now existing will give place to mutual
forbearances, and the destiny of the
two races, so indissolubly united with t:
the fate of Louisiana, will be placed in t(
a higher scile of advancement than at U
present appears to be the outlook for
poor, oppressed, unhapply L1ouisiana.
While I ant not perliiitted to fulilll
the functions of the high position to ,
which the voice of lily countrymen t,
elevated me by a large inalirity, yet 1 l
will remain at the capital (:t the State,.,
promising a renewed teg.ll y and z.eal i
in behalf of the people of the State in a
their endeavors to olbtain froml thle
Congress of the United Stattes that even d
hanlded justice which was once, and 1I !
trust will again be, the pride anil glory ti
ol every Aalmerican citizien .1
JellN Ilt(El:N i: 'v.
The Ziolnarchiists of the iFrench As- c
sembly have succeeded in driving s
Thliers to resign, and Marshal Mci1lahon It
has llbeen elected President ;and has a
accepted the otlliot. The litelpubliceas Ii
submnit to thchllange witihoutdiisortlerly :
llanifestations. All lithe ri'eclnt elections |
in France have proven thithat thell M - it
arehial mnajorilty in ii .\sseboldy .ire in 0
a popular minority. IIt is th theory of 11
the lelpublicanlis thait the Assembly g
wthihll was elected to niuke place withi. v :
(icrmliny lhas outlived its usefulness p
antd exchededl the legitimatte authority .
belonging to it. Tie Montuarlchists seitn tli
determitined not to give up their adlva:n- a:
tage in the Assembly before in thli in.
terest of ttciionservatismll"' they sett ulp a
throne. The objetitionl to Theirs was it
that lie tlid l not asscnt to this iloctrinie, it
but was faiithftul to tihe Ileople, aut iI
friendly to Itepublicanl institutions. i
The future peace of Fr:antee will die
pend upon the motlderation of the Mono- g
archial party. 'l'The lRepllublicais will It
not submit to any netion of the Asset-- Ii
bly setting up a Kl ing. They will fight
rather than allow the minority, miow in u
lossesion of the Assiembly, to tlictatte
to the iimasses of the people. Any at- d
tempt to restrict sauti'rag will certainly I:
he resisted. If there is civil war, the o
Monarchists will be the aggrcssors. It ci
does not sceol unlikely that allh'irs will re
drift in their present shape until ati gen- o
cral election is h]ehl, wheic it is colli- 51
dently expected the sovereign piower of tc
the Nation will be (ltlelitely phlated in
the hands of the Itlepultlicns. In, that a
case, if motlderat tecounc ils Iprevati l'lliters I
will be rcstorelcd to tilhe I'rsideli'lt'y. If I1
the limiadlicals prevail, Iuimmhltt:t is the ti
representative mtian. I'nde(r thle.se' 'ir- i
Ctnilstall meiis, lhI pirolhlt i of IIhe dei-tiny ly
of I'ianIIc grow:i in iitecrii l, and oittl ll , fi
iiiore tliiin (vei,r,-on mmiltitil thcatttetiion t
of t(lie world.-- ( ',incii t (i f t i (rdc ( i- a . It
ing: If
oinly it felw we" -s since we recordeti "liI
ili(e death iof thelii most viienerable lilpaperi
in lltll (iSu tCaroli na-thle abisorpitiii ofi"
tihe vent-ratile 4hllarle-toni iC ouri- I'
by thei younglltl d vigormouls c'News,"'· t
that city. Illly it fiw ldays Ai iri weI(
lprinted the obituary of the Augustal
"'Constitutiona:list," i patmer which fori
full half a icentuary lhas giveiin idocltrin i
and tlone to its radrils and to its parity
in the tltte of I it-irgi'. Agiin ti il-Ly
ollr S iusn na:h ( c e t .iaundlay next thee,!: uliiIt :ia "
\\ ill it l b i irgeill vil It tle i.\l e I ve r"ii"
of tlia:t city. The - ll tlhsiblii'nii" i- il
li ter-t im t'h ,oulti n i ..', hi- \ iiii',is iu
beenhptiulslwd M i n "rl trti rl* -qu:rl:' ,1 o
a t century 72 y.ar \, I. llilie; :oi- I
durii'gal the nimtI it has li- i l thi r:.--i
pelllll, cnlllilol·'l, ntaill fri'h.nd1 -hilp o1" ilt
honiiiii nii l"tV. Si- htait liii'lt, i ihe t er pap:i -rs
Isuill tl. iThey hive h,111 :till t li, li veiryy
thinig- In,, //, ., /,'r,/.
Il NII N1 '. 1G4 gl IIt I'N I SII l'l1.
H lla ing sI ll it st:- iq i '. . orri -, i
cdent ii y"our ini l "thy -lit 11r"e li-eaii-,.
l aru ng horse: :on'"; i1 miI b knlll " i. il n :
blintl stigi - i< in ta' l I iii 1ihig i".;i,
to ofli'i r ti ,. fii ll \\i Ii i t i i 'l. v, whii h I
la ve g ! t- i i l ee' il -i -viiriii l i ;ot l i 1 1s
Sith complete i u]e- in each i - "
SX tll - ii ,ii- , y I - i - r. -1 li'llt I'-ll . ,i . .. -
S i-li-i- o pit i !V nli- h l" l i .. t I:
ii n h  iit--,i. ilii- nia* ! i ilt. l --t-iliir
- has lian Iiine't' - ihfti llii' \iugiu- I ilyi
S ilvher 1ints of I-it hitititdl iolar- :a
An Uninteutional Confession by One of
Shermann's Bummers.
'Phe Columbus, Ga., Sun and 'lTimes
publishes the following letter, which, it
is stated, was found in the streets of
Columbia immediately after the army
of Clen. Sherman had left, and the orig
inal of which has been preserved, and
can be shown and substantiated :
CAM\P NAl:\1L CAMIxtlS, S. C.,
February 26, 1865. i
My Dear \Vife-1 have no. time for
particulars. \'e have had a glorious
time in this State. Unrestricted license
to burn aInd plunder was the order
of the day. Tle chivalry have been
stripped of mlost of their valuables.
Gold watches, bracelets, silver cups,
pitchers, spoo011s, forks, &c., are as eotm
mello in camp as blackberries. The
terlms of plunliider are as follows : the
valuables procured are estimated by
comlpanlies; each company is required
to e'xhibit the rtsults of its operations
at any given lnce; onoe-fifth and firhst
choiee aulils to the share of the conll~anl
der-il-chief and stalff, one-flfth to the
corps commandlllllllers an stat one-titlth
to field tlhicers of regiilenlts, andl two
fiftthsI to the company.
O)tlicers are nlot allowued to join tl tseo
expeditionIs without disguising thei
solves as privates. One of our corps
commanderlllll s blorrowed a suit of rough
clot'hes from onei of lily llell, tuau Wlas
sulic'ssfull in tlis ilace. lie got a lh'ag
qilluntily of silver (4muon4g other thiinog
in o(il -time milk pitcher) and Ia very
line gold watch l roll 'M[r. Ilf i oilmtlsslure,
Iat lthis pl:'te. I s''latssu're is te11 of thel
P. F". \.'s of South 4 'ar'olinll, "and was
Iuatloh to fir'k o'ver li'eroilly. I lilets
over tlhe r:lk or1f ('( ltain 11 '1r not n4l(Ido
If put thir plultder in lhe eisli alhe fli;r
geeral distribultion. This is ,iel'y lll
lir, l(all folr ,that. reason,ll inl order to
protect t4h1( ns1 Ilves, tsublor1di44 o(ller'I4 s
4tl1 privates keel) hacuk overything that
11to1y a(nII carry iahutll, their ]l(4persons,sucli
asl rings, eta1ringl, .4reasptins, etc., of1
whicth, if ever I live to4 4 gLt home,1 I hlave
luIbot"t a4lr1tli'. 1*11ii a lnt o Joking; I have'
at lleast at a quartl of jewelry ifor you
4141 :ill tho girls and o4e()~l( No. I i(ia
illndi rinlgs ld plis l m aonog i .
(itrl'r1 llheruliln has silver a(d gold
1(enough to startl lt batk. Ills share ihn
gold wlteIlls and llchains allone at Co
lIinhi Wias two I ll, llll l (hud ,'d 1141 s (venty
live t(7a).
But l 1 (I ll4 i I coul l0ot gt inio p1i1-'1
ulh::,il. All 1the g ('teral ullicois andlll
tallty t'besides lhatl valunablus of1" every
d'esc'ription, d\own to liembL(roidered I
I1:tlite.-' hIundki 'ell'hiefl (I lhatd m4y shalre
of them, tol). We took gold (and silver
1enoug fr1'44t ti Ihe-li ldri, (ll( i( hilvei
red't(en4d( their inf4rnal cu1rronly Iwi'o
over. This (lte iurren-y) whlenover
wI'e 'can ll'c'os.s it1, Iwe vr 1''1 ned, '4 we
consithi 'dler it lltterly w iortlihss.
.1 w tish all lthe jiwtli'ry 1this iriiiy lias
could he carrie lo tilo Olh Ilay ' at81.
It Would de,,k her 4ut1 iln glorious style,
but alth4s, it will 'e s4eattereId all over
theI North and4 .\1l1idl States. I'1h,"
1 I liggi; 'e, a4* get te'al rul4h, ir'-f'i,'•
to * i l h1 all-n , i4' rt il, f1.1 1* l i' 4t1 r they,
fouul 1out that w1 . only w% ti11 (l tih4
:lth le-ullh ,d i lell (:ill to tell '4 4 f4 11h'
1trith, lhlt4 yoirllgest mill hest-looking.' 1i
wo.illtm). ,olmetimlts we took ofl whole
Ifaliliis t, o p*"l i ntitatim4 , of niggers, by41' 1
\way ofll I'rpl.yihg 4l4,ess4ionists. Ilit 1the
u 4tl44les. p:i-t oIf llith4m we soon milanlage4
to llise --sol4li4imes.- in .lrossilig rivert,-
,llomitties by other ways.
I ,lt write to1 you again fr loVs il
mingtoi l , IU idsho ", tt :444l1e 4lth14r
phate' i14 N i'orthli I'ar'lil:1. T'ih i44414.4 tol
arill4'i has i 'larriveld, *l 1 144.4ust (1lo4e
hurri4edly. Lo l'i4 hto4 g uliatluoth r 4(' 141
*1aunt I'h1alotte'1 . T'Pke e:1e of yolll'4 ,elf
4a44l 1the chiilrten. 4nl't shllow t'hi4
Your  :ll4 4 -1 ,1 it*i4 I f4ii -lu.v ,
' lii4 t.;1 S .1. 'il { ::,
I'. t. I h4ill -ti4l this by l( ' lial
*1;-l 1ofil 4 t Ill .,' 1 4l h'4ili1it.. I h.ILve
:11 ,qi, rll ilily In :-,'ile ii In H il liti
IIlia . T'4 II ,ý:lli, I :mi i -4 'ini4 i pearl
bra l'' :.'iil "I''in'l4 s i . or h 4r; hill I'(lm -
I h,, t ill, (-i . ' lilrw i , :a l 4rl'4 i ,hi l ofl
-milt -a -I. I ant tryi',ig 1o t441" Rini4
(ulit of I Bhau . '1'h-,, tio r "r"1 il,:l4 i '1r4'
Ith , .liiv ;.ilaii-on*, houilitirs of Ih ,
r'l4 hidi4 t o .ll," t l-* ti ll' r l Ii'i't , t ; I
'hiliinven io. . \"We f at, i l the- . on
mil. tril 11(-o4gh gI 4*.i.
Tilll PI.l4iT .1-A,4IN IT 3E4 I. 1 O .
i'.:. II:- i l1. i.:1i4 :1g.(i4. ;4
, hi, 1 i' ' i ' v .i r y lit t l 4 , ri :i -o' ( 4,l l to t a' l'
Ih ,lt Ih," .\L i in iai tr:tioi , i- e'a . . inh l
in i i t iu t o bl ii "' :i ois i i h :t h ii t io n i
ofl, I - t h*n Iiimrn i ' . le'i'i*ofi1 i.,li
i i-i. thf ' i 4n.1. l l I th r ll ' i - i4 l" 'llii 4
- j t' , :i ll r-*' in i nrt n *ii - i l y i' l I h r '
ir 'a--I l c., rii , 1,S b, I 4 li :4 1(1 ,i4i
,; h ic' h Mo ui l ,1 1 '4 44l (io 4l 'll n 1l 4ll '14
nod others directly connected with the
President. Whlat progress has been
,made in negotiating with the AMexicau
Government is not known, but friendls
of the measure allege that the Mexican
Government has given its consent. On
theo other hand, the Mexican Minister
here is not regarded as very fhwonrble
to the general idea of annexation.
The toast proposed by thoCznr at the
dinner given on the -Ith ult., was ns
follows :
1 propose the health of the Goermaian
Emlperor, mny best ftlIlnd. Our bond of
frienldship originatad with our parents,
atin I Iholpe will be handed down to our
children. It is the best guarantee for
lthe peace of Eurolpe,, which is desiredt
by all. (odl pr'otect your Majesty for
litlany years, and vtouchsafe that you
may enjoy your glory in trantluility
and peact(. This is tny innertuost wish.
T'he (liorman imnpcror replied as
'T'Ih illustrious worlds. of your Ml[ajesty
will be forever illtpresscdl upon lly
deeply Imoved atllI grateful heart. I
iam alike grateful for tlhe reception I
have 'received froml you anud froll your
Eolrd ro. Your Matjesty's stimntueitis
iandl wishes aro sliareld bIy imo. iMny thin
Alitghty Iheatr theta for tilht welfairo of
our pettoplh, alit r tih tt lintettttetnant of
the I'`aco of ttlrolpe.
L'lRO(,RI'NI O'F 'l'E TEXAS Pi'A('E1l'.
Tti'h '',t'a.s P-willte will in a fli\ Il\ays
opttn a sl:itito bitytotl (i:'lvesttt,
whichl wii| ll probbl|)|y he I nhllllp |llInekI
llburn. 'T'r.ais are nint\ll tO Irtlltl regtll
lrurly to lt w\:tltl't I it, stat(itlo btyonttI
I lol l"Vit'w. It is ithluglht that wjilt iil
twenty tdays Ilith rtstil will lit laid tIl
Mlintlallttit, itt thle Iroisslig otilt te itn
himlt, tltry-tyg,.iht Itutle west tif lottlg
viewantul al t Illtat jli intt Il is to b oitt ITt'r -
etI'll h I, the i liltstot anio re llllt NorIth
,ri , whl o.,eo Ituct k will lie Ihilt to thI e
irtositlg itt :tbont t hIo snitno time'.
Itatc-k hlyittg nin t hl' 'itexcli tlta I'nedillh
w'tesI itatrl Is r llrogt .ittg aIt tiht rtte t itll
a titih' iL tl: yv, atd a 'ltrottI I tlllis et tst
\'r 'i o nllt , mile a dl tuly, (I1i lat ro will
pr'otably~ 11o mantpletedot frloml Mhr1"ove
pot'l. 1t ib'lllJs y the 1,5th of1 July.
iruct,¢k hVllig lil. Ittt golt well untiler'l
iIway yet aitt tLi Jl('tli'ltstt rtI b Irml I tui
ti(d,ittinitl orton will t t iatitil Ina tdiay
tir two, ntlI the toatl froma .lflitwoti tt
Al.ru imll will eto ttomiiplete.t imi twittty
ht"ys. TIhio'er is InowV ient-aly mIottugi
Ititi1 itt .Jeftlrsoltoi hl'y the wIIo roittrttmII.
iw in.g: oNt 8kitk rivet- wttis, a
lock if 1tlit slll elteit il titletly gtaialmg
tttctt tutuit~s it tyn-wittniss mtpircssetI
tirhlt-it atrmantitl aiti itnitil, the vtle-t-I
ty fthil it innlt II" It.111tivatr mitt thtett
hkilit-if. 1.li ,lol\Vl't'lti cm~it wet-cil ftttttmtll
.ti le ti e t fIt- gril'i t itti ut l t co n,
htii- tli iitithiln t.vii-1 , to ithitri.t.sri
I~tilt' I Itt, l'tel Iitt n tttott k i tl.'lrl% T e
'toh 1 l tlltu- onlit, It lll'l t¢ l li iveti i b w
u" ir lira bnlier t hili r elil i lv. i or(llhl w lln
itll' t wt.t. 'htir t r lti i t wirs lirtt t.
sii t. li \l It ii titi liii' Ntit Iht tttiiI ~I , i ittgi
,lilt f f ttlit' TlWl t l lhtel' rlh . thtei
tihi l th i ll titi tt: IIt t i ttlli t r t -l'{
)rli, I twill wid tr'. I hv' f ui t iows
wtlr it it tIl", liotlit. r 'llih r 1t tle -tl
ricil ofii celiIh wlt l 4 nll ll rin,, tlr
dl'." ViennX I itl appi'r, keepiinl.i
Iye wl lid¢l Tii vhr \\l'i let. ofi'ai l iom ly
usl I ';l otll(l ihnu l I'l'l dl r ll-ilf l'i the nt
<:ri';t **, sill"ltliiuity will IM rc a n Irf Jov'rl.il~
;Il -I i gr ngIir  i',l"\V l ea verlilil y fllllgei
usu.j' il lifi'Ih iL er i ptsll lawn, th. r iot
t,\pro \vid t illi'l ' the te' pu|ll' 'iLn w l{ltl.'
nilt haip I'v'ry hin" lltllilr wnwa.w
w hei- ii i<.'.1 Tl, hlir 14h an e, ror , fo lo llit l
,u  nd ,, r "'ion l Il., ',,' ob all si~ ¢ wi V I'"ll °im is
on :irl3 <1 thor n:A V  'in e fil utliln o the'''i
illnti 'i l l i i : pa id , llbd :tin 1 Ili or:ll id
:'l-" ,1" in11". 31 n'lv il , . I o ll Ill lt¢
\her.n ttl 1 T i-, i I i li Iriveii" ofli itri:
viilclhiIln i Ihf -oi l i' (°pu lhe i w il pr i,-i:,
('1 th ;i i'lll '.
lll l,- il n i, .lm~i pla'nti t|ioni o _ I.t |;L a.ill
stiril i the'rtit p ari sh i Tt r th i l'p Ir :,ll
lif -ihi now II1.ialitylt- tiill'(..~rg
11:I h . (;, s. enr W ifsirk, ,

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