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Space. jl wk. ilmon. ,3 mos. iC moe. 12moe 1 inch Idlachos S inches 4. inches X column }i column 1 column * 1.00 $ 2.50 * 4.00 a.oo 4 00 o.o 3.00 6.00' 10.00 4.0-1* ?00 12 00 6.00 13 00 15.00! IH.00I 12.110 15.00 80,001 SP 00 .001 25.001 3.5.001 50.00 e 6.00 O.Oo 13 00 15.00 ?10 00 18. U> 15.10 1&0U 38,00 50.00 00.00 Of Orriags and Death notices not exceeding ?ten liaes will be inserted free of charge. 'Obituaries will be charged at halt of our :. 'advertising rates. Newspaper Laws. 1. Subscribers who do not give ex> press noMce to the contrary are consid? ered as wishing to oontinue their sub .eoripiions. , 2. It r.ubsoribers order the discon? tinuance of their periodical the publish? ers may oontinue to send thorn until all arrearages nro paid. ? o\ If enbsoribora refuse or negloot to 'tako their paper from lhe office) to which they are direoted they uro held respon Biblo until they havo Bottled their bills and ordered them discontinued. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJ C. AliDERSON, ? Attorney-at-Law, \ Tazewell, C. H., Va, -Will practice in tho counts of Tazewell c??nty, Mini the Court of Appeals at Wytho villc. t'ollccting a spoeinUy. Lauds for saloaud laud titles examined. J. H. STUART, Attorney-at-Law, GllAIIAM, VlltaiNlA. Will practice in tho courts of Toziwell, Virginia, Mercer and McDowell counties, ?Vest Virgiufa, g "M. B. COULINO. Attorney-at-Law & Collector GnAnam, Tazewell County, Va. Ptnctieo in all the Courts of Tnzewoll ?ounty, Va., and Mercer County. W. Va. . W. Williams, niand C. H , Va. A C. Davidson. Princeton, W. Va LLIAMS & DAVIDSON, Practice in nil tlio Courts of Tez'wcl c unty, Virginia, and Mercer county, West Virginia, J. & 8. D. MAT. , Attovncys-at-Law, I TAZEWELL C. II., VIRGINIA, Practice ifl the Courts of Tazewell county, nnd in tho Court of Appeals at Wythevill Va. Particular attention paid to tho co'.-" lection of claims. Omco opposite now Court House. B. GILLESPIE, I?j?ye;icinn. . mitt Siii-jnyoon, TAZEWELL C. n, VIRGINIA. I H^-Office Court Rouse Square. J T.COOLET, DENTIST. 'yRoomB in resilience cast end of town. c. A. THOMHSON, DKNTIST. Ofliso West Front Room, Strns building, ||:up stairs. I-:???1 g HAVING AND HAIR CUTTING. T. TJ. WARRTCCT. tazewell, C. H.. Va. Saloon East front room. 8tras building, I ,|) stairs. Elegant Chairs, Plato Glass Mir- \ jars, and all tho modern couvorieiices. , 'lease call. HOTELS. R SURFACE JESSE F. WHITE CENTRAL HOTEL SURFACE & WHITE, Frops. SgyHouso entirely Refnrniaed. I fa well-supplied Table, a complete Bar lid good Stables. I Torms moderate. VIRGINIA HOUSE, TAZEWELL, C. H. VA, L. R- DODD This large*Hotol ie entirely refurnished \\\ fitted up to soit modern require nts. special arrangements for commercial yellers. 'ablo always' supplied with the best, hi Bar''supplied with tho finest and ?est Liquors, Cigars, &o. Rood Stables, Sheds, &c. - HAVE YOUR PRINTINQ ? done at tiie Clinch Vfill?y News OB OFFICE very Kind of Work will be done Neatly and Qa-cfcly. VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE (INSURANCE COMPANY. D. B. BALDWIN. ZSWELL, O. U., VrRGINIA, AGENT J. P. & J. H. Kelly, Publi Or the two thousand and odd per? sonages in Orvillo, says a letter from that burg, thoro is ono whoso ninko-up has boon augmented by an artificial ad? dition that has placed him in a peculiar position?one that has nover boforo beon met with, and ono that has knock? ed medical orodulity all away. Somo four yonrs ngo Bov. Bichard P. Bough man wont to bod with a vulcanized rub? ber pinto holding four teeth (all in? cisors) in hie mouth. During tho night, whilo ho was aslcop, the plato bocame dislodged and slipped down his wind? pipe All attempts to romovo it woro unsuccessful, and various physicians tackled tho caso to romove tho fo. oign substnnco, which had beon pushed into tho esophagus and lodged there on the right side, whore it is to-doy. Bov. Baughman suffered indescribablo pain in conscquouco, and from onco a heavy weight of nearly two hundred pounds has fallen to tho rnthor light weight of ono hundred nnd thirty pounds. His speech botrays the presoncc of some foreign substnnco in his throat and his continual hawking is cnusod by tho tooth, which havo mado him re? semble a consumptive, yot a recent ex? amination mado by a modical expert in Chicago showed that his lungs wore sound, and that his coughing waa caused by the toith. During tho four years ho has had tho teeth in his esoph? agus ho has not oaten any substan? tial food, such as broad, potntoes, meat, "\nd liko vegotablos, being unable to swallow kuem, 'ml has subsisted on raw beef choppod flue, s:>np; nnd stimu? lants. In drinking he is compelled tu throw his head far ba.-k, as though gargling his throat, and allow the liquid to pass slowly down his throat. In his presout condition ho is wholly unable to pursue his calling. He is a man of 42 years and a votornn of the Forty-first Illinois Volunteers. Ho is a man of moans, and offers $10,000 to the person who will remove the tooth with? out injuring him. If lifo is spared him he will go to the hospital at Paris next fall nnd have tho teeth romoved by the surgeon's knife. j\ln. Edward C. Knight, the million? aire merchant of Philadelphia, whose somi-centenninl of business life wna eolobrnted last week, begun his career as an errand boy on $2 a week, and saved $200 out of that iucomo with which to start a grocery store. In that enterprise, ho says, "I remained ton years, and then obtained an interest in a schooner trading with San Domingo, and afterward took a store ngnin, cautioning my clerks nlways to givo fair samples and full weight. I was selected as tho fust President of the Grocers' Association, which started with ninotocn members. Honor was indisponsablo in mercantile life. In the last fifty years o cry note that wns issued by my house has beon signed by niy hand, and in that timo I havo nover failed upon the Board of Fire Under? writers for a dollar of insurance. II all tlio money I havo paid for insurance premiums had been pat out at interest, I could draw my chock from that source for $500,000. 1 have f>00 acres of land In New Jersey, near ITnddenfiold, which 1 intend to convert into a park and dedicnto to my fnthor and mother." Ayer's CherryPectoral Should be kept constantly nt hand, for use iu emergencies of the household. Many a mother, startled in the night by the ominous sounds of Croup, finds tlio little iuffereri with red nnd swollen face, gasping for air. In such cases Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is Invaluable. Mrs. Emma Qcditey, 16!) West 128 St., New York, writes: "While in the country, last winter, my little boy, three years old, was taken ill with Croup; it seemed ns if ho would die from strangulation. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral .was tried in small nnd frequent doses, and, in less than half an hour, the little patient was breathing easily. The doctor said that the rcctoral saved my darling's life." Mrs. Chns. B. Landonj Guilford, Conn., writes: "Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Saved My Life, nnd also the life of my little son. As ho is troubled With Croup, I dare not bo without this remedy in the house." Mrs. J. Gregg, Lowell, Mass., writes: "My children havo repeatedly taken Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for Coughs and Croup. It gives immediate relief, followed by cure." Mrs. Mary E. Evnns, Scrnnton, Pa., writes: "I have two little boys, both of whom have been, from infancy, subject to violent attacks of Croup. About six months ago we began using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, nnd it acts like a charm. In a few minutes after the child takes It, ho breathes easily and rests well. Every mother ought to know what n blessing I have found In Aycr's Cherry rcctoral." Mrs. Wm. C. Rcid,Freehold,N.J.,writes: "In our family, Ayer's medicines havo been blessings for many years. In oases of Colds and Coughs, we take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and tho Inconvenience Is soon forgotten." prepared by Pr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Joia by ?jl Prgprjli ti ^ shers. T Tho Llltlo Hunchback. I'm nine years old I nn'you can't guess how much I weigh, I betl Last birthday I weighed thirty-throe, nn' I woigh thirty yotl I'm awful littlo for my slzo?I'm pin t' high littler an' Sorao babies is, au neighbors all calls ino "iho littlo man!" An' Doc ono timo bo laughed on said, "I 'spcet first th'ng you know, You'll bovo a littlo spiko-tnil coat an' travel with a show I" An'neu I laughed?till I looked round and Aunty was a cry in1? Sometimes sho acts liko that, 'enuso I got "Curv'turo of tho spinel" I sot?whilo aunty's washing?on my littlo long leg stool, An' watch tho littlo boys nn' girls a-skippin' by to school; An' I peck on tho winder an' hollar out au< say: "Who wants to fight tho little man 'at dares you all to-day P An' nen tho boys climbs on the foneo, an' lit? tlo girls pecks through, An'thoy all say: '"Cause you're so big, you think wo'ro 'feared o' you?'' An' neu they yell, an' shake their fist at me, liko 1 shako minis? Tho're thust in fun, you know, 'causo I got "curv'turo of tho spinel" At ovoniug, whon tho imain's done, an aunty's fixed tho fire. An' filled an' lit tho lamp, and trimmed tho nick an' turned it higher, An' fetched tho wood all In fer night, an' locked tho kitchon door. An' stuffed tho olo crack whero tho wind blows in up through tho floor? Sho sots tho kitllo on tho coals, an' bilos an' makes tho ten; An' fries tho livor nn' mush, nn' cooks a egg for me, An' sometimes, when I cough so hard, hoe elderberry wino Don't go so bad for littlo boys with "curv'turo of tho sphio!" But aunt y's nil so childish, like, on my ac? count, you see, rm most nfoared sho'U bo took down, an' 'als what bothers mo? 'Cause ef my good olo nunty over would get sick an' die, I don't know what she'd do in heaven, till I come, by an' by, For sho's so ust to all my ways, an* every? thing, you know, An' no ono thcro liko mo, to nurso, an' worry over so, 'Cuuso nil tho littlo childrons there's so straight an' strong, an' fine, Thoy's nnry angel 'bout tho place with "curv'turo of tho spine." J. ir. Jliley in the Current. THE LAST STRAW. Mrs. Slack was next neighbor to the Peppers when they bought their cottage nt Seavicw, und on the very first night she tumbled over the scattered bits of furniture in tho passage and appeared in their midst unexpectedly to borrow a lit? tle suit. She said it was nice to have neighbors again, nnd that Mrs. Pepper looked so sweet sho knew sho wouldn't mind. At midnight she roused them from their slumbers to inquire if thoy had nny chol? era medicine, for little Peter had been eating too many green apples nnd 6hc Urn light he would die. She said she was thankful Airs. Pepper had moved in, nnd that but for that circumstance she might have lost her darling. Mrs. Pepper was thankful, too, and the two women cm braced with tears. Then Mrs. Slack bor? rowed some mustard for n plaster. The next day she sent Peter, fully re? covered and with bis pockets full of green fruit, to ask for the ax, the handle having come off theirs; nlso a rolling-pin. Fortunately tho Peppers possessed three axes and two rolling-pins, so they did not feel disturbed by the fact that the articles were never returned. Hut nftcr a short interval filled by loans of coal, potatoes, bread nnd cheese, Mrs. Slack came herself to borrow the folding table, a pair of scissors, the pattern of a basque, nnd a low rocking-chair. She was going to make some dresses, nnd if Mrs. Pepper would step over and fit hcr sho'd be much obliged. Mrs. Pepper did it nnd made tho but? ton-holes, too. Mrs Slack never could lenrn to make a button-hole. Tho table, the scissors, the rocking-chair, and the pattern nil remained at Mrs. Slack's. The next week Mrs. Slack borrowed a mantle and a water-proof. Mrs. Pepper by this timo grew bold enough to beg that she would send them home when she returned. Mrs. Slack said "Of course," with some offense, but when Peter was next Been it was not tobring back those arti? cles. What he wanted was the baby carriage and a market basket. Christmns time enme and with it cards for a party. The Slacks so hoped they'd all come nnd enjoy themselves. Ilaving accepted what was more nntu ral than to take an interest in the pro? ceedings?to lend sugar and ice-cream freezer, butter, nnd the egg-benter, the cut-glass goblets and the best table-cloths, the spice-box entire, nnd lots of other things? Finally Mrs. Slack, with her gown tucked up aud her eyes sparkling, ran it to say that they thought a dance would be nice nnd could Mrs. Pepper spare the piano for one evening? "There's nobody to move it," said Mrs. Pepper, rejoiced to have nn excuse. "I'm so sorry." Mrs. Slack laughed nnd went'^o tho window. Four big laborers appeared nnd without nny preliminary dirccing shouldered the instrument nnd lugged it away, They bumped it against railing, i and fairly tumbled it down in a plowed 1 ?014 btforajh^y^xlj^ AZEWELL C. H., VA, but by main strength they got it nt lftst to tho Slack's door nnd Mrs. Slack took her leave, carrying tho pinuo stool and cloth herself. The nppenrancc of her beloved pinno gave Mrs. Pepper a great deal of unhnp pincss that evening. It had a deep scratch on tho cover nnd ono of tho keys wouldn't lift. However, sho played waltzes and sets for tho lancers most of the evening,and as the company went in to supper in relays?old folks first and young folks last, as Mrs. Black said?sho found very little left but a cup of coffee and a turkey-bono whon her duties wore done. Hut there is nn end to everything. One day she saw Mrs. Slack driving up the road in tho minister's now buggy. She was wearing tho pretty mantilla she had borrowed of her. With her usual lit tlo giggle she stopped nt tho garden gate. Mr. Pepper had taken a holiday and was lying in the hammock reading. His wife had her sewing under tho oak trees and was extremely happy and comforta? ble. If Mrs. Sleek had come to ask her to drive she had resolved not to go. Sho would say: "My luisband has so fow holidays I cannot leave homo to-day." But Mrs. Slack did no such thing. "You dour, good soul I" sho cried, an soon as sho was within speaking distance, "1 came to borrow your husband." "Borrow ic/iatl" cjacalatcd Mrs. Pop? per. "Your husband," said Mrs. Slack, "Slack's iu New York; I am going to n a picnic; I want an escort nnd some ouo to drive. May 1 have him?" "You ought to nsk Mr. Popper him*1, self," said Mrs. Pepper, very coldly. ? j . "I shan't," said Mrs. Slack, playfully,! "1 enmc to borrow him of you. You'll lend him, won't you? nnd I shall tell every ono that dear, good nngcl, Mrs. Pepper, lent mc her husband." "You insist I shall answer,Mrs.Slack," Mrs. Pepper answered. "Yes," lisped Mrs. Slack, "you'll lend him, won't you?" "No!" said Mrs. Pepper in a very de? cided tone, "I nm afraid I shouldn't get him back. I let you havo my piano. Thnt hasn't been returned. My water? proof?where is that? My baby's enr ringc?your baby takes air iu it now. My cutting-board and scissors, my roll- J ing-pin, an I nil the rest, I haven't scon. But I promised to cleave unto my hus? band till denth does us part". You surely never would return him!" "Ohl oh! oh!" screamed Mrs. Slnck, turning pink. . "You wicked woman! You mean thing I You shall havo all your horrid things back. Do you want your spoonful of salt, too, you mean, mean wretch?" Then, tearing tho mnntilla from her shoulders, she threw it nt Mr. Pepper's bend as ho struggled from the hammock and drove nwny. She borrowed a shawl from tho clergy? man's wife nud went to the picnic with her eldest boy ns escort. j Before her return Mrs. Popper had proceeded to her neighbor's houso and collected her goods and chattels. Tho piano was out of tune and scratch? ed ; onions hnd been kept in the icc crcam freezer, and the mantle had n grcasc-spot on ono shoulder; tlio child? ren hnd cut a game on the lap-board, nnd it was evident Mr. Slnck had whipped them with the egg-bonter. The bnby enrringe hnd been used to carry char? coal home, nnd the points of the scissors were gone. So was Mrs. Slack's love. She goes nbout abusing Mrs. Pepper as the meanest nnd most jealous thing sho ever knew. Tlio Horseback Cure. There is a saying nmong the Russians thnt a man who is fond of his horso will not grow old early. The Arab and the Cossack are examples of tho truth of the proverb. They gcnernlly livo long, en? joy robust health and have no use for liver pads and blue pills. That vigorous octogenarian, David Dudley Field, tells us thnt ho attributes his remarkably vi? tality to tho hnbit of horseback riding, nnd if the truth were known, it would be doubtless appear that our sturdiest 'old men arc those who have been fond of tho saddle. The taste for equestrian sports and exercise which has lately made such progress in Brooklyn is, therefore, a hopeful nnd healthful sign. It is not a mere freak of fashion, but a dcvclop j ment in tho direction of rational enjoy? ment and nn assurance thnt the rising generation will be less of an indoor and more of an outdoor people. It means less hcr.dnchc hereafter, better appetites, stronger lungs, rosier checks, brighter eyes, sounder sleep, happier spirits, nnd a total oblivion of thnt organ which, ac? cording to Sidney Smith, keeps men n good dcnl lower than the angels?the liver.?Brooklyn Eagle Warned. "I tell you, it's a great thing to have n girl who knows enough to warn a fel? low of his danger." "Have you?" inquired one of the com? pany. "Yes, indeed; Julia's father and moth? er were laying for mc tho other night, when she heard my tap nt the window, and what do you suppose that girl did?" "Can't think." "She just snt down to the pinno, nnd nang tho insides out of 'Old Folks, at Homo,' You c?d Ju$t bot } djdr,^ pall that ovooing," LADIES DE PA HTM EXT. Ilomlrr tilrl* ninl Ilcautlei. Public attention of Into has Leen called a grent deal to what nrc termed homlcy girls. "Homes nro inado happy by bomc'.y girls, who nro not much talked about in society," says one con? temporary. Well, it is true. There is something about Jho honest-faced, homoly girl that comforts nnd assures the average man. Ho is not afraid of her, docs not hesitate to ask favors, never fcols ns if ho is trespassing upon her time, nnd always knows where he stands. Hut nit this need not discourage the ac? knowledged beauty. The Telegraph makes bold to say that* it has known some pretty girls who were homo angels, who labored faithfully under the dis? advantage of superior charms an.I finally settled down to become good wives. Let no girl who is gifted with beauty feel discouraged.?Macon (On) Telegraph. The Ulrl or To-llnr. The girl of to-day is generally profi? cient in needle-work. She cannot only alter her own dresses, but cut nnd make those nnd her underclothing as well. She has a knack at trimming her hats and furnishing up her wardrobe, and does her full share at helping the dressmaker, who comes to assume o .urge of tho spring nnd fall sewing. Slit; understands the various branches of mending, and lakes that division of labor off her mother's hands, us well as the care of parlors and dining-room, tho arranging of flowers, tho supervision of tho manners and apparel of the younger children, and 'sometimes pr their studios, tuu. I .'.TftfctUiU jnst&oMtlsijio. to tWfelr) of i'ttie pefldil," hi', tathcrj. let -ihofit bo a clear comprehension of what ehould be really represented by that much-abused phrase. It is not fair to take the weak? est specimens of tho sex as types of a class comprising workers, with strong conceptions of life, its responsi? bilities and burdens, and a steady pur? pose to bear them Recording to the best of their nflility.?Philadelphia Pre**. A Noddy Her-IIlv?. There is always the hostess with her daughter nt the top of the stairs, sur? rounded by a crowil who havo bowed or shaken hands with that lady, and who afterward appear ns if they were trying to hide themselves from her and her oil spring as fast us possible, says a writer in Harper'* ATafpulne, describing a crowded fashionable bull in London. The musi? cians are blockaded in ono corner, and round the doors the black-coated young men cluster like bees in swarming time. Mothers anil daughters are ranged two or three deep round the walls, tho more fortunate of the former silting, but many on foot. In the middle of the room, reduced to an irregular space of about ten feet by six, struggling couples beat one against another. On their faces are expressed various emotions?high spirits nnd depression, malice and good humor, pleasure and pain. Tho floor oscillates; wax candles sprinkle their substance liberally about; hot young men open windows nnd chilly dowagers shut them. Now and then a black coat detaches itself from the mass near the door, and with a patronizing air selects n partner, or makes a few gracious observations to a chnperone. Everything is sound nnd tumult, the only approach to repose being on the back stair, where two or three couples sit in a blissful slate watching other couples wedge their way to tho tea-room through opposing masses who press back to the dancing. In the tea-room is a still denser throng, above which arms are raised waving ten-cups, glasses of lemon ado, ices and other light refreshments. Telegraph Opernfora Thcrc evidently is one kind of business for which women seem to be well fitted, judging from the number engaged in it, and that, says tho JVcie York World, is telegraphy. Strolling about the city and dropping into almost any telegraph ollicc from Harlem to tho Battery there may be seen tho female operator, and, us a gen? eral thing, she will be seen to be young and pretty nnd wideawake to her busi? ness. She will sometimes have about her a number of subordinates of the op? posite sex in tho form of callpw youths and moisengcr boys, over whom she queens it with a right royal will and an nir of authority that is charming to be? hold. Generally these young women nrc very pleasant and obliging; only occasion? ally will one come across a terror, whose very look will freeze him to the marrow. However they all seem to give satisfac? tion to their employers and to attend well to their work, and appear to be rapidly monopolizing the telegraphic business. Fur out on the western plains, wherever there is a road station, nlmost invariably the traveller sees a pretty Incc or muslin curtain at tho window, a bird cage hanging up nloft, and some flower? ing plants on the narrow sill, or a vine trained up over the red door (these sta? tions all along the line of the road nrc painted a dull, dark red), and other signs of the feminine presence, nnd if he looks out ns the train stops be will be nearly sure to sec a bright, neatly-dressed wbitc-aproncd young woman come to the door and stand gazing out nt the. train and watching the passengers, with a lialf mIciisc I, half-sorry nir. This is tho local tolograpb operator! who has taken up lici tjjj-.jJv lifo out lwro on the ?lkn|| <]e?orj EWS. Price, $1.60 Per Year. amid tlio sngo brush, nnd whoso only glimpse of tho world sho bus loft behind her is this brief acquaintance * with the trains which puss nnd rcpnss two orthreo times doring the tiny. Theso nro true types, till of them, bf our bravo American girl, whosj courtigo is equal to ntiy emer? gency. flow to tii i * l'early Nkln. I see a lot of people on the street who are nut of kilter internally, says u writer in The lioxton Globe. What they need is nrtiflcitll tlid. They arc too lazy to walk, but Irontmcnt, especially for thu skin, is necessary, and though it may seem severe, this is highly recommended: A tablcspoonful of sulphur taken every other morning for a week, then omitted for three mornings, nnd then taken iignin, will clear the complexion, but will prob? ably make the black specks- that botllt'I Winnen so much more numerous for a week or two. A mixture of powdered brimstone in diluted glycerine, rubbed on at night in connection with the othci treatment, will soon cause them lo dis? appear. Wash this olT carefully in tho morning with soap ami water in which thoro is a little ammonia. This is not 'Commended for women who are slenderly built, nervous iu temperament, nnd ap? parently bloodless, hut for those who suiter beennw of the oiliness of their ' skins it has the commendation of nn emi I nent physician. After u bath, the woman who wishes to ma'to h r skin healthy and develop her body will have her maid rub her gently with either almond or olive oil under the knees, about the throat and lipck, and frum^bxtfLkihcr waist, adapt? ing-the , - o(''thc bands to the fihiipr.; ?# tUttt\:t??':httVlt;Ul pos-ible. The 'Hindoo':woroorV thoroughly Understand tho art of rubbing, and are in conso qitenee the most perfectly made women iu tho world, lithe, llrm of llesh, and with skins us .smooth ns sat in. All of tho wonderful prescript ions warranted to develop the body invariably give n post tive command about, the rubbing, iti^st ing thnt the development can not be no complishcd unless the friction is ns rogir Inrly applied as the wash. Then, if suc? cess is attained, the wash receives all the approbation, whereas tlio Credit is due to the rubbing. Almond or olive oil is only used lo make the skin pliable und lo open the pores, for it is to the deftness of the rubber thnt. Ihn perfectly formed woman in Oriental lauds knows sho is in? debted. i IVotcs. Velvet is much tisetl in tho summer | costumes. French luce is worn moro thnn Malta or Oiiipure. The straw bonnets for summet show the hair and its arrangement. Tailor mittle suits havo veiled cornelian buttons for nn embellishment. A large bow of while ribbon decorates | the handles of stylish ran umbrellas. This is the fifth season of jet, and yet | the novelties are appearing every day. Parasols are iu infinite variety, thu jet lace covers being tho most elegant und oeslly. Elegarit short visitcs of black or col? ored velvet or bended fabrics arc worn for calling. A white camel's hair gown, trimmed with rows of black and silver braid, is novolty. A new material of the pongee variety is called silk long cloth, and is wider | than pongee. Large or small, long or short, whatever style you decide upon for u Wiap,it must be close lilting. An exquisite tea gown is of changea? ble peacock blue plush, over a silk skirt of reddish tan color. Now buttons are like rounds cut from a rough walking stick, bark mid all; they come in various sizes. Violet and pale green combine with I exquisite effect in silk for scarf embroi? deries and for small hangings. Soft vests of crinkled Jnpanese crape arc very stylish with r.ny silk costume, and may be cither in white or delicate ! color. Cowslips and buttercups n-o lo tho] front in general favor, and with the in? clination to blnck prove nn effective ad? dition. Tho new French turbans arc popular | and becoming to nny woman who is pass? ing fair and has not turned the down grade. The newest fancy in fringo consists of j poppy heads attached to a heading of beaded gimp, tassels of beads depending from them. Very small rosary bead buttons nro used to trim and edge jackets thnt are fastened with big flat or medium sized ball buttons. Dog collars worn with low and square-cut dresses aro velvet or satin covered, with beads corresponding with those on the dress. Walking costumes of summer sorgo or cheviot are made with a pleated skirt; a second skirt, much shorter, plcnted across the front, forming ft shawl-point nt the side, and a puff at tho back. Tho bodice comes down into a penk both in front nnd,nt the. back; it is trimmed with a collar nnd rufl)o of woojgrj luce lo match, IMPORTANT TO PATBONS. t3J~ No subscription will bo discontinued It all arrearages nro paid. Advertisement* are payable In advance. llcss special Uniu nro in ado. No anonymous oommunlcatlons will b? ibUahed. All subscriptions ore duo with first copy ' paper. Address all business communications to limcu Valley News. M mmmm Fair Morning In tlio Harbor* Fair morning Is on tho harbor, And morning on tho bay, And the boats that wore lying at anchor Now .silently steal away. No wind in tho sails to liear thorn They drift with tlio tldo afar, Till i boy enter tho outer harbor And silently cross tho bar. It may be tho sklppor is sleeping, Ho sits at III" nuitloraSO ii' ill; It may be tho skipper Is thinking; Of his yo\mg wife on the hllL She wastes no moment in sighing; With day hor labors begin, Wide open sho llingsthe shutters To lot tho still Himshino in. Bho panaes only an instant To look at the stod-gray dew, Prom licit to the rosobusll glances, Where it sparkles fresh and now. And down the slopa lo the harbor, And over the harbor afar; For her dear little heart with tho skippor Is just now crossing the bar. "God bluss'liorl' tho skipper Is saying, "t)<*l bless him!" Iho wlfo returns, Thus each for tho other is pray ms, While each fur the other yearns. ?.lamm Herbert Morse. IIUMOKOUS. Plan fuel" ? Western prairies. The way of the world - Hound its nxis. It. is n wise railroad slock that knows its own pur. A cnunihnl is believed to be very fond of his fellow men. Professor?Which teeth COmoS lust ? Pupil?the ones, sir. The mail with a No. 18 neck and a No. M collar bus a hard struggle to make both ends meet, Dun (drawing out a bill) : Hxeuso me, sir Perplexed debtor. fb.'-'TjlSL away) ; Piny, don't mention it. It wns a Vltssnr graduate who wanted to know if the muzzle of a gun was to prevent it from going off prematurely. "Who should decide when doctors disa grool" We don't know who should, but we know that, the undertakers generally docs. There is a slight, difference between the dead beat and the apprehended thief. One asks the bur to charge Iho account, und the bur udkJrJ'iUo..other to account the charge. ^3pt'it'j Professor nt (NihimlJlfj^V^Wd cannot taste in the dark. .Nature Intends' us to see our food." Student ? "Mow about a blind man's dinner ?" Professor- -"Na luro has provided him with eyotocth, sir." _ The Arnlilan Horse. Arabian horses are being imported into America to a slight extent of recent yenrs. messenger, the famous old .stallion from whom our American trotting stock is nil descended, hud a large strain of Arnbian blood in him. Arabian stallions have been brought to this country from lime to time ns pres? ents to public, men and others. Hut it is doubtful if a full-blooded Arnbian marc wan ever in Iho United Stales. Thoy are valued more highly than the stallions, and not allowed to leave the country. There are six distinct families?f horse* in Arabia, and the pedigree of some ol them runs back unmistakably for five hundred years. They come of old families. These are the horses for swiftness and endurance. They nro not draught horses, but in the two qualities mimed they excel all other breeds in the world. They have delicate necks und line, small, straight limbs, flashing eyes mid nstroiig, flowing mane and tail. They arc nol large, fifteen und a half hands hiring an unusual height. The hack is not arched much, the tail is high set, and tho hnoff aro always small, Muck und very tough. Centuries of pounding over the sands oi the desert have made thcin so. They I have small ears and powerful chest, from which they get their great endurance. They are distinguished for soundness ol wind and limb, thoujli th 'ir hig.i-brcd, fur-off cousin, tho Kentucky horse, of late years seems to bo developing a lnck of hardincs?. Tho Arabian horse is noted, too, for iti gentle temper and intelligence. Its mns ter, the A rub, says the horse is Allah'? best gift to ma ii. A vYniidorfal Toy. A wonderful toy has been on private exhibition in Paris. Fancy seven life sized kittens covered with real skin, bul with eyes of emerald set ia white enamel^ and playing upon a flute, a zithern, a violin, a drum, n harp, a cornet nnd nn accordion," all perfectly harmonized nnd going through the most striking airs of the new and successful comic oporasl Tho unseen mechanism is of the same kind as Hint of a musical box, and the sounds given forth nrc most delightful, SO that the owner of this remarkable, toy can hnve a most ngrceablo concert nt any time by touching certain springs and winding them up. Another Mnlclt Spoiled. They were looking over her family al? bum, Hirdic and her Harold, when thej came to a portrait of an nged gentleman. "Who is that old baboon?" asked Har? old. "Why, replied Hirdie, shutting up the book nngrily, "You don't think grandpa looks liko a baboon, do yoilj Harold?"?iYf? }'<??'* Graphic,