Newspaper Page Text
Ciiiich Valley Newa, A 4-X MW james r. kelly, FRIDAY, - - - AUG. C. 1886 FOR COISTGKESS, Nl>mi COSOBKBRIOSAL DlBTKICT, MM, R. R. HENRY, ?l Tazcwell, County, Virginia. NINTH CONGRESSIONAL DIS? TRICT. Mat. ? Hesiiv Nomisated au Fibst BaI.MtT. Tlio Gonvoiilion of Democrats, which inet nl Wylhovillo, WciIuch" dar, jlid a grand day's work: and Tazowcll has reason lo l>c proud of the kouor shown her. Col. A..J. May was appointed President ;?<> ton, pud W. W. Wiaor, .Secretary. S. \V. Williams, of Bland, became permanent President. On tho fust ballot Mnj. R. R Hen? ry of Tazowcll was nominated over Hon. C. F. Trigg?tho vote being 97.^ votoa for Mnj. Henry and Gti^ for Mr. Trigg, Thin la tho most flattering nomina? tion over made iu thin district. With out aiiy intermeddling with primaries \ by Muj. Henry or his friends ho was nouiiuatod upon his merits solely.! While Miij. H. lias hover boon a poli tici.m, ' ?b"ny8 oboj'otl the de? mands of his party and fought its buttles bravely. Ho was tho linn cock elector for (his district, and did good service in the canvass. JVillt a clciui record, standing squarely on tho Blair bill, and the Chicago Platform, Mnj. Henry outer tains tho political f;titlt embraced by ninety nine out of every hundred ?voters, iu his district, and will bo {triumphantly elected, and faithfully vopresont and ujiuntain theso views in Co.Dgres8._ / ..TIJJE RAGE OF*" GRAYSTONE DEAD. 'Tho greatest modern roformor, Samuel J. Tilden died nt 8:-i5 a. in. August 1th at Gray8tone, N. Y. Ho .had been enjoying fair health till Sul onlay, when he was taken with a ?chill?producing influmntioh of tho stomacho and bowels, which caused Lia doath. It is enough to suy, in honor of his memory, that ho was tho greatest re? former of his times. Whon New York City and State were in the hands of robbeis. Mr. Tildon brought tho thieves to grief, and brought back purity of administration. This wonderful nchiovomont elect? ed him President of the United Slides, of which Office he was robbed, in HSTtJ. He sleeps respected by all living, while bis robbers are reaping tho har? vest of infamy due their crime. I note hero what I have observed in my trip through Southwest Virgin? ia, that the. great want that is felt in fostering the industrial pursuits and developing tho varied resources of this region is sufficient capital. Op? portunities for investment, with an absoluto certainty of profitable re-' turns under good management, are offering all tho time, and it is with the hope that capital may bo attract? ed to this spot that I mention the fact. There are iron, slulo und coal properties awaiting development, while very near at hand there are querrioa of exquisito variegated mar- j bios, unworkod, which offer groat in-1 ducemonts to any who may be inter? ested in that particular lino of busi? ness. If they will only visit this sec? tion and see for themselves, they will I not bo slow to appreciate tho fact j that many industries of great value I are as yot in their infancy, and that fortunes avo within reach if they will only lay hold on them by a judicious uso of the capital that is necessary to their proper growth and develop merit. W. M. P. in Manufacturer a Jtecord. Commencing Sunday, July 25lh, Slooping Cars belonging to tho N. & W. R. It. Company wero put in sei vice on trains Nos. 1 and 2 botween Norfolk and Bristol. Theso cars have just been repainted and refur? nished, and aro First-Class in every respect. Berths can be reserved up? on application to this Company's ?genta in Norfolk,Petersburg, Lynch burg and Bristol, also in Richmond upon application to Ticket Agents R. & P. R. R., Union Depot, and A. W. Garbcr, 1000 Main street EDITOIUAL COUllESVONDJBNOE. RiciiMOxp, Va., Aug. 2d, 1886. ! Dear New. A trip over the Nr& W. Railroad and ibo Richmond & Alleghany Jiuil roads 1ms given mo ample opportun? ity to obsorvo tli(! crop prospects in that part of the Stale through which J (hose roads pass. A part of our own county exhibits a woeful slate of Ihc ! corn crop. But Olio locality showed much improvement over our own, j till 1 reached tlx; Ronuoks Vulloy. Here tho corn IooIch splendid. Hut it makes one sail to sco tlio desola? tion down tlio forlilo valley of the James liivcr. I.arg.. areas hnvo boon abandoned lo tho water, Scarcely any of tlio bottom lande, an you up proaeh llichmoiul, hnvo been touched since tlio pLinling. Tlio wheel seems lo bo likewise abandoned, Binco it i was shocked, lint no means was at. hund to enublo mo to ascertain tho j extent of tlio damage lo that Rust j Va. staple. I was informed by those J in Lyncbburg who hnndlu wheat Ihnt1 very little good seed wheat, would bei found of the market. Tho material interests of ibu Stale Bcom lo be Id tie impeded by tlio heavy weight ol misfortune under which the whole country lias boon Buffering.? lioanoko CSly and fiyuchbiirg seem lo grow, daily. Beautiful houses are going up?all the manufacturers of building material seem to be crowded with work. Great taste, and much faith in the future growth of Kounokn have conspired to cause tho best ein SB of houses to go up. Tho indepen? dent little city of Lynchburg is nl ways busy, und steadily growing. Tho buninosH men of tho place know tho substantial character of tho poo plo with whom they deivl and fear no collapses?and none over come to this wideuwuko t(nY,ii.],.,..^9>v.Jt;llpan be otherwise IhahrpyORpCjrOuB/U0 pno iloubtr, who observes.'.) Her Railroad facilities are no where surpassed, and the neighboring mineral wealth of her environments is simply immense. As whs ouco said of Henry Clay may bo said of Lyuchburg?"we may as well let this tall boy pass.'' Lyuchburg is bound to bo a largo city?if natu ral resources, and pluck and energy in their Bpeedy development will make a big city. Mark tho prophesy. It wero vain to write of tho excel? lent qualities ontor into tlio make? up of our Capitol City. I have in i nothing, scon more improvement made than in tho hotels of tho city. Just now of course there uro fewer peoplo here than at any timo of the your. Rut no ono can ever como with out being well ontortniucd. I havo been studying tho map of the Slate more closely since 1 left, home than I ever did before, and have come to two conclusions in conse? quence of Mint study : 1st. Richmond has been making false calculations as to her best interests in selecting her Railroad routes and termini; and 2 I. that sho has the key to a future growth, if she will unlock it. The pregnant pockets of iron oro in the James itivnr Valley and the coals of the Flat Top region must bo united. The way is natural, and the work is easy. Tho continuation of tho Richmond St Alleghunoy Railroad through the rich agricultural country intervening and tho grand coal mines of Indian and Richlnilds in Tazowoll, extended to Johnson City, Tennessee, will unilo more tonngo than any road could do within our i borders. That done and Richmond would become an importing city?as she is to BOino extent now an export? ing city. Sooner or later this grand possibility will be seen and embraced. A coal dovelopement in the north? western corner of our county, similar to Pocahonlns in the north-east cor? ner, will give us another open door to tho sea. Tho Richmond & Allo I ghauoy Railroad must become a great trunk line, and carry coal both oast and west?to tho James Rivor Minos and ocean steamers, and to tho oros of Roan Rivor near Johnson City. Gen. Haupt, who inspected this proposed extension of tho Richmond .v. Alleghany Railroad, said to the I writer?"it looku nioro liko railroad j ing in a prairie than any locality I ever inspected"?this Btraight lino ! from tho New River at Popper's Fer ; ry through the Wilderness, tho Clear j Fork, Clinch Rivor and Baptist Val j ley to tho west lino of Tnzowell.? Gen. Haupt, it will bo romemberod j had charge of all tho Railroads North j during tho war, as an army engineer, j and is certainly qualified to speak and , is the bust authority wo could offer. ; The men who shall first reach out tho j band will gather tho ripe fruit, and ' the time is not very distant. J. P. K. AN EXPERT'S OPINION ON THE SOUTH. Mr. Geo. T. Stearns, of New York, who has been making a careful exam ination of the mineral resources of the South for an investment company I that is putting its money iu this see lion, Ims lately given Iiis views upon llio South us u field for investment. Pittsburgh, ho suys. occupies ohe'ox I n ine corner of whftt is known us the j'icut Appalachian basin, Bitming liaui, upon tho olher extremity, bus bIiowii a development in the past live or six years which Ims created won? der and surprise. Too great body ol j the basin, however, remains entirely undeveloped, and is believed to con- . . ..... ii i .ilunufacluniig lies made it .um ;i natural wealth unequalled on1 Uli 1 this ties of limber, lumber, staves, hoops, j oak bailc, hemlock bark and other j products of tho forest would seek \ markets, and, by reason of its pecuj liar location; markets would bo found in all directions for all its products. ? Man?'/'?utum'n Record. - One half acre in Birmingham lately sold for $07,030* Ten years ago this I land was worth little or nothing.?! nluublc value. .?, , . I and is steadily liiercauing its value i:s conliueut. lue larger part <>f , J " . , , . ., ... . . ,,, . I Lue land owners are ."rowing rich nu is embraced in the Slate of West , ... ., , , Virginia, the southwest, portion of the farmers lind a good home market i for nil their fruits, vegetables, poul Virginia. Western North Curo'inn, ? , , , . , . ,, ' ?, , ta i tr try, ccc., and everybody i:i and arouml Eastern Tennessee and Eastern IVOll-1 , ' . J ? . ... , ?? . . -,, , ,1 Iurmiiiglisun is prospering, Cialta- \ tuuky. ibis region will bo tue great ? ., , , * , , , . . , iioogu cau loll the ramo tale. ni:il s<; iron, steel und coal producing center of tho world. The Mississippi basin, having tho water communication of over U0,000 miles, and embracing the area between the Alleghaiii is and the Rockies, will ere the close of the sue- j ccoding generation, at our present ? ,. , ,, , .. r uro opposed to protection! I boy rate of increase, hold n population t.f 11 1 . .,,,,?, *, would destroy the power that is re 100.000,000 people. 1 J 1 ,1 ?,. ... .... .. rM I deeming the South from poverty and : 1 lie timber of tins section of the B . , restoring it to prosperity groator even country is superior m its character, ., ** ', 1 i"r .i J ' than was ever known beforo tue war. and in West Virginia and Kentucky | ?Manufacturer's Record. covers iiiue-tontbs of the area. Mot lean Aniiiston, Roanoko and ofhor. places. This is tho result of manu I I fncturing, and this manufacturing has j I been developed through the influenco j of a protective tariff. And yet there j are some papers in the South that all the dociduous woods flourish in primeval growth, and in certain ro stricte! I areas arc found isolated patches of the soft pine and tho hem? lock. Hero also is the present exist- j RUTUEREORD'S BOSS. Mr. Hayes?"My dear, many of my friends are urging mo to run for Con? gress." Mrs. Hayes?"You run for tho Ill? ing area of tho bluekwuliitit. wliiohI?W4,,1"M,0?,? ^tIl^<!r*'fi,u,a./ood U,? chickens. 1 hat s better than run ning For Congress. And get this morning's eggs from tho barn, and then 1*11 toll you what to do next." from its exhaustion, is yearly becom? ing nioro valuable. With avenues of transportation open, immense quniiti Buying in Largo Quantities, Direct frorii Factories, Knubles us to Sell at Lowest Possible Prices. CT. ID. HOBBIE. Wholesale Stato Agents.for tho Following Celebrated JIANG'S Kmj) ORGANS. KRANICH & BACH, EMERSON SMITH AMERICAN, AND OTHER MAKES. All ol ilie nbovo Instruments are tho iwkiiowlcugetl standard makes, ami strictly first elass. Gnnmntuud five to sovou years. LOWEST FACTORY LARGEST STOCK TO SF1EGT ?R0M, AND MOST 153E3ALTER5V.8. Easy monthly or quarterly pnymcntfl. Nico Stool and Oovor free with l'iaiio. Nice | Stool ami Honk free with Organ. Catalogue free. Write fur prices niul terms. Warerooms Cor. EVl-sin &9th Si'ts., Lynchburg, Va. ^AGENTS WANTED..m Ci GL O ? ? Ks ig fTVl (T1 (TA kJ t?? i-3 ?3 C$ Fifty Years tlie great Remedy for lood PoiBoaandgMa Diseases, Interesting Treatise on "Blood and Skin Diccasso 'mailed free to all who apply. It ohctdd be: carefully read by everybody. Address ? THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. b SSSBSSI30SBB CLINCH RIVER WOOIJiN MILLS, I MWe Worth of Tazevveli C. H. W. W. Si Rfl. L PEEIY, Owners and Proprietors. Wo are now at work. Our Mill is largo and completo in every respect Having had our old Mill and Machinery entirely destroyed by tiro in June, 1N85, wo have bought tho most Improved Machinery and are now ready to do First Class Work. Cnn do anything yon want from Carding Rolls tonmking you an All Wool Double Width Carpet and at prices we guarantee'as low nrs the lowest. Hav? ing a capacity of fully 200 pounds of Yarn per day, we can do your work on very short notice. Our Wool Wagons will bo constantly'on the Roads receiving and delivering work. T Give us a trial and bo convinced that this is tho plnco to get your Work done. Tbams:?No Work delivered until settled for. Good Produco takon for Work. Respectfully. W. W. & M, L. PEERY. SALEM STEAM PLANING MILLS. -o N. HOCKRAAN, Architect and Bulder, ?ALSO MAN?FACTUHEB OF? I Window Sash, Blinds, Mantles, Brackets, Halustors, "Window and Doov Frames, Hand Railing, Flooring, Nowcl l'osts, Ceiling, Laths, &c, &c, &c.f &c. V V o are prepared at our Steam Factory to supply Carpenters and others ' " with all kinds of i $ U1L I >11N MATJi? I ,/VT As low as the name can bo obtained in Lynchburg or clsowhoro. Wo also I manufacture to order FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. ^"DRAWINGS and ESTIMATES furnished on application. Ordc s solicitod, which will be promptly and satisfatorily filled. Address, ?Inly 16-ly- N. HOCKMAN, Salem. Va.' Wholesale Prices Current. corrected every wednesday uy LEE & CO.. wholesale and seta il Grocott, Commission Mcr cliants. and dealers in Baled Fokaqe, Cohn, Meal, Oats, Siiipstuot, Purh Hone Meal, (Siiano, Lime \nd Cement. No. *.)27 Main St., and 1200 and 1202 Jefferson St. Lynciiburo, Va., August G. There is ;i good demand for Vir? ginia bacon hog round, und particu? larly for light-weight hams. Send us your Virginia bacon and we will get you good and satisfactory prices. UltOCERIES. Coffoo? ltio, Uboico . 10la 11 ilu " Prime 9$n 10 do " Common and Fair 9 n \i\ do Lagnuyr.i 11 la 12, do 1' it.ti-y Java 11 a 1", do O G Java 1H a 20 Coal Oil . 0 a 9V Olms.- Cream, Fine a do Qoni 1-1 a 10 do Pin- Apple per cake a Ootton Yarns a Cement, per liarrel 1 75 ivi 00 Caudles, l'ara?no ir> a 10 ilo Adimwutiuo 10 a U Cider, New York, per liarrel 7 p.!) n7 75 do do S I)I>1. 3 50 u3 75 Cigars, por loo 1 25 a6 GO Cigarettes, por 1000 2 00 at 00 Fish?No. ;l Mackerel, medium 5 00 a5 50 do ?? a do " 1 " do Button? Herring, porbbb 3 00 aU 00 do N. ?. Cut ?? " 4 00 nl 50 Iron-- Kolled 2 a 2 f do llaaimerod, per It> 2 a 2-j Lime, per l.l.l 1 20 al 25 Leather, best G I) 21 a 22} do l'oor Gl) is n 20 do " Harness 22 a 25 do Upper 30 a 10 Nails, basis 10 penny 3 25 n3 00 Rieb, per lild Ca Suit, per sack 1 10 ul 4A? Sykuvk ami Molasses---fixtra Heavy Syrup 18 a 20 Fair Syrup 22 a 20 Fino Syrup 2? a 30 P U Molusios 28 a 30 N O Molasses 00 a 05 Suovbs?Cut I^onf 7|a 7f l'owdered 8'a 7 Btiudnrd Granulated ola 7 OH GrauulAlod ft ja ?J' Stun.Hid A ??u (?} 6'n A 0 a oil Ttellow Oia 5} I Extra 0 and 1) Light 5).i <; Puoiieei: Apples,green.per 1)1)1. 1 00 al 75 Apples, dried, quarters 1 a 2 <lo sliced ? l-}a 2 do evaporated 2 u 3 Doaus, white a Colored a Cabbage per Hi dull a Bucou?Hog round, per Hi 8Jn t)j do ' Sides, as to ipmlity 8 a 8} do Shoulders its to totality 7 a 7} do -Hums, as to ipmlity It a 12.1 do 0 It Sides, Western 7 a 7A do Shoulders, Western 5 a 5} Bulk or dry salted CK.. Sides 5 a (i do " Shoulderu 4|a 5 Beef, Pore rpiartors a do Hind 11uartors a Pork, Slaughtered Ho({s a S.-dted Hog Hound d\n ?} Unttor, prime per Ih 10 a 12 do Common hard to sell Beeswax, per lb SO n 21 blackberries, dried, per Tr? ti a 0} Chickens? DrcHsed apiece a do live, apiece, spring 10 a 20 fjoru?White, per bushel, new 55 a 60 do Mixed or yellow, new 50 a 52 Qoru meal per bus.,unbolted, old 55 a (it) l'-berries, pitted 7 n 8 KngH, per dozcu, frosh, in crates 8 a 0 flour, Family, per barrel 5 00 n5 50 do Extra 4 Ut) a5 110 do Buperfluo 3 50 u3 75 do Fine 3 50 al 00 Feathers, prime live gooso 42 a 45 | Flax Seed, per bushel 1 05 al 15 QioKcng, per It) 1 50 al 75 Laid, V.i. and Teun. 8 a 8J ! do Roflnod Coiiiinon t) a Oats, pel bushel, Spring 31 a 32 PeacheS, dried, peeled, per lb (i a .7 do dried, impeded 2 a 3 Potatoes, per bushel, dull 50 a (id do Sweat per bid. a ItaspberrioK, dried per lb 12 a 15 Hye, per bushel 00 a 05 Hags, per Ih 1 a 2 Seneca root, per lb 20 a 35 Sumac per 100 lbs 75 a 80 Turkeys, dressed, per lb a Venison hams, p. r lb 12 a 15 Vinegar, per gallon (eider) lfi a 20 Wheat, Hud, per bushel, 110 lbs 70 a 85 do White " ?' 70 a 85 Whortleberries, dried 8 a 0 Canned Goods 1 lb Salmon, 1 75 ul 80 per dozed 1 75 al 80 1 Ih Oysters, per doz .n 75 al 15 2 lb Tomatoes " 90 a 95 8 lb " " 1 20 al 25 2 lb Corn " 95 al 25 2 lb Peaches " 1 40 al 50 3 lb " " 1 75 n2 25 1 pint Pickles " 1 15 ul 25 1 quart " ?' 1 00 nl (15 Baud Fobaos. tee?Hay, Tim? othy, per ton 13 50 al-1 00 Mixed, " 12 00 aia 00 Clover, prime, per ton 9 00 alO 00 Ship Stutr, per tou 21 00 n23 00 Kran per ton 17 00 n!8 00 Sheaf Oats, per ton, balod 15 00 nl5 00 Buokwheat Flour 3 a 3} Seeds?Clovor Seed 7 00 h 7 75 Established 1066. H. E0SENHEI?I&S0N, Sole Proprietors of SPRANG DALE Pore Rye Whisky, No. 375 W. Baltimore St., BALTIMORE PRICE LIST i per oallok Spring Dnlo Puro llyo Whisky. 5 years old $4.00 Spring Dnlo Pare llyo Whisky, 8 years old fl.CO Jockey Club, (Ponnn. Ityn,) 4 yearn old 3.00 ltockbri?l[{o, (Virginia Hyo,) 3 years old 2.00 N.E.Rnm, Finest Quality, - - - 2 00 Pure South Hampton Apple Brandy, 2.50 Puro Mull Whisky. 3.00 All '.Other Liquors Equally Low. Wc deliver nil goods to Wharves or Railroad depots free of charge, furnish .lugs or Demijohns, and pack them in boxes securely, freo ol chr.gc. NOTICE. Under the rules and regulations of In? ternal llevenuo Department, wo can not send Liquors C. O. 1). Therofore please send P. O. Money Order, Postal Note or monoy by Express, for ninouul of goods oTrloved. F. A. KINCKLE, DEALER IM ? SHOES A?? HATS7 916 Main St., Lynchburg", Va. I liave tue Largest and Beat Stock in niy line in the city. I keep the Best Good* and Latest Styles. Suoiss sent by mail to any address. Or? ders promptly and carcfu ly tilled. Money refunded in all cases, when goods arc not satisfactory. Address, 916 MAIN ST. F, A. KTNOKLE, LYNCHBURG j VA. GASH FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Parties having Rut tor, Eggs, Beans, Fruits, Poultry, Meals, Fat Cat? tle, Hogs, yhcep, Grain, &0., for salo, will do well to call on or uddrens THE SOUTHWEST VA. IMPROVEMENT CO.j POOAHONTASj VA.y ThoHo in noed of pflERCri ANBISE ?' ftI1)' description, cannot toil to, ! bo suited from our stock. NO OLD GOODS I Now invoices in every department, receivod monthly from Philadelphia and New York. Latent Novelties in Prints, Dress Goods and N<>tiona eon-> stnutly on hands. Full linos of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clotbi?gf , Ladies Wraps, Bonnets, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Smokers Articles, Gents Furnishing Goods, Drugs, Patent Medicines. Lurgo assortment of Toilet and Fancy articles, Ac, &c, SOUTWEST VA. IMPROVEMENT CO., Pon^.h&ntas, Tazowoll ?to.r V?. G. W. SHAWVER, Contractor and Builder, Undertaker and Wholesale Coffin Dealer. Also Manufacturer of Furniture. O'KLEEFFE ST., GRAHAMj tTA. Will furiiisli Doors, Sash and Blinds, Brackels und Mouldings nil siV.?h on short notice. Will furnish Plans, Specifications and Estimates of Buildings of any design. Stair Building a speciality. Satisfaction guaranteed. .. .. SEEDS, If you want to Soil EVERGREEN AND RANDALL GRASS SEEDS,. i 4 ???trj*- o ? or wirh to buy CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, ORCHARD GRASS,? or any other Seeds, write to the Largest Seed House in Vir'giuuin, which is , ^ WHS. A. FILLER & SON, Aug.G-ly Lynchburg, Ya. lil'P txs-CtmEn ?Dlphthorln. Croup. Aothw.i, Hroncl:lt(i, Ueur&lrlu, Slic-jmatlom. Dloo?lrisr at tho tun?. Ho.irrcne??. Influenza. Itnoklui/ Couch, '.vlicoplng Cuurh, Oauirrh, Cho'.orn Morbuo, Dyoantcry. Chrpnlo Dlnrrluoa, Kidney Troubles, and Spinal Dlneanon, r-amphttt 'reo. I:r. L a. Johnaon &s Co.. Ilugten, AIM.: tfM \%M jO 11 bk'?H? FSI..G??. I I" Li si wtub Thoao plllu woro a wonderful dlsocvory. Ho otli rdloTO all manuor of disease. Tho information nro pllli. Find out about them and you will nlwaya frco. Sold ovorvwhero, or sent by raall for 3 i in thorrorld. Win positively cur. ol c 1" woilh ten times tuo co.t of o box ol Bold ovory-wharo, or pent by mail for 35 oonta in utumpa, fl 1-4 lb. alr-tlqht tin can Blx jaua by expro&s, prepaid, for 00.CO. ea. i. a. joumb iTotlu .. will make he ?Uta. It. It enrr ohlokoa oholora an nil rliaonaro of hcnl la worth IU yt?Ib> In epld. nuntiat*; bock by ranll froa. Established 1837. HENRY SILVERTIIORN," 912 MAIN ST.j : : : LYNCHBURG Carries a full stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewojfy, SilT<nw.? Clocks, Speclaclos, Spoons, Forks and Knives. * W1Y PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE STATE. ??. '. Everything warranted as represented or inonoy refunded; ?Send t cntaloguo froo of cost. Address, H. SttVERTHQRN, Lynchburg, Tjt J. M. Ldther. G. G. Go' Established 1858. MARION FOUNDRY AND MAGHINESIIO Plows and all kinds of Heavy and Light Castings. Grist Mill Mills, Bark Mills, Cane Mills, Plaster Crushers,. Corn Crushers,J Powors, Woolen Mill Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, Turbine Water Y Rubber and Leather Bolting. . Particular attention paid to all ki. Mill Machinory and contracting for Mill Furnishings. Rrferknoes : Hon. J. P. Kellv, Robert Ireson, Mill Wright, TrtZci IL, Va., J. C. Idol, Mill Wright, Hampton, Tenn. LUTHER & GOODE SWarlor?,