Newspaper Page Text
Clinch Valley News. FRIDAY, - - - AUG. 6, 1886 Weil Editop ano Business Manaoeb. *. r. henry. S. o. obaham. HENRY & GRAHAM, A^tornoys^at Law, Tnzewcll C. H.,Va Practice in tlio Courts of Tnzewoll. Rns* ?eil uml liuchsuiui comities, PcilornlCourts ?t Abingdou und Court, of Appeals nt f^'ythcvillc, Va. CiTParticulnr attention paid to thecollcc-1 tyt.-i.of claiius in Um above named and nd loining conntio*; will nlso pay special at ?;.rit:c-i to the investigation of land titles in tnld evutaties?as well ns in the counties of I MclKswdl aud Mercer, West Virginia. JOS. V. KELLY, Attorney at Law, TAZEWB1X C. II.*, VIltOINIA. Will practice in all the Courts of| Tazewcll and adjoining counties. All claims intrusted will rcccivo prompt and particular attention. RICA I, KSTATK AGENT. Parties desiring lo buy or sell any kind of R?-nl Estate will do well to ?con|t?B with hie. Small commissions charged. Office; with A. J, & S. D. May,| opposite the Courthouse. IAJCAL BIMKFSS. [ G. saya ho liad a nico time nt tho picnic. All kinds of Official Blanks at the | News oflico. The Clinch Valley Rand will get a | uniform soon. Chap. Peory, of Cedar Bluff, wns | in town tbis wook. * Mr. A. P. Kelly has been confined with something like flux. Mr. J. C. Veedor accompanied Mrs. Hatcher from Pocnhontas. Old.Typo Metal for snlo nt this yffico cheap. Splondid for habiting. The News will bo furnished until j after the election for 25 cents, cash. ( "The Senior Kd. roturned from a i visit to Lyuchburg and Richmond, i Thursday. Mrs. Surface and her daughter, ; Miss Ollie, aro on a visit to friends iu ' Giles count}'. Tho now bell for tho Episcopal church has arrived. It has an ox cocdingly sweot tone. All wanting Fair catalogues can 'got them by calling on tho Secretary, Dr. J. R. Gildersleevo. TJuat's Aijout the Size of It.?Rnis lod on Clear Kork, stom (5 feet, head 18 inches, 259 grains?oats. Itr. J. CJ. Spotts and wifo aro on a visit to Mr. Spotts' brother, Mr. Mark Spotts at Lowisburg Green brior Co. W. Va. v f'Kcouotuy is wealth."' Any one de hiring to exchange a small amount, of wealth for a largo amount of ccono []tny, will pleaso call. If the editors of the Index will call ground wo will give them a Fair cat j-.logue. Querie.?Wonder what they I txpect to lake a premium on. Wo have boon asked by a lady friend to ropublish tho piece of poot [cy "Not Built That Way,'*, which we ?nny do when wo hnvo more space. James Burnett while at work on [he College building yestorduy was nut pretty badly, being caught tin ISbr a beam which fell from tho roof. Mrs. C. H. Peory and Miss Mat tie J'.Jmythe have returned from Rich liribnd whoro Mrs. Puery has beon mi flier treatment at the hands of Dr. i'dcGuiro. pBev. S. R. Preston and Mr. Cump I'icll, of Wylhevillo, were looking af br tho interests of their Schools, 'lumer Collcgo and Campbell School |p?pectively. Messrs. Bane Iligginbotham, Gus. [Vhito, S. 0. Graham, Tom Lynch, S. Howard aud A. H. Gibbonoy Ittended, as delegates, tho Wythevillo ionvoirtion. W. G. Bnldwin, John Bottimore, aundord Gillcspio, H. M. Northy, G. Vfjf Donk aud J. J. Boubow wore ght seeing at Pocnhontas during io week?says the Headlight. ?{ho mail hack broke down when ve or six miles from town going to rnhnm, Wednesday. Having to >me baok lo town after another hack idn't "put any ohango" on Edd's owing his horn on timo that even g, however. A runaway team hauling sand to lo College building in the east end leated some excitement in that part town Wednesday afternoon. No [imago done except a few slight -uises received by tho driver, and e wagon being completely demol led. Mrs. J. H. Hatcher of Pocahontas, ,vo us two very interesting lectures \s week at tho Mothodist church. Ejects?-'The Witch of Endor" and >tM*p. Bondage to the Throne." All '.u failed to hear her missed a liter [jy treat. As Mrs. Hatcher is aocloso io wight como to sco us oftou. Tho HotuUiijht says that Charlie McDowell doped to Tennessee with a daughter of Mr. Sam Mooro and was made bcno of ono flesh and flesh of ono bone. The contracting parties hail from Wright's Valley. How Pkoyokinu.?A. P. Brown says after loosiug sleep for 4 nights attending meetings of Grand lectur? er, he Bat down in his store hoping to get a nap, but hero came a new customer every & minutes tho whole afternoon. However ho tried to keep his temper. .Subscribers wii 1 please bear with tho small amount of reading space on the editorial and local pages for a few weeks longer. Thero is lo be a decided change in tho mnko up of tho j. apor, aud until this change is made, advertisements will necessarily occupy a largo amount of spaco on these two pages. Iu the mean time read carefully tho advertisements. They aro good reading in themselves. Tho ??boss" book agont of the South is Mr. VV. T. Hopkius, of East? ern N. C, who is working for the publishing bouse of B. F. Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va. Mr. Hopkins' profits uro frequently footed up to over S2h0 a week, and is thoroughly under the impression that the bocks published by B. F. Johnson & Co. sell raster than anything olso on tho face of the earth. Buyers would do well to notice tho ads. iu tho Fair catalogue. H. W. Post will sell you nice Jewelry, fix your watch or anything olso you may bavo to mend. Frank Wall will put n nice coat of Paint ou your house at small cost. J. D. Robbie, will sell you all the musical instruments that you can pay for. F. A. Rincklo has a nice line of Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. Foote & Johnson will rig you up in one of the finest Buggies you ever saw at a small cost. N. Hockman will put you up Sash, Blinds. Doors, &e, choapor than you can buy tho lumber. Bunv's Garden, Va. ) July 31st, 1886. j Tho day dawned bright and pleas? ant, which caused many a heart to bo truly thankful, for there was to bo n picnic under tho spreading branches of the large elm near Mr. J. R. Thomp? sons. This tree is certainly a curios ity, something onco seen nevor to bo forgotten. Tho trunk is twenty one feet in cireumforence, and its branch? es spread out and intertwine so as to mnko the lovliest shade imaginable. Tho crowd had gathered ; tho woodn won; ringing with laughter; every? thing was in high glee; but alas! this world is full of disappointment, the dark clouds in the northwest fore told a storm ; and in a few minutes the rain was coining down in torrents. ''Wo flew," and sought shelter in Mr. Thompson's barn. As soon as tho rain was over, not to be frustrated, wo repair to the unfinished house of Mr. P. M. Moss, where the carpen? ters work-bench was converted into a table. After lunch the time was spent pleasantly engaging iu differ? ent plays. ? At five o'clock a part of the crowd started for '?home,'' the rest returned to the old elm, where wo hud several games of croquet, aud some very exciting horse racoB. Taken as a' whole it was tho most enjoyable day tho writer ever spent. Wish you could have boon with us Mr. Editor. G. I/"vrvrvmistucLSchoice new chop l\ /UU KY. BLUE Git ASS bEED. 3,ooo bushels choice new crop Orchard Grass Seed. 2,ooo bushels choice new crop Timothy Seed. 1,000 bushels choico new crop Clover Seed. Woo bushel choice new crop Evergreen Seed. l,2no bushels choico new crop Herds or lied Top Grass Seed. 15o,ooo lbs. Hulk Clear Rib Sides, Bulk Fnt Backs, Bulk Bollies, Bulk Long Clear Sides and Maryland Bacon Sides and Shoulders, also Old Kc linblc Sugar Cured Canvassed Hams and Breakfast Strips. l,2oo bbls. ltoanoko extra, Botetonrt ex? tra, August a Co. extra and White Hose, Empress and Piedmont Pat? ent Family Flour. 2oo bbls. Granulated and Yellow Sugar. 235 bags Rio, Laguayrn and Java Coffee. 145 caddies On.en, Black and Japan Tea. 5oo :ases Canned Tomatoos, reaches and Corn. 125 bbls. aud boxesGingor Snaps, Lem? on and Soda Crackers. 2oo bbls. half bbls. and quarter bbls. Mackerel, Cut, Gross, ltoo, White Lake and other Herring. 25 boxes Boneless Cod Fish. 2oo,ooo Bono Jack. Greek Slave, Rink and other Cigarettes. 2oo,ooo Scgars all grades. 5oo sacks Liverpool Fine, Salt, to,one pounds Rcfiued Lard in tiereot, half bbls. fancy tubs sad buckets. 125 bbls- Syrups and Molasses. 3o,ooo good Grain Bags to rent to farra ors, nnd others who desire to ship their grain to us for sale on Com? mission. lee, TAYLOR ,t SNEAD, Leaf Tobacco, General Commission Mer? chant.-!, Wholesale Grocers. Field Grain, Field Seed and Fertilizer Dealers. Lyuchburg, August 0. 1880. 87OO to 822600 A YEAR, clear of nil e-pense, can be made working for ub. Agents preferred who cau furnish their own horses and give their whole time to the bus? iness. Spare moments may be profitably rmployed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHr.80n * CO., 1013 Main St., Richmond, Va. LOOK HERE7! All particB indebted to us will save costs and trouble by settling at onco. . D. P. Peeuv Sc Co. i VIRGINIA AOHICUIjTUHAIj AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE. Bl.ACKSllUHO, Va. i" -"Ro organized July ist. 1880, with follow- | lug Faculty uud Ofticors: GEN. L. L. LOMAX, President, M. P. 8COTT, M. D.. Prof. Nnturnl History, (rc-elooted) J. E. CHRISTIAN, A. M., Prof. Mathematics, (re-electtd) J. X. MORTON, A. M.. Prof. English Language and Litomturo. (ru- | elected) W. Hi GRAHAM, Prof. Book-keeping, Stenography, &o. (re olectcd) F. P. MILES, A. M., Prof. Chemistry, See. I*rof. Agriculture,&c, to be elected July 27. Prof Mechanics, etc., to bo ulectet July 27 LIEUT. J. C. GUESHAM, U.S. A., Coiuinuudaut COL. W. B. PRESTON, TroiiBiirer and Fsrm Director Expenses, $141 per BeBnion of U montlis Stiel. nU will he required to be 111 yours of >mr>. and sutUcieiitly .nr advanced (pru fieieiiey in the usual free school course) to enter the College class, s. Two hundred students from Virginia en- j titled to free tuition. The next Miktion will begin September 1 8th, lHKli. For further Information npply to L. L. LOMAX, Psesident. MAttTHA WASHINGTON COLLEGE. Auinouom, Va. Witb Its "pnlntinl building Bet in eleven acres of pnrudiKu" is tbo next delightful Bchool-girlu home iu the South. Unsurpassed advantages in tbo Dopnri- I incuts of Science, Lherntnro, Music mid j Art. Comlort, health, nud religious cure | of pupiiB Hindu'n specialty. Twenty-Bov cnib BCHsiou will begin Sept. ?. 1K.SU. Kor | catalogue address. Hev. 1). S. Henron, A. M.. President, Abingdon, Vn. PLUMEK MEMORIAL FEMALE COLLEGE. ?WYTHEVILLE, VA. K?t. S. R, FKESTON, M. A., President. AnniHted by aa exaelleut corps of teaohors. Next ?oBaton begins September 16th, '8G. Board, fuel, lights, Ac, with Collegiate course, Including Ijntin, OsHftthiinics, Uook kecpiug, nud Vocnl Music in class, $1(18 for tbo eutiro school-yenr. Art, Music. German, French, nud Elocu-1 j tiou thoroughly taught. Locution, climate, BiirroundingR, nil I combine to innkc a delightful SCHOOL I HOME for girln. Scud for Cntnloguo to tho President, I (llov.) 8. R. PRESTON, Wythoville, Vn. EMORY & HENRY COLLEGE. The Fall Session of this noted In-1 stitution will begin Sept. 2nd, LSS?. The Collcgo outers upon its somi-con tennii? year better equipped to moot t lie wants of its patrons than ever bo fore. Its Bountiful Situation, Acces sibility, Amplo Accommodations, j Fine Equipment*, tho Ability and Experience of its Faculty, its Litora ry Society Organizations and tho I j readiness with which tho reputation f of the College enables its graduates to find positions of honor and profit all combine to recommend this place I to young men seeking an educa? tion. T. \V. Jordan. Emory, June 24. President, Tna Best f\ ik tue WORLD FOR A Cheapest ^v^^vbm1mb Maatln. t?,n Commercial College ,rau?"" Illche.1 rionor and ?old Medal nm all oilier Orikfttl altlic nurltl*. F.ipn^lltoa, im S/stein?! llooL-keeping an. General llu?li., ?. K.l ac ut I.e.. Clinu l.ra Inllu.l >m. loTe.ulierscmplnve.l. CiafFall Uu.liit??Coline, IncUdini: Tuition. Stationery and Hoard. .11?...I ?l?0. hi II?.. I, T,r.Olrlllnic and Trlr.rapl>, *|.cci allies. Jo ealloB. hater now. <lr?.e..i.- UcarantrrJ Bt.err... circular. addrcuW. Ii. SM ITU, tici'l, Lualnston.Kr. FRENCH'S HOTEL. City Hall Square Now York. Opposite City Hill und thcPofttOfflcc. This Hotel 1b one of the most complete in | its nppoiutiucnt.s and furniture of nut? house in New York City mid is couductcd j ou the EUROPEAN PLAN. Itooms only One Dollar per day. Hulf I iniunte's wnlk from Brooklyn liridgo nud | Elevntcd R. It. All lines of ears pans the door Most convenient Hotel in New York I for Merchants to stop at. Dining Booms. CnfcB nud Lunch Counter replete with nil the luxuries nt moderate prices JnlyJO, 1885 ly. Ci.ay DnEwnv, Jxo. C. Frkkmam, S. B. HlKlHKS, JkO. S. HAItltlSHON. DREWRY & CO., (Successor? to Ei.i.ktt, DnEwnv Sc Co.,) AYholcHnlo DltY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Nos. 8, It) nud 12 Twelfth Rtreet, Richmond, ..... V?. HORSES WANTED. The undersigned wish to purchase | a numbor of Mules and Horses. Those having good stock, in good J condition, and suitable for the saddle or harness can find sale for them by applying to ub. D. P. P?Knv & Co. April 9tb, tf. Clinch llivor, Va. TREMONT HOUSE, New Riviiii Detot, This nouso has recently been thorough? ly Befurnished, and put in first class con? dition. Terms moderate. Fnro cqnnl to Passengers on the Enst Btver Rond will hnvo twenty minutes for dinner cne.h wny. STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE. Tho undersigned have a first class Steam Saw Mill, which they desire to sell. Bal tics desiring to purchase will do well to call on or address the undersigned nt Suapp'a P. O., Taze woll county. T. & G. Giioseclo tu. Mar. 2b\ tf. BALDWIN'S PITFHT BUREAU. Tho above out .shows our patent Furniture Drawer as used in Bureaus. This Drawer is ono of tho moat vain-j ablo patents ottered for sale?can bo useil anywhere. Store-houses, Grain-bins. Bureaus, Tables, Writing-desks, Food troughs and many other phioos, cost loss than an ordinary drawer, cannot get out of order, never hangs or falls out. There is a fortune in it to live men. State or County Bights at very reas? onable prices. W. G. Baldwin & Co., Tuzowoll C. II., Va. FLOUR ?fbom ins? Maiden Spring Mills. 1 Thin Flour, irhlcn <? ?xcollod la quality 1 by none. U kept constantly on hand by J. D. AxKXAMUKtt & QREKVKn. Juno!).If. Big Thing This Fall, TUB AGRICULTURAL & MECHANICAL I SOCIETY, Will offer Cash Premiums. Com? mence early to get everything ready for the fair. No sl.ono will bo left un? turned to make it tho grandest suc? cess ever had in Tuzowell. Dou'l for? get that there will bo Cash premiums. Toll it. lo your neighbor and tell him to tell it to his. Bristol Marble Works Bar gi ' i lllll I. E. CHAPMAN,' X* B *O 1* R E 12' t'O 12 Bristol, Tenn, Monuments, iornb - Stonti Unio. Vases, &c., of tho fluent Italian nml Amorlcau Mm be] ox mUxl in the Uncsl styl" oir shortest uo tlo> . an<l nt lansonnbln prices mATo sell BOffSUINh a-*' nwniisjn family Portfolio of n ATI'iia L HISTORY j I I1II1I.K SCICNES. iiio Illustrations. 1 ?7,000 Alrcndy Sold. None need he out of employment. Address REVIEWaS UKRA.LD. Jlatlle Creek, Michigan, fif-gr* Canvassers* out? fit, the hook itself, Knt postpaid on receipt of $1.30. Tho fmprirM (STYLB NO. 2) CORN SHELLER wilt ahell the largest andim: es: coin pcifculy; shells ia 14 l..,i.e ?? |<<r hour, it I? tho bed hnnd Hhclltr ruado and i trt.rr*nt !t for A year*, rrtn or land* toraely nlckeKplated. 00. Agents Wanted. lfno?t;ent InyoLfTitlrlly. i will cen t Shc-ler, cipn^s paid, on receipt of price. Send foi BAILIE JUJRSERY. Fruit Trees and Crape Vines. A large stuck of the l?c?t sorts of j Apples, Pours, Punches, Plums and Grapes especially selected for thi* section. Blight proof Pears, KiefTer] nnd Lo Contre. Wild groro Plums. Niagara and Empire State Grapes. All orders promptly filled. Address, W. B. KbLLY, Abiugdon. Vh. P. T, WALL, HOUSE PAINTER AND SIGN WRITER, ] Tazewell C. H., Va., Is prepared to execute all kinds of Paint? ing promptly, nml according to the. most ? oxacling modern taste. He has a full force of skilled hands, and j with his largo experience can oxecute work I nt prices within the reneh of all. before contracting for work, give him a hearing, June 11,1 y. J. D. ALEXANDER. DR. G. W. QREEVER. Tho undersigned) having formet! a co-partnership in the Mercantile Fnsi noss, beg to respectfully invite public attention to tboir MAMMOTH STOCK OF KEW 6Q0DS Just received. Their Stock embraces the latgcst variety of gootla ovei offered by any one house it: thisiHcetlon of country. It is our intention ti buy none but tho best quality of goods, then sell them as low ns good j goods can be sold- We propose to deal fairly with every one?in no instance will misrepresent our goods. You can nond your child to our Storo and it' will bo dealt with just tho sumo as if you, yourself, were present Then come or send for what you want and wo guarantee satisfaction or money will ,bo returned to you. Wo have space to mention but few articles in each department; but every department is full and complete. l:i DRESS GOODS Wo have anything you want: Prints, Porcal*, Foulards, Lawns, Ginghams, largo variety (of Whito Goods, Silks, Woolens at all prices from ISota to $1.'25 per yard. Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Noel;-wear. Hamburgs, Handkerchiefs, and in fact anything yon want in tho way of Small-ware and Yankee Notions. Lai go stock' DRESS TRIMMINGS W?d Ekccb or all M?de. Wo invite special attention to our Stock ot Of all kinds?Cassinicres, Kersoye, Joanes, ColLmadon, Linons, &e., Sto. j We havo an immense Stock of CLOTHING?can Fit Hoys from G yearn| old up to Mou b size, 4'2. Comu and got n now suit?both good anJ fush ionably cut. In HOOTS AND SHOES, wo can ''boat the Jews"?in this department we havo many Job Lots at half price. Largo and Com plot o Stock of Querns-ware, Glass-trare, Lanins, War van ted Clocks, Crooks* Jam*-. Juq's, tyo. A full Stock of GROCERIES. A bicT Slock ot tho UlSSS COFFEES over brought to tho^uouuty. ' Wo now havo a Stock amounting to fully of Hardware To thotio who conteniplatu buildiug, and lo Mrclianlca, Vre would nay, that we will mnko it to roar tntoresfc le call no ns rW vrbat ton nay wnut la this Una. We havo Axes of bout grade, UsAohota, Broad A*x<*i Footndyea, Carpenter's, Blacksmith's and Btone-Manon'a Rnuwncrs, Unvtocke Ticks, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Grain Scoops, Horn, TWnn. Grit) dato no? and fix tares. Oil Stones, Holts?all sizes from 1 inch to 14 Irrcbe*, Nuts and Wavlt ers, Coppor Rivets, Rivet Sots, Wagon Dow Staples, Wag#n Hod Irons Thiinble Skeins, Trace, Ih'oast., Stay, Tonguo and Log Cbaius, Mill Saws, Crosri Cut, Hand, Compass and Hack Sawn, S|iirit Levels, Level Glasten, Steel, Try ami Hovel Squares, Framing and Firmer Chisels, all sixes Hits and Hraeos, 'Augers, Holing Machines, Spoke Angers, Screws of nil sixes, j Scrow Drivers. Planes of following kinds?Smooth, Jack, Fore, Knhhil. Head, Flooring. Ceiling, Panel, Plow nud Mouhling. Drawing Knives. Spoke Shaves, Files of every variety, Knaps, Handles, Tor Soww, I'lil'ios, Chisels and Augers, Wood and Iron Bench Screwh, ('hall.linen Rotts and Hinges all sizes?Locks of every variety, (lato und Door Springs, Hatches, Boxwood and Brass bound Rules, Calipers, Dividers, Hod Castors ami Fas? tenings, Felloe Plates, Hull Kings, Hog Kings, (lurry Combi?, Cards und Horso Hrushon, Powder, (Rifle nud Blasting,) Fuse, Lead, Shot. O.px. Gun-wads, Cartridges, CoObo-mills, Hakers and Lids. Largo Wn?h Kol ties. Tho largest and cheapest stock of BRASS AND COPPER KETTLES ?? the South-west.?ranging in si/.o from one to twenty gallons. Laments, Harn door Hangers, Crow bars, Curtain Knobs, Picture Nails, S'-rew -piillins. Sash-pullies and Cord, Screw-rings, Iroli and Steel Nails fiom 8 to ?!(! noi.nv, Finishing Nails, Brads, Tacks. Hric.k Mason's und 1'lut.tciing Trowel*, Diawer-pullH, Hat, (3out und Haniess Hooks, Wood and .Metal FaucoU, Spring Balances of good quality, Chandelier Hooks, Gold-cliisaln, Repair links, Apple purors, Table and Pocket cutlery Spoons, Shear* and Scissors, Gun-locks, Double-triggers, TuboM, Leather punches, Nail Mela, Huxrirn und Straps, Foot-scrapors, Slates, Sad-irons, Hhovcln and Tot gn. Soirns. Mijuh uring-tnpoH, all size? of Steel ami Iron of every description. Hoi'Mi-shoos, Wire on spools, Monkey-wrenches, Blacksmith's Tongs, Mahogany Knobs, Drophaudlos, Ciiplronrd-catcheH, Sash'loclcs, and very mnnv other articles which wo ennnot enumerate hero. PAIN f? AND OILS "! "'1 kinds. In short, wo hate the largest stock and most Inroiaiilr priuuit nud lor.ui* to be found in the county. Come and try it for yourselves. Very Kespoclfullv, J. D. ALEXANDER & GREEVCR. II W. PQEST, JKWKl.I.Elt. ,;?'i"n'^:r"ij'-'.r, v - fj ,? ? *(" l i^^?^:?;.'??V??., i ?;:.<v.4.e./-to-^.^?-^?v Having thoroughly established my business at Tar.ownll C. II., I 1 fully solicit tho patronage of ouatanlly on It an i a FULL STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PISTCL3. At the Lowest Cash Prices. |"gp'All Repairing guarantee? as roprcsontod. I'%r'Special attention given to ordoring Fino Watches, Jewelry, .to. FOBEKN AHB DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Our Stock is always replete, mid consists of tho following Celebrated Brands: IN PORTED CHAMPAGNES... . Vouve Clicquot. Louis Kocderer. Piper Heidsiek. Alumni?. DOMESTIC CHAMPAGNES. , Pleasant Valley YS ornor s IMPORTED WINES. , , n , 0 , Amontillado, DufT Gordon and Alhauibra Sherries. Royal Oporto I orl. Gold Seal, Rod Seal, and St. Julien Clarets. Madeira. Malaga. DOMESTIC WINES. , W1 . ,w . Norton and Virginia Clarets. California and Virginia Oatuwbas. IMPORTED BRANDIES. V. S. O. P. Martel. Hnnrioasev. PI net DOMESTIC BRANDIES. Cal. and Vn. French. Va. Peach and Apple. Blackberry. Ginger. Guinness' Brown Stout and Porter* 1JAWK' JL?A.I^.L2 A 1,1?:, APOLLINARIS WATER. ALBEMARLH SWEET CIDEK. Tho following POPULAR BRANDS OF RYE tTHISKJESc Thompson. Haker. N? Pin? UHra-. Virgifila Glades'. Virginia Home. La Belle Creel* Our Choice. --ALSO-" DUFFY'S CELEBRATED MALT WHISKEY. Special attention givon to orders from Physicians, Dniggi?ts and fami? lies. Orders for Wedding and Social Parties solicited. W?fVfe can ahip in case of from one to twelve bottles each, or by ono to five gallons in patent box demijohn or stone jugs. For purity of goods and fair dealing, wo refer to tbo citizens of Lynchburg and Piedmont nud South west Virginia. Quotations furnished on application. Order? in person, by telogrnph or mail receive prompt and caieful attention. Wo also offer special inducoinonts to those engaged in the Liquor busi Hess, and will sell in lots of from 1 to 50 barrels, on such terma and prices as will be to thoir interest to give ns their |>atronago. B?TWIiy send to Baltimore and other Northern cities when you can gol what you want in 3'onr own State. Please romoinber, that under tho present Revenue laws, wo cannot shi| Liquors C. O. D. j therefore, orders must bo nccompanied with the cash or good references. ROBI NSON, T?TE &CO., July a- No. 817 Wlaln St- Lynohburg, Va. FIRST GLASS?Grocers Keep It Wero ivuslicd lrtlh ELECTRIC LIGHT SOAP W'Hhnnt RithhlnR. First CliiHN IlounoUeoiicr? noo It. Int. Wnninlnaf clothm In the naonl manner in ?lcei?le<ll> tmrit worfci it muri you out ?ml f tio vlotltra to*. Sil. Try n bettor plan ami Invrat riTC rrnlH In a liar of ELKCTHIC 1.144 Ik V HOW. Mnvrn Tliu.-. Labor, money, Furl anil Ctollir?. Uno an *U* . rccltHl on (lio wrapper or each bnr. ? -ORDERS SOLICITED.-?j AJTKINS^SOAP CO? INDIANAPOLIS. IND. , Mercor's Reliable Turbii.o Wheel. (ilvr'i im high purtconl of power iui nny othot wheel in iiiufiu'turvtl im I in nckuowtudgad J lllo liest pnrt ?"?*? PflfiBBBi worn, on the iimrkot. JHSk gtiul for rntuiOKB* RSlS^r.S!S'/i*iSi anil i riri' list. T. II. ^^?SB*' MKUCKlt, Went Chi ?? tor i'?lintv, Vn. J. P. KELIjY, Auw?*. T II E TROY SPRING WAGOK AND WHEEL WORKS, TROY, OHIO. No, 20 ROAD VMOOH. Mnnufncture for tho 'lmdo, SPRING WAGONS, JUMP SEATS, SOLID and STICK SURRIES, So, .ii.r. woatx w.iua.tjvTKn. iJrop un a pnnlal enrd nnd wo will dirool ?'ui to our ngont nearest you, or fnrni h you ourHolvcii with Outaloguo imd l'ricos. Til 13 Troy Spring Wagon anil Wheel Works, TROY, OHIO. SgS-atey Organ. g?-oiidly Made, ^-one Unrivaled. SJgS-legant Finish, ?^f-iiarn of Popularity. ILLUSTRATED CATALOOUVB BUNT FrtEWi E$tey iDrgan ito., umttiobore.Tt, THRESHING M?* pmplttrt, IWrnt DurftMo, Kconoinleal. and ForfariV In iue?wrtkUiM no ?min; clt-nnn Itroaily for rrmrkov THRESHING ENGINES '.n.?^? &ir Will?, ninl ?tii:u1.-ii-.l Iroplrairali grift II/. Bend for llliiMrut.:.! entnli>KU?. A. B. FARQUHAR, frwrhsjlruora Asrteiilturol Work*, VOllK, Pi, "F O XT T S HORSE AND CATTLE POWOEnS Mo Unnau will die of CoMO. flora or Lvko F/J y*n. If Fnuu'4 I'owilers uro estil In time. Kolli/'s l'owilor?wfn.-iu.i.,iwl pr^ftnf riiinnini.???/ Komz's I'owilcn will prevent Hunt*, is Foiitz'n I'owilan will iwnwn On nunntirv oi mm: ninl cronni twenty per rent., ?nil mike, tlio b'ulior firm an<l s? cct Fonts', l'owilers will rnre or proirnt nlriosi EVKmf Dihiask to wlilrh HoraoKnnrl i ntllnnro ?inject, FOtlTZ'B I'OWIIl ii? WILL OlVK ?ATISKACnON. Bohl everywhere. DAVIS E. FOUT55, Proprietor. AALTIUOHU. mo Fo^ s.ilc by Hftiyruvi & Youu ?.