How the Great Railroad Spec?
ulator Lives.
The Oost of Maintaining bis Oity and
Country Establishments.
Mr. Gould's mansion on the northwest
corner of Fifth avenue nnd FoKy-soventk
Wrcot, say s a Now York letter to the New
J0r.lcans Pitayun?, is a plain-looking dou?
ble hrown-stone house, the interior of
which is literally palatial. There arc half a j
million dollars' worth of paintings on the j
?walls, and the furniture and decorations |
nrc of the costliest description. The ,
puitc on tho second floor, occupied hy j
the heads of the family, consists of bed- !
room, boudoir, dressing-room nnd UnlH* |
room, decorated chiefly in pale blue nnd
C-ilver. Across the hall, -Miss Nellie, the
.only daughter, has a similar suite in pink |
and white. On the third Boor there is a
study and a InrgO nursery for the thrco
small hoys, Edward, Harold and Krank, I
whose tutors are phut $2,000, $4,000 and
$1.S00 a year respectively. Ocorgo
Gould's apartments arc on the same
floor, while the servants occupy the
floor above. The butler receives $1,000;
butler's assistant; $100; Mr. Gould's
valet, $000; hca'tb'-cook and assistant) j
$1,000, ami housekeeper, $1,000 a year.
Two laundresses, two chambermaids, a
parlor maid, two waiting maids, two la?
dy's maids, and two kitchen girls aro |
paid from $15 to $'-10 each per month.
The food in the servants' hall is entirely
different from that of the family table.
Mrs. Gould spends two hours a day with
her younger boys, and they read only
what has been inspected by her. Sinco
she joined the Forty-second street Pres?
byterian church several years ago, she
has boon liberal in religious benefactions.
Miss Nellie, a graduate of Mmc. Reed's
famous school, is perfecting herself in
music at a cost of $.V) per lesson. She has
an allowance of $0,000 a year for her
?wardrobe. The Gould stable, on Forty- ?
fourth street, is a handsome building of |
brick, with browit-stono trimmings and
plate-glass windows. Six h?rst? are kept
in it during the winter, and a closed CttT
ringc, n landau, antl two coupes. The
Mnil consists of a coachman, two foot- ?
men, two grooms and two stablemen, I
nnd their wages range from $45 a month j
down. The expense of keeping up the i
Stable is $0,000 n year.
Mr. Gould's country seal at Irvingtnn
was considered by its original owner,
GeorgeDawson Merrill, the most attrac?
tive, elegaiit, and ' thoroughly equipped
summer residence in the country. Mr.
Gould paid* $200,000 for tho property in
1880, aiidii is'now worth $l,ooo,ono,ooo
at a low estimate. The house is Gothic
in style and is 8,000 feet from the Hud?
son river, commanding n magnificent
view. It has twenty rooms above (lit?
basement. On the second floor is a line
nrl gallery, extending tho cut ire depth of
the house. "Mangold, the steward at
Irvington, has been In Mr. Gould's em?
ploy over twenty years and receives a
salary of $-,">00. The lawn about the
house is ninety-live acres in extent, and
the macadamized road leading to the en?
trance is a quarter of a mile long. There
nrc in the estate 510 acres, 200 of which
are wooded. The live stock consists of
twenty horses, as many cows, a drove of
Southdown sheep, a lot of blooded fowls.
Eighteen men are 011 the place constantly
and in summer the number is nearly one
hundred. The hot-houses and conserva?
tory cover a space 1100 feet long nnd -150
feet wide, and with their contents are
valued at $2f>0,000. At a fair estimate
it costs Mr. Gould $3S0 per day to keep
up his Irvington place. The taxes on it
amount to SfO?O a month.
Mr. Gould paid $100,000 for his steam
yacht Atalanla, and to run the same costs
liim $750 a month for wages, $200 a
month for coal, repairs, etc., and $s()0 a
month for general expenses when he is
aboard with his family. Besides the lif
tecn sailors and five officers forming the
Crew, there are four cooks and a baker at
$10 a month each, with two waiters, a
valet, a lady's maid and a parlor maid.
There are separate dining-rooms in the
yncht for the family, the officers and the
servants and sailors. Breakfast is served
from 0 to 11, luncheon at 2, tea and ices
nt '1, and dinner at 8. George Gould's
allowance before he attained the dignity
of partnership with his father was $10,
000 a year. His young brothers have $5
a week apiece for pocket money.
Glycerine Out of Distillery Dregs.
"Wo are getting an excellent, article of
glycerine, out of distillery dregs now,"
said a manufacturing chemist, "and as
soon as the fact get-, to be generally
known the refuse of the worm of the still
will be worth more than it ever wns be?
fore. Glycerine is a constant product of
the alcoholic fermentation of saccharine
matter, and all fermented drinks contain
quantities of it. In the distillation of
liquids containing alcohol the glycerine
docs not free itself from the 'mother,' or
dregs, not being volatile like the alcohol.
The glycerine is taken from the mother
liquor by the ordinary chemical methods,
and super heated steam is then brought
to act in the residuum, which removes
the impurities aa.l leaves a choice quality
of glycerine. The dregs are used very
extensively in the manufacture of glyce?
rine in France, but they have not come
iuto much use in this country as yet."
Whore Ho Would Bo.
Teacher?"Johnnie, do you know the
nsturc of an oath?"
Johnnie?"Ycs'm. It is something
that a man gives when he wants to bo be?
Teacher?"That's right. Now, let us
havo it illustrated Johnnie, suppose
your father should swenr to your mother
that ho would be at home at 10 o'clock
in tho evening. Where would he bo at
that hour?"
Johnnie?"In Tim Doogan's barroom."
x-jim OrlMM
ITEMS OP IftffeftfiSf,
Profit by others' success and failure
and you got a reliable experience- at less
than club rates.
Always npnctkt to ngrco with tho
world, and you will get on smoothly
without soaping tho track.
In itself lying la a baso passion, but
its tendency to injure others renders it
ulso a dangerous one.
It Isn't always tho man who knows
tho most that wins, but the mun who cult
apply what ho docs know.
So long a9 women is on friendly terms
with modesty just so long is women
vin Heated nnd no longer.
Decorum itself is simply good sense
nnd|guod will, but society often ruins it
by empty ccrumouics.
Do nwny with Christianity arid Its in?
fluences, and mtihkiud would run itself
into the ground in n biicf century.
Most any man is willing to tell of too
good things he hns done, but few tell of
the good things they might have done.
Of?10 young men 9 enn be found who
arc vaiu of their lino exterior, while the
tenth one is proud cf a Wclhstorctt
A bear, over 400 pounds in weight,
lias bcon caught at Koxburg, Vt., whbro
it had long terrorized farmer*, and their
The a |iinrium at Scarborough, nn Eng~
lish seaside resort, which cost over$300,
000 only a fow years ago, has just been
sold for $22,600.
Tho httrs of All cstalo ($200,0)0) in
Mount Holly, N. .1., will bo paid this
week on a settlement that has been
reached after a chauccry suit of thirty
No faith euro, or anything of that
sort, is connected with the rcmaiknblc
ense of n I'tica man, (). I!. Matscson.
I'"or four yenrs he had been totaly blind.
Now he hns suddenly Rtld uhexpcCtedly
regained his sight, his vision being ns
good ns ever.
The Mionnic Doon,' mado famous by
the innim: t.u Hums, is the subject of lit?
igation in the English courts. l ord
i\ilsa, a Scotch nobleman, has pohihi
ted people from fishing in a poition of
the stream that hns always before been,
free to tho public. A suit has been
lirought lo rcstinin him from doing
A watchman was employed by n resi?
lient of Plain I'dgo, N. J., to gnnrd bis
premise). To see whnt kind of duty
the man performed the owner tried him
the other night nud found Mill pniuTully
vigilant. The watchman, not recog?
nising his employer nnd receiving no
reply to his challenge, fired nnd put
several buckshot in tho hitter's legs'
The Virginia -Enterprise' says; A gen?
tleman engaged in the pugilistic profej
sion, and who is getting up n slanging
match in this city, paralyzed one of our
local preachers, knocking him out at
tbo first round, lie wanted n lot of
chili 18 from.the church vestry to feat his
nudienco ui the entertainment, and of?
fered the preacher a free ticket of ad?
mission for tbo usa of the chairs.
The schooner Grampus, built at Xonuk,
Conn., for the l uited States Fish Com?
mission, U s:S tons burthen, commanded
by Captain Edward Collins, and is fitted
with a well, that live fish may be brought
home. She will go on a cruise, to tho
Grand Hank, after halibut. An cITorl
will l>u made to propagate them by ar?
tificial hatching, the llrst of the kind
over attempted. A stall of sclontiata
will go on the voyage, and other scien?
tific rcaoiuchcs \vi 1 i e carried on uudcr
direction of l'rof. B&trd.
??'phrntm Webster w:is the first white
pettier of Cnondngn county, N. V., in
178)1. lie was a bravo soldier in the
Revolutionary War, and in the War of
1813, und it is said his career is said to
have much rescin ded that of Dnuiel
rioonc. lie spent much of his life
among tho Indians, with whom he
traded und negotiated important treaties.
He died in 1825, and was buried near
Tuicarsra, in Livingston county, Sep?
tember 7, of the same year. Onondnga
county will celebrate her centennial, an I
with pomp nnd ceremony will bring
home the dust of Ephraim Webster to
rest within her borders.
A base ball club of Mnnclicster, K.
II., rctiinic 1 home l ist week after hav
ing won n victory, niul a local paper re?
ports that tho members "wero received
with a demonstration that surpns9od
anything of the kind over witne-sed
here. .More than ten thousand pcop'o
marched in nrocc-s on and lined tho
lidcwalks. Tho Manches'crs were pro?
vided with barouche, whitlt wero trim?
med with Hags, nnd preceded by two
Irum co'ps, and the procession, carry?
ngbrooms, marched through Klin street,
.vhich was ablaze with fireworks, whilo
lags nnU handkcrc'.dcfH wero waved
from every building. The nllnir wound
up with a reception at tho Manchester
Can Consumption Im Cured T
We li-ive hu often noon fatal results follow
tho declaration that it can l>o cured, that wo
lmvo unconsciously Bottled down In the belief
that, tliis disease mast necessarily prove fatal.
It is trao Hint occnsioniilly a community has
witnessed nn Isolated case of what may ap?
propriately lio termed spontaneous reeovery,
but to what combination of fnvorablo circum?
stances tliis re nil ws* lino none have hitherto
lieen found nble lo determine.
We have now the gratifying fnct to announco
tliat the process by Which nature effects this
wonderful chango is no longer n mystery to
Hie medical profession, and that tho chnngos.
brought about in tho system under favorable
circumstances by intrinsic causes may bo mado
as certainty and more cxpediliously by the u(>0
of the proper remedy. In other words, nature
is imitated and assisted.
Tuberculous matter is nothing moro or less
than nourishment Imperfectly organized.
Now, if wo can procure tho organization of
this fowl material fo that through the process
of elective affinity it may take Ha plncoin tho
system, wo can cure the disease. This is just
what Piso's Curo for Consumption docs. 'It
arrests at once the progress of thedisoaso by
preventing, tho further supply of tulierculous
matter, for while the system is under its in
lluetiee all nourishment is organized nnd as?
similated. It thus controls cough, cxpcctnrn
lion, night-sweats, Intel to fever, and all other
characteristic symptoms of Consumption.
Many physicians are now using this medi?
cine, nnd nil write that it comes f ully up to its
recommendations ami inakesConsnmptioa one
. 1 the diseases thoy ean readily curo.
The. formiin: state of a disease is always tho
must auspicious for treatment. Tillsfacl should
Induce persons lo resort In the use of I*.bo's Cure
when the rough is ami not ted, whether It has
a consumptive diathesis lo,- Its cause, or not,
forlhis remedy eures all kinds of courIib with
unequalled facility anil promptness. I troughs
from a simple, cold, two or three do:-es of too
medicine have been found sufllclcnl to remove
Iho trouble. So in nil diseases of Hie throat
nnd lungs, with symptoms simulating thoso
of Consumption, I'lso's. Cure Is the only infal?
lible remedy.
The following letter recommending Piso's
Cure for Consumption, is a fnlrs.implo of the
certilicntos received daily by the proprietor of
tills medicine:
At BIOS, N. Y? Dec. 20, 1r.V..
I had n terrible Cough, and two physicians
faid I would never got well. I thoa want to a
il rug store nnd asked for iigisxl cough medicine.
The druggist guve mo I'lso's Cure, nnd it has
done me more good than any thing I ever used.
1 do not I clievo 1 could live without it.
"Ifnll's Hair Ilene.wcr kcops my hair In gont
condition."-Mrs. S. Ii..Scott, Stodilard, N. II
Ayor's Ague Cure :s a purely vegetable com
pound, ft ml U (roo from rUnijorou? ti-ru;?,
.. ? inu....
trustworthy one.)
is tue Rrontost of nil chemical labor?
atories. Maguify thesmnllost coll of the Ihm]j
nnd what a facto.-y is spread beforo the eye?
?countless chambers in which are globes ol
nir, massed of solid unit tor, globules of dying
liquid; a flnsh comes nttd tho wllolo Is cou
Mime I und h'.o Iful lieht j* chrrlcd luto livery1
part of th > sjkI ml. Electrical forces Also
gononUo nnd uro convoyed to tho bruin, tho
muscles and the various norvo centres.
"In another sot of a million chambers wo
sco various gass.vi nud vapors. By chemical
action thesa am < bunged nud purlllod lu the
lungs nnd tho skill. The bio id we of ton say;
is a great living river. In its current nrd
masses which tho nir in tho lungs did ?or. ?f?
fe t: blockscnalki Slilbs <<( tdrt&Fj pib.oi
of llotle-leih, strings of albumen; drops of
molasses, nnd lines of nleohol. How nro
those wasto musses d sposxl off Ho.;in
whoio you will in this great stream, you
must como to tho purifying places of tho sys?
tem. Hero is nil activity nud an invisible
force roaches out into the stream, sctzos and
carrios th's muss of wagte into vast trenches,
theneo into K smaller reservoir, uhd Jhiully
into a larger-reservoir, Which regularly ah)"
Charges its ?ti ii tents.
"Tliisseparutiuu of limo, uric acid nud other
wasto material from tho blood, without ryli
bing it of ii particle of tho life fluid. pasSoi
human comprehension. , in houl'h tlds Mloo>l,
purifying process is curried on without our
Knowledge. Tho orgnns in whi h it is done
nre faithful servants whoso work is si lout a<
long us henjlh remains.
"1'ooplo slrnngoly wait until pnin strikes a
n?rvu beforo they will realize that they hnvo
tiny trouble., Tln;y do not kti"w. thnt ] diu
tanccrm chi<*nr tho bxtcrior, not iho interior
(if tlio body. A certain set of nerves connect
thesu blood-purifying organs with tho brain.
Thoy may not gnaw und Into us does tho
tooth-uche or a scratch, but thoy rogtilnrly,
silently report. When t'ueso organs uro fad?
ing these nerves indicate it by drawing tho
blood from th?> fneo ttnd cheek, leaving the
lip und eyo blauelii'ih by sending uric acid
poison Into tho smallest veins, tho skill Uten
boi-oiiiing gray; yellow or Brown. The}- nlsd
prevent. lUo jYm fllcntion oil tho blond In tho
hings nnd ? nuso pulmonary difficulties,weari?
ness tin I i n n. Who enjoys porfoct health,
especially in this Intul where WC burn tho
candle in ono moss! Tho nlhloto htiaksdown
In the race; the editor falls at bis desk; tho
merchnnt sue niinbs in his coantiag room.
Theso event; sho lid not hnvo been 1111
c\po -to ), for naturo long ago hung
out her 'lanterns o; nimm ' When the
"accident" Dually comes, Its fatal effect Is
reeu in a hundred forms; bilh.T as conges?
tion, eB'roUlc weakness, ns wrong a< tlon, ns
variable appetite, ns head trouble., ns palpi
tntinii and Irregularities of tho heart, ns
premature do ay, us ilryitessaud harshness
of the skin, causing the hair to drop out or
turn gray. OS a) oplexy, as paralysis, us K011
oral nobility, blood petsoiiiiigj otc.
"I'tit n? faith theu in tho wimncni who
says t here is no danger OS long ns there is nd
pain. I'ilb nV) fulih In the physiclau, who
ever bo muy lie, who says it is a more cold
or n s ight indisposition. He knows little, if
any, mqio than you do n'n.utit. Ho can
neither see n ir examine these orpins and do.
pendn entirely upon experimental tosts, that
you can make ns wo'l ns ho.
"If tho output is discolored or muddy, if it
contains albumen, lymph, crystals, swo-t or
morbid tuiitler, is red with es -aped blood, or
roily with gravel, mucus und fiotb, some?
thing is wrong and disease und dea'.ii arc not
far a way.
"Thoss organs which wo h?vo described
thus nt length, because Ihey are really tho
most Important oin s in tho lutmnii system,
the ones in which a largo majority of human
ailments original i und nro sustained, nro tho
kidney*. Thoy hnvo not l.eeil inn -h din ilssrij
in public, because it Is ettueodod that Iho pro*
fo-siot: has little, known pjwer over thorn.
What is wanted for such organs is u simple
medicine, which can do no harm to tho most
doli.'hte, but must lo of the great, st benefit
to Iho nll'.i. led. Such a remedy, tried
and prove I by many thousands nil
over tho world, is Wniner's safe
euro. With those in ivhom disease Isdcop
seated it is the only specific. Kor UlOfO in
whom ihn seeds are sown and iho beginning
of Illness starto.l ii is an unfailing reliance.
It may lie recomn en led to tho weil lo pre?
vent Sick no'8, and the sieh to prevent death.
With its Hid the great lilt riur engine, of I he
Bystont keep on in their silent work without
interruption; without it. thov g. t out of gear
nnd then disease nnd death open tho door
und c. oss t' threshold."
Such wi. ig ought not only lo pl'ii e, but
to carry conviction that what Kditor
ing, M, 1>.?so high an authority?r
true, nnd that his counsel is worthy tho at?
tention und heed of nil prudent, right
minded prople.
Undo Kmi \v_icin.e. ill ins itomiin 3.C00
babies a day.
?'Illunil Will Tell."
Yes. the old adage Is right,but if the liver is
disordered and the blond becomes thereby ror
ruptrd, tlio bad "blood nil! tell" in di-cascs of
the skin mid throat, In tumors and ulcers, urn"
In tubercles in I he lungs iiii -t ntngesol con
Mimptiim), oven although the Sllbjcbl bo lie
seoiuled in n straight lino from Ittcbnril Cieur
lie I.ion, or the unhlist KoilinU of thorn nil.
fir setting tho liver in order ml ol her medi?
cine In Iho world equals Dr. I'iCrce'S "floldell
Medical Discovery," Try It, and ymii- "blodd
Will tell" the story of its wonderful clllcney.
Hilf of mailklnJ lies nwttko n:gbts thh k
ing how to i nt wit the other hulf.
Pi . 'cctlon ie attained hi Dr. Sage's Cntr.vrh
As mini grows in wisdom ha learns how
ndept mien', ti e world is of him.
"Man nun t work und women weep,
Sn runs the world liway 1"
Rut they need not ivcen so much If thoy uso
Dr. Pien e'? "Favorite Proscription," which
cures all tile pain.nl maladies peculiar to wo?
men. Sold by drngni.im. _
The Hii; ish sp.u in *Ti\~i civs ,-.d the conti?
nent nnd nnne?rs<ln California.
Fon liYser.esiA, inihoestion, doprossloti of
spirit?, general debility in their various forms.
alsoosapreVenliveagalnsI fever und acne and
other intermittent fevers.the "Perrn-Pliosphor
nted Elixir ol Calisayil," made by CaswelI,Haz?
ard .<fc Co.. New York,nnd sold by all Druggists,
is tho In st, tonlcj and for patients recover!n|
from fever or other siehn.-s- it has no cunal.
What were crimes 1 u years ng-j uro mere |
irreguhiriti<s now._
The farmers, in their swamps, w e're sure,
Could lind the routs and plants I hat euro;
If by their knowledge Ho- only know
(?'or just tho disease i a h one grew,
Take courage now-and "swa iip-Koot" try?
(for kidney, liver and bladder oomploints).
Ab on this remedy you can rely.
fiet Dyon's-Patent Heel siilleners applied
to those new hoots and they will never run
laMantly llelirved.
Mrn. Ann [AOOVr. of New l'rleiinp, 1 0.? writ 'ft :
ha e anon who hat been sick for two year.-; he lias
?cen attended hy our leadlOR physicians, but?II to
no purpose. This mnrnln i lio Imil his iiminl ipell of
coiikIiIiir. anil wiw .o Kr ally prent rated In consc
quence that ilentli Krrnieil iniint eilt. Wo hail In iho
howe n buttle of uk. IV?. Hall's Balsam roa thk
Loses, pureliased by n,y html nmt, who noticed year
nilvcrtlnement. Wo aitnilnlsieroil It and he was In
etaiitly relluvcil."_
Rronchitls is cared by frequent small do?es
of Piso's Cure for Consumption.
so thoroughly lilentineil wit'j Ilood'j Sarsapsrllla,
la not a i-nteb lino only, but is absolutely true of ibi.i
prrparalloni and it laasahco'ntely true that It enn
boncally be applied only lo Uo it's Saniaparllla,
which la Ibu very beat loale meillelna nml blood
purifier. Now, ri mler, prove It. Take a bOttUl Imnio
and pteasnro ItseontenU. Von will nnd It to ho'.ii
1U) lea.pooafu'a Now read the directions, an I you
win llnil Hint tho average dose for persona of ilia r
eat ages 1* le a than a leaapoonfnl. Thas eeonomy
ami urenRth are peculiar t? llo kI'i Sanaparllla.
Mlhave b'en lapocr health aeveral years, eufrcr
InR from lodlgeatloa. rOlUeaaoen In tlio nl.ht, nr i
In the morning I would get up with a very tired feel
Inn. After taking only a part i f the nrst bottle of
lliinil'n Sartaparllia 1 eon Id rest well all nu,i:t ami
fcol rofrcshed when 1 woke up. I nmut say that
llurxl'a Sar.aparllla Is nH It U ncommi nilcil to be."
?Mas. II. D. Wixass, 210 East Ma- on Street. Jack
aon, Klsk,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by nil flniRglsta. fti; six for S5. Trepareil on(y
by C. L HOOD & O?.. Apotlieearle?, LoireU, Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar_
No nope to Cut Oft Horses" IHanej.
CelebraUHl 'KCl.lP.Hrt' U.M.'
nnd Etltl 1>I.K Combined, calln.u AWy. f\
sitppeii by auy horae. snmpi
nailer to nny l.art of If. S. free, e
reealpt of $1. Sold l>v all Saddlery
Ilardwnre and Harness Heal
Spoelal dlcr.iiint to ibo Trad ...
Send for l'r|.-_e 11st. ^ V
{tooheatci', H, V
lhlauic<?/cltl?C0QibljiM Iron, ?Ith (W?7e?nlnb!<>
B"U U Invfttlisblo fur OiSr.lNiyl r. .ciliar to
) omrn, and all who load nod-ntaiy li.'iS It Kn
Jmhaa ???? i'urinr? tho niooil, HUnulMtea
Ii? Appetite, Mrcnjctiirn* tho .lltiaclca and
'!'Lvc'Ku ,<lct'.""'ruuKhli Inrlgorntr*.
BS tho epinpl?ili.n. raid makca Uio akin tmooth.
u n.xn nut Marken tho tooth, causo hcadarho, or
It don not hlackon tho tc<!th. coi
pnsliico eointination-all other Iron
Mas. Wm ii. a- ? " ? -
Woon". Lahlchtop. Pa., nmi " i
>. iTiM'ii n >ren Pipers for 1.,*? of slrr-nirlh from
huialiigaalrmi., lioafthv l.nl.y. I couljnot a,, my
r" ' ll'ii ?aluaulo loulc, anil oonllally re'
llladll i r.r.vil'a Iron Ilator? f,? |-,n,,ali, \V-aS''?*
with cro.it liotlolil, nlt-r liasin?; Im Ir.aUd ly tnu
phy.iui.n* ml limit roliof. I uul, nru in better hoalth
than I liavo been in yoara,"
? baa Mgl Trado Mul and or.wd.roil Unas
on wrapper. i like iii* Other, h. id" >?*
uuoivn ( lll.mic.m. ( <).. iiai.tjmokk. mi?.
Inn? Hrlirhtn'.ll^l'?se, Catarrh
hfthe WbiHO; Toffi.l MV'f. I?
aKSolvwlhill-Stoiiosimd Grafel.. |
a V MmI^1' t'rino r<ir .which. this1 Itemed}'
f.A nliould be InUcii:
!Afc^?*-rl FmUiing ptnppngo lllnful-tihgrdl
Diuiietlo Albumen. Briok-dust
Propslcnl Dribbling Milky-pink
llemliifho Froquenc Ooativcnear
noncaohe Nervous Ilcdlsh-dnrk,
[Trlc-aeld Settlings CiitnrrhnelirS
I'.acliii. ho NCTVCnctlO rhiisphiitcs
Ilnd-Uistn loul-llreiith (iull-coloi
. WJ^AftPfiOIJIflCa
Jtfery ttoie frort lo the ,j>/?f.
Kol luven nnd Cures fit/mini Sllmc-fovcr
JCnnlcor, Dyspopsln; Anremla, Mnlnrln, Kcvur
Hand Airue.NOUnilttT?, ltlieninntlsin, Knltirgrc
[mcnt ot tho I'rosbitu G bind, Sexual Weak?
ness, Spermntnrrliron und Gout
Et Eliminates in.l Impurities, Fernfubi.
In-cslpolas. Sult-lthcum, SyidiilK Vimplcs,
UluteneSi Povor-sor??, und Cnnccr-tttinis.
It in u moM Wnlidoilill A VMU'tlrer,
|Hill.lMi.ii>'iiM:l} al;ioi.|..?n Coiii.Uliill.iil.
gjr7"'r< ll vom-holKltborsallabout it;
PniCH '25c, ?1.00?? bottles $?.O0.
{JS^l'reinired at. Pr. Kilmer's Dispensary,
llinglp.imti.ii, N. Y., If. S. A.
InrnlOls' UtiMo tit Health (Sent 7'Yrr.)
Alllctivrsnf lii'iulry pn mpdy aaswcrfsL
sos.iiiiy ai.Ij PKiToois'rw._
Foraeven yrnr? I suffered 'villi n esncer on mv
fin e. I:l(.hl inoiillis ii'jon friend reeoanaeniled (he
use of Nu'ln'a Spei ll, ?. an.i I ih teruilneit in make an
effort 10 procure It. In this I was sncccslul. n ml
I'i rail Us use Tile Inlltlcm oor the medicine lit tlrst
"us mannten Hat agsraval ? nie i.:ire; hill. sis;,,, tlie
Inltaiiwltlon wio, illlnve.1, and i licc.au to Improve
all. r the tlrst fow bottle*. Mv i-encral heal Mi Im.
tr. atly Improved. 1 am slinne, c, and am nl.Ic lo d i
any kind of woik-. The cane.-r o:i luv face l.ci nii t i
d. crease and the nicer to In at. until there is not a
vc.tlKoof II left-mil} ? II:11.-ear mark, tha place.
. , _ Ma*. JOaCII a. MlUosalo.
Atlnnla, 0a., August II, ISSS.
Trcallse an
Tin: R? ii--t
N. v., i:,; W,
?-r^9??mCream Balm
;^t?;\MBrX^V('|en..ses the Head
/luWFEVER^i' fjf?Onco Allays Inflam.
<s?J.,|sMinal ion. II on Is
sJi^^P?80 r ,"<' ~s'0 r c"
k^^^v)'riisb> nntl Smell.
A Positive Cure
A particle Is applied Into
SMU nostril. Price SO cents, at dru-.:i! ts nrhv mail
bend for circular.
_KI.v lUtOTnF.ns. Drogguils, Owegn \ y
lOSfCS h. pay* Hi. Iralaii?tii lot
m.i ni.ntlnn Ihl. nafuir. ?r4
? N.V.
uman's Lawn Pump,
I'.llrclril July 50. |fTs, Aogll.l 13. lv,|. ,?,! J.?u?r
; o* i l y Karacra, (ia.dtnrr.,
>. Utftyawa, Dratfliu, n?|.
Ae. I'.,, a atf pnStas4 M||,
i mrriu. ?n, ?. i In rrrrr coiuiit.
'lnhufor .ale Prlc? fl.r-0, rxprrM rharr;*
r .te..-riplhe ifvuiir ion! lerin, tn lertiti
K!,iti;i. a co., Canton, O. '
your own Boiig,
1 i"" \f*-v 11 rlout. Una Cr
f/tt-. V. ilsou-i, f..T,.mKill peC
1 ,JI I lal.H. Clr?-ul:ir-s am 1 fsj iti:tinints M-rt
oaappHcuiion. u n.so\ kuos., j-:u?to..i, vi.
I havo a pe.ltIvo romeily f.ir tlio a'jovo dlMaao; by Its
; kind and of lornr
cd. Iiiitcf.l. .urtrniu: j. m. rat'ti
I TWO, HO I'll.KS I'-liKB,
Oll. T. A. ?L?i.'UM
ii' o.itmi
PaarlSt., Koit Vori.
Salary and Expenses!
serins- MRTABUl Kmi r. rt'itp. It rntaonl Arcai >va.he?
niii;oiis, nindoii..., (,... rprinkt.-H lawns. >ti i ets, canleil.
Mils hliirs Inserts In pVoil. ,i?e, tree, balls i,,T| l?,ats
. '. IV. "il;*,',",'!,U"o Tins.?, ?.,terr..| feet (Ii anllnll,
-&a fiatrapjB?r.?)lfa
_ Uf Cot tho lieu one. Sal ? * \er? ?Ii i
? I ie:.- ...
Kr.uil til ;hi.Ik
it< up, Prrwrrraa
: liir .iei'.' wivet, innlleT I'r ?
JA.MKJ ii ini.i v.Scod Urowcr, Madison!Ark.
nof.M IIS ea. 1. for AVwand fX7^
vr;.fKK?v IN ii.? Afll i m:s.
Ilonahlj Ralesmeu lo Tra?ei
nml.MlIt th.-tr llenur(Jelc
?T,;--t-- lirnleil Ciuiiph, Tiihiiceo,
l Ual rllrri, Ke, l.theinl arrarc nn-iMs. s il.u v ? ?
oninih.lnn .liWipshimei:;,,, ,y. > K\V YOlt K
iv ll.llA\.U'l(.AliCO?Ni..| eotirlh a v. N V
I Krri.li.? Teetb Perfect and Guin? Ilonliliy.
nwC^MJIKr Ma?azinc
l^r lo. .. or Itmll ?..,,^.,11 ,t?. Th, ?,.??..,
For li.ra or imall K?tn^?all ,f
.'y Raanam.1, aarf it,, oojy iiaaUiHj
IlAl.r.AItn 0ALu:itY, !:i'<ii:tim! im,
Gilbert Ulf?. Co., 3 10-348 lif-orfrtttay, N. Y
J iiia iillie thut j.V!?t3
plainly on the selvage > n the
wronij aide or our Dress Linings
, the rul Imime or this Company on
La: a .. j ?.. rvcry>ar.lor,;oodiwemake.Wo
ffiPJ V " "Uo, li'li'ii'-nt of tin- drr5.smaker,iand
|i' i JofOit.c^ilil^f ii ii l-iooii'ii'ot thirteen thousand
dollar? (*].f,u<i|f.ir tills n^eWii* .Kit (her irulykiloiT
bowtp lr|l yemifne r^or/V fronf lifo liu'Ull?fl. m
u.m. run In fin. bna/?p_*gli nlxlft and day, rife M
s"'" niAch.iiNi.nnd.cBC .of ihr?.. iiuclifriefcAiIprlriJ
SSjaiatper ilileuin. Son. ? c ?Viulil lUcefolinoW
bow many school j rii and b-ors. ihere nri lathe, U. S.
and i anada, under 17 yeara of n^e, vtBO ?an teUl ulf
o.ai'tly bow many yard* ttac.ie rtvo niacnlileT ean
pr.ut In tho.1t:i working days n a year. Forerery
boy or ?Irl who will send in tlio correct answer, with
I cents in stamp, to pay po t ige and packing, wo will
nmll Kralli one cloipailt Imperial site Photosraph
_?f??_?;V "..''le'/Thrci. I.liile Mnldo from
Hi i100i. ' W e will al o mull tree to any address,
on receipt "f 13 -.. n History or the Darns Htatrs.
toutaliiiifg si.) partes, by Kiurry v. Childs, giving oli
Inmor'ai'i rniiii) rroirl lijj Id lssj. and well worth
intfily (tuics the pike, Tills.Iitfok should hd lite text
boo* for schools an(J In the hands of ail ieieheSi arti)
In overt library |n ihn laut: Ptaatta itiuw Ulla to
your school mate, mvl friend". ._
A?r roH The
licit material, perfect fit. equals any (S or 10 shoe,
every pair warranted. Taku nono unless stamped
?? W. 1,. Douglas' ?3.U0 Shoe, Warranted." Congress,
Mutton and I.aco. Hoys nak
wt,tltt)..>v. jj. i>,iii8
the SSCUShoe. It fan Cfl
get these shoes from deal?
ers,send address on postal
card to W. L. Douglas.
Uruckton. Mass.
Clonuses, purl Acs nnd makes clotlirs nhlto
nnd sweet. Excellent for Ilnth nntl Toilr.
i nli hbliltri burg only. Voranlc everywhere.
I50<>? Af._JSTS WASTED nit
By John It. Gotiffh.
??<? last anil c o r. riljj-j life tjrik, ii.-lm fiiil of Hirililt-S totes
il KOnd.'lull 0}
To It U added
... Men and Www.
..?.ii.11 made. CJ*"f'l''?'ce no kindrnnet a* w?
I'.fi-i yvri... no.I ;?.../ t r'igHli. Wnlo foi clrcnloi. to
I). WOltTlllNUTON ii CO., llurllord, Cuun.
m:t:K 1* it's
Talent Wash
lutl Machine,
Improved, ap
proaeuefl near?
er tho old 1110
thnil of h in I
rubbing than
nny drvleo yot
Ibfrudurad to
Irt pilbllr.
..ailly worked
and wa hnJ
lier.e-l. Da
icrliulve ctr
alled fr a. N. t.\ ih01111
IMention tlllx paper.)
in Sunny
..,.1/ .ti/rleofriini! Air* In America.
Kiirroaiiiled by 1 1 '.[mt nn mining and t.intuifactur
llia towns, J.iriiici-'a /Hindi. .' M.Killlleent 1 rops
raised In 1 Tlinunnnda of Acres ot tJnvcrn
inenl 1.11 Inf. subject lopreeiiiptlnn -nd homestead.
Lamia for kale to actual settlor, a' S't'O per Acre.
Lima I line. Park Irrigated by Immense eauaU. Cheap
railroad rales. Btery attention ?liown settlers. Kot
mal s. pamphlets, etc.. n >dreai CUI.DHAUfJ LAND ft
LOAN CO., up ralloa?. llloek, llenver.i ol. Uoa-tm
n -,iv.-?ti RS-i
H I'lniplem nioteltea, Scaly or oily Shin,
h nieirilahcg Ulltl nil Skin lllaenaea Clare
h and Complexion lieiiuiliied by
0 Beeron's Aroma'ic Alum Siilpliur Soap.?
goM by PfllggUlg or sent by mall on receipt, of H
2.1c?nui ly W.U. DKEVn:>PPEl<i ainnii-B
fuel 11 rcr, *it)SNor b Kronlst.,Phl'ade'phla.Pa. H
RS f? WH w ith amal' capital make 8-1 (o J2J per day
Vti ff In with eiiramaleur Photo i Mitillii. No e.V.
BJJ isjy perlen,... required, evrrythliur sold read j
forUKO. tt DAyabljt wllh other hiislne a. In stores,
?.i-1 .Inline : nif.ir.ls stea Ij
of 1>,
Write ta dav, uiuiu
iiuil addrora Ktnpl
mil nmll!.
lar^e a l styles an i
traits. Work guaran
" VpAre
. .. Pint.
stnal 1. for
ajskt/'aa 1 Bnmnle p
LOwen prices.
'3 EST
Stamp rori
Full Paiuiculaus
Vf'Jl&S ?n 1 ?II iKrlr I...|-tie.11?., leclo,lln2 F.rl.l
H'v-leivm.i.1, Su",!l??u, llalr, Vuih iluk.,
Mal?, w.o.. Moil.. F,_k|?, 11*1 No.., Ar?fl
Mark llri.l.. Rran. rilllnr an.l Ih.lr lr??'meol,
Li f X. PesrlSI. All.mT.X. V. KiC?M lipo. RrnillOe. forUonk.
llrat Couch Hymn. Tastes good. Uso
fcrd ""ie. Hold by drucKists.
Sid fl?.bul 1"'eLlyand Falnleaa
JF UM psiHfsssi
JtKiiaoT Loin-is y, Lataycltc, lad.
.A?a'aw4 toS<;!.li.T?*nel~, SenT?tami
SlaSl?5ll3irVr.,. lr:!l,.?"-... POL. L. UINo?
9 HAM. Atl'y, Wnshlimoii, 1). c.
is ihou'd Join Die N. \Y,
il Bnilowincinl Society
1%%\V <S ?.1?0 b.ealttigiish Gout and
k?il ? I IIt9i Rheumatic Remedy.
Oval Mos, S1.U0I roil,,,). -,() el.. '
' for DVSPP.PSIA ft INDI."
1 tlRSTION. AddreasJ, M.
. s!li:;.t.y. charlotte. N. a
Or ward & co . Louisiana! mo
Ohas uwen ,ne )?d ,?
.- s ol
?. imlvaisal ?..
?IORphy rinos..
O haiwon ule (lvot o(
Ihe public and now ranks
the Itssaag Mcdb
) Rifle.
? rllt? in.H^. Pcrfevl
CT lllFI.l-a. Wo,I,I rrn?.,I. fiend for
AR3IS CO., Now Jim en, Conn.
, Is T?e Best
Waterproof Coat
Eycr Mafic.
atMir.iorrnt.tiercoaL TlmFi*:.)) rtRAVD BI.IOKF.ri
. and will keen you dry In tho hardest ftorini
ai."ai lf_>0"r/.birekcepor^i!oei]
Time Table ik tlftCT NOVEMBER 27, 1885.
Eaat'n Stand's
hain Wit,
No. 3
Na 3U
tv H6
U> gut..
I.t Hurkrllie
I.t FarmvIIIo
Ar Lynchlnlrg
?9 35 ? m
Hi au a m
la 17 p m
No. I.
" p m 7 40 a In
_p m .9 00 a in
S 30 p m 1017 a m
340 pro WM) j m
?IM) am
Liberty 2 01 a m
... IP a 'nie 3 v, am 4 06pm
I.t ii rlatlanburs * 30 a m
LS Cat ril _ * **_'""
Lt \YylB**uTd" *?7am 7 15 p m
Lv Marlon > AMatn 806 pm
ln?do? VAifam isaom
stof-- gaSssfn1 ixpm
?timifi /rVahr ftxccfAjland'tfy. ??
Parlor und ttloepln? ??? brivrffa llflslof
nnil I.) ncbbiirg on Tralna Na. 1 nnd 9i
I.r n vr Nerfo'k 0 40 a m. dally, and 9.SS a ro,
gally Arrivo llldimond 10.55 a m dally oicopt Sun?
day, and 1/30 pm. dally.
. Licnre Ittel, in ..nd Tin R. A F. R- R. at 8 35 a m.
pally MM Sunday, connecting with No. 8 wcat
enuuft S(l FoisTafmrg ror all potnu on lino of N. ft
? Lea ft Mjeffmenrf via R. t>. R. It. dally at 10.49
? in. fmtMti tfif arflTeasHKorfolkU.JOp m, dolly
Bed 310 pm dally
,L,viyr* Klrh
at a dally rXeepI Sunday via R. k
q and fttt) p m. striving at Lynch,
and ^ 3,55 a m, connecting with
A at? atA uua nj and*9.
burg n( MB jt ft and 3,6..
trains on Wc?(cfu ?lflnion.-.
FuBronnPalaco Steche** ftpanoao to Atlanta o?
r>o. 3 and Roanoke to Now Oflftjii-i 4/nHoi i,
East'n Standard EASTWARD
No 2 1 No 4 No 2?
m Iff 1l?p n ?6 25 a m
? OF Klf 6 57am
Cfalral a OS am 1030 sm tanopm
i-hri tianabnrg 2 a7 a in 10 4.1am 3 11pm
4 45 a in 1155am 490 pm
5 J8?m la 55 p m (i 01 p m
7 00 am_1 45 pm 7 00 p m
' Hnanoko
' Liberty
?7 60am
0 49 a m
10 27 a in
<a an p m
saop tri
?3 80 pm
5 80 p m
raT-?Lally. IDatly except SnnrlayT
At Roanoke No?. 0 arid -I e^fwetn "Ith Shonan
doah Valley railroad. No. 4 has Ftlllm p sleeper*
'oNowlork without changoTla a V. railroad nnd
Hnrrioburg. No. 4 hna Pullman olcepeni to Wash
f ,TlU,oat cba,"KO. via Haiti innre ft Ohio roll -
At lo-Hcllhllro, Vlntlida Midland railroad leavca
for tho Nhflfl 7 I'd ft rn dally oxrept Sunday and a 00
P in nnd 1 60 am dally; leriVce l.ynchbniy 0 10 p m
?nd 4 55am(lallyforthe8oulIi.
nichtnond'and Allegheny railroad! leaves Lvnch
bonj at a 10 p m and PI 30 p m arriving a. Richmond
? S?Pjn and 7 Ot) a m dally eic. pt Sunday.
No. 3 makes connoetlon via Petersburg for Rich
inond. ornTlnf? at Illchmond 130 pm dnllr. At
f frrolk No. a orrivoa 3 20 p m. connretin? with Day
Janealuainst. lroTlnK Norfolk dally except Sunday
for llalihnurd at o00 and with Old Dominion for
New Yofc en Monday, Tuesday. Wodnoiiday nnd
Saturday and with ff. T-, V. ft N, rullreal daily,
leftTlng Norfolk at C p m.
rrwARn, j Exc^A,^Ynn? j WrsrwAtto.
p in I.v.'.
p m I.Te.
p m I.tc.
P m J.Tfl,
p nl LVe.
P m Lt&
a in Ltd.
Now RWer
11 50
12 09 ]
12 2!
1 1.7
1 ill
p (a
P m
p in
p m
Allleqnlrieaaa to rates, routes, etc., promptly an.
If you nrORoIng to travel drop a letter or poat.il to
TravcllnR I'aascnitcr AKent,
CHAS.O. EDiTV. Roanoke, Vo.
Vlco Preaidcnt.
Ucuerol Klnnoger.
Genera. Ome.?ar\?to?''vrr Bn" T'CkCt A8Cnt
Arcora. Exprcae
rNo. 8. No. 9.
I.T Richmond
Ar Scottsvillo
ar Lexlnirton
ar Clif 'n Fg.
It Lynchburg
ar Bui..Falls
It Lynchbnrg
it BaL Falls
ar Cllft'n Frg.
lv Cllft'n FrK.
It Lexington
or Bol. Falls
I ?Lynchbarg
af seottevlHo
or Itlchmonrt
lv Lexington
or Bol. Falls
ar Lynchburg
eabt biiunu
lv Cllft'n Frg.
ar Lynchbnrg
ar Bs). Kails
S 4ii p m
8 40 p m
4 21 p in
fl 35 p m
No. U.
10 80 ? m
T 00 a m
1 00 p m
1 00 p m
H 10 a in
?No. 1?.
9 10 pm
t 46 a m
10 SO ? m
7 or. a m
5 16 p m
* 87 a in
6 16 a in
?No. 14
7 00 a m
8 55 a m
9 10 "
11 as "
a so p m
10 00 p m
1 00 p m
7 00 pm
8 00 pm
10 26 p m
2 16 a m
2 80 "
4 10 ?'
14 12 "
e 60 ?'
S 10 A m
9 05 a m
10 00 a m
to 20am
8 46 "
No. 10.
8 00 pm
1 35 p m
7 40 p m
0 20 p in
9 40 p m
1 69 a m
7 00 a ro
Trains marked ? dollr exco t Sunday; Trnln
morked t daily; Trains mnrkc i daily except Mon
At Clifton Forge with V. ft o. Ry. for the Sonth
weM, Northwest and Wc?t; at Lynchbnrg with N.
& W. lly, for nil points South Southeast sort Sonth
west: and Vs. M Id. 71 y. for all points North nnd
South. At Richmond with Apsoclntcd Railways for
all points In tho South and It. F. ft P. It. H for all
points North; at Ix xlngton with B. ft O R. H
making elpor connection at lla.per's Ferry to onil
from rittsbnrg and tho West; alto, to points North
and East.
G. Pi A., Richmond. V?,
8. F. Tyler, Raceiver.
Time Table in effect NOVEMBER 22, 18&\
Standard Timo,
76th Meridian.
ITazerstown 6.10 nm
Anlictam - 6.43 "
Shcplcrdstown 6.60 "
Shcnsndosh Junction 7.05 "
Chnrlcstown - 7.17 "
Rlvorton - - 8.29 "
Luroy - O.5.-, ??
Mllnea - 10.42 "
Waynesboro jnnctlon 12.03 m
Natural Bridge - 2.11 pm
Roanoke - . 3.45 pm
6.31 pm
7.00 ??
7.U1 "
7.27 "
7-37 "
8,42 "
9.49 "
10.35 "
11.45 "
1.41 am
3.10 am
Atlanta . .
New Orleans
9.20 pm
3.65 am
4.65 pm
9-40 am
l.Oo pm
7.00 am
SSS am
3.65 pm
*.S0 nm
4.45 nm
7.20 pm
1.00 pm
No. 8 has Pnliman SIcopor Now York to Atlantis.
Go., without change, via. Harrislmrg and Roanoke.
nnd n bleeping Car Baltimore to Luray, via W M
R U No' 1 hsa Pullman Sleeper Washington to New
Urlcans without chonge vU B. ft O. railroad and
Sticnnudoah Junction.
At nagcrotown. Md., with Uu) Wcstorn Maryland
l.nltroad to and from Baltimore, Frederick
Kuimitlsburg, Ccitynhuru, l'enmar, Wayneaboro,'
FS., ana points on the Western Maryland railroad
ind branches.
With Cumberland Valley railroad to and from
llnrrlsbprg, C?r Isle, Shippcnnbarg, Chumbcrsborg
Mcrceraburtr, MnrUlnnhurg, and points o i the Cum
ocrlnnd Valley railroad and branches
Aloo to and from Pittsbnrg and tlie West and
Northwest, and Boston, New York, Philadelphia
ind tho Morth and East.
At Shcnandoah Junction. W.V;, with Main Lino
>f Baltlmoy; and Ohio Railroad to ond from Wosh
ngton nnd tha West.
At Waybeshoro Junction, Va., with Chesapeake
ind Ohio rullway to and from Orcenbrh-r Whlto
iulphur Sp-ings and Richmond.
No. 4 makes closo connections with
O. & O. II. It. liast. hound trains loav
liifr Waynesboro Funct ion at 4 2;* p
M. No 3 makes close connect ion
West Bound leavinir Wnvneshoro
At Loch Laird. rtlttV Lc.<tnrton branch of Rich
noad and Allegheny railroad.
At Bachauan with Main Lltto ?f Richmond andi
Allegheny railroad
Al Koanokc, with Norfolk and Weitsra rallread.
At Bojce, for Ml 1 wood and Winchester, Va.
At Tioutvlllo lor l'lncartle.
JlandanJ Tltne, Kxprcas F.iprtaa
75th Meridian, No. 4. No. a.
Jtoanoke 13 OS p. a. 3 ?5 A, M.
Natural Ilrldge. 138 " ?II "
loth Laird, a CO " ?3? "
Sfarueabsro Junction 337 70*
Milne*, 5u0 8 25
Luray. ?"?? OW /
ltlrcrton, 7II 10 ,
Uerryvlllo. BW 110?
Oharlcatoien. S 2fl 113*
Bhciiaiidoab Junction H MS II 55
Shophcrdstown. 8 5 V, 1209
AnUeiam. 8 58 ?15
Uagcrdown. uaOr. m. la 45 f, is.
AtTlTo Washington in .Dr. m 1 50 p. It.
II. k O. il. K.
?? Baltlra-ro 13 20 a.m. Sl?r, ?
B tiff, B- H.
" llattlnioro
W. M; It. B. 134)a. if. lOOr. M.
I .cave Hageritown 0 41 r M ja SO r u
l?ni?bu? 1 03 a af 330 p h
a. v. u. T<.
Philadelphia 4 35am c 50 y k
P. It B.
NewYori 7 00 am 9 3j |pn
Nd, 4 frta*csc)o<o connection with C A- O. R, R.
cast and went. Unuid traiua. No. 3 m.ik. .< clnio con -
ueellun west bound,
Pu hum Huff d cir, fajtly, o-i No- 4 from Atlanta
to Sow iork. without clliriaje. vl? LnrrlNburv. and
also I'ulima'i sleeuec New Orieiyun to Waahlnjrton
vta'.'alori, Itoauokcaud sluiinr***vh Junction, and
K. * U- H- It.
Als > I'.irior_
Um ere via K tgeratown
tleu. l'am. and Xloket Acfant
DAVID W. FI.UK Will. H ,?,, Sr. Va.'
Oil- FUTrKUP.lt. Suporliilonuoti'.
I'rj.-H Agl- HagorsiowU, Mil.
A NEW cotton-picking maohino En
bootJ invented and patonted, which, ill
is claimed, fulGUs all tho conditions re?
quired of such nn arrangement. It il
tho work of a Goorgia inventor, Owes
T. Bugg, and, though perfected too lat?
to do any work on the Into crop, will bi
put in the field to test its capacity on
tho next one.
Tract distributors in Now York City
complain that thousands of tracts art
being distributed throughout the tono
ment-houso districts and along short
printed in imitation of tho gennino ro
ligiovts ones, and bearing titles Buch at
"Be Saved," "Salvation for All," and
the like, whioh, after n page or two ol
religious argument, run off into olo
quent patont-modicino advertisements.
Among those who called upon thi
President, the othor day, was ? little
man with a big pnir of opera glosses,
which ho purposed leveling at Me
Cleveland as soon as he entered the
room. Ho waited impatiently, bu|
when tho President did appear the lib.
tlo man was yanked into lino by tba.
ushers, had shaken the Executive hand,
and was out in tho corridor boforo hi
had time to think of the opera glasses.
Mus. Gladstone is described by
Americans who hnvo met her as a plain
looking woman, although she is ol
cottrso p08sossed of much natural re?
finement. Her features, liko those ol
so many English matrons, are heavy,
nud almost common, nud, ns sho pos?
sesses not tho least tnct of softening
her aggressive outlines by dress, slid
hbows to tho woi"3t possiblo advantage.
Sho is ovou worso tlrossod thnn most
of her countrywomen, but is, with nlf
theso poculinriticB of tnsto and style, o
most excellent woman and otio who ii
Well beloved_
No Chance fjr Prodigal Daughters.,
If tho prodigal son had been a prod?
igal daughter thero would hnvo boom
no fitted calf killed. Sho would have
crawled in nt tho back door, and on
hi r knees begged simply for a crust
nnd shelter, knowing that these, if ac?
corded nt nil, would he accorded most
grudgingly. Sho would hnvo kn?wii,
if the parents were w lliug to ki J
the fatted calf, that tho neighbors)?
would not como to the feast. Thai
opinion of centurion would have borno
on hnr with stt^h crushing we'ght as to
cause hor to hide upon tho approach of^.
her old-time frieuds had thoy desired
to approach. Tho women of tho neigh?
borhood wou'd havo refused to moot
hor. And of tho men? They would
probably havo been willing to rooet
her, hut how few of them would havo
mot her with manly intent'on of up?
lifting nnd upholding her? Not ono
out of fifty. The great bulk of them
would havo mot hor with tho intention
of dragging her still lower. This is ?
truthful statement of woman's position
as compared with man's. Man is an
important factor in the household, in
sociotv, and in the stato. Thero is
much ro;oicing when a man child Is
horn. lie is worth sacrificing for; ho
is worth forgiving when ho slips from
tho pnlh of rectitude. But his sister is
of less importance. Sho makes a mis?
step and is lost. Sho is of no valne to
the state; she is not n money-producing
factor in the household; sho is a de?
pendant and adds to the family cares,
and when sho falls sho is hardly worth
laving. If she attempts to rcfo m what
has she to roform to? It is felt by hor
iclf nnd her friends that sho nover had
tny indepouden o to lose, and, there?
fore, sho has none to regain.?Helen
Will man a._
The understanding is lowered from
issocialion with inferiors. With equals
it attains oruality; but with superiors,
luperiority; ho who caKs in tho aid of
in equal understanding doubles h's
?wo. _ "
A Perfect Baby.
Old I)nchclor(to young mother)?"The
baby is rather small of its age'. "
Young Mother (hesitnti igly)?"Yc-03,
Old Bachelor?"No teeth yet?"
Young Mother (fnlteringly)-"N-no,not
Old Bachelor?"Lo.os a littlo bowed?"
Young mother (doubtfully)?"Br-a
trifln- perhaps."
Old linchclor?"Nose small for the rest
of his fnt ci"
Young Mother (uncertainly)?"Yc-es,
but it will grow."
Old Bacholor?"Cries most of tho
time?" r.
Young Mother (dttbiously)?''It cries a
Old Rathclor?"Well, if the baby pos
tesses all these defects, why do yb'ii cnll it
Ihu sweetest, nicest, dc.irest, loveliest
baby in the world? Huh!"
Youn.2 Mother t tr'.umphantry)?"Bc
cnuseitis. Bo-thc:o! You mean old
thine"?-lYcw York Sun.
The Woman's Christinn Tcmpcrorct
Union detirc that the Evangelical Alliance
shall devote ono entire day of the Wcch
of Prayer to p aycr for thq_nbolition of"
thcli pu^r-trulic, us it occasions the great
eat obstacles in tbo way of tho Gospel i>
?YWjrl8D(4, ??