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i Newspaper Lawn. Subscribers who do not give ex r88 noMce to the oontrary are eonsid as wishing to oontinue. their sub? scriptions. 'A. If subscribers order tho discon? tinuance of their periodical the publish? ers may oociiriue to send them until all arrearages are paid. - 8. If subscribers refuso or neglect to take their paper from, the oflico to which they are directed they are held respon* . aiblo nntil they have settled their bilU and ordered them disoontiLued. professional cards. JJ O. ALDERSON, ^Attorney-at-Law, TizswELL, C. H., Va. Will practice in tho cou'-ta of Tnzewoll county, nnrl the Court of Appeals at Wytho villot; Collecting a r-pocinUy.. Lands for sale and land titles examined. J. H. STUART, Attorney-at-Law, Ghaham, Virginia. Will practice in tho counts of Taziwell, Virginia, Mercer nnd McDowell counties, West Virgluia, g M. B. COULtNG, Attorney-at-Law & Collector Graham, Tazewkll County, Va. Pmcttcn in all tho Courts of Tnzewo'.l ?ounty, Vo., nnd Mercer County, W. Va. 3. W. Williams. A C. Davidson. Bland C. H , Vn. Princeton, W. Vu, HLLIAMS Sb DAVIDSON, Attovnc ys-nt-Ln>v, Practice in all Iho Courts of Toz*wel e unty, Virginia, nnd Mercer county, Wat Virginia. A. J. & B. D. MAY. AttorucyK-nt-Lnw, ' TAZEWELI. O. R., VIRGINIA, Practice in the Courts of Tnzewoll county, and in tho Court of Appeals at Wythevlll Va. Particular attention pnld to the ro' lection of claims. Office opposite new Court* IIouec. R GILLESPIE' Pliysloinn nnd Siij-juj-ooii, TAZEWELL C. II, VIRGINIA. |37-Office Court House Square. j" T. COOLEY, DENTIST. Rooms In resilience east end of town. c. A. THOMHSON, DENTIST. Office West Front Room, Stras building, up stairs. s HAVING AND HAIR CUTTING. T. "3. "WARREN. Tazkwell, C H.. Va. Saloon Eist front room. Rtroa building, tip stairs. Elegant Chairs, Plate Glass Mir? rors, nnd all tho modern conver iecces. Please call. ""hotels. G. R SURFACE. JESSE F. WHITE CENTR AL HOTEL I SURFACE & WHITE, Prop1 8. X5y**Houso entirely Refurnised. A well-supplied Table, a complete Bar and good Stahles. Terms moderate. -TOTginia house, TAZEWELL, 0. II. VA, L. R- DODD This1 large Hotel ie entirely refurnished and fitted ap to suit modern require? ments. Speoial arrangements for commercial travellers. Table always supplied with the best. The Bar supplied with the finest and purest Liquors, Oigurs, &o. Good Stables, Sheds, &o. HAVE YOUR t* fi i ist t 13sr a ?DONE AT TIIR Olinoli Valley TM?;w-w JOB OFFICE Every Kind of Work wil' bn done Neatlv nnd Qoictly. VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. d. b. baldwin. T?ZEWCLL, 0. H., VIRGINIA, a c EIST FOB TAZEWELL COUUTX, J. P. & J. H. Kelly, Publ The London World prints tho thrill I big news thnt tomo of tho younger princesses wore, at a certain perform- | anco, soiled dressos of cream muslin, j with ermine capos thut had soon bottoi | days. 13nt the shock that this informa-' tion -would give tho sensitive reader is'j softoned bj tho additional record that the Priuoess Louiso of Wales had a fresh and pretty new frock at a certain state hall. _ How the whirligig of time changes men and things 1 At the close of the war Parson Brownlow, then Governor of Tennessee, drovo his predecessor, Ishnnt O. Harris, out of tho country by offering n roward of $">,000 for his cap? ture. Not long ago tho name Harris, now a Senator from Tennessee, intro? duced a bill for tho relief of the widow of 1'arson Brownlow, and heart? ily supports it. .. In somo of tho moro primitive set? tlements of Canada they nro ready to laugh at any joke, howovor old. A hu? morous leoturor recently appoared in a smnll back town in Ontario, and in the course of his remarks.Baid that no piano is needed in a houso where there is a male infant, bocauso "there is nl wnye mtihio in tho heir." Tho laugh? ter that followed lastod ton minutes by a stop-watch, nnd ono young man was taken out in convulsions. jMii. Li It kin, who was for ten years a sort of s'oeretary and intimato associ? ate of Carlylo, says that tho dpon so oret of tho Scotchman's life ivtxs his desiro to bo a man of affairs rather than aw.-it.-r. "Littleas sotno of his crit? ics imag'no it," snys Mr. Larkin, "his heart wns sick of perpetually exhort? ing nnd admonishing. To longed to bo doing something, instead of, ns ho say.s, eloqnontly writing and talking about it; to lie a king of kings, or n loader in the practical activities of lifo, uot u moro prorihct, forover and for? ever prophesying." A few days ago, in tho presenco o nnd assisted by tho Highgato Temper mice Gospel Help Ono Another Socioty Mr. William Orcon, of Bishopwooc, llighgnte, England, tho Presi? dent of tho so iety, destroyed his col? lar of wine, about *j,000 bottles, valued at .?000. Ia a speech explaining his reasons ho snid that after mature re? flection and earnest prayer ho had ronro to tho conclusion that it was God's will that ho should part with tho contonts of his wino collar. After this address the contents of the bottles were poured into tho sewer. Fon any number of years, while Judgo Davis was on tho Supremo bench, nnd in tho Senate, his daily luncheon consisted of two apples, o ginger cooky and a glass of milk, which cost him never moro than ten cents, and woro always cnten precisely <t the samo hour, standing boforo the counter of an old womnn called "Dys? pepsia Mary," who for years yoars Bold pies and cakes in tho Sonate corridor. She always selected tho best tipples in her basket for him and laid them care? fully to ono sido; and ho got a hu g, r nllowanco of milk than the other cus? tomers, a mug boing kept for his spe? cial uso. . _ A mnn named Swindler has been ap? pointed postmaster jit Climax, Mo. For Instant Use As a reliable remedy, in cases of Croup, Whooping Cough, or sudden Colds, nnd for the prompt relief and cure of throat and luug diseases, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is iuvuluable. Mrs. E. G. Edgerly, Council Bluffs, Iowa, writes: "I consider Ayor's Cherry Pectoral a most important remedy for home use. I have tested its curative power, in my family, many times during the past thirty years, ami huve never known it to fail. It will re? lieve the most serious affections of the thront and lung9, whether In children or adults." John II. Stodtlard, Petersburg, Vn., writes: "I have never found a med leine equal to ? AYER'S Cherry Pectoral for the prompt relief of throat and lung diseases peculiar to children. I consider ft nu absolute cure for all such affections, nnd nru never without it in the house." Mrs. L. E. Herman, 1S7 Mercer St., Jorsey City, writes: "I have always found ? Ayer's Cherry Pectoral useful in my fam? ily." B. T. ^lohuson, Mt. Savage, Md., writes: "For the speedy cure of sudden Colds, and for the relief of children afflict? ed with Croup, I havo never found any? thing -equal to Ayer's Cherry Poctorid. It Is the most potent of nil tho remedies I have over used." W. II. Stickler, Tc'rro Haute, Ind., writes: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured my wife of a severe lung affection, supposed to bo Quick Con? sumption. We now regard the Pectoral as a household necessity." E. M. Breck curldge, Brnfnerd, Minn., writes: "I am subject tp Bronchitis, and, wherever I go, am always sure to have n bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with me. It is without a rival for the euro of bronchial affections." prepared by ~ Pr. J. C. Ay6r & Co., Lowell, Mass, For sale by all Pruggists, Lshers. T Kcrtnl or Immorlal. If thou art bnso and earth!]', than despair, Thou art but mortal na the brute that fal'a, Birds weave thvir nests, the lion finds a lair, Man builds his halls. Thcso aro but coverts from earth's war and storm, Homos where our leaser lives take shape and breath, But, if no heavenly man has grown, what form Clothes theo at death! And when thy in cod of penalty is o'or, And firo has burned the dross, where gold is none, Shall 8opnrato lifo, but wasted heretofore. Still linger onf God fills nil Rpnco: w' atover doth offen I, From HU unbounded presence shall be spurned, Or deem'st thou Ho should garner tares, whoso end Is to be burned! It thou wouldst soo t ho Power that round thee sways, In whom all motions,, thought, and Ufo nro cast, bliiow ttint the puro, who travel heavenward ways, 1 See Chid at last. ?Francis Henry Wood. HOW I PROPOSED. We wore seated in luxurious arm-chnirs before the cheerful open fire In Jack's snug smoking-room, enjoying his excel? lent Havanns, when my host broko tho silenco which had lasted for several min? utes with the surprising question, ' 'Did I ever tell you whoro and how I proposed ' lo my wife?" I nodded a negativo reply, well aware i os I did so that ho knew he had not told me, but had prefaced his talc with an in- i tcrrogatlon according to his usual cus? tom. "It's quite a long story," said Jack in A warning tone, remembering my aver? sion to lengthy yarns as told by anyono but myself. "Ahl but such a subject," I answered, settling myself moro comfortably in my chair, nnd drawing tho box of Hnvnuas conveniently near. "I shall bo delight? ed to hear about it, but what will Mrs. Taylor say to your tolling me?" I added, kuowlng how tho . partner of my lot would feel on the subject. "She has positively forbidden mo ever to speak of it," said he, laughing, "und I have obeyed her until now?with ono or two exceptions?but its too good to keep." My curiosity was now fully aroused, and as Jack would toll tho story, of course I was obliged to listen; and if you think that in repeating it I am ncting unfairly, I'll stop nt onoo. "It was during jny second year at Har? vard," began 'Jack, knocking tho ashes from his cigar; "how long ago it seems, but, let me sco, its only eight years. Yes, it was during my Sophomore year, that I accepted Frank "Wilson's invitation to spend tho Easter holidays with hiin. Ho was awfully good company, and I know that I would be sure to put in n jolly week nt bis place Besides, there was another very strong inducement. "I was in love at that time with his cousin, Helen Wilson, who I had as-" ccrtained would bo of the party. I believe wo used to writo to each other. I know I used to spend the greater part of my time composing verses about her, many of which, however, I had not the cour? age to send. "When I heard that she was to be at X-I was delighted. I determined to go to New York nnd see if we could not arrange to travel up together. "When I arrived in that city I went directly to'her house; but at tho door I learned that she had just loft for X having decided to go a day sooner than she had expected. "I inquired how long she had been gone, and the servant said about fifteen minutes. Hoping to overtake her, I rushed up to the Grand Conti al Depot. There was not an instant to lose. Hasti-j ly buying a ticket, tore frantically after the already slowly moving train, and, owing to my length of limb, succeeded boarding the . 'Tanting, pesspiring, but exultant, I ? went through each car, in every seat ex? pecting to find the object of my haste. I "I had gone tlirough all but one when ? wo entered the tunnel, and I was begin? ning to fear that after nil perhaps she might not have taken this train, when, as I wns standing by the door, the ray of sunlight which came in through the occasional openings in the tunnel re? vealed her. to me seated alone at no great distance ahead ot me. "My heart gave n bound, and scarcely realizing what I was doing, I rushed up to her, nnd grasping her hninl, said: . "'Darling I I thought I had missed I you.' ;? " 'What do you meanl' s!ic exclaimed, ? In a tone of mingled indignation nnd ? fright. 'Let go my hand; you have ' made a mistake 1' "I obeyed her, thinking that she was nngry at my mode of address. " *I beg your pardon,' I said. 41 should not have spoken to you as I did, but I was so rejoiced to find you that I did not remember whero we nre. But as I have begun, I may as well finish. Dar? ling,' moving a llttlo nearer, 'wilLyou marry mcf You must know that I love you; I have so for ages, ev-cver sinco my I freshman year." j "But the mention of that astonishing AZEWELLC. H.,VA, piece of "constancy produced no result In ray favor. 8he turned her back upon me, if possible more completely than she had dono before. But I would not give up. 11 'Can't you lovo me a little?' I in? quired, tenderly, trying to tako her hand.' But sho snatched it away, and declined cither to turn her head in my direction or to answer my question. "As the train was making a tremend? ous noise, I thought that perhaps sho couldn't understand me, so I repeated my words at tho top of my lungs. She inado soino reply, but I didn't catch it. " 'Whatdo you say, denr?' I bawled. " 'I don't cvon know you,' sho an? swered, in what sounded liko a shrill whisper, hut tho tono was in reality a shriek. "I thought I could not havo hoard aright, and to convince myself that it was my hcoring which was nt fault, I planted my glosses more firmly on my nose, and look a closer inspection of her. tell you I don't know you,'sho repented, bringing her foot down on mine with much energy; 'leave me this moment, -or I'll-' "Here tho train emerged from tho tun? nel, nnd you can picture my nmnzement, horror, and mortification, when I toll you thnt I found that tho girl to whom I had been screaming out my love was an utter stranger to me. "Dazed nnd scarlet, I arose from my scat. " 'I beg'yo'ur' pardon,' I said, reraov 'ing my hut, 'I hnve taken . you for some? one else.' "Not observing how my npology wns received, I rotrc.itod to the smokiug-cnr, where I remained until wo reached X-, too stunned even to think. "When I loft tho train, In looking about for some sort of conveyance to tako mo to tho Wilsons' placo, I found, to my increased cmbarrissincnt, that the girl to whom I had so recently offered myself was standing on the platform, ap? parently waiting for someone. "Thnt sho saw mo I could toll from tho expression of not seeing mo which she immediately assumed. As sho would not Iook at me, I had plenty ot opportu? nity to obsorvo her, and saw thnt sho rcnlly did resemble Helen in many wnys, notwithstanding she was both fairor and smaller. "But my object wos not to admire her, although I nssure you my inclination was; so, linding thnt thcro was no hopo of obtaining a vehicle, I stnrtcd onfoct, fortunately getting a lift over tho greater part of tho way. "Arrived at tho house, I was wel? comed with much cordinlity by myhost and his family, nnd introduced to tho other guests. "I imagino my footings when, in the course of tho conversation, I loarnod that Frnnk'3 sistor wns expected homo from boarding-school thnt afternoon by tho vory train on which I had come. "It was then to her I bad boon mak? ing lovo, instead of her cousin. My dis? position was to turn nnd run, but I know I should hnvo to stay and mako tho best of it, so I smothered my moti fication, nnd when a few minutes later tho carriogo arrlvod bringing Miss Wil? son, and I was presented to her, I think that of the two she found the situation tho more awkward. "Tho next day tho tardy Helen ar? rived, and explained how, returning to tho house for something sho hnd forgot? ten, she had missed her train nnd her es? cort. "During tho entiro week I w?8 impa? tiently waiting for nn opportunity to offer myself to iler, hut before I could do sol lenrnoi that a largo diamond ring which she hnd been wearing for several months \yns the plcdgo of en? gagement to some other fellow; nnd, to my surprise, discovered nt the same time that the knowlcdgo did not trouble mo very much. I ^ "I supposo you think that I was half in love wr.h the sister, but assure you I was not I considered her-.tio young for me, although now I think her just right for mo in every particular, ond it was not until several years later, when. I met her again as a charming young lady, that I realized that I had accidentally proposed to the woman whom of all oth? ers I would choose for my wife."?Anna Zerega in Tid-Bits. A Dark Cloud on Love's Horizon* "Now, my darling," said he, "I would ask you to have some oysters to-night, but since the Rs have disappeared from tho months' oysters are no good ; in fact, the scientists say they are hurtful. Of course you would not ask mo to'treat you to anythinghurtful." "Certainly npt, dear John, but there is ico cream, you know." "I'm awaro of it, but, they say that arsenic goes into the manufacture of ico cream." "All tho better, dear John. There is nothing better for the complexion than arsonic." "But, my love-" "Never mind, John, I'm willing to risk it." "But if you should die, darlingt" "You will take a plate also nnd wo will die together." Then John was forced to confess that he bad only fifteen cents in his pocket and the engagement was at an end. Thus do dark clouds loom up on younj; Jqvo's horizon.?Boston Courier, EY N APHASIA. Some Abnormal Peculiarities of tho Faculties. Men of Oulturo Who Have Lost tho Powor oi Beading and Writing. There nro four forms of aphasia which may co-exist, or which may bo found iso-. hxtod: (1) tho loss of tho powor of under? standing spoken words, or, as it has been named, raihcr Improperly, since tho ' failure is uot physical but mental, verbal deafness; (2) verbal blindness, or the in? ability to rend; (3) muter apluvsin, or tho loss of tho power of nrticulnte speech; (4) ngraphin (a term invented, wo believe, by tho English physician, Dr. Ogle) or tho loss of tho power of writing. An instance of loss of the faculty of under? standing spoken words, while that of un? derstanding words \viitten remained is quoted by M. Ballet from Abercrombio. It is that of a gentleman-farmer in Scot? land, who recognising tho sounds of spoken-words without understanding their meaning, and who, to make com? munication with his laborers possiblo, had a written list in his room of the most ordinary terms. On hearing without in tho least comprehending tho spoken words, he turned to h:s wrltton list, and his^crccption of what was said became clear. Of verbal blindness (as it is called) M Ballet gives the instnnce of a French merchant, whom ho cull M. P., n ?man of fair cultivation nnd more or lesa of n reading habit, who through nn ncci dent in hunting lost tho faculty of rend? ing. "M. P. understood perfectly every? thing that was said to him, answered questions with much precision and cx \ prcasod himself with n certain degree of facility. Moreover, ho wroto with enso not only his nnino and address, but n long letter, and that without any nota? ble mistake in orthography. Tho inter? esting fact is that, though he could writo, nnd did it with a certain case, ho was incapablo of reading. 'I writo,' ho said, 'as if with my eyes closed ; I don't read what I write.' In fact, ho was wholly unable to re-rood the words which ho had traced a few seconds be? fore." The letters themselves written in this condition wcro quite equal to those which ho had written before tho acci? dent befel him. Of motor aphasia, or the inability to use articulnlc speech, M, B diet gives in? stances of a patient at tho Saltpctricrc, whoso reply to all questions consisted of tho word "Mnonsan, mnrasca"; of anoth? er who could only say "Monomnmcntif"; of n third who was reduced to tho ex? pression "Iqul phnphoiqui"; nnd of n fourth whoso vocabulary did not go be? yond "Buden ahnden bndena." Tho poet Bau lelniro could say only, "Cru nom, ere nom," being in thin respect In? ferior to a very distinguished lady, whose conversational powers extended to though not beyond, the entiro phrase of which Baudelaire gave the usual nb brcvintion. Still inoro advanced wns an? other lady who repeated nt every mo? ment, "Madame, etc. man Dicti, est 11 , possible, bonjour Madame." In tho earlier stages of tho malady ! proper names aro forgotten. An eminent , man of science was reduced to designate the person of whom he spoke as "My I colleague who invented such nnd 6tich n i thing." Next common nouns disappear. When the Abho Pcrier asked for his hat the said: "Qivo me my?what one puts I on one's?." Mb coat was, "What is I worn to be dressed in.''. Seissort, with ' another ' patient, wcro thingB one 'cuts; the window, what one looks 'through, what gives light. Whnt can ' not be Bind by people affected with mo 1 tor aphasia can sometimes be sung by ' them. An officer who could not pro ' nouncc tho word "enfnnt" nnd "patre,". I whoso power of speech wero confined to tho word "pardi" and the letter "b," was capable of Bulging with perfect ;ir j tlculntion tho first couplet of tho "Mar sellaise." A farmer, "du cojntcde Wik ' low ? dont .pnrie Graves,',^t<?|d not pro ' nouncc tho nnmes of his wftc^'and child? ren except by reading thom.-^A-striking instance of agraphia is that of n Russian ' oflicer, well acquainted with Russian, French 'and German, who, having been afllictcd with motor aphasia as regards French and German, afterward becatno subject to ngraphin as regards all tho three languages though he retained or rcgnined the power of rend ng nnd speak? ing them. A woman being asked to j write her name, produced the words, "Sumil siclna satrcni," and gave her ad? dress as "Suuesr nut to mcr llnu lain." An English n ival office belonging to tho ' Admiralty," was constrained to add the .[terminator "dendd" to each word, nnd I to writo, "Itoyondcndd nnvendendd siorendendd [sic] belondendd," etc? Saturday Hevieie. Tho NiiMonftMJame. Young Man (to dealer in sporting goods)?Havo you baee ball suits? D,:aier?O.i, yes, sir. X can furnish you with any thing you like in that line. Young Man?Well, you can get mo up n suit made of chillol steel with lit? tle sharp-pointed spikes) sticking out all over it. Dealer?But, my dear sir, you couldn't play ball in suO'i a suit us Hint. Young.m.u'i?.Qfjj r.i* u '? [>inv?.-r; I I'm an umpire.- Jfctfi Yuri; pun. k "EWS.! 0 Price, $1.60 Per Year. C The Wood Rut. Tho wood rat lays up enormous stores of acorns during or prior to tho wot sea ?on. But it is n useless provision, as ' the nuts can bo found nt any time A I nest recently opened was arraugud seem- ' ingly in a, regular mannor as regards ' apartments; the general shape was domo- ' liko, being formed of sticks nnd other | roftifo piled upon euch other, so that it ' was .'lorn apart with great difficulty.!' Three openings wero apparent, leading innrem below, and entering tho nest 1 proper, which constituted the tlrst story. 1 This was provided with ?oft moss ma? terial of various kinds, showing that.tho wood rot had nn eye for comfort. Im nicdintyly above this wns nn apartment, if it can ho so culled, tilled with acorns, several tpmrts, as near as I could judge, and above this roso tho domelike top, forming n perfect wntershond, n fact proved by the dry nest, that did not show tho slightest signs of moisture. The position of tho nest varies. In the ono mentioned it was on the ground, built up around a tree. Others are con? structed in tho open gronsewood, and still another, in Millar's cany on, is built on n tree six or eight feet from tho ground. In somo nests tho material is undoubtedly tho accumulation of years, nnd might well weigh u ton, ami would form two good loads for a curt. Whcth er tho wood rat hibernates I hnvo been unable to determine, but am inclined to think not; Ihn supply of acorns pointing to nn active uppetitc, ?nnd I have seen them out within a month. Almost every branch of animals has its representative's' among thu winter or summer sleeper.*, and Dr. Abbott, the eminent nrclitoolo gist, is under the impression that he bus observed swallows in a chimney in n state of hibernation. Ah the snakes in southern California ami nil over the north hibernalu in winter, so do the large reptiles in Florida; us the alliga? tors, though this Ih only in thu portion! where tho cold strikes them, as on tho Bt. Mary's river and about Furimudinu. ?Um Francisco Call. A Thoughtful Itelntlte. There's one young fellow in Ball Fran? cisco whose ingenuity and forethought ill him for .thu highest place in politics, if he chooses to adopt that mode of life. I envy him, not so much the ingenuity ns tho rich female relative lipon whom he has inadu use of it so successfully. Hht in far away in a distant land, and appro* elates, ns all people do titular such cir bllnvtniicos, the thought fulness and kind? ly attention which lire perhaps rarely given to thu distant poor. This lady hni it pnssion for strange brle-a-bntc, nr,d sh< prizes n pieco that comes from so fni away as Bin Francisco. This, young i gentleman wished to remember hot birlhdny and send her something. lit bethought him of n piece of rare china, but Ihn price of what ho wanted rut her nppnlled him. There was nn old piece of broken china that was worth little. His eyes fell upon it. "Now," ho said to himself, "if I send a pieco of china through thu mail, it will very likely gel broken. If I send this it will ho taken for granted it was broken in the mail, Bhc'll have it mend? ed, .and there you are." lie sent tho broken piece, and thu rich relutivo hns already Hcnt him several remittances ns acknowledgement. All 1 want is tho rich relative. I've got Hit broken china.?Sun Francisco Chronicle. Alpine Tunnel*. The Alps uro nt the present time pierced by three long tunnels, two en? tering Italy from France and Switzerland respectively, nnd tho third connecting thq latter with the Tyrol, nnd called, nCCOrding to the mountain chains that arc traversed, tho Mont Cents, Bt. Gothard, nnd Aribcrg tunnels. Of these, the Mont Cenis, tunnel is seven and three quarter miles in length. Its co-t wns $15,000,000. The Ht. Got bard tunnel if ?nine nnd a quarter miles In length, nnd cost $J2,r>00,000, tho diminution in ex? pense being owing principally to the more rnpid progress of tho work by im? provement! in the drilling machines. Tho Aribcrg tunnel is shorter than those of Mont Ocnis or Gothnrd, being only nix nnd n-half miles. Its cost, with tho railway, was $17,400,000. A fourth tun? nel, hud n most formidable rival to-Mont Cools nnd Bt. Gothnrd tunnels will b'c Bimplon tunnel, by which the existing line from Geneva to Mnrtiguy and Brcigg will bo carried through the mountains to Dunnio d'Ossola, und so on to I'uil nnzo or Strczii, on the Logo Mnggiorc. As this tunnel will be commenced nt a much lower level than any of the others, it will necessarily bo longer, tho rough .estimate being twelve nnd a half miles, and the probable cost about $20,000,000. A llnnir-Mniln ISnrometcr. Tho following, though o d to somo, may be new to others, nnd will ennble j the latter to make a simple barometer for themselves: Two drachms of camphor, half drachm of pure saltpetre, half drachm of inurinto of ammonia, nnd two ounces of | roof spirits, in a glass tube or a narrow phial, will make n very good weather guide. In dry weather theso j hit on will remain clear. Oa tho np? ' proiich of change, minute stars will rise ', up in the liquid, while stormy weather will be indicated: by tli i very disturbed |e ndltioj of the chemical combination, 1 Weather Journal, IMPORTANT TO PATBONS. I-tT No subscription will bo discontinued 111 nil arrearages oro paid. , Advert Ironien t.i are payable In advancf nleaa special terms are made. No anonymous communications will bQ ubllshed. * All subscriptions are duo with first copy ( paper. Address all business communications t? Jlinch Valley News. * SCIENTIFIC SCBAl'S. The thickness of.tho cartli's crust is xjlicvcd by Monsieur Faye, tli? Frohch geologist to bo grcntor under occuns than >cnoath continents, because tho earth's icnt has always radiated more freoly here. Suits of copper?usually regarded as rory poisonous?have been administered >y a French chemist to dogs and rabbits without serious effects, either from large loses or from a long continued rogular iiso of tho substances. Surveys mado during tho past two years have shown that tho river Rhone line cut for itself it channel in tho bottom ,)f Lake Geneva, through which it flows, between parallel banks, like an ordinary stream on the earth's surface. Tho Rhino makes a similar passage through Lako Constance. 1 An instructive display at tho newly opened colonial exhibition in London is that of the rice of India, which includes ten thousand different varieties, all be? longing to IV single species. All colors uro represented, from black to pale yel? low nnd white. Two species of wild rico aru known, only one of which closo ly resembles tho cultivntad varieties. On tho Trans-Caspian railroad in Rus? sia, now approaching Morv, it is claimed that about f800 per mi la la being saved by the use of ozokerite, or mineral wax, for ties. When puriflod, melted and mixed with limestone .and gravel, tho ozokerite, which is* nbmidatit in tho vi oinityof the railroad, produces n very good uspha't. This is pressed into shape in boxen, nnd gives ties which retain their form nnd hardness in the hottest weather. The botanic gardens of tho world,most of Ilium scientific in character, nro re? ported to number 107, of which Ger? many has 1)1, Italy 211, France 20, Great Britain nnd Ireland 12, West Indies six and the United Status live. More than half are Bitpportcd by government nnd only five percent, by private ontoi prise. A novel loeomotlvo is to bo built for trial on ono of tho French rnllronds. Boe? ing thnt big driving wheels wcro good for speed, the investor proposus to build n locomotive with six coupled wheels 8 1-4 feet in diameter, The tender nnd conches arc to have wheels of tho samo dimensions, mill tho calculation is thnt with such u train a speed of from 72 to 78 miles an hour can bo obtained. Quickness ef Perception; Tho following story from tho P.nn Jf nthly is related of Agassis, and it is sufficiently characteristic of this remark? ably acrurato obsorvor to have the merit of probability. Wo are told that once upon a time the professor had occasion to select an assistant from ono of his classes, Thcro wore' a number of candi? dates for tho post of honor, nnd finding himself In a quandary as to which ono hs should choose, tho happy thought oc? curred to him of subjecting three of the more promising students in turn to the simple tost of describing tho vlow from tho laboratory window, which overlook? ed tho the sido yar.l of tho cottage. One said thnt he saw merely a board lence and a brick pavement; another ndded a stream of soapy water; a third detected the color of tho paint on tho fenco, noted a green mould or fungus on the bricks, and evidences of "bluing" in tho water, besides other details, It Is needless to tell to which candidate was awarded tho coveted position. Hdudin, the celebrated prestidigita? tor, attributed his success in his position mainly to his quickness of perception, which, he tells us in-, his entertaining autobiography,, ho acquired by educat? ing his eyo lo detect a largo number ol objects at h single glance. His simple pla-i was to select a shop window full of a miscellaneous assortment of articles, and walk rapidly past it a numbor ol I limes every day, writing down each ob? ject which impresso I itself on his mind. In (his way he woi nb!e, nftcr a time, to detect instantaneously all the articles in tho window,.even though they might bo numbered by scores.?Scientific American* A Washington Character. General Jo? MeKiljben is a character who is a frequent sight upon tho street! of Washington. The general Is one ol the few men who can truthfully say that during the two years of his service as a member of the housu ho nevor made or ' attempted to make a speech. This is all tho more surprising as years ago McKib ben wns acknowledged to bo one of tho bast political speakers that ever graced the stump in California. Speaking upon ! this topic tho other evening, tho general said: "I never know any good to come out of speech-making but once, nnd that was when the governor ordered me to re? main and take part in the campaign. I 'had bought a ticket upon tho steamer ? Central America, intending to go to J New York. The steamer was wrecked j and 000 lives wcro lost. Among them j was Lock wood, one of tho brightest law? yers thnt ever graced the bar. While j the steamer was sinking Lockwood was ordered to take his place at the pumps, lie replied : 'Those who aro afraid can work the pump?, but I shan't.' Then ho took ofl his money biig which was full of : gold and threw it into the sen, exclaim? ing: 'I came to California without any ; thing, lind I !?ev ? it equally wealthy.''--, I Uoiion 'JVireelUr,