Newspaper Page Text
Clinch Valley News. JAMES 3?. KEIO.T, Editor._ FRIDAY, - - - 8EPT. 8,1886. FOE CONGRESS, Ninth Congressional District, WAJ. R. R. HENRY, Of TozewcU, County, Virginia. ATTENTION DEMOCRATS. Tho peoplo of tho counties coin posing tho 9th Congressional Di? trict of Virginia will take notice that they will bo addressed by prominent speakers of tho Democratic Forty on thoir respective County Court days in September and October. A. M. Bowman, Ch'm'ii 9th Cong'l. Dis. Com. It is Uiougiit that tbo Hon. Goo. D. Wise will bo nominated by the | Democrats in tho Richmond district, despito bis wish to the contrary. A full force of delegates, represent? ing tho Radical party of Tazowoll county, loft Tuesday morning for Marion, whore tbo Congressional QoBTentlon meets to-day. Wo have no doubt a Tazewell man will bo sao ritiood by tho action of tho Conven? tion. No mich agitation (if wo ex? cept tho Into earthquake) baa oxer cised our Radical friends licroabouts, as has done tho nomination of Mnj. Honry. Had tlioy not boomed Hon. Henry Bowen so loudly, in antieipa tion of tho nomination of a Railroad Volloy man by tho Democrats, bis friondB hero would never bavo ven? tured to push him. Unless Davo Bailey will again coiuo to their relief, tboy must fall with their chosen friend Bowen. Tho County Chairman has appoint? ed the following Democratic County Coiumitteo. jeffersonville district. J. H. Wbitlcy, Jim Edd Feery, G. O. Tbornpson, K. D. R. Harman, J. C. St.Clair, JamcB Maxwell, C. T. Gillespie. CLEAR kork district. O. B. Moore, Grat Crockett, Jos. Moss, T. F. Sutbers, W. W. Brown, C. O. Mc.Call, Chas. Graham. haiden SrniXO district. F. H. Williams, J. F. Hilt, W. A. Ward, J. L. Hurt, T. M. Lambert, H. A. Goorgo, Robort Steele. J. O. Corrkll, Ch'm'n. Colonel H. C. Parsons, president of tho Ohio and Northwestern Railroad Company predicts that in less than eighteen months tbo Norfolk St West era railroad will connect with tho Ohio Cunt nil and Charleston; tho Ohio Central will connect with tho Ohio River road at Point Pittsburg; at Gnllipolis with tho Ohio and North? west for Cincinnati, and at Corning, Ohio, with a short lino for Chicago and the great Northwest. Wo un? derstand that the Norfolk Sc Western has already consolidated with tbo Ohio Central, and when it is complet? ed to Point Pleasant, it will probably cousolidato with tho Ohio River road, which will shortly bo completed from Pittsburg to Cincinnati. Tho Nor folk & Western is destined to be r groat road and Norfolk a groat city.? If tho remainder of the administra? tion averages as well as its first [ eighteen months tbo habitual dispo? sition of the country to continue n party in power that has proved itself worthy and capablo will ruako the task of electing tho Democratic can? didate in 1888 comparatively easy.? | Jioston Globe, Dem. Samuel J. Tilden erected bis own raonumont by bis splendid benefac? tions. It is fortunate that bo did so, 80 otherwiso his grove would proba Wy havo been loft unmarked by the | a?ty for which ho bas done so much at least until sufficient contributions | Could have boon levied upon tho peo? ple of the outlying and much-derided | provinces.? Chicago Tribune. Tho fact is that the time is coining when not ono President but many Buccossivo Presidents will bavo to be drown from tho WeBt. Not in 1888; the Wost, probably, will not seok to pit a man against the Eastern giants. We can' bldo our timo. It is coining, and wo?can wait for it. Senator Ed rnunds baa'only antedated the fulfilL moot of his prophecy a few years'.}^ ?jil'illnei'jHjUs Tri&une, liep. WHO WANTS WAR? Who wnnts war? Not tho I'ouost, bard-working citi? zen). Not the man of n family. Not any man who loves his homo. Not any man who loves his wifo. Not any ninu whoso mother is tho world to him. Not any man who Bees his future happiness in Iiis intended bride. Who wants war? Not any pure, lionetst, loving wo? man. Not any mother, wifo, sistor or sweet-heart. Oil, no! Woman's hnppincss do* I ponds on peace. Who wants wnr? Not any man who lias ovor beon through a war and faced all its porilB and horrors. No matter how bravo lie was, lie has bad his fill. The braver ho was, tho moro willing ho is now to enjoy tho beauties of peace. None of the tried heroes of the lato eivil couilicl, woro tboy the blno or tho gray, caro to pass through tho snnio bittor cxperieuco again. Who wants war? Men who hnvo lost thoir reputa? tions. Mod who nro anxious to mako rop utat ions at the cost of human lifo. Men who have no homes, und no respect for tho poacoful homos of others. Men who have no families, or if they hnvo do not provide for them, or even treat them with respect. Adventurers ami thicvoB. Gamblers and blacklegs. Bullies and cowards; all thoso want war.?Cincinnati Enquirer. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW Why you continue to suffer from va? rious "ills that flesh is heir to," why your complaints remain obstinate in spito of efforts to curn by home doe tors and patent medicines, you should consult a specialist in chronic diseas? es. Dr. Fuote, of 1*20 Lexington avo mie, N. Y., has mndo a special study of t honi for thirty years, and ho may be ablo to givo you some points worth knowing. It will only cost you paper and postage to statu your ease, and got tho opinion of a physician of largo expert, nco. Dr. Foote is the author of "Plain Homo Talk and Medical Common Sense," of which tho Rev. A. H. Bryant lias written : "I am pos? itively charmed witli it; I have not met before witli such a useful and valuable book us this of yours." fJW.EWELL HIGH SCHOOL. TizKwni.l C. U., V*. Tho noxt session of thin School will be? gin September S, 1HH0, ami will continue. 38 weeks. Wc have a corps of competent teacher., and offer to tbo young peopK of our coun? try, both male and female, all tho advan? tages that enn bo ntTorded by any lirnt class High School. For further information, apply to, E. F. WITTEN, Principal. Aug.27-Om. Tnzewcll C- H., Vn. 1)LUMElt MEMORIAL FEMALE COLLEGE. WYTHEVILLE, VA. Hev. S. It. PRESTON, M. A., President. Assisted by nn cxcolleutcorps of teachers. Next session beginn Scptcinhor 11th, '80. Hoard, fuel, lights, Ac., with Collegiate course, including Latin, OnllatheuicH, Hook keeping, and Vocal Music, in class, i-illiS for the entire school-year. Art, Music. German, French, and Elocu? tion thoroughly taught. Location, olimntc, surroundings, nil combine to make a delightful SCHOOL HOME for girlH. Send for Catalogue to the President, (Hev.) S. It. PRESTON, Wythevillo, Vn. EMORY A HENRY C0lLEOL~ Tlio Fall Session of this noted In? stitution will begin Sept. 2nd, 1886. The College enters upon its semi-cen? tennial year better equipped to meet the wants of its patrons than ever be? fore. Its Beautiful Situation, Acces sibility. Ample Accommodations, Fiuo Equipments, tho Ability and Experience of its Faculty, itn Litern ry Society Organizations nnd the rendinoss with which the reputation of the College enables its graduates to find positions of honor and profit all combine to recommend this place to young men seeking an educa? tion. T. W. Joiidan. Emory, June 24. President. SATeM NURSERY COMPANY,, RoANOKF. COUNTY, Va. Hnvo a fine collection of Applrt, Pencb, Pear, Plum, Cheny, Silver Maple. Ever greon trees, Griipua nnd other small Fruit. Pricen low, write to us for them or couio nnd see our stock. A largo lot of Winesnp and Johnson'? fine winter will be sold cheap in largo Iota Long Keeping Winter Apples a specialty. Agents wanted. ong. 27-3m. VIRGINIA: In the Clork'n Office of Tazcwoll County Court, September 2d, a. D. 18HC. "Ik Vacation." James G. Higginbotham et. sis. applicants for the ?atahlisnmcnt of a pnblio road from tho Month of Coro Creek on Clear ffork to a point near Graham, in Taze well County. On motion of tho applicants and it ap? pearing to tho Judge of tho County Court o? Tnzewcll County that Franklin E. Gre? gory, one of tho parties through whose lands the said road is proposed to bo es? tablished?as shown by tho reports of tho Commissioners appointed to locato said road und filed in said applicatt >n.?is a nou residont of this State, it is therefore or? dered that notice of this application be published for four successive weeks in the Clinch Valley New? against the said Frank? lin E. Gregory to show cause, if any ho can, why said road shall not bo established as a public road upon tho route located, as reported by said Commissioners. f By order of the Judge. ? p . # lt. BRITTAIN, D. C. *?. 0. AliDSnSAlI. ) waits ? n:itt*$| "l ys- Sept. 3. I Buying in Large Quantities, Direct from Factories, Enables us to Sell at Lowest Possible Prices. CT. ZD. HOBBIE. Wholesale. State Agents for the Following Celebrated PIANOS AND ORGANS. KNABE. KUAIS'ICH & BACH, EMERSON ESTEY, SMITH AMKTUOAN, AND OTHER MAKES. All of the above Instrumenta an; (ho nckn >w lodged Btandard makes, and strictly first class. Guaranteed five to seven years. LOWEST FACTORY PRICES, LARGEST STOCK TO SELECT FROM, AND MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Easy monthly or quarterly payments. N eo Stool and Cover free with Piano. Nice Stool and Hook free with Organ. Catalogue frco. Write for prices and terms. Warerooms Cor. Main &9th Sts? Lynchburg, Va. Au. 6 wrACEWTS WAMTED.^si 183811 i SWIFT'S SPECIFIC. 1111886 s s s s A BE?EDY NOT FOB A DAY, BUT FOB Say HALF A CENTURY 'uSa BELIEVING BUFFERING HUMANITY I sjsjs s!ss ah intcre8tino. treatise on blood and skin diseases dent free 70 all applicants. it should be read by everybody. address the swift specific co., atlanta. oa. CLINCH RIVER WOOLEN MILLS, I Mile North of Tazewell C. H. Owners anil Proprietors. Wo are now at work. Our Mill is largo and complete in ovory respect. Having had our old Mill nild Machinery entirely destroyed by fire in Juno, 1SS5, we have bought tho most Improved Machinery and are now ready to do First Class Work. Can do anything you want from Carding Rolls to making you an All Wool Double Width Carpet and at prices wo guarantee us low as tho lowest. Hav? ing a enpacity of fully '200 pounds of Yarn per dav, we can do your work on very short notico. Our Wool WagoiiH will be constantly on tho Roads receiving und delivering work. Give us a trial and bo convinced thnt this is the place to get your Work done. Terms:?No Work delivered until settled for, Good Ftoducc taken for Work. Respectfully, W. W. Sl rfi, L. PEERY. T/TUCINIA: In the Clerk's Ollieo of the T Circuit Ctiiitrt of Tazewell County, July 23d. A.. I). IHKfl. John M. Estlll, Oompl't. t?. John O. Dirkeuson and Lillian DlckoilSOII ' Ida wife, William T. Gray, Florence Dickinson, Archibald Diekonaon and ?Tniiics Diekenaoii, the last three being infanta, Dot'U. In CmscK.nv. The object of this suit is to obtain n de- [ eree in favor of Complainant against the j Uefnudunt, John C. DiekenHon, for j<83.3"> | with interest, on 4(11,36,part thereof, from 12th December, 1HH2, and on j>'22 remain- I dor thereof, from December 3d, 1HH1. till l> ill: nn<t to ?et naido n conveyance, fur a tract of lain! of .in acroM, more or less, lundo i '.Ith Juno, 1884, by Jnhu C. Dick-nsnn ami j others to WilliamT. Qray trustee, of record j in this comity, which said land lies in Tnze- I well county on Dry Fork Said convey- | mice isAOnglit to lie annulled as fraudulent ( and voluntary?and mid tract of land sjughl to Ih> subjected to the payment of j Complainant's debt. And it appearing from sufficient evidence on Hie in this office. Hint John 0. Diekenson is not n resident of this Couinionwealth, it is ordered that he appear here within OUO luouth after the duo publication of this order, ami do what may ho necessary to protect his interest in this unit; and that copies hereof he published and posted as prescribed by law. A Copy?Teate; lt. imiTTAIN, D. C. liEKiiY a (inniAM, r. ... Aug. 13. The Great Southern Remedy fhr ell TROUBLES AND CHILDREN TEETHING. 1 very few who do not k ciowlm; nlnuc.-ide of f Oil. . that VI11G1NIA: In the Clerk's Office of Tazewell Circuit Court, July '23d, j A. D.,.?88?. I John E, Baylor, John O. Baylor and W, j A. Wntivi'iiiorclmnts and partners under the firm and style of Baylor, Ward .t t Co., Gorap'tal vs. Thomas D. Christian, Deft.1 In UhakoKBY. I The object of tin* suit is to recover of . tho defendant the stun of of $(53.00, with ' interest thereon from -1th October, 1885,! till paid, and to subject by attachment and sale to the payment thereof, a ccrt'dn I trnrt of land supposed to contain about 127 ncrcR, lying in tho West end of Ta/.o- I well county, on tho Maiden Spring Fork ' of Clinch Hiver, heretofore devised by John Green to lohn llishop and subse? quently convoyed to said Thomns D. Chris? tian by J. Btraa, Commissioner of tho Cir enit Court of Tnzowoll. And it appear? ing from sufficient evidenco on file in this office that the Defendant Thomas D-Chris? tian is not n resident of thin Common? wealth it is ordered thnt ho nppenr hero within one month after tho duo publica? tion of this order and do what may be necessary to protect his interest in this suit, nml that copies hereof he published and posted ns prescribod by law. A Copy?Teste, It. HltlTTAIN. D. C. HENnr t oninAM, f. d- Aug. 20.-4\v. STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE. The undersigned have a first class Steam Saw Mill, which they desire to sell. Parties desiring to purchase will do well to call on or address the uudersiguod at Snnpp's P. O., Taze? well county. T. & G. Gkosecwx3K. Mur.'iG, tf. There i llule hn-.h ?r mil hllH: hot ,irv few realize II... Ihu lliilo jmrplo berrj linve I'rtlen la most evi clplo In It having a iv?iitlrrOil eitert on tho hotvtls. Dr. HU ;it'i Itin'klrtierrv fonllul I. theouvAT noUTUKits siucDV that restore, tho llllltt onn lenlhliiff, and cures Diarrhea lly.entery r.uj Crump C ollc Wlion It that at IhHne.vmof the year Hml.len mid|:rron* aenck* of iho Dowel, nre to frequent, mid we hear of Ml ninny Deaths occurring heforn a phralelan ran u'a cnllMl In, It 1.1 Imnnrl.<nt every lit i-i - Iiohl ?hnuhl provnln Uiamaelvm wllli mhiio I.Ala furl prov ii, a done of tflitrh will rulleva He ava much nnxlot". !>!?. III---. -,* ry Cordial taaaliuplenuivtly aluvta mi. niiM i? pleased to take, r.-ii e, so cents r. hoiih-. Manufactured l.y W ALT Kit A. TAYI.Olt. Atlanta, (ill,_ Tn\ lur'j CheroTiee Itcinisiy nf bevcs'iiili?l anil .Mullein will enre I'oiikIis. I'rnnn anil fun Bjmnj inn,_ ITiic Slcia. anil ;i n Imlllc._ F.T. WALL, HOUSE PAINTER "SIGN WRITER, I Tazewoli C. H.. Va., Is prepared to execute all kinds of Pnint ing promptly, mid according to Iho most exacting modern taste. Ho has a full force of skilled hands, and with his large oxperience can execute work at prices within the reach of nil. Bofore contracting for work, give him a hearing. June 11,ly. Caveats, Itc-issucs and Trade-Marks secur? ed and all other patent causes in tho Patent Office and before the Conrta promptly nnd carefully alten.led to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of in? vention, I make careful examination, and adviso ns to tho patentitnlity free of charge. Fees moderate, nnd I make no charge un? less Patent is secured. Information, advice and spccinl references sent on application. J. lt. LITTELL, Washington, D. C. NcnrU.B- Patent Office. I^HflHHB&BainB^c&nrai Wholesale Prices Current. corrected ?VKUY wednesday by LEE & CO.. wholesale am) RETAIL Grocora, Commission Mer? chants. and deaj.ek8 ?n Baled Foiiaoe, Corn, Meal, Oath, SiursTUFF, VunK Bonk Meal, Guano, Lime and Ceuext. No. 927 Main St., ami 12U? and 1202 Jufful'HOH St. Lynchuubo, Va., Sept. 1. Tliore in a good demand for Vir? ginia bacon liog round, und particu? larly for light-woight h uns. Sund us your Virginia bacou and \yg will got you good nnd satisfactory prices. OBOOEBIXS. Coffee?Kin, Choice MAn 11 <lo " Prime "JJa 10 ilo '' CoMiiuon nnd Fair U a 'Jj do Lugnayrn 11 Ja 1J , do 1* Berry Jnvn 11 n 15 do O O Java IS a 20 Coal Oil <J a 'Ji Cheese?Orenin, Fino a do Ooni 14 n 15 do Pine Apple per enko a Cotton YnruR n Cement, per barrel 1 75 ni 00 Caudles, Pnrnfino 15 a 10 do AdmiiAiitino 10 n 11 Cid'/r, New York, pvr Imrrol 7 50 ?7 75 do do J bill. 3 50 a3 75 Cigars, por 100 1 35 aS 50 Cigarettes, per 1000 a 00 mt (W Fish?No. 3 Mackerel, medium 5 00 ?5 50 do ?? a do " 1 do Eastern Herring, per bid- 3 00 \3 50 do N. C Cut ?' " 4 00 u4 50 I run?Holled 3 a 2J do Haiuiucred, per lb 2 a 2s UlUO, per bid 1 20 nl 25' Leather, beat O D 21 a 22.1 do Poor G D 18 a 20 do " Harness 23 n 25 do Upper 30 a 40 Nails, basis 10 penny 3 25 a3 51) Uiee, per bbl 0 a 0 '{ Salt, per Rack 1 4U al 45 Sxuurs AMD Mot.AHHEa--Extra Heavy Syrup 18 a 20 Fair Syrup vi2 a 25 Fine Syrup at) a 30 P 11 Volasaas 38 a SO K O Ifolutaa 10 a II Hdoabs?Cut Loaf 71* 7$ Povrderod Ola 7 Standard Granulated G?a 7 Off Granulated GJn 0) Standard X ft j Off A 0 n 0 J lei low 0}a 5> Extra C nnd It Light Sja r. rnoowcK-App'eii,green.per bbl. 1 00 al 75 Apples, dried, quarters In 3 do slieed l^n 2 do evaporated 2 a 3 ltcans. white n Colored a Cabbago per lb dnll a Bacon?Hog round, per lb 8jn 'J j do Sides, as to qunlity 8 a KJ do Shoulders as to quality 7 it 7 .A do Hams, its to quality 11 a 12 j do C It Sides, Western 7 a 7J do Shoulders, Western 5 n 5| Hulk or dry salted C It Sides 5 n r. do " Shoulders 4 Ja 5 Beef, Fore quarters a do Hind uHartem a Pork, Slaughtered Hogs a Salted Hog Uound 8|tt flj Hotter, prime per Tb 10 n 12 do Common hard to Bell Beeswax, per lb 20 a 21 HlnckhnrricH, driod, per lb 0 n OA; Chickens ? Dressed apiece n> do live, apiece, spring 10 a 20 Corn?White, per bushel, new 55 a 00 do Mixed or yellow, now 50 a 52 Corn meal per bus.,unbolted, old 55 n (H) Cherries, pitted 7 n 8 I''KKH. lu'r dozen, fresh, in crates 8 a 0 Flour, Family, per barrel 5 00 n5 50 do Extra 4 OU no 00 do Superfine 3 50 n3 75 do Fine ?n 3 50 a4 00 Feathers, prime live gOOSO 42 a 4 5 Flax Seed, per bushel 1 OS nl 15 Ginseng, per lb 1 50 .nl 75 Lnrd, Va. nod 'IVnn. 8 n 8J do Rctiucd Common 0 n Oats, pel bushel, Spring 31 a 32 PeaeheS, dried, peeled, per lb 0 a 7 do dried, impeded 2 a 3 Potatoes, per bushel, dull 50 a 00 do Sweet per bid. n Raspberries, dried per lb 12 a 15 Itye, per bushel 00 a 05 Hags, per lb 1 a 2 Seneca root, per lb 20 n 35 Sumac per 100 lbs 75 n 80 Turkeys, dressed, per lb n Venison hams, per lb 12 a 15 Vinegar, per g illou (eider) 10 a 20 Wheat. Red, per bushel, GO lbs 7ft n 85 do White " " 70 a 85 Whortleberries, dried 8 a it Cannf.d Goods?1 lb Salmon, 1 75 al SO per dozed 1 75 al 80 1 lb Oysters, per doz ,n 75 nl 15 2 lb Tomatoes ?? 1)0 n 05 3 lb " ?' 1 20 nl 25 2 lb Corn " 05 nl 25 2 lb PenobcB " 1 40 nl SO 3 lb '? . 1 75 n2 25 1 pint rieklcn " 1 15 al 25 1 quart " ?? 1 CO nl 05 Haled Fobaob, .tc?Hny, Tim? othy, per tou 13 50 al4 00 Mixed. '? 12 00 .?13 00 Clover, prime, per ton 1> 00 nlO 00 Ship Stuff, per ton 21 00 n23 00 Bran por ton 17 00 n!8 00 Sheaf Oats, per ton, baled 15 00 nl5 00 Buckwheat Flour 3 n 31 Seeds?Olovor Seed 7 00 a 7 75 Established 1866. H. BOSENHEIM & SON, Sow. Pnopiirr.Tona or SPRING DALE Pure Rye Whisky, No. 375 W. Bii.timobk 8t., BALTIMORE. PRICE LIST: pbb oalxon Spring Dnlo Pnro Rye Whisky. S yaars old 94.00 Spring Dale Pare Wyo Whisky, 8 years ?M ft.CO Jockey Club, (Penna. Ryo,) 4 yenrs old 3.00 Roc.kbridgo, (Vlrgiuia Ryo,) 3 yenrs old 2.00 N.E-Rum, Finest Quality, - - -2 00 Pnre South Hampton Apple Brandy, 2.50 Pnro Malt Whisky.3.00 All .Other Liquors Equally Low. We deliver nil goods to Wharves or Railroad depots free of charge, furnish Jugs or Demijohns, nnd pack them in boxes securely, free of charge, NOTICE. Under tho rules nnd regulation:! of In? ternal Revenue Department, wo can not Bond Liquors C. O. D. Thereforo please Bend P. O. Money Order, Postal Noto or money by Express, for amount of goods I ordered. ' fit ; ' nl - V ? F. A. KI ? DEAL. 916 Main St., I have tlic Largest and Beit Stop Best Goods and Latest styles. Sno ders promptly and carefully filled, goods are not satisfactory A< F. A. KTNOKLE, 016 MAIN ST. LYNCHB URG, V\A. _? B G.A.SJ3I FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE? 1 Parties having But tor. Eggs, Bonns, Fruits, Poultry, Meats, Fnt Cat tlo, Hogs, Sheop, Grain, Sec, for sale, will do well to call on or address THE SOUTHWEST VA. IMPROVEMENT CO., POCAHONTAS, VJL. Those in need of MERCHANDISE ot ?nJ description, cannot fail to be suited from our stock. Now invoices in every dnpnrtmcnt. reccirod monthly from Philadelphia and New York. La?n*t Novelties in Prints, Dress GooAh and Notions eon stautly on hands. Full linos of Roots nnd Shoos, Hats and Caps. Clothing,, Lad ics Wraps, Bonnets, Jowi-Iry, Watches, Clocks. Smokers Articles, Gents Furnishing Goods. Drng?. Patent Medicines. Largo assortment of Toilet and Fancy articles, &c., Sec, S OUT WEST VA. IMPROVEMENT CO., Pecshentae, Tazawall G. W. SHAWVER, Contractor and Builder, Undertaker nnd Wholesale Coffin Dealer. Also Manufacturer of Furniture. OjKEEFFE ST., GRAHAM, VA. Will furnish Doors, Sash and Blinds, Brackets and Mouldings all on short notice. Will furnish Plans. Specifications and of Buildings of nny design. Stair Building a speciality. Satisfaction guaranteed. SEEDS, If you want to Sell EVERGREEN AND RANDALL GRASS SEEDS, or wi?h to buy | CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED. ORCHARD GRASS,' or any other Seed-, vrrito to the Largest Seed House in Yirgimiin, which is WM. A. MILLER & SON, Aug.G-ly Lynchburg, Yn.| SALEM STEAM PLANING MILLS.I -o N. HOCKrVSAN, Architect and Builder, ?ALSO MANUFACTURE": OF? Window Sash, Blinds, Mantles, Brackets J Balusters, Window and Door Frames, Hand Railing, Flooring, N?wel Posts, Ceiling. Laths, Ac, Sec, ifcc, Sec. ' '.' e are prepared at our Steam Fiustory to supply Carpenters nnd others] ' * with nil kinds of 13 >IIS<J ItlATfelt IA1 As low ns tho same can bo obtained in Lyuchburg or elsewhere. We alsc*| iiinuuincturo to order FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. tft?"DRAWINGS nnd ESTIMATES furnished on application. Orders] solicited, which will bo promptly and satisfutorily tilled. Address, July lG-ly. N. HOCK MAN. Salem, V?. Established 8837. _ HENRY SILVERTIIOItN, 912 MAIN ST^ LYNCHBURG CanieB a full stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware,' Clocks, Spectacles, Spoons, Forks and Knives. MY PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE STATE. Evorything warranted as ropresontcd or money refunded. Send for catalogue freo of cost. Address, H. SILVERTHORN, Liynchburg, T?. | J. M. Ldtheb.. G- G. Goonm. Established 1858. MARION FOUNDRY AND MACHINESHOP. Plows and all kinds of Heavy nnd Light Castings. Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Bark Mills, Cane Mills, Plaster Crushers, Corn Crushers, Horse Powers, Woolen Mill Machinory, Circular Saw Mills, Turbine Water Wheola, Rubber nnd Leather Belt ing. * Particular attention paid to all kiud? of Mill Machinery nnd contracting for Mill Furnishings. Kkfeiiencrs : Hon. J. P. Kelly, Robert Ireson, Mill Wright, Tazowoll ( IL, Va.. J. C. Idol, Mill Wright, Hampton, Tenn. LUTHER & GOO DELL, fT.arion, Va.