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ESTABLISHED 1845. mr.~chapman" again leader Unanimously Chosen to Head Red Cross "Work For Anoth? er Year?Report Shows A Great Work Having Been Done by the Women. The annual meeting of the- Tazc well County Chapter of the Ameri? can Red Cross was held last Satur? day afternoon in the Court House. The attendance was nothing like it should have been. For some rea? son a large number of the Red Cross workers in the town and community failed to attend the meeting. What the meeting lacked in num? bers it made up in enthusiasm. Mr. J. W. Chapman, who has been County President of the Red Cross sinco its organization, presided at the meet? ing and Mrs. Coralie Harman, who has been secretary for the past year, acted as secretary of the meeting. Reports were read from the branch chapters of the county, and in every instance the reports showed that real? ly wonderful work had been perform? ed by the women workers. The num? ber of garments made, and the mon? ey collected was most gratifying to all who were present. Mr. Chapman made a .short ad? dress at the meeting, in which ho briefly outlined the work of the Red Cross for the coming year, and re? viewed its accomplishments for the year past. He paid his respects to certain men .in this county who have attempted to discredit the work of the heroic women. He said that a report had reached him that certain individuals had stated that a great deal of the work of the ladies was for nought?that many of the arti? cles over which they had labored were thrown away at headquarters, and that the main object in calling on the women to knit and prepare the surgical dressings, etc., was to instill patriotism. Of course the vicious ig? norance of any person who would cir? culate reports of this kind is hardly worthy of notice. Officers For 1918-'19. The following officers were unani? mously chosen for the next year: Chairman, Mr. J. W. Chapman. Vice-Chairman, Miss Mnyola Gil lc3pie. Assistant Vice-Chairman, Mrs. C. ,R. Brown. Secretary, Miss Mary Brown. Treasurer, Mr. T. A. Repass, Jr. Chairman Surgical Dressing De? partment, Mrs. P. D. Johnston. Assistaat, Miss May Brown. What the Red Cross Has Done. Following is a list of the articles jmade and reported by the Tazcwell County Chapter during the past year, ending "July 1: 902 Sweaters. 790 pairs of socks. 70 helmets. 27 Scarfs. I 195 pairs of wristlets. 1,038 bed shirts. 609 pajnma suits. 1118 shoulder capes. 9 convalescent robes. 13 bed jackets. ? 231 sheets. 561 pillow cases. 87-1 towels. 196 napkins. 32,381 surgical dressings. 361 Christmas packages. 172 comfort kits. 48 comfort pillows. The Home Service Department. The Home Service Department of the American Red Cross has been or? ganized for the county with Mr. T. R. Peery as chairman. All informa? tion of our county soldiers at the front will come through .him. Get in touch with Mr. Peery, or other members of the committee if you de? sire information. Mrs. Doran, sent out from Wash? ington in the interest of the Home Service Work, will be at Tazewell next Sunday. The place and hours of her address will be known later. How to collect army insurance up? on the death of a soldier, how to get the government relief allotment for the dependents of soldiers and the various phases of reconstruction work to be put in operation throughout the United States will be discussed. The public is urged to attend. A Red Cross Unit has been organ? ized on Cavitt's Creek and will begin work Thursday of this week. Pros? pect is fine for good work over there. What the Colored Red Cross Work? ers Have Done. The colored Red Cross Au^iliury has made the following report for work done up to July 17, 1918: Financial Report. Membership money.$48.00 Silver Tea Party, . G.70 Public School Fund. 6.57 Sale of coffee at Fair.15.00 Second Red Cross War Fund,. 36.00 TOTAL.SI 11.33 Articles Made. 45 towels, 12 pillow cases, 7 nap? kins, 7 sheets, 50 sweaters, 52 tow? els. Paid Miss Jessie Graham ?12.00 to be used for Christmas packages. EDMONIA D. WARREN, Chairman. JENA A. WITTEN, Secy. "Aunt" Emily Holly Makes Record. When it comes to knitting sweaters for the soldier boys, we believo the record here is held by "Aunt" Emi? ly Holly, the well known colored wo? man. Up to yesterday she had knitt? ed eighteen sweaters, which were turned over to Mrs. O'Kceffc's knit? ting unit. "Aunt" Emily makes her home with Mr. und Mrs. Jeff Ward, and has done all this extra work for the lovo of her country, and without hope of reward. It is said that she hus been advised to charge for her work, but "Aunt". Emily keeps on knitting and every stitch she weaves into a sweater will help to keep warm some American boy who has gone across the water to fight that she may live in peace and happiness. The Home Service Committee The following named persons are the officers of the Home Service Com? mittee of the Tnzewell County Chap? ter of the Red Cross: T. R. Peery, Chairman, Tazewell. H. G. McCall, Vice-Chairman. Mrs. IL G. McCall, Secretary. Mrs. Coralie Herman, Assistant Secretary. The family of any soldier in service needing any assistance of any char? acter will communicate with any of the above named, and the matter will at once receive the attention of the committee. WORTHY COLORED WOMAN DEAD. Ann Dickcrson, a well known and worthy colored woman, died at her home Tuesday, after a long illness of heart trouble and other complica? tions. She was 79 years of age. The funeral and burial took place yesterday. ? Of seven children, only two, Alex and Robert, survive. She was a na? tive of Lexington, Vo. Her hus? band, Richard Dickenson, who died years ago, was a native of Richmond. "Aunt" Ann was popular with her people and respected by the white people of this town. She was a con? sistent member of the Methodist church. The funeral was conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. H. Brown. SOW AND PIGS FOR SALE. I have a two-year old sow ami 8 pigs nearly a month old for salg fit $100 for the lot. J. A. Crockett, R. F. D. No. 1, Tazewell, Va. TAZEWEL1 WANTSOLDIElT HELP ON FARM? Government Will Furlough Men Now in Camp to Help Har? vest the Crops if You Are in Need of Assistance. Mr. G. M. Inrruui, from the U. S. Department of Labor, was in Taze? well this week. He is traveling ex? aminer of the U. S. Employment Ser? vice. He authorizes the statement that the authorities nt Camp Lee, by direction of the War Department, have a large number of men, re? cruits, that are available for help on the farms of the State. These young men ore given furloughs without pay for 30 or GO days, to work on the farms during the busy season, the farmer paying them the wages usual in the neighborhood. All the farmer wanting help has to do is to secure form No. 1035 from the local board, fill in blank, | stating number of men wanted, wag is paid, etc., and forward same to; Furlough Officers, Camp Lee, and | men will be sent. Only new recruits ; ire sent out. For obvious reasons joys who arc well drilled, and far llong in their work, are not sent, as : they may be called for overseas du ly at any time. For obvious reasons ; ilso, the young men arc not given' furloughs for a longer period than 30 days. These men are available iow for hay harvest, the threshing season, and later for saving the corn :rop. There need be no wastage of yops for want of help now. If you iced help get one of these blanks Tom the local board, fill it out, and tend it in. I IS TAZEWELL PATRIOTIC? (Communicated.) On Saturday, the 13lh of July, the. mnual meeting of the Tazewell Conn ;y Chapter of the American Red Cross was held at the Court House. The; necting had been advertised for two iveeks in the two papers published at razewell. Every Auxiliary or branch >? the Chapter was represented at :he meeting and had reports of the year's work, antl the work of the .vhole chapter was reported on and liscusscd, but less than five per cent. >f the membership at Tazewell was present at this meeting. There are some very active and earnest work in in the Tazewell organization, and jpon these rests the wdiole burden jf the organization. These were pres snt, interested in the work and taking part in the meeting. Apparently the great majority oi aur people seem to think that when a member of the Red Cross Society uays his annual dues of one dollar, lie has discharged in full his whole ;luty in this war in which our coun? try Is involved. We should hate to think that this apparent want of in? terest on the part of our people was due to a want of patriotism or to n, lack of interest in the welfare and comfort of our Uoys who are now in this war, but we are at a loss to know why the great majority of our people seem to feel so little interest, in the great work of the Red Cross. Won? der how our boys who are offering their lives in this war would feel if they were told that their friends at home were too much engaged in their private affairs and social duties to give any, or but little, of their time to the Red Cross at Tazewell? Patriotism doesn't consist alone in shouting for the flag or applauding patriotic speeches; it is worth but little unless founded on service. WHAT HOME SERVICE SECTION OF RED CROSS IS FOR. The Home Service of the Tazewell County Red Cross, which was recent U VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, JULY lv organized here will not as ? clear? ing house for soldiers families in Tazewell county in keening the fam? ilies informed as to the condition of the men in Franco and in the camps at home. If your hoy, brother, hus bqnd or father is wounded in France and you are unable lo get informa? tion, call on the Home Service sec? tion. Provision has been hiu.dc by Hie Government whereby the infor? mation regarding the condition of any soldier in the service can be se? cured and that quickly. It is especially desired that families of soldiers in Tuzewell county who need advice on legal matlors con? nected with soldiers pay, allotments, etc., appeal to this committee, who will give such matters prompt atten? tion. If misfortune befalls the fam? ily of a man in the service, it is the duty of this committee to render what assistance it can. Any person in the county who can be served will be given the desired' information by calling this office. Our phouu number is 31. FALLS MILLS HOY IS WOUNDED IN FRANCE. Floyd Domithun, of Falls Mills, a. TV.zcwoll county soldier in France, i was wounded in action about the mid? dle of June, according lo a message from Washington received by Mrs. Doathan at Falls Mills Tuesday. The message only conveyed the informs-1 tion that the soldier was wounded. PROFESSOR LINCOLN DEAD. Prpf. J. J. Lincoln, for three years principal of the Graham School, died at his home in Graham Tuesday j morning. The remains wore taken to the old home in Rockingham county j on Wednesday for burir.l. Resides a' wife, he is survived by two sons. ? Prof. I Lincoln's death was duje w i heart, trouble. He had been in poor' health since the beginning of thai year, and had been compelled to give! up work. He was about fifi years ofl age, a man of culture and successful Bchool man. He will be missed from Tazewell school force. CAPTAIN GILLESPIE LECTURES' ON GUARD MOUNTING. Cant, Victor R. Gillcspic, who is spending the summer here, lectured, to the Tazewell Rifles Tuesday night, on guard mounting, one of the mostj important features of military train-1 inir. His lecture waa very explicit, and showed that he had a thorough knowledge of the subject. He ban promised lo give other leetuies lo the home company during the summer. Captain Gillcspic will bo a member of the faculty of Virginia Military In- j slitule the coming year. UNPRECEDENTED HAIL STORM. An unprecedented hail storm swept over the eastern section of the coun? ty last Friday, doing damage to the ci ops and gardens. The Eastern part I of this county and ns far north ns Princeton, in Eastern Carolina ami as far us to Washington City, the papers reported great dnnv.go to the crops. The effects was felt in this immediate community in n decided fall in the temperature. On Rlue .stonc corn was greatly damaged in the path of the storm. COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS. The County Medical Society met here Wednesday. Dr. R. B. Gillespie, physician at Jewell Ridge, President of the Society, was present. Only routine business wan trans? acted. Arrangements were mndo for the annual meeting of the Society here in August. Mrs. Gillcspic ac compnnied her husband as far as Tazewell, nnd continued hcv journey to Ronnokc. The two daughters of Mrs. S. W. Williams, and Miss Gould, who have been guests of Mrs. Gil? lespie at Jewell Ridge, also returned to their homes. One Institution Sells More War Stamps Than All Others Com? bined?Ta/.ewell P. O. Also Mukes Pine Showing. In the War Savings Stamps drive in the county, The Hank of Graham, of which Mr. It. K. Crockott is cash? ier, 1ms made a record for Ihe coun? ty. The ruport furnished Col. J. 11. Buyer, county director, shows that thiu hunk has sold ?104)07.26 in War Savings Stumps and Thrift Stumps. Tho repor/. of sales of both WitT Savings Stamps and Thrift Stum; to July 1st is as follows for the dif? ferent banks named: Bank of Graham.$10,215.00 First National Pocahontas, . O'/O.OO First National, Richlnnds, .. 075.00 I Richlnnds National. 1,210.001 Total Bales.$13,862.26 1 THIKT STAMP SALES. The Tazewoll postofflco has made a record in thrift stamp sales ns coin pared with the rest of the county. There has been a total or $73,000.80 in cash sales ill the county since the beginning of the campaign. Of this number the Tazawell office bus sold $31,089.22. The other 34 postofficos in the county have sold the balance, $41.087.03. Other :eiles have been: made in the county through the bunks outside of Tat-Jwell, but no record of these has been obtained. It is eslt mated thnt there are about 2,200 per- I sons served from the Tazcwell post office, including the !(!?! mail boxes on Routes one and two. This makes a pro rata of cash sales, regardless of pledges, of about SM for each man, woman and child in this district. The quota, ill Order to obtain the full amount of $550,000 is only $20 per person. Postmaster Buchanan and his as? sistant, Mr. William::, have done all the work of registering these stamp sules without outside assistance, which is "going some." INFORMATION WANTED. In order that the public may have correct information, and to correct rumors based oh inaccurate Informa? tion, the names of all pei.ioiH who have loaned their money to our Gov? ernment in this hour of dire need, will be published, and also the amount, thus loaned by each individual. We wish to make u full and complete re? port, and to do so, we ask all hold? ers of War Savings Stumps to the value of $5.00 or more, bought, before July 1, 1018, und not reported on pledge card, und who have not bud their names registered at the post offices authorised to register them, to notify us on or heforu Wewnusday, July 24th, of the amount, and in whose name held. The following poslofftccs are au? thorized to register stamps: Taze well, North Tazcwoll, Grahnm und Pocahontas and Richlanda. Those who have had their mimes registered at these offices need not report. We will get this information from tho postmasters. By direction of Col. T. B. McAdnms, Stnte Director of War Snviugn Committee. ' J. B. BOYER, JOHN S. BOTTIMORE, Directors for Tnzewell County. Music is music. Good mimic sounds better and that is just what you have when you buy an Edison machine; yes, I will even say that it its the best reproduced music. Save money by gutting an Edison now. II. W. Pobst will gladly give you a cata? log. USES A COHN CUTTING MA? CHINE. Mr, Inman, whoso visit to tho com? munity is mentioned elsewhere h\ this paper, owns und operates a large farm in Sussex county cf several thousand acres. Ho states that he has been using a corn cutting machine for three years, drawn by a small tractor, winch does the work of about live or six men, one man to drive and one to set up the corn, will do about eight, acres a day. The machine cost $110.00 throe years ago, but is, of course, some higher now. The machine cuts one row at a time, and binds tho corn in? to bundles. The only draw-back and that of not much consequence, is that tho machine knocks ofT an ear of corn now ami then. Tho machine can be drawn by horses but. the draft is heavy. Mr. Inman says that a team of three good horses will handle the cutter all right. There are different makes and sizes of the machine made, but a light machine is not advisable, file heavier a machine tho steadier, Ulld the fewer ears of corn will be jarrfed oil*. Mr. lnman's tractor is a tt: h. p. Ho says the Fordson trac? tor, exhibited here by the Tnzewcll Motor Company, will handle the cut? ter to n T. The corn cutter is used by nearly, if not iplite all of the large farmers on tho big river bot? toms, and has gone far to solve the labor problem at corn cutting time. M ARM AGE OF COLORED PEO? PLE. Miss Jena Witten and Rev. Q. A. Conoly were married here on Monday afternoon. The bride is a daughter of Joseph and Sallie Witten, well known and highly respected colored people of this town. The groom is from the West Indies and ia now a divinity student at Yale University. The ceroinouy waa per? formed by Rev. W. ll. Hrown, pastor of the colored Methodist church. The bride and groom left Immod'nlcly af? ter the marriage for the North. LINDSAY McGUIRE STORY A FAKE. A report bus been in circulation here for two or three weeks that L. T. McGuiro. Mess Sergeant of Co. D, ai7th Infantry, had boon killod In France. The report la untrue. Her ! gvr.nt McGuiro In not on the firing line, and wIM likely not he on account , of his office, Pry no altenlloii to re? ports you hear on I he street. meeting closed. Row. Mr. Bui'leigll, the evangelist, closed bin meeting at llnrman's chap? el Monday night with his famous lecture on the Kaiser. A collection, amounting to $12.00 wns taken for the Red Cross. The meeting I'OSultud in 4C profes? sions. HAS NOT RENTED HIS THRESH? ING machine: Mr. Ceo. W. Wynn was here Tues? day and asked that the report that ho had rented out his threshing ma? chine bo corrected. He has not rent? ed it, and will operate it> himself this: season, giving it his personal atten? tion. While hero Tuesday be joined the Thresher Club, recently organiz? ed in the county. NEW THEATRE PROGRAM. Tuesday, July 28, Jack Piekford in "Jack and Jill. Paramount Star tea lure. Wednesday, July 24, "Tho Eternal Combat?Temptation," a spectacular pictorial spectacle?a story based on Eugenics. Matinee 2:80. Night, 8:80. Thursday, July 25th, Mary Piek? ford in "Amarilly of Clothe:; Line Al? ley," an attractive Arternfl produc? tion. Matinee and night. Saturday, July 27th, Nell Shipmnn and William Duncan, supported by an all star cast in "Cods Country and the Woman," a greater Vilagraph special. Matinee and night._ $1.50 PER YEAR HDN OFFENSIVE" FALLS DOWN German Army Strikes Obstacle in American Army on the Mai ne?Message Says That Counter-Offensive Ilcgan Yesterday. The grunt Gorman offensive, which began last Monday on a TiO-inilu front bus resulted in little guins on tho part of the German army. In the sectors guarded by Ameri chn troops most vicious lighting has boon in progress nil week, and the American soldiers have distinguish? ed themselves by bravery and per? severance. Many acts if heroism are recorded in the papers. It Is too enr ly yet to base nu opinion on tho probable outcome of tho German of? fensive. Thp War Department advises tho people not to be too optimistic, of the outcome of the situation on tho west? ern front. Thoro nre thousands of American boys in tho bnltlo that in raging today, and tho possible out? come is anxiously awaited by tho mothers and fathers of these bravo boys. COUNTER OFFENSIVE STARTED YESTERDAY. Yesterday afternoon the News wir? ed the RoanoKO World-News for tho latest war bulletin, and received in reply a message stating THAT THE GREAT COUNTER OFFENSIVE OF THE ALLIES WAS STARTED YES TBRAOAY MORNING AND WAS MEETING WITH SUCCESS. This is taken to mean that General Foch, the commander of the Allied Armies, has concluded that, the time is ripe for smashing tho German hrmios on the oWostern front. Y. M. C. A. WORKER TO SPEAK AT NEW THEATRE. Mr. F. X. Credle, social service Boeretary of the Y. M. C. A., sta? tioned at Camp Wheeler, On., has bee in Ta'/.owcil I lie past week tho guest of W. .). Hurris in Thompson Valley anil D. H. Duniel ul llorsepen. Mri Credle will make u short address tolling of the "Y." work at tho New '1 In;,Ire Saturday night, and in the. Methodist church, at Sunday School on Sunday morning. MUSIC IS NECESSARY; One of the greatest men in Amer? ica today hud thill to nay about music the other duy when he was talking to a huge audience In New York Cily, "Some of you have been told that music is n non-osiicnUnl. My views pri that subject uro probably well 1 nown to you. The time is not. fur distant when mujic will bo recog? nized as a greater essential than the books. Don't let anybody mnko you beueve l hat. music is non-essential. Merchants who boII good musical In? struments nre performing a useful service to tho Nation." Mr. Thomas A. Edison perfect? ed the most wonderful musical In? strument on the market today. Tho quality, tone and volume are nil un? surpassed. His new Velvet Surfnco Records are just now coming on tho market. You cannot honu the slight? est surface noise or scratch about tho new records. Due to the high cost of labor and material these, machines will advance in price Oil August 1st; the records will not ndvance in price. With this knowledge in view you arc able to save money If you purchuso a machine at tho old price Cheer up thu home this winter with real music. II. W. POHST, Edison Dealer, Ta/ewoll, Va. lrens Inspired by the "Legend of the Lorelei." Photographed on the'Island of Santa Cruz in the Pacific Ocean. Swimming, Diving, and Dancing by Scores of Beautiful Sea Maids in En? chanted Ocean Caves, on Phantom Haunted Shores?Diving From Sea Cliffs a Hundred Feet High. Mid-night Torch Dance of the Sea Fairies Bewilders With its Beauty. No Other Scene Like it. A Picture That Blows the Salt Spray in Your Face?Greatest Spectacle of the Sea Ever Conceived by Man. Admission: ^Orchestra, 25 and Fr 15 and 25c. Matinee 2:30; JVya. SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1918 To The Public Concerning "SIRENS OF THE SEA: It Has Been Brought to the Attention of the Manager of the New Theatre That Opposition to the Film, "Sirens of the Sea," has Developed in Certain Circles in Tazewell, The Manager De? sires to Say That Before Booking This Picture He Made a Special Trip to see it Screened, Not That He Expected to Witness a Vulgar Display of Nudity, But That He Might Appraise at First Hand One of The Most Extensively Advertised and Highly Praised Motion Pictures Yet Produced, With a View to Booking it For The New Theatre. The Beauty and Magnitude of the Picture so Impressed Him That He at Once Wrote the Producing Company Asking For Terms. "Sirens of the Sea" is Not a Conventional Picture. But Among its Hundreds of Scenes There is Not One That is Base or Vulgar. It Might Shock the Provincial Puritan or The Palmaceous Prude Who Parades a Veneer of Super-Delicacy or Over-Refined Sensibilities (and Keeps His, Business Eye Peeled in Windy Weather) But it Will Only Charm and Delight Those to Whom Semi-Nudity Does Not Necessarily Mean Vulgarity. The Motive of The Picture is Pure. No Nude Figures, No Vampires. Its Appeal is Not to the Base But to the Best in Normal Human Nature. A Southern Poet Has Said That "Music is Beauty in Search of a Word." The Film, "Sirens of the Sea," is the Result of a Camera's Search For The Beauties of the Ocean in Storm and Calm. The Story Has Two Themes: The Ocean and the Triumph of Pure Love. i'es of The Ocean and Shore Line are Marshalled With a Sweep and Artistry Never Ex Motion Picture.; 'vT-he Love-Scenes are Portrayed with Extreme Delicacy.