Newspaper Page Text
Fish' ami Oysters at Beyer's today. J. Powell Royall is in Princeton this week attending Mercer Circuit Court. Boycr and Co. sell both "Barns" and (Jose flour. Mrs. E. S. Jones, of Rudford, is the guest of Mrs. H. \V. Pobst. Oil heaters and oil cooking stoves at Boycr's. Frank Cox, who bus recently been very ill at his home at C rat ton, is slowly recovering. Mrs. Mack Williams moved Wed? nesday to Tannersville, where she will make her home with relatives. Mr. M. C. Osborne and Robert Mo thena, leading citizens of Tanncl'8 ville, were here oei business Tuesday. 1 have a large stock of mahogany goods, Py-ra-Hn ivory, manicure sets, silverware and cut glass. II. W. Pobst Old "Aunt Jemima" is still on the "job," and has her celebrated pan? cake and Buckwheat Hour on sale at Royer's. Bams Gillosjiie, A. C. Riser, II. E. Harmnn and other promieut Taze? well citizens were visitors to Blue field this week. In prepnring a "feast" for the hoys when they come home, don't forget Joe Crcgar's buckwheat flour and maple syrup. For sale at Boyer's. O'Keeffjo Peery, who has been in the vertorillliry corps of the army, bus been discharged, and has returned to his home here. Hnve your Christinas last for years. Buy an Edison phonograph from II. W Pobst and have the worlds hest music in your home. Mrs. Charles Brown died :.t her home nt Shawvcrs Mill last Sunday night, after a brief illness of in fluenza. She leaves a husband and one child. Do your Christmas shopping ear? ly. I will have all of my stock in by tho 10th inst and can show you the best line 1 have ever had. 11. W. Pobst. Young men, wrist watches, laval iora, new military lockets, vanity cases and uroochos are for the ladies this year. Pobst has a full stock of all of these things, Mrs. W. G. Harrisson is sncuding a short season with Miss Mayola GiP lespie. She will gu to her home in Florida about Christmas for the rest of the winter. Have a good clock in your home this year. Clocks from $1.60 to $20, of every description can be found at l'obst's Jewelry stole. Joseph, the nine-year old son of IIr. and Mrs. W. L. linker, was op? erated upon in Biucfield Tuesduy for the appendicitis. Late reports are that be will recover. The war is over. There is no rea? son for hordbig money now. That i? the worst thing for the country. There should be a spirit of giving this Christmas like there never has been before. Mrs Patrick Henry Lawson, Mrs. Capitola Crockett and Mrs. C. M. Cecil, were among the recent ladj visitors to this office consulting the book keeper, mid paying Viet >ry, Christmas subscriptions. Country butter is exceedingly scarce and creamery but1 er is too high. Get rid of your prejudice. Use Nut Oleomargarine. It is clean, pal? atable and wholesome and cheaper than butter. Beyer's. The regular sendee will be held in the Christian chord) Sunday morn? ing nt 11 o'clock. We most cordially invite our Christian friends of Othci churches in which there is no service at this hour to come und worship with uh. W. S. Bollard. Sam Ward und brother, George Ward, will leave this week for Win terhaven, Fla., to spend the winter The Ward brothers have recently in vested in tine orange groves," and will be there ibis year when the fruit is ready for the market. Our friend, J D. Wright, Athens. I W. Va., is still in Ihe laud of the living, und has money. He married ii fine Tazewell woman, from down ubout Pounding Mill, and has been getting on all right ever since. Join the list of Edison buyers this year. Not to be one of them, but to have a phonograph that lias stood the test of milllioiis of cities and found hy them to have the best tune. H. W. Pobst will gladly demonstrate the machine to yon nt nny time. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Stowcrs, of Burke's (bilden, and Mrs. Stow er? mother, wero here on business Sat? urday, and were very pleasant visi? tors to the News office. The editor rnd his family acknowledge wan thanks a fine hag of buckwheat and a half-gallon jar of pure maple syr? up?the buckwheat made in Bland county, nnd the maple syrup made on the Stowern farm, both of which are of the finest and best variety. E. T. Howell, Esq.. of Bui lie's Gar? den, paid a good Presbyterian Christ? mas subscription In this office or. Wednesday. He said his corn wua all in the crib, his hogs in the smoke house, and if it wanted to snow just let it 3iiow. No kick this year, on the kind of fall weather we've had. The Editor, his family and all, re? turn thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Watson Stowcrs. Burke's Garden, fjr a nice lot of Victory Buckwheat and maple syrup. All charges against Watson for putting on automobiles aira, and driving his car just a little too close to tho editor of this paper, oi e day, arc hereby withdrawn The Burke's Garden maple syrup will be put out only on Sunday when we bavo coo? psny. J. \V. Whitlcy's for Xnitm goods, j Don't neglect to pay your victory j Christinas subscription. Half price on all ladies hats. Call and take your choice. J. W. Whit ley. North Tazewell. Fish and Oystors at Boyor's today. No, the editor hasn't bought new clothes, Alex Dlckenson has had hold of an old suit nnd made it look like new. Mr. Wilson nnd his peace party arc well on their way to France on their great mission, Good speed and safety to the good ship George Wash? ington! Mrs. A. C. Ilufford, of Graham, and Mrs. ?'. C. Tarter, of Haven, are reported on the sick list with pneu? monia. Both these good women are said to he getting well. .1. V. Johnson, of the Naval Rc tervo, is expected to returned to his home here in a few tlays, and will resume his position with the Tazewell Electric Light and Power Co. Mrs. Hose Humphrey, of Liberty Hill, Wits a visitor to town Tuesday. She called at this office and requested hat public thanks he given her many illd neighbors for kindness shown her in her recent bereavement, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hart, of Gra? mm, have been officially notified that heir son, Ralph, was severely wound ?d in action October 1". A letter re reived from the wounded man since advised that that he is recovering. Mrs. Morgan Wynil has received a letter from her son, Glenn, dated November 5th, staling that he was in a rest camp behind the lines, lit! had been over the top four times. He is a member of the 20th division As an inducement for housewives iving in the country to give Victory Coffee a trinl, we will, until the next issue of this paper, give five pounds of Victory Coffee in exchange for two pounds of Mutter, or two dozen eggs, lioyer and Co. Sunday's papers reported pi ivaU ?.'bus. H. Blunkonsllip killed in ac? tion and Willie Richardson, died of wounds, both of Tom's Creek. Miss? ing in action, Charles Darnell, of ?5eott county and Powell Musick, of llonnker. Snntn Clans advance guard passed through the other day and left the -Cieulest assortment of Christinas hing? at the store of J. W. Whitley .it North Tazewell you nearly ever saw. Call before the line is picked over. .1. N. Haltnau ami bis daughter, Miss Baltic, have joined the rest of the clan in Washington. Mr. (human .-.ill return to Tazewell after the hol days, unless, he says, he is not call? ed to help run things at Washington lining the President's absence. Don't continue to complain about the "hardships and privations" you have had to "endure on account of he war, when peace is here, the boys on their way home and you can gel loe Crcgar's buckwheat Hour, "tree" molasses and sweet potatoes at Hoy Mr. Jim Ed. Peery has recently re? ceived a letter from bis son, W. Al? bert Peery, of Co. 1), 110th Infantry, A. K. P., slating that he has recently ucen transferred to an officers' train? ing school, and has recently had the privilege of passing through Verdun, .uid many other towns in France that lave become famous. .Mr. ROSCOC Hilter Wall, who left Tazewell a month or two ago for the field artillery officers training school at Camp Taylor, Ky., has returned to rnzowcil, ami will soon resume bis position as county agricultural dem? onstrator. Mr. Wall has been dis? charged from the army, as bus also targe number of other young men. Why shouldn't Mr. Wilson ignore the Senate in the selection of dele gales to lite peace convention, when lie very mini who should, of right, have had the appointment, is, and has been, inimical to the President all thru the war? To have selected any one of the two members of that .'??aloes body would have made all the rest lighting mail. J. W. Whitley's for Xmus goods. The remains of Miss Cantlie Hub? ble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jus. A. Hubble, of Max Meadows, were brought to Tazewell for burial Wed? nesday from Kevr.tonie, where tho deceased tlied from pneumonia, fol? lowing influenza. She was ill only a short time. The Hubble family formerly lived at the head of Bap? tist Valley, but moved to Max Mead? ows several years ago. The remains were nccopanicd to Tazewell by Miss Lillie Hubble, Hurl Harmnn, of Keystone, nnd Mr. P. N. Danner, of Max Meadows. The burial occurred IV. the cemetery near Mr. Jim Ed. Peery's. Mrs. Harry L. Sprint was painful? ly injured last week by falling from the automobile of Snyers Harman. Mr. nnd Mrs. Spratt had been to Minefield in their Ford, and on re? turning the Ford refused to come. Mr. Sayers Harman happened along, in his runabout and offered to bring the Spratts homo, which offer was accepted. The car being u one-seated one, Mr3. Sprntt sat in Mr. Spratt's !np, and in making a turn in the roatl the door of the cur hud been insc I curcly fastened nnd flew open anil Mrs. Spratt was thrown out and the I bind wheel of the car ran over her I foot. Aside from painful injur es, I the lady suffered no serious conse j quence';. j J. W. Whitley's f r Mmas goods. I Lieut. J. A. Leslie, Jr. who has been at home for ten days on leave, left on Wednesday, under orders, for : Replacement Camp, at Jackson, S. C. I not knowing what his fate will be. Along with a number of other young r-rtillery officers, he completed the dif? ficult nnd trying course in the School of riring, at Foit Sill, Oklahoma, two weeks ago. Had tlx war con tinued a few weeks these young men would have realized their chief desire of a place on the firing lino in Frctee, hut?well, "back to the land" or somewhere else, for them now. It is strongly hinted that this crowd is not overjoyed nt the early endinfc of the war. Manicure SUs, Toilet Good.s a:ul Christ ans goods of every description at J. V?. Whitloy's btorc. Mr. L. A. Tytvts hnfl been in Lynrh burg tbis week attending the meet inn the State Horticultural Society. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Vandyke, who l-.avc been 'living in Norfolk for the past several mouths, have returned to Tazewell. Mr. W. T. Witten h is accepted the position in Harrisson, Barns and Com? pany's store as chief ns-istant to the manager, Mr. II. L. Huston. Banc G. Peery, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Peery, lias arrived in New York from England, having come over on the Lapland, which docked in New York Wednesday morning. Hs is expected at. his home here in a short time. Mr. Andrew J. Nelson, of Taze? well, is nssisting in escorting the peace party to Prance, being attached to the Pennsylvania, which is the chief battleship in the convoy of th.; headed by President Wilson. Ncl ? on has been attached to the dread naught Pennsylvania since leaving Paris Island, where he was in train? ing with the marine corps. MEDAL t)P IIONOK AND $1,001). Mr., the N. and W. brake mini, who saved the life of a woman and her two children at Blueflcld some months ago, an account of which appeared in this paper at the time, has been awarded the Carnegie Hero medal, and $1,000 in cash, to be used in the education of bis children. It will be recalled that a woman, with two small children, was rru:..> intr the tracks at the Station in Bluc field when a train on another track was bearing down upon bet and bet children Lusk, who happened to be near, spiting in, seized the woman and children and dragged them away at the risk or his own life. He was just in time a second or so longer and not only the woman and chil? dren hut Lusk himself would have been crushed. The woman and chil? dren came to Tazoweil on the next train, got oil' here, but nothing was learned of her afterwards, mir where or in what direction she went after leaving the depot. Au advertisement in this paper failed to brine; any in? formation. Credit is due Mr. John Campbell at North Tazewell, who, hearing of the incident, unselfishly interested himself with above result. Lusk gets the medal of honor and a thousand dollars in cash from the Carnegie hero fund. DEATHS TOLL. The influenza is still exacting toll of the people of this section. Virs. Curtis Gibson died at her home in Thompson Valley, Nov. 2tttll. She leaves a family of seven children. Pleasant Hill, conducted by the pas? tor, Rev. VV. C. Thompson, >f the Methodist church, of which tin- de? ceased wa ; a worthy member. John l eery. John Peery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Pcery, died at Liberty oil the ,i0lh. He was a young man, in bis early 'JO's, an.) worth of the confi? dence and icipe. t which he enjoyed, of all who knew him. Charles McFurlnnd. Charles McFurliiitd, brother of L'.. C. McFarluml, of Glutton, tlic! at his home in Keystone, Nov. 2~>)\ I'll-, remains were blotlgal to Tazewell an.l buried at Harm ail's Cimpel. He leaves a whlow bat io children METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHITUT1 SOUTH. Uev. John Moore Crowe. M.A., Ph.D., Pastor. Sunday Schools, Tazewell and North. Tazewell, at It) a. in. Rev. C. R. Brown and E. P. Moore, Supls. 22 officers mid teachers, 42G enrolled. Preaching in Tazewell nt 11 a. in , Iii st and third Sundays; 7 p. m. second and fourth Sundays; in North Tazewell 7 p. m. first and second Sundays, and 11 n. in. sec? ond ami fourth Sundays. Every fifth Sunday pastor preaches in Tazewell at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.. Rev. C. R. Brown at North Taze? well at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. NEW SUGAR REGULATION. Tii retailers and consumers of sugar: ' Effective December 1, retailers are not required to have certificates in Order to purchase sugar final the wholesalers. The allowance for family use is 1 pounds per capita per month and consumers are not required to Bign certificate when purchase made foi family use. Consumers must sign canning cer? tificate when purchase made for can? ning purposes. Retailers and consumer.-: must lim it their purchases to reasonable 8ti days supply. GEO. C. PEERY, Local Food Administrator MUS. CHAS. HAGY DEAD. News reaches Tazewell of the death of Mrs. Charles Hngy at hci homo at Gary. Charles Hagy is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hagy, of this town. His w fc was a daughter of James Cregnr, of Graham, form? erly of ri hompson Valley, and brother of Joseph Crcgai. Mrs. Hngy died of influen? t. The burial took place ycslerdaj in Gra? ham. She leaves one child, besides her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hagy, of this town, nttended the yesterday. INFLUENZA STILL HAGING. Tho Blatemont made by Uie papers recently that the "llu""had abated, seems to have been somewhat pre? mature. Reports from Roanoke, Blueficld, and some other citicu, state that the epidemic still exists, or hns broken out afresh. The authorities of the city of Roanoke are talking of closing the schools unless teachers and all school ollicers and the citizens generally observe strictly prescribed rules for prevention. It is reported that there are hundreds of cases in Pocahontno and many in Graham and Blueficld. There are still a number of cases scattered over the county. Schools .May Close. Should the '"flu" appear again in this town it may be necessary to again close the schools and other places of public meeting. However, if proper precautions are taken there is little danger, but there is still some danger. Nearly every incom? ing train brings people from infected districts outside. Members of fami? lies visit around. Men and hoys who are working in the coalfields come home to see their families, and in this way the disease may get to town. Precaution?'Prevention pro the magic words. Everybodv ough' to know by this time how to pre? vent it. Tenches in the schools must, exercise eternal vigilance. Children suspected should be sent home ami the family physician notified. Par? ents must ho on guard. No pupil from infected families, even suspic? ious cases, should be sent to school. Unless thi" rules and warnings of tilt Board of cnlth are heeded, there may be trouble and the services of the i ndcrtakcr needed. He on the lookout every hour of the day. FOR RENT. A four-room cottage anil garden convenient to Street car line. Party can pay rent in Washing and ironing. Per further information, call on E. F. Witten, Tazewell, V*0., 12-G-2L. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE. It is reported that thero will lie a change in schedule on the entire Norfolk and Western system next Sunday. It is said that the only rad? ical change on the Clinch Valley will be the schedule of No. 11, which will arrive nt Tazewell about 5 p. m., bi? etend of f,: ir?. INFLUENZA AT LEBANON. (Lebanon News.) Influenza has broken out again in Lebanon and the number of cases exceeds any previous record for Lebanon. Some IS or 20 cases wero reported Monday anil Tuesday. As yet no one is seriously ill and the malady appears to be in a lighter form than when it swept the county i few weeks ago causing the death of possibly 160 people. On account of the new outbreak here anil the further fact that there are hundreds of eases in other parts of the county Judge Harns decided not to hold the regular December court and only the grand jury was permitted to convene. INTEREST IN Si ll'. (Princeton Correspondence in Bluc flcld Telegraph.) The suit of William B. Crawford of Blueficld against Edward .1. McQuail, of Blueficld, which went to trial in the circuit court here Tuesday, will reach the jury some time this week. The case, being one in which Crawford is suing for $5,000 which he alleges is the residue due him as a commission for the sale of a boundary of coal land, is drawing considerable inter? est, particularly of lawyers, who are closely observing the legal points in? volved. It appears that Crawford, who is ii mining engineer, sometime in 1010 negotiated with the Raven Red Ash Coal Company for the sale of a cer? tain trail of coal land, September 17, 1910, he secured an option for the talc of the properly. The option ex? pired, but the evidence of the plain? tiff purports thai Crawford seemed v. renewal of it in the nature of a let? ter and a telegram. The plaintiff claims that after he got the option renewed he received a letter from the Raven Red Ash Coal Co., telling him it would give him $ 10,000 for selling the property. Later be got Dr. E. W. Kirk, Lincoln, ami the McQuails in tercsted in the propeily und after they hail investigated the proposi? tion upon his claim and the repre? sentations of C. H. Neel secretary and superintendent of the liven Red Ash Co. they agreed to buy the land the plaintiff claims, and pay him n commission of $10,000 for his option. The McQuails and their associates, Crawford claimed, in the first agree? ment he bail with them were to pay him .* 10,000 or to organize a company tml give him twenty per cent of the stock. Later, however, Crawford ?us that the new option he secur? ed from the Red Ash Co, was for the stile of it at $100,000 and that the tentative purchasers offered him a commission of $10,000 to sign it over to them. Upon the consummation cf the deal with Crawford for his option the Mc? Quails, Lincoln anil Kir'.; organized a company under the name of the Rav? en Red Ash Coal Corporation, In the meantimo it developed, nc fording i<> the defendants, that Craw? ford represented lo iber.i he \m sell them 800 acres of coal lend vvhicn Raven Re 1 Ash Coal Comtpnny was opcraPng and also a reserve of 750 acres which was owned bv am the: company but made UO of stoc! ho'i'ors of the Red Ash Com? pany. Whin the McQuails and their :?<*?.>? (dates r.t sod the money to lake over the properly the- stockholders of the Haven K ??! Ash Coal Company re? fused to i ccept the tender, cla mint; that they had decided not io aceepl the offer, and di; 'aiming responsi? bility for the deal en tic:- ground* that Mr. Neal, in the capacity of secreta? ry and superintendent cf the coni oany, had no authority to sell it un? til it was so resolved by the s job? holders of the company. RADFORD NORMAL NOTES. Dr. .1. P. McConnol! I.e., been asked to discuss "The Probiens of the Normal" Schools in the Southern States" at the meeting of the Nat ? '?,1 Council of Normal School Pres? idents in Chicago, February 21-23. The membership of the National Council includes most of the Presi? dents of the State Normal Schools in the United States. Preparation is being made for the Sixth Annual Educational Conference for Southwest Virginia at the Nor? mal School some time in Fel^uary, ihe exact date has not vet been fixed, j Owing to the fuirt that the State Educational Conference was not held rhanksgiving week the attendance at the Southwest Educational Con? ference will in all probability be very large. A number of prominent edu? cators of State National reputation have accepted places on the pro? gram. This Educational Conference includes nil grades of educational in? stitutions from the one-room school to tin' colleges mid universities. In the southwestern part of the slate ii found a very lartro number of the leading educational institutions of Ihe State. Tho committee in charge has ttrranged a .scries of chapel exercises beginning December Si, to acquaint the students different phrases of Red Cross work. On friday of this week scvoi'.u features other than a discussion of Junior Red Cross have been planned Several departments rendeder valu? able asistunce in udding Instructive und realistic touches. National airs ?f the allied countries, folk dances will be given. At the conclusion ot the last program, interesting oxhi iiits of articles made during Novem? ber and December by our Junior Red Cross will be shown. These are com? petitive amoiiK the classes, embrac? ing rag rugs for French hospitals, scrap hooks, layettes, etc. WOULD YOU a paste dia? mond if you could secure a genuine stone at no greater cost? Then why be satisfied with a mere imitation of a sing? ers voice when by purchas? ing cUic '^^r EDISON you can secure its RECRE? ATION; pure, sparkling and flawless? H.W. POBST NOTICE One thief source of road deteriora? tion is the tendency of traffic to fol? low a constant line of travel, which wears and depresses the road crown along litis line of continuous use. The entile ronil surface, including the shoulders, at least in diy weather, should be used with the view of avoid .ng ay much as possible this objir tienable propensity. Thus will out loads wear evenly, prevent to great extent the inclination to drop in hole? or ruts, which obstruct proper drain? age and cause water to soak into the road, greatly to its injury. We are a'" aware how important and expansiv? a feature is the maintenance of oui good toads; let us apply willingly iheref re, since it is to our interest, -j for no other reason, one of the rem? !.?. .-? lor their economical use. Respectfully, ?. A. MARTIN, County Road Engineer. MARBLE AND fJRANITE. run both be had rro; 1 the Mountain City Marble Company, of Mountain City. I'enn., at quite reasonable prices We handle first-clas. material and our de signer is an expert in bis line, there? fore, we guarantee both work and ma \crial to be numbei me. Satisfied cup tomers nt reasonable prices is our motto and If you should doubt this just givi ?is a trial and wo wil convince you. We also handb IRON TENCING. If If vou sro in noer u' anything in this line just drop me u card nnil I will be at your service Let me nt least give you prices and shew you designs before you buy J. NEWTON RHUDY, TAZEWELL, VA Agent for Mountain City Marble Co Mammouth Bronze" TURKEY A limited quantity of the finest Toms and Hens we nave ever rais? ed. Let your order get in before they are all gone. Burke's Garden Mills Burke's Garden, Va. Our Fall Line of Women's Footwear is Appreciated and Admired Daily. There are Quality Boots in Exclusive Patterns. Compare our prices on new fall merchandise and you'll find it impossible to have an "alibi" for trading clstwhore. GOOD GOODS AT LOW CASH FIGURES MAKE A STRONG COMBINATION. Don't they? M. J. HAWKINS "The Store That Satisfies" ;: 3:::::::::::::: ::::::rrrrrr::::::::^iur: :.rB Buy the Right Stationery ?at the Right Prices RIGHTO! Your words express your messages, your paper reflects your good taste. Select your station? ery from our largest assortment of styles and finishes in while and tints?for ladies ?*iid gentlemen. Kux papers, i5?c to $1.50 Correspondence cards, 25c to 75c Pound papers, 35c to 75c Writing Tablets, 10c to 35c Envelopes to match, 10c to 35c and, of course, Fountain Pens, Pen? holders, Steel Pens, etc. JOHN E. JACKSON ?TAe S&g?Mz Si0rs Tazewell, Va. WANTED FOR CHRISi MAS AND NEW YEAR'S We are happy indeed to announce to our customers that we have h.ul ihe greatest Thanksgiving in the history of our business exper rience. As we predicted, our prices were hotter than we even antici? pated, ranging from -JO to 45c per lb. for fancy slock, sonic turkeys running even highc.- than this, hut thin, sc: ntily dressed poultry scmcwhat lower. We are absolutely safe in saying that no poultry house in Philadelphia had belter prices and only a few, if any, had as high prices. Our customers were very highly pleased with their return's, which they made sure of realizing by using Frank Hellerick Go. on their shipments. This is all you have to do and wo do the rest. V.'j want to say right now that we are going to have e.n excellent market for Xmas. and Now Year's. There is going to be a tremendous demand for Fancy Turkeys for the Xmas and Holiday and the New Year's Msrket is alwr.yc one of the best markets of the year. We know what we tell jou are the facts ' keep in touch daily with the best markets, nnd also have a s' e especially equipped to handle the Xmas and the New Year's ru. " The man who wants a f; miy Turkey for bis Xmas dinner will have ihe price, skiec his wage earning capacity has been doubled as a result of war conditions. We a.e bound to have an unusual big market for Xmas and New Year's Write today for our fcpecinl circular which tells all about this great market nnd just what, to do to got the best prices. Ship your Fancy Turkeys for the Xmas market and your mixed shipments for New Year's. Have your s'oipmcnts for-the Xr.ias market arrive here from the lstl. to 21st, inclusive, and for the New Year's market from the 2tith to 29th. Fancy stock will bring the best prices and have well dressed and packed. Don't be negligent and miss the best but get in line RIGHT NOW by writing us for shipping tags and special in? structions. Yours for quick service and best results. FRANK HELLERICK & CO. 349 New Market St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.