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Clinch Valley news. [volume] (Jeffersonville, Va.) 18??-2019, December 13, 1918, Image 1

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Campaign to Start on the Kith
to Secure Members ? Chair?
man Higginbotham Appeals
to County Officers.
The following appeal and directions
have been issued to the twelve
branches of the Tuzewell County
Chapter of the Red Cross by Mr. A
S. Higginbotham, the county chair?
man and director of the Red Cross
Christmas Roll Call Drive:
The success in Tazewcll county of
the campaign for membership in the
Red Cross Christmas Roll Call rests
sind depends wholly upon the worK
and activities of the twelve auxiliar?
ies or branches as heretofore organ?
ized and officered. It devolves upon
your branch and officers to meet and
organize for the work at once. Get
your quota of the supplies advertise
the drive in your loculity with the
posters, etc., and select and appoint
your local captains, committtfcs and
workers. This drive c:ui only be di?
rected by nie through the avenue of
the present officials of each Auxil?
iary and as the Tazewell County
chairman and director of the Xmas
Roll Call drive for membership, 1 ask
that the officers of your branch take
up the work diligently at once.
Organize as you think liest under
the conditions in your locality for
pushing the work, select and appoint
your captains, committees and work
iCrs and get them going, and have
your ?ecrelary and treasurer report
io in?; t*/ice next week, which I think
will be iufljeiont, at the end of the
third and sixth day of the drive, so
that I can report to the division head?
quarters at Washington.
The "Plan Book" I sent your branch
last week gives full particulars, cx
?plnnKtlrtns and instructions for this
work, and in short, it is simply a
(drive during the week of December
}6-25th for membership, so as 10 give
every person "with a heart and a dol?
lar" a chance to no .v join or renew
find K"t his or her name on the Red
Crosg Christmas Roll Call. Only those
joining DOW, or from September 1st,
JIMS, get their names on this Roll
Call, us vug find explained in the
"Plan Book."
On account of the "flu," there will
doubtless be no spenking, unless you
arc abel to get it done locally by some
one of your own selection and ar?
rangement, but it is through the per?
sonal work and activities of the coih
mjttees and workers, selected and put
to work by your branch officers, that
the men and women in your commu?
nity can be reached and solicited and
1 hereby call and urge upon you
find your fellow officers of your aux?
iliary to attend to and take charge
of andldircct zealously this work and
drive in your locality, and get ready
.and going in full blast early Monday
morning, the ICth, and allow no let?
up in your earnest endeavors for
membership throughout the week.
Your faithfully,
Chairman and Director.
Big Vein, Dee. 11.?Noah Ball died
here last Friday of influenza and was
buried Saturday at Boissevainc.
Walter Lethco, of Boissevaine, was
?visiting the sick folks in our camp
last Sunday. Mr. Leathco has been
very much missed here since he mov?
ed away to Boissevaine. We are al?
ways glad to see him come, notwith?
standing the fact that he is always in
a hurry.
Mrs. Lizzie Phipps, who has beei.
very sick with appendicitis and in
rluenzn, is some better at this writing.
Wold reaches us that Mr. Henry
Ball died last night. He and his wife
have been very low for several days
and not expected to live, A baby
was born to them yesterday, but was
?lorn dead. Mrs. Ball is not expected to
live. Mr. Ball is a brother of Noah
Boll, who died last Friday. It is very
sad, indeed, the condition this fami?
ly is in.
There are no new cases of influen?
za in our camp and all the sick are
getting better.
The infant child of Homer Steven?
son died here last Saturday night and
was buried Monday at this place.
Mr. J. G. Benninghove has had a
very severe attack of influenza, but
is some better at this writing, but not
out of danger.
G. S. Barton and family all of whom
have had the influenrr., arc convales?
J. T. J. Ashley, of West Va., was
in our camp last Tuesday talking
business to our mine foreman. _
Louis Demchock, our electriciun, is
sick with the flu. He has been re?
ported as not in a dangerous condi?
Mr. S. B. Maxey was in Pocahon
tas last Tuesday night attending the
Masonic Lodge. 1
Jnmes O'Neil, our jolly Irishman,
denies the charges preferred against
him by S. E. Crouch. Jim says he
is not guilty of the offense as it is
a civil case. We pnss it on.
The influenza seems to 7iave hit this
vicinity, but it don't seem to be in t.
very bad form.
E. C. McFarland Tias been laid up
with the "flu" followed with pneumo?
nia, but is improving rapidly.
Slim Burton, of Keystone, was at
home the most of last week. Ho has
had the flu and was much improved
when he went away last week.
W. R. Catron is at home now juts
getting over the flu.
Mrs. Blackwell, of Graham, is vis?
iting her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Bur?
ton this week. She says the flu is rag?
ing in Graham, many deaths hnving
resulted from it.
We had our first quarterly meeting
Saturday and Sunday last, hnd good
preaching and very good crowds, the
flu kept many folks away. Dr. Crowe
ID 1845.
?S 1
preached Saturday morning.
The Concord people have made a
wonderful improvement on the inside
of the church, plastering-, etc., having
been done.
Mr.a Bettle Kelly, who hns been
with her mother, Mrs. Peck several
months .returned to her home in Sev?
en Mile Ford last week.
?Jim Bourne, son of Robert Bourne,
has influenza, but is improving.
Tom Yost came home from Key?
stone last week with the flu.
Bowen Repass, of Btucfield, spent
last week with homefolks, returning
Mrs. Henry Young is recovering
from the flu. She only had a slight at?
Mrs. Hallcy Bourne is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Gilpin this week.
It was with deep regrc that the
many friends of Wiley Shoffey Neel,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ncal, ol
Asberry's, learned that that he had
made the supreme sacrifice in France. i
He was the lirst and only one report?
ed as yet from this section to give
their lives on the battle line. He was
a young man of unusual integrity,
courteous, popular and a favorite ot
his associates. It is a consolation to
his family that his life was not given
in vain. We sympathize with his pa?
rents in their deep grief.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Asbury receiv?
ed a telegram last week from their
son, Rees P., in San Antonio, Texas,
that he was seriously ill with influen- j
za. Later advices are l)iat hs is bet- I
Walter S. Patrick, son of Mr. and
Mrs. I. L. Patrick arrived home Fri?
day from Battery E. o-lth reigent,
of the C.A. His regiment was pre?
pared to sail when the armistice wa ?>
signed and the order to sail rescind?
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Holmes receiv?
ed a card Monday fror.i their son,
Sergeant E. A. Holmes in France
dated Nov. 11th, saying all is well.
This was the first news from any of
the boys from this section since the
hostilities ceased.
Miss Irene T*-dor, of North IIol
ston, was the weekend guest cf Miss
Grace Rimmer..
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick, of the
Broadford, were the guests of rela?
tives here Sunday.
R. W. Holmes and sons, Edward
and Charles were visiting here Sup
Misses Grncie Rimmer, Irene Tay?
lor and Annia Hilt were guests of
rs. I. L. Patrick Saturday night.
J. P. Holmes was business visitor
to North Holston Monday.
The Red Cross ladies of this place
made a quilt at their work roomu on
Saturday, which will be disposed of
for the benefit of the Red Cross.
We are having a down-pour of rain
this morning. The weather has been
very warm for a few days.
P. H. Williams, the venerable ex
superintendent of schools, is in town.
, C. M. Hunter visited homefolks at
Roanoke the last of the week and
while away visited his sister, Mrs.
Ferguson at Richmond, who hud the
misfortune of having her fingers cut
off in a husking machine ami is in a
hospital in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gillespic and
baby Catherine expect to go to Wit
tens Mills this afternoon to spend a
couple of days with parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John F. Gillespie.
The following persons visited Mro.
Jane McGuire and Miss Pearl Mc
Guirc Sunday afternoon, viz: Mrs. W.
B. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gil?
lespie, and baby, Dora Newman of
this place and Mrs. James E. Mc?
Guire, and little son, Jnmes Fleet, of
Cedar Bluff. They found Mrs. Mc?
Guire complaining ouite a bit with
rehumatism, while Miss Pearl was
quite hoarse.
Rev. Joseph Graham, of Maxwell, I
billed his usual appointment Sunday
night at the Union cnurch. His ser?
mon was found in James 4 chapter,
1st and second verses. He was the
guest of W. B. Steele.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Altizer and Mr.
Alex Beavers attended the burial on
Sunday of their grandfather, Thomas.
Altizer at Gillespie. He was 89 years
of age and had influenza. His wife
died a week before. He was twice
married and was the father of four?
teen children. His first wife was a
Miss Beavers; his last Miss Nuckles.
W. B. Grecar conducted the burial
Mrs. C. H. Traycr and Mrs. W. B.
Steele attended the Womans Mission?
ary meeting today at Mrs. W. B.
Greear's at Climekf. A number of oth?
er ladies of the community were pres?
ent also. Re-election of officers and
other business was attended to. A
most excellent dinner, consisting of a
22-pound turkey and other dainties
was served. Many ladies were pre?
vented from attending the meeting
cn account of the rain and tho "flu."
The next meeting will be held at Mrs. I
Masy's at Cliffield.
Mrs. Julia Williams, of Richlnnds,
was circulating among old friends and
neighbors Monday.
Mrs. Henry Christinn is in Lynch
burg visiting relatives.
Samuel, the little three-year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robin?
son, is recovering from the influen
za, the only case we know of in the
Baylor Pructt, bookkeeper for the
Clinch Valley Extract Co., of Tip
Top, is spending a few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pruett.
All persons indebted to the late J.
Harvey Prophet, or to whom he was
indebted, will come forward and set?
tle same at once.
ROY T. WHITE, Admr.,
J. Harvey Prophet, Deceased.
Richlands, Va., Dec. 13-4t.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union will meet Tuesday, the 17th.,
at three o'clock with Mrs. W. G.
O'Brien. Members are requested to
bo present.
MRS. J. A. LESLIE, Secty.
Dear Reader
mug i
Dr. Walter II. Grccver. Columbia
South Carolina, spent a day or two
in Taxewell this week, enrouto to
Columbus Ohio, on business connected
with a large fund being raised hy the
Lutheran Church. He has Just fini?
shed his work in connection with the
big War Work Fund of the Luth?
eran Church. The fund of $750,000
proposed went over the lop a half
million dollars.
And, by the way, jt may not be
generally known that Dr. Groover has
his second wife a Miss Umberger,
originally from Wytheville.
The remains of Mrs. W. H. Brown,
daughter of the late .las. II. Painter,
of Tazewcll, were brought hero for
burial on Wednesday. The funeral
rcrvice was held in the Presbyterian
Church of which her father was for
many years, a highly honored mem?
ber, conducted by Rov, Mr. Irvin her
pastor at Princeton, where she died,
assisted by Rev. Mr. Gilmer. of Max
Meadow. Deceased was married about
a year ago to W. B. Brown, an elec?
trician connected with the Virginian
Railway, at Princeton. She was 25
years of age, and died of pnucmonia
following influenza. She leaves only
a husband.
The following named members of
the family were here to ntend the
sad service: Mr. and Mrs. W. E
Brown, parents of the husband of
deceased, and brothers, W. G. Pain?
ter, Slaunton, J. A. Painter, Radford;
C. S. Painter, Kingsport, Tonn; W. L.
Painter, Tazewcll; CP. Painter, Pear
isburg: G. W. Painter, Camp Rar
itan, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Wit?
ten, Pcarisburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Neel, Bristol; Mrs. J. J. Eagg, Roa
noke; G. W. Davis, and Mrs. Leta
Hays, Rural Retreat.
The remains-were laid to rest be?
side her father, in Jeffcrsonville Cem?
etery, 'Wednesday afternoon.
Last Sunday I had the rare pleasure
of eating a Sunday dinner in the hos
pitnblc home of C. II. Reynolds, on
Cavatts Creek, and a good dinner it.
wns, "and don't you forget it." We
had sausage and molasses and a whole
lot of other things, only buckwheat
cakes were shy, but hot biscuits and
light rolls were fit for a king. I re?
called a remark I heard n country
preacher make once years and year
ago,.at my mothers breakfast table.
He was eating hot biscuits, butter
and honey, and drinking rich sweet
milk. He said between bites, "breth?
ren, this is glorious. I feed that it is
good to be here."
I went over, after Sunday school,
in a car, Philip Reynolds at the wheel.
We had only two "blow outs," be?
fore we got home?only two. It is
one of the many mysteries of a car,
that a tire will "shoot" on a perfectly
rmocth road, and then shoot again
before you get out of sight. But we
got there nil the same. It has been a
contention of mine all the, time, that
auto tires should l.e made id' solid
rubber. The riding might not be quite
so easy, but the jars could be lessened
by increasing the spring action. But,
and here is the trouble perhaps, the
tire people would sell fewer tires
They have a bonanzn- now in the busi
i ness, and are not at all distressed
that tires blow oLt and wear out
quickly and easily. It is said that
Ford will put, or is now putting,
mdid tires on his cars, and his ex?
ample will be followed, and should
\ be, and quickly too.
', Brcthor Reynolds and his wife's
folks, too, have been Baptists and
Democrats, from the beginning. Mrs.
Reynolds is a Russell county Fuller,
and true to type. The Reynolds fam?
ily originated from East Virginia,
years ago. The original Reynolds
jived about nine miles from the city
cf Richmond, moving to Russell
, County in pioneer days. Charles camo
to Tazcwell years ago, where he has
prospered in more ways than one
, You 're Wanted
He has run ml a family <>f rine child?
ren, and has a large olucgmss farm
and cnlLlc oil many hills. llis present
commodious dwelling is built on the
site of the one occupied by N. W.
Kiscr where I first knew Cavallu
' icck. The old Reynolds home, where
all (h? children were born except op?,
still stands nearby, occupied I believe
by a tenant.
The original household, I wus told,
was a l.,jj cabin, situated over in the
meadow against a bill, la this house
the first child Miss Barbara, now Mrs.
Carr, of Tennessee, one of the best
jouni; women who ever left Taze
wcll, was bort). Thefe aru ft dnui;ht>-rM,
two at home now. A sou, n promising
young man died several years tigo
lli:i place was taken and effectually
filled by a nephew, Mr. Phillip Rey?
nolds, who is a sub-boas, and a fine
fellow, lie knows nil about turkeys,
buys droves of them every year. It
is said he has bought and shipped so
many turkeys to market, that he is
almost ashamed to look a turkey
square in the face,
Hut, the machine man, says, "cut
it out," so, this gossip must slop
short, right here.
J. A. L.
Several towns anil cities in this
infected district, have ordered street
ear windows to be kept open, as an
additional precaution. To order that
crowds must not assemble even in
the open, and then permit people to
puck in a tight, heated street car, is
s< useless. The same order should be
issued here. The street car, partic?
ularly the !l o'clock trip from North
Tazewcll, is generally rilled to the
doors with pupils for school, and
every door and window as tight as
wax. The stuffy hot crowded car is
unsanitary, and a little fresh air
would help, and possibly prevent
somebody taking the phi, particularly
as North Tazewcll is an infected dis?
trict. There is far less danger in a
ventilated school room, picture show
or church, than in a hot, crowded
street cur, or in a crowded postoffice
lobby, such as ours here several times
a day. Por goodness sake let every
precaution be taken to prevent the
spread of the epidemic which had
already killed more people in the
United States than the German bul?
lets killed in Prance.
Miss Gracie Aurelia Daniel, daugh?
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. D. B. Daniel, of
Horsepon, and Chaplain Fennor X.
Credle, of Newburn, N. C., Stationen
at Camp Leo, were married in the
Christian Church last Sunday after?
noon at 3:30, by the pastor. Ucv. Dr.
W. S. Billiard in the presence of a
large number of relatives of the bride
and groom and interested friends.
Mr. Robert C. Daniel, of llorsepen,
was best mnn and Miss Anna E. Dan?
iel, Maid of Honor. Miss I'earl Dan?
iel was bridesmaid. II. Claude Pobst
and W. B. Leslie were ushers. The
bride carried a bouquet of Ophelia
roses and orchids, and the brides?
maids Stanley roses, which were fur?
nished by Blnckistonc, of Washington,
D. C.
Mrs. A. G. Russell played the wed?
ding march and the accompaniment
for the beautiful sojo by Mrs. A. S.
After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs.
Credle and party repaired to the home
of Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Johnson, where
supper was served, after which they
took the train for a visit to Lynch
burg Norfolk and Washington.
A note received recently states
that Mr. John Wvnn has sold his
home in Baptist Valley, and mofrod
to Cambria in Montgomery County.
His friends nnd neighbors give up
this good fumily with regret.
Redeem your W. S. S. Pledge.
R 13, 1918.
f on the Phone
Witntod: Ambitious educated stu?
dents lo (itiulify r?tr rosponniblc po?
sitions. Salary gunrniitcnd, $100011 to
$1800, ''ivjl Scrvicu niitl Comtnorcinl
pnsiltoit.s for students from ID schools.
Toil ion paid from Hitlnry. Train fnre
paid from homo. 5200-lingo catalog
ami attractive propositions for en?
rollment .Ian. (!.
iilenl nnd Owner, Lynehburg, Vu,
12 IK :it
Mrs. J. A. Puckelt tiled at her
home in Gniham on Monday of pneu?
monia, following un nlnck <? f influ?
enza, lie:.ides a husband she leaveA
a family of eight, children. J. A.
Puckelt moved from Thompson Val?
ley to Graham only about a month
or ho ago, apt) engaged in the mer?
cantile business, lie was for years a
successful merchant in Thompson
Valley, in the firm of Puckctt Mall
hews ami Co. His wife was a miss
Matthews, of Thompson Valley, and
j was about 37 years of age at time ol
her death. Mr.Puckctts many friends
I sympathize deeply in the affliction
which has befallen him and his fam?
ily. The remains of Mrs. Puckctt in?
terred in Graham cemetery.
Mr. T. A. Itepnss, Jr. of Tazcwcll,
Treasurer of the War Work Fund of
the county, has received the following
I commendable letter from Mr. Robert
M. Kemp, Stute Treasurer of the War
"Your letter of December f?th en?
closing check for $15,500.00 collec?
tions of TaZCWell county to be cre?
dited to the United War Work cam?
paign received. This has been cre?
dited and anil official receipt will be
mailed you in a few days. You are
certainly to be congratulated on the
very splendid showing which your
county made. It is just such interest
and help of yours that has madw this
enmpaign such ngreat success."
We ha,vc learned through the Trea?
sury Department that u great many
persons in Tazewell county who
pledged themselves to purchase War
Saving Stamps have failed to comply
with their pledges, This, no doubt,
has been from over sight antl not
according to the terms of the pledges.
All purchases of War Savings Stamps
must be made before December Hist,
the last day of this month.
If you have not yet purchased as
pledged will you not do so at once?
Bear in mind that the 31st dny of
December is the last day on which
you can redeem your pledge.
. ING.
A letter received in this office thU '
week from Rev. Mr. Arrowood States
that he will be in Tazewell next Sun
tlay to fill his regular appointment.
The Chaplain's school was schedule
to close yesterday, he said. From the
best information he had it was the
opinion that the students in the
school will be commissioned nnd
placed in the reserve list. Iiis many
friends in Tazewell will be delighted \
to know that he is coming buck.
The remains of Charles, the 16-year I
old son of Mr. and Mia. Clmrle.i Mc?
Coy, wore buried here last Sunday.
He died of pneumonia, following in?
fluenza. The family lives in the new'
town of North Tazewell. There have
be'< 'i many cases there, it is said, but
only one death so far.
The burial occurred Sunday after?
noon in tho new cemetery, Rev. T. H.
Campboll officiating.
Tito Uuilvil War Work quotas ami
contributions for the county ia ua fol?
Allotment l'aid
Tnzcwcll $1,060.00 $2,435.4C
llorscpon, 160.00 128.12
Maxwell, 176.00 75.0(
Tannorsville. 100.00 33.0ti
Thompson Valley, 300.00 2I0.7C
Tip Top. 300.00 144.0.1
Asborry, Itin.tu) 83.011
Cove Crock, Grattoti, 600.00 240.041
Pounding Mill, 40000 278.0(1
l.oeUhart's Chapel, 300.00 142.00
Benbow, 100.00 ir.(..7f.
Cove. 700.00 170.00
PocnltOlltns ami
Boissevaino, 2 200.00 11,804.01
Midway, 200.00 lll.Oti
i'ichl- iid ?. 1,060.00 l,5.'M W>
H.jrko's Garden 000.00 4110.70
Noilh Tn/.owcll, 700.00 718.05
Rliiustono, 400.00 07.00
Cedar Bluff, 800.0(1 260.76
Graham, 1,060.00 1,550.00
Palls Mills, 200.00
Raven. 700.00
TOTAL, $14,200 $15,074.30
Additional ru|M>rl!t are expected
'rix.i Tav.ewell anil Graham.
The thanks of this paper are ?lue
and are. hereby extended to Mr:-. W.
B, Steele, Pounding Mill, for a lifU of
new subscribers received on yester?
day. There were eighteen and a check
for $1k.oo along with them, according
to our offer of 1?hi week of the pa?
llor in "blocks" for $1,00 per year to
new subscribers,
Mrs. Steele interested herself, spoke
'.<? her neighbors about it .with th.
above result Mrs. Steolu has been a
faithful trie.id of (his pa pi ? for yean
IS wall si;< a rhamplon of every good
cause in soeinl and religions circles
in her couuuunily, She has done ihm
??aper a great fuVOVi (and it ii not
the 3rsl one) und ahm a favur to the
a?'ghhoi u iitul friends by putting the
.m i in I In. ir homes. Mrs, Steele and
!n i eighteen friends pb use acoupt our
moat grateful coitsldorutiun.?The
'I in- re nnins of Julia Kostei, ?< far
uier well known resident of this town,
were brought hole from West Vir
ginin for |)iirial, ua Wednesday. She
was the wife of Ned Poster.
Troubles never come singly they
say. Following immediately the death
of Mrs. Puckoll, in Gralwiiu the news
reached him (hat bl.t store house and
property in 'I'hompsun Valley, was
destroyed by fire. Tito fire occured
on Tuesday night. The entire slock
of goods, the furniture in the rooms
adjoining- the store and above, occu?
pied by Mr. Frnzicr Mjlllhcws and
Iiis family mm u residence, were en
tirely consumed, with several small
buildings nearby. The fin, reports
say originated in a room o'er the
nlnre, just how, is not known. Tim
property it is stated, was covered by
Insuraiice to the umount of $3,000.00,
in The Clinch Valley Insurance
Agency, in Ibis town.
One of the best und most, sensible
ladies of the town, Mrs. Ileverly
Strns, called in the other day and or?
dered the "News" sent a relative as
u Christmas present Nothing for
anything like the cost of $1.50 would
be as highly appreciated. Every week
the county paper gives the county
news and keeps old friends and rela?
tives in touch, as no personal letters
can. Give your county paper as n
Christmas present to your absent rel?
ative or friend.
Wm. E. Peery, one hog, dressed,
net weight 1'i.H pounds. Also 2 hogs
dressed by Mr. Bowman, net weight
of the two, 1010 pounds. Mr. Bow?
man's notes has been mislaid and the
exact figures cannot be given. One
hog weighed 530 the other a little
less These two reports are the only
ones received Somebody has been
bluffed, it seems. Mr. Pecry, so far,
has the blue ribbon.
The Womnns Missionary Society of
North Tazcwell will have on sale in
the sample room of the Jeffersonvillc
hotel .Saturday, December 21st, every?
thing good for your Xmas dinner.
Thuy will have cakes, large and
small, pies, bread, dressed poultry,
butter, eggs, salads, in fact almost,
anything you want for a big Xmas
The sale will begin promptly at 2
p. m. Everybody invited. Dont for?
get the date.
University, Vu., November 27th,
11)18.?Orders have just been re?
ceived from the committee on edu?
cation and special training of the
War Department, directing comman?
ding officers of all student army
training corps units to demobolize
and discharge the men, commencing
December 1st, and continuing until
December 21st.
The University of Virginia an?
nounces that all the regular courses,
including the law department, will
begin at the opening of the scconn
term, January 2, and iontinue for
six months.
The Univorsity has arranged to
give a full year's credit for nny
academic subject to any student?
whether previously registered or not
--who completes satisfactorily the
work in this six months period, and
in addition will alow credit for the
term's work completed in the stu?
dent army training corps.
It is probable that students who
have served in the army, returning
to the University, will be allowed
credit in proportion to tho length of
such service.
$1.50 PER YEAH
Influenza Situation is Puzzling
Authorities As to What Action
Should Ho Taken in Slop?
ping Spread of Disease.
Mayor A. C. Buchanan .sni<l yester?
day (lint it was probable the schools
mill other public placoa would bo clos?
ed, owing to the rapid spread of tho
! influenza. He said be tried to get iv
meeting of the Board of Health on
Wednesday evening, but tho doctors
were loo busy visiting patients to at
The probability is that before t hose
lines uro read, nil order will bu is?
sued lo shut down.
New Cases ol (he "Flu."
There are a number of new eases
of influenza in town and community.
There are casoi in Lhu families of
?lames Boaeh, 11 S, Surface, J. S. Bot
limoro, Hill Lipford, II. I*. Brittain,
Alberl llngy, George I. -wis, J, A.
Groover, ami possibly others.
Mrs. .1 ami's Baach has been criti?
cally ill at her homo the past week
with pneumonia. Her condition wan
Improved yesi onlay.
j. Albert Hagy. the blacksmith, is
ill at Ilia home here of pneumonia,
following intln >iixa, which he is sup?
posed lo have contracted mi the oc?
casion iif hi son's wifo's burial at
Graham, wh.i he ntfonded. At last
Irepurl be Will doing well, and if is
.?mid will recover.
The majority of sentiment hero
sueiiiH in in ii favor of closing down
tin school nm ofhur public places of
in el big. Bel or err f at all on tho
safe side.
'the School Itoaid can close tho
school any lime, irrespective of the
Hoard of Hualth. At least one now
ease v i i i*oported on yesterday
among the school children, in thu
family of A. (i. Bum.toll. The diseaso
is spreading. Unless heroic measures
are taken ii will continue lo spread.
The doctors and undertakers uro
busy, and will be more so unless thu
epidemic can be stamped out. Public
seutimeul is in favor of closing, and
the School Hoard and Board of Health
should not. run counter lo a public
den.ami for the protection of* tho
health and livus of their children,
when the compulsory law compels
uUemlniicu at school. Better shut
down after today.?-Editor.
The influonzn is said to be raging
again in Graham. Minefield, Pocu
honUiH, und also in other citicH in
the Stale. The Graham schools havo
closed down, ami extra precautions
are being laben there, and in Pocil
honlas also, lo chock and prevent tho
spread of the disease. The dlsonSO la
spreading in the town and comunlty.
Cases are reported from different;
sections of the county, There uro a
number of eases more than at any
time heretofore in this town. Thu
Tl incase does not seem to be in a vi?
rulent form, and no deaths are re?
Decline To Close Schools.
Ilolh the town council und tho
Hoard ol Health at. meetings hold
recently to consider Ihn matter de?
cided to keep "open houso" u whilo
longer, and see what will happen. As
one man puts it, "if the opidemiu
breaks out among I he .'100 children
of the high school, the authorities
will meet again and if the Elu is very
bad, the lid will be claimed on. Tho
same old story," he said, locking tho
door after tho horse is stolen." Tho
cases already in town, and there, nro
a number of them, are not of u bad
type, it is stated. Many "bad colds"
are pronounced influenza and amount
to but little. Whether tho authorities
have proceeded wisely or unwisely,
remains to be seen. Whether pre?
caution is better than cure, however,
is not a question at nil. Time will
The following casualties have been
reported this week, of boys in tho
county. _
Walter I. Jenkins, Pocahontns, Va.
wounded in action.
Arthur Wimmor, Palls Mills, Woun?
Sargennt Samuel E. Turner, Falls
Milts, killed in action.
Adam M. Lambert, West Graham,
Walter C. Moore, North Tazuwcll,
slightly wounded.
Prazler B. McMeans, Burke's Gar?
den, killed in action. This information
came to Taxewell several weeks ago.
Newton 11. Edwards, gassed in
action. Parents notified several weck3
Sergeant B. M. Russell, Indian,
slightly wounded. This informntion
came to Russell's parents somctimo
Wiley H. Slower", Cove Creek. Ho
has been at his home here for tv/.i
months. Stowers was wounded in
Fred Thomas Nash,' Weest Gra?
ham, slightly wounded in action.
Floyd II. Stevens, Tip Top, slight?
ly w>undcd in action.
"The undersigned will sell at auc?
tion 12:0u Noon, January 10th, 1919,
on the Tri-State Siding, of the Big
Creek Branch, about Tinlf mile from
Station nt Richlands, Virginia, one
carload scrap rails, originally shipped
by tho Roanoke Scrap iron and Metal
Company, from Roanoke, Vn., March
2Gth, 191S, consigned to R. L. Jen?
kins, Zcnl, Virginia, shipment having
been made in N. Y. C. car 34797C.
, Sale being made for freight and
I accumulative charges, in nccordnncc
I with Section 1291-C Pollard's Code
[ of Virginia.
Norfolk and Western Railroad Par
I Pete Tivens, Agent. W. S. Penn, Auc?

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