Newspaper Page Text
Local News -+??-?-~?-?.?*4 ous box candy at Boyer's. .Precautions every day will keep the oactor and tbe undertaker away. . Schumackcr chop, the best for tho cows, at Boyer's. John P. Gose was selling fine flour in town on Wednesday?a big truck load of it. For milady's dresser nothing is nic? er than the white toilet articles. Fuii stock nt Pobst'a. The public schools at Falls Mill.-, have also closed Tazewell sems to bt willing to risk it. Keep food or drinks steaming hot or cold, Icy-Hot jugs, bottle-. , o. pitchers at Pobst's, Miss Ada, daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Geo. W. Lewis, is recovering from an attack of influenza. "The Store that Satisfies," Bells gasoline by the gallon or by the bar? rel. '1 full quarts to the gallon. Charles Hagy and his brother, Wil liam, are here at the bedside of their father, J. Albeit Hagy. New Theatre tomorrow night, The da Bars, in "A Fool There Was." AI so, Sunshine comedy. Lieutenant Louis It. ('nulling has received hi* discharge from the army and has returned to his home here. Nut Oleomargarine at Boyer's. It is clean, palatable and as wholesome us butter and cheaper. Try it. Mr. Combs has a Tnzewell wife, you know, a daughter of .\ij\ and Mrs. C. H. Reynolds. That accounts for it. Sweet potatoes at Boyer's. Prof. P. hi. Williams was in town yesterday, looking about as young and well as he looked twenty-live years ago. Aunt .Jemima's Pancake and buck? wheat Flour ready to use, at Beyers. There will be preaching in Tnze? well Baptist church Sunday at 11 a. m., by the pastor, T. II. Campbell. Theme, Prayer. Boyer's idler to exchange live lbs. of Victory Coffee for a dozen eggs, or two pounds of butter will hold goon till December 20tll. Hoheit Hopkins, who has been get? ting fat in North Carolina, has re? turned to his home near town. He is much improved in health. We have three good wagon beds left. If you want a good bod look these over. L. A. TYNES AND CO. Khaki-clad boys, sometimes in bunches of four or live, are a pleas? ing and welcome sight on the streets of this little town these days. You emit make a belter investment than the purchase of a good feed cut? ter. We have them in slock. L. A. TYNES AND CO. Robert Richmond, of the S. A. T. C. at Hampden-Sidncy, has stopped ovet here for a visit to friends. lie is on his way home to Swing Vn. Come to us for oils, tires, unto parts, etc. TAZEWELL MOTOR CO. Mrs. Geo. S. Walker, of North Tnzewell, had a bad case of the flu, with pneumonia strongly threatened. She escaped and is nuw improving. Come in and look over our kero? sene engines, mills, feed grinders, etc. L. A. TYNES AND CO. Now, that the editor has found who had the heaviest hogs, he might be able to determine who had the best sausage and spare-ribs, if he had r chance. Don't put oil' ordering your Xmitti oysters, cranberries, mid celery. Give your order to Hover. He sells only the Best. II. T. May and his neighbor Tom Brown, two of the mos; prosperous and handsomest men id Adria. were in town on Monday. Tom paid a Vic? tory subscription in this office. Tuesday, December 17th, Billie Burke in "In Pursuit of Polly." This picture closes the New Theatre's con? tract on Rurke pictures. The Hon. Hoberl B. Williamson, and J. W. Hicks, Graham, were here this week on business. "Bob" is look? ing good and "feeling fine" after a stay of some weeks in r. hospital. Girls, its on you this time. Greet, him on bis return with a nice box of Boyer's candy. He hasn't had very much for a long time and will ap? preciate it. Lieutenant Harvey Harrisson, of Camp Lee, is at bis home here on furlough. He expects to return to the camp about the twentieth for du? ty be knows not where. Just received a large shipment of anti-freeze compound. TAZEWELL MOTOR CO. Has any one of our readers any firjf hand information of Henry Lin k0US, the molasses king of Dry Fork ? He hasn't put in his usual appear? ance this fall. Did Henry "lay down On the job" this season? Give Buyer mid Co. your Christmas older for' oysters, cranberries, and celery. Mr. M. E. Muir, of Pulaski, the .monument dealer, is in town and will go to Burke's Garden this morning to erect a fine monument, at the grave of the late F. M. Moss. Drive your car to the tank in front of the "Store that Satisfies," und fill her up with gns. 30e a gal? lon cash. 4 full quarts to the gal? lon. Buy gasoline from M. J. HahEins. "The Storo That" Four full quarts to the gallon, If you iced a good wagon, bod, wo have it. L. A. TYNES AND CO. Robert C. Daniel, of Washington. D. C, was in Tazewell Saturday and Sunday to attend Hie marriage of his sister, Miss Grade, mention of which is made elsewhere in this paper. Mrs. Wells, wife of our old friend R. A Wells, of Liluc3tnne, anil two children, have left for an extended trip west. In tho meantime brother Wells will get on as best he may by himself. The world will witness the happiest Christmas it has ever seen. Pobst, the jeweler, can furnish the gifts that will make any member of the family happy to have them. Rev. 1). A. Leffel, of Shawvors Mills was in town oil yesterday looking as pleasing and handsome as ever. We "pulled" him the other day for several batwillgs and he came across without ? grunt. Yes, I am going to have an Kdison because it has a tone that no other machine can equal. Uuy from II. W. Pobst. I Sam I). May, another of Tuzuwell's soldiers who failed to get a chance at the Huns, but who wanted lo lind HlOUgh, has been mustered out of the service and returned to his home in this town. For the children, rings, neckwear, spoons, baby sets, pins, or cheap watches. At Pobst's. Miss .Mary Wynn, who makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gilles pie in Ibis town, wes taken to the Williams hospital at Richlllllds Wed? nesday afternoon for an operation for is. For thcyoung man, culf links, scarf pins, traveling cases, novelty brush? es, watch chains, watch or fountain pens. December 20th, nextt week, will be the last issue of the Clinch Valley Mews this year. Remember his ami tend your Chrismas speeches, ser? mons, announcements, and advertise? ments early next week. For the young lady, watches, litvcl icrs, neckwear, picture lockets, toilet articles, manicure sets, ring or vanity cases. At Pobst's. Miss Ellen Scott, who has been helping the National Red Cross run things in Washington the past sev? eral months, has returned ot her home here. She has been helping in the High School here since her return. Fur the family, inabogony goods, cut glass, silverware, percillators, or clocks. 11. W. Pobst. A writer states the daily labor of a million men for two years, will be necessary to reconstruct the ruins caused in France alone, by the Ger? man invasion. When Belgium is added the work to be done is enormous. A clock Is enjoyed more than any article of its kind in the home. Pobst has just received a large shipment. Radiators are too expensive to take any chances; buy our ant i-freeze solution. TAZEWELL MOTOR CO. Dr. W. R. Williams the well known physician and surgeon of Kichlnnds. iwas here on Tuesday, attending a meeting of the Kennedy Coal Com? pany, of which C. W. Boyd is Presi? dent, and W. T. Gillcspic, secretary and treasurer. A special Red Cross service will be l.elil in the Christian chinch Sunday night. The pastor, Rev. W. S. Buf laad, will preach a special sermon on the Red Cross Christinas Roll Call. The young people's choir will furnish the music. Grat Bowcn was in town yesterday on business. Mis mother, Airs. II. S. Bowen and every member of the fam? ily have had the flu, but ale getting well now. lie reported a number of rases at Wittens Mills, but none of them very serious. Yes, Rover and Company have it: Currants, Raisins, Citron, Fruit Cake, Shelled Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, .Mince Meat, Grapes, Oranges, Lern? ens, Crape Fruit, Conserved Fruit, Pineapple, Cherries. Fine Candy, and Cherries, Red Currant Jelly. We here humbly apologize to Dr. O'Kceffe Peery for slandering him last week in saying that he had been attached to the veterinary corps, whereas he had been in the aviation corps. Dr. Peery is now in Tazewell doing prescription work in llunwkins' Pharmacy. Thoroughbred Bourbon Red Tur? keys for Sale. Mrs. J. C. Cooper, Tazewell, Va. 12-13-21. F, 11. Combs has been appointed Commonwealth's Attorney for Buch? anan County lo succeed R. F,. Will? iams, who resigned to accept the ap? pointment on the State Corporation Commission. Mr. Combs i.; an able lawyer and will make us a good off? icer.?Sandy Valley News. Are you going to join the list of Kdison phonograph buyers this year? Do not go and pay a lot of money for an instrument that did not have a genius to perfect it. Mr. Kdison spent ?:),0rt0,000 to perfect one ma? chine. IL W. Pobst will show you the world's best phonograph?Kdison. Mrs. S. D. May, of Pennington Cap, sent us a couple of good look? ing bntwings to this Blinctum on yes? terday. The Mays are loo scarce around here at this writing. Capt. Jack is in Kentucky, visiting bis boy, Mrs. Jack is in the opposite direction visiting at Kadford, and the hoys are 'scattered, goodness knows where. Now, that the war is over, there [should be a re-assembling of all the scattered folks. The postofiice is a regular pes*. house. People of all ages, sexes, siz? es and colors crowd the lobby to wait for opening of the mail. If Mr. Buch? anan cant prevent it tho council can and should do so. Men who have a surplus of time on their hands should spend it outside, and stop this crowd? ing in the lobby. Some men have worn the backs of their costs slick against the wall, waiting for their mail to open. l.oaf outside and conserve the public health. Mr. George McConncll, who has been ill at Yukon, W. Va., where he was working with J. T. Ueldroth on the b:g contract for the Yukon-l'oe:' hontas Coal Co., has returned to his home here. A number of the young men from the various S. A. T. C.'s returned to their homes here this week. Rufus Brittain, Joe N. Johnson, Russell Painter, Hilly Cnocnhaver are back from Hampden Sidney; Herbert Ward from V. P. I. Mr. ami Mrs. A. (i. Riser, along with a number of others beere, have been anxious because of not hearing from their sons since Nov. 11th. Kis er's anxiety was partially relieved by a letter from bis son, Walter, re? ceived Wednesday. He was all light somewhere in Prance. There are sev? eral million letters piled up in New Yorl;, the papers state, awaiting dis? tribution, and anxiety may be further relieved any day now. We have a very interesting letter from Sergeant James C. Suiter, of the American Expeditionary Force. Mr. Suiter operated the machine in the New Theatre here for sometime, and is well known in Tnzewell, where he has a number of friends. In the letter be enclosed a picture of him? self, which shows that he has fared (well while on foreign soil. When he I enlisted he weighed U>1 pounds. He now tips the scales al 1We all wish him well. at present as in the flesh are num? bered with the dead. I know that many of the boys I knew are numbered in the host that our Uncle Sam sent over-seas in the great war that has just come to u successful end, but just what boys were among the number 1 do not know, or what befell them, and that I may learn more of the details will you kindly Bend me the Clinch Valley News for such term as enclosed check for $2.00 will pay for. Will be glad to have a letter from you, if you care to take the trouble, telling me .something of Judge Coul ling, S. M. Graham, Jack May, or any others and such things of in? terest as you may care to mention. Yours truly, E. V. SPOTTS. FOR RENT. A four-room cottage and garden convenient to Street car line. Party can pay rent in Washing ami ironing. For further information, call on E P. Witten, Tazewell, Va., 12-0-21.. NOTICE MARBLE AND GRANITE. can both be had trori tho Mountain City Marblo Company, of Mountain City, Tenn., at quite reasonable prices. We handle first-clase material and our de? signer is an expert in his line, there? fore, we guarantee both work and ma? terial to bo number vne. Satisfied cus? tomers ut reasonable prices is our motto, and if you should doubt this just give is a trial and we will convince you. We also handle IRON FENCING. If If you are in need of anything in this lino just drop me a card and I will bo at your service. Let me ut least give you prices and show you designs before you buy J. NEWTON RHUDY. TAZEWELL. VA. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH. ?h.D.. PUR SKINS WANTED. Will pay highest market price or No. 1 hirge prime skins. One chief scarce of road deteriora-1 tion is the tendency of traffic to fol? low a constant line of travel, which I wears and depresses the road crown along this line of continuous use. The entire road surface, including the Preaching in Tazewell at 11 a. m?, shoulders, at least in dry weather,* first and third Sundays; 7 p. m. uiii i -.i .i ..:?.. t _i.i ' second and fourth Sundays; in should be used with the view of avoid- ^Hh Tazewell \ p. m. first und mg as much as possible Ibis objc.c-, B0COnd Sundays, and 11 a. m. sec Rev. John Moore Crowe, M.A., Pastor. Sunday Schools, Tazewell and North Tnzewell, at 10 a. m. Rev. C. R. Brown and E. P. Moore, Supta. 2 officers and teachers, 426 enrolled. No. 1 skunk, $4.00. No. 1 OTos urn, $1.00. No. I Muskrat, 80c. I'rices subject to 'hange. The Tazewell Supply Co. tienable propensity. Thus will our und and fourth Sundays, roads wear evenly, prevent to great Every fifth Sunday pustor preaches 'extent the inclination to drop in hole* | in Tazewell at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.. .,,.!,?, or ruts, which obstruct proper drain-1 Rev. C. R. Brown at North Taze <Uk?L age and cause water to soak into the we" ilt 11 iU m- ;l,ul 7 ? m' road, greatly to its injury. We are all aware how important and expensive ' j. ?.?.?n?...? ? . ? ? ???????? PROM AN OLD FRIEND. a feature is the maintenance of our llciiuotlsvillc, S. (.'., Dec. 7 1018. good roads; let us apply willingly, Clinch Valley News. . therefore, since it is to our interest, 'f My dear Sir: fOI- no other reason, one of the reme-i it has been a long while since I ', ujca for their economical use. have written to any one in Tazewell, j Respee'fu'ly and rarely do I have a scrap of news I y ^ MARTIN from there. ? .',> ,,-. i ' You may be sure I often think of CuUnly Rond tn*lneer Tazewell, and of my old friends and acquaintances there, ami with an ex? ceeding longing to again climb the slopes of its surrounding hills and mountains and once again talk with the many I knew there, and wdiile I sincerely trust I may yet be permit? ted to do the former. I know in the latter case it will not be posible in many instances because not a few of these whom I consider and think of FOOD gnzs, MIL WIN WlfcWm i'hb !1 !? HI Ugy Redeem Your W. S. S. Pledge. Dolls from 10 cents to $3.00 Houses, Animals, Tops, Guns, Doll Dishes, Autos, Climbing Mon? keys, Stoves, in fact every thing a child would want old SANTA to bring. We also have a big line of China, Enamelware, Jewelry, Glassware, and Notions at popular prices. THE VARIETY STORE 5, 10 and 25 cent Goods WOULD YOU BUY dia you a paste mond if could secure a genuine stone at no greater cost? Then why be satisfied with a mere imitation of a sing? ers voice when by purchas? ing Hie NEW EWSON you can secure its RECRE? ATION; pure, sparkling and flawless? H. W. POBST TAZEWELL, VA. The happiest, merriest Christmas the world ever knew is almost here. But in the rejoicings of peace and freedom there is one note of seriousness America must not forget?there is misery and distress and sickness all over the world. Relief must be given. The work of the Red Cross MUST go on. And to carry on, the Red Cross MUST have support of your membership. JOIN THE RED CROSS ?all you need is a heart and a dollar This Space Contributed by Chapman, Peery and Buchanan, Tazewell, Va. -2,-:* &-= Un? (jnvh'ityifpf/larint/Se World luoss 'Z/CH 9/ou J\<>i>d is a 7/vart 1 1 QtlR CUSTOMERS STORK | | This store wns created and exists (0 solely for its patrons. ffk Of all persons entering our doors f$\ a "satisfied" customer is the most ini portent. Every dollar's worth of merchan? dise is bought in anticipation of our customer's wants. Every detail in our store arrange? ment has been planned fur the great? er convenience of our patrons. * (0 Every courtesy, every little touch (f^ of human interest is offered in our f}\ Join the Ried Gross Iii s \i/ vi/ Of ?J' But it does not end here. jLi The greatest possible value for every dollar, the lowest pos- ili w sible prices for quality merchandise are the incentives this -J W store oljers to its pntrons?incentives that are made possi ^/ ble only through our economy policy of "selling exclusively (f\ yfo for cash." /|\ $ M. J. HANKINS & \jj "The Store That Satisfies" j|J Mammouth Bronze TURKEYS A limited quantity of the finest Toms and Hens we nave ever rais? ed. Let your order get in before they are all gone. Burke's Garden Mills Burke's Garden, Va. When You Write Buy the Right Stationery ?at the Right Prices RIGHTO! ,Your words express your messages, your paper reflects your good taste. Select your station? ery from our largest assortment of styles and finishes in white and tint??for ladies ?nd gentlemen. Box papers, 35e to $1.50 Correspondence cards, 25c to 75c Pound papers, 35c to 75c Writing Tablets, 10c to 85c Envelopes to match, 10c to 35c and, of course, Fountain Pens, Pen? holders, Steel Pens, etc. JOHN E. JACKSON ?<* tRg5?^? Tazewell, Va. TURK WANTED FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S We are happy indeed to announce to our customers that we have had the greatest Thanksgiving in the history of our business exper rience. As we predicted, our prices were better than we even antici? pated, ranging from 4? to 45c per lb. for fancy stock, sonic turkeys running even higher than this, but- thin, sct.ntily dressed poultry somewhat lower. We are absolutely safe in saying that no poultry house in Philadelphia hiul better prices 'end only a few, if tiny, had as high prices. Our customers were very highly pleased with their returns, which they made sure of realizing by using Frank Hellerick db Co. on their shipments. This is all you have to do and we do the rest. We want to say right now that we are going to have an excellent market for Xmas. and Now Year's. There is going to be a tremendous demand for Fancy Turkeys for the Xmns and Holiday and tho New Year's Market is always one of the best markets of the year. We know what we tell you are the facts. We keep in touch daily with the best markets, nnd aleo have a store especially equipped to handle the Xmas and the New Year's rush season. The man who wants n fancy Turkey for ids Xmas dinner will have the price, since his wage earning capacity has been doubled as a result of war conditions. We are bound to have an unusual big market for Xmas and New Year's Write toduy for our special circular which tells all about this great market and just what to do to get the best prices. Ship your Fancy Turkeys for the Xmns market, and your mixed shipments for New Year's. Have your shipments for the Xmas market nrrivo here from the 18th to 21st, inclusive, and for the New Year's market from the 26th to 29th. Fancy stock will bring the bent prices and have well dressed nnd packed. Don't bo negligent nnd miss the best but get in line RIGHT NOW by writing us for shipping tags and special in? structions. Yours for quick service and best results. FRANK HELLERICK & CO. 349 Now Market St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.