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ANNOUNCING "On the Road to Safety" in Life Insurance?A New Economic Endowment Policy. There is nothing complicated about this new Southern Life and Trust Company policy?it is so simple a child could understand it. And it meets the every requirement of the man seeking protection for both his family and himsel. Just consider its main points, enumerated here, and if you cant find the same protection combined in any other policy we want to talk to you. I " THE PILOT SPECIAL" Protects your Bene? ficiary If You Die. Supports You If You Are Disabled. Provides for old age If You Live. 1? If you die from natural causes before the age of 60 your beneficiary will receive,_ 2? if you die from accidental causes before the age of 60, your beneficiary will receive,_ 3? If you die between age 60 and age 70, your bene? ficiary will receive,_ 4? If you live to age 70, you yourself will receive,_ 5? If you become totally and permanently disabled, you will receive up to age 70, a monthly income of-. $15,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 120 (And then at age of 70 or at prior death you or your beneficiary will receive $10,000, no deduction what? ever being made for the disability payments). You can get this policy for any amount fron $1,000 up to $10,000. Not more than $10,000 issued to any one person. Without any obligation on my part, please send me further particulars in regard to "The Pilot Special" Policy." Age_Occupation. Name_ Address Jno. M. Newton, Agent. GRAHAM, VIRGINIA Is your farm help scarce and high? Why not grow the same size crop on smaller acrage WITH ROYST T* IL* 1 2* IL REGISTERED. ORDER EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. NORFOLK, VA., RICHMOND, VA..TARBORO, N. C? CHARLOTTE. N. C, WASHINGTON, N. C, COLUMBIA, S. C, SPART ANBURG, S. C. ATLANTA. GA., MACON, GA., COLUMBUS, GA., MONTGOM? ERY, ALA., BALTIMORE. MD., TOLEDO, OHIO. I SOLDIERS LETTERS rr^f&\'^?H"?J"!'?fr"**^*?I* ^ 'H1 'H"!'1' "{*, My Dear Mother: Almost seven months now since the' regiment of Virginia boys boarded the transport Finland, bade farewell to the old State and sailed away on the 13th day of June, 1918, and on the 27th we landed in France. The name of the place, is St. Nozaric and when we landed wo were some proud bunch of boys We then went to a camp and stayed three days, atip\ then we were loaded on a Krcnch j train und road 48 hours und got off and hiked about eight kilos, which we call miles, and in the village we landed in i>. Co. made their home for about three weeks and then we load? ed on a train and left for Alsace Lorraine, near where tho 29th divis? ion took over a sector for about two months. Lorainc iB the garden spot of this whole section, and is tho prettiest section I have ever seen We were then londcd by rail at Belfort. It is one of France's largest towns and wo moved up and became one of the divisions of the first Amer? ican army on the Verdun and Metz 6ector. Wo were in a little village near tho front and I was taken sick with tho flu and was sent back to a hospital which was about a hundred miles behind the lines. I stayed at the hospital 187 days and then 1 join? ed the outfit in Verdun. I certainly urn glad to belong to tho 116th Regi-: mcnt. We boys played the part. I um j well and hope you all arc well, so I write me real often. CORP, RAWLEY TOTTEN. I To his parents, TazeweH, Vn, Savoisy France, Feb. 8. I Dear Dad: Just got two letters from home on yestreday and wrote mama yester-' day, so will write you today. The' snow is gone and we are having some ( moro rainy weather. Dont think it over gets us cold here ns it does nt home, but just as disagreeable. Guess by the time you get this you and Rob will have mnde a good start plow? ing. If I wcrei n your place I would? n't try to put out too big a crop un les you enn get some one to help, for I don't know when I will get home and besides I wasn't much, good when I was there, and don't expect old Rex would bark at me now, I'll be so lazy. Well, I promised to tell you some of my experiences, but it would bo lots easier to tell somebody elses, as I've told you before my job was com? pany signalman, but when we were in action there was very little sig? naling done, so I was "runner" and if I happened to be headed in the , right direction nothing smaller than -. _?_-L--J-..I..U.J_"_g i ??f7,? could hold me a light. , Wo landed in France Juno 13th, but didn't go to the front till in Au? gust. Our first trip was without nn accident. Going up you would have thought wo were veterans, till we got ..:! to where tho artillery was plac? ed, then a salvo was fired by a bat? tery concealed in tho bushes. You have seen young mules at n thresh? ing machine when the whistle wusj blown, but we soon got over that ? and got so we would tell our shells from Jerries by the whistling sound. That trip gave us something to talk about and nil were anxious to go back again, and it was only about a week till we got our wish and after that nobody ever said they wanted to go to the trenches again. 1 went in with the Captain and first sergeant in the morning. Jerry spotted us and gave us u warm reception all the way. Just as we reached the place that wa sto be company headquar? ters a shell struck in the trench and wounded two and shocked a Lieuten? ant. This was the first casualty in our company. Our company came in that evening und relieved the New Zealand troops and at last wo wer holding a section of trenches in front of Jerry. All went well till four o'clock next morn? ing when be gave us a specimen of ?me of his barrages. I didn't expect ii ever see day-light. 1 ?as lying town, a shell struck at mv feel. The Toncussion was so great llht my ears '-led. It only losted abowt 30* min? ies and not a man was muri, hut I think sonic of them will get gray about ten years sooner. We were re lieved there and came to the Ameri? can sector; didn't see any mure fight? ing till Sept. 26th and from then on till the armistice was signed we did our part, and did it so well the 80th ranks with the host divisions over here. Love to all. J. It. Y. J. R. Young, Co. I, 317th Infantry, to his parents. Savoisy, France, Feb. 10. Dear dad: I am well and getting on all right, and hope nil are well at home. Will write another chapter of the story I started. We had been keeping ourselves in the woods for all most a mouth, no lircH atn igbt and doing all our march? ing at night previous to Sept. 20, so that Jerry wouldn't know where the drive was to be made. The 100th bri? gade had taken over the front line near the village of Bethincourt, which was something more than a pile of stones. We, the lfiOth bfignde, com? manded by Gen. Jnmcrson, moved up in support on the night of the 2Mb, unrolled our packs ami wrapped up iu or blunkels to wait for the day? light to follow up the 160th that was going over the top about fi a. m. About eleven o clock that nic.iit we wer awakened by the roll of artillery on our left, and in a few minutes the guns were Hashing all around uh, we were among our own artillery. The drive was on a forty-mile front. I can't describe it, but don't believe there ever was n heavier bombard? ment; at day-light we bognn to move forward, the front line met with very little resisctnnce till about twelve o'clock when they had .advanced loo far for the light artillery to continue the barrage, and Jerry wuh being driven hack from before Verdun, something the French said couldn't be done. On the 2St.h we relieved part of the 310th Infantry and held the line for 2d hours, when we were re? lieved by the 33rd division and came back in support again. Here live boys with myself made us a shelter by covering a trench with sheet iron and making n bed out of lilankel.s that Jurry bud left behind. We didn't know it ut the time, but they were So lousy you could ulmost see the blankets moving, but I spent, three of the hap? piest days I've spent in the army, got lost of mail and for the fust time began to see signs of an early peace. This didn't, last long for one night we wero issued emergency rations, for we had eaten what we started with and the 120-rounds of extra ammunition. We knew we were iu for another drive, this time to be in our front. We were the supporting bat? talion, but on the fifth of October went into fill a gap between the 1st and 2nd battallion, but we were soon ordered to nfll back to get out. of a heavy artillery fire, but not till we had had eight men killed and about !5,r)'wounded. Most of the wounds were slight. I was not with tho company at this time, but was messenger, and bad a good chance to see what was taking! place. On the fourth a boy who bad been my bunk mate since coming to Franco was gassed, but never quit his job till next day and not then till I saw an olhcer and got him releived, but since we came to this village be has joined the company again. We were relieved by the 160th again, but wont back in tho lines for twelve more hours and then our di? vision was relieved by the flth. We came back to a rent camp after being 17 days under shell fire end sometime rifle fire. Here we were re-equipped, nnd rested up for the last drive that started the first of November nnd ended with the, signing of the armis? tice. Will tell you about it in the next letter. Love to all. J. R. Y. P. S.?Tell mama if I ever get ink enough, will write her a story enti? tled, "What the Y has done for me." Ancy la France, Feb. 10. Dear Pearl: As I have finished my task for to? day, I shall write a few letters. I had a letter from you recently, also one from Dad. Well, we are still in sun? ny Prance. (Alas! rainy Frnnce!) I cannot see any prospect of trie division coming home soon. There is a possibility of us being put in with the army of occupation yet I get thoroughly disgusted nt times with conditions over here. You folks get so much "bull" from the papers about the great times we are having. They make the people of the SLitcs think we are on a pleasure trip. I suppose its very line for the troops in Paris and other cities where all the amuse? ments ure, but it's pretty tough for the unlucky guys in other areas. Do not expect us home any time soon, for the war isn't over yet. We are still fighting principalities and prop? aganda. We must be content regard? less of the many unpleasant and dis? couraging ordeals which army life affords. I can never hear from Jack. Ho should be home ns most nil other such units have gone. Our division had n horse show re? cently or rather the corps. Our di? vision carried off all the prizes with their excellent horse3. - Write me often. Your brother, J. R. S J. R. Sounders, to his sister,' Mrs. J. D. Farmer. Gr.dbrnnge, Luxemburg, Feb. 12, Dear cousin. Will try and answer yo\ir letter re? ceived yesterday und sure was glad to henr from you nnd to know that every one were well and enjoying life fine. These few lines leaves tue will nnd enjoying myself very well. You asked me if 1 was enjoying myself bolter since hostilities censed. Yes, I ant having a Very good time and am well satisfied. Altho I got it little "blue" sometimes. But what's the use of looking at the dark side of life. WO come in contact with dark times, hut It's not very hard to be pleasant when life rolls clong like a song, hut "the man worth while is the one who can smile when everything goes dead wrong. That's a good inspiration to me. You asked mo what division 1 was in. I'm in the 33nl. I was in two bnt t os, but not in as much as many of the boys, liu I saw as much as 1 care to see and more. 1 was sorry to hear ?,\, >Viu'.V Neel's death and* of Sam Whtteheud's nnd Bill Turloy wound? ed. I wish now that I had" sent you some souvenirs of "Jerry's" when 1 was where 1 could get them, but at that time I thought 1 would likely be hack in the U. S. soon. 1 have one of the Boohe's belts I am keeping for a sou enir. Are they having any danc? es around there now? I don't think from tho way you write that you get all tho lettcra that 1 write. Speaking of tho big shells, when the fighting was going on they camo whistling thru the air the noise reminding you of u street car. The ones that busted in tho air were the ones that got my nerves. I will close now. Write soon. Your cousin, AVERY M. CRABTREE. To E. S. Patrick, Tnnnersville, Vn. (Other interesting soldiers letters received for this week will nppenr in the next issue of tho News.?Ed. Reduced Rates to those entering April 1st nnd 2nd for our Spring nnd Summer Term. Auk for information. mar.21-2t. Buy War Savings Stamps. Report of condition of the FIRST NATIONAL B.ANK OF POCAHONTAS, At Pocnhonlas, in the State? of Virginia, at the close of business on March l.l.h 11)10. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, (except thoso shown on b nnd c).".$264.874.0!) Overdrafts, unsecured. 430.70 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation, par value).$35,000.00 U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness owned and unpledged. 45,000.00 80,000.00 Liberty Loan Hunds, 3',y, 4, and 4VS per cent., unpledged. 72,000.00 Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Rank Stock, . 6,700.00 Stock of Federal Reserve Rank, (60 per cent of sub.). 2,100.00 Value of banking house. (5,000.00 Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank.. 28,323.97 Items with Federal Reserve Rank in process of collection (not available as reserve). ('ash in vault, and not amounts due from national bunka, . . Checks on other banks in the same city or town as report? ing hank (other than item 17). Total of items 14, lb, 1(5, 17 and IS.$'.13,054.03 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of report? ing bank and other cash items. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer und due from U. S. Treasurer. War saving:-, certificates and thrift stamps actually owned, 3,000.00 90,208.09 18U.C4 3,310.05 1J750.0O 28.00 TOTAL .$544,501.60 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. $35,000.00 Surplus fund. 36,000.00 Undivided prolils.$10.72(5.11 Cess current, expenses, interest and taxes paid,.. 3,000.28 7,(559.83 Circulating notes outstanding. 35,000.00 Kid amounts due to national banks, . (30.0(5 Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust companies, (other than included in items 31 or 32),. 194.90 Certified checks outstanding. 97.82 Cashier's chocks on own bank outstanding. 054.27 Total of items 32. 33, 34 and 35.SI,013.11 Demands deposits (other (hau hank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check, . 182,1538.22 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) sub? ject to reserve, items 3(5, 37, 38, 39, 40, -11.$182,(538.22 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed), .. 248,250.34 Total of time deposits subject to reserve, Items 42, 43, 44 and 45. 248,250.34 TOTAL.$644,501.60 State of Virginia, County of, SB! I, .las. II. McNocr, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear Hint the above statement is true to the best of my knowledgo nnd belief. JAS. II. McNEER, Cnshior. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of March, 1919. J. K. SULT, Notary Public. My commission expires July 6th, 1922. Correct?Attest: W. R. GRAHAM, L. E. WARD, II. W. HICKS, Directors. 4.-_.? "wSd -r Rcport of condition of thu FIRST NATIONAL HANK, At Richlnnds, in the State of Virginin, at the close of business on March 4th, 1919. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, (except thoso shown on b nnd c).$177,091.04 Overdrafts, secured, $2,281.14; unsecured, $348.2(5. 2,729.40 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation .(par value).$10,000.00 U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness owned ami unpledged. 600.00 10,600.00 Liberty Loan bonds, 8'/j, 4, und 4'A per cent, unpledged,.. 9,660.00 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned, unpledged. 2,350.00 Stock of Fedora! Reserve Rank, (50 per cent, of uub). 1,400.00 Vnlue of banking house. 0,160.00 Furniture and fixtures. 2,085.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Rank,. 14,414.43 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks, .. 31,600.58 Checks en other banks in the mimo city or town as report? ing bank (other than Item 17) . 320.02 Total of items 14, 15, Hi, 17 nnd 18,.$31,821.60 Checks on hanks located outside of city or town of report? ing bank and other cash items. 855.37 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and duo from U. S. Treasurer. 500.00 Interest earned but not collected?approximate?on Notes and Rills receivable not past due. 432.00 War savings certificates and thrift stamps actually owned, 374.40 TOTAL.$260,363.14 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. $40,000.00 Surplus fund. 8,000.00 Undivided profits.$2,228.51 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid, .. 1,401.35 827.19 Interest and discount collected or credited, in advance of maturity and not earned, (approximate),.. 1,309.51 Circulating notes outstanding, . 10,000.00 Certified checks outstanding .-... 14.20 Cnshier's checks on own bank outstanding. 105.76 Total of items 32, 33, 34 and 35.$119.96 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days). Individual deposits subject to check,. 145,886.68 Dividends unpaid. 120.00 Total of demand deposits (other than bnnk deposits) sub ject to reserve, items 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,. .$140,006.68 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): Certificates of deposit, (other than for money borrowed),.. 38,999.90 Total time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 42, 43, 44 and 45.$38,999.90 Rills payable, other than, with Federal Reserve Bank, in? cluding nil obligations representing money borrowed, oth? er than rediscounts, . 15,000.00 TOTAL.$260,363.14 Slate of Virginin, County of Tnzewell, ss: I, 0. U. Terrill, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be? lief O. U. TERRILL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 12th day of March, 1910. MRS. W. B. SPRATT, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: W. R. WILLIAMS, J. V. FOX, T. D. SEXTON, Directors.