Re1"? BL'ISHED lt?A
J. A. LESLIE & JON,. Publiehera,
fin (Vdvancivi
By mail, postpaid, one your,... .$1.60
By mail, postpaid, t< months. 'IB
Advertising Rates Furnished on)
Entered at tlie Tazcwell, (Va.) post-1
offlce as seco.-.J class mutter, j
The !>'rw Yoi\ Tribune has been
anti-peace league, anti-Wilson, anti
almost everything in its editorial col?
umns except the rankest partisan
politics, secured the services of tin
Hon. George W. Wickeraham, form?
erly Attorney General of the Unit?
ed States, to make a trip to France
for the special purpose of contribut?
ing articles to the Tribune in oppo?
sition to the League und in harmony
with that famous paper's policy.
Much was expecied of Mr. Wicker
sham. "But the unexpected has oc?
curred," say3 the Ly: :hburg News.
Mr. Wickershnm ha.: returned a con?
verted man. Says he: "I had no
dramatic conversion. There was no
single experience, no sudden hurst of
light which pent me back, like Saul
of Tarsus, to preach a different gos
peL But on tho ground," ho says,
"'face to face with world facts, in?
stead of at home engrossed with his?
toric doctrines, it was impossible not
to see that America is already en?
meshed in a world situation from
which Hhe cannot withdraw."
Further:. "We have become re?
sponsible lor the overthrow of the
governments of Germany, Austria-'.
Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, and
for the reorganization <f liuropc und
large purls of Asia and Africa on a
basis best qualified to prevent fu?
ture wars," and "shall America re?
fuse to join this woi Id alliance to
proter! the pcuci terms : he has dic?
tated and prevent anarchy and war
because some lawyers believe it may
in wniie particular conflict with the
Monroe doctrine? As a mailer of
fact, there is no serious infringement
?n this covenant upon America's ;ra
ditional policy, and a very slight
amendment may leave the w hole dm -
trine in .act."
And bo, as this paper has tried to
point out heretofore, it is impossi?
ble for us, thousands of miles away
from the battlefields of the ruined
and devastated countries, to form an
adequate conception of existing con?
ditions and hence, existing needs.
Here, is a great man, opposed to the
League, as he sits in his New York
ofHco and rends newspaper articles,
who, when he is on the ground, face
to face with it all, as a manly, hon?
est American, confesses that scceing
the situation in its true light, hail
been mistaken in his opposition, and
now advocates and approves what
he had previously opposed. And no,
aa time wears on opposition to the
Ixuiguo gradually turns to approv?
al. Enemies become friends.
The epidemic bad swept over the
country from the lakes to the gulf,
from tho mount:'ins to the sea, and
killed hundreds of thousands of peo?
ple of all ages. The doctors and the
nurses seemed impotent and helpless
in their fight to stay the ravages of
the epidemic. The influenza wn i :??
new disease. Finally, n remedy was
discovered, it was claimed, by the
use of which all future attacks of
the disease could bo prevented. A
convention of physicians was called
to devise plans and adopt n course
of action, which might save the race
from future ravages of the disease.
There assembled in the (ity a num?
ber of leading anil eminent physic
inns, not only from America, but
from Europe?men whose opinions
and recommendations commanded the
respect of the nations. After care?
ful consideration, discussion und in?
vestigation, with all the fact befon
them, th'osi great men made :. ropori
recommending that if certain rules
which they formulated were careful?
ly followed, there would bo no recur?
rence of the epidemic. There went
up a rjreat shout of joy all over the
land, not only from tho homes which
had been desolated, and clouded by
the disease, but from the people gen
crally. They said: "We don't want
another epidemic, heaven knows we
dont. Tl,e toll is too great, the sor
row poignant. Anything that will
proven', n return of the disease will
be haiied with delight.
The eminent physicians promulgat?
ed pertain rules and course.; of con?
duct to be observed by each family,
carefully guarding their statements
by such provisions and limitations
as would, they hoped, be accepted and
approved by the people everywhere.
"Surely," they argued, "the people
will not be so blind 01 foolish as to
reject and ignore the simple plant!
(iiu! ales proposed in order to con-,
servo Iho health and happincau
*i)e world at iarge for all time to
Hut what happened? Listen: There
sprung up over night oppositions to
the plans of the prent physicians. In
almost every neighborhood, as well
as hamlet and city, criticisms and ob?
jections beyen to pour in. Their: sud?
denly sprang into existence among
the people, a knowledge of medicine,
and sanitation unknown and unheard
of before. The world woke up to real?
ize that the number of physicians and
wise men was legion. Some said that
the rule:-, and recommendations in?
terfered with their old customs and
habits. Others declined to permit
"any set of men to dictate" to them
as to how they should live. They
were not willing to change a single
custom or habit of living for the
public good or contribute one iota to
the limith and happiness of the hu?
man race.
What do you think of the people
knowing little 01 nothing of the laws
of health, and absolutely nothing of a
disease such as the influenza, who
will refuse to even try out plans
ami remedies proposed and believed
in by leading experts id" the world?
Now, the above sketch is, of course
purely imaginary, but there is u pa?
rallel cxaotly.
Leading experts of more than a
dozen lenduig nations of the world,
have formulated a set id' rules end a
course of action, the object, of which
is to prevent, forever future wars?
lo put beyond the power of might to
dominate the right, to form a league
and a treaty to which all nations
Shall subscribe which it is claimed
will prevent for all times a repeti?
tion of the bloody, costly und atro?
cious war just ended. Behold, up
pops a number of men, who say. "we
are not in favor of the league of na?
tions. We are Unwilling to enter i.i
to alliances with foreign nation.;. We
must conserve the Monroe doctrine
and the principles enunciated by our
fnthcrs in the Constitution." Some
of these objectors know as much
about what they are talking about
and criticising as the objectors lo the
recommendations of the doctors know
about Metelia Medien?nothing. The
Declaration of Independence and tin
Constitution of the United States nre
a league and a treaty, adopted by
each Stale as agreements by which
they are governed. Bach Slate in?
still independent, 'the League of na?
tions is only a world-wide Contitu
tioh and declaration setting out rules
of action by which, if lived up to. the
world, the nations, small mid great,
may live in peace, without fc:*.r of
outside interference. I low could the
Stalls of this United States live in
peace without conservative laws by
which each State is prohibited from
trespassing upon the rights of other
Slates'.' All the League am! Treaty
of Nations proposes is,, that no one
nation shall oppress another nation,
nor permit it to be done by any other
nation. And, strange as it. may ap?
pear, the League of Nations is meet?
ing with opposition in advance, by
men, too, in many instances, who
know nothing of its provisions. It is
a well known fact that the Decla?
ration of Independence and the Con
stitution of the United States met
with violent opposition at first. Hut
it lives. The objectors, honest they
were, no doubt are forgotten. So
will it he with the Treaty of Peace
and the League of Nations.
The Republicans of this Senatorial [
district meet in convention April nth
at Richlands for the purpose of nom?
inating a candidate to represent the
district in the next session of the
Senate of Virginia. The district is
composed of the counties of Tazcwell,
Russell, Buchanan and Dickenson.
For a number of yenrs the Repub?
licans have elected their candidate
with or without opposition, and the
presumption is they will do so this
year, unless strong opposition devel?
ops from some source unforeseen and
at this lime scarcely expected. This
is not saying, or intended to be un?
derstood as saying that the Demo?
crats will not have or should not
'nave a candidate. At the present
writing there is no Democratic us
;i rant for Senatorial honors within
the view of ojr limited circle. Pre?
suming, therefore, for the purpose of
?his article, that this Senatorial dis?
trict will be represented by a Repub?
lican candidate, his platform bc
:om< of general interest to us all.
The Richlands convention will be
the first Republican convention of
a licit not.' to be held si no the war.
in the Ninth district, so far as re
ailed now, and their platform and
h ilaration of principles will sound
a keynote perhaps for other conven?
tions to be held. The usual resolu?
tions, of course, will be presented by
properly constituted committee,
which will proceed to build a pluftorm
for the candidate to stand upon, and
et forth articles of faith for which
he will bo an],posed to contend. Will
these resolutions '.l broad, liberal
?Mid patriotic, or narrow, partisan nnd
disi iptive? The Republican party
has such an opportunity as it hasn't
had before?couldn't have had before
the great war, to take high ground
and enunciate a set of principles
?viiich will place it far and above the
plane of partisan politics. Will the
i irty see the opportunity and use
it? Or, will they "chaw the old rug,"
thresh over the old straw, resolute
fond declaim a.gniiut "disfranchise'
?ment," the "iniquitous elections laws."
th; extravagonci of tho State gov-l
cmment, pension an.I school books,,',
and the "rottenness of the Democrat-]
ie party" generally'.'
As everybody knows this has been
the sum and substance of many for?
me- platforms adopted by the party
in this section. And, as everybody
knows, also, Euch tactics haw- gotten
the party nowhere.
Tho party is no stronger in the
Slate now thai! it was ten years ago.
To denounce "the rascals" muy-elicit
applause from a few, but wins few
if any votes. It is to be hoped, there?
fore, that our brethren at Kit bland
will turn over a new leaf," and adopt
and declare for new articles of faith
and practice, in harmony with new and
changed conditions under which we
find ourselves since the great war,
and not ally itself with (ho enemies
of pence and organized government,
now fomenting ill many parts of our
great country.
Furthermore, should there be no
Democratic candidate for the Sen?
ate, it becomes at once apparent that
the Democrats of the district, are in?
terested in th?' man and his platform
us their representative in the Senate
of Virginia. To send a man to Rich?
mond on a partisan, peanut political
plnflorm is to make of the ollicc a
dead letter in Richmond and the rep?
resentative a figurehead in ihe gen?
eral assembly.
The Clinch Valley News is not pre?
suming to dictate or even advise it-:
Republican friendn as to they
shall or shall not do. They will do
as they choese. We tin believe, how?
ever, thai there are as loyal, pa?
triotic men in the Republican party
as in our own, and that what we have
tried anil ventured to say in this ar?
ticle that the majority of public sen?
timent .nil) desire is represented, and
finally, we express the hope that the
ranting, reactionary, peanut politic?
ians may not he in control m Rich
lands tomorrow, and that the Clinch
Valley News may be able to "point
with pride" to both the candidate und
the platform and not be debarred
from giving both its hearty support
if it chooses to do so.
The denth of Hon. .1. Taylor Elly
son was a loss to the entire State.
For half a century be had been a
prominent figure in the public life
of his State. Ho had hold seme of?
fice of trust, fiom Lieutenant Gov?
ernor on dAWII?Senator, Mayor of
Richmond, trustee of schools and of
college:, promicnt in the Confederate
camps mid II number of of other posi
ious of trust and usefulness. It was
no surprise that, lings should lloat
at half mast, great crowds assemble
and honors should have been heaped
upon when he went out.
it was us a churchman that Mr.
Ellyson performed his most efficient
ami enduring service. He was prom?
inent in tin? work of the historic Sec?
ond Rapt ist Church of Richmond, as
was his father before him. For for?
ty years, or thereabouts, he was sec?
retary of the Education Hoard of
the General Baptist Association of
Virginia. In this capacity he enabled
hundreds of young men to obtain a
college education who could not oth?
erwise have done so. The Education
Hoard was established for the pur?
pose of aiding young men preparing
for the Baptist ministry to go thru
college ami seminary. It was through
the untiring efforts of this devoted
man that hundreds of the leading
pulpits of this State und many in
other States were filled yearly by
strong preachers. And today, all ov?
er Virginia and the South can be
found monuments?living monuments
to Mr. Ellyson's life-long devotion to
the work of the Education Board of
Virginia. Every minister whom he
helped in his making, und every one
letl into a better life through these
ministers are trophies?stars in his
dazzling crown of rejoicing. Hence,
to repeat, it was as a consecrated
servant of the Master that James
Taylor Ellyson performed his most
efficient anil enduring service.
Many will sorrow und none more
sincerely than the writer of these
humble lines, that they shall see his
face and feel his warm grasp not here
Senator Borah urges a referendum
on the League cf Nations.?Kx
uhungc. What the country woultl ra?
ther have is a referendum on Borah.
Hon. Joseph Bailey, of Texas, lias
tnnounced that that he has taken
his leave of the Democratic party. Jo
seems to have woke up to the fact
that the Democratic party left him
long ago.
(New York Times.)
There is no need of impnticncc .vith
our Republican friends?rat leas., none
with those of them who have votes
to cast and responsibilities to recog?
nize. A great oeal must be allowed!
for polities, a fact of which the Lon?
don newspapers are not. aware. When
the time comes there will be a league
of Nations, anil the work of tin.' Peace
Confer* nco will be ratified. tat them
argue while they may.
It came to many as a surprise when
Senator Lodge made known that he
woultl support a League of Nations if
it were amended, and yet it should
not have surprised anybody. He saw
defends in the present plan, antl so
do a gootl many of its supporters,
Prosident I^iwell for instance. The
covenant will be amended. Already
the Republican Senators ranking be?
low Senator Lodge are casually let?
ting it be known that they are not
violently anil irrevocably against U'.o
Take Senator Kenyon, of Iowa. He
wokr of the Pence conference. Mean
while he takes the privilege of ham
mering't as hard as ho can before he
?up] i ; it. No hnrm done. He Is u
Republican at present, hut lets it be
I novvu that when the time cornea ho
will be n patriot. Ho must make hny.
naturally, while the sun shines, i'res-'
ently the night comoth when no man
can work, but only vote. At present,
the vote not yet being in order, he
fern;; greatly that 'the real substance
of hie Monroe doctrine" is being
abandoned, and thin "reel substance",
he declare- to be "the right, of Amer?
ica to scttie American iruestions." ?
The Des Moincs Register, published
in Senator Kenyon's Sti'.tc, patiently,
points out to him that the Monroe
I loci cine, as set forth by President
Monroe and not Senator Kciiym, does
not provide for any such things as
"tho right of America to settle the.
American questions." It declared,!
says the Register, "that European
monarchies could not annex the ter-|
ritory of any American State nor
set up European institutions on the
western continent without incurring
the hostility of the United Stales."
Very well put, and quite a different
thing. Neither President Cleveland
nor President Johnson nor President
itooscvell, all of whom have been
accused of extending the Monroe doc-'
trine, ever extended it to cover "the
right of America to settle Am&ricant
questions." ,
Then there is Senator Morris of,
Nebraska. An organ of his, The Lin-!
coin Journal, announced that he was
irrevocably against nnv league of any
kind. The Omaha World-Herald sur-'
mines that Mr. Morris began hearing
from his constituents; but however
that may be, The Lincoln Journal
subsequently published a corrective i
item Buying that the Senator held no
Is tbc'fincst made and the best va'.s
woman's money ever bought, because y?
lave useless bottles, boxes, etc., a ud the Irtighi
)n them, and uut blue instead. Diamon '
VlcDonnell & Co., Phila., inventors et Stii!1!"
In stock ready for delivery, six now
"American" saw mills, six Peerless
or (leiser threshers, twenty-four re?
built or portable engines and boilers
on wheels, four to forty h. p.
Five rebuilt saw mills, both of va?
rious makes. Kerosene engines, and
tractors. Twjelve steam boilers, va?
rious types and sizes. Wood working
machinery. Repairs for all makes of
saw mills, engines. Can quote or sell
all makes of any machinery in the
lines above mentioned. Buying for
Cnilh enables me to sell at. living pric?
es on usual terms. Write for cata?
log on line you are interested in.
3-7-tf. Wylheville, Va.
From Three Years' Suffering. Says
Cardui Made Her V/cll.
Texas Ci!y, Tex.?In an interesting
Statement, Mrs. G. II. Schill, of this town,
says: "For three years I suffered untold
agony with my head. I was unable to
do any of my work.
1 just wanted to sleep all the time, for
that was the only ease 1 could get, when
I was asleep. I became a nervous wreck
just from the awful suffering with my
I was so nervous that the least noise
would make mc jump out of my bed. 1
had no energy, and was unable to do
anything. My son, a young boy, had to
do all my household duties.
I was not able to do anything until I
took Cardui. 1 took three bottles in all,
and it surely cured mc of those awful
headaches. That has been three years
ago, and I know the cure is permanent,
for I have never had any headache since
taking Cardui. ..
Nothing relieved me until 1 took Cardui
It did wonders for me."
Try Cardui for your troubles?made
Irom medicinal ingredients recommended
In medical books as being of benefit in
lemale troubles, and 40 years of use has
proven that the books are right. Begin
taking Cardui today. NC-134
2Drops, 2 Seconds?Corn Is Doomed!
When you almost die with your
?hoes on nnd corns make you almost
walk sideways to ?ct away from
the pain, take a vacation for a min?
ute or two and apply 2 or 3 drops
"My Corns Peel Clc?n Off. Wilh GeU-It' "I
of tho world's magic and only gen
ulno corn-pcclcr. "Gets-It." Then,
and then only, will you be sure that
your corn will loosen from your too
so that you can peel It rlprht off
fflorlously easy with your fingers.
Take no chances of continued pain
nnd soreness?why uso greasy. Irri?
tating salves, plasters that shift
and press into the ??quick," razors
nnd "dlsKers" that make corns bleed
nnd also prow faster? Use painless,
easy, alwnys sure. "Gets-It." There's
only one like It In tho world?that s
"gets-lt."?? Millions have tried arid
QflK.'d it for years. It never falls.
iK'Gets-It." the Ruarantecd. money
JWck corn-remover, tho only sure
biiv.jmjI, hut a trlf la at any drue store.
T^fiTSLV.-i jusKincii & Co.. Chicago. 111.
such position. "Any statement that
I am opposed to a League of Nations
is wholly incorrect," say: the Sena?
tor, revised, "it is true that I have
objections to some of the provisions
of the Constitution of the League,
but?" The World-Herald declines
to follow him further, and why should
we or any one? So, too, Senator
Spencer, of Missouri.
Later on there will be a vole; a
Hlightly amended covenant Will be
placed "before tho Senate. Much cap?
ital of one sort or another will have
been made, and the vote will be unan?
imous, save for certain Senators who
having carefully ascertained that
In the Clerk's Olllce of the Circuit
Court of the county of Tazewell, on
the 26th day of February, 1919.
Big Sandy Coal and Coke Company,
a corporation, Complainant,
against { In Equity
Walter S. Harkins, and Joseph D.
llarkins, Defendants.
The object of this suit is to huvc an
attachment in equity to secure and
enforce the claim of the said com?
plainant against the said defendants,
Walter S. Harkins and Josoph I).
Ilnrkins, for the sum of $3,540.91,
with interest thereon from January
1st, 1916, until paid, and to attach
the capital stock of the said com?
plainant owned and held by the said
defendants, and any other property
and estate of the said defendants
within the jurisdiction of this court,
and to subject the said capital stock
and such other property and estate
so attached to the payment of the
debt due from the said defendants to
the said complainants as aforesaid,
for the sum of $3,510.91, with interest
thereon from January 1st, 1916, until
paid, as aforesaid; and an nfliduvit
having been made and filed that tlie
defendants, Walter S. Harkins and
Joseph I). Harkins, arc not residents
of the State of Virginia, it is ordered
that they do appear within fifteen
days after due publication hereof,
and do what may be necessary to pro?
tect their interests in this suit. And
it is further ordered that a copy here?
of be published once a week for four
successive weeks in the Clinch Valley
News, a newspaper published in the
county of Tazewcll, and the news?
paper herein directed, none having
been prescribed by said Circuit court,
and that a copy be posted at the front
door of the Court-House of this coun?
ty on or before the 3rd duy of March,
1919, that toeing the next succeding
Hule day after this order was enter?
ed. A Copy?Teste:
C. W. GREEVER, Clerk,
Greever, Gilluspie and Divine, -
Chapman, Peery and Buchanan, p.q.
Schedule Effective March 9, 1919
Lv. Tasewell for Norton?
9.22 a. in. 3.24 p. m.
Lv. Tazewell for Blueficld?
10.50 a. ra. 7.30 p. m.
9:36 a. m. for Roanokc, Norfolk,
and point on Shcnadoah division.
Sleeper and cafe car Norfolk. Parlor
car (Uroiler) Roanoke and Hogers
7:45 a. m. daily for East Radford,
and intermediate stations.
1.50 p. m. dniy Lynchburg and in?
termediate stations and Shonandoali
Valley. Sleeper Rluefleld to Phila?
delphia, Roanoke and Now York. Din?
ing car. >
9:35 p. m. for Roanoke, Lynchburg,
Richmond, Norfolk. Sleeper to Nor?
folk and Roanoke to Richmond.
8.25 p. m. for Kenova, Portsmouth,
Columbus, Cincinnati. Sleeper Colum?
bus, and Cincinnati. Cafe car to
8.20 a. in. for Kenova, Portsmouth,
Cincinnati, Columbus. Sleeper to Co?
lumbus. Cafe car.
1.05 p. m. for Williamson and in?
termediate stations.
W. R. Bevill, passenger traffic man?
ager; W. C. Saunders, general pas?
senger agent, Roanoke, Va.
their votes will make no difference,
will give a perfectly innocuous imi?
tation of Ajax.
Reduced Rates to those entering j I
April 1st and 2nd for our Spring and IJ
Summer Term. Ask for information
?Make This Beauty Lotion Cheaply for
Your Face, Neck. Arms and Hands.
At the cost of a small jar of ordi?
nary cold cream one can prepare n
full quarter pint of the most wonder?
ful lemon akin softener and complex?
ion beautifier by squeezing the juice
of two fresh lemons into a bottle con?
taining three minces of orchard white.
Care should be taken to strain the
juice through a fine cloth so no lem?
on pulp gets in, then this lotion will
keep fresh for months. Every womiui
knows thn lemon juice is used to j
bleach and remove such blemishes as
freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store ami
'.wo lemon o from the grocer and make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra?
grant lemon lotion and massage it
daily into the face, neck, arms and
hands. It is marvelous to smoothen
rough, red hands.
Oar Field and
I r
th for
purity and
*? ihcm t
lYrsT-clnss Quality, write J':r
our 1919 Ctttolos- ami "Woods
Crop Special'," Biving current
prices of
!Seed Corns, Soja
Beaus, Cow Peas, Etc.
Apply few drops then lift sore;
touchy corns off with
One chief source of road deteriora?
tion is the tendency of traffic to fol?
low a constant line of travel, which
weurs and depresses the road crown
along this line of continuous use. The
entire road surface, including the
shoulders, at least in dry weather^.
should be used with the view of avoid?
ing as much as possible this objec?
tionable propensity. Thus will our1
roads wear evenly, prevent to great
extent the inclination to drop in hole*
or ruts, which obstruct proper drain?
age and cause water to soak into the
road, greatly to its injury. We are all;
aware how important and expensive
a feature is the maintenance of our
good roads; let us apply willingly,'
therefore, since it is to our interest, 'f
for no other renson, one of the rem?
dies for their economical use.
County Road Engineer.
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little
Freezone on ail aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you lilt
it right out. Yes, magie!
A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but
a few cents at any drug store, but is
sufficient to remove every hard corn,
soft corn, or corn between the toes,
and tht ralluses, without soreness or
Freezone is the sensational discov?
ery of a Cincinnati genious. tl is won?
Let Us Tel You
How we can put your teeth in good condition and give an
estimate of the cost. Dont overlook the importance of good
teeth. You read in the public press almost daily how many
diseases, such as tonsilitis, rheumatism, and even cancers,
are caused by broken and decayed teeth.
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
Dr. J. S.
Over the 5 and 10c Store,
AY your sinoketaste
flush up against a
listening post?and you'll
tyy get the Prince Albert call, all right!
# You'll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and
get so much tobacco joy out of every
puff you'll wish you had been born
twins! For, Prince Albert puts over a turn
new to every man fond of a pipe or a home
made cigarette. It wins your glad hand com?
pletely. That's because it has the quality!
And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra?
grance is Prince Albert's freedom from bite and parch
which is cut out by our exclusive patented process.
We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip?jimmy
pipe or makin's cigarette?without a comeback I
Topoy red bags, tidy red tine, handsome pound and
half pound tin hamidore?and?that cleeer, practical
pound crystal glas? humidor with sponge moistener
tap that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winaton-SaJem, N. C,