"daily virgtxiaa.
terry & SHIELDS, Proprietor?.
| tbrms.
1' Th* VIRGINIAN Is published dully »t $fi, and semi weekly at
,, "r annum, In advance. No subscription is taken Ibr a shorter
' ,u, ala months; and no p»|ier is discontinued, except at
the'optk o of the I'loprietors, until all arrearages shall bare
U»D!)V*KltTISEMEKT« are inserted Air 60 oeats per square, (or
1 1, tor every !!««« form Insertion. and K^cla tor every outer
'“‘T" Jf the number of Insertions Is not insrked on the MS., It
be published till ordered out, and charged accordingly.
Tbs YEARLY HATH* are:—For the privilege of two squares,
d.llv*60 mini weekly $10; tor one square, daily $16, semi-weekly
2X!—Iflnnrr torin. daily $40, semi-weekly $•'«>. Every yearly
advertiser will be required to confine his advertising to bis par
.,,1,., line of business, aud If be exceed thr space stipulated Ibr,
& trill be charge* «ably tor the exoesa.
_ --• _ S— - * — --- ~~~
Hat rftmcvpd hi* offi1’? poor as^ve his xemdimci
on Main street, and one square abus e Dibrell’s Hotel
jy 12~3m__
DR’S. PAYNB &. LANGHOHNE, have associated
themselves in the practice «*’ Medicine.
Dr Payne's Office, as heretofor, at his residence on
the Hill. Dr. Langhorne's Otfieoon 1st Alley,one door
below the Washington Hotel.
July 24th, 1851. ___jy9»-tt
Lynchburg, Virginia.
CHAS. L. DI3RELL, Proprietor.
Gentlemen visiting Lynchburg and stopping at DIB
HKLL’S. have the privilege of visiting tho "Virginian
Reading Room" during their aay. Cards of admis
sion obtain, d a* the Hotel. •}_jy 29—ts
W— ASIIINUTON B ot EL. Corner oj I
Chunk Street and Firtt Alley, Lynchburg. Va.
Gko Camfron, Proprietor.
Jessk T. Burton, Assistant.
EF* Persons traveling through or visiting Lynchburg,
arid atoppingat the Washington, are entitled to visit the
"Virginian Reading Room” during theirstay.
May 17-u___ ___
Rll. coX,Snr|coa Dentist* Apfomat
e Tux, Va., from the Baltimore College Dentul Sur
Reference—Dr. YV. W, Hainn**r, Col Thomas H.
Flood, Hor. Thos. S. Rorock.
Address—Appomattox C.H. Va I jv 5-w3m
1) C. BERK HOLDER, General Ar
ia chltect—Offers his services to all who are
and GARDENS. All oiders will be filled in haste and
warranted to give perfect satisfaction or no pay will be
demanded or expected.
fy* His office is on the Fir«t Alley .between Main and
Church Streets, opposite the Virginian office.
Are prepared to undertake and execute in the very be./
»nd most workmardike manner, und on the most reason
able terms, nil buildings that may be entrusted to their
charge. may 24—t. ^
tlltKi; EXHIBITION.—The subscriber hav.
ing obtained at considerable expense, from Mr.
Whitehurst!* Washington Gallery, Daguerreotypes of
tlio following distinguished characters, most respect fully
invites the public to call and examine them, in connec
tion with a large number of his own production, at the
Whitehurst GaHery.
President Fillmore, Gen. Winfield Sco't, Wm.. A. Gra
ham, Gon. Franklin Pierce, \\ m K. King. Gen. Lewis
Cass,.Iudgr Stephen A. Douglass P. E GIBBS,
.1 uly 19—tf Proprietor.
Norfolk, Va. i) J New Orlenns.
WILES A HAW LINN, Commission
MERCHANTS ant! Agent* for the sale of Man
ufactured Tobacco.
Stores No*. 11 and 13 Gravier corner Tchapitoalas
Street. AVtrOrleani. marrh22-lv
95 Main Street. Richmond, Va.
\ F invite tlio Merchants of I irgmia and Nort-h
* * Carolina to examine our stock this season of
which will he complete, embracing Foreign goods of our
own importation, and a full assortment of Domestic,
fabrics, all which will soon he in store, by ships New
World, Liddons and Excelsior from Liverpool, nnd va
riuus arrivals from the Northern cities; to he sold on
term* that all must consider accommodating and rea
Also—The in ist extensive and varied assortment of
CARPETINGS and R UGSin the citv
aug 9-dI3i* RICHARDSON A- CO.
itilna, Earthenware, GIiim, and
(late wm. f. butler AND CO.)
Importer, 79 Main Street, Richmond, Tra.
IS now opening a very large stork of Goods in hi, line,
received per ships “Sutley,” “Florida” and "Jntnes
" right,” direct from tlie manufacturers in England,
which he is determined to sell at low prices.
Believing it to he advantageous to both buyer and
seller be is unxious to sell as many goods as he can for
ask; persons therefore, buying ill this wsy, will have
every possible concession made to them.
A call from all buying is respectfully solicited.
- 3 ~5t*
W ANTED—Fifty nblr bodied Negro
" ^ Men to work on the Virginia and Tennesse
Unil Road. Liberal prices will be paid. Apply to
’ have associated themselves together for the pur*
'nse of conducting a genera' Grocery and Commission
»piess in Lynchburg.under the style nnd firm of SAUN
JS()R 1 H St, 1 KB1 . They huve taken the large
JMFcommodious iron front stoic house, n few doors a*
ore the Market House, formerly occupied by Roberts
‘ .“**< "here they w ill, at all times, bo pleased to see
! <’,r‘iipnda and the publi.-goneally. Ever# branch of
'iistnrsfi generally done in a house of this kind, shall have
t'etr personal and particular attention: Such us Selling
reduce of all kinds, Receiving and Forwarding Goods,
, c". 7 le\r Groceries, including every article in
"it line, is now iresh and just at hand. And theirpur
c .ises having been made exclusively for Cash, they fiat
*■*; ’ Bhel'es that they can offer as great inducements
M. l . NORTH,
The subscribers hav
of D Clow, Double
Fan, me now manu
»<• rill and examin
liave on hand a
Sole Leather.
VIRttINIA and Trnu. Rail Hond.
AND SWEET SPRINGS —Through Ticket, will he
eiven at the office in Lynchburg.
To the White Sulphur Springs for... .f.j Ml
" “ Sweet Spring*. 4 Ml
aag 2—3tif THOS. .1 KLI.IS. Ag’t.
Richmond nnd Ihiuvtlle Railroad
CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Thursday,
July 1st, 1852, a regulur passenger train will run be
tween Richmond and the Junction, connecting at the
function with Flagg JLCo’s line of Stages for Burkevillo,
Charlot tr Court House, Halifax Court House, Danville,
Milton and Groenslnjrough. The train will .top for pas
senger. only at the following point*: Manchester, Po
white, Kohiou’s, Coalfield. Tomahawk, Powhatan, Mat
toax, Scott’* Shop, Amelia Court House, Wyamikeand
Jenning’* Ordinary.
Lwsve Richmond every .day exrep' Sunday at 7 o’clock
A. M. Returning leuvetlie Junction at 2:30, I*. M.
Children over 3. and not over 12 years of age, half
price to any point, except the two first-named. Ser
vants travelling by themselves must be furnished with’
tw» passe., ao thut one ran he retaineo in the office ; and
it must he expressly stated on the pass tlint they are per
mitted to go on the curs. A freight train will leavo
Richmond every Wedm sday. Parties forwarding goods
must have them on the ground the previous evoning.
N B.—The Stage leaves the Junction every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, in connection with he above
point.; and returning, meet, tiie cars at the same point
every Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
Through Ticket from Richmond to Danville.(10
do do do Greensboro’.... (12
Through passengers not providing themselves with
tickets will be considered us wuy passenger., and churg
cd an increase drate of fare.
,jy l-t!4S JOHN H. OSBORNE. SupY
between Richmond and Baltimore.—Fan*
Ollly.—flic public Hie hereby informed that the com
fortable and commodious low pressure Steamer MARY
LAND, Capt Charles E. Mitchell, having been entire
ly refitted, enlarged, und improved in every respect,
with berths for a large number of passengers, und with
state rooms for those who prefer being retired, is now on
the tout# between Richmond and Baltimore. Passen
gers by this agreeable and economical Line will ieuve
Richmond by the morning train, on Mondays & Wednes
days, at 7 o’clock A. M., and reach Baltimore on the fol
iowing mornings in time to proceed by the New Castle
and Frenchtown Steamboat line at half past 6 A. m.. or
with the early train of those days to Philadelphia. Re
turning passengers will leave Baltimore on the after
noon of Tuesday and Thursday, 4 r M., mid connect at
the Creak on Wednesday and Friday succeeding with
the train which arrives in Richmond at 4, P. M., of the
same day.
Fure in either direction, $5, (staterooms nnd meuls
for cabin passengers, extra, except iif the case of ladies
and families, who will have the privilege of state-rooms
free of charge.) Forward cabin passengers, (including
meals at.d lodging on board,)$4 50.
Fare for first class passengers between Baltimore and
Philadelphia by the New Castle and Frenchtown line
$2 50. F or second class do. $1 50. Making the "‘hole
fare from Richmond tv Philadelphia for fret class passen
gers by this agreeable Line, $7 50 only.
For further particulars, or through tickets, apply at the
office of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
Railroad Company. J- B. WINSTON,
Ticket Agent.
Oefice R . F.&P. R. R. C., ) „n°-7t
H ichmond Aug, 9, 1852. y
K mMB NOTICE.—On nnd after Mon
W99.,|ay next, July 26th, the Cars will
leave the Depot for Bufords, at fij o’clock, a. in., retur
ning will leave Buford's at 5.) o clock, p. m.
Freight intended for the 8 o’clock lruin, must lie in
the Depot the afternoon previous—and before sunset.
The increasing tonnage on the road, renders this ar
rangement indispensably necessary, and in future, the
rule cannot bo departed from.
Freights must be accompanied with two dray tickets,
and prepaid before forwarding.
jv 26-tf THOS. J ELLIS, AgT.
will be permitted to ride on the Railroad enrs, w ith*
i ut special written permission from his or her owner,
or the agent or guardian id the owner, unless accompa
nied by the o» inier or person otherwise entitled to theil
service. Such permit must be given in duplicate, one
of which will be retained by the Conductor of the Train.
mat eh 18-t» Chief Engineer.
>sS&jimgl| NOTICE. —On and after Monday,
OilMkaS^B August 2d, the Boat for Buchanan will
leave at (>4 o’clock, A. M.
X I’HUB SPRINGS FOR $5 00.—Firm of July our
Packet Boats leave Lynchburg for Buciiauan daily tit 5^
A. M., Sunday’s excepted,and arrive at Buchanan at 4
P. M connect there with two daily lines of Stages for
the White; one by Dugger’s leave on the arrival of the
Boats and arrive at Daggers (1C miles) at 7j.) P. M.
leave Dagger's next A. M. after breakfast, and arrive at
the White, 43 miles, at 4 P. M. Passengers by the oth
er route go by Fineastle and the Sweet Springs to the
White. Fare to Fineastle $2, to Sweet Springs f 4 00.
Passengers for the Natural Bridge reach there at 1 P.
M., Faro $1 50. Passengers fir Lexington, Rock
bridge and Bath Alum, Warm and Hot Springs, connect
with a daily line of Stages at North River, arrive at Lex
ington at 3 P. M.; Rockbridge Alum at 8 P. M.; Warm
and Hot Springs next day ;
Fare to Lexington...$2 00
do Bath Alum....4 75
do Rockbridge Alum.— .. 3 50
do Wat m and Hot Springs. 5 25
To invalids this routeofTors great inducements, there
being only 59 miles of staging over by far the best road
in the mountains of Vilginia, and added to this the pas
senger will survey the most beautiful scenery in Virgin
ia. A n intelligent European traveller has remarked that
the route between Lynchburg and Buchanan, with its
variety of River and Mountain scenery, the passage of
the James River at Balcony Falls through the Blue
Ridge, and view of the Natural Bridge, combines more
of beauty, romance and sublimity, than is to be seen in
one day’s ride in any country.
Returning leave Buchanan every day. except Sunday,
at6 P. M., arrive at North River at 10 1’. M., and in
Lynchburg at 4 P. M.
The Boats for Richmond will leave as usual every day
except Snnday.at 0 A. M., and arrive in Richmond next
davat2P. M. Fare through $3 50.
Pas engers for Buckingham court-house, Cumberland
court-house and Farmville, leave in Monday, Wednes
day ami Friday’s Boats; Fare to Cumberland court-house
$3 25. to Farmville $3 25.
LEATHEIt—1 1 ave received iny Spring sup
ply of Leather, consisting of Hemlock, Sole ami
Wax Upper,CalfSkins, (I'hilaJelphiurind French,) and
a general assortment of Shoe-Makers. TooM. &-C., also
Harness and Skirting Leather. OakTanned Sole, &c.
Anrit 2fi~t. E LOGWOOD.
undersigned takes this method of informing ttie
public thnt he has on hand and is constantly receiving
from tile principal northern Manufactures, Furnaces,
Ranges, Stoves, Ac., of the latest and most desirable
styles. At long his assortment can lie found Chilson's
Patent Hot Air Ventilating isit*. t Lr warming and
ventilating Churches, Public Buildings, Factories, and
Dwellings. Also, COOKING RANGES, the most com
plete and economical arrangement for cooking, in use.
Having had long experience in the use and operation
of Furnaces ami Ranges, and liy giving his psrsonni at
tention to the setting ami fitting of them up, he is con
fident that a trial is sufliient to satisfy any one of their
superiority overany other arrangement for heating and
cooking purposes.
On hand, a full assortment of Stoves, Coni Grates,
Registers, Pipe, Sheet Lead. Lead Pipe,Hollow Warn,
Tin and Iron Roofing and Eave Gutters put on in a
superior manner. Also, a full supply of Tin, Briltanla
and Jappanned Wares, at Whntetalc and Retail- Hi*
facilities fur manufacturing Tin Ware are *«ch, that ha
feels assured that he can make it for the interest •»
Merchant.' abroad, mid nil others in want, to call at tlm
New Store, wp town, East tide, Mata Street, and exam
ine his stork before purchasing.
lie would also tender his thanks to the people of
Lynchburg and its vicinity, for th'e very liberal patron
age extended to him during his short residence hero,
and hopes by strict uttention to his business, to merit u
continuance of the same.
Mar 15— t* C. S. BLISS.
ness heretofore conducted under the firm of I T.
id. 8. DIUGUID, will continue in future u '< <>*
style of
and they take this opportunity to return then it.sink ••
the public for the very liberisl patronage to tlm lire. <•'
J.T. dfc, G. 8. Diuguid, and beg a con innnni.e nl lie
We hove on hand a lot of Tobacco Sckkw x Asti I'kIi
sis.a Tobacco Finisher just gottenup,l’longhsHod Points
of all descriptions, Mill (searing, wrought ami cast,
Threshing Machines, &c ,
_Jnn5-U_ »• 8. DIUOUII).
New concern. —The subscribers us soeia
ted themselves together on the first instant, ion he
purpose of conducting themonufacture
- » ijPT of CABINET WAKE, at the old and
“VM well known stand of 8. Diuguid, un
der the style of
They have recently applied steam power to their mas
chitiery, and Hatter themselves thut toey are enabled to
manufacture ull descriptions of Plain and Fancy Cabi
net W'arc, in stylo and finish to compare with nnv in
the State. 8. DIUGUID.
THE SdBKi'KIBEIIS having obtained the
exclusive right of retailing Fisk’s Metulie Burial
Cases, tuke this method of inforiningthe people ufLynch
burg and the surrounding country, that they have now in
their ware room oil Main Street, a lot of the ahoveCa
ses of different sixes. It would be a difficult task to give
nn adequate impression of these Cases without * person
al inspection: they are perfectly air tight and indestruc
tible, and for protecting and preserving the Dead, for
ordinary interments, for vaults, or for transportation, are
superior to anything of the kind before invented. Pilose
unfortunate enough to need the shove Cases ran be
supplied by 8. DIUGUID At N()N8.
Undeitaking in the usuul style also promptly attend
ed to. 8. D. & SONS.
peetfullv ask a continuance of the patronage so
long bestowed upon him, to the new concern and in
this connection he deems it proper, to nsk all who are
ndebted to him to come forward und settle their ac
counts without delay.
There are many claims of long standing, which I must
close up, and it is expected that all who know them
selves to be indebted will pay attention to this notire.
Jun 8--ts
Republican and Express, ropy 2 times a week for
three months and charge the Virginian. ______ _
mil A T M AND OAF Si!: The
subscriber has received at the sign of the
Blue Hat, tho Spring Fashions of Gentlemen's fine
Dress Hats for 1852, embracing all of the latest und most
approved styles, nod is now prepared to furnish his
frtendsand customers and the public gnriernlly, with an
article of fine No. 1 Moleskin, black and white Beaver
Mats. He lias also received a large stock of the latest
Style, KOSSUTH HA TS, both for men und boys, and
a large assortment of fine heavy oil silk and Cloth Caps
of every style and quality. A large stock of si,ft, black
and white, Brush and Mexican Hats, which he will sell
low for cash.
He will use his best endeavours to please all who niny
favor him with a cull. All kinds of Hats made to order
with neatness and dispatch. Cali at the sign of the
Blue Hat for Bargains.
Feb. 26—ts_WM. 8TIT/.RR.
-J JOHN It. GADDERS 4 PRO , Proprietors, for*
merly of l)nl/iaiore—lluve opened their establishment,
adjoining the Masonic Hall and I'ost Office, and are pre
pared to execute all orders in their line, and keep con
stantly on blind a large assortment of FINISHED
MARBLE WORK, nt Northern prices, such as—
Plain und Ornamental Marble Man
IIfk, Monuments, Tombs, Orav«
Stones, Ac.,
Prepared of the best. American and Italian Marble.
Carving and Lettering promptly executed with neat
ness and dispatch.
Our Grave Stones merit particular attention in form,
sixe, style and quality ; they are suited to the taste and
circumstances of all. Orders from the country punc
tually attended to without any additional expense ol
boxing or drayage, und carefully packed to go safe any
distance. __ April il-S
rn II It C Ml I N <• MACHINE* and
I WHEAT FANS —The attention of the public i
respectfully invited to our stock of Threshing Marhine
and Wheat Fans, which arc substantially built, and n
the most approved patterns. Persons in need of sue
implements would do well to give our stock an exam:
nation, as we feel astir fied that they will he pleased botl
in price and workmanship.
All Implements warruntod to perform well.
NOTICE to Carpenter* er housi .
BUILDERS.—The subscriber would inform th
community that he has on hand a good lot of the bet
Pine Timber that Virginia will utford.and receiving ever
week, all of which will he sold low for cash or good p*
JAS. 8. CREWDSON, Com. Merc’t.
On the Pattn.
N. B.—Bills for Houses received and Wiled atth
shortest notice. Timber well dried if o*slred.
Aug.7—ts__ J H*
Bacon * lard -20,000 ibs, Prme west
ern Bacon, 5000 lbs No. 1. Lard, in afore and fo
sale by
j.,a»7-ts I.F.E A JOHNSON
DINNOIaCTION—The partnership heretofore
existing between the undersigned is rht* day dis
solved by mutual consent. Those having rlaims will
please present them, and those indebted will oblige by
rolling and making payment. Either partner will use
the name of the concern in liquidation.
A] OTIC*—The undersigned will continue to con-1
lAI duct a general commission business in the store
formerly occupied by Garland Sc KobinsoN, corner
Cary and 20th streets, on the dock, anil respectfully so
licits the patronngeof bis friends and the public.
aup9-2twt» JOHN A. ROBINSON.
NOTICE—The undersigned will continue to con
duct n general commission business at the stand
formerly occupied by Garland St Robinson, on 13th
alreet, adjoining Messrs. Win. Wallace Sc Won, nod re
apertfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the
aug 9-2twts __ J MAURY GAB LAND.
LICOKICE PAHTE-Twen ty-five cases F. I
G. Licorice, just received and for side on accom
modating terms, by
hub 9--2twts_JOHN A. ROBINSON.
r | % BE ARS—I ,000 ll»s very sttpotlot
J. Toni|ua Beans, just received, to which the atten
tion of the Manufacturer! is called, for sale on accom
modating terms, by
aug9--9twta JOHN A. ROBINSON.
rpo Till-: LAIHI1N Ol' VIIMilNI A.—
X We would rail the particular attention ofthgLA
OIM to an assortment of R( )NE WOOD
PIANOS, marnifacllin'd by the most cel
etunted maker* in New York. They have U s II ] II
been pronounced to be very superior Instrument* by
some of the best musicians in the country. We sell Pi
uiios it* we do Furniture—tmall profit and auiek tain.
opposite Exchange Hank, Kich.nond. Va.
I hnve used one of the above I'iunos fur some time,
and think it is one of the best toned instruments 1 have
ever seen. Ki.ixahetIi 0. Hfrertu.
1 can recommend with plrasure the nhove Pianos, ha
ving had iino tor it long time in my family.
nog 5*ti__ _ II. G. Mathew.
rfHIl BUB80BIBBB buying located hinself in Bioh
i mood. Va., offers hi* service* to Ids friends and,
the public generally in the ConiinitiMtoil II list
'ForwurdiiiK lliiftiii*>*».
jy 86-41_ I RS V SI’TTON,
A Kirhinotid, Vn •
Offer for tale from Store a id to am ivt •'
Plaster—300 tons city ground, fresh,
Gcano—500 “ genuine Peruvian,
fit.ash—1000 boxes 8x10, 10x12,
Nails —1500 kegs.
Axes—150 dozen K Archer & Oo., warranted,
Corrr.E—400 hags Costu Rico,
“ 300 “ Rio and l.aguyra,
“ 150 " Java,
MaccaiiciNI—100 boxes freth,
Almonds—25 hags,
Oil—-30 casks tor Hud Roads,
111 It Hi nos—100 barrels No. 1.
Mackerel—50 half barrels No. 2,
PokTEit—50 casks London,
Ale—50 “ Younger Scotch Ale,
BrandV—50 half pijie* direct from Lundon Dock,
Englmh (.'keeteand Aluitard,
Ciiampaonk—100baskets lleiedsick anti lluugurian Ly
Wink—Sherry, Madeira and Pott,
Whiuket—Scotch, Irish and Family Rye,
Gandi es—Adamantine ami Sperm,
All of which we offer to the trade on favorable terms,
jy 22-13t
a i f t il snip LIAS or
Positively every Wednesday, until further notice—Union
Steamship Company’s Lint—Thojtwo new und beautiful
steamships, VIRGINIA, Captain Teal and PENNSYL
VANIA, Captain Uaymore; one of ihc«e fine steamships
will leave Richmond for Philadelphia, every Wednes
day. They are beautifully fitted up for passengers ; are
provided with Francis, Patent Metalic Life Hoats, set
first iate tables, and every attention is paid to the com
fort and safety of the Passengers and protection of goods.
Freights taken low, mid all trans-shipment avoided
Passage in first Cabin, f8; berths and meals included,
Do 2d $7: do do do
Passage through to N, York, via Philadelphia, |!> do do
The Virginia and Pennsylvania will touch at Cape
May during I lie bathing season, Inland passengers.
Passage to Cape May $8, meals included, thus saving
about hulf the expenses in visiting this delightful bathing
pluce. Apply to MAYO it. ATKINNON. '
Agents, Kiehmond.
N B—The ships returning, leave Philadelphia every
Wednesday nt 10 o'clock, A. M. »u2 ts
k^ JOHN T. ROGERS lias removed his MarbleWorks
to the corner of Main and 8th streets, when* will he found
a fine assortment of Egyptian, Italian and American
Marble, Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones, Mantel
Piece* of every description, WallP lutes, Front*, lfcc.
Any design in carving executed in the neatest man
ner. Orders from the country, with city reference,
promptly attended to.
Mr. R. having served his apprenticeship in one of the
largest establishments in New York city, and having
much experience in the business, flatters himself that
all work executed at his shop will give as entire satisfac
tion as any done North or Month.
Richmond, July 14-Iy
i illl lMt A KOlilNSON, AU( TIO
Richmond, Va., corner Cary and 90th Street, on/hr Hock,
offer for saloon accommodating term*:
100 cases F G Licorice Paste
75 do do do Stick*
130 do Heck A Co do Paste
00 do Ynuria do do
70 do G C do do
35 do Da Luce* do do
P10 do Nadale* do do
10 do Sena do do
200 Bags superior Bio Coffee,
12 Basket* do Salad Oil
200 barrels Bragg's best Family Flour
100 do Humgardiier’e Old Bye Whiskey,
150 do Fletcher’* and Kennedy’* Cincinnati
Rectified Whiskey,
24 cask* Port Wine,
40 boxes Claret “8t. Julian Medoc,”
12 case* superior Sherry,
12 baskets Creme, de Howry Champagne,
20 demijohn* old Antigua Rum.
20 do do ‘‘Marxell’*” Pale Brandy,
our own direct importation,
30 do do Port Wine, our own direct
25,000 genuine Havana Cigara “ Esmeralda"
brand, our own direct importation,
100 barrel* Rosendale Cement,
1,500 bushels lunerior Out*, suitable for seed,
’ j
$l)c Ulaily birgiman.
For the Virginian.
Ben. B*lt’« Reply.
Ah, ym. T ntmemlier, aweet A Her my friend.
And it grieve* me lo think alio i* gone ;
My aoltee alone o'er her grave I* to-brnd,
And dr* e if grief «* thtttMMA
Yet, of • I vr "oat |f"'" i i ’ "
O'er h‘ 'Ml * '■ ,«>' I s. gt
While rtf, tlv. '.rer ivle?
And tl
0( *U> **,»«-! ,w f , «!. re * .dhv.d *M* hi, j
8Rf' e bad» f ' ,■ 1
Thctren.w * ‘ , * (>unit ,fce woe **•» e {
Mot cove. -*W> r ' h,■ g,*c*tift3,
The Miller'* boy* *'* » . I men,
And live bard by n, ..... .....
The inill-bny, who paaaed the play-ground then,
Ha* gone, like tweet Alice, above.
The green-award wave*, where the tchool-hmtle atood
And alu*, IH» green on Jit* grave |
And dry, I* the brooklet down in the wood,
Where *weel Alice,her feet u«ed to lave.
How *ttdly I think, of her dimpling cheek,
Which »o often to mine, 1 have pre**ed,
And her melting tonea •<> *oft and *n meek,
Whi, are mingling with tho*e of the bleat.
DIBHGLL'N HOTEL., Haiti Street,
LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA.—The summer travel
having commenced, the subscriber would respectful!)
rnll the attention of the |>uhli>: to ibis large and populai
Hotel, whirl) la now in Aral rule order for the reception
of company. It U aituated on Main Street, entire!)
convenient to the Railroad depot, Packet Landing and
Stage office; ami presents to the traveling communlt)
every inducement, it is belie ved, that can he dealred of
expected in a House of Entertainment. The order,
quiet, and cleanly condition of the house, are noticed
und appreciated by all whu visit It.
Besides the usual comforts of a well ordered hotel,
there is at least one ui Dihrell’s, which cannot he found
nt any other in Lynchburg, mu! that is it Spring of pur*
Freestone Water, issuing cold ami limpid, from a roeR
within the hotel, pnd affording a decided luxury daring
tills warm weather.
When the subscriber was conducting the “Powhatan
House” in Richmond, the following unsolicited testlmo
•>in I was placed in Ilia hands, with a reques* 'hat he
would publish it. In re-publishing it, he assfffrs
friends that he is no less anxious now than he was the
make them ‘'comfortableand happy.”
CHA8 L. DIBKELL, Proprleto
Powhatan House,
Richmond, March 12th 1847. J
The undersigned, Member! of the ,Legislature who
have boarded at the “Powhatan House” during the
present session, and tome of us at several preceding
sessions, being now about to adjourn, feel cullod upon by
a sense of duty to place in the hands of Mr. OharLCI
L Dirhem., our host, some testimonial of our kind re
gard fur him, und of our high satisfaction with the con
duct und arrangements of tiie establishment.
Inn House containing some hundred boarders, it may
lie expected that there will be frequent complaints. W*
have pleasure in saying however, that wc are nut aware
that any existed during the winter; certainly there haa
been no occasion for dissatisfaction. The house is re
markable for order and quiet. The table has been boun
tifully supplied with all the good things of life, and the
rooms well kept.
Mr. and Mrs. D. have presided over the House with
ability, und have evinced, on all occasions, an anxious'
desire to muko their guests comfortable and happy.—
The ussiatantsnre prompt and obliging, and the servant!
f'uithftil, honest und attentive to their dutiei.
Upon the whole, we do not believe that a more agree
able Boarding House is tube found in Virginia, and we
trust, that Mr. D. may long continue to occupy it—or if
lie ahull find it necessary to leave it, that he may make
a location corresponding with Ids merit.
8. McD. Moore, Geo. D. flapper, Wm. D. Hart, H.
Chandler, Thomas Davis, Asa Rogers, W. M. Ambler,
C. T. Brown, Lewrenre Roane, Samuel Watts, Adam
Small, J. YVoolfolk, Titos. M. Bondurant, John Bowyer
Cal Well, Wm. It. Finney, Wm. L. Boak,J. M. Smith, A.
R. llollndny, J. W. Breathed, J. Thompson Jr., Hugh W.
Shelley, Thomas Robinson, George Stillman.
We concur with groat pleasure in the foregoing.
Commissioners from Alexandria.
From the Richmond Whig.
“Powhatan House.— complimentary Card, In
regard to the management oTCril* House must be highly
gratifying to the worthy proprietor, Mr. C. L. Dibrelf,
from the fact that it was an entirely voluntary act on the
purt of the signers—its reception by Mr. D. being the
first intimation of such an intention on their part. We
can add our own testimony to that of the gentlemen who
liavo paid Mr. D. a compliment so just in itself, and ten
dered in a manner sn delicate.” jy 22—ts
f I TOBACCO, Tobnrco. Having df
X termined to {my particula atleatiou to selecting the
best Chewing Tobacco that is put up here, we do solicit
orders from our friends in the country for the artice,
believing as we do, that wn shall be able to furnish an
article by the box that is bound to give satisfaction,
as we have received an agency for some of the best
Brands put up in Lynchburg. For a $5 note sent by
mail, we will in return, send a box of 10 plugs that will
he hard to heat, and for u $10 note we will send 20
plugs first rate Tobocco, put up in boxes of suitable
size. We lake pleasure in saying to our friends tha
we can send them Tobacco at prices ranging from 20
to 75 cts per lb. CUEWDSON & CRANK,
Jan 12—ts. Corn. Merchants on the Canal.
EVAiU), Watch Maker & Jeweler, Lynch.
BUS* ^«rg, Fa., would respectfully call the atten
tion of the citizen* of Lynchburg and the surrounding
country, to his lino and splendid assortment of Watch- i
es, Jewelry and Silver ware Just received from the North,
of tile latest styles and patterns, selected by himself
with great care to suit thi* market. From hi* long ex
perience in the Watch and Jewelry business, he flat
ters himself that lie can please the most fastidious.
As for his workmanship, he leaves it to those that he
has done work for to judge. All he asks is a trial, and
if you are not perfectly satisfied, and if his goods are
not exactly what he recommends them to be, he binds
himself to redouble, the money and no charge for the
goods. ,
Old Gold and Silver taken in exchunge for anything
in my line. C.A.EVARD,
March 8—ts 2 doors above Exchange corner.
l\TOTICE TO ALL 1—HE AL80, BY ncei
-L" dent, has fallen into the CONFECTIONARY BU
SINESS. in conjunction with his Jewelry establishment,
in which he keeps Candies Sr. Fruits, such ns Oranges,
Lemons, Raisins, Almonds, Filberts, Toys of all kinds,
and, in fact, all kinds ofConfec, tionaries, kept in such
an establishment. He is now rrideiving his 8pring stock,
to which he respectfully solicits the patronage of the
public. Healso has, in hi* employment, ous ofthe most^
experienced Bakers and Candy maker* in LynchburJ
I’yramids, of all kinds, made at the shortest npuittr
All orders from the country recei ived and promptly
executed. CHAS. A. EVABD.
March B~ta 2 doorgabove EvuhSrwe corner
IT ACOF. BACORf—6.000 lb* prime We.mrR
MJ Bacon Ridas and Ahouldars, in store and for sakshf
•• »--*» 080. BA0BV.