Newspaper Page Text
DAI In \ J ItDlNI \ N. TERRY & SHIELDS, Propriel » JAMES MCDONALD. Editor. ™ TmnM0. The YIH(JINTAN l . pubii.-ln l • i.«.. . m $<». and semi week1)' at <M per annum, P* advati* <•. vf) *up ripth '•* token i'<*ra shorter time than six urmthH and no j ap-u-i ■ ul* iiinue1, <v i t »• the option of the Proprietors, until all arreura;.'<•* ahull have he m W*id. A1>VK.ITISKM::NT3 *r° him mJ fir *- • ei-nts per squaro. (or le«H,! for every irvkr form iu>*« rtiou. and dllj i ts. fur ever) out**r , \i the nninhi-r of insertions h not marked on tin* MS., It will b? published till ordered nut. ntxl « hrirc;f* l ontimrly. Th** YKAKLV HATKS are-—For the privileir<* of tw » squares. daiiv*&>0. s ?mi weekly £Ui; f.r one square, daily $35, semi-weekly inner f rm. daily >4d, Heini-w.ekly Fvery y**frlv nTvei Jser will 1«* required -t» confine liis ill vertisiug to his tieuthf of business, and h In* cxee»d the spa e stipulat'd fhr. he w ill > * hanre.1 rvtitWy fur the • vv** CARDS. 1>tt. K<»o:;st; imbia, Dnilisl, Hn* mi»uiv*dIim nfficBoki nn*n i ms rrmiiikck on Mnin find onn rqunrn nl'ovo DibinliV lintel jy l'J-Mm 1HGOIOAI, CJ V ico n's l’AVN K A I.A 1S(iHUH N K, hnw n.sorinted thom»elvp-» in tlm prn- I inn nf Mmlii inn. Dr. Hfiyne’s Offinn. »< hnrntn’brn, nt hi* msiilnorn on thr* Mill. *)r. I.nngbon r-'s (HTnot on 1 si A :l"y, onn door below tbn Hn-hington llolnl. July 34th, 1811. iv 26—t. 1 K SC E l.l/S HOI' E 1.. M MS Si It. r I. I, ' _Ly.VCHBURO, VlU01KI4. C1 f AS. L. DIB RE LI. r'.'m finntlnmnn visiting Lynchburg nml sto|>|iing ut DIB* HELL’S, hnvn tlio privilege of visiting tlm “VllloiNtAN H i- Am no Room’’ during thnir stay. Curds of ndmis sion obinim d ut tlm llotnl jy 29—H fASHIN tt T O \ HO 1' JE2 Ib»( < ('hunk S/net and First Alley. Eyurhbvrp. Va. ('Km. Gamkron, Proprietor. T. Births, Assistant. Persons traveling through or visiting Lynchburg, n?ui sfoppiugat the Washington, urn entitled to visit the '‘Virginian K r. ndinij Room” during their stay. M«v 17-t.s {> SS. €0\iSiti geou Ilt itli-L Ai*i*oma r ^ • ro\, Va., I'rotn the* Baltimore College Dental Sur gery. Keferfncf—Dr. \\ . W. ILmn'r, Col Thorn'll II. Flood. I lor. Thus. S. Bocock. Address—Appomattox O. II. Va | iv 5-3tr | > i KU 158* IIOLDLSL Gt heml Ai a dliUTl—Ohus Iis service* to ml who me wanting PLANS FOit HOUSES. GREEN HOUSES, and GARDENS. All orders will he filled ill haste and warranted to give perfect satisfaction or no pay wid he demanded or expected. tdsP"* His office is on the Fir-t Alley, hit ween Muin and Church Streets, opposite the Virginian office. EliUilEOLDIiat A U ALIiLK A re prepared to undertake and execute in the very bes/ and . . .vorkiii iTtliko manner, and on the most reason* able ci' to all building* that may ho entrusted to their charge. mav24-ts EXHIBATION.-I . erhav 1. mg nhtaineii at co.» idcrddi? expense, froth Mr. \V hiteoniil’« \\ ashing?on Gnldi v, Dnguprren?vpes of toe follow .ng distinguTshed characters, most respectful! v invite? the public to call and examine them, iu conuec tion wiihn large* number of his own production, at the \\ liitel •• t (iii*ler\. President Killnmiv. li n. Winfield Sc-tt, Win.. A.Gra h mi, lien. I rai.klin 1’i ucc, VN trt L. Kinj, G u . Lewis Cuss, Lulg* Stephen A. Dougin** P. E GIBBS, .1 uls Ml 11 Prop!ietot JO* IA ft WII.I.S, f J ED’w A. RAW UN’S, Norfolk. V a. \ l New Orleans W/Usi,* *V roBtutt' sson v v M E KCHANTS an.1 .gents for u.e sale i f Man ufactured Tobacco. St ires Nos. 11 and Id Gravier corner Tehndtoulns Street, Acw Or/pavs. march C-J-lv 152131 \ a CO., IMPORTERS and 117/0/. ESA LK DEALERS IS DiiV dhdUN 95 Main Mrfkt. Richmond. Va. i*i invite the Merchant* of iir^inii un i Smth ▼ ¥ Carolina to examine our stock this season of FALL GOODS, which will lie complete, embracing Foreign goods of run own importation, and n fail a -.n,rn»nt of !>»..* »jt Fillin'*.*, all which will soon be it score, by ship® New World, Liddons and Excels! u frot... Liverpool, and Na tions arrival* from the Not11 • r i citie*; to be sold nt. terms that all must consider aecommodaling and rea sonable. Ar.m— rii * m Ht extensive and varied u*mrtm nt of ( A lx PE 77A (iS n nd I\ l IIS in : be cit v 9- d13t* RICH \RDSON & ( «). t'Jiina, lu»rllM*n\v;tt’4s Glass, :tni! FANG \ GOODS. w m . r . s> i rr i, b: is , (LATE WM. F. r.FTLEK AND CO.) Importer, 79 Main Street, Richmond, T a. 9S now opening a very large stock of Goods in his line, received per ship®‘*Sutley,n "Florida1’and "James 'Vrig'it. direct from the manufacturers in England, which lie is determined to sell at low prices. Believing it to be advantageous to both buyer and Boiler be is anxious to sell a® many good** as lie can for cash; person® therefore, Imying in this way, will have ev«*ry possible concession made to them. A call from all buying is respectfully solicited. nog 9 -5t* LI/ A\llT]D 1 illy able bodied Ni ▼ ▼ Men to work on the Virginia and Tonne se Rail Road. Liberal prices will be paid- Apply to fJan 1-t* JACOB RUMLoUGIT. jV EW tKN.-l IIK UNDERSIGNED • v have associated themselves ti get her for the pur pose nt eomlurtiny n gem ra’Grocery ami Commission P business in Lym hlnirg.umler the style ami firm of SAUN DEKS, NOR I II A- 11111V. They have taken the large nod commodious iron trout stoic house, a lew doors a hove the Market House, formerly occupied hy Roberts ^, where they w ill, at till times, lie pleased to see theirfriends and the public gem-ally. Kvrry brnveh ot ' Ilnurs* generally done in a house ofthis kind, shall hare their personal and particular attention: Such as Selling l imluceoi all kinds, ifcceiving and Forwarding Goods, Ac, | h‘-ir Stock ot Groceries, including every article in their line, is now fresh und just nt hand. And" their pur ciiuses hnving been made exclusively for Cash, they f!at t -r themselves that they enn oiler as great inducements ns any house in this market. JAMES SAUNDERS, V. M. T. NORTH, JAMES .1. IRBV. T° *'***' S'\si.vS L. It n Tim SI|I>»| 'Tn1"'"'1 T,lt' Fatroif Right of D Clow, Double r,'cturia.r7h R-«"r? *“<■■» «IW r»H, tue now IV,,-1hen'sel've" a*U *' 111r’|i'lll(l exumin V r™ -,\ DIUGUID * BRO., *. /. vnehhitrsr Fnnniit y - *-.i a m»vii| K'l',rtlt'lc"1 Hemlock Sole Emu her. J B l.OGUOOl). Rft.TLKCA.D5 x'lVP CAWAL. i .... . y IKC1K3 4 .m l Pcuu. Itml g<<»;ni. » ill Kin (n I to wnrn: si'UMini smiMis AAT) SWEEt SPRINGS.—Through Tickets will ho “»v,*n ,i the ntFim in J.y»rhbur{*. I <» thp Whim Siilj.lim Spring* for.....f,p ** “ Sw#»et Npiirjjj*..... 1 r»(J **•? l%-Stif I I!C>S. IKLUs/ub. 1> tclinioiMl .mil D-mv.liu Jtuilioud -VCHAV.h Oh iliil KS.—II and alter Ihiirsitn}, Inly 1st. mvj, a regular | issengcr train will run hie tween Ri-hmnnd and flip Junction, ronnerting at tho Junction w itli Pl.igg iVIV. lit Stag,., f,„ R„,k, villu, Charlotte 'dour. House, Halifax Clim i House, Danville, M.iti.o an I Green Ivor ugh. Tin train will atop for pas' s 'nee,sillily at the following points! Manrhesi. r. Vo white, Rohi ill’s,C allield. Tomahawk, Powhatan, Mat . on x. S nit's 1 Imp, Ame.'i'i Court House, Wyannke nnd .1 nullinv’s- (Jrilirini v. 1.I-HI e Richmond every lav ex'-,,,,. Sundnv at 7 o'clock A. M. Returning leave the Junction tit 2:30, I’. M. Children over 3, in I not over 12 .ears of ago, hail |>rieu to anv points except the two first-named. Ser vnnts travelling hv themselves must la- furni tail with two passes, so that one ran he retail,, u in 'lie office : and it roust he expressly stat< i on the pa vs that they are per itiiited to gu on the ears. A fr-'-hf train will leave 11 d every Wodnt s lay. Parlies forts f ■ foods roust have them on the ground the previous evening. N R. 1 he Stage leaves tl e ,1 unci inn every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday, in connection with the above points; and returning, meets the ears at the same point every Monday, Thursday and Saturday, I'hreugh Ticket from Richmond to Danville. $1(1 dll do do Greenshoto’_$ 1:1 Through passengers not providing thorn-elves with tickets will he considered as way passengers, und elan g. oil an increase druie iff., [y I -tl is .TOHN ll. ( ■■ Sup't. rni:v e*oi\s BAL'IIMOKE T\\ If;K WKhki., , DKTWKKN KlCIIMoNH AM) 1»A I. I I MO U K.— I'SIM* SfjL'fr ( only.—The public, are hereby iufor ned tl.ot tm> min fortabfe ami com mod ions low pres‘ure Sic merMAJM I .A NI >, Capt Ohai lcH 10. M it« In II. hr vii g been **nt: r e ly refitted, on larger I, and unproved in every tespert, with berths for tr largo number of pns*< ngerv, a rid with “trite rooms for ♦ho* e who preter hr mg ietired, is now on the route In t ween Richmond and Baltimore. Pa-sen grr-hy thi< Hgreenhle and economical Line will have Richmond I \ tire morning train, on Monday* & Wednes • lav*, at 7 o’clock a. M.nrrd reach Baltimore on tin* I..1 inw ing mornings in time to proceed by tho New Castle and k renelifwvn Steamboat litre at hn’fpastfJ a. m or with t In* enrlv train of thou* days to Philadelphia. Re turning pa spongers wdl leave Baltitnoro on the after noon of Tuesdnv nnd Thursday, 4 r. m., and connectnt the Cre?k on Wednesday and Friday succeeding with the train which arrives in Richtnoiid at 4, I*, m., of tie* same day. Fare in cithei direction, $5, (state rooms and meals for cabin passengers, extra, exceji in the case of hido - and families, who will h; w the privilege of state-rooms fn e of charge.) Fm wiinl cabin passengers, (including meaisatd lodging nn bonid.f$4 50. Fare for first cIiish passengers between Baltimore and Philadelphia by the New Castle and 1 renchtowu line $2 50. For second class »|o. $ I 50. Muling !hi " hole fnrr frnm flirhv ov'l fr> for Jirrt clwtfrpnrmh qrrx bv thi* ngrepa! !r / im>t $7 50 f itly. For further jruIiculnr.x. or through tir krts, apply nt the office of the Richmond, knob lick&biitg and Poturnnc Railroad Company. J. J5. \\ INSTON, Ticket Agent. Offtck R . ! & P. li R. C.f ? ^ Richmond Aim 2, 18 >2. ( ♦ n if !\§>;si;i. KULHOAB. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF .SLAVES,—Nr, s. e will he permitted to ride on (hi Railroad enrs, will rui sj.thial written permission from hi t or her ow ner, or the agent or guardian n1 the -wrier, unless ncr>imnn* nied by the ownner or person otherwise entitled to their service. Huedi permit must bo given in duplicate, one of which w ril he retained by t In* Conductor of t herail: CD AS. F M. CAR v ETT, march 18-ts Child'Engine, r. y&b* ^OTTSb-fir. and after M n.lay, ' August ‘2 the Boat for B n hauan will leave nt f\ o’clock, a. m. ■ 1 BOV l\ EDMOND A DAN BNPORT -.4 riositoroM t<* enua mis ri: I HU UR srttl S'.S FOR $' O').—Firctof .1 ilj Packet Boats h ave Lvrnhltug for Buchat.a ri daily a! 5£ A aI.. F liidny’s excepted, uni arrive at Buchan.m < i 1 P a I ; c on nect t here with two chtily line- i > i Stages for the W Rite; one by D igger’s leave on the arrival of. he Boat mid arrive at Daj/ge ■*(!#» mile*) at 7^.) P. M. leave D igger’.s next A. M. after breakfast, and n rive at tho White. 13 miles, nt 4 P M. Passengers hv fin* oth er rout©go by k mins'le and the Sweet Springs to the. White. I are to Fincnstie $2, to S\v. rt Springs $1 00. I a«sengers for the Natural Bridge teach ilieri it I i’. V., Fine *1 50. Passengers for L° .ini-ton, Rock bridge i d Bn'h Alum, Warm and Hot Sprii gs, conned v it’i n daily line of Stay *s at North River, arm -nt Lex ington at .3 P. el.; Rod.In idge Alum at H P. M.; Warm and Hot Sort ig* next day : kareto Lexington.$2 00 do Bath A him. 4 75 do Rockbridge A lorn. 3 50 do Wai m and Hot Spring-.... 5 *25 To invalids this routei us great inducements, there being only 50 miles of staging over hv for the be.-t road in the mouni-iiiM of \ iiginia, and added to this thn pas senger will *-■: »vey the most beautiful scenery in \ irgin i;». An intelligent European traveller fins n>ruirk(-<l tfmt the route between Lynchburg and Buchanan, with its varietv ot River and Mountain scenery, the passage *»f the.lames River at Balcony Falls through the Blue Ridge, and view of the Natural Bridge, combin * more of hr nutv. romance and sublimity, than is to he seen in one day’s ride in any country. Returning leave Buchanan every day. except Sunday, •itfi P. M., arrive at North River nt 10 P. and in Lynchhurg at 1 P- M. The Boats for Richmond will leave ns usual. ry day except Sunday, at 0 A. M.,aiiH- rrivc in Rirkrnou • day at 2 P. M. Fare through $3 50. Pus engt-i‘8 for Buckingham court-hoiiHe, Cumberland court*bou«e and Fnrmville, leave in Monday, Wednes day ami Friday’s Boat-; Fan to Cumberland court-house |3 25. to Fnrmville I’d 25. jo 21 -u BOVD.EDMUND & I)A V EN PORT. | UAillliK— I' uvi; i eoeived my Spring sup 3 _i ply of Li-, tber, co:.*>:itig of llcmlnrk, Snietiml Wax Upper,Cnlf Skins, (Philadelphianmi French,) und a general iiinirimnnt of ShotvMnhers, i oulr, -- r., n-KO II .rue#* ami Skirting le ather.OakTiu.'• -I N».1e, &c. a pi t a«~» k. LOmvooD. _ - - ximM Ts£0> Tnuispui'liilioii B.itit; iU ’■ v*T irrlai f„ I’i/t. ',,irp and Or' II . -it.— 1 bn under* signed would respectfully infurn their friemU and cus lornei*, the Pennsylvania Canal wi'l open on March, at whiebtifne we \i■ i be repured In forward any amount of Mftchan'iine lo all point* on ihe Western_wa ter #, « lib dispatch, at the very lowed rate*. Hate on Tobacco to Pittsburg. bOc per 100 lbs from l«» Mm.—Time 8 clays. No Commission charged for forwarding at Paltimore or Philadelphia. ■ ®i M. K<d ' (Si March 4-1* Agent Union Line'Hnltimnre. MECHANICAL. A no r me i nuN a i:,( ookiiu<! jiflA It ANtil-: v M > .NTo\ I. w VKE HUl 8E I I . ^—' urn lei dgeed tuk ** i hi* met hml ol iufi i rniug I hi* public that he h i* on hand and i* constantly receiving. Iioni ihc principal northern Manufactures, Furnace*, Ranges, 8lnvi>», iVc., ul the latest and most desirable styles. Anion ■ hi* its mimri i cun he i mud ChiUon’* Patent Hht Air ^’entilniiiig k fjr warming and ventiiafmg (/lu rches, Public Buildings, Factories and H w pilings. A lx i, OOOKlN(i LA N > • K»S, the most mi i pleti and economical arrangement for rooking, iu imc. I laving had long experience in the use am! opsruiion ol k iirnnee* and Range i, and bv giving hi* p*r*n|ial at tention to the setting and lilting oi them up, he is con fident that a trial i* suffiient to satisfy any one of their superiorit y over any otiier arrangement lor heating am! eookinw p rnoxe*. Bn hand, a '' soriment of Stove*, Coni finite*, Registers, Pipe, Sheet L< . I. d Pijie, • I ol. *w Ware. Ac. I in ni d Iron Roofing and Rave Guttc . • .a si perior manner. Also, a full supply of Tin, Brittnuia am! dafpanned Ware.-, nt Wkolennlr n t<l h’l'tail. Hi* la iilie* (or manufacturing Tin W are are siltdi, that he leeU assured that he can make it fur the interest « Meridiant* abroad, nml all other * in want, to call nt t lie Seir Store, vp toirn, Kngf site. Main Street, and cxi% i i.. • lii.* -tuck before purchasing. I ’ ■ would also tender hi* tleink* to the people of Lynchburg find it* vicinity, for the very liberal patron age extended to him during hi* short residence here, and hope* '.y strict attention to hi* business, to merit a c.ontmurium id the same. Mar J5~t* C S. BLISS. 3V\<( HKI KG I OI!\imY -Tut bind i nrm luMCtoforo conducted under the 1'iriii I I ■ T. > (i.S. DIUGl ID, will continue in future o• style of nircnim a brother, nnd tleyv take this opportunity to return t !»*•«i itank-i th^* public for the ! * <*■ ’ rmf» ’ to tlm litrn i i. t . \* (J. 8. Diuguid, and beg a # on u u tamo. We have on hnnd a lot ..fTobacco Si io wk an n I'm w sH.s.n Tobacco Finisher just gottenuft,l'lougli*Hnd Points “fall descriptions, Mill (tearing, wrought Hitd cast, Threshing Machines, Ac , A., A* I. T. DIUGUID, Jan 5-u G. 8. DIUGUID jVIlW CONCEItN.—The subscribers as hoc*in* i * t«*d tlietnselves together on tin* lust instant, fort he <|Js5rJS-,'SSpa. pose of eonducl ing the manufacture of CABINET WAUE, at the old and well known stand of 8. Diuguid, un der the sfyh* of s. amm n> a sons* They have recently applied steam power to their ma chinery, and flutter themselve« tint lueyuto enabled to mnnufficture till descriptions . Plain and Fancy Uahi« net Ware, in style and finish to compare with any in the Suite. ’ S. DIUGUID, 1). 1*. DIUGUID, GKO. A. DIUGUID. aaa; srnMiauiats i.avinp obtained the* 1 exclusive right of retailing Fisk’s Mctnlie Burial Cases, fake lids met hod of informing the people ol Lynch burg mi 1 the surrounding country, that they have now in their ware room on M ain Rtrcct. a lot of the above Ua. ] ses of dilleieiit sizes. It would he a difficult task to give an adequate impression of these Cases without a p i 'ii • I inspect ion: t hey are oei feetly air tight and inde •♦ me tihle, an I for protecting and [•reserving the Dead, for ordinary interments, for vaults, nr for t runsportation. are -uperior t.onnything of the kind lud'ore invented. Those unfortunate enough to need the above Oise* run he supplie d by S. D1UGUIDA SONS. Undertaking in the itsii il style also promptly attend ed to. S. 1). A. 80N8 \C A ISII.—THE UNDESIGNED WOULD re . peel fully ask a continuance of the | afronu"o so long bestowed upon him, to the new concern and in ♦ hi* connect Ion lie de^rns it proper, to ask nil who are r.dobted to him to come forv ard arid settle* their ac counts without delay. There are manv claim* of long standing w hiedi I must close* up, Bird it i* expected that all who know them selves to be indebted wiil pay utn ntion to this not i< •*. S. DIUGUID. Jnn 8—ts U‘*j uhlioan rnd Express, copy 2 time* a week foi three months and charge ♦lie Virginian. <K1 12 A T S A !M « A 8* S 1 ! The m hiiIihi ii or rim •* ri-ceivedat the idi/M of the RhQ|| HI nr Hat,, the Spring Fashion* of Gentlemen’* Jinv Un hh / fat* for I 8.VJ, embia *i ug nil of I lie lat e-1 nml most approved styles, and is now to funusli Id.* friends rmd <*ti*|omcr* ar.d the public generally, with nil nrtb la of fine No. I Mole; kin, black find white Beaver Hats. He Ini* also received u large stock of the Ini♦ i fyh*, KOSSUTH HA TS, both for men and boys, and a large assortment of fine heavy oil silk and Cloth Caps of «*v#*ry style and qir lity. A large stock of soft, black and white Brushand Mexican Hits, which he will sell low' for ea di. He •* li • his best endeavours to pleas#* all who may favor him wi.b All kinds of Hats made to ordei with n»* it.mss and di^p-. n. . * II at tho sign of the 11ho Hat foi Bargains. I . WM. if.Ad.l2B i(L h VBBM: V A ACl> -- * dO US P (• I U H ESS *V PliO , Propi i fin s, for merhiuf lialltmoie—Hav«* opi ned their #• -tublishrnenl adjoining the Masonic Hull arel Post Office, and are pre paid to execute all orders in their line, arel keep eon h »iifI\ on h ind a lurio* assortment of J'lSJSHKH 1/ A U PI. / '. IfV HI K, at N»n thorn pi i#*#*», such as— S*lu»n Orn:im<kiif :i I Hlai Vdif Itlim ll«k*, UnniiiiK ills, 'A omhs Grave Moties, A c., I* repart«/ of tin last American and Italian Maihfc. (’arving and Lettering promptly executed with neat ness and dispatch. Our Grave Stone* merit particular attention in form, izo, stylo and quality ; they fire suited to the last#* and circiirn-taiiees of all. Orders from the country punc tually attend '1 ts w ithout any additional expense ol boxing or drayag#*, and carefully packed to go safe any distance. April 12—t* r- 51 I* i; * .« 5 . :v««l J \V If BAT FANS —1 tie atrenfii rj of the public iu respectfully invited to o» stock of Threshing Machines ami Wheat Fan*, which nro snlonantialJy built, end of the most approved patterns. Persons in need of sin h implements would do well to give our stoi k an examt* na'ion.m we feel sati lied that they will be pleased both I in price nn I workmanship. Ah Implements warranted to perform well. DIUGUIU & BR<ITHER. ‘VOTM-ft OTO t'ai'pentsrM fir HOUSE | 1 i BP 1 Id)MRS.—'Hu* subscriber would inform the 1 community that he fins on hand a good lot of tho best PinoTirnbei that. Virginia w ill afford,and receiving every w eek, all of which w ill be sold low for cash or good pa per. .IAS. S. CREWDSON, Com. Merc’t. - On the t'uxin. N. B. — Bills for Houses received and Vded at tin shortest notice. Timber well dried if oesired. Aug.7—ts J. 8. 0. iV LARI) — 20,t)i)ll lbs, Prirto West y era Bacon, 5000 IIh No. 1. Lurd, in store and foi | inlaby i June 7-r. I KK t JOHNSON’. ¥ RICHMOND. D 1**01 IJ’l'ION * I 1 • i hip hereto! ori existing Im Uf#n til© undersigned is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Those bfivlrt*t claims will please present them, nnd those indebted will oblige by calling and making payment. Mitht r purtner will u<o the immn of I be concern in Hmihlntinn. nu-!>-ta OAKLAND Si ROBINSON. \OTH »'<—l b* undf •reigned will continue to con duct it general commis-dt ti business in the store formerly occupied by (»uif inii Si KngtpsoN, « orner Oury and 'JOlh streets, oti tin* dock. and respectfully sec Lcits the ptttrcuingc of bis friend* nnd the public. •tig n M JOHN A B(miN8(IN. Notice—Th* iMidcisigrxil will continue to con duct u general commission business at tho stand formerly occupied by O ah r. A an A* Kohinso*, on Llib street, adjoining Mease*. Win. W allure A Non, and re spectfully solicits the pniron tge of hi* friends find the public, i M m :?v (; V BLAND IV€ORI€E PARTE i JO. Licorice, just received nnd for sale on nccoin modaiing terms, by ring !h-t« JOHN A ROBINSON. rpoMKM'A ia:ANs~i ,000 His very superior I 'I 1 • i ii j 11 i Means, (list received, to which tin* Htteii lion ol the Miiuufactunrs is culled, for sale on accom modaltag t< ms, by nugO- ts JOHN A ROBINSON. riio rm: iaimi^ or viicuini i.— I We would call tin* particular nttent ion ol dm L\ i)11 to an Assortment of K< )HK WOOD PIANOS, main11- tured by the most cel ehint- d makers in New York. They have been pi onoui.n d to he very uporior Instrument* by -oine nt the heat niusieian* in th•• country. We sell Pi ■inns ns we do I* urniture—mnatl j*ri>fil& nvd quirk »ate*. .!<>' KS IIAPWUOD. opposite Rxchange Brink, Richmond, Vii. r 1 "o used one of the above Pianos for sometime, »nd tmiiK a i - i h f toned inslmmei * I have ever seen. Kt.lZAlin Ml (j. Sl'FNt Kit. 1 ran r ecommend with pleasure the above Pianos, lm vim.' 11n11 one for a long time in my family. tlllg H. (1 M ft i in v f I 11! I. MMNOKIMHIl having located hi line 11 m Rjch B nioiid. Vn., oiler* his service** to Ids friends and tli" publi. ecneraily in tlie 4'O III HI Ksio II liml I'oi w ai iliiiK ltiisin<*ss, FRS v si i i < )N 1^ IlitlONlL laVLHPOlIT A 4 «>, J Itii’limoiHl, Vii , Offer for Hole from S/orr aud to arnn : Pi.astkii—300 tons city ground fresh, Hi<ano—.500 “ genuine Peruvian, til. ASM— 1000 boxes 8x10, 10x12, N aii.s— 1500 kegs, A\j s—150 de/»*n It Archer Sl 0 » , warranted, Coffrk— 400 hags Oosto If ico, 300 ** Itio and Lnguyra, 150 “ Java, Mai f AitnNl—100 hoxe* fresh, A i.mono*—25 bags, Oil.—30 cask* tor Kail Hoads. 11 F. It til no *—100 barrel* No. I. Mai ' i.—50 half barrel* No. 2, *'«nn I- a—50 cask* London, Ai.g—50 “ ' Y ounger Scotch Ab*, liltANDY- 30 half pipe* direct from London Dock, Sill'll( 'lircHi' and Mustard, Champa* ‘ k—100baskets IIeu*dhick and Hungarian Ly on, Wink—Sherry, Madeira and Poif, \N hi 'KM'—Scot* . Imdi in id family It ye, Oandi.K'—Adamantine nnd Speirn, AJJ of v inch We * (ei l.o lie .*• on favorable term* . ■ * iat r .aITTIn * t i: a ™ s inr mini: or l’s\('l\ /."/.V. I (;|{ I’ltl I.A l>H LIJI11A. I’luitivcly -very \V«vlnr »lny, until further mil ire -Union SinHtiirtliiji Otttnptiuy't* l.inf- -*l In-two n,-w unit lirmitiful stea lush ip*. V I b (11 NI A, C • plain Teal and I’R N NS V L \ A \ I A, (' a pm in Maymore; on* of tie v fine *|i amsllips will leave Richmond lor Philadelphia, every Wednes day. They are beautifully lifted up for pH* eng* t s ; tire provided with Fminds, PhIoi t Metalic Life Moats, sit fir-1 late tabic*,and every liftei Non is paid to ibe com loll and safety of the Passenger* to nice] inn of good <. I i eigl t • taken low, and all Inin* .mpment avoided Pas sag" in first Habin, berths and nua I* included, Do 2*1 ^7: do do do Pa (go through to N. Y *uk, via Phibnfelphia, do do l-Oll ('ASS MAY. Tim Virginia ami Pennsylvania will touch at Cope May during t he bathing season, to laud passenger* 1’iisk: gc to C»*p»* Mnyf.8, mi al* included, thus saving al out half the expense* in visiting ibis delightful bathing phici Apply to MAYO X. ATKINSON. Agent*, Richmond N B—The ship* returning, leave Phiturh Inhia every Wed- * day at 10 o'clock, a. m. hu2 t* c 1 iB A It Ii L i: \V O U U s.~ ► ' JOII N I . HOOKKS hit* removed his Marble Work* I o the corner of .Main it ml i eel *, whore w ill be hm till ■t line assortment of Rgyjiftiin, Italian and American MmM*- M- "H i,.. , i ml- , Crravo Stone*, Manttd !'»•« e* ot every description, WallP late*, Fronts, Ate. Any ile i ni in carving executed in rh« neatest man* re r. Orders from the country, with city reference, promptly attended to. Mr. R having nerved bis apprenticeship In one of the lar mst establishment* in New York city.and having much experience in the bu.-due**, (hitlers himself that all v. oi k *■ xeculod at his shop w ill give n* entile satislac i ’<#11 iis any dorm North or South. Richrriomj. July 11-1 v f <AUUNI) A. AiJCTIO ^ * M-.EltS a,i t COMMISH/ON MEHCUA.W'S, liiehvwnd, IV/., rorm / Cary mid W/h Strait untie hoik, '.<)• ! lor *nlrt on arruimnoduting terms : 100 eases i O Licorice Paste 75 Ho do do Sticks 100 do He<’k A Co «l«i Paste 00 do Y rim ia do do 70 do (i C do do 35 do Da Luces do «lo f 10 do NadulcM do do 10 do Serru do do 100 Leg* (v.d l> . n Nails, every size and description, 200 Bags superior flio Coffee, 12 Baskets do Salad Oil 2(0 barrels Bragg’s best Family Flour 100 do Bumgardner’s Old llye Whiskey, 150 do Hotelier’* and Kennedy’s Cincinnati I tee ti lied Whiskey, 24 casks Port Wim^ 40 boxes Claret “St. Julian Medor,” 12 canes superior Sherry, 12 bankets Cremr de Bowzy Champagne, 20 demijohn* old Antigua bum, 20 do do “Mnr/ellV* Palo Brandy, our own direct importation, 30 do do Port Wine, our own direct importation, 25,000 genuine Havana Cigars “Esmeralda” brand, our own dir* i importation, 100 b i rels Uoriondale Cement, 1,500 bushels superior Oat*, suitable for seed, Jan 12—t* OAKLAND <fe ROBINSON. *■ /k/k BALKS HAY in good order, received and I " F h r sab- by f te 21J B !\ SACKKTT. raigCELLANEOUa. S IIO'l'KEi, Slain Street* ■ N< MBl'iUt V I KOI NIA.1—The summer travel having cottimoiicffl, the r'llwcribf f wtiuld respectfully i .ill the hit* ntinn of the public to t! is largo and popular 11"t*'I, w hich i« now in first rote order for the reception nl company. It. is .itunfed on -,Y1ain Street, entirely convenient to the Railroad depot, t ticket Landing and Stage oflice; and presents to the traveling community every inducement, it is boh# v®d, that c«.» he desired or expected in n House of Entertainment. The order, • jitiet, and cleanly condition of the house, are noticed and appreciated by nil who visit it. Besides the usual comforts of a well ordered hotel, I hero is at least on * nt Lihrell’s, which cannot he found at any other in Lynchburg, and thnt is a Spring of pure Freestone Water, issuing cold and limpid, from a rock within the hotel, end affording a decided luxury during ibis warm weather When the subsetJher was conducting the “Powhatan House” in Richmond, the following unsolicited testivno* was placed in liis hands, with a re quest that, he would | ihlUli it. In ro-publishing it, he assures his It iends that he is no less anxious now than he was then to •nuke them “comfortable nnd happy.** LHAH. I#. UIBRELL, Proptietor, Powhatan Houdi:, 2 Richmond, March Pith 1847. $ I lu» id*f!••! !*igned, Member1! of the (Legislature who have boarded nt tho “P wtlATAN House” during lh« present se tsiiiri, Mud some ot us tit several preceding sessions, hehi^ now about to adjourn, feel called upon by a sense of duty to place in the hands of Mr. CII a files I*. Dmitri.t., our host, some testimonini of our kind re /ai d Ioi him, and of our high satisfaction with tho con duct and a it a ngctuenI m of I lie establishment. In a i louse containing some hundred hoarders, it may bo expected that them will he frequent coinj taints. \Y have pleasure in Haying however, that we tire not aware that any existed during the winter; certainly there has been no occasion for dissatisfaction. Tho house is re markable Pm rde and quiet The table has been boun idully supplied with till the pond things of life, and tho I rooms well kept Mr. and Mrs. I) have presided over the House wi.h I ability, and have evinced, on nil occasions, mi anxious ! denim to make their guests comfortable and hnppy —• The uHHintiintsfiro prompt and obliging, and the servants laifliful, honest and attentive to their duties. Upon the whole, we do not believe that a morn agree aide Boarding House is to be found in Virginia, ami wo 11 list, that Mr. 1). may long continue to occupy it.—or if lie shall find it necessary to leave it, that he may mnko n locution corresponding with his merit N Mr|). Moore, <ieo. l>. Ilaopcr, Wn D Ilart,H. C hand let. Thomas I Asa Roger*, Wf M, Atnbltr, C. I’ Brown, Lawrence Roane, Samuel Watts, Adam Small,.I. Wonlfolk, Thos. M Bondurunt, John Bowyer f Jnlwell. Wni. U. Finney, Win L. Bnak,«f. M Smith, A. R. I loliudny, .1 W. Breathe), J. I >mpson Jr., 11ugh \V. Shi fl'ey, Tin tuns Robinson, fi< r n Stdiman. We com it with groat pleasure in the foregoing. FRANCIS L. SMITH IIOBT. B ROCKETT. Commissioners from Alexandria. From the Richmond Whig. “Powhatan House.—The complimentary Card, in regard to the management of tliis House intist be highly gratifying to the worthy Proprietor, Mr. C. L Dibrell, | from the fu* t that it. was an entirely voluntary act on tho part of the signers—its reception by Mr. I). being tho first intimation of such on intention on their part. We can add our own testimony to that of the gentlemen who have paid Mr- I). a compliment so just, in itself, and ten dered in a manner so delicate." jy 22—ts POllAn O, Tobacco. Iliiving «lo " tei mined to pay pnrticuhi attention to selecting tho best Chewing Tobacco that is put up here, wo doNolicit orders from our hi. rids /1 the country for the attire, believing as we do, that w * shall ho able to furnish an article by the box that is bound to give sritisfactIon, ns wo have received an agency for some of the best Brands put up in Lynchburg. For n note sent by mail, we v» ill in return, send a box of 10 plugs that wdl be hard to hi at, and for u $10 note we will send 20 plugs first rate Tobacco, put up in boxes of suitable siv.e. We take pleasure in saying to our friends thu we can rferid them Tobacco at. prices ranging from 20 to7r>ctsper Ih. OREWDHON & CRANK. Jan Pi—ts. Corn. Mcr< hant*on the Canal. g>' (MMIr, AT r.—CHARLES A. EVAKD, Watch M akkr Si Jeweler, Lynrh burfl, I f/., Would respectfully call tho atten tion of the citizen* of Lynctibu. r and the surrounding country, to his linn and splendid assortment of Watch es.. lewelry and Silver ware,jui t received from the North, ••ftlie latest styles and patterns, h lectml by bim-elf wi great cure to suit this market. From his long ex* pei uMin* in tho Watch and Jewelry business, he flat lets himself that he can please the mo t fastidiom* \s for hi* workmunabfp. lie lea ves it to thorn that he (ms done work for to judge. All he asks i* a trial, and if you are not perfectly satisfied, and if his good* are not exactly what ho recommend* them to be. be binds himself to redouble tho money mid no charge for tho goods. Obi Hold and SiNer token in exchange for anything m my line. C. A. EVAKD, March 8-*ts 2 doors above Exchange corner. HJOTICE TO AV^L!—1IE ALSO, BY acci 1 1 u. *». has fallen into the CONFECTIONARY BE NIN ESS. m conjunction with his Jewelry establishment, in which he keep* Candies Fruit*, such as Oranges, Lemon*. Raisins, Almonds, Filberts, Toy* of all kinds, and, in fact, all k ind* of Confer, tiormries, kept in such un estahlishnient. Deis now receiving his Spring stock, to which he regpcctfklly solicit* the patronage of the public. Healso has, in hi*employment,ono ofthe most experienced Baker* and Candy maker* in Lynchburg. Pyramid*, of nil kinds, made at tho shortest notice* AH order, from the country received and promptly executed. CHAS. A. EVARD. M 2 doors above KvchnrvPro corner I>ACON, BACON—r* 000 lbs prim.- \V< wen i Baron Rides uml Rhoulders, in store und fornaleby M) 3—ts GRO. BAGJtT, SII C INNIJHANC'E -MKCHBIJKG _J HOSE AND Klttrt INSURANCE COMPANY. A HOME INSTITUTION.—This Compuny makes Insurances against loss or damage by hire, on Dwelling 11 emails, Stores, Tobacco Factories and other Buildings: on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Morchundize gene rally n town and country, on the most fnvoruhle terms. Also Insurances on thu lives of all persons en joying good health and of sound constitutions, (except sin has lire engaged in work on Kiiil Romp* Conuls, and other extraordinary employment,) for the whole duration Jo life, or for u limited period. Slaves employed in ordinary occupation,(not sn Hail Hoads. Canals, or other extra public, work,) will he insured un reasonable terms. BOARD OK DIRECTORS. JOHN ROBIN McDANIETi, President. I). T C. PBTBRS, Vice Pret’t. R. DIUGUID, Chief Engineer. II. O. SCHOOLKIKLD, I S. C. IIllRT. Tons. O. Acrkk, J Jas. M. Cobbs. MARTI' HOLoINS, Treasure*. M. W. Dav k v ronr, See j Dr. P II. Gilmer, ( Medical Dr. Wm. Of way Owen, ) Examiners July SI—ts___ CJ ISA ’I'llE ItS,—1.001) lbs LiYe Geese Feathers, w—-*just received and for sale by jyS0.,4 I.EE Sr JOHNSON