PROFESSIONAL. F. A L. B. VALLIANT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW II I ! f 1TIIT SATTBDAT T TBI tUJUmCMVUIL iaSd3St!3tL Ay Ay Ay AHD D OTOZIZ1 VOL.7. 1 GREENVILLE, WASHINGTON CO., MISS., SATURDAY, NOV. T, 1894. NO. 14 . ed hereby en-cease Tie, tfcat tear BSYste-l Mil Atl their IINGTON AVENtlE. ittentlon given to all 78rED TO THEM. Mle on band constant CzrUro Ike ZMtt aUTsr-Ea fast Ewp- syfc Greenville, Miss., Sep. 1, 1874. Editor Fidttewy Herald: and may be partially cultivated after tood time. This giving up the noinu to the river in bin water will obviate tbe necessity of cat-off s ; will afford ample room for Uie aiscaarge in ine mvyew nukH of the river eav above Vleksbur where the inclination of the river surface is cousider- ! ALSO y, Oats, mm Bm ,,110 patronage to tetftuly solicited. j. J ULrHUTT till knee of a decree rendered rlct Court of the United tbe Boothern District of I at Jackson in said Dh Wednesday the 7tn day Mtt lay sTDsssBtar. 1174. lng described property Zt said Beellg Co., B. lO-Wllt lOtIO.10OI tzs cssat mzzzi. As Asnrhsn gaVqwism Brtag ttsMsjKsgBski. Tnm ttw Xe Tefk HaraM. Octotar IS. The following extract from a letter written by Midshipman M. A. Shnfeldt, of the Hartford, to his father, Captain B. W. Shnfeldt, now stationed at Annapolis, de scriptive of the terrific typhoon which swept over the harbor of Nagasaki last August, will be of interest: I have lots of news. First and foremost comes the great typhoon which swept over this city about two weeks ago, the strongest one, according to the Nagasaki Gasette. and in the mind of the oldest I habitant, that this coast has seen for seventy years. If you remember how complete-, ly land-locked this harbor is, what good holding ground, etc., you can .i. h. Mt.tM.iud ad this snorteulns? will De neeaea. neuer imagine tne roros oi we held within certain bounds, or dea- The further thesystem is carried nle. Ws (the Hartford) were an olaUon foUows : in doing so. how- out the less use there will be for ehorcd , tboBt mladle of the ever, means must be appUed Lwlth : u'lng them, however as natnraj laws me laws oi nnn Hiuunn uuu w mwu i ..k. .k. iiimw f Mmmnnle. able bn t cut-off s will be ueeessa- tinr the following observations, ry in tne lower reacn oi ine riTer, prompted as theyhave been from from New Orleans to Vfckaburg, professional experience of many where the Inclination is ineonsid rears along this river. ' arable, and the velocity propor- So many have written on the tionately slow, thns preparing the r-ofil subject of the Missiseippl goods, lower reacn to receive ine ww aw jt L.w. K. ii fVnm th. haitda above, and to have made on the river, by order of full capacity for ito discharge to (Mmm. that its neenuanues ana we sea. a new cu-uu. hin physical character are now well executed after the work at the known. Even pUots, from the mouth is perfected, thus protect habit of observation, are well in- tag the lower country. The nigh- formed on the irregularities of this tortuous inland sea: but few have ventured to give opinions to rent er reacn will tnen oe reiieveo. After awhile the levees will be come lower instead of higher as r. 1874. intnematieroi . . . . d ttk,ft .t DrMvBt.aud as the system Is L'o.. Bankrupts, tns no-1 Tr. . . . t.ii r. I k tim will not A-lguoflf4Jou. ,J?hh7dcth? drainage fort be heart of this great water range at each ifty mile. S iC townGniK eonntrfTo aceomplish those will indicate, these will point out ln r town 01 Gre,n ends, tbe food surface of the Mia- with exactness to what extent - . a . 3 ikl. Aakla will IVa MAAilejl 11 CrAttuPnVin. d guided by skilled experience. the rl ver-not as if the two lines SDertaSd eVtSlslfuS 8nflcSnt width, depth and pro- of leveea belonged to different riv- roperiy ana eswiu M,""I1. JtM.,in. . t.i th. or u Iha da La dl3rnt Kl&tpa. TtliZt A"r! rl to rrroS ibi iiwitb. o. woTkVioVfor, u and described as follows, flood waters of -the. UsCrVtt now. . Uveea Vera sometimes At bay. with bowers down and forty i k lueasuriug 86 feet on I "d ln not0n-else It will final control of the river is obtain- Ave fathoms of chain on one and ci ujimi uli"'!,,,i.iii in iu miht the nuuviea or atainr nature, not uoiuz i ihirtr on tne otner. me oar was O. 14 of Block 5. nieasur-l . k.iu t t.xii I IaIdum n Ita Ihl I nt. .ii jet on Main Bireet DJ V I F t.i , .t...k i.. mm.. l.vl WhIU AMntlnna im mln ad. I ( all of said property b.ln, rMuM cti therj miN Sd scrlptlons-merchantmen, steam. IDS town oi urevuvuiv, r .ffnr nn(lnncrt nf mrUnn nn hnlh sides oi en. and besides the ASbUClOt. Kearsarge and Baco, the Japanese iron-clad Asuma Khan (the old Stonewall), and three gunboats. dusk it was overcast and rainy with strong puffs of wind, the ba rometer falling' rapidly. I was standing on the forecastle about 8 p. m., and then It began to In crease, and I could hear auchors being let go and chains veered all over the harbor. I ran below and took a look at the barometer 30:11, and falling T4-nl2-tds. Assignee, "r, " iT;-7.Vrt.i,i hi.h w.tlr K.t . . di.u., .n.rt rapidly ; at 9 o'clock 7, and the rocks : the shores lined with bro- 1 ' ... m " . w I "l . . t 111 " I Hu J L.ll.a .MJ A J.LINt MMM aaa at a nens wun reierence to i w uuwuug mrii , vm i One lot of ground with I warehouse on the ssme, id lying In lot 4, in square 2rotttiu AO feet on front 1 running back IIS feet on treet. h)I of which said will be sold under said de aid court, wherein Hlrscb .were tbe petitioners, and sold on said day between s prescribed by Inw. f then beeonts lust be trur placed m nils apart, and at oth- as otkarstrouLs. Ttiu: J f jers ei'lt miles. Wu not some- all tbe clone Alberto appwJ thing touaa to yield wnere a con have been an entire disregard of traoted channel occurred, or where this requisite more serious eon- the escape from this partially pent (deration than any other in the up reservoir flrst struck the oppo management of this work for let sing bank f fl take the liberty to the levee be ever so strong, a bad anticipate that under one manage, location must causa iniurr at some mout there will be one uniform point where the embankment nap-1 passage oDservea oetween tne pen to be notlte so itroeg as levees all the way; not making at otners, as ii ueea points are i levees nix in reference to tne iat TKK TIIOl'BAXD DEMOK8, It came out in exactly the opposite direction, and then, blowing all the time Just as hard, followed the compass right around. The Saco went by us sgain, and tbe Immense fleet of junks went crash ing and tiuking all over the har bor. Through the almost Impene trable gloom I could make out the Stonewall close aboard by the flash of her mluute guns. Our ship rolled iu the niouutaiu-locked harbor of Xagasaki as heavily as in a heavy ocean swell. About half-past one a. m. the barometer jumped from 38:13 to 28:47 aud be gan rapidly to rise. I could not help but wonder at the great pow er this little instrument hsd to relieve human anxiety. Tbe ad miral's face of dull care immedi ately brigbteued, and iu fact all felt as if an Immense weight was lifib.1, for many thought that if our anchors held we might be BtTM DOWN AND POUKDKBKD. The typhoou rapidly abated, aud soon all hands had gone below to catch a little rest during the few remalnlug hours. The morning broke clear aud calm, but with wreck and destruction on every side. The mastheads of dozens of juuks were visible sticking out of the water all around ns. On the right hand rocky shore were piled Ave large steamships, the majority of them blown completely out of their element, high and dry, with masts and sails in inextricable confusion. The majority of tho merchantmen bad lost all their masts and spars. One of the lar gest foundered at her anchors, others were total wrecks and piled in every imaginable way on the VJinTM, HIES OAEDn AKD IIOL.8TX2U1211. fHOLSTl I USALIft I . M 1A DBAliIR IU hind of Pnrnltnre.Msttr-SM s L special attention raid to all repairs, all kinds of stttrws ;to order. t St. between Washington Av. " GREENVILLE, MI88, t878-6m. of their heighth must occur when ooDosed to the axis of tbe stream. Hence the Catfish and Eoilvar breaks during the recent inunda tion, when Denial noudins had taken place; such salient poluts thus becomo a series of obstacles at variance with any permanent system, fort bey cause mauy breaks l nols acording capacity for any In time of flood. more water than they are now Among the other evils attending subject to, and have to convey ll UUItaalA n air III! auamvI ami I fonts wtVmJs abbsb tMAtt l a a mabb mem tuv ssltsJtja iv uuuriiiivu vbsvi essiaweavi iivih aaavaa vw u avtvesiiKsv . uui easaa was one originating from the I am aware of any neighborhood Hoard of Levee Commissioners, where the people are prepared to Sometimes a desire to represent a receive a new accession of water Satooilst rnjetk. following prayer was offer- saloon keeper In Spring- l)hlo, on the occasion of a r of ladies visiting his place ness to pray for the closing (saloon. After the ladies imlttcd aud seated, the ta mper offered the following: 'ghty Creator, who made land earth, and created man s own Image as the ruler of rth ; wblle animals feed on jtd water, thou didst teach rvant Noah to make wiue, ven when he used it to ex hou didst not chastise htm. 'nly son Jorus, at tho wed- t Caua, after the wine was auk. made wiue from water, t tho pleasure of tho guests J not bo marred. The great er Luther said: 'Wlioso not love wine, woman and remains a fool all his life;' ill great men have drank of inc thou hast given thy chit on earth. Now we beseech (oh Lord, look at these worn- ho are not thankful for thy local work became the patriotic incentive of some member, and thus levees were punt wnere wer ought not to have beeu, and of df- T -I . ......II .. . . thus well-meaning but unskilled directors took the place of science and practical kuow ledge, ana iu efficiency was often installed tc preside over the lives and proper iv of thousands. At times a planter on the front " Bo you haven't anything to do, (some retired member of the Board I eh T " naked tbe court. from the Mississippi river. Very respectfully, UICHABD A. O'llBA, Civil Euglnecr. " One o' them fellers," remarked and practical kuowledge. and In- Bllah, as he handed out Tom Lud efficiency was often installed to d. ton . ywin ori.,ed hiMMiii. iivm. tkA iivab end tiifitiAr. I .ington, n young man enargeu with vagrancy. and dlsaCected from lack of re appointment) or a disappointed politician was always ready to eu loin, or to declare the acts of the incoming Board ' unconstitution al." and that "the whole thing must be broken up." Such were the eramplng Influences that earn estness In the Board was met with. 1 But in all the dlflculties the want of a knowledge of the force tbev were contending with, and the laws governing it, with large levees aud small oues, straight oues and crooked ones, was not the least ot the evils. The width or direction to be riven this in creased flood never once entered iuto tbe calculations' of even the SMASI llBWtCMABtl flflskM SVASSSb1 well-lmpr-ved plantations, with V We" lnto nKU d the re their cott.jrtabie homes, con verg- malnder of the world retires to 1 - I LI. 1.1 ...1 ..T . .... . . ou vii buiuo ur-uij imumni yv- rest, you'a nave a bed and some nIu0 ;ir"rM5!r0r: covering. TheyU hire some one uM muai lkra iu i..r.. to hoe that dirt off of you, cut your ana "wey joustM proteetea" u"r yr nans, ana wnen they have their loct) Influence and I you oome out you will be so die their interests must be guarded. m!j th&t VruiF Awn inAiKa will they want to level thy cWl- tT?.!!'Jr!1 JA ?' think you are an English Duke vlth tho hfist. and force recMml.X V "M Tw7). ... t..M !.... j.-S. v.- with the beast, and force to drink water like an ox; these womeu keep up style er dress and other extrava- not necessary to our wel- forcing their husbands into EVuptcy, leaving them of all the loveliness of thy , often forcing them to sul Oh, Lord, look at these la they have not even the color olr faces that thou gavett j, but are sinning against thee ; elng satisfied with, the been f nature, they paint up their Thou canst also perceive they have not the form thou i bestow upon them, but they humps on their backs like als; thou seest that their head is of false hair, and when open their mouths thou seest V false teeth. These ladles A husbands who will silently bait to all this without makiug (of the power bestowed upon i, that woman should obey him. 1 they do not wish to bear any -he burdens of married life; y are too lasy to raise children. C Lord, have pity on them, and g them back to thee ; take the y out of their heads and give a brains instead, so that they perceive their own foolishness. 3me country editor has so;jes- to the Burners of his neighbor J to sow plenty of rye. We ;-oss he is "going back" on old jrbun. across and around the point, dl verting it from the course it would take were there no levees on the points. ; This being multiplied br the number of such poUts, will give some idea of the retardation of tne flood-water In the entire river, and Ita incapacity for discharge. To obviate the diSculty required greater means than the Boards controlled for the settlement ot of dsmares. Besides, the taxes the greatest quantity of water 11- topgallant masts were on deck 'i?!V..awJV ","irtlned and everything snug aloft. About uwui uuiuiuui niiiauK I iu. L.n. J .1-... r. Much has beeu said of outlets to w." !OT.U " T relieve the river from excess of thorns on both chains, and brought water. I know of no portions of I up on both anchors with a sharp the Mississippi valley having chan-1 ni.i-i, .urted thm Whnnt l .. . -I . u - " '"K clicii iur but I - . . ... ... m . oi iuo muu, uu un amp urafjxou about two lengths, then let go the starboard sheet and dragged In about ten seconds more, when we fetched up on the sheet, which brought the ship up and swung on for an Instant . HROADSIDI TO THI WIND, when, after a fearful careen, she slowly righted and swung " head to." Ten mlnntes after, with ba romotcr at 38:31, the wind blowing so hard that it was utterly impoi slble to walk forward, except to crawl on your belly, something white went by, and away went our foretopgallaiit sail, saying "good bye " to tbe yard as neat as could be, the latter being at the time lashed iu the rigging; and then, with guns of distress firing all over the harbor, an immeuse black object loomed up on our port-bow and came down rapidly upon us, when the admiral rushed to the port on the half deck and sung out to stand by to veer on all chains, and to let go the starboard sheet. Down came the immense steamer with three anchors down, and going ahead with her engines full speed, yet still passing us stern foremost at the rate of about five knots au hour. I was standing aft, when I heard Captaiu Dekraft say: "Admiral, she'll rout usi she'll foul us!" A sudden, pow erful puff of wind, aud the gallant old Hartford brought up sharp on her starboard anchors, and swung slightly bnt rapidly to starboard, causing tho dragging steamer to sheer our quarter and carry sway the gig. ho was eoon lost in the PITCHY DAIKNUS, A few minutes after the Saco went by us, steaming with all her might and four anchors down, yet steadily dragging on the rocks. Then the Kearsarge began to send off all kinds of fireworks, and we saw tho Ashuelot and a German brig, which was athwart her haw ser, go drifting off. About eleven o'clock the force of the wind was terrific utterly impossible to de scribe. At seven bells the barom eter wss 38:18, " Nothing," mourntully answer ed the prisoner. "Out of work no home, and your caah so short that you couldn't get Into a woman's rights conten tion, eh " continued hie honor. ii You've struck It'pardner." an swered the prtsonsr, with a smile. "Yea, and now I'll atrlke you, Mr. Luddingtou. I'm down on loafers and vags, and I'm going to boost you for sixty if It tears tbe desk down. You'll have something to do up there 'besides sitting on a box In an . alley and whistling ' Come, Love, Corns.' And when ken Junks aud sampans, aud tho water COVXRCD WITH DEAD BODIES and debris of every kind. The Stouewall had parted both her chains and gone ashore and filled, with a large hole iu her tide. On shore the destruction was awful The solid stone " bund" was torn to pieces, and tbe rocks and stones, weighing on an average half a ton a plcre, thrown across the street and Into tlie gardens of the houses farlug. All the latter wcro down, including ihe Governor's now pal ace. - The streets were filled with timber, beams, bricks, tiles, bro ken limbs of trees, aud the whole city presenting on every side wreck, desolation and death. The Japs themselves were drlvou near ly wild, and go around with the longest faces In tho world. Ppor fellows 1 they deserved all the pity imaginable. Eighty junks were sunk In this harbor alond, and in all SfiO dead bodies picked up. We (that Is the fleet) came out all right. We lost our launch, dingy and Br it cutter. Steam launch pretty well knocked. The Ashuelot lost her head booms. The Saco and Kear sarge sro all right. The sudden changing of the wind undoubtedly saved the two latter vessels. Such was the great typhoon, and now rumors of floods, wrecks and destruction of property reach os every day. Nothing for tho last seventy years has equaled It. lost sight of-and the "points" 0T" umw " ducks and buy ' - . . i an must oe leveea au roona, ana tne i "". accumulating head o' water it The prisoner said ho was willing BUM mam wru w go Md ir the Institution pleased MBftiMl AnnatM in tH an a mewl-1. . m 1 . i.. th. tE. J TiiZhZZ ,h. him as well aa he thought It would difference between the distance m,W me back for a longer sentence. Professor Wilder, of Cornell Uni versity, gives these short rules of action la eases of aeeldent i For dust Jn the eyes, avoid rub bing; dash water Into them. Re move cinders, etc., with the round pointofa lead pencil. Remove In accruing from these " points lt- frnm 7Z. :IJL nr. mitn mn hlt to th. V.M.1 M0U from tn V P'd Water denartment whan a natchle svs. " Put hard instrument Into Urn was all that could be adopted the ear. If an artery is cut, com' each year, losing sight of the cost press the wound ; If a vein Is cut, oi ouuaiBx ana maintaining mis mhhihh halA. TP .TiaL ul mI Ellte',i.!!'2!TS?-"0d. poa ell-foM., and cough. For hindrance U "the low of ., P P ld water occasioned thereby. wster 5 the skin Is destroyed, gvt rm oi wis annual uooa, cover wun varnisn. Bniotner a two w aaTo to oeaecompiisn- ftra with carpets, etc. ; water wiU u, uaueiTi sirst, to give tne .M.n .nM. n. securi-t BuCMBtterrtss Into the I "e the danger. Suck poison sea. The key to tklsVtter is rirht h wounds, unlene your mouth to sore. at the river's smmth. The ebetrue- In ease of poisoning, excite vomit- moved!' The rJZ?m!?:t "Allng the throat, or by oower within Itself to do ao whe. w-Md. For acid sol- aided by appliances suci ss was I 0 tve aelis In ease of opium proposed py uoionei i-i-s as I pouotuc, ctve strong eocae ana ararr wouia not oe ntraioi IihmHm nas oeen miuu tvrHunu, in Lr 'liti, trtate Co nir.u wrs ijrtusi froa tlree ta seves K. - ti krar. A -a" t;:-.s " pst ts aii - ei ts tit2n of t-e river. I; i wUsl rt-:a ust..l far sto,l Zt titzLi tL) wten Um salary tX.ress, Exnuell, of wte zllz3 esovh to tr"J t:rr, t! ted tofcto ws to " ss :s I' -r g sand." the gale was so fearful that it was impossible to hear a yell in your very ear, and the rain came down like knife-blades. We heard tbe snapping of the masts of an im mense Dutch merchantman, chored a little off onr starboard how, where she evidently had part ed her chains. She wout by us like a flash; then two immense Junks came tearing down upon ns, and striking our taut cables, were blown high and dry on them, which caused us to surge ahead, when the poor devils sank with their living ear-oes. Ono only eame over enr bow, with bead tleedlu, aai setrht protection. Ws wsre now under full, head of steam and slowly drar4"t. At 13, with tits teroirotsr at M, it tJA almost cz;.-! f;r a-t two minutes, tfceu, wii a yell it nriuisg Interest. I find In the papers two little Items which appear to me to pns- i thrilling Interest. One states that "there Is an epidemic among the goats ln Asia Minor," and the other Informs us that " Terra del Fuego Is for sale." When I reflect upon the almost pathetic Interest that to felt ln this country In the sanitary condition of the goats of Asia Minor, aud upon the vast number of Americans who do not slsep at night because of their great and Irresistible yearning to buy up Terra del Fuego at auction ; and when I remember that American newsMuera have lately paid for several costly cable dispatches whhh Informed that Cardinal An tonelll's gout to better, aud that the Earl of Yarborough was drun ker than usual, I feel that If It was The bowling of '.!" The crtaJffl Oman. An excited Dutchman with dis heveled locks and voice iu a line frenzy rolling, rushed into the Mayors's office, and said : " Ish de Mayor of d town mit de house?" On receiviug a response in the affirmative from that official, the agitated Teuton exclaimed : " What klud of a town vas you keep in dish country T I keep no better towu ash you. I sell out. I pay no more taxshes mclu Gott, 1 pays no more taxshes 1 " Quoth the Mayor: "Calm your self, my friend. Sit down aud state your grievances quietly and plainly. What has come over the spirit of thy dream?" " It vas not dream. I pees wide open ash daylight. Ono runs dish way, oue dat way, one udder way. Gott for dam, I no catch 'em." "What were they-dogs ?" " Dogs I dogs I you vas a smart mans t Dogs steal watcrmelonsh I Oh, no, dat vas too thick I " "Oh! some of tho boys have been stealing onr watermelons. Is that it?" "I don't tolo you so? I come my house out last night und see a noise mlt my garden patch. I tinks das vas so gomlcal as never was. I got on de top of mine tip toes und look de fence over. Oh, mine heart vas broke I " 'What did you see?" " Yaas ! Vat I see ! Dat was a lofcly melou so big ss a dozen times. I expose it wss de biggest melon I never was." The old mail actually wept, and the Mayor refrained from intra ding on his griof. In a few mo mouts the " plundered gardener mastered his emotion, and said : " Tree little son or a gnns was cutting off dose melons right In mine distance before mine noso. vas so mad I say Oof 1 und up dey rnnavayt" "Did you give chase?" " Who va Chase ? I gift" uot- ttng dey shteal em." "But didn't you pursuo tho ras cals?" "Yaas I vontto suodem ros. cals." "Didn't you run after thorn?" " You don't cxposo I vas run avoy from 'cm, eh ? I run. quick enough, you bet, but dey vas more of a hurry as a race horso. Dey don't go all of the same way. Tree boys runs sooner as one old Dutchman. I got so closo of ono as dls house, an' a dam hole fall up and spread me on the ground." " So they got away ? " " Das vas de vay dey got." "Did you recognize the boys?" "Keckon dey vas nice poys? No. dey was dam tiefs." " Do you know thorn r " " Nein. Dey would no shtop to get acquainted." "Well," said the Mayor, "I don't see that I can do anything for you, inasmuch as you don't know who tho boys are. If you catch a boy in your watermelon patch and bring hlin to me I will punish him." " Yaas, you vas mighty smart ! Who va I bring him mit If I don't catch him? Das vas de kind of a trouble I am. I come of you to catch him. Das vas your pocsness, don't it ? . I don't expose you will do it eh? Don I pays no more taxshes. I no like snch a town. Can no leave miue watermelon patch long enough for de dam poys to keep out of. I pay no moro taxshes. Oof!" 820,000 WORTH OF GO DS JUBT RECEIVED BY J. LBHGfMDLD, " V Dealer In Flour, Daoon, Lard; Meal, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Uolmuieft, Tobocro, Tin and Wooden Ware, oxxoso. GRECKVILLj!, MISS. Practice In Washington and lose. quena counties, and in the United 8tats Courts at Jackaor. . apt! CMAB. W. UtABKB. JOHN W. SMBXB. CLARKE 8IHELDH, ATTORKKVB AT UV On Walnut street, near the Court House Greenville, Mias. W. A. HAY CB A FT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kent Estate Agent, GREENVILLE, MISS UaVes the psyoMnt oT taxes, ledefltp lion, sale and leasing of lands a speciality. W. A. FKRCY. W. 0. VKBOI PERCY & Y1SR0EB. ATTORNEY 8 AT LAW, CBEBSVILL2, MISS. W. n. TK1CU. D. M. BCCKJIBn TRIGG fc BTJemtNEZJ. ATTORNEYS ATZAHTf O REEK TILLS. 1TIS8. Office In New Bank Building, Mala? street np-etairs. Illi'l i AND NOTIONO, CROCKERY, Jug and Glass Wars. Greenville Mississippi. t9I want It distinctly under stood that he who undersells me will have to "GET UP A3 CU3T." Sept. 12, 1871 g W. FERGUSON, ATTCXZY AT LAW, TTTILL PRACTICE in the Courts if of Tauiea. Coahoma. BoUrars' Washington and Issaquena Cenaties, snd attend to the sale, purchase ead leasing oi plantations eno BtrBsens st taxes. LAIC3, A2TS CS3LI21 supply or DRUGS JUST RECEIVED AT C. "WHITE'S. o Embracing every article usually called for o. Dru3, XXcdlelncs, BOAPS, Fancy Articles and Uqusrt. August SO, 1874. the Dsonle of this-country would soon collapse sgain Iuto darkness and Ignorance and hopeless chaos. MaxAdler. One night a Detroit policeman passing a certain house about ten o'eloek, saw a man drop from a window, and heard smothered cries Inside. He seised tbe man for a bnrglar, but soon found be had tho owner of the house In his clutches. " Well," said tbe officer, 1 It look ed suspicious to see you drop out of window that way." " Yes," re plied tbe man, heaving a sigh, " but when the old woman gets her dander Sp I alnt particular what rend I Uke to got out of the house. Wat. Cullsn Bryant, the poet, snd editor of ths Nsw York Even- lug Post, to eighty years old. Sharif's Sale. The State of Mississippi, ? Washington County. J In Washington Circuit Court, to M iron term, 1875. Joseph Roseuneld, vs. S. I. Lcngsfield, adm'r., J. J. McMurrar, and V T. Handnrs k Co. By virtue of the above execution, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, at tbe door of the Court House In Greenville, within the hours prescribed by law, to the highest bidder, for cash, on the 1st Monday of December next, all the right, title and interest of the de fendant. J. J. McMurrny in and to the following described property, towiti W Lot 19. Second Addition Town of Greenville. ... The same having been levied up. onasthei-roperty of the defendant J. J. MoMurray. and will be sold to satisfy plaintiff's claim and all """ 0. WINHLOW, Bherlffof Washington County. W. II. Bmith, D. 8. 03t 31st. W. H BERRY CARPENTER & BUILDER -TBERPECTFULLY taferms the pub Xli lin that ha hoi nnened a slion on Main Street, nesrthe river, and Is nreDared to furnish material, and build, or do any kind of Jobbing or repairing oy conirao or asy. Bash, Doors and llnds fur sale. Plans of speol3tlons for bu" J Ing made to order apr-lii GALOOrJ! E5 O O e-3 'LJ 'JTZ KENNEDY & HANWAY. Bestcl WINES & LTQUORSs ruro Havana uigars, California Wines, Lncor Beer. Ect. Vain Street, next to WaiMnglon Hotel, Greenville, Mini. (oet26) JJOTICE TO THE - PLANTERS OP SSssUuppl, Lonisiana Ss Arkansas, trsrl hei-ebv inform mv friends and natrons that I have Jimt recelv- . . . I- l .. 1.! ... ......a eu a larjre siock oi uimui such a Gin Inws, Doxings, Grntes Itc lata prepared to file and nepla?e Gin dawn, Fill and repair all kinds of O I IV BRUSHES, At the plantation orot my shop on Popular 8t., between Washington Avenue aud Main streets, Greeuvlllo, Mississippi. June 6, 1874. Gin-Wright a. pmi. ATTORNEYS AT LAW tJreenvUle, Bllaa. , 3"WI11 nraetloe in the U. B. Courts, Buprcme Court and tbe Courts of Washington, Bolivar and Sunflower Counties. out. S.T4. r. A. NOMOMBaT. a.n. ATTORNEYS 'AT LAW, Ritkrtos, Bolivar county, Miss. W. 8. FARISH, " ATTORNEY AT ULXT , Maybbsviixe, . Isaaaaaa Ceaatjr. laalssts, October S.Tt-nf. ATTORNEY AT LA7, ORBESH VILLI, MISS., TTTILL PBACTICE in the United VV Btstes Courts and the Bee Conrt of tbe State, and ths sapfssis dirsait ....i ri r i r ii t.i uu vuaui.rji uuuri wi nnHwiii ooiirar ana ouunower connues, bb tttend to Cearts. cater Gresnvllle Restaurant. HAVING leased ttio old Jlctro politan Hotel premises.' the public are hero Informed that I will keep a First Class Restaurant m thorcin. Where meals may no nau at all hours. I will slso keep con stantly for sale, rewltrr.riah, Orstara, Celery, aud other delicacies of the season. r-ATRONAOK INVITED epr. 4. 74. JULIUS MARTIN e. Er:oo DIALIBIK Faclly Groceries, CANED-FRUITS, PICKLES A PKB8KRYKS, WINES & LIQUORS, TOBACCO h CIGARS. Also at my bar NICEST DRINKS ' ere mixed bv persons who know exaotlyhow they should be prepar ed, aim are aept on uanu. HAVANA CIGARS, of the richest fragrant. To those who desire a qnelt Saloon, good Drinks, and line Cl(rars, we sey, On Mulberry C t. Greenvie, 1 lc:!rP' July 3th, 873-tf. J-R. J. L. YOUNG DENTIST, Having locatod in Greenville, ropoctfuIl.v Infnrins the cltlsens thereof aud surrounding country that be is prepared to attend toaa tho duties appertaining to his pro fession. Those favoring him With their patronage may rest assca that their work will be done in tie most thorough and skillful manner aud nouo but the beit of materlus wed. . , . Office st tbe residence of W. B. Wheatley, near tbe Court Coe-e. Parties desiring to be visited at their residences in the country, will leave word at the oCloe or at Fiulsyls Drug Store. oetl74a Worthington, Bucknsr&Ca GREENVILLE, MISSISSITri. Transact a General aniili .. a- w. Collections made and proceeds remitted, on dsy received. , BUY and sell on oommlssloBsaU kinds Bonds, Bcrlpand w? imca u, rants. .nrTAnUIUD f. Clr" MitlobnMrtn a r ......... OBBKMVILLR, - DBALKBS IN OiUssUsu Kais art Tpxc'l baeeect : June27 Of i i nceoJvria' c:; : 1 the Msdstratss Oae 7, 1S7B-U Dr. N. C. Skinner, OFPEBS HIS PROFESSIONAL SEGYICIO TO IHB ' Citises cf CrtavlIIa AKD THBt Oouat7 At Iisszo. OrricK at his dwelling on Main Street. may 23, 1874. DR. ALEKAtXIU'O aai3 tliiTi5i HAS been re-opened in Elliott's Tin-Shop on Washington Av. Every drug in his stors is perfect ly fresh, and warranted pure, snd he gives his personal attention to tho preparation and sale of his drugs. He can be found at his store day and night, ready to serve his old frieuds and customers. Greenville, September 19,'74-8m. -j