Newspaper Page Text
if ; ' " v PROFESSIONAL. F. & L. B. VALJ.IANT, iTTOnXEYS AT LAW 'Vi dun uuntc lift if $ i 'H if J 1E0 EVEKY SAtl'Kl'lT EY THE ; C? BAJTESCPT SALS. irsuaneeof a decree rendered District Court of the United lor the Southern District of Ippi at Jackson In sid Dis D Wednesday the 7tU day ber, 1S74. In the matter of fc Co., Bankrupts, the lin ed Assignee of beelig & Co. Weed to k11 to the highest for cash, at the door of the louse iu the town ot Green- V 28ft dsy cf Dijeaber, 1S71, Wing described property 'atA i if (Aid Ktliir & Co., tts. to-wit: Lot No. 15 of io.'5, measuring &"i feet 'reel by 115 feet deep, anil No. 14 or Block 5, naasnr feet on Maiu street by 17t i all of wild property twtng In the town of Greenville, I Washington nnd State of pi ; also the following de roperty and estate situate town of Barnard, in the of Chicot aud State of Ar l and described as follows, I Ono lot of ground with )d warehouse on the name, )nd lying In lot 4, in square ifroiitinir fit) leet on front i riiimhi? back 11- feet on ..-..,1 .11 ,.t m1, ti ll until II . w " -- r will be sold under said de said court, wherein Hirsch (were the petitioners, nnd o!doo said day betweeu irs prescribed by law. iCOB ALEXANDER, B74-nll!-tds.-. Assignee XTIJVJLuVV sc CO. " . PKAMittS IX r ii u a AND DEDICINES, tTMEHY, TOILpT OArS, Oils, Dye, Glass. ALSO '" AND MINERAL l Draught and h fisti!a: ir Washington' Avenue nuil Molberrv'stroots, GREENVILLE r WIRTH, JIHET JUAXBJ; AND PIIOLWrKIlKIt. DEAI.KK IN ! L kinds of Furniture, Mattr.-ss-s c., Bpcclal attention pnidtu ull pf repairs, nil kinds of Matticss eto omul'. Int St.bctwcon Washington A v. ; I' 1873-Uai. )ry &. Saia Stabs I AND hbd stohe. S nnderalRiieil lieieliy unnonnee b the pnhlio, thut they have ta large of their DTABLE TA.SHINOTON AVENTJE. A of attention given to nil ; ( OTOOIS KTRU8TED TO THEM. K;K for sale on hand constant- r i t cr Hay, Oats, nnd Bran, Public patroiiaRfi is . respectfully solicited. McLean. Sros, 59,1873. a HEW AND COMPIETS L SCrPLY OF D RUGS. f JUST RECEIVED t O.WHITE'S. Embraobg every nrtlcle t 'usually oalled for do, ruigSt IZedicinos, j SoArs; : . ' August 2!), 1S74. CALQOi! XnEDY & HAN WAY. ( Bestoi WES &LIQVOIIS, Pure Havana Cigars, California Wines, . Lniror Boor, Ret. i Street, next to Wmh!iifUm 'lotvl, Qrcenvltlc, Miss, (oel.d) A. FXJLTON, 'BLACKBMITIi, acksniitliiiiK nud llorso hiiotiiug. ALL JiUNNEB 01" ' ichino. and Boiler Work doiip PA-pmlltioUH and j , sjilllluny.- TSIion on Mulberry street ihof Washington, nveiiuo. eenville, Nov. 7, 1874 -ly. (if vol,, r Vicsaesc Iaciicnt. Au agreeable story Is one which find in the Prester Lloyd On Tuesday of last week, a youiif? and poorly-clad girl entered a Danter 6 shop in Vienna, nnd told the pro prietor liiai ne Oman uu; ic. Ijead." The frlscur exaiuiued her Ion?, glossy, chesnut locks, and be gun to oargani. no t eight gu'uen anu no iiiorn. iiu was plentiful this year, the price had fallen, there was less demand, and other phrases of th klud. The little maiden's eyes mica wuu tears, and sh hesitated a inoniont while threading her fingers through her chesnut locks. She finally threw herself Into a ctiair. "in God's name," she gasped, "take- it quickly." The barber, satisfied wltli ti!3 bargain, was uuouv w clinch it with his shears when n gentleman; who sat half-shaved, looking on, told him to Etqp." "My cliild." said he. "why do you want to sell your hair?" "i!y mother has beeu nearly live months hi; i cnii't work euousrU to support us i everything has been sold or pawn t. ami tliero ia not a iienny lr the house," imd kkn kreutstr h,tn. "Ko. no. my child." said tlie B'.ranger, "if that is the case, I , will buy iwr liuir, and will give you n hundred gulden for it." Ho gave tho poor -sirl the note, the sight of which had dried her tears,, and took np tho barber's shears. Taking the locks in his hand, hb took tho longest hair, cut it oil" alone, and put it carefully in his pocket-book, thus paying one hun dred florins for a single hulr. lie took the poor girl's address, In case he should want to buy puother at tho Bamo rate This charitable man Is only designated as the chief of a great lndattrhl' enterprise within the city. . 1 . To recupiUilnto, tho irrnnd-chil-dron of ihe Empress Josephine, through her sou Prince Eugene, : The eldest, Queen tit Sweden and Korwi.y, whose son ia now King of Sweden and Norway, nnd whose gratnl-da tighter' 4s Ciwn Princess of Denmark ; the second. Princess of Hohenzolleru- lleehlngen, of tho royal liouso of Prussia ; the third, Pnnco Consort of Portugal : tuo tuurtii. I'jiinress of Itmzil : th fifth, Conntes of Wui'tcmlierg, of Xhe roynl house of WiutPinoeig i tho sixth, 'Prince ItomntiovKklj of !h' .Imperial famt ly of P.iifsia. The sole representa tive of Josephln.i' thr.uigli her daughter IfnrteRse, i j the Prince Imperii' 1 of France, whoso jieneahv gy is as follows: Horteme Euge nie de Beitiihnrnnls, imirricd, Jftn- uiu'V 8, JiO'iis l.ionapart:.', a ytiiing brother of Napoloiui, alter ward Kin.'' of Ilollund. Thev had three chtlilren : I. Napoleon Charles horn in I'm I, October 10, lfiO'J : died nt tho Hague May 6, 1507. 2 i'ui oh mi 1 1 Louis, horn In Pnrbt Ou. toher 11,. 1801 j maiT'ed in 1827 (!hiii!olta Bonaparte, the second daughter of Joseph, his father's eldest brother, mill died without is. Bile March 17, I'iil. ii. Charles Louis Napoleon, born lu Pnrls April 2, 1808; married January 2J, JH kI, Mario i'Higenio do Monti o do Ousuuuiy Porto-Carre ro, Countess Teba. Theirenly child. Nanoleon Eugeno Louis .lean Joseph, Prince Impcorial of France, was born lu Tuilcries, Paris, March 18, 18)(t. lioilare predict that this youth. tuo grent-granusoii or Josepmnc will 'never sit upon tho throne of uraucona xsapoioiin iv ? . Spbllcd Ojstcrs, " Hafe you got sonic of dot kind of oysters what havo bcon sjihll ed?" "".Yes, wo havo a fow cans left over from last week that think will suit you." "How you solt 'em a dozen?" "O, I'll sell 'cm light j j ou may havo nil you wanMui a nickel." " Veil,, den mine goou lrcnt, vnt you ho bo kind to prlng fnc four 'dozen from dot damaged lot?" The oysters wcro brought, and tho customer put them quietly down in the pit of his stomach, and having finish. cd the job ho tald to the rcstnura. tcur: "Now, my good frcut, you havo got somo good oysters, aint it?" "You're mighty right, have." Veil, I takca half dozcu raw nud some pickles." These wcro in turn served, and quickly put aown ou top of those gono be loro. jjut tno restaurateur was troubled,, and when tho patron came tosctllo the bill, said to him "Look hero, I don't like to bo too inquisitive, but Mowed if I would not like to know why you have took a fancy to bo ninny spiled oysters and so few good oncs ? " "Veil," replied the man, "you have pecn a good frcnt to mo and so I told you something. You bco it vas dis way. Now I have got a tapo-wonn, my kiut frcnt, you un durstaud : uut cfry tmc dot is'dc way I havo to do. Yon aeo dot las't half dozen, dem vns for, nunc self; but dot damaged lot dem vas for do tape-worm. You know I aint dot kint otT a Commodoi' Vnndcrpilt vat I cuu afford to pnike up nunc whulo pecsntss to feed a tarn tapo-woria on goot oysters." CHeiiUiiff Oct, From tie Biuevejisirt, Li. TLog. , Let tt limterstood tlirouirliofit tho wUfck BtaUy as itiu iu North Louisiana, that persons who allow tlieiuselvoa to lio coimted in nnd lit tempt to -usurp the functions of uflloo iu derogation of tho popular will, shall the tu-'iaity with their lives. An Oregon Mnuk-tnith is Mltd a "horfrt jeweler." GREENVILLE, AVYSXIirfGTON CO., . Tli Sf t Ccngrtss. The npst Congrt-- (to meet iu March, 1375), will present an ulifn- miliar scene to the frcqucuter ot the galleries of the House, aud the lady correspondents will be kept busy noting the'uew frees which have just appeared upon thtf scene aud bewailing tlio absent heroes whom an untoward fate lias left' at home. Ilio 'dignified, bearing and white most ache of Fernando Woodj tho eccentric ccmedy of Suuset Cox; tho modett, quiet face of IKcliael Korr : the weazen form of Alexander II. Stephens, will employes many pens as bo fore. (icueralY.auks w ill be hail ed upon his return to tho floor as Democrat onco more, aud ono or two ojher Republican leaders iu time past will bo noted for their activityou the other side. Speak er Blaiuo hurled from his Olym pian throno to tho common lot of common Congressmen, will cnuso many Sapphic tears .to flow, nnd General Dawes, long the hayseed god of bouibazino quill drivers, will bo described as a picture of utter loncliuess and despair. But Dawesfor.SQ many years tho heavy fcathor. of tho llouso, owing to tho tidal .wavo which swept over Massachusetts, will bo found not there; neither in tho Senate, whore a Democrat will Bit in the chair of Charles Sumner.- Horace Mnyiiard, dark aud swarthy hb nn ludian, a favorite subject for tho femulo pen, lias also disappeared. Tho rich ambrosial locks of Gene ral Negley, a match for Logan's raven hair nnd Farusworth's tlpw- ing beard iu the days of auld lang sync, will no longer float through tho corridors and in aud out of the Speaker's room. General Syphcr's military bearing will be missed at tho head of tho array of strikers. But, saddest picture of a sadden lug ' scone, General Butler will rango no nioro with loonino feroci ty through the national menage iIk la ids loss the dramatic clement of tho llouso is lost indeed. "What should we think of a play where all tho characters wcro cut upon tho pattern of Goldsmith's village parson? 'What shall wo think of Congress where everything is stupid that is not respectable, and everything rcspoct"nblo that is not stupid? General Butler detested stupidity aud stood not with tho order of respectability-. If ho never did a thoroughly good thing neither was ho ever guilty of a thoroughly stupid thing. In him Oakcs Ames found a friend, tho' his hand had not touched Credit Mobilicr. llo defended moieties. even though tho doing of it shook tho Young lien's Christian Asso- iation to tho very foundations. He was always profane when tho Uoti8o was disposed to say tho lit any, and ho shocked tho moral senso of pcoplo not so much iu that lio was not a saint at in refu sing to bo a hvnocritc. Such a man cannot fail to bo missed, es pecially nt a timo'of political rev olution, when many now men sit iu tlio seats of old foes and old fa vorites, and a new hand holds tho wnnd which moulds legislation. Tho next Congress will bo not un like a country village after au cpl- demic the Hundav-school natrlots and tho tavern topers having dis appeared together and youth and freshness taking their places. Wo may not bewail tho loss of theso except as a bit of sentiment to employ tho pens of women, but we fear these modern Rachels will mourn in vaiu, for the decade which sent Butlers aud Spyhcrs into tho llouso is ended. Cremation. Our Berlin correspondent, says tho London Times, of tlio 1 It'll, writes undor date of yesterday : "The boiiy of Lady Dllko, who died five week ago at London, was burned on tho Will iiistanfat Dres den. The ocrcmony wnspnrform ed In the furnace recently invented for burial purposes by Herr Kio mens, ahd tua relatives of tho do ceased lady Jiermittini? Btramrcrs to bo present, a largo number of scicnlilic men attended the experi ment. When tho company had complied with Herr (Siemens' re quest to offer up a mental prayer, the colli n was placed In the cham ber of tho furnace; six minute later tho ooftlu burst. ; five minutes more the flesh began to melt away ; ten minute mora and tho skeleton wasluld bare ; another ten minutes and tho bones began to crumble. Hoventy-flvo minutes after tho in troduotion of tlio ooliln into the furnnoo all that remained of Lady l'lika dim tho wero six pounds of du;;t placed in tho urn f The bi-other-ln-luw of tins deceasoi was present." To niiiko gluo ready for instant use, tiso coinmou irhiiilty lurtcad if wntcif Put both tiMiev In a boltl?"! cork tight and set It away fot three or four days. It will then be fit for umj without tho ap plication of heat. Aa IatellL'fut V.itacss. The scene reported below occur red before the circuit court in a town in Georgia, iu the case of tlio Commonwealth vs. Cassady, 011 a charse of malicious stabbiu-'. The venuo being impaneled aud the ury soleuiuly charged, the Com monwealth's attorney- called in support of tho indictment the wit ness Buck Bryant, who being sol emnly sworn the truth to tell, tes tified as follows , ' Question by tho Commonwealth attorney Tell all you know about the cutting of tha prosecutor by U10 prisoner at tho bar. , t Answer rV, ell, gentlemen, ,Jt wps election day; 'twas a cloudy. dark, wet sort of a drizzly day, aud says I to my bid woman, I bc lievo I will go dow n to Ringgold and 'poeit my vote. And says my old wotnnn to me, well, Buck, as as it is a sort of n dark, cloudy, wet sort of a drizzly day, says sho, hadn't you better take tho umbril ? Says I to tho old woman, I 'spect I had better take tho umbril. So I took tho umbril and advanced on down towards Ringgold; an4 when I got down tiiar. Mr. Cole como and says he, "undo Buck, have you seed anything of neigh bor Harris ? Says I to Mr. Cole, for why? Says he, ho's got riiy umbril. Tho witness was hero interrup ted by the court and told to con fine himself to tho actual fray be- twecu tho prisoner aud Cole, the prosecutor. I . In answer to this tho witness re marked in a touo of indignant ro monstranco : "Well, now, jur. Judge, you hold ou, for I am sworn to toll the truth, aud I'm gwiuo to tell it my own way so taint worth while for yon lo say liolhiu' about it." Whcrotipou, the Coinmou wealth attorney, being anxious to get rid of Ilio wanes upon 6tiy terms, told him to go ou and tell his story his own way. Well, I was goiii' on to say, 'twas on election day ; Buck Hanuan and Fiiuio was running for the Legislatur, aud says I to my old woman, I bclicvo I'll go down to Ringgold nnd, 'posit my vote. Says my old woman to mo, says she, Buck, ns it is a sort of a dark, drizzly, rainy sort of a day, had'nt you bettor tako your umbril ? says she. Says I to my old woman, I 'sped I had better tako my urn bril; so Hook tho umbril and ad vanced towards Ringgold until I arrlv thar. Well, tho first thing I did when I got thar was to take a drink of Buck llannan whisky which was mighty good, and says I to myself, snys I, Old Hoss, you feel better now, don't you? And whilo I was advancing around Mr. Cole Jao camo to mo, and says he, Uncle .Buck, havo you soeu anything of old neighbor Harris ? Says I, for why ? Says he, tho old man has got my umbril. After awhile I 'posited my vote, and Mr Colo and mo advanced back to warn tiom?, and jir. Colo was tighter than I ever seed hinl. And so we advanced till wo got whar tho road and path forked, and wo tuk tho path, as any other gen tleman would, nndnrtcrndvnnciiig awhile we arriv to old neighbor Harris, setting on a log with the umbril on his arm, and about that time Elijah Cassady (tho'prisoner) came up, and wo advanced on till wo arriv nt Elijah's house. Elijah is my nopnew anu iikewiso my son-in-law. Ho married my dar ter Jano, which is next to Sally Artor wo had advanced to Elijah' house, wo stood iu tho vard awhile ajawiu' aud presently two soiiio bodys nd up vn a horso, which was Johnson and Whitfield, Cas sady behind ; Whitfield aud Kiah Cassady being the Bamo.' Kiah was drunk, nnd lio and Mr. Colo got to enssin ono another about politix and I advanced into tho houso whoro was Elijah's wife which is my dorter Jane. Well uiiurjawiu nwniw with 'ein, my muo neilcw, says he, Undo Buck let s go homo. Says I, good pop. so wo pegged out together. And that's all I kno about tho stab bmg, for I warn't there I " - Somebody m written a booli entitled : " What dhall my sou be ? 1 0 winch Rome one else replies "If tho boy Is ns bad us tho book tho chances nro. that ho will bo hanged." I'ivq drops of Hulphm-KMiciu in a .tumbler of water, to be taken in small doses at intervals, will euro tiJpUieriii by coagulating tho iliptlierio meinbraiut which inav then bo easily coughed "P. A luau cannot expect half a lout Milieu lilonfa all the time. or rIIS., SA.TUIilK.Y. How Ztck ('handler Got Even with Etfecoc ConVihi;,'. Chandler loves to boast of his strength. I'pon this particular occasion ho raised las arm over thetablo. " Sec. my mnscle," raid he ; " I can lick any man of my f iw, any where, if I am au old man; that is because I am seieuced i'l tho business. But I won't lick a man unless ho is a gentleman. Now, when a man tells dam lies about me, my way is to go and lick him if ho is a geutlcmun. Now look at Don Pot (Piatt); ho tells dam lies about mo. and I would lick him, but Don Pot is 11U gentleman.. Gerrgo Townsciid I was going to lick onco for tellitig a dam lie about me; and I hunted for him for over a week, but before I found him I learned that he was 110 geu tlcmun, and so his hide was saved." Chandler's great hobby is his skill ns a pugilist. Rosuoo Conk ling is also a great boxer. He has a private gymnasium in his resi dence at Washington, where after dinner ho invites his friends who aro gvmuastically inclined for a friendly littlo bout with gloves Conkling is a very good amateur boxer, nnd as ho is a very largo, powerful man, lio generally lias it his Own way with tho guests who are bold enough to put tho glove on with him. For some time it was an open question between Chandler and Conkling which was tho better boxer of the two. Old Zach would, after every dinner party of which ho was a member, calmly nssert that ho could Ink anv man of his weight in tho Uni ted States. One day last Waiter Chandler dined with Conkling, and tho latter inveigled tho great w ar Senator into the private gym. nasitim. The gloves wero donned and tho two doughty champion began to make graceful Senatorial pauses toward one another, accor ding to the most approved rules of the P. K. The bout, however, was of very chert duration. Old Zach suddenly received a blow be tween tho eyes which caused tho lingo Senatorial form to go over backward; his trusly legs failed him, and then he sat down so hard that tears camo out of his eyes. It took four men to get tho war Senator upon his legs, but ho threw up the sponge nt once, with out any further effort lo punish Conkling. Tho only remark he was heard to make was, "Dam straugo," and "I'll fix him yet-" "Conkling and Chandler wcro much together in a social way, and it was not long after the above occurrence when Chandler receiv ed another invitation to come up to his houso and tpreiid his legs undor, Conkling's social board. Chandler sent back word thnt ho regretted very much his inability to bo present, but ho had n guest at his house, a valued constituent frow Michigan, nnd ho could not leavo him. Conkling sent buck word, " Bring your friend along." With tills form of invitation Chan dlcr consented to como up. Ho brought his friend with him, and introduced him as Mr. Howard, of Detroit, Michigan. Howard was a sad-eyed man, of diffident man ners, who contented himself w ith paying a very close attention to tho themes of tho bill of fare, ra ther than to join in the general conversation of tho dinner table. Conkling was iu great glco during tho dinner. Ho told over and over and over ngaiu the story of Chand ler's discomfiture as a boxer, and never seemed to tiro of asking him what ho thought of his ability to lick any man in tho V. States. Chandler took all theso remarks in an 'absent-minded way, as if, suddenly, ho had becoino lifted above gny such petty ambition of considering himself a fino athlete. After dinner Conkling led his guests info tlio gymnasium for a general smoke and chut. " Come," said he. pleasant-, to Chandler, "don't you want auolh cr bant with tho glovos."1" nun then Conkling laughed again in his most, cheerful, lurkcy-gobblcr stylo, as he put ou a pair of gloves. "No, I don't want to box," said Chandler; "but perhaps my friend here would consent to uinuso you. Turning to Mr. Howard, Chandler remarked : "You box, do ion not?" ' Mr. Howard fcfiil looked sod cyed and abseiit-nij.dcd. He did once know somci! ing about it. but it wna such aloiig tinia ngj. "Come, come," mud Conk ling, "let in have a friendly bunt. I won't hurt you." Evidently tffo great New York Senator wiu fining lok.iU(.l euioo ono down. Tho ftwl-c cd 51 r. tlowai-itf evidently I'ulteri d at tiiu prospect of being kuickid down by to ditiiirruiMlud n man, Vug;; 11 D13C. r,, lM. slowly to put on a pair of gloves. As ho w as drawing on the gloves Chandler was observed to walk dowu a little to the back ground. A contented look was ou his face, and every now and then h would raise his huge right foot up under his swaying voluminous coat t-iit and give himself a congratulatory kick, expressive of rapture. Tho sad-eyed man now came forward and tho round began. Conkling was for proceeding at once to knock his opponent down, nnd he would have done so had he not found great dilileuUy iu get ting anywhere near tho sad-eyed man. Tho affair culihiiiaicd by tho sad-oyed man's enddenly rush ing forward and landing a thun derbolt of a fist betwecu Conk ling's eyes. Tho Senator went over likcablg tree, and rolled into tho corner of tho room, where he lay for a 11101m nt stunned by the concussion. Ho was heard to fay afterward that ho thought a house had fallen on him. Conkling hud enough of boxing for oiico. Chandler niado several pleasant littlo remarks about the skill of his friend Conkling, which wero not received in tho most cheerful way. Judgo of Conk ling's feelings tlio next day when ho learned thut Chaudler hud played a joko upon him by giving Mr. Howard $100 to conic up and bounce Mr. Conkling. Tho Mr. Howard of Detroit, Michigan, was none other that Jem Miu o. Tho approaching publication. of tho memoirs of I'liuc'o Talleyrand was aunounced tho other day, but it appears tlio reading public 1 not to be gratified with a sight of them for twenty-two years yet to come, owing to a rotnpact made with his Into majesty XanolHii HI. This n-tn'.c sovereign, desir ing somo eight years ngo to know what theso memoirs cont ained, re quested that a portion of the man uscript lihou'd be nent to him for enual. Thi.i wna accordingly done, and t'uo Emperor discovered that the memoirs wero in flagrant disaccord with tho Memorial ol St. Helena, a fivt which w ex ceedingly annoying to l.iin. He sunt, therefore, for Baron Charles do Talleyrand, grandson of the Prince, and requested him to in terfere with tho Valeticay family, who were Prince Talleyrand's heirs, in order to obli i 1 a further delav in tho publication. It was therefore decided upon that, in ac cordance with the .wishes of the Emperor, the memoirs t hotild not appear till after another postpone ment of thirty years. As this took placo in lStiO, we have twenty two years nioro to wait before catching a glimpso of these very interesting revelations, It was in return for this concession on the part of tho Vuleneay family that Napoloon HI caused tho title cf Duko do Montmorency to bo re vi vo. I in favor of tho second son ef tho house. Paris Leller NOTICE TO GUILDERS. QEALED proposals will bo re- ceived bv the luiuorsignca at the ofllce of the Clerk of the Hoard of, (Supervisors of Washington coiinlv. Mississippi, at tho Court Houso iu Greenville, for building a bmhre across " Straight Bayou " in said county. Said proposal.! must be accompanied with spool linntintu, nnd to be filed on or be. fore tho first Monday in January, 1175. Bv order of paid Board: WM. II. BOLTON, Chirk. By E. K. Stakfokd, 1). C. nov 28-17-1 W m: moeeis DEAI-KU IN WATCHES,' riNE PLATED 17 ARE. KTA largo assortment of the best Speeiucks always on hand. ('.rartl'-ulnr attention paid to repairing Watches, Jewelry, and all work warranted. uov"8,'74-n17 FOE EENT. Tho two small but magnificent places known ne "OTossiihi Jiilge and Oak Grove" plaiitiitions. near Kggs Point, Miss., will bo oilered bv for rent for one year from the Ii.t day of .l.muiiiy, W:t,nt public auction to l Ho highest bid der lit tho Atilfin-ii rim! ill',' Store lloii o near KifiTM J'oiiit,"MiH., 011 S.itiii-.!ar,Di!ce)nbrl--2(St!i, i7l. Approved ntciirity for payment of iviits on lime bid-) required, nuil 1 i-i-r-ei-vc tho ri(.ht to reject any and 'u!! Lh.!3. I am authorized by tlio court to r!iit citti.n,r or both p'lnees privately, and I re iiu'st.applica lions. 'riiob'who to rent desirable property will find 110 better opportunity. Api-ly toiiio on fl.e proml s. T. W. POWFLL, : Giiftiiiinii 1!. Frank James. or Tri;. -' & r.uikiier, Afioi-ni'vi', (. reenvllle, Mljft. tniv2Vl-ti17. rso. hi. $20,000.- ' WORTH OF Q O CDS JITST RECEIVED BY Dealer in ZTlou?, Sacon, Lord, Meal, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Tin and Wooden Ware, SHOES, AND- , MOTIONS, . CROCKERY, Jug and Glas3 Vare. Greenville-....'.....-. Mississippi If-TTl want It distinctly under stood that lio who undersells 111c will have t "GET UP A!iD DUST." . Sept. 12, 1S74. Boot and Shoo Storo. IT AVE Just received a large Muck of HOOTS AND SLIOICS, Ot ficst tmalitv and latest styles aim tiavo secured ono ot tiio brick b'.i'iumM mny buiug built by 1 Isenbrvg, 011 Mulberry st., where I will deal in hoots and shoes ex lusively. Until this store is coiOr plofed. Customers nro invited to call at my storo corner of Wash iirrton r.iul Loetist sts. ;' '1 also have i-hoicn stock ol Dry Goods, Grorofb, etc., chcit: lor easii. nov, ii.l 1. woodman NEW BUTCHER StfCP. Washington avenue, between Mul berry ami Locust., UEEF, VOW: AND MUTTON always on hand, cheap as tho cheapest. ; Highest market prii-o paid for GOOD BEEF CATTLK, Hogs, Sheen and Milch Cows A share of public patronage SOlll'lletl, CtNlil PAIO TOR IIIUE. nov7 A P KliKSlCCKKU jjOTICETO THE . ,x v ILATNTrn:i?H op Ifeissippi, Louisiana & Arkansas, rrg"I hereby Inform my frionds and patrons Hint 1 have just receiv ed a largo stock of Gin Fixtures such a . Vi'A Haws. Etoxlngs, f; rates &c 1 am prepared to filo and Fill and repair all kinds of C I IV IS 16 U H II K H At 'the plmitiiljon orntmy shopifi Popular St., between Washington Avenue and Main streets, Green villa, - - - Mississippi m m "3. Atjrous vnsn, j.txi:i uaii WM. ii. HA UiiliSl )JS, juiicO, 1871. . Gin-AVright Greenvili3 Restaurant. 1TAVING leased tho old Metro Ai- polilau Hotel iircmises, the public aro here informed that will keep a - ,.-.. First Class Restaurant therein Whero meals may bo had at all hours. I will nlsokecp Ton stautly for salu PonUry, FUti, r.rN(oro, Celery, ami olhcf delicacies of the season. l'XTKON AO M INVITED 0 11 r. 4. '71. Jf LI VS MARTI N DEALEIt TV . CANE D-FttU ITS, ' -PICKLES & PPvESERVES, WINK3 4 LK2UORS, TOBACCO 4 CIGARS. Also at mvtnr NICEST DRTMvS are mixed by persons who know oxastly bow they should he prepar ed. A l.i are kepi 011 hand. HAVANA CIGARS, of the richest fri glance. To thotie ri dcfiro a qii'-it Saloon, good Drinks, uJhl Fino Clgara, we say, Txy say S5aloosif , On r.ruiherrv Street,' Greenville, Mississippi, July Stli, 1S73-tf. - rf n 'ptriT n . Still nil kinds ot Liquors, by the Gallon or Hot He Clienper and belter than any house in town. - Greenville, Sept. 1, 1S7L 11 GREENVILLiS, MIS3. Fraetieein Washington and qaeua counties, and in the Limed States Courts at Jackson. ap3i CUAS. W. CLARKE. JOUX W.8U1ELBS. CLARKE k SHIELDS, ATTOEXEYS AT UW On Walnut street, near the Court- House Grvenvllle, Miss. - .W. A. UAYCRAFT, A TIOKSEY ATLAWt Heal Estate Agent, GREENVILLE, . - MISS 1 Makes the payment of taxes, edemp tion, sale ud leasing of lands a speciality. W. A. TKRCY. W. 0. YEltGa rERCY & YKROER, 9 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CnECSVILlE, MI88. W. K. TIUCU. D. M. BUCX5SA TRK3G Jte IITJCICNEK. A TIOllXEl'S AT LAW, OKEEXVILLE. KTWI. Ollleo iu New Bank Building, Mala street up-stairs. Q W. FERGUSON, AtAVf) WILL PRACTIC3 in tho Coarta of Tunica, CMiioina, Bolivar, Washington and loHMpjena Counties, aiul Mttuml to tho wle, patebtM ana tcttsing of plantations aud parment i taxes. ... W. U. l'luliw. JoahM SkHUMT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Urccnvillf, Mlaa. KJTWni uractlco in the U. 8. Courts Supreme Court .and tho Courts of Washington, Bolivar and Sunflower Counties. oct.S.W. A. MXTOOn.RI. a. u. Moou, ATTORNEYS tAT LAW, RivmtTOK, Bolivar county, Miss, W.S.FARISH,' ' ' kTTOHNEY AT LA.1V, , Ixonqnrna ('untjr, Hlaaiwlryt, October 8,'74-nO. E. O. HUGOIHS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. (IRIIEF.NVILLR, MISS., WILL PKACTICG in the Unite tStuten Com Is aud- the Supreme Court ot tho State, and the Circuit ami Ulmnrcry tom-'B of WiuibiugUn. liolivnr and euniiowur counties, ana 'tleiid to cascr l tuo siasistrates C'uiuOi. dee 7, 1878-tf Dr.N.-C. Skinner, OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICED TO TUB , Citizens of Gree&Tiil AND TUB . County at &csj)?'m Offick at. his dwelling 6tiMati) Street. may 29, 1874, DR. ALEXANDER'S " DSTO STOSS. TTAS been re-opened In Elliott's Tin-Shop on Washington Ar, Every drug in his store is perfect ly fresh, and warranted pursaiid ho gives his personal attention to the preparation and sale of hit drugs. He can bo found at his storo day and night, ready to serve his old friends and customers. Greenville, September 19,'74-3rn( JU. J. L. YOUNG DENTIST, Having located iu Greenrlllt, respectfully Informs the clllseus thereof aud surrounding eonntnr that he is prepared to attend toaU the autles appertaining to his pre fessioti. Those favoring him With their patronuge may rest assured thut t heir work Will be dons In tha most thorough and skillful manna ami none but the best of material! used. .Office at the residence of W. B, Wheat ley, near the Court House, . Parties desiring to be visited a their residences in .the country, will leave word at the .offloe or at b'inkiyls Drug Htor. - ootl7-6m Worthington, Buckner & Co BArji'icnc. GREENVILLE,. MISSISSIPPI, - Transact a General Bgnltlng Sueincr Collection's uinde and proceeds remitted, on day received. BUY and sell on commissions all kinds Bonds, Scrip an4 war rants. . . , tuck 22, 187!?, : KRETSCHMAR & FARM, ... ........ , . t . ... ORKBJi'VILLE, t --. Xt1lAXfiE, EOXDS, t" dollootioDS Made &td Prweedi tnc-"i RtuL' ,- , ' Libral Advance q Ci Interest Paid Xlmm t:- Fprcfol Attention Oivtm fo i",. Juue27 tmnt of Tarts cu: Reool ved , barrel of w ncpll. ,