Newspaper Page Text
.TRDAY, JAN. 2, 1875. X1L KTELUiinCE. Tie Tix-Faytrs' CeuvfEUon. Silver Rate rrcscEtitloiL Vice to ftetaribsA Tilers in arrears' to the re aware of tlieir ce- y I y a cross murk on their re papers of this ;issue. tttkment is ma Jo at once 1 be dropped from our list. f yy g, !b7 j.-it evidence on Washington L !. B. VALLIANT. jiber T, 1874 l r- m loard of Levee Commls J Bolivar, Washington and ,t and our Board of Super ieet on Monday next, the Provisions, and Grocer- ousiamiy oil iinnu -ul8. Fibth&Mobtok's. cur Money at Home. The convention of the tax-payers, which meets at Jackson on Monday next, the 4lh Inst, to In duce the Legislature to afford re lief to it class, will be observed In it nrocmlicBs with utmost inter- one of the iresi eminent ami nic est. There will not be a county ly honored members of their hono nnrerroseuted. we fcuPDose. and all rable organization with a testimo- Mechanics' Club Room was the theater of aa interesting ceremony last evening. A group of t wen ty eight ruechanics had assembled there for the purpose of surprising our Mone ics cau bo i Ira can bo supplied with licacy of the season at the ttes that the boats charge 'c the convenience of rc ( such articles any time r desire. Julius JIartine, Prop'r. .nl8. HAY, Oats and Bran at MARSHALL B. by their best and most prominent citizens. To afford actuate relief will re quire repeals ndamendments to the constitution and to our whole system of statute laws; so ingrain ed are '.they with costly blunders aud wrong legislation. To secure such reformatory legis lation, the Legislature must be possessed with an honest and com prehensive spiritrof "intelligent citizenship. Of this we have no reasonable bopo. The Legislature Froceediigs. The coming'sessionof thoLegls- lature promises to be one of ex trerue interest to the public.'and its proceedings will be read with utmost interest. The, Pilot and the Clarion will both be Issued daily during the session and will coutaln the full proceedings of both Houses. Price; of eacn,l per month. (sh Mince Meat d 10 pouud buckets, suit- families. Also jsh Buckwheat eived bv b. tiOL.USM.lTll. . Lonislaia. " Trouble, trouble Boil and bubble." The Returning Board has accom plished its Infamous mission, counting in mo nauicai cauuiuaie for Treasurer and a majority of the Legislature. It refused to canvass the returns or various parishes,1 leaving a. completion of its pro graninieto Kellogg and.the Legislature. Ul.ll t!l,l.l.,- V. .,.,11, ',. all A .tit niiniuaU vug auvii'..a" I the Louisiana trouble, which has futurolifc. nial of their regard for him as a man, a citizen, a mechanic and contractor. Isnoraut of what was intended, he bad attended the meeting as usual, when Mr, J. D- Webster arose and in a few well chosen remarks informed him that a conspiracy which had been for several days brewing against him had now culminated, aud he must now meet the judgment of his fel low craftsmen. Here, said he, is the indictment which you must face. lie then uncovered a bean tiful silver service bearing this in scrlption ; PRESENTED TO X. B. JOHNSON, BY THE MECHANICS AND.LABORERS employed by S. B. J Oil N BO K A CO. January 1, 1S75. This gift, said Mr. Webster, comes from the l.earts of the men who have worked with you, and ior you, some of them for years, some for shorter periods, but who all, from the humble laborer who car ried the hod to the skilled artisan whose finishing hand gives beauty to tho building, bear testimony to the kindness and fair-deuling which has marked your conduct. toward those in your employ. May the polished silver of this service be as an emblem of the pure aud perfect happiness .that shall crown your; C2:a of tfca Bcrd cf Levw Cct- misdoaors, for tho Counts of Bolivar, Washington and Issa quena. Oreenville, Miss., Dee. 17, IS74. Notice is hereby given, that a special meeting of the Board of Levee ComoiiMiorers ior the coun ties of Bolivar, WasUkivtoi and Issaquena will be held at their of fice hi Greenville. Miss.. oU Jlou- day, January 4th, 1S75. W 11 Alvrua PwcManl I WIIITTAKEK'S m$l HA! AT decl2-nl9. 2Iarsb.all'Q. TEN DOLLARS REWARD I ESCAPED from my lot on the E2J December, a light sorrel or mouso-colored horse MULE, about lo hands high, with a suipe down his back aud collar rmuks ou his shoulders. For ths return of the mule or information that will en able me to get him, I will pay the aoove reward. JULIUS LANDAU Greenville, January 2, lS7i DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE mercantile partnership heretofore existing under the style and firm name of " Everman Co." is dissolved by mutual eon- sent. . W. A. EVERMAN Jan2 J 8 WALKER niSTMAS TOYS. V Tl 1? n XV TV jk-m -mt ww w OF lT.orr.fn Ar. "Rrnwn. t a as v a asvsv j e to New Orloans espcclal ,to procuroa Bupply of "Christmas Toys." 3TMAS HOLIDAYS. For your supply of i and Presents FOR THE ' OLIDAYS, Co to . THERTJEE A BROWN'S. 0 proved a shnme and blight upon the whole nation and threatcus to ultimately subvert alPthat Is left lot ncpnuiieonism in our govern ment. r bus been ordered to New Orleans, doubtless in anticipation that the citizens will not submit to this fresh outrage. No man could Then and there you might have knocked Mr. N. B. Johnson down with the smallest feather in the quiver. Ho rose to his feet, stared at the assembled craftsmen, his bo som heaved, his eyes sparkled, his Solo of School Landi ' TJY: VIRTUE of the authority JJ vested in me, and in pur suance of an order or tho Board of Supervisors of tho county of Wash ington, Btato or Mississippi l nn offer at public sale and lease to rne highest bidder, at tits'; door of the Courthouse, on .Monday, February 1. a. d. 1875. school lands. In the county aforcsaiddcscrlbcd as fol- ws. to wit: Section 10, township 18. rnngo 0, west; secttou'10, township 18, range D. WeSl. J. V. Jr JJjACS. County superintendent .uuucatlon January', lts.a. -jzu have been seleeted.'ibetter cal- Hp worked convulsively, but no ciliated to Increase the discord and ferment further trouble and blood shed. In an Aflntv Christmas dav.Gov, Warmoth fatally stabbed .Mr. Byerly, ninnagoc of the Bulletin. More Trouble. Ponltry. ccived at CoiiDSMITIl'S. our Groceries nt Firth l Morton's. 'l-lil.S.. fORNIA PEARS ALAOA GRAPES fnovTl Coldsmith's. C CHEAP by f ELLIOTT & POUSSE. nd a meeting of the chapel miposlngiroiiii of tho Times h New Years' day, at 10 a. fcer reading a few verses e Hfo of Benlamin Franklin, Vph Necdly, foreman of the inarlnient. oil'eicd the fol resolution : yed by the compositors, Job I and pressmen of Green- )liat from this date we here- go ourselves to totally ah r one year from the use of tldating We the sentinel announced ere was un alarm at the )d Mr. Necdly volunteered Hi to the alarm, and to kill The Warren comity Hoard Supervisors has rescinded Its ac tion accepting Crosby's resigns tion ; nml, of course, its order of a special cloctton to nil tho vacan cy so occasioned. mo pennio or VIcRsborg an nouncc their determination to pro cecd with tho election, which was to nnvo corno on inst Thursday So tho trouble is likely to bo per peniaiea. , In the meantime both tho Con grcssiounl un.l tho Legislative eoi.'iimtiees -i nivcstigauouara at work tlierein. Uio ohlcct of tho Legishiture in investigating this ftlFuir after having already pro nounced upon it, and in view of the notorious iiiubilltv of the Statu authorities to deal with it, is not apparent ; unlets it be to givo the coiiiiiuiiee nieiuoers a job. Masonic Installation. Ou Sunday last, St. John's Day, the officers, of Greenville Lodge No. 200 of Anciout Free and Accepted Masons wero installed In public, The Installation ceremonies were conducted by M. Gcnshurger, Past Master of the Lodge, who in resign' I tig the office of Master, which he had so creditably filled for the past three years, returned his thanks in a few remarks, in which ho spoke of tho high honor which had been conferred upon hlmjn thrice elect lug him to the exalted office of Worshipful Mnster, and expressed his earnest wih for the continued prosperity of the Lodge. The offi cers elect. J. Lciiesfleld. V. M.. F. Valliant, S. W., W. R. Trigg. J. W., B. Cahn. Treasurer. John W. Ward, Secretary, Joseph A. Shatl, Steward and Tyler, were then eon ducted by the Marshal, Bro. N. J. Nelson, to the ehalr of the Wor shipful Master, and duly Installed in their respective ofllces. Bro. articulate sound came forth. It was evident that his brother workmen had struck htm in a tender spot. The old contractor was dumb. He could build a house, but he couldn't frame a sentenco now. He merely laid his hand on Ills heart, ns if to of I still Its throbblug, and then the master-builder sat down conquer ed and cowed by this spontaneous outburst of the respeutund estee of his friends. iteeni )ous :" and he laid a card pd "Compliments to the ,11c Press Association, M. ." and a jug of whisky be father of tho chapel. And ,cr of the chapel got up and at no man of any sense ave introduced such a reso- thnt it was calculated to discord and confusion in t,,and lio moved that the m be thrown into the pi I thanks of the craft be ton- le Morris boys for their Ws girt to the printers. by three times three aud a i RECEIVED at f . JERBEE & CROWN'S I a full stock o? i Tamct, Collar. ( Tlorte lule) Jlllnd Bridles, Trace tn, uacK tsanm, vane tKnive, Plow Lines. full stock of NAILS. I a stock of Alarm Cash eks, which we will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. )T, Corn, Onts and Bran al nys kept at r 4-1118. r IRTHcC MORTON E MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. William Marshall, in Greenville, Sunday, December 27th, 1874, by the Rev. Dr. Gotthelf, of Vicksburg, Mr. M. I. Morkikbki and Miss Pauline Hasbhero, of Greenville. This marriage was celebrated ao cording to the ceremonies of the Jewish faith, and wus tho most solemn and impressive we have ever witnessed. On a table at which tho minister stood, was a lighted candle, a bottle of wine and a goblet. On the mantel two candles were burning. At four. o'clock, p. m., the bride, dressed in white, v.ilh a white veil thrown over her hem! and completely en ycioping her, accompanied by her mother, took her pluco before the minister. The bridegroom, wear ing his hat, placed himself at her side, on tho right. Dr. Gotthelf then stepped bofore the table and delivered u short address to the couple on the sacreduoss of the ob ligations they were about to assume In language so beautiful, so appro priate, so affectionate and Impress ive, as to bring tears from tho eyes of nearly the entire audience. We as ona of the witnesses folt that we were Indeed standing upon holy ground, and as the voice of the minister fell iiko a benediction up on the young couple, and his heart felt prayer arofto that peace and all Joyousncss might abound in the house they were about to build, we felt that it was a solemn responsi bility upon which they were enter ing, and no longer wondered that with such solemn admonitions ush- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, Bolivar County. In Chancery, tojauuary term, la73. J. M. Wallace, ) vs. No. Sto. M.J.Vvkks, J OX cpeuing the papers In this cause and It aptteariit? from afndavU Wed, that Kd. A. Cole and M. J. Wicks two of the defendants to the bill of complaint berein, nre niMi-rfstrteiiH of tne t-tute of Mississippi and that the residence mid potu:neo address of Ed. A. Cole W Memphis in the State ol Tennessee, and that of M. J. Wicks is I Anireio in the Stftte of California, it is therefore ordered I y the court, that the said Ld. A. C ute and M. J. l k-ks. do enter their appcarauee herein at a Chancery Court, to be hnldcn In the town of Floreyvtlle In said county of Bolivar, Mississippi, on the Third IX:iicU7 of Jasnay, A. D. 1ST3. and plesd, answer or demur to the said bill of complaint or the same and the several allega tions thereof, will be taken for con fessed a to them. It is further or dered, thivt a copy of this order be puDiiNiiiMoiiee a weeK Mr rur eon secutive week in The Green ville Times, a newspaper prin ted and published in Washington county, Mississippi, and that the Clerk of this court transmit by mull, postage prepaid; a copy of this order, to each of tho above named defendants, at their respec tive postculces. Ordered at Rules, this 16th day of November, A. 1). 1874. L. 8. 11. T. FLOREV, Clerk. By John Daviks, D. C. Chalmers & iteid sols for complt. uovtU,'74-nl. IQ,QQQ WORTH or GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY Dealer in Floia?, 3acosi, Ziard, Meal, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Jfolasses, Tobacco, Tin and Woxlf ii Ware, SHOHO, M LilliSlM, mwzm up, I'll Havug compIoleJ our no BBiCK STORE G?i WASHiHGTGn AVEflUi We now invito tho public to call and inspect . our hirgD find select supply of Dry Sook Ladies' Sri ill. BOO Tfcs Axi V teki U 1 L iT PLANTATION SUPPLIES & GROCERIES. Y)s2r0ur terms aro cash strictly' avA Lcwsr than the Lowest. Stock fresh and new. and no Auction llulliih. October 24, !S74-nU AND A Good l&cdicino FOR THE LAD1EH. THE XO. 6 Wheeler & Wilson SEWING MACHINE, together with the No. 1, 2,3, 45, can -no loiinu at. REABONABLE. TERMS, nt TH. MAYER'S. Also a new t'JS BINUER'S for sale for $G0. Jail2 Ttl. AIAYEB. CELEBRATED SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. ISSTl am agent for and keep e n hand all kinds of the above cele brated Sewing Machines at manu facture's prices and terms. C. W. LEWIS. doc20-n21 uder, if necessary, in a etus be returned with a bg a inulo on his face, and nr.. ti.ij.-i T - t ., , ., , . Stevenson Archer then, by invita r the resolu Ion ust offer- UoU( nddre88cd theLod' yBnd the ' u"Bc, wr me miiow- ttudBnM i,ripf 10-Mjtl oeautirui and appropriate address, crlng them fwm the bridal altar to depicting In language glowing and the fireside, the Jewish household v.uaBiD wc gmiiu iuu imposing character ol tho ancient and honor able institution, and nddimr his testimony to tho excellence and purity of Masonic principles. Trustee's Sale. . BY VIRTUE of the authority vested in me by a certain deed of trust exocnted by W. L. Kenuo dy and E. O. Wilson recorded in Deed Book F.. No. 2. i aires 605 and 606 of the records of Deeds of Washington county, Mississippi, I will tor-tho purposo of paving the in(lobtoducB8 in said deed do scribed sell at nublio auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash, before the Courthouse uoor m tuo town of Greenville iu Bind, county, on Monday, February Stlt, 1379 between tho hours of 11 o'clock, a. m. and 4 o'clock i. m., tho tot lowimr described lands : The southeast quarter and east half of southwest quarter ot section n, tho southwest quarter ana west half of northwest quarter of sec tion 12. the west halt ot section 13, and all of section 14, in township 17. raniro 7 west, and the north west quarter of section 7 lit town snip 17, range o west, containing in tno airsrrczalo ltiuz acres more or less and known as the Isola pi nu tation : also the following: person al property included iu tho said deed of trust 85 head of mules, more or less, 50 head of sheep moro or less, 60 head of horned cattle, more or less. I will convov oulv such title as is vested in me ns trustee. W. A. HAYCltAFT, au2,'76-n22 Trustee Another GIb Uoue Burned. We rcgrret to learn of the de- structiou by fire, iu Bolivar, of the valuable steam gin and saw mill of Colonel Myers. There were lost sonio seventeen bales of cotton also. All iusured. Supposed to be tho work of an ncend orv. A cotton house and ten bales of cotton were burned on the "Three Oaks " place, whero tho gin houso naa oeen previously burned. Dr. Tlndall Japan. was not lost on tho . OATSToi n and Bran at Makshall's. p tvin, am) iiiiu vva, nv MAKSHAMS. S, BRAN, liny, Corn, t- JUAKSIIALL'H. Tbe Largest Load Since tte War. On her last trin (Iia Bnlla T.o left Vicksburg with 6,700 bales of cotton, ueating the It. E. Lee's champion load by nine bales. In addition she had 766 bales on barge. Mr. E. P. Efi-srleston. aon ot Hon B. B. Egglestan, of Criumbus, died, from congestion, Christmas night. i lie uenerai ana tne relatives nave tne sympathies or many mends. jHCKson rnoi, December at. Tho Lrrei ork. Wo nro Informed by Mnfor Ver non, Chief Englncor of Board of Lcvoo commissioners, that all the work under contract will be coin pletod by February 7th prox. Gerrltt Smith dead. should be, as they so generally are, the abodes of the strongest and most enduring domestic happiness. After the address Dr. Gotthelf read a passage of Hebrew and the groom placed a ring upon the finger of the bride. Then the minister poured some wine Into the goblet, and passed ft to M. Morris, senior, who we presume stood In the relation of godfather to the groom, and who, like the groom, wore his hat. Mr. Morris passed tho wine to the bride groom. Dr. Gotlhelf then rend again in Hebrew, and again passed the goblet to Mr. Marshall, broth er-in-law of the bride, who handed ft to her. Then another passage In Hebrew, and in English the Rev Doctor aunounced tho couple man and wife, and earnestly invoked God's blessing upon them. A fter the marriage, Mrs. Hass berg, the mother of the bride, and Mr. Marshall aud his hospitable lady Invited tbe guests to a mugnl flcent banqutt, after which with song and dance and mirth and glee they passed the hours of night away, PxtKFVL Accident. A colored boy named Mose, driver of lit. I, A. Newman's hack, met with saa misfortune on Christmas t'oy In attempting to board a ':.' he got Iks hi l'A i t. v ; boat t- i I i r I ly THE STATE op MISSISSIPPI, Bomvau County. . Iu Cliftiicery. II. T. Florey, 1 , vs. No.8G7. C. A. Merrill, et. al. J To C. A. Merrill Win. L. Murfroo, Fanny 1 Muifree, L. M. Manny and all other persons, having or claiming any legal or equitable Interest in tno following describ ed land in said Bolivar county, Mississippi, sold for tuxes ou tho loth day of April, A. D. 1872, viz : South hairSectiou 14. Town ship 20, llauge 0 West. ON opening the papers In Uuh cnuHo aud It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, from the original bill filed herein and duly sworu to, that this suit was brought to confirm complainants tax title to lands below i.uincd, and that the said C, A.Merrill is a uou-reuldent of this State and that he resides and has his postoluca at Franklin in the State of Tennessee, and that Wm. L. Murfree, Funny 1'. Mur- free andL. M. Manny who are also defendants herein, are non-residents of the said Slate.of MlssiBsip- til nml reside and have their post- ofdee at Murfrccsboro,. Tennessee, and It further appearing that tne bill or complaint Herein, is exiiiui ted against all other Dcrsons hav inir or eiitiinln? anv Inlerest in and to the South hulf of Seetlnu four teen, Township tweuty. Range nine (0), lying, being and situate iu aa'A Holivur county, Mississippi. It is therefore ordered by the court, thr.t tiio said C. A. Merrill, wm. Li. Aiurrree, l anny r. Jiur- free, L. M. Manny and all other persons, having or claiming any Interest either legal or equitable in mi, t.x U4i I.I 111 -!,!.! miKij'iK n r IltU dlltt cmvt (ttu npiiiMi kv i sic; next termof the Chaucery Court of said Bolivar county, to be holdcn at Floreyvllle, MiHsissippI, ou the S'hird Mcnday cf January, A. D. 1673, and plead, answer or demur to the said bill of complaint, or thesnnie will be taken for con fessed as to thein. ,, It Is further ordered, that ft copy of this order, legally addressed to ill ot said defendants, he published In The GiiERNvifiLK Tjmks, a newspaper printed and published in Washington county, Mississippi, onoo a week for four cunsecutive weolts. and be posted for four con secutlvo weeks at the door of the Court-House of said Bolivar coun tv. and that tho Clerk of this court, transmit by mail, with postage prepaid, to each of tho said defen dants mentioned by name herein, properly directed, to each of them at their respeclivo postolllces, copv of this order. Ordered nt Rules, this Oth day of Novombor, A, 1). nU4. 11. T: FLOREY, Clerk. By John Da vies, D. O. Clias! & Ceo. Y. Scott. nov21,'74-nl0. sol forcomplt, NOTIONS, CROCKERY, Jug and Glass Ware. Greenville .! Mississippi, HSrl want it distinctly tinder stood that ho who undersells me will have to "GET UP AND DUST." Sept. 12, I7t. TRUSTEES' SALE. T) Y virtue of the authority vested Jj In us by a certain deed of trust executed by Jeff. W. Moore to the un-ierstgned trustees, recorded in book " B " No. 2, pajres 74, 75 and 11 of records of deeds of Washing ton county, Mississippi, we will, tor the purpose or paying tne iiuieiit edness In sold deed described, sell at public sale to tho highest hlddor tor casn, titioro tne votirt uouho door In the town of Ureonvillo, in said couuty, on Monday, February 1, 18?5, between the hours of elovrn o'cloc k a. m. and tour o'clock p. m.. tne following described lands aituated In said county, to wit: nil of sec tion 17. the north half of section 18, the nor.h half of section 20, tho south half of section , the south half of seel ion 21, tho nort heast quarter of section 'M, the southeas quarter or Sfctlon 10. Also lots six and so von in Onorire W. Spen enr's subdlvisloii of the south half of section 20, all In township 11, range 8 west. The title to the above hinds Is believed to bu good but we will convey only such till as is vested in us. 1). W. LAMICIN, lTp..s.M W. S. El'l'ERSON, lruslu-9 dec. 20, lS74-21-0t .IMGSF1ELD HAS OPENED A OF Entirely ' New-Goods IN Brick Storelioise t, ct. al. j Notice of Sale. In V lit I L K and In pursuance " of the provisions of a deed of trust executed by William Bailey on tne zutn day or January. A. V ieo, ana recorded in Uook Ll. at pages 241, 212 and 213, of tho rec ora of deeds of Washington coun ty, Mississippi, and for tho nur pose of paying the notes secured by said deed of trust aud at the request ot tuo owner of said notes, 1W1110U Monday tlie fii" day Fbru ary, a.w. ISTO. In the town of Grcenvillo, Missis sippi, and at the door of the Court- houso or said Washington county, between the hours of 11 o'clock, a. m. and 4 o'clock, n. m.. cxdopo to sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described tract or parcel of laud situated iu Sunflower county, Mississippi, to-wlt: Scstien twenty-seven ; also that portion of section twenty-eight situate on tho cast side of Dawson's lake, running north through township seventeen; also south half of sec. 21; also that part of section thirty three situate ou the oast Bide of Dawson's lake'; also the north west quarter of section one, north half and southwest quarter of sec tion three, west half of southeast quarter and east half of southwest qnorter of section twenty-nine, southwest quarter ot section twenty-four, west half of section twenty-five, southeast half and southwest quarter of section thirty-five, west half of northwest quarter t-1 r r-'f f r-"-v U r Mi t I ',' t STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, Washington Coukty. In Chancery Court at Rules, No vember 23;, 1(374. D. Flournoy Hunt, oi)7. VS. N. Merrill, UPON opening tbe papers in this cause mid It appearing from the afltdavit of W. G. Yergor, one of the solicitors fur complain ants in the abovo entitled cause, filed herein, that Sarah Ella Mer rill, minor heir-at-law of Willie S, Merrill, deceased, and one of the 'defendants In said cause, is a non resident of the State of Mississippi, and that the place of residence of of tho said Sarah Ella Merrill is Carroll Parish, Louisiana, and that the poHtoftlcB nddrets of the said Sarah Elln Merrill Is Lake Provi dence, Louisiana; It is therefore or dered by the court, that the said Sarah J'OIU Merrill, minor heir at law of Willie S. Merrill, deceased, do enter her appearunee herein ou or before tho Fourth Monday in January, A. D. 1875, the same being the 25th dnv of said month and a return day of sold court not less than two months from the date cf this order, un.l nluad. answer or demur to the bill of complaint filed herein, or tho siitno will be taken for confessed as to her. It is further ordered by tiiHPiiort. that a copy of this order. within twenty days nfter the date h..iwif. bo published in THK CiitEHN viMjK Times, a public newspaper, printed and published In Washington county, Mississippi, ml the nlllclal paper of said cuun- ty, and that said publication be so continued once a week for Aiur con secutive weeks from the ursc pun licattou thereof; and that the Clerk of this court transmit by mull, postage prepaid, a copy of this i or A... i anlrl Horanilniit. Kurnh L. Merrill, mluor Ac, atherplaceof iM.lilunmi ii ml nolle 3S a. M timwu bv 'nvltbei-CiU. f ON 2uIbM?y Street. Dec.l2,'74-nW. Insurance Agency. American Life Philadelphi CupMu!, l?;4,!00,O0. Planters', Memphis, Tenn. rni:ta, Virginia F. & M., RICHMOND, Organized 41 years ngo. Capital. $400,00!). sol. Monms, Anthoritwl (Tontfor Whli.gton County GENTLEMENS CLOTIIINGr, C. HAS ox hand Old Itedman Uoiirbon, OM Melircgor Uoiirbon, Old .loliu S. Ilindo Uouilon, Old Mclroso r.ourbon. Sherry Amorosa, I.urguiidv Claret, Kliino Wlno, Frciieh Viue, Ccnuino Imported wines, (ieiiiiinu iutported C i iu, Iinportcti Iribh and Scotch Whiskey,- . oui Apple an. i retiru is rn nay, (icnuiiiu French Ilrandy, Iuao Cook's Imperial Cham pagne, and tho celebrated Milwau kee Lager Hecr. I invito all to givo mo a call be fore purchasing elsewhere ns 1 am confident that 1 can s:lidfy tho most fiistid ions. Druggists will do well bv trad ing tvlth tno a my liquors for me dical purposes can't oo surpassed. KGRE AND SIt! FAISTES. AND v Walnut Street, below Avenue, (irecnville, Mi i. mh ll-7Kf. xotice ro nviLDF.ns. Penlod propofnls will l.-e receivcil by the undersigned at tho office of the Clerk of the Heard ofSiipervl sors of Wnbhington county, Mis sissippi, at thoH'nurt House in Ureenvillo, for building it bridgo across " Straight ISayou," in said county. Said proposals must bo aecoinpaiiied with Fpeci.'lealioiis. and to bo filed on or,befiv the firah Monday l:i January, 17?. Jty or der of snld Hoard. ' " WM. II. IIOLTON, Clerk, lty K. K. StaltonlfD. C nov ES-lf-lw REFUGE SALCGK.- n AVISO Now filled tip mm tarn ished my .Saloon, iu itio Largo Two Story Building, MULBERRY STREKT, UNDER THE Refugo C3u3 Rooms. I NOW SOLICIT tiio riTBLIC PATK0S AtJ7. FCKSII Boer NONE BUT TI1B uqww mum fta .KEPT, Mm dec23" ALWAYS HAND, I. JSENitKRO. QUFIiMWOOD SMcisitatien FOP. BALE; ON'Kof tho finest and most fertllo and Improved places on tho river the inest southerly pluco In E01.IVAE2 t'OUKTY fronting the river with 2ltO aorcs In nil, of which f."0 are iu cultivation, with STEAM UIN ami well fenced. Address, ci.'m v M.'r.'TTT"n aujr. lo-n2-tf. Kxecutun Ilichnrd Lloyd. Jno. E.Livnudals. LLGVDd LIVAUDAS9 COITCIJ r ACTORS, ASD C 0 M ll I G S'X 0 $ lETCHASITS, No. 43 Daronno Street, Xew Oilcans, l.n. auK.22'71-ly. MAIN STREET, Urcrm Ulc, - - MisKisslppl. DRAKCtl OF 221 and 223 Walnut St., , IiiBeiEitisdi, 3aio. Wholeealo and Retail ' DEALERS in foreign and do iiicKtlc Liquors, Wines, Porter, Alo ; Cigars, Pipes, ft c, &c. WE call cniicciuraUontlon to our well suicctcd stock of C!a Kcntticky Kourbon xvuasiii', -nillNF,. Port. Sherry and Mo- " dcira Wines: (iuiuteses Por ter, Hnss and McEwsn Alo ; 1S51 Old Lagarde 5ramly, Old Holland Gin. Select brands of Chewing end Erncldng Tobaccos. Otftol-er 31, '71-1113. dccl2'74-nl. KRETSCHMAR & FARRAR, DEALS Its IN VIK3 Tho State nf Mississippi, Bolivar County. J In Chancery. Elizabeth M. Fraxer, et. nl.1 No. 8(14 vs. ! Ahi.fKiaMane.V Adms ctnlj By virtue and In pursuance of the final decree rendered In tiio above etyled caused by the Chancery Court of mild county on October 21 at.. 187-1. tho under Itjtied Special Commissioner will ou Jlsridriytlio ith. da7 of January, A. D. 1875, expoce to sale ftt public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, and wlthln-lcgnl hours, at tho door of the Court-House ot said Itolivar county. In tho town of Florey ville the following described landn lylnff, being and situate in said county, to-wit: North half Section IB, Township 20, Range 8, I.ntH one, five, six, seven and eight in Section 18. and Northeast quar ter Section 14, f'lifl Township 20, HaiiEO 0, I-r-v , t d iulrletJ - T all I-T irusteo a rsaJ.a. Iiy virtue of n Deed rf Trust, es eentod on tho lfdh ilavof April,' 1872, by S, Plcard and Amelir lMcaril, and recorded In Deed Book U., No. 2, pages 2U0, til, 212 of tho records in tiio Chancery Clerk's of fice of Washington county, Missis sippi, wo or either of Us will pro ceed to sell nt the ropiest of the usees In said Trust Deed at tho front dwr of the-Cotirtiiouso ot Washington f-ouiuy, in Crconvillr', t)a tho Fir3t KcnSav of Janimrv JToxt. within tho hours pre?crllied bylaw, to Iho" highest and best bidder, at publio auction, for cash, t satisfy the unto recited iusnid deed, tho following real estate, lying ami be ing in the town of O recti villi' to-w t : Part of ot No fonr (4), in tho Reserve Addition of the town of Greenville, iminodiately adjoin ing the premlspsof.LI. Lengslleld, nienKiir nir linn v-live teet ironton Main street by three hundred an.i. thirty feet deep, being the eastern portion of said lot four, with tho tenement! and appurtenances thereto belonging. Title beliuvcd to bo good, but wo will convey only tho titlo vested iu us as Trustees. W. P. KRETSCHMAR, W. A. POLLOCK, ' Trustees. Trigg & Rnckner Attorneys Usees. deel2,'7I-nli). " . lMczihski & CO DBAbitta IN , 'Dry God&tf ; ' . AND a it c5 c K hi 13 s, '' BOOTSand SHOES, MATS' "CAFJS, AND sopt. 5, 134. On Main Street. Slato of Misslsippl, ) Wellington Counly. f Taken up by J. L. Criinn, on or near tiio prcmlsos of J. P. (tray's, on or ubout the 25th ol November, 1874, Oao Small Black Hor:o Hub. Said cstrav is describud ns follows: A Binnli black horse niulo, no marks or brands, but saddle mark. The owner is hereby notilled t( conio forward, provo property, ami pay cliargC3, or said cstray will bo dealt with as tho law pro vides. CAGE TAYLOR. dcc5'71-nW liangciv E2oct and Shoemaker I have Just returned from New Or leans and have a liuo lot of leather. Calf ami Mciotco,. I HAVE also employed three ex cellentjowncyiuen, and tmnoW p,repurcd tfi fill all orders ; ' Willi Dispatch. Sh"fion Main St., Comer falunt. Nov. 2.j, 1871. L. CAFFAJj 8 & HcC ALL Cott Buyers, mnnfac ,ltera , U', ... .