Newspaper Page Text
v.. ' 09 SATURDAY. JAX.t. 1875. (rut Jtvsvs tfce HiiIob. We elsewhere publish aa account of the startling acts by which Men. Sheridan marked bli assutujitlon of command in Louisiana. When we consider the elrenmstaneeattend nt upon bU being orlered and proceeding to New Orleans, we can bat think be has, Use General Ie Trohriand, . but obeyed order ; when we consider this, we Letemc war of the rooceutous kaoeit iu volved in this proceeuing. Of course this unprecedented u of the military, 'there being no vl cience or resistance to any de facto authority even contetnptatcJ,cx poses that the Government is de termined, at all costs, and by any means, to maintain the supremacy of a corrupt faction in the. Booth. The mask now. being laid aside. nue law and constitution of the tend betas set aside, flagrantly violated, Northorn publio opinion having been defied, other uid still more extreme acts will follow ; re sitUuce will ultimately In provo ked, and the struggle between toe eop who wUl not see the lte puhlio lubvertedand President Grant will not be delayed nineb longer. Although tbs President has not issued such a proclamation " J'01' ehcrldsn suggested , yet, me. General has been assured I y the Secretary of War that .the President and Cabinet have nil confidence in him, and heartily ap prove bis acts. The Independent press' of the Aorta is ably and. eloquently en gaged in setting forth the gravity of me situation, the enormity of the crime; and we look with ut.n.wt Interest to the actlonof the North ern people In the' premises. . To weir great credit be it ald, thatlu tbls most fryinfflsltuatlon the pen- new urieausnave.prescrved me peace. , fkkseirf.; ,iU.i "Mfftton in time to Bri of Lerce f hshif rs. Tho Board mot ou Tuesday last, - w. nurowitn publish a synop U.of thoir procoedlngi. Au or UCr Waa mill.. vi"guuon or the ;r . .mm supreme 1872, for tho perfection of title tw "iiat b.., .(.. nnuiinil its . uom ny tbo Board uncoiuti tutional. Lauds will ... be held for redoiriptio,, and pur chaso, undor the nrovUl ntta nt' i Id original act; and as though thl --. 01 m-j nad uoror paescdl work under contract, so far us 1 ss progressed, was received am; law, Tho Treasurer aud Socrolai .mroctoci to Insuo cortlllwvtcl lucnvnuio for construction tax. llfllflrt It ..0 .11 ... ' ......v.. , nuowcii clnims, f, woik (lono during; high water in. Tt ... " a.lipcsc(i that there would bo money enough collected for construction purposes to pnv these claims, at well as contractors' cs timatcB ; but owing to tho action of tax payers of Washington conn ty, iu not paying taxes, this ex pectation was not realized. This action will also cmborross (ho Board iu paying for a completion of work under contract ; there foro Colonel Myers, President, was Instructed to propose to tho uuuuimiucrs 10 ngreo to a iieo of 1110 cotton and land tax money, to an amount uotxccoiling ;)8,000, In payment of said work. The Treasurer's report for onar. Icr ending December 81st, wW ex amined and approved. Bonds dud rm'tlllrnln . .... . v .UU BUIUIIllfc III HI4II. 233 were burned, and a registry of same recorded as customary. Owing to Information anil peti tions Of citiziMlB f'nl,...,luu! ' 1 wviiiiMiog,i;il.r Haycraft and tho Engineer, Major Vernon, were Instructed to exam iue tho lovecs at Ben Lomond, Is saqucna, jiear "Gloncoo, Bolivar, and ltobortsonrillc, Coahoma ; and to let a. rcpolr of such work ns may seem necessary to contract ors ; provided said work can be made payable out of construction tax of 1875. The SUtc Legislature, The Legislature assembled In regular session on Tuesday last. Tho- Governor's message was re ceived. Ho recommends reform and economy as earnestly as he last session 5 his sincerity mav be Judged of by tho following cheer ful recommendation, with ho closes his message : "I recommend specifically thai a Btate police .or constabulary I organised, and that provision bo made that the power of tho State cm be appealed to." 1 The Legislature Initiates the session with its nsual profuse ex pression of good Intentions ; whe tlitr they will be coined Into acts, or, as heretofore, contributed to "to pavement of a certain place, traaltia (a Iia baa. . mtm dints Tie Tax Payers' f ooTeitijn. j The convention railed for Mon-, day, the 4th inntant, of the tax payers of MisMeiiippi, was largely attended by the reprencntative of 52 counties ; the duties of the occa sion beiug to evdeavor to secure a reform of thetocaiawvernmentand a reduction of the taxes of the Btate, through approrlat kgjl- tion. General Featherston waa elected Chairman. After adopting the following resolution, the Ouu- r i lm sail Insi anakal l'lt'eMjh'ed. HikTlbe President ofi If.. T .. .. .... lb Is Convention appoint acuronui toe consisting f three eltiaena, ae siding in the city of Jackson, to gether with three cltuiena for and residing In each Congreeskual dis trict of this State, who duty It shall be to prepare and lue, at as early day as practicable, an ad-tt dress to the people of the Uuitedl states, setting forth such trustwor 4 thy and Indubitable atatistlca and information as shall he deemed right aud proper to a just and liu-j partial copciusion retcung me material Interests and general prosi pcrlty of the Btate. Itesolved, That the chairman of said committee appoint a Secretary aud Treasurer, resldiug Id the eity of Jackson, whose duty it shall tie to conduct such coirespontluuce as may be de vol veil on him hy the chairman In the premises, aud also to receive and nUaburso such funds as may be contributed towards the execution of the purposes ir which the committee, by the first resolu tion, was appointed. . Resolved, That to the end of aid ing our fellow citlxens of our com mon country towards the attain ment of a true knowledge of the condition of our affairs and of what ever affects the general prosperity and happiness of the people of Mis sissippi, It Is hereby directed that copies of said address lie most re spectfully placed in' the bauds of his excellency, the Prcsldent.of the United States, of each head of the Department ol Government at Washington, of each member of Congress, of the Governor of each S Into, and of the leading journals of the chief cities of the Union. Resolved, That a committee of five he appointed by this Conven tion to prepare a plan of organiza tion for Tax Payers' Leagues in every county lu the Btate, and pro mulgate the same through the press, and for the consolidation of said county organisations into a 8tate organization. IleBolved, That it 1 the sense of this Convention that the tax pay ers of each county Miould bo'so or ganized as toei'ure thorough con cert of action In all movements looking to a reduction of tuxes, and the exposure of nil peculations and frauds by public ofllcers, and that n committee should be appointed in each county whoroduty It shall be to Investigate aud keep under constant watch the official nols of all county officers. Ilesolvcd, Tlmt the Chairman of this Convention appoint a commit tee of five, whoso duly it shall be to confer with the Governor and tho LeglMtnluro In reference to the reforms recommended by this Con vention, and to assist In prepurtng bills to bo presented to the Legis lature. Tlilll mil LvelSmturo be requested to amend the assess ment luws so that lu assessing lands in this Btate fo.-taxation, the assessor or each county siinll go upon the lands aud take the cash valuation of the owner under oath, and if tho assessor Bhall be dissat isfied with tho valuatiiln, he shall select one opprnlser of said lands and the land ownes shall select an other ; nnd If thry cannot agree- they shall select a third freeholder, whose decision ns to the cash vulue of the land shall ho tliinl, nnl so entered tiMin tho ansessor's books. Resolved, That the Legislature he requested tosu lnmlify the school laws as to Insure the speediest practicable distribution of the school teachers' fund to the respec tive counties, and to make leathers warrants receivable In payment of nil school taxes. Resolved, That every species of legal warrants, scrip or orders, should be receivable in paymout of taxes due tho fund to which it lie longs, and that it should be cancel ed by writing thereon the unme of the person paying the same before delivery to the tsx collector The President announred as the committee to confer with the Gov' eruor and the Legislature in refer enco to the reforms recommended hy the Convention : W L Nugent, T J Wharton, C K Hooker, W B Johnson, Win Pulmer. The President announced thefol lowing gentlemen as thecommlttec to prepare an address to the pooplo of the Uiiitedjijatcsi - rrom" Cify f Jnckson-Wllcy p Harris, chalrmau, E Barksdalc, George L Potter. First Congressional District D B Wright, H M Htreet, J M Howry Becoud Congressional District 1 II H Chalmers, E C Walthall, Hi W Walter. ' V J Third Congressional District Ji T Harrison, Reuben Davis, II jj Jiirnagin. Fourth J A P Campbell, W A, Percy, Wm R Miles. Fifth H Musgrovc, Robert Iow ry, It Humphreys. Slxthj-Charlcs Clark, Albert Gy Brown, R C riafford. i Ou motion or MrC'haimers. the President of the Convention waa aJ.Ud to the committee. Of the L. jveiitl'.n. the Vl ks burg Herald, to paper are indebted fr the fong-iog, b the ro.lwiug: "Thl writer bas seen many n vrntlona in MUlasippI, but he has rarely. If ever, looked at a b.,tly pmmesstiu i'r "I c!.ru ti-r and intelligence than the Tax Payers' Convention which assembled t Jackson 00 Monday, tho 4th lust. There were fifty-two counties rep resented, and there were present a large number .of the widest and bet;knowB representative men of the rJUte. The proceedings were singularly calm aud deliberate and marked by the utmost harmony and good feellug." . . . i Straw Sulfide. The recent suicide In Atlanta, Georgia, of Colons! Samuel J. An- deraou, formerly a ntcd ililleian and for a time rcretsryof War uuder Geueral Taylur, terminated a remarkable career in a remarka ble manner. Ue attired himself carefully In his best clothes, arran ged a eounterpaue upon the floor of his room, apou which he extended himself, grai-pcd a pistol In both hands, idncsd the muzzle In his mouth, aud ended his unhappy ex IstfMico. ' In hit room wore found several letters, oqo eommenclug: "Thoughtfully, even cheerfully, I ohey the stern Bat of Irreais ible circumstances, without dl-oussion and without murmur. My remar kable vigor aud acknowledged to pacltiea seem utterly unavailable for ordinary purncaes. Be It so." There were aleo memoranda head ed 11 Private and Pciaonal,': where in he Bieutlonud his wish as to the rilRpbsal of his few effects. Among the nro visions was this: "For Burial I thliikbirf,'.drawcra and socks, with my big cloak wrapped around me, will be quite sufficient I have tried to save money enough to bury sue and express my trunk, etc.. I shall bvu about sixty do) lira in pantaloons pocket." An other provision read as follows: "To General Robert Toombs (not private) My pistol, with my rtu ommendatton that he rid the world of his presence by imitating my example." It appears that Toombs having found Auderson in want had given bf.u employment in his office. He was treated with kind ness, Tooiubs permitting him to draw his salary before it was due. A short timo ngo ho made a draft on Toombs and had it cashed, but wns chagrined to And it dishonor ed. 1 1 enco his resentment against his benefactor. To tho Honorable Board of Lcvco CommUNtuneri of tho District of Bolivar, Washington and Is eauueun : - As tho taxpayeri of tho district' linvftbocoiiiediapatbuVd and clam orous m tho subject of tho contin uance of tho oppressive lovce tax ation ; and inasmuch ns many be lieve that there are still lu circu lation as tunny bonds as there were years ngo, wo. would respectfully solicit of the Honorable Board to gratify tho public mind in this re- j pect, aud satlsly them that the Itds were cancelled or destroyed as they were paid off. Wo have every confidence iu our represent atives from Bolivar county Pres. blent Myers and Colonel Bruce, member that they will do liH in their power to satisfy tho wishes und to guard tho hit crests of the people whom they represent; but as these people are becoming more and more impoverished by con tinuous tribute, and see and fuel that the burden is becoming heav ier aud heavier, they naturally fear that there is no aid at hand, but feel liko poor Tantalus, with tho unp of comfort forever touching their lips hut forever receding: beyond their reach. Now, In or der to satisfy the minds of the leopl.', aud to prevent future dis satisfaction and discussion, wo would most respectfully solicit the Honorable Board to make or cause to be mado an Immediate " exhibit" of their financial status; setting forth the amount of money collec ted per annum; tho amount duo from default ing lauds ; the amouut appropriated for the erection of levees; the amount paid for re pairing of levocs: the expenditure for salary of officials, etc., and the amount of bonds liquidated an nually. We do not claim a legal right to demand this of your Hon orable body, but appeal lb, that courtesy which exists In all busU liens transactions, between man and mail, or liotwecn indlvidnnlH and corporate bodies. Very respcctfullv, il. 11. Carson's Landing, Mississippi. Mississippi, with but one-tenth of the property owned by Massa chusetts, pays her Governor ncary double as much salary, exclusive of enormous perquisites ; with not one-seventh of the property of Ohio, she pays her Governor orte third more ; with littlo less than one-third the property of Connec ticut, sho pays her Governor six times more. Aud so throughout tho entire list of States. These, are but examples. Is It a wonder, tlint the lotig-forhcarlug Van pay ers of Mississippi are crying aloud the vcrv agony of distress for roliof?-Clnrion. Teas ! Teas ! The clioicet in the W'irtil fm- r.v In Aiitiii-a -i ii-ii' u ,1, nt.t.k etfr.v '! Ti'iUe rciiUi.tifcl'v' i li '.reattig-t AKtfut wauttxt tver.v where l-t liiiitl'iiiieiits don't w a; X'.mr er. I 'or cn uinr i.i P, O. It .X PRICE LIVIV Ooloaz, Black W. ), BO, tx-si TOeeuts per pound Mixad, Oreen and BUtk 10, 5, 60, beat "U cents per lb JMUI, Um-olored-tW, W, t, , tiist$l per pound' TOTiag EySOJt, Greeu "A CO, 7D, 80, G3ST)9Trder,Green-$t 10, best $1 30 Stagiuli Breakfast, Biack-o,7o,o !XI, Ileal $1. N. 15. We Ivavo a specialty of OwpUoi Growth Youwj Jlyton and Imperial at $1 U, and Vuloii'j Kztra Choice, $1. . B.If one of our agents should not call upon ynd.send for pound samul of any. kind you require. Kuetotwi the money ami we will for ward It to you, per return mail, without any esira charge. December 2U. 1874. CvnaksloiMr'a Sale of Lands. 1 V VIRTUE of a decree of tho J J Chancery Court for the Keemul blatricl ol liinda count v. Missis sippi, rcudcred 011 the i'Tth day of iuvemoer, ill 0 ruuu cause tiierein in hU-h Henry t), Mcl!l; waa eomiibilnaiit, aiftl Ella L. MtfPilte, William II. Me i'ike and Jeremiah V. Mel'iktf, heirs at law of Abraham M t'llte. deceased were defi'iidaute the u i derigntd, as special commissioner 01 suld Chancery Court, will, on Tkanisjr, tiki 4th day sf Prtnury, 187S, at tho door of the Court Houso of isollvur county, Mlnsisglppi, in the town of Floreyville, between the hours of 11 oVIock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. ui., proceed to sell at publio auction to the highest bid der for cash, the lollrwiug descri bed lands, all of which are situated in said Bolivar county, in township twenty one (-1) of range seven (7) west, to wit : The south half of the southwest quarter of section U-ree (3) ; the south link of tbo southeast quarter nnd the south half of the southwest quarter of section four (4) ; the northeast quarter and the south halt of section nine (Is) ; and the weat hulf of section ten (10); containing In tho aggregate about 10,'Jo uerea. . Iteinir the sume lands known us the " Wilderness Plant ntloii,' nnd heretofore owned by Miller A lleiirord. Kalcl lands will be no sold lu lots or im reels not con taining exceeding UK) acres iu n lot or parcel. Tho title to said lands is believed to be enod : und said sales were decreed to bo mails for n division of the proceeds thereof netween sum jienry u. Mcnko, Ktlu L. Mel'lke. William 11. Me- Pike and Jeremiah V. MePike. HENRY C. Mcl'IKE. Commissioner, .to. T.J. At'. A. tt Wh'irtoatiiluturs4. doe. M, lSN-ill Notice of Salo. Ii 1 lilt J! ami in pursuance - ol the provisions nf a deed of trust executed by William Itii.l.iv on the 'JOth d.iv of Januni v. A. D. lrfiU, and iei orilel in i'.ook It. nt uiiges .u, wivi unci .1., 01 tbo rec ord of deed of Washington coun ty, Mississippi, ami tor tho utir )oso of paying the notes secured :iy said deed of trust and at the request of the owuerof said notes, 1 win ou Monday the 8U1 day Fcbrt ry. a. u. 1810. In tho town of Greenville, Missis slppi, aud at the door of the Court house of said Wushiiieton rountv between the hours of 11 o'clock, a. 111. and 4 0 clock, d. m.. cxnoso to sale at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described tract or parcel of land situated in Sunflower county, ;tisMsippi, 10-wit: Section twenty-seven : also that tioi-tlon of section twontv-clght situate on the cost side of Dawson's lake, running nortn tnrougti township seventeen; also south halt of sec. 21; also that part of section thlrty Ihreo situate on tho cast side of Dawson's lake ; also the north west quarter of section two, north half and southwest quarter of sec tion three, west half of southeast quarter and cast half of southwest quarter of section twcuty-ulne, southwest quarter of section twenty-four, west half of section twenty-live, southeast half and southwest auurtcr of Reel ion thiriy-tlve, west half of northwest quarter nnd west half of south west quarter of seel ion Ihirly-slx, all iu township seventeen, fango four, west, and r-ontaliiiiig iu tin; aggregate some a,-.'ou acres or laml. Jlr;.HY A. CLIXflH. Jaa2,75-6t Trustee. Trustee's Bale. T1Y VIRTUE of tho authority 1 vested iu 1110 by a rertain deed 01 trust executed ny w. L. Kcnnc dy nnd E. G. Wilsou recorded in Deed Hook F No. 2. , naires 60S and 60ti of the records of Deeds of ashington county,'. Mississippi, I will for tho purposeful paying tho indebtedness In said deed de scribed sell nt lilic auetiou, to the highest bidler, for cash, before the Courthouse door in the town of Greenville in said counly, on Holiday, Februnry &tli, 1NT5 between the hours of 11 o'clock. A. m. and 4 o'clock i m the fol- lowiuff iluscrlbed lands : The southeast quarter and east half of southwest qunrter ot section 11, the southwest quarter and west halt of northwest quarter of cc tlou 12, tho west half of section 13 aim an 01 section 14, in township k, range. west, aim me uortu west quarter of section 7 in town ship 17, range 6 west, containing in the aggregate 1602 acres more or less ana kuown as the Isola plan tation ; also the lollowlng person al property included lu tho sa d deed of trust 86 head of mules, more op less, 50 hcud of sheep, more or less, 60 head of horned eaUk more or less, I will convey only such title as Is vested iu me ns trustee. W. A. HAYCRAFT, Jau2,'73-u22 Trustee. itray Mule- Taken up bv Case. R. Taylor. A iU.AC K it UK M CLE.almut j six j i r,ii'lil nnt-oril.T maras 1 w r'oi.ri'-liuii'l.lsiul ti'ty io! ar. I Jau. i".n. Vhsrf-Bsat Assaciatian. rpirf Bhtuird Kut tifig of tbest a-k- L l-i l lera tt.c V barf- Stoat A- am-ibtioii fi.r ilieeh-Mion of otHc.-r, 1 . .11 r i ...... ;t' Illh. !" at o'i-li-ek, at Alexander-' Hall. C. W. uws.rri' Mem. W. Y-vrnitAS. Sec'y pro. tern anO.ia-nSC It. In thn Dittrkl Court of the United Stair fur th AorfAem f)intricl of Aliti$ippL In the matter r.ft A. B.Sawer I of Bolivar eoun- In Bankruptcy. ly Mississippi, I Bankrupt. . To waen it may concsrn : THIS la to give notic that the undersigned Charles T. Miles 0! liivertoii in Bolivar county, in the Slate of M ssis-innl. has been pioiiited assignee of the estate of A. 1 nuwer m jwiiivmr county in said Stale, and who has been ad judged bankrup1 upou the peution iir mmspir nva sirnT i amu ctiui . Dated at Itivemm the 1st ''ay of January, Wi. CHARLES T.MTL1W. Jarif,'75-ul3 Sir. Trustee, A Good ilodiciao FOR THE LADIES. THE 0. 8 Wlieler 'A Wilatou SEWING MACHINE, together with the No. 1,2,3, 45, pan ne riuinu at REASONABLE TERMS, at TH. MAYOR'S, Also a new fttt SINGER'S for Jan'i Tu. Mayor, DISSOLUTION NOTICE. 1 fTHIE mercantile partnership . nereioioro existing uiwer uie style and tlrm nume ot " Kverman ft Co." is unsolved ny mutual con sent. W. A. KVERMAN Jau2 J H WALKER DRUG STORE. d. 11. FINLAY As CO. liBAt.KltS IK jy 11 it o 's IIEDICnJEQ, PERFUMERY, fOILET SOAPS, Paints, Oils, Dyes, A 1,80 Class. SODA AND MINERAL WATERS On Draught and in Bottles. Corner Washington Avenue ami Mnllierrv streets, IVbfi-litf. 0REKNVILI.E. $20 win, buy a First Mortgigc frcmluB Boi OPTItR NY Industrial Exhibition Co These Bonds arc issued for the purposo of Mining funds for the ereetiou of a building iu tho City of New York to be used for a Ptrpctnal WarM's Fair, n pcrniaiieni nome, where evcrv iiiauuracturcr en 11 exhiiiit and sell his goods, aud every patentee can show his invention; a center of Industry which will prove a vast oeneni to me wnoio cottntrv. For this purpose the Legislature of tho State of New York has granted a charter to a number of our most wealthy aud respectable merchants, and these gentlemen have purchased 110 less than eight blocks of tho most valuable laud in the City of New York.- The building to bo creeled will bo sev en stories high (150 feet in height) surmounted by a magnificent dome, and will cover a space of 26 acres, it will lie constructed of iron, Ilrlck and Glass, and made lire-proof. The bonds, which are all for $20 each, are secured bv a ll'st iiiortifHire 011 tln land n'ml building, and for the purpose of nuking mem popular, tio direct ors have dccfcled to have quarterly drawings of $100,000 each; this money being tho Interest ou the amount of tlm wliolo loan. Every bondholder must receive at least isji, but ho may receive 100,000, or $3S,000, or $10,000, or 5000, or evcrTzsons purchased be for Jtinunry 4lh, 1U7t u.lll . .... " ioio, win participate In the THIRD SERIES DRAWING, HfW MQBtlay, Jaanary Itk. 1874. Capital Premium. $100,000 These Drawings take place ev e!7 VW.K MSTiis, ami eventu ally h EltY BOND will partici pate in them. Address, for Bonds and full In formolion,' J20EGBTT2AU, bhuuo & CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS, 23 Park Sow New Tork. Posioflico Drawer 29. Reii.U by Di n ft on New York City Bauk8,,Repetercd Letter or P. O. Money Order. PoitponinnntilimpoMibli aaler.tkii flan WHITTAKER'S RS17 HAH0, AT decl2-nl9. Uftrchall't. Wethorboo DEALERS IN Hardware, Tinware acd Stoves. .All lcindn of Mechanic's Tools. " -a..'a irk m at Have opened m the Old Lock. liittts, Strap and T Hinges, aiN, Rope of ail sizes, liutn, tlemp ana totion racking ior Gin, lu it Hook. Beit Punches, Rivets and Burs. Lamps, Lamp Wicks, Chimnevs aud Burners, China and Glass Ware, Stone Ware, Wood and Vilhw Ware ; and er- ervthin? kept In a first-class IIouseFurnlshins Store. Oakum by the bale for corking bowls and Skiffs. We have a Tin Shop conuectHl with our husiuess all kiuds of repairing done . to order. A ood stock of Plated Spoons aud Forks, and Ivory nandle Knives, Carver and Butcher Knives, Butcher's Steels, Scales, Scale Beams, Jtaskets, Chorues, Chamber Setts, Lanterns, Faucy Bronxe Lamps, Axes. Hatchets, Hammers, and Saws, Coal Hods. Shovels and Tongs, Coal Tougs. PUMPS, And Pump Fixtures, Grindstones and Fixtures. ' 1 (ail Mm of Eouckcfplag Articles tWe Invite the ladies to call and examine our complete stock us we keen manv artioles for HOUSE KEEPING USE. i aTilll nCTIlTlTfi! . I have just filled mv STOREHOUSE 5 PAIN ST. With a choice lot of FAMILY GROCERIES COMPRISING everything needed or desired by the people of Green' ville aud vicinity, for table use. I beg to call the attention of Merchants, Planters and Public generally, to call and examine . my largo and varlod stock, which is undoubtedly equal in quality and lower tn prlee than any everotfered in this Mar ket. 1 buy my -goods direct from largest dealers for CA8II ONLY; nnd amen irtrfed to sell thorn as cheap as any denier Hou'h of St. Louis ; and ; respeelfully Invite country Merchants, Planters and tha Pu-lic TO examine my stock and prices a 1 win rrom ana after tnis uute above HU Louis figures. IOWPIUCE!! I AM XO W RECEI FALL & WINTER GOODS AND SUPPME8, Embraoing the Novelties of the Season. All Selected by Ilj self In Person And consisting of the choicest stock of Gents' and Ladies' Clothing ever brought ta Greenville. dyi cordially Invito my patrons ami the pubjio to call and inspect M STOCK. i rom mm after 1st dannnrv. than 30 days, and Q.r, old bills credit will be extended. J""2 STow Grooory Stero. n The undersigned having ness, notines tne rUilijILV that he is just in receipt of i large Jot of FLOin, CHOICE AND C0I1II0N, SUGAR, MOLASSES, - Bacon, Hams, Sides and Shoulders ' And a general assortment of FAIIILY OBOCEIlIEa. Also all kind of Canned Goods, such as Fruits, Vegetables, PISH AND HEATS. SEt!n ff fr C,hJ ?Dd hnJv,,"r D0 ,,nd t1cu'8 t on good customers, 1 can afford to, and will sell at REAL LOW PRICES XtXlXXS FOXl O ALXL e5Plcaseglvemoahare ofyonr pntronnge.J) CrccnvHle, September 19, 1874. TAJIE0. T1AX-PAYEU8 of the town nf Orceovlilo are hereby notilled that the taxes for the fiscal year 1874, arc now due, and pavablo at mv office at M. ttensburgcr's. Ou nil taxes not paid prior to.Tanuary 1, 1876, damages will be added, in,.. n.CAHN, dcc5,'74-nl8. Tax Collector. ARTHUR O'CONNOR, FASHIONABLE BOOT HAKEIi. SHOt' Olt MULBEEEr STREET, GreenviUa, . . ISsdssippL Juno 6, 1874-n44. IHLLER'S CfflCREX COCK, Old Boorbon Whisky teas, doolV74-nl9 AtScBtEsWaKit's. & Srovm, fctand of A. Ji. inggsui. Aaas, Morse onoes, jionw oooo Terms PotitiTely Cash. Hi . Old Iron. Castings Capper, Lead, Brau.BDgbt. Well Driving and all kinds of JoUWork done to order.' sep!9. 41I!Tri?TTRW before purchasing elsewhere, which oner (or cash, at the lowest margli net. 10,'74-ul0. YINGMY STOCK 'OF Latest Styles and Wii. no hills tumln dr & inmrnv tBI-t,i must be settled before any further . O.T7VLET7I3. engaged in mercantile busi ouxn. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore exist ing under the Ann and style name OF "McLEAN BROS." Is from this day dissolved : bus! nens heretofore conducted under that name will be continued bv the UIlderHlcrniul ' the undersigned JA8. McLEAN. dec. 19,'74 3w. O. B. St S. A. JSP The Annual meeting of the stoekliolders of tho Greenville nnilding mid Sovings Association will bo held on tho teconi Wtdoesday li Jaiury, nt Alexander's Hall, at which time the Auditor's appointed to CXaminO tho Treniirni-' Imnt-. will report, aud as an election of ouioers Will UUa lUiiu ttt this meeting, a largo attendance is de sired. By order or tho Board of Di rectors. . M J. V. DONIPHAN. dcc26 Soc'ty & Treos'r. BAWANDGRi GreenTUie,iaJ NB. JOHNSON A Cf' Contra ton. nTic respectfully inform thsia? through the agency of works, we are prepared sT with bmiden'hVV?r country for the eon2 houses or bridges, ana, satisfaction in prices smZT work. Our n LUMBER TAta in Greenville la now wrf. with choice varieties of noii ah u i:vpr WUIVU SDUCllll Plana and s Decide. 11. ea furnished on applicafJai 1 UNDEETA5 A supply of bati Metallic and Waa,1 of all auea constantly i hand. i Our Wood Cofflna ari r imitation of Metallcs, aat as well. Cost from $10 h) oordlng to site and trimal 0AI ! COi! iarl will deliver coal in tue city, ny tne wafua Eighty Cents a I AT THE In any r qaar 75 Cents a tCoal Yard on Cantni near the Wharf-Boat. I J. M. WHITEHIU By II. B. Pctkjli n74iiiu-tr. oov ELI DVTLC3, ) HILVJGHSm. f N : i OBEEKVIU.B, MIX RESPECTFULLY fc! public that he is pre palr W tehee, Clocks aaa. In the most perfect mir anteelng fatlsfhctlon In at August B7,'1870-qr COMMISSIONER'S.tL JW Percy etal No. 120 vs LeRoy P Percy et al ' Circuit Court of the UnK for tho Southern Dlshl Mississippi. ) Under and by virtue aft rendered In the a Urn cause, the underslgnod, comniissioner appointed,! purpose, will, on Mondty, till 4th day if Jut: between the hours of II ' m. and 4 o'clock -p. m sit of the Court House of Wit' county, Mississippi, still highest bidder for cask,! portion of what la knowi Percy plantation, situate! creek, in said county, ori thereof as may be nectar In the possession of LeBat i except that portion of saK tion which has been al complainants herein by ai and except 040 acres of tation heretofore convey breath. Btewart A Co., ami . thereof heretofore convert ncrva Burdett; the land is about lit) acres In lot I, of lut 4, except about tlm. scotion 23 ; lot S of sectka lots 1, 2, 6.and; 81-68 act of section 27, alt in towa range 7 west. ' I V, A. HAYCT Special Coma December 6, 1874-18 to SB W PS 00 CD P a. o CD r r 3 o 15 'Hi 8 sr2 3 W 2 P vt M S 2 a. if && 0 B eu i 5 S C 3. S I 15 !! 0 s c 9 e m Ellistt L Fc:: TIN, COPE AMD f J Sheet Iron-Vi Ontteriat, C?otl Done on short notlt ALSO DEALERS t Cooking and hs&t!:' aarWo keep on bond generally found In a firsts TfN-lIIO,? Cash paid for old Brai Lead and Iron WASHINGTON ST Bet. Mulberry sept. 19, '71. -